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葡孢霉属的模式种已无从查找,连一张好的绘图也不曾留下。因而,由模式种所代表的属的含意无法考察清楚。但是多年来已形成了一个关于此属的明确概念,且已被真菌学家们所广泛接受。在这种概念下已描述了四个种。鉴于这种情况,我们认为最好的解决办法是承认现状。赞成以绚丽葡孢霉(Botryosporium pulchrum Corda)为本属的补选模式种。考虑到其中两个种在文献中常被混淆,本文首次将关于全部已确认的四个种的描绘放在一起。四个种的简明检索表如下:1)分生孢子梗作双叉式分枝……………………绚丽葡孢霉(Botryosporium pulchrum)1)分生孢子梗不分枝,或偶有分枝,但绝不作双又状……………………22)侧分枝下垂,产孢膨大体简单…………………马德葡孢霉(B. madrasense) 2)侧分枝不作下垂状,每一产孢膨大体裂作数瓣………………………33) 每侧枝端部泡囊生4—6个产孢膨大体,泡囊呈双锥状…………………………长枝葡孢霉(B.Longibrachiatum)3)每侧枝端部通常生2个(极少3个)产孢膨大体,泡囊球状……………………休斯葡孢霉(B.Hughesli)  相似文献   

被毛孢属一新种—长座虫草的无性型   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
报道长座虫草Cordyceps longissima Kobayasi的无性型为长座被毛孢新种Hirsutella longissima sp.nov.。用子囊孢子分离得到的无性型与子座柄部粘片所见的被毛孢相同;用分离菌在米饭培养基上人工诱发出的子座与天然子座相似,这表明长座被毛孢为长座虫草的无性型。  相似文献   

报道长座虫草Cordyceps longissima Kobayasi的无性型为长座被毛孢新种Hirsutella longissima sp.nov.。用子囊孢子分离得到的无性型与子座柄部粘片所见的被毛孢相同;用分离菌在米饭培养基上人工诱发出的子座与天然子座相似,这表明长座被毛孢为长座虫草的无性型。  相似文献   

多形小克银汉霉(Cunninghamella polymorpha Pisnek)、暗孢小克银汉霉(Cunninghamella phaeospora Boedijn)和褐孢小克银汉霉(Cunninghamella brunnea J.N. Rai,S.C. Agarwal & J.P. Tewari)自分别在1929, 1958, 1968年发表以来,一直存在着不同意见上的争论,或承认或不承认,或合并到这个种或合并到那个种等等.我们在研究中国的小克银汉霉属的过程中,分离得到了九株多形小克银汉霉的菌株。为了确定这个种的分类地位以及澄清它与其他一些相关种的关系,我们将这些菌株与从国外交换获得的一些相关种的模式后代作了比较研究,所得结果表明多形小克银汉霉、暗孢小克银汉霉及褐孢小克银汉霉三种既不能相互合并亦不能合并到其他任何一种中去,而应作为独立的种被人们所接受。在我们的工作之前,这三个种的有性型均未有报道。我们在国内尚未发现暗孢小克银汉霉和褐孢小克银汉霉,只找到了多形小克银汉霉,但同时也找到了它的有性型.因此,多形小克银汉霉为我国的新记录种,其有性型的发现则为全世界的首次报道。多形小克银汉霉的主要区别性特征为孢囊梗主枝形成顶生泡囊或不形成而在顶部叉分为二至数个分枝,同一孢囊梗上的分枝长短不齐,接合孢子囊不正球形,配囊柄细长可达80微米等等.暗孢小克银汉霉的主要区别性特征为孢囊梗分枝很少或不分枝,在同一孢囊梗上分枝相距很远且都很短,泡囊形状多不规则且略呈多角形。褐孢小克银汉霉更易与其他种相区别,它的孢囊梗分枝很多,分枝成堆且指向不同的方向,泡囊典型地呈多角形,内外璧不重合。这三个种首次发表时以及后来经过不同作者重新研究后发表的描述及绘图均过于简单而未能充分显示出它们的区别性特征,因此我们在本文中再次作了描述并再次提供了详尽的线条图和显微照相。  相似文献   

