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The lack of specific symptoms at early tumor stages, together with a high biological aggressiveness of the tumor contribute to the high mortality rate for pancreatic cancer (PC), which has a five year survival rate of less than 5%. Improved screening for earlier diagnosis, through the detection of diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers provides the best hope of increasing the rate of curatively resectable carcinomas. Though many serum markers have been reported to be elevated in patients with PC, so far, most of these markers have not been implemented into clinical routine due to low sensitivity or specificity. In this study, we have identified genes that are significantly upregulated in PC, through a meta-analysis of large number of microarray datasets. We demonstrate that the biological functions ascribed to these genes are clearly associated with PC and metastasis, and that that these genes exhibit a strong link to pathways involved with inflammation and the immune response. This investigation has yielded new targets for cancer genes, and potential biomarkers for pancreatic cancer. The candidate list of cancer genes includes protein kinase genes, new members of gene families currently associated with PC, as well as genes not previously linked to PC. In this study, we are also able to move towards developing a signature for hypomethylated genes, which could be useful for early detection of PC. We also show that the significantly upregulated 800+ genes in our analysis can serve as an enriched pool for tissue and serum protein biomarkers in pancreatic cancer.  相似文献   

E. M. Maine  J. Kimble 《Genetics》1993,135(4):1011-1022
The glp-1 gene is essential for two cell interactions that control cell fate in Caenorhabditis elegans: induction of anterior pharynx in the embryo and induction of mitotic proliferation in the germ line. To identify other genes involved in these cell interactions, we have isolated suppressors of two temperature sensitive alleles of glp-1. Each of 14 recessive suppressors rescues both embryonic and germline glp-1(ts) defects. These suppressors are extragenic and define a set of six genes designated sog, for suppressor of glp-1. Suppression of glp-1 is the only obvious phenotype associated with sog mutations. Mutations in different sog genes show allele-specific intergenic noncomplementation, suggesting that the sog gene products may interact. In addition, we have analyzed a semidominant mutation that suppresses only the glp-1 germline phenotype and has a conditional feminized phenotype of its own. None of the suppressors rescues a glp-1 null mutation and therefore they do not bypass a requirement for glp-1. Distal tip cell function remains necessary for germline proliferation in suppressed animals. These suppressor mutations identify genes that may encode other components of the glp-1 mediated cell-signaling pathway or regulate glp-1 expression.  相似文献   

The distal tip cell (DTC) regulates the proliferation or differentiation choice in the Caenorhabditis elegans germline by an inductive mechanism. Cell signaling requires a putative receptor in the germline, encoded by the glp-1 gene, and a putative signal from the DTC, encoded by the lag-2 gene. Both glp-1 and lag-2 belong to multigene gene families whose members are essential for cell signaling during development of various tissues in insects and vertebrates as well as C. elegans. Relatively little is known about how these pathways regulate cell fate choice. To identify additional genes involved in the glp-1 signaling pathway, we carried out screens for genetic enhancers of glp-1. We recovered mutations in five new genes, named ego (enhancer of glp-1), and two previously identified genes, lag-1 and glp-4, that strongly enhance a weak glp-1 loss-of-function phenotype in the germline. Ego mutations cause multiple phenotypes consistent with the idea that gene activity is required for more than one aspect of germline and, in some cases, somatic development. Based on genetic experiments, glp-1 appears to act upstream of ego-1 and ego-3. We discuss the possible functional relationships among these genes in light of their phenotypes and interactions with glp-1.  相似文献   

Numerous prognostic gene expression signatures for breast cancer were generated previously with few overlap and limited insight into the biology of the disease. Here we introduce a novel algorithm named SCoR (Survival analysis using Cox proportional hazard regression and Random resampling) to apply random resampling and clustering methods in identifying gene features correlated with time to event data. This is shown to reduce overfitting noises involved in microarray data analysis and discover functional gene sets linked to patient survival. SCoR independently identified a common poor prognostic signature composed of cell proliferation genes from six out of eight breast cancer datasets. Furthermore, a sequential SCoR analysis on highly proliferative breast cancers repeatedly identified T/B cell markers as favorable prognosis factors. In glioblastoma, SCoR identified a common good prognostic signature of chromosome 10 genes from two gene expression datasets (TCGA and REMBRANDT), recapitulating the fact that loss of one copy of chromosome 10 (which harbors the tumor suppressor PTEN) is linked to poor survival in glioblastoma patients. SCoR also identified prognostic genes on sex chromosomes in lung adenocarcinomas, suggesting patient gender might be used to predict outcome in this disease. These results demonstrate the power of SCoR to identify common and biologically meaningful prognostic gene expression signatures.  相似文献   

