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目的:探讨环保型人体管道铸型填充剂的应用效果。方法:通过对CYD-128型环氧树脂进行增韧改性制备的填充剂,在灌注时根据管道粗细不同,只需调整填充剂中LNBR-26的用量(比例)即可。灌注成人管道时,采取[CYD-128:LNBR-26=100:(20~24)]比例填充剂和不同配制比例交替灌注方法;灌注小儿管道时,采取(CYD-128:LNBR-26=100:22)比例填充剂灌注。并观察它们的铸型效果。结果:制作出的成人上、下肢动脉铸型标本细疏有致,能够清楚地观察到上肢桡动脉、尺动脉及它们的掌浅弓和掌深弓,下肢胫前动脉及其足背动脉网和胫后动脉及其足底动脉网。制作出的胎儿全身动脉铸型标本疏密有度,精细美观,不仅充分地显示胎儿脉管系统的完整性和连续性,还直观地展示全身主要动脉和其骨骼的立体结构及毗邻关系。结论:应用本填充剂制作出的铸型标本,不但具有环保、主干刚性强及细小分支柔韧性好等特点,而且经济成本低。  相似文献   

目的:探索适合制作婴幼儿全身动脉铸型标本的方法,为解剖学教学与临床手术提供解剖学参考.方法:选择100cm 以下的婴幼儿新鲜尸体标本一具,从胸骨角开始沿胸骨中线纵行切开5cm,暴露升主动脉,在升主动脉中部横行切开并分别作离心和向心插管灌注.结果:铸出的标本外形美观,具有结构完整性和连续性,血管分支毗邻关系明确,疏密有度.结论:采用升主动脉插管法是制作婴幼儿全身动脉铸型操作较为简便而又行之有效的方法.  相似文献   

目的:探讨胸廓内动脉主干在体表定位和显示的方法.方法:选择胸前壁无外伤新鲜成人尸体标本4例,经斜角肌间隙、锁骨、腋中线及至脐水平线取下胸前壁,应用反向穿刺的方法(即从胸前壁后往前的方向),来确定胸廓内动脉主干在体表投影的位置;依层次组合设计与制作软体标本、动脉铸型标本,来层次显示胸廓内动脉的解剖学结构.结果:确定了胸廓内动脉主干体表投影定位法;制作出一系列层次组合显示胸廓内动脉陈列标本.结论:本文采用反向穿刺的方法来确定胸廓内动脉主干在体表投影是一种非常实用又简易的方法;通过层次软体剥制法与铸型法组合制作了一系列胸廓内动脉层次显示陈列标本,为解剖学及相关学科的教学、科研以及临床的不同需要,提供了胸廓内动脉显示的不同方法.  相似文献   

目的研究西藏小型猪内脏铸型,对西藏小型猪在相关生物医学研究上的应用提供参考。方法应用过氯乙烯和牙托粉单独或混合填充剂灌注方法制作西藏小型猪心脏、肝脏、脾脏、肺脏、肾脏和脑铸型研究其血管分布规律。结果西藏小型猪内脏铸型外观完整美观,保持正常解剖状态、位置,充分显示和暴露主干的分支分布,各管道饱满,管道粗细适当,标本色泽鲜艳。结论通过单独或混合灌注过氯乙烯和牙托粉填充剂可以成功制作西藏小型猪铸型标本,所做标本显示的脏器血管分布情况对相关生物医学研究具有重要应用价值。  相似文献   

