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5-Aminolevulinic acid synthase 1 (ALAS1) is the first and rate-controlling enzyme of heme biosynthesis. This study was to determine the effects of heme and selected nonheme metalloporphyrins on human ALAS1 gene expression in hepatocytes. We found that, upon heme and cobalt protoporphyrin (CoPP) treatments, ALAS1 mRNA levels were down-regulated significantly by ca. 50% or more. Measurement of mRNA in the presence of actinomycin D showed that these down-regulations were due to the decreases in mRNA half-lives. Furthermore, the levels of mitochondrial mature ALAS1 protein were down-regulated by 60-70%, but those of the cytosolic precursor protein were up-regulated by 2-5-fold. Measurement of protein in the presence of cycloheximide (CHX) suggests that elevation of the precursor form is due to the increase in protein half-lives. These results provide novel insights into the mechanisms of heme repressional effects on ALAS1 and provide a rationale for further investigation of CoPP as a therapeutic agent for acute porphyric syndromes.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that diabetes induces an increase in oxidative stress; the increased expression of heme-oxygenase 1 (HO-1) in liver is believed to be a sensitive marker of the stress response. The aim of this study was to examine whether diabetes is able to induce HO-1 expression in liver. The specific mRNA was amplified by RT/PCR and calibrated with amplified β-actin mRNA.

The mRNA HO-1 levels in the liver of spontaneously diabetic rats were increased by 1.8 fold compared with non diabetics; this supports the hypothesis of weak but significant oxidative damage due to chronic hyperglycaemia. This work represents the first in vivo study exploring the semi-quantitative expression of HO-1 in the liver of spontaneously diabetic rats.  相似文献   

Induction of hepatic heme oxygenase activity by bromobenzene   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Hepatic heme oxygenase, an enzyme which converts heme to carbon monoxide and bile pigment in vitro, is inducible by heme but also by large “toxic” doses of such nonheme substances as hormones, endotoxin, and heavy metal ions. When we gave rats a single hepatotoxic dose of allyl alcohol, ethionine, acetaminophen, furosemide, or endotoxin, hepatic heme oxygenase activity rose modestly (two- to fivefold) after 20 h. In contrast, administration of bromobenzene (5 mmol/kg) induced heme oxygenase in the liver an average of 15-fold after 20 h but was without effect on the enzyme in the kidney or spleen. The change in heme oxygenase was accompanied by a loss in cytochrome P-450 concentration and, in rats labeled with 5-δ-amino[14C]levulinic acid, an increased rate of degradation of hepatic [14C]heme to 14CO. Induction of heme oxygenase by bromobenzene was blocked by cycloheximide, an inhibitor of protein synthesis, but not by actinomycin D, an inhibitor of RNA synthesis. This suggests that bromobenzene stimulates de novo enzyme synthesis at the step of translation. Subtoxic doses of bromobenzene (less than 1 mmol/kg) gave proportionately greater induction of heme oxygenase. Furthermore, induction of the enzyme remained unaffected when bromobenzene hepatotoxicity was blocked by pretreatment of rats with SKF-525A, 3-methylcholanthrene, or cysteine (which supplements liver sulfhydryl content), or when hepatotoxicity was enhanced by pretreatment with phenobarbital or with diethylmaleate (which depletes hepatic glutathione). These data suggest that with induction of heme oxygenase by bromobenzene, neither liver cell necrosis nor alteration in hepatic sulfhydryl metabolism is indispensible. The latter characteristic differs from induction of the enzyme by metal ions in which depletion of sulfhydryl-containing constituents has been thought to be essential. We conclude that bromobenzene is a novel inducer of heme oxygenase activity in the liver, differing from other nonheme substances in potency and specificity for the liver, and in utilizing mechanism(s) which require neither production of hepatotoxicity, depletion of hepatic glutathione, nor sensitivity to actinomycin D.  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to examine the liver, spleen and kidney heme oxygenase activity in the rat, and also to investigate the response of the enzyme to a variety of metalloporphyrin complexes. The enzyme activity in the liver and the kidney of 3--4 day-old rats was several-fold greater than the corresponding values in the adult animals; however, the splenic enzyme activity was markedly depressed in comparison to that of adult rats. During the first 2--3 weeks post-parturation period, the activity of heme oxygenase in the spleen progressively increased, and in 4 weeks approached the adult values. The treatment of the newborn animals with the metalloporphyrin complex. Zn . protoporphyrin-IX, inhibited heme oxygenase activity in the spleen, liver and the kidney. Sn . protoporphyrin treatment also inhibited the activity of the enzyme in the liver and the spleen. The mechanism of the inhibition appeared to be competitive in nature. In contrast, the treatment of the newborn animals with Co . protoporphyrin increased the activity of the enzyme in the tested organs. The treatment of newborn animals with Fe . protoporphyrin (heme) also increased heme oxygenase activity in the spleen and the kidney. In addition, Co . and Fe . protoporphyrin complexes inhibited the activity of delta-aminolevulinate synthetase in the spleen; Sn . protoporphyrin and Zn . protoporphyrin, however, did not alter the activity of this enzyme. The effects of Co . protoporphyrin and Zn. protoporphyrin on the microsomal contents of cytochromes P-450, b5, the total heme, and the microsomal drug metabolism activity in the liver were compared. Zn . protoporphyrin was ineffective in altering the indicated cellular variables. According to these findings Zn . protoporphyrin may be useful as an experimental tool for the selective suppression of heme degradation activity.  相似文献   