Bruns PJ  Brussard TB  Merriam EV 《Genetics》1983,104(2):257-270
Crosses of a diploid Tetrahymena thermophila to a strain with a haploid germinal nucleus result in chromosome loss during meiosis in the haploid. The resulting monosomics can be made nullisomic by a special cross that induces homozygosis of a meiotic product of the germinal nucleus, but retention of the parental somatic nucleus. The creation and testing of single nullisomics for three of the five chromosome pairs and a triple nullisomic missing another pair is presented. Taken together, these strains make possible a series of crosses in which all but one of the chromosomes is missing in one parent. This set of nullisomics can, therefore, be used to map any mutation in Tetrahymena to a specific chromosome.  相似文献   

A method was developed for isolating large numbers of mutations on chromosome I of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. A strain monosomic for chromosome I (i.e., haploid for chromosome I and diploid for all other chromosomes) was mutagenized with either ethyl methanesulfonate or N-methyl-N'-nitro-N -nitrosoguanidine and screened for temperature-sensitive (Ts- ) mutants capable of growth on rich, glucose-containing medium at 25° but not at 37°. Recessive mutations induced on chromosome I are expressed, whereas those on the diploid chromosomes are usually not expressed because of the presence of wild-type alleles on the homologous chromosomes. Dominant ts mutations on all chromosomes should also be expressed, but these appeared rarely. — Of the 41 ts mutations analyzed, 32 mapped on chromosome I. These 32 mutations fell into only three complementation groups, which proved to be the previously described genes CDC15, CDC24 and PYK1 (or CDC19). We recovered 16 or 17 independent mutations in CDC15, 12 independent mutations in CDC24 and three independent mutations in PYK1. A fourth gene on chromosome I, MAK16, is known to be capable of giving rise to a ts-lethal allele, but we recovered no mutations in this gene. The remaining nine mutations isolated using the monosomic strain appeared not to map on chromosome I and were apparently expressed in the original mutants because they had become homozygous or hemizygous by mitotic recombination or chromosome loss. — The available information about the size of chromosome I suggests that it should contain approximately 60–100 genes. However, our isolation in the monosomic strain of multiple, independent alleles of just three genes suggests that only a small proportion of the genes on chromosome I is easily mutable to give a Ts--lethal phenotype. — During these studies, we located CDC24 on chromosome I and determined that it is centromere distal to PYK1 on the left arm of the chromosome.  相似文献   

We previously investigated a sample of patients during an active phase of psychosis in the search for genetic predictors of haloperidol induced side effects. In the present work we extend the genetic association analysis to a wider panel of genetic variations, including 508 variations located in 96 genes. The original sample included 96 patients. An independent group of 357 patients from the CATIE study served as a replication sample. Outcomes in the investigation sample were the variation through time of: 1) the ESRS and UKU total scores 2) ESRS and UKU subscales (neurologic and psychic were included) related to tremors and 3) ESRS and UKU subscales that do not relate to tremors. Outcome in the replication sample was the presence vs absence of motoric side effects from baseline to visit 1 (∼ one month of treatment) as assessed by the AIMS scale test. Rs2242480 located in the CYP3A4 was associated with a different distribution of the UKU neurologic scores through time (permutated p = 0.047) along with a trend for a different haloperidol plasma levels (lower in CC subjects). This finding was not replicated in the CATIE sample. In conclusion, we did not find conclusive evidence for a major association between the investigated variations and haloperidol induced motoric side effects  相似文献   

Wild type and three abscisic acid (ABA)-insensitive mutants of Arabidopsis (ABI1, ABI2, and ABI3) were compared for their ability to respond to ABA for a variety of ABA-inducible responses throughout the life cycle of the plants. The responses tested included effects on seedling growth, proline accumulation in seedlings, ABA-regulated protein synthesis in plantlets, and seed storage protein and lipid synthesis and accumulation. The abi1 and abi2 mutants showed reduced sensitivity to ABA for inhibition of seedling growth, induction of proline accumulation, and alterations in protein synthesis patterns during vegetative growth, but had wild type levels of storage reserves. In contrast, the abi3 mutant had wild type sensitivity for induction of proline accumulation and was only slightly less responsive to ABA with respect to effects on seedling growth and changes in patterns of protein synthesis. The major effects of this mutation were on seed development. Seeds of the abi3 mutant had two-thirds of the wild type level of storage protein and one-third the wild type level of eicosenoic acid, the major fatty acid component of storage lipids in wild type seeds. These results show that none of the abi mutants is insensitive for all ABA-inducible responses and that the abi3 effects are not seed-specific. Comparison of the degree of ABA sensitivity of monogenic mutant lines with that of digenic mutant lines carrying pairwise combinations of the abi mutations suggests that ABA responses in mature seeds are controlled by at least two parallel pathways.  相似文献   

