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本实验通过在概念水平上对记忆项目进行注意定向,探讨了注意在记忆相关项目中的作用及对长时记忆可用性的影响.结果发现,非记忆项的N400比记忆项的N400更负;与记忆项同类的单词对类别判断(与其他类相比)在行为数据和ERPs(400~650ms和700~900ms)上表现为正启动效应,而与非记忆项目同类的单词对类别判断表现出行为数据和ERPs(400~650ms)的负启动效应.记忆阶段的N400反映了注意对相关项目的高度关注和对无关项目的抑制,表明了自上而下的注意在选择加工中起到重要的调节作用;类别比较阶段的ERPs结果则反映了在工作记忆中受注意驱动的加工内容可以决定随后相关语义长时记忆的可用性,即之前注意或忽视特定内容会产生不同的间接的语义启动作用(正启动效应和负启动效应).这说明,由于注意的导向不同,使得长时记忆中可用的信息激活水平不同,支持了基于激活的模型.  相似文献   

目的:评估汉字字形刺激源在汉字认知fMRI研究中的有效性,并对参与汉字处理的脑皮层区域进行定位及初步的量化分析。方法:选择母语为汉语、经利手测试后为右利手且裸眼视力正常(大于等于1.0)的在校大学生10例(男6例,女4例)作为被试。试验任务采用组块设计,将汉字(非字、假字、真字)投射到屏幕上,受试者接受汉字字形图片的视觉刺激,按非字-假字-真字-非字-假字-真字顺序呈现,共6个block。数据处理及统计分析采用国际通用的AFNI软件。结果:左额叶上、中、下回(包括Broca's area)、左中央前回(BA6)、左顶上小叶及顶下小叶(包括缘上回及角回)及双侧枕叶、楔前叶显著激活;左颞叶梭状回(BA37)、右额下回及双侧颞中、上回及扣带回显著激活,左大脑半球的激活体积明显大于右侧大脑半球。结论:本研究设计的汉字字形刺激源结合功能磁共振成像技术可以对汉字处理的相关大脑皮层区域进行定位,为研究人脑加工处理汉字的神经机制提供了一种有效的无创性影像学方法,并应用fMRI技术进一步证实其优势半球为左半球,且需要多种脑区共同参与完成。本试验模式可望成为一种对语言障碍病人进行脑功能检查的有效手段,从而为指导临床治疗和评价预后提供更丰富的信息。  相似文献   

我们研究的目的是探查视觉大细胞系统在汉字识别中的作用.研究以24名大学生正常阅读者作为被试,通过调控汉字材料的空间频率和时间频率区分出大细胞通路敏感刺激和正常视觉刺激两种条件,并采用整体/部件字形判断任务来比较在不同视觉条件下,被试加工汉字整体和部件信息的过程,记录反应时和错误率.结果表明,在大细胞条件下,被试对整字信息的判断要显著快于对部件的判断,即出现整体优先效应.而在正常视觉条件下,整体和部件判断的反应时无显著差异.同时,在大细胞条件下,被试进行部件判断的错误率显著高于整体判断,在正常视觉条件下两者差异不显著.研究结果表明视觉大细胞通路促进了汉字整体信息的加工.  相似文献   

来自记忆、注意和决策等领域的大量研究发现,在加工情绪刺激时老年人具有正性情绪偏向或负性情绪规避的特点.本研究采用oddball变式,将情绪面孔图片作为分心刺激呈现.实验过程中记录被试脑电,考察不同情绪效价对脑电波的影响,同时考察老年人在非任务相关条件下情绪加工和情绪调节的时间进程.研究发现,在相对早期时间窗口(270~460 ms),年轻组脑电不受情绪效价影响,而老年组中悲伤情绪面孔较之快乐和中性情绪面孔引发了一个更大的正成分(P3a).在晚期时间窗口(500~850 ms),年轻组中悲伤情绪面孔吸引了被试更多注意并引发了一个更大的正性慢波.相反,老年组在晚期加工阶段,情绪效价效应消失.研究揭示了老年人和年轻人在加工非任务相关的情绪刺激时存在的时间进程差异,年龄相关的正性情绪效应发生在晚期时间窗口,表现为年轻组的负性情绪偏向和老年组的无情绪偏向.研究结果为社会情绪选择理论提供了来自脑电数据的支持.  相似文献   