Heme oxygenase (HO) is a microsomal enzyme that oxidatively cleaves heme to form biliverdin, releasing iron and carbon monoxide (CO). Thus, HO not only controls the availability of heme for the synthesis of hemeproteins but also generates CO, which binds to the heme moiety of hemoproteins, thereby affecting their enzymatic activity. The present study was undertaken to explore changes in the relative expression of renal HO-1 and HO-2 in response to modulators and the effect on blood pressure regulation in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). Immunohistochemistry confirmed a cobalt protoporphyrin (CoPP)-mediated increase in HO-1 protein. After a single injection of CoPP (5 mg/100 gram body weight) in 7-week-old SHR, blood pressure significantly decreased (p<0.01) while renal HO activity increased 6-fold over controls. CoPP pretreatment deceased the levels of the renal cytochrome P450-derived arachidonic acid metabolite, 20-HETE, a powerful vasoconstrictor, by 65% in renal tissue. Western blot analysis demonstrated that CoPP significantly increased HO-1 protein expression in the cortex and outer medulla and, to a lesser degree, in the inner medulla of the rat kidney. HO-2 was constitutively expressed in all parts of the kidney, and did not significantly change after treatment with CoPP. These results indicate that selective induction of cortical and outer medullary HO-1 is associated with a decrease in 20-HETE and blood pressure, suggesting an important role for HO-1 activity in the regulation of urine volume, electrolyte excretion and blood pressure.  相似文献   

A tryptic peptide of heme oxygenase obtained after solubilization of rat liver microsomes by mild trypsin treatment was purified. The purified peptide gave only a single protein band with a molecular mass of 28 kDa on SDS/PAGE. The tryptic peptide, like the native heme oxygenase, readily bound with substrate heme forming a hemeprotein transiently. The absorption spectra of the ferric, ferrous, ferrous-CO and ferrous-O2 forms of the resulting complex resembled those of the corresponding forms of the complex of heme and the native enzyme. Ferric heme bound to the tryptic peptide was quantitatively decomposed to biliverdin on incubation with a mixture of ascorbic acid and desferrioxamine, indicating that the tryptic peptide still retained catalytic activity. These observations suggest that heme oxygenase has two domains, a hydrophilic and a hydrophobic domain, and that the two domains are folded almost independently of each other. An NADPH-cytochrome-P-450 reductase system composed of NADPH and detergent-solubilized NADPH-cytochrome-P-450 reductase readily reduced the ferric heme bound to the tryptic peptide, but failed to transfer the second electron required for rapid heme degradation, suggesting that the hydrophobic domain of heme oxygenase is important for receiving the second electron from the reductase.  相似文献   

Solubilization and partial purification of heme oxygenase from rat liver.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Hepatic microsomal heme oxygenase was solubilized, partially purified, and characterized from Co2+-treated rats. The enzyme on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis exhibited a minimum molecular weight of greater than or equal to 68,000. The solubilized enzyme was totally devoid of contamination with cytochrome P-450 or b5. The requirement for reduced pyridine nucleotides was absolute, and ascorbate could not support heme oxidative activity. However, both TPNH and DPNH could serve as electron donors, with TPNH being more effective. The presence of an appropriate flavoprotein reductase was essential for heme oxidation. The enzyme had an apparent Km of 40 micrometer, a pH optimum of 7.5, and lost substantial activity upon freezing and thawing. Methemoglobin was 30% as effective a substrate for the enzyme as was heme. Free porphyrins could not serve as substrates for the enzyme. The activity of the enzyme was inhibited by HgCl2, p-chloromercuribenzoate, iodoacetamide, mercaptoethanol, and dithiothrietol indicating that free -SH group(s) is necessary for enzyme activity.  相似文献   