从广西和海南植物根系采集的土样经用头发富集后分离获得3株赛多孢菌株G79、EM65901和EM65901.2,采用系统发育和单倍型网络并结合形态特征对其分类地位进行确证,G79菌株提议为新种少孢赛多孢,其典型特征是:分生孢子顶生或侧生于菌丝上,产孢较少,孢子透明至半透明,倒卵形,5.4–10.8×3.2–5.4μm,无间生孢子和厚垣孢子;EM65901和EM65901.2两菌株为另一新种,定名为三亚赛多孢,其典型特征是:分生孢子顶生或侧生于菌丝或支撑细胞上,单生或1–4个着生于膨大或不膨大的支撑细胞上,透明至半透明,倒卵圆形,4–7.5×3–4μm,少数近球形,3–5μm,无间生孢子;厚垣孢子椭圆形,5–7.5×4–6.5μm,或近球形,5–7.5μm。  相似文献   

郭英兰 《菌物学报》2011,30(5):671-673
报道寄生在山猪菜Merremia umbellata subsp. orientalis上假尾孢属Pseudocercospora的1个新种,鱼黄草假尾孢Pseudocercospora merremiae sp. nov.。文中提供了新种的拉丁文描述、形态描述、图及讨论。模式标本保存在中国科学院菌物标本馆(HMAS)。  相似文献   

报道生于斑茅Saccharum arundinaceum枯叶上散斑壳属Lophodermium一新种,即斑茅生散斑壳Lophodermium saccharicola。对该种提供了中英文形态描述、图解和讨论。供研究标本保藏于安徽农业大学森林菌物标本室(AAUF)。  相似文献   

报道我国黑痣菌属3个新记录种,它们是酸模芒黑痣菌Phyllachora centothecae,库尔格黑痣菌P. coorgiana和马唐生黑痣菌P. digitariicola,其寄主分别是酸模芒,薏苡和马唐,采自江西、安徽、海南、陕西和云南省。对这3个种进行了描述和图解。研究标本保藏于西北农林科技大学真菌标本室(HMUABO)和云南农业大学真菌标本室(MHYAU)。  相似文献   

吕燕  张晓梅  李雪莲  段维军 《菌物学报》2022,41(11):1845-1857
2018-2021年自青海西宁及其周边地区采集萝卜黑心病样品66份,采用组织分离法对样品进行分离并纯化,获得80株轮枝菌属菌株,编号为VL1-VL80。供试菌株在PDA上生长十分缓慢,培养后产生微菌核和轮枝状分生孢子梗。微菌核不规则形,53.91-164.42×8.91-29.81 μm,平均长宽比大于2。分生孢子透明且较长,5.35-9.31×2.12-4.78 μm,不产生厚垣孢子和休眠菌丝。ITS和ACT序列测定分析表明,供试菌株均属于长孢轮枝菌A1/D1株系。测定4株代表性菌株的ITS、ACT、EF、GPD、OX和TS的片段序列,分别构建ITS片段和多基因系统发育树,ITS发育树表明供试菌株与长孢轮枝菌位于同一个分支,多基因系统发育分析表明供试菌株与长孢轮枝菌A1和D1株系位于同一个分支。致病性测定结果表明,可侵染萝卜引起黑心病症状。以上研究结果表明,青海地区萝卜黑心病菌病原为长孢轮枝菌A1/D1株系,这是我国首次报道长孢轮枝菌A1/D1株系。  相似文献   

Kiwifruit is a very important commercial crop in China, which is the largest producer of the fruit in the world. The rapid expansion of areas of kiwifruit cultivation has resulted in the spread of postharvest rot diseases. To clarify the pathogens causing kiwifruit postharvest rots in China, 76 pure strains were isolated from 138 rotten fruits during the shelf‐life period, with fruit collected from the 11 main regions of kiwifruit cultivation (Shaanxi, Sichuan, Henan, Guizhou, Hubei, Anhui, Jiangxi, Hunan, Fujian, Zhejiang and Jiangsu provinces) during 2014–2015. By examining the morphological and microscopic characteristics together with the results of pathogenicity testing and ITS (internal transcribed spacer) sequencing, four species were identified as the main pathogens causing kiwifruit postharvest rots in China. They were Phomopsis sp., Botryosphaeria dothidea, Alternaria alternata and Pestalotiopsis microspora, with identification rates of 52.6%, 23.7%, 13.2% and 10.5%, respectively. All isolates inoculated on wounded fruit were pathogenic but non‐pathogenic when peels were unwounded except B. dothidea. These findings have important implications for resistance breeding and control of kiwifruit postharvest rots in China.  相似文献   