Gu XY  Foley ME  Chen ZX 《Genetica》2004,122(2):127-140
Differentiation in photoperiodic response of flowering has been key to the evolution and wide geographic distribution of rice, an essentially short-day plant. Crosses were made such that the hybrid F1 plants flower later than the late-flowering parents to investigate the genetic basis underlying this differentiation. From initial experiments, three major genes for flowering time were identified from four naturally occurring variants under natural long-day conditions. An F2-derived trigenic mutant line bred-true for a day-neutral response was selected and used as the recipient to synchronize the genetic background for the major genes. Experiments conducted under various daylengths indicated that these genes are responsible for photoperiodic sensitivity and the trihybrid has a critical daylength between 13.5 and 14 h. The three genes regulate photoperiodic responses qualitatively and quantitatively through complementary and other epistatic effects, respectively. The complementation suggests that the three genes act in a linear manner to repress the transition from the vegetative to reproductive phases under long daylengths. This set of genes also provides a model to understand the genetic mechanism underlying the elongated vegetative growth period in the F1 generation, which is usually an obstacle to the use of heterosis, and the selection for early maturation in rice breeding.  相似文献   

Ischemic stroke (IS) is a multifactorial disorder caused by both genetic and environmental factors. The combined effects of multiple susceptibility genes might result in a higher risk for IS than a single gene. Therefore, we investigated whether interactions among multiple susceptibility genes were associated with an increased risk of IS by evaluating gene polymorphisms identified in previous meta-analyses, including methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) C677T, beta fibrinogen (FGB, β-FG) A455G and T148C, apolipoprotein E (APOE) ε2–4, angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) insertion/deletion (I/D), and endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) G894T. In order to examine these interactions, 712 patients with IS and 774 controls in a Chinese Han population were genotyped using the SNaPshot method, and multifactor dimensionality reduction analysis was used to detect potential interactions among the candidate genes. The results of this study found that ACE I/D and β-FG T148C were significant synergistic contributors to IS. In particular, the ACE DD + β-FG 148CC, ACE DD + β-FG 148CT, and ACE ID + β-FG 148CC genotype combinations resulted in higher risk of IS. After adjusting for potential confounding IS risk factors (age, gender, family history of IS, hypertension history and history of diabetes mellitus) using a logistic analysis, a significant correlation between the genotype combinations and IS patients persisted (overall stroke: adjusted odds ratio [OR] = 1.57, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.22–2.02, P < 0.001, large artery atherosclerosis subtype: adjusted OR = 1.50, 95% CI: 1.08–2.07, P = 0.016, small-artery occlusion subtype: adjusted OR = 2.04, 95% CI: 1.43–2.91, P < 0.001). The results of this study indicate that the ACE I/D and β-FG T148C combination may result in significantly higher risk of IS in this Chinese population.  相似文献   

Due to their spectroscopic properties porphyrins are of special interest for a variety of applications, ranging from drug development or targeting to material sciences and chemical and biological sensors. Since chemical syntheses are limited in terms of regio- and stereoselective functionalization of porphyrins, a biosynthetic approach with tailored enzyme catalysts offers a promising alternative. In this paper, we describe assembly of the entire heme biosynthetic pathway in a three-plasmid system and overexpression of the corresponding genes with Escherichia coli as a host. Without further optimization, this approach yielded remarkable porphyrin production levels, up to 90 μmol/liter, which is close to industrial vitamin B12 production levels. Different combinations of the genes were used to produce all major porphyrins that occur as intermediates in heme biosynthesis. All these porphyrin intermediates were obtained in high yields. The product spectrum was analyzed and quantified by using high-performance liquid chromatography. Intriguingly, although protoporphyrin IX could be produced at high levels, overexpressed Bacillus subtilis ferrochelatase could not convert this substrate appreciably into heme. However, further investigation clearly revealed a high level of expression of the ferrochelatase and a high level of activity in vitro. These results may indicate that heme has a regulatory impact on the iron uptake of E. coli or that the ferrochelatase is inactive in vivo due to an incompatible enzyme interaction.  相似文献   

利用基因芯片技术研究两品种鸡脂肪组织差异表达基因   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
应用包含9024条鸡cDNA的表达谱芯片,对从两品种鸡脂肪组织抽提及纯化的mRNA进行芯片杂交,并对基因表达谱进行分析,旨在筛选高脂肉鸡和白耳蛋鸡脂肪组织差异表达的基因,探讨造成两品种体脂性状差异的分子生物学机理。结果按差异显著阳性标准分析,共筛选出差异表达基因67条,主要涉及脂类代谢、能量代谢、细胞骨架构成、转录和剪接因子以及蛋白质合成与分解等相关基因,此外,还筛选出一些尚未在GenBank上登陆的序列,推测可能是未知的新基因,它们在鸡脂类代谢的过程所起到的作用还需进一步实验证明。  相似文献   



Distant recurrences after antineoplastic treatment remain a serious problem for breast cancer clinical management, which threats patients’ life. Systemic therapy is administered to eradicate cancer cells from the organism, both at the site of the primary tumor and at any other potential location. Despite this intervention, a significant proportion of breast cancer patients relapse even many years after their primary tumor has been successfully treated according to current clinical standards, evidencing the existence of a chemoresistant cell subpopulation originating from the primary tumor.