Heme oxygenase was purified to apparent homogeneity from liver microsomes of rats which had been treated with either cobaltous chloride or hemin to induce heme oxygenase in the liver and the purified preparations from either rats showed an apparent molecular weight of about 200,000 when estimated by gel filtration on a column of Sephadex G-200, and gave a minimum molecular weight of about 32,000 on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The hepatic heme oxygenase could bind heme to form a heme . heme oxygenase complex showing an absorption peak at 405 nm, and the extinction coefficient at 405 nm of the heme . heme oxygenase complex was 140 mM-1 cm-1. The heme bound to the hepatic heme oxygenase protein was easily converted to biliverdin when the complex was incubated with the NADPH-cytochrome c reductase system in air. The hepatic heme oxygenase appears to have characteristics essentially similar to those of the splenic heme oxygenase (Yoshida, T., and Kikuchi, G. (1978) J. Biol. Chem. 253, 4224 and 4230). The heme oxygenase preparation which was purified from the cobalt-treated rats contained a small amount of cobaltic protoporphyrin, indicating that cobalt protoporphyrin was synthesized in these rats.  相似文献   

Transcriptional control of rat heme oxygenase by heat shock   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  

Human heme oxygenase cDNA and induction of its mRNA by hemin   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
Hemin treatment increased both activity and mRNA level of heme oxygenase in human macrophages. Using poly(A)-rich RNA prepared from human macrophages treated with hemin, we have constructed a cDNA library in the Okayama-Berg vector. The human heme oxygenase cDNA was isolated by screening this library with a rat cDNA and was subjected to nucleotide sequence analysis. The deduced human heme oxygenase is composed of 288 amino acids with a molecular mass of 32,800 Da. The homology in amino acid sequences between rat and human heme oxygenase is 80%. Like rat heme oxygenase, human enzyme has a putative membrane segment at its carboxyl terminus, which is probably essential for the insertion of heme oxygenase into endoplasmic reticulum. Both rat and human heme oxygenase have no cysteine residues. Recently we have shown that rat heme oxygenase is a heat-shock protein [J. Biol. Chem. 262, 12889-12892 (1987)], and therefore we examined the effects of heat treatment on the induction of heme oxygenase in human macrophages and glioma cells. In contrast to hemin treatment, heat treatment had no apparent effects in either human cell line on the activity of heme oxygenase and its mRNA levels. These results suggest that human heme oxygenase may not be a heat-shock protein.  相似文献   

Changes in the activity of so-called oxidative stress defensive enzymes, superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione peroxidase, glutathione reductase and heme oxygenase, as well as changes in lipid peroxidation and reduced glutathione levels, were measured in guinea pig and rat liver after acute cobalt loading. Cobalt chloride administration produced a much higher degree of lipid peroxidation in guinea pig than in rat liver compared with the control animals. The intrahepatic reduced glutathione content in control guinea pig was higher than that in rat, but was equally decreased in both species after cobalt administration. The enzymatic scavengers of free radicals, superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione peroxidase, were significantly decreased in rat liver after acute cobalt loading, and as a compensatory reaction, the heme oxygenase activity was increased (seven-fold). In guinea pig liver, only superoxide dismutase activity was depleted in response to cobalt-induced oxidative stress, while catalase and glutathione peroxidase were highly activated and the heme oxygenase activity was dramatically increased (13-fold). It is assumed that enhanced heme oxygenase activity may have important antioxidant significance by increasing the liver oxidative-stress defense capacity.  相似文献   

Heme oxygenase (HO) is a key enzyme in heme metabolism; it oxidatively degrades heme to biliverdin, accompanied by formation of free iron and carbon monoxide. Biliverdin is subsequently reduced by cytosolic biliverdin reductase to form bilirubin, a potent antioxidant. We recently found that tumor cells utilize HO to protect themselves from oxidative stress by producing the antioxidant bilirubin. This result suggested an important potential therapeutic strategy: suppression of bilirubin production with the use of HO inhibitors; hence, cancer cells become vulnerable to oxidative stress induced by anticancer drugs or leukocytes of the host. This concept was validated by using the intraarterial administration of an HO inhibitor, zinc protoporphyrin, in nonphysiological solution. In the present study, zinc protoporphyrin (ZnPP) was conjugated with poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) with molecular weight of 5000, to make ZnPP, a water-soluble compound (PEG-ZnPP), and to improve its tumor-targeting efficiency. PEG was conjugated to ZnPP through newly introduced amino groups, where ethylenediamine residues were added at C6 and C7 of protoporphyrin. The divalent zinc cation was chelated into the protoporphyrin ring to obtain PEG-ZnPP. PEG-ZnPP did become highly water-soluble, and it formed multimolecular associations with molecules larger than 70 kDa in aqueous media. PEG-ZnPP inhibited splenic microsomal HO activity in vitro in a competitive manner in the presence of hemin, with an apparent inhibitory constant of 0.12 microM. Most important, PEG-ZnPP injected intravenously significantly suppressed intratumor HO activity in a murine solid tumor model, which suggests that tumor-targeted inhibition of HO is possible with the use of PEG-ZnPP.  相似文献   