本实验旨在制作成年和幼年高原型藏绵羊(Ovis aries)的性腺动脉构筑标本,并比较其解剖学特征。分别从10只成年羊(雌雄各半)及10只3月龄幼年羊(雌雄各半)采集睾丸及卵巢样本,用8%~10%ABS铸型剂通过睾丸动脉或卵巢动脉灌注,再用浓盐酸腐蚀,获得动脉血管立体构筑标本,通过标本观察、图片采集、数据测定后进行分析。结果显示,绵羊精索内睾丸螺旋动脉呈椎体分布,直段动脉从睾丸中部分支,迂曲动脉构筑呈网兜状;卵巢动脉的卵巢支呈紧密螺旋状线圈分布,卵巢门动脉亦呈高度盘曲折叠状,其末端形成卵泡和黄体微动脉。研究发现,成年高原型藏绵羊睾丸和卵巢动脉血管的基本分布与普通牛(Bos taurus)的类似,成年羊与3月龄幼年羊的睾丸和卵巢动脉在管径大小、盘曲程度、微动脉多寡等方面存在显著差异,特别是成年羊的睾丸向心小动脉、卵巢门螺旋动脉更发达。  相似文献   

解剖上对中空器官(如血管、支气管、肺泡、输尿管)等管腔形态的整体显示,最直观的一种方法是“腐蚀铸型”法。即先把器官的管腔灌注可变坚硬的填充剂,然后将软组织腐蚀掉,以制成完整的管腔阴模铸型标本。关于注入管腔的填充剂,不外热冷两类。例如伍德合金、含脂松香、门捷列夫油灰等,都是在加热的情况下呈液态,灌注冷凝后变硬的热填充剂。这类填充剂在灌注时不仅对填充剂本身要加热和保温,而且标本也要预先进行热处理,手续颇繁。另外如常用的溶于丙酮或含酒精的乙醚中的各种塑料,以及各种橡胶乳液和有机玻璃等,即所谓冷填充剂,在灌注时不需要加热,而且效果良好,因此近年来多被采用。从经济实惠,标本制备更加简易出发,近年来我国不少实验室采用了溶于丙酮的废乒乓球、废X光和照象底片(硝酸纤  相似文献   

动物器官内腔铸型等标本是研究器官内腔工血管,肾小管分枝及分布的一种技术。试用过氯乙烯制作效果好,其优点是制作的标本可以触摸,不易折损,只要一次灌注就可。  相似文献   

榆林沙蜥肺微血管铸型的扫描电镜观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用扫描电镜观察ABS丁酮溶液灌注的榆林沙蜥肺微血管构筑情况。榆林沙蜥肺壁内面有许多网状隔膜及肺泡隔将其分隔成许多肺泡囊及肺泡,在网状隔膜、肺泡隔及肺泡壁上均有丰富的毛细血管。且相互吻合成单层密集网,多为圆形、椭圆形及不规则形,网眼多由5-6支毛细血管围成。微动脉及毛细血管铸型表面光滑,可显示有内皮细胞核的压迹。  相似文献   

成年牦牛心室壁微血管的形态特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用ABS血管铸型、扫描电镜观察法和血管炭素墨水灌注、组织切片法研究了成年牦牛心脏微血管的构筑特征,首次对各级微血管的管径和毛细血管的密度进行了测量,并对成年牦牛心室壁的微血管进行了分类.结果显示:成年牦牛心脏微动脉、毛细血管前微动脉和毛细血管的管径平均值分别为为 78.50±10.23 μm ,16.24±2.27 μm ,6.57±2.28 μm.其管径范围分别为12.5~100 μm,12.50~19.99 μm,6.25~12.50 μm.成年牦牛心脏微动脉一般经3-4级分支才发出毛细血管,其第一、第二、第三和第四级分支的管径平均值分别为87.64±4.87 μm, 69.46±6.67 μm, 48.52±5.77 μm,30.45±5.44 μm.其范围分别为79.55~95 μm, 59.31~79.55 μm,37.50~59.31 μm,19.99~37.50 μm.成年牦牛心肌层毛细血管的密度为2 528±263根/mm2,靠近心外膜处毛细血管的密度为1 864±179根/mm2,心内膜毛细血管的密度为1 636±235根/ mm2.成年牦牛心脏微动脉铸型表面呈典型的"树皮样"结构,偶尔可见卵圆形的内皮细胞核压痕.成年牦牛心脏毛细血管前微动脉铸型形态呈锥状,铸型表面有环行缩窄.成年牦牛心脏的毛细血管铸型表面光滑,有环形缩窄,无内皮细胞核压痕.成年牦牛心肌层中毛细血管与心肌纤维平行,并形成"H"形或"Y"形的广泛吻合,而在靠近心内膜处毛细血管形态较为扭曲,毛细血管多形成平面或立体的吻合.成年牦牛心脏微静脉管径多在300 μm以下,管腔扁且不规则,微静脉铸型呈"树根"样结构.  相似文献   

