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A semiquantitative