To identify key molecules and signaling pathways which drive breast cancer chemoresistance we performed gene expression analysis before and after anthracycline and taxane-based chemotherapy and compared the results between different histopathological response groups (good-, mid- and bad-response), established according to the Miller & Payne grading system. Two cohorts of 33 and 73 breast cancer patients receiving neoadjuvant chemotherapy were recruited for whole-genome expression analysis and validation assay, respectively. Identified genes were subjected to a bioinformatic analysis in order to ascertain the molecular function of the proteins they encode and the signaling in which they participate. High throughput technologies identified 65 gene sequences which were over-expressed in all groups (P ≤ 0·05 Bonferroni test). Notably we found that, after chemotherapy, a significant proportion of these genes were over-expressed in the good responders group, making their tumors indistinguishable from those of the bad responders in their expression profile (P ≤ 0.05 Benjamini-Hochgerg`s method).


These data identify a set of key molecular pathways selectively up-regulated in post-chemotherapy cancer cells, which may become appropriate targets for the development of future directed therapies against breast cancer.  相似文献   

In this paper, we report the cloning and characterization of three Paenibacillus azotofixans DNA regions containing genes involved in nitrogen fixation. Sequencing analysis revealed the presence of nifB1H1D1K1 gene organization in the 4,607-bp SacI DNA fragment. This is the first report of linkage of a nifB open reading frame upstream of the structural nif genes. The second (nifB2H2) and third (nifH3) nif homologues are confined within the 6,350-bp HindIII and 2,840-bp EcoRI DNA fragments, respectively. Phylogenetic analysis demonstrated that NifH1 and NifH2 form a monophyletic group among cyanobacterial NifH proteins. NifH3, on the other hand, clusters among NifH proteins of the highly divergent methanogenic archaea.  相似文献   

2,4,6-Trichlorophenol (2,4,6-TCP) is a hazardous pollutant. Several aerobic bacteria are known to degrade this compound. One of these, Ralstonia eutropha JMP134(pJP4), a well-known, versatile chloroaromatic compound degrader, is able to grow in 2,4,6-TCP by converting it to 2,6-dichlorohydroquinone, 6-chlorohydroxyquinol, 2-chloromaleylacetate, maleylacetate, and β-ketoadipate. Three enzyme activities encoded by tcp genes, 2,4,6-TCP monooxygenase (tcpA), 6-chlorohydroxyquinol 1,2-dioxygenase (tcpC), and maleylacetate reductase (tcpD), are involved in this catabolic pathway. Here we provide evidence that all these tcp genes are clustered in the R. eutropha JMP134(pJP4) chromosome, forming the putative catabolic operon tcpRXABCYD. We studied the presence of tcp-like gene sequences in several other 2,4,6-TCP-degrading bacterial strains and found two types of strains. One type includes strains belonging to the Ralstonia genus and possessing a set of tcp-like genes, which efficiently degrade 2,4,6-TCP and therefore grow in liquid cultures containing this chlorophenol as a sole carbon source. The other type includes strains belonging to the genera Pseudomonas, Sphingomonas, or Sphingopixis, which do not have tcp-like gene sequences and degrade this pollutant less efficiently and which therefore grow only as small colonies on plates with 2,4,6-TCP. Other than strain JMP134, none of the bacterial strains whose genomes have been sequenced possesses a full set of tcp-like gene sequences.  相似文献   

芽孢杆菌三种抗菌素基因的杂交检测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以三对特异引物PCR合成表面活性素(surfactin)、伊枯草菌素(iturin)和抗菌蛋白TasA的地高辛标记探针,采用斑点杂交技术对24个菌株的相关基因加以检测,并用竞争酶联免疫吸附法(enzyme-linked immu-nosorbent assay,ELISA)分析阳性菌株中表面活性素基因的表达情况。结果表明:以阳性质粒为模板,获得1 200bp、1 479 bp和790 bp的3个特异性探针,其检测灵敏度分别为2 ng、20 ng和0.1 ng;从24个菌株中检测到10个菌株含有表面活性素合成相关基因,10个菌株含有伊枯草菌素合成相关基因和4个菌株中存在tasA基因;ELISA结果表明:从10个阳性菌株的KMB发酵液中均检测到表面活性素,其中菌株EN1和菌株SB1的产量较高,分别达32.9 mg/L和41.0 mg/L。  相似文献   

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