藏羊对严酷的自然环境具有良好的适应性,在高寒低氧时其脑血管仍能向脑组织充分供血.研究高原藏羊脑血管特别是微动脉解剖学特性有助于揭示其高原适应性机理.以欧拉型藏羊和生活在低海拔地区的滩羊的头部标本为试验材料,采用血管铸型结合扫描电镜技术,运用比较解剖学方法对二者大脑微动脉铸型表面特征开展研究.结果显示:藏羊60160μm直径的大脑微动脉铸型表面,有清晰的"椭圆形"或"足印状"内皮细胞核压痕,滩羊内皮细胞核压痕以"长条形"居多,压痕不如藏羊明显.藏羊200160μm直径的大脑微动脉铸型表面,有清晰的"椭圆形"或"足印状"内皮细胞核压痕,滩羊内皮细胞核压痕以"长条形"居多,压痕不如藏羊明显.藏羊200300μm直径的大脑微动脉铸型表面,有相对粗大的平滑肌纤维压痕,而滩羊平滑肌纤维的压痕相对细小.研究推测,藏羊大脑微动脉的血管舒缩能力较强,能够及时有效地向各微动脉分支输送血液,因此在对大脑微动脉的血流调节方面,高原藏羊的功能会比低海拔绵羊更强,可能是其适应高原环境的解剖学特征之一.  相似文献   

Lower limb exercise increases upper limb conduit artery blood flow and shear stress, and leg exercise training can enhance upper limb vascular function. We therefore examined the contribution of shear stress to changes in vascular function in the nonexercising upper limbs in response to lower limb cycling exercise training. Initially, five male subjects underwent bilateral brachial artery duplex ultrasound to measure blood flow and shear responses to 30-min cycling exercise at 80% of maximal heart rate. Responses in one forearm were significantly (P < 0.05) attenuated via cuff inflation throughout the exercise bout. An additional 11 subjects participated in an 8-wk cycle training study undertaken at a similar intensity, with unilateral cuff inflation around the forearm during each exercise bout. Bilateral brachial artery flow-mediated dilation responses to a 5-min ischemic stimulus (FMD%), an ischemic handgrip exercise stimulus (iEX), and endothelium-independent NO donor administration [glyceryl trinitrate (GTN)] were measured at 2, 4, and 8 wk. Cycle training increased FMD% in the noncuffed limb at week 2, after which time responses returned toward baseline levels (5.8 ± 4.1, 8.6 ± 3.8, 7.4 ± 3.5, 6.0 ± 2.3 at 0, 2, 4 and 8 wk, respectively; ANOVA: P = 0.04). No changes in FMD% were observed in the cuffed arm. No changes were evident in response to iEX or GTN in either the cuffed or noncuffed arms (P > 0.05) across the 8-wk intervention period. Our data suggest that lower limb cycle training induces a transient increase in upper limb vascular function in healthy young humans, which is, at least partly, mediated via shear stress.  相似文献   

F A Wasfi  M Ullah 《Acta anatomica》1985,123(2):112-113
Structures passing through the triangular space of the human upper limb have been studied in 50 upper limbs from 25 cadavers. In all the specimens used in this study, a branch of the circumflex scapular artery with an accompanying vein was found to pass through this space.  相似文献   