来自记忆、注意和决策等领域的大量研究发现,在加工情绪刺激时老年人具有正性情绪偏向或负性情绪规避的特点.本研究采用oddball变式,将情绪面孔图片作为分心刺激呈现.实验过程中记录被试脑电,考察不同情绪效价对脑电波的影响,同时考察老年人在非任务相关条件下情绪加工和情绪调节的时间进程.研究发现,在相对早期时间窗口(270~460 ms),年轻组脑电不受情绪效价影响,而老年组中悲伤情绪面孔较之快乐和中性情绪面孔引发了一个更大的正成分(P3a).在晚期时间窗口(500~850 ms),年轻组中悲伤情绪面孔吸引了被试更多注意并引发了一个更大的正性慢波.相反,老年组在晚期加工阶段,情绪效价效应消失.研究揭示了老年人和年轻人在加工非任务相关的情绪刺激时存在的时间进程差异,年龄相关的正性情绪效应发生在晚期时间窗口,表现为年轻组的负性情绪偏向和老年组的无情绪偏向.研究结果为社会情绪选择理论提供了来自脑电数据的支持.  相似文献   

杨洁敏  袁加锦  李红 《中国科学C辑》2009,39(10):995-1004
采用事件相关电位技术,本研究考察了情绪预期对人类恐惧面孔敏感性的影响.实验记录了被试在线索提示条件及无线索提示条件下对恐惧和中性面孔进行性别判断时的ERP数据.行为结果显示,不可预期条件下被试对恐惧面孔性别判断的正确率显著低于对中性面孔的正确率,表明不可预期的恐惧情绪对实验任务产生了显著地干扰效应.ERP数据显示,在不可预期条件下,在P2及200~250ms区间,恐惧面孔比中性面孔诱发了更大的波幅,情绪效应显著;而可预期条件下,人脑对恐惧面孔和中性面孔的反应类似,表现出情绪效应的显著降低.因此,人类情绪加工的负性偏向效应受个体情绪预期的调节.人类对不可预期的负性情绪敏感,相反当恐惧情绪的发生可以被提前预期时,个体对它们的神经敏感性降低.  相似文献   

接近性效应是一种决策失利后的情绪体验受实际结果与意愿结果的接近程度影响的现象. 本研究采用事件相关电位(ERP)研究技术, 运用抽奖赌博任务实验范式考察了这一效应. 行为评定结果表明, 被试在实际结果与意愿结果很接近时更可能体验到后悔情绪, 且体验强度较高, 在实际结果与意愿结果相差较远时更可能体验到失望情绪, 且体验强度较低. 脑电结果显示, 接近性主效应在P300上表现显著, 同时, 与接近性的中、远水平条件相比, 近水平条件诱发一个新异晚正成分(LPC). 决策失利后实际结果与意愿结果接近程度不仅影响决策后情绪的性质, 而且调节情绪的强度.  相似文献   

目的:研究类别学习过程中,基于类别相似性的不同时间限制下被试分类学习脑激活机制.方法:通过对15名被试采用事件相关电位技术(ERPs),使用2相似程度不同(高相似vs低相似)×3呈现时间不同(10ms vs 200ms vs 600ms)的多因素实验设计,探讨不同相似程度及刺激呈现时间不同下的类别学习脑机制.结果:类别高相似的脑激活机制更加复杂,激活的脑区更多;刺激呈现时间为10ms的时候被试的波形图与200ms和600ms类似,但是其潜伏期更短,决策速度更快;三种时间条件下都激活了N400,可能存在语义加工.结论:类别学习在视觉加工阶段就已经发生;类别学习过程并非全或无的竞争机制,而是内隐和外显综合加工的结果.  相似文献   