Mechanism of heme degradation by heme oxygenase   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Heme oxygenase catalyzes the three step-wise oxidation of hemin to alpha-biliverdin, via alpha-meso-hydroxyhemin, verdoheme, and ferric iron-biliverdin complex. This enzyme is a simple protein which does not have any prosthetic groups. However, heme and its two metabolites, alpha-meso-hydroxyhemin and verdoheme, combine with the enzyme and activate oxygen during the heme oxygenase reaction. In the conversion of hemin to alpha-meso-hydroxyhemin, the active species of oxygen is Fe-OOH, which self-hydroxylates heme to form alpha-meso-hydroxyhemin. This step determines the alpha-specificity of the reaction. For the formation of verdoheme and liberation of CO from alpha-meso-hydroxyhemin, oxygen and one reducing equivalent are both required. However, the ferrous iron of the alpha-meso-hydroxyheme is not involved in the oxygen activation and unactivated oxygen is reacted on the 'activated' heme edge of the porphyrin ring. For the conversion of verdoheme to the ferric iron-biliverdin complex, both oxygen and reducing agents are necessary, although the precise mechanism has not been clear. The reduction of iron is required for the release of iron from the ferric iron-biliverdin complex to complete total heme oxygenase reaction.  相似文献   

1. Succinate-cytochrome c reductase activity in rat liver decreased to about 60% of the control value after a single injection of cobalt or in a steady state of intoxication, but the activity in the spleen was unaltered. 2. Incorporation of radioactive glycine and 5-aminolevulinate into heme of the liver was markedly inhibited by cobalt treatment. 3. 5-Aminolevulinate synthase [EC] activity in the liver decreased to 40% of the control value 4 hr after cobalt injection, and completely recovered 20 hr later. Phenylhydrazine-induced 5-aminolevulinate synthase activity in the spleen was not decreased by cobalt injection. 4. Porphobilinogen synthase [EC] activity in the liver decreased and reached its minimum value (42% of the control) 12 hr after cobalt injection. On the other hand, the activity in the spleen showed a marked increase 24 hr after coblat injection. 5. Ferrochelatase [EC] activity in the liver was essentially unaltered by cobalt treatment, while the activity in the spleen was elevated dramatically after 24 hr. 6. Concentrations of cobalt after a single injection were about 0.3 mM and 0.03 mM in the liver and spleen, respectively. 7. Inhibitions of 5-aminolevulinate synthase and porphobilinogen synthase activities by cobalt in vitro were not as marked as expected from in vivo experiments.  相似文献   

A specific antibody was prepared against rat liver heme oxygenase which had been induced by bromobenzene treatment. Immunochemical studies with this antibody (IgG) revealed that heme oxygenases from livers of rats treated with hemin, Cd2+, Co2+, or bromobenzene from rat spleen and also from kidney of Sn2+-treated rats were all immunochemically identical. Cell-free synthesis of heme oxygenase was performed in a rabbit reticulocyte lysate system using polysomes isolated from livers of rats treated with either hemin, Cd2+, or bromobenzene, and it was found that translatable mRNA specific for heme oxygenase was actually increased in the liver of rats treated with any of those inducers. Also, the ability of liver polysomes to direct cell-free synthesis of heme oxygenase was apparently proportional to the activity of heme oxygenase in the liver from which polysomes were prepared. The heme oxygenase protein synthesized either in vivo or in vitro showed a molecular weight of 31,000 when examined by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide slab gel electrophoresis and fluorography. This value is essentially identical with the molecular weight of heme oxygenase purified from rat liver and indicates that a precursor form of heme oxygenase may not be involved in the heme oxygenase synthesis.  相似文献   

During the last decade, heme oxygenase (HO) and carbon monoxide (CO) have garnered substantial research interest in terms of cell and organ regulation, especially as they bear on the central nervous system, organ transplantation, and the cardiovascular system. While the enzymatic mechanism, substrates, and products of HO are well known, it is not clear whether the cardiovascular system derives its supply of the heme substrate through de novo synthesis or uptake from the extracellular milieu. The objective of the present study was to test the latter possibility in rat aorta and to determine the influence of plasma proteins that bind heme in vivo, viz. hemopexin and albumin. Aortic tissue was exposed to [14C]heme in vitro, and the concentration and time dependence of heme uptake was assessed. The presence of hemopexin or albumin in the incubation medium dramatically decreased heme uptake by the aorta. Heme uptake by aortic tissue was not altered after induction of HO-1, which would be expected to increase tissue heme demand. In summary, the rat, isolated aorta was capable of obtaining heme from its external milieu, but this was obtunded in the presence of the plasma proteins hemopexin or albumin. For normal physiological situations, heme uptake may not be a usual source of substrate for vascular HO and hemoenzymes such as nitric oxide synthase, soluble guanylyl cyclase, and cyclooxygenase.  相似文献   

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