目的:研究人体上肢协调性运动的相关指标,以此来检测儿童先天性发育不良以及预防老年人的协调性相关疾病等问题。方法:本文设计了一种上肢协调性运动检测系统,检测被试的上肢运动状态,研究其协调性运动指标。本系统由运动感知单元、PC机端的控制台以及协调性运动指标数据分析组成。结果:利用该系统检测被试的运动协调性,给出了被试的准确性运动指标0.23以及协同性运动指标0.18。结论:经试验该系统对检测上肢的运动协调性有帮助,且方便携带与操作。  相似文献   

Exercise is now considered an important component of management in chronic heart failure (CHF), but little is known about central hemodynamic changes that occur during different exercise modalities in these patients. Seventeen patients (ejection fraction 25 +/- 2%) undertook brachial artery and right heart catheterization and oxygen consumption assessment at rest, during submaximal and peak cycling (Cyc), and during submaximal upper and lower limb resistance exercise. Cardiac output (CO) increased relative to baseline during peak Cyc (P < 0.05) but did not change during submaximal Cyc or upper or lower limb exercise. Heart rate (HR) was lowest during upper limb exercise and progressively increased during lower limb exercise, submaximal Cyc, and peak Cyc, with significant differences between each of these (P < 0.01). Conversely, stroke volume (SV) decreased during submaximal Cyc and lower limb exercise and was lower during peak and submaximal Cyc and lower limb exercise than during upper limb exercise (P < 0.05). CHF patients are dependent on increases in HR to increase CO during exercise when SV may decline. Resistance exercise, performed at appropriate intensity, induces a similar hemodynamic burden to aerobic exercise in patients with CHF.  相似文献   

本文采用生物阻抗分析法,研究了布朗族成人的体成分特点。我们在云南省测量了604例(男性248例,女性356例)布朗族成人19项身体成分指标,运用Excel 2003、Spss 19.0对其各项指标进行统计分析。结果显示,男性全身脂肪分布特征为躯干和下肢的脂肪率都大于上肢脂肪率,女性脂肪率从大到小依次为下肢、躯干、上肢;男、女性双侧下肢脂肪率和肌肉量接近,左上肢肌肉量低、脂肪率高;布朗族男性的身高、体质量、肌肉量、推定骨量、总能量代谢、水分率、内脏脂肪等级均大于女性,而体脂率、BMI小于女性。随着年龄的增长,布朗族成人身体肌肉量、骨量、下肢脂肪率、能量代谢等呈明显下降,而内脏脂肪等级明显增加。与云南汉族比较,布朗族成人的体脂率较低、肌肉较发达。  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to assess the performances of the global optimisation (GO) method (Bone position estimation from skin marker co-ordinates using GO with joint constraints. Journal of Biomechanics 32, 129-134) within the upper limb kinematics analysis. First the model of the upper limb is presented. Then we apply GO method in order to reduce skin movement artefacts that imply relative movement between markers and bones. The performances of the method are then evaluated with the help of simulated movements of the upper limb. Results show a significant reduction of the errors and of the variability due to skin movement.  相似文献   

目的:探讨糖尿病性下肢缺血性血管病的治疗方法。方法:对24例Ⅰ型糖尿病患者合并下肢动脉缺血性疾病的39条肢体体进行了手术,其中动脉旁路手术31例,占79%。对3例患者进行了下肢截肢处理。结果:接受动脉旁路手术的患者出院时动脉血流均保持通畅。一例51岁男性患者四肢肿胀、变黑,经治疗无效死亡。结论:糖尿病性缺血性血管病可以通过外科手术治疗。如下肢远端动脉旁路移植、腔内血管成型术等。外科治疗的方法正在探讨阶段,研究方法不断进展。外科治疗不仅可以挽救肢体或降低截肢平面,而且可为足部创面的愈合提供较好的营养环境,有利于创面的愈合和提高生活质量。  相似文献   