在水温25.0℃条件下,采用高速摄像机记录电刺激后体长(6.9±0.1)cm相近的23尾中华倒刺鲃幼鱼的快速启动过程并通过对鱼体质心运动的分析考查3个阶段的相关运动参数。结果显示:实验鱼均表现为"C型"快速启动模式,逃逸方向不确定,但不同逃逸方向的相关参数间无显著差异(P0.05);快速启动后鱼体质心的移动距离(d)和线速度(V)均显著递增(P0.05),其中线速度在第2阶段末(36ms)达到最大值,随后相对稳定,线加速度(a)在第2阶段末出现最大值(P0.05);而角速度(ω)初始启动即出现最大值,随后显著下降(P0.05),进入第3阶段后稳定在较低水平;第1阶段的线速度(V)与相对旋转半径(RTr)之间相关性不显著。研究结果表明:中华倒刺鲃幼鱼在快速启动过程中更倾向于采取提高运动速度的逃逸策略,这可能与其流线形体型和水流湍急的生境有关。  相似文献   

环境致突变物的蚕豆细胞微核检测   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
大量新的化合物的合成,原子能的应用,多种工业废物的大量排放,使生命物体的生境条件发生改变,对生物的遗传进化效应产生了深远影响。这使得具有一套高灵敏度、操作技术简单的测试系统来监视环境致突变物的诱变活性及对人体和其他生物的遗传危害显得甚为重要。真核类生物细胞微核测试技术成为一种较为理想的方法。微核(MCN)是真核类生物细胞经辐射或化学诱变剂的作用而产生的一种游离于主核之外的异常结构,和中期细胞染色体畸变情况一样,微核率的大小和用药的剂量或辐射累积效应呈正相关,同时染色体畸变率与微核率之间相关非常显著。因此可以用简便的微核计数法代替繁杂的中期畸变染色体计数法来分析外界影响因素的致突变活性及其强度。  相似文献   

Using functional magnetic resonance imaging during a primed visual lexical decision task, we investigated the neural and functional mechanisms underlying modulations of semantic word processing through hypnotic suggestions aimed at altering lexical processing of primes. The priming task was to discriminate between target words and pseudowords presented 200 ms after the prime word which was semantically related or unrelated to the target. In a counterbalanced study design, each participant performed the task once at normal wakefulness and once after the administration of hypnotic suggestions to perceive the prime as a meaningless symbol of a foreign language. Neural correlates of priming were defined as significantly lower activations upon semantically related compared to unrelated trials. We found significant suggestive treatment-induced reductions in neural priming, albeit irrespective of the degree of suggestibility. Neural priming was attenuated upon suggestive treatment compared with normal wakefulness in brain regions supporting automatic (fusiform gyrus) and controlled semantic processing (superior and middle temporal gyri, pre- and postcentral gyri, and supplementary motor area). Hence, suggestions reduced semantic word processing by conjointly dampening both automatic and strategic semantic processes.  相似文献   

The results of research on the processing of morphologically complex words are consistent with a lexical system that activates both whole-word and constituent representations during word recognition. In this study, we focus on written production and examine whether semantically priming the first constituent of a compound influences the ease of producing a compound (as measured by typing latencies), and whether any such priming effect depends on the semantic transparency of the compound’s constituents. We found that semantic transparency of the constituents affects whether semantic priming results in changes to processing. However, it is not only the semantic transparency of the primed constituent that exerts an influence—for example, the semantic transparency of the head affects whether semantically priming the modifier results in a change in typing times. We discuss these effects in terms of competition among the various representations as the compound is output, such that overall performance is a combination of facilitation and inhibition that changes over the course of the output.  相似文献   

According to the complementary learning systems (CLS) account of word learning, novel words are rapidly acquired (learning system 1), but slowly integrated into the mental lexicon (learning system 2). This two-step learning process has been shown to apply to novel word forms. In this study, we investigated whether novel word meanings are also gradually integrated after acquisition by measuring the extent to which newly learned words were able to prime semantically related words at two different time points. In addition, we investigated whether modality at study modulates this integration process. Sixty-four adult participants studied novel words together with written or spoken definitions. These words did not prime semantically related words directly following study, but did so after a 24-hour delay. This significant increase in the magnitude of the priming effect suggests that semantic integration occurs over time. Overall, words that were studied with a written definition showed larger priming effects, suggesting greater integration for the written study modality. Although the process of integration, reflected as an increase in the priming effect over time, did not significantly differ between study modalities, words studied with a written definition showed the most prominent positive effect after a 24-hour delay. Our data suggest that semantic integration requires time, and that studying in written format benefits semantic integration more than studying in spoken format. These findings are discussed in light of the CLS theory of word learning.  相似文献   