RAPD markers were generated from 6 groups of Tibetan hulless barley (23 varieties): Lasagoumang, QB, Zangqing, Guoluo, Dongqing, and Hymalayia. Of the 48 fragments generated by 5 selected primers (among 68 primers), 44 appeared to be polymorphic (92%). Cluster analysis was performed (RAPDistance 1.04). The 23 varieties were divided into 2 groups, and the molecular foundation of genetic diversity was explored. In addition, to identify the varieties, one DNA fingerprint was constructed based on 17 bands amplified with S32 and 2 bands with S18. A specific RAPD fragment can be used to select for high and low β-glucan content varieties. Supported by the important program of Ministry of Science and Technology of P.R. China, “The Construction of Key Animal & Plant Resource System of Southwest China”.  相似文献   

A new full-length -1,3-glucanase cDNA was obtained by RT-PCR and RACE techniques from Tibet hulless barley and its complete gene sequence obtained by DNA Walking. Sequence alignment with the BLAST program showed that cDNA has high similarity with barley -1,3-glucanase II. The gene was functionally expressed in E. coli and the recombinant protein catalysed the hydrolysis of -1,3-glucan with an action pattern characteristic of a -1,3-glucan endohydrolase (EC Southern blot analysis indicated that the gene is a member of a small gene family. RT-PCR and northern blot analysis indicated it is constitutively expressed in barley shoots.  相似文献   

The order Hymenochaetales of white rot fungi contain some of the most aggressive wood decayers causing tree deaths around the world. Despite their ecological importance and the impact of diseases they cause, little is known about the evolution and transmission patterns of these pathogens. Here, we sequenced and undertook comparative genomic analyses of Hymenochaetales genomes using brown root rot fungus Phellinus noxius, wood‐decomposing fungus Phellinus lamaensis, laminated root rot fungus Phellinus sulphurascens and trunk pathogen Porodaedalea pini. Many gene families of lignin‐degrading enzymes were identified from these fungi, reflecting their ability as white rot fungi. Comparing against distant fungi highlighted the expansion of 1,3‐beta‐glucan synthases in P. noxius, which may account for its fast‐growing attribute. We identified 13 linkage groups conserved within Agaricomycetes, suggesting the evolution of stable karyotypes. We determined that P. noxius has a bipolar heterothallic mating system, with unusual highly expanded ~60 kb A locus as a result of accumulating gene transposition. We investigated the population genomics of 60 P. noxius isolates across multiple islands of the Asia Pacific region. Whole‐genome sequencing showed this multinucleate species contains abundant poly‐allelic single nucleotide polymorphisms with atypical allele frequencies. Different patterns of intra‐isolate polymorphism reflect mono‐/heterokaryotic states which are both prevalent in nature. We have shown two genetically separated lineages with one spanning across many islands despite the geographical barriers. Both populations possess extraordinary genetic diversity and show contrasting evolutionary scenarios. These results provide a framework to further investigate the genetic basis underlying the fitness and virulence of white rot fungi.  相似文献   

广东省柑橘炭疽病病原菌的形态与分子鉴定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
炭疽病是柑橘的主要真菌性病害之一。2007年春,广东省德庆县名优柑橘品种贡柑炭疽病暴发流行。为了明确该县及广东省其他地区柑橘炭疽病菌的种类,为防治提供依据,对采集自广东省6个地区柑橘属10个栽培品种上的炭疽病样本进行病原菌分离,共获得柑橘炭疽病菌单孢菌株75株,对其中10株代表性的菌株进行了种类鉴定。通过培养性状和形态学特征观测、核糖体DNA(rDNA)内转录间区(ITS)序列分析、ITS区特异性引物PCR检测和系统发育关系比较等方面的研究,结果表明:10个柑橘炭疽病菌菌株均为盘长孢状刺盘孢Colletotrichum gloeosporioides,未发现国际上其他国家报道的严重危害柑橘花器和幼果部位的柑橘花后落果病病原菌——尖刺盘孢C.acutatum。  相似文献   

邹晓  周家喜  梁宗琦  韩燕峰 《菌物学报》2016,35(9):1070-1079
在湖北省神农架林区采集到一种寄生于蠼螋成虫的真菌标本snj121022,分离并获得菌株 GZUIFR-snj121022,经形态学、系统发育和拆分网络综合分析,鉴定其为被毛孢属的一个新种,命名为神农架被毛孢Hirsutella shennongjiaensis。本文对其进行了详细的形态特征描述、图解和系统发育分析。  相似文献   

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