The present research concerns anticipatory postural adjustments (APA), with the purpose of determining whether they are preprogrammed and of specifying their biomechanical finality. The experimental situation allowed us to distinguish between the voluntary movement itself (an upper limb elevation) and the postural adjustments associated with it. To this aim, the upper limb kinematics, evaluated from an accelerometer fixed at wrist level, were compared to the whole body dynamics, recorded by means of a force platform. Movements, executed in series of five, were studied according to three conditions: bilateral flexions (BF) and unilateral flexions (UF), with (IUF) and without (OUF) an additional inertia, of the stretched upper limb(s). Six right handed adults were tested twice. Results showed that the ground reaction resultant forces as well as the ground reaction resultant moment about the vertical axis presented reproducible variations before and after the onset of upper limb acceleration. The biomechanical organization of APA corresponded, for the three experimental conditions, to an upward and forward acceleration of the body center of gravity, and also, for UF, to a resultant moment directed towards the contralateral side. The duration of APA varied with the characteristics of the forthcoming voluntary movement, increasing significantly from BF to OUF and from OUF to IUF. It is concluded that APA correspond to dynamic phenomena which are centrally preprogrammed. The inertia forces associated with APA may, when the time comes, balance the inertia forces due to the movement of the mobile limb therefore counteracting the disturbance to postural equilibrium.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Extravehicular activity (EVA) is an inevitable task for astronauts to maintain proper functions of both the spacecraft and the space station. Both experimental research in a microgravity simulator (e.g. neutral buoyancy tank, zero-g aircraft or a drop tower/tube) and mathematical modeling were used to study EVA to provide guidance for the training on Earth and task design in space. Modeling has become more and more promising because of its efficiency. Based on the task analysis, almost 90% of EVA activity is accomplished through upper limb motions. Therefore, focusing on upper limb models of the body and space suit is valuable to this effort. In previous modeling studies, some multi-rigid-body systems were developed to simplify the human musculoskeletal system, and the space suit was mostly considered as a part of the astronaut body. With the aim to improve the reality of the models, we developed an astronauts’ upper limb model, including a torque model and a muscle-force model, with the counter torques from the space suit being considered as a boundary condition. Inverse kinematics and the Maggi-Kane’s method was applied to calculate the joint angles, joint torques and muscle force given that the terminal trajectory of upper limb motion was known. Also, we validated the muscle-force model using electromyogram (EMG) data collected in a validation experiment. Muscle force calculated from our model presented a similar trend with the EMG data, supporting the effectiveness and feasibility of the muscle-force model we established, and also, partially validating the joint model in kinematics aspect.  相似文献   

Both cadavers and living patients were studied regarding a method to resolve large skin defects with bone exposure in the leg, with long-distance thrombosis of the anterior tibial vessels or posterior tibial vessels resulting from traumatic lesions. Forty-six casting mold specimens of cadaveric legs were investigated. There were rich communication branches among the anterior tibial artery, posterior tibial artery, and fibular artery in the foot and ankle, which complemented each other well. Twenty-six patients with large skin defects with bone exposure in the proximal or middle segment of the leg were admitted to the authors' hospital. Among those patients, 19 demonstrated long-distance thrombosis of the anterior tibial vessels or posterior tibial vessels resulting from traumatic lesions. During treatment, a thoracoumbilical flap based on the inferior epigastric vessels was anastomosed to the distal stump of the anterior tibial vessels or the posterior tibial vessels, with reversed flow. All defects were successfully repaired, with good color and texture matches of the flaps. This method can be used for patients with normal anterior tibial vessels or posterior tibial vessels, normal distal stumps of the injured blood vessels, and good reversed flow. The method has the advantages of dissecting blood vessels in the recipient area during the débridement, not affecting the blood circulation of the injured leg, not sacrificing blood vessels of the opposite leg, and not fixing the patient in a forced posture. The muscles are less bulky in the distal one-third of the leg, and the blood vessels are shallow and can be dissected and anastomosed easily. When the flap is used for reconstruction in the proximal two-thirds of the leg, the blood vessel pedicle of the free flap is at a straight angle, without kinking.  相似文献   

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