The ability to identify the second of two targets (T2) is impaired if that target is presented less than ∼500 ms after the first (T1). This transient deficit is known as attentional blink (AB). Previous studies have suggested that the magnitude of the AB effect can be modulated by manipulating the allocation of attentional resources to T1 or T2. However, few experiments have used Chinese characters and words to explore this phenomenon. The existence of lexical, semantic, phonological and morphological connections between Chinese characters has been well established, and understanding these connections may improve our knowledge of reading Chinese. In this study, we employed varying connections between T1 and T2 and examined how these connections modulate the AB effect. We found that the strongest AB was observed when the two Chinese characters were completely unrelated, while the AB was reduced when T1 and T2 were phonologically, orthographically or semantically related and was almost completely eliminated when T1 and T2 were united in a lexical phrase. The order of activation between Chinese characters was identified as follows: (a) lexical phrases, (b) semantic connection, (c) morphological connection, (d) phonological connection and (e) unrelated words.  相似文献   



Previous research has yielded evidence for enhanced semantic priming in formal thought-disordered schizophrenia patients, a result that fits well with the hypothesis of disinhibited processes of spreading activation in this population.


The current study examined whether hyper priming among schizophrenia patients is an outcome of further spreading of activation of a node or a result of farther activation of nodes in the semantic network. We also try to shed light on the fate of this activation.


The present study tested this hypothesis by using semantic and identical priming in two different experiments. SOA (stimulus onset asynchrony) was manipulated (240 ms vs. 740 ms) within block. It is assumed that among healthy individuals, performance relies on a balance between activation and inhibition processes, contrary to in schizophrenic individuals. In order to examine this hypothesis, we compared formal thought-disordered schizophrenia patients, non thought-disordered schizophrenia patients, and healthy controls.


For thought-disordered schizophrenia patients, we found a large positive semantic effect and identical priming effect (129 ms and 154 ms, respectively) only with short SOA. SOA and type of priming did not modulate priming effects in the control groups.


This result supports the claim that there is a lack of inhibitory processes among thought-disordered patients. Hyper priming in the thought-disorder group may be an outcome of hyper activation followed by rapid decay below baseline threshold.  相似文献   

To elucidate the relationships between syntactic and semantic processes, one interesting question is how syntactic structures are constructed by the argument structure of a verb, where each argument corresponds to a semantic role of each noun phrase (NP). Here we examined the effects of possessivity [sentences with or without a possessor] and canonicity [canonical or noncanonical word orders] using Japanese ditransitive sentences. During a syntactic decision task, the syntactic structure of each sentence would be constructed in an incremental manner based on the predicted argument structure of the ditransitive verb in a verb-final construction. Using magnetoencephalography, we found a significant canonicity effect on the current density in the left inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) at 530-550 ms after the verb onset. This effect was selective to canonical sentences, and significant even when the precedent NP was physically identical. We suggest that the predictive effects associated with syntactic processing became larger for canonical sentences, where the NPs and verb were merged with a minimum structural distance, leading to the left IFG activations. For monotransitive and intransitive verbs, in which structural computation of the sentences was simpler than that of ditransitive sentences, we observed a significant effect selective to noncanonical sentences in the temporoparietal regions during 480-670 ms. This effect probably reflects difficulty in semantic processing of noncanonical sentences. These results demonstrate that the left IFG plays a predictive role in syntactic processing, which depends on the canonicity determined by argument structures, whereas other temporoparietal regions would subserve more semantic aspects of sentence processing.  相似文献   

The embodied cognition hypothesis suggests that motor and premotor areas are automatically and necessarily involved in understanding action language, as word conceptual representations are embodied. This transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) study explores the role of the left primary motor cortex in action-verb processing. TMS-induced motor-evoked potentials from right-hand muscles were recorded as a measure of M1 activity, while participants were asked either to judge explicitly whether a verb was action-related (semantic task) or to decide on the number of syllables in a verb (syllabic task). TMS was applied in three different experiments at 170, 350 and 500 ms post-stimulus during both tasks to identify when the enhancement of M1 activity occurred during word processing. The delays between stimulus onset and magnetic stimulation were consistent with electrophysiological studies, suggesting that word recognition can be differentiated into early (within 200 ms) and late (within 400 ms) lexical-semantic stages, and post-conceptual stages. Reaction times and accuracy were recorded to measure the extent to which the participants'' linguistic performance was affected by the interference of TMS with M1 activity. No enhancement of M1 activity specific for action verbs was found at 170 and 350 ms post-stimulus, when lexical-semantic processes are presumed to occur (Experiments 1–2). When TMS was applied at 500 ms post-stimulus (Experiment 3), processing action verbs, compared with non-action verbs, increased the M1-activity in the semantic task and decreased it in the syllabic task. This effect was specific for hand-action verbs and was not observed for action-verbs related to other body parts. Neither accuracy nor RTs were affected by TMS. These findings suggest that the lexical-semantic processing of action verbs does not automatically activate the M1. This area seems to be rather involved in post-conceptual processing that follows the retrieval of motor representations, its activity being modulated (facilitated or inhibited), in a top-down manner, by the specific demand of the task.  相似文献   

Learning disabilities (LDs) are the most common psychiatric disorders in children. LDs are classified either as “Specific” or “Learning Disorder Not Otherwise Specified”. An important hypothesis suggests a failure in general domain process (i.e., attention) that explains global academic deficiencies. The aim of this study was to evaluate event-related potential (ERP) patterns of LD Not Otherwise Specified children with respect to a control group. Forty-one children (8−10.6 years old) participated and performed a semantic judgment priming task while ERPs were recorded. Twenty-one LD children had significantly lower scores in all academic skills (reading, writing and arithmetic) than twenty controls. Different ERP patterns were observed for each group. Control group showed smaller amplitudes of an anterior P200 for unrelated than related word pairs. This P200 effect was followed by a significant early N400a effect (greater amplitudes for unrelated than related word pairs; 350–550 ms) with a right topographical distribution. By contrast, LD Not Otherwise Specified group did not show a P200 effect or a significant N400a effect. This evidence suggests that LD Not Otherwise Specified children might be deficient in reading, writing and arithmetic domains because of their sluggish shifting of attention to process the incoming information.  相似文献   

The perception of a stimulus can be influenced by previous perceptual experience, a phenomenon known as perceptual priming. However, there has been limited investigation on perceptual priming of shape perception of three-dimensional object structures defined by moving dots. Here we examined the perceptual priming of a 3D object shape defined purely by motion-in-depth cues (i.e., Shape-From-Motion, SFM) using a classic prime-target paradigm. The results from the first two experiments revealed a significant increase in accuracy when a “cloudy” SFM stimulus (whose object structure was difficult to recognize due to the presence of strong noise) was preceded by an unambiguous SFM that clearly defined the same transparent 3D shape. In contrast, results from Experiment 3 revealed no change in accuracy when a “cloudy” SFM stimulus was preceded by a static shape or a semantic word that defined the same object shape. Instead, there was a significant decrease in accuracy when preceded by a static shape or a semantic word that defined a different object shape. These results suggested that the perception of a noisy SFM stimulus can be facilitated by a preceding unambiguous SFM stimulus—but not a static image or a semantic stimulus—that defined the same shape. The potential neural and computational mechanisms underlying the difference in priming are discussed.  相似文献   

During text reading, the parafoveal word was usually presented between 2° and 5° from the point of fixation. Whether semantic information of parafoveal words can be processed during sentence reading is a critical and long-standing issue. Recently, studies using the RSVP-flanker paradigm have shown that the incongruent parafoveal word, presented as right flanker, elicited a more negative N400 compared with the congruent parafoveal word. This suggests that the semantic information of parafoveal words can be extracted and integrated during sentence reading, because the N400 effect is a classical index of semantic integration. However, as most previous studies did not control the word-pair congruency of the parafoveal and the foveal words that were presented in the critical triad, it is still unclear whether such integration happened at the sentence level or just at the word-pair level. The present study addressed this question by manipulating verbs in Chinese sentences to yield either a semantically congruent or semantically incongruent context for the critical noun. In particular, the interval between the critical nouns and verbs was controlled to be 4 or 5 characters. Thus, to detect the incongruence of the parafoveal noun, participants had to integrate it with the global sentential context. The results revealed that the N400 time-locked to the critical triads was more negative in incongruent than in congruent sentences, suggesting that parafoveal semantic information can be integrated at the sentence level during Chinese reading.  相似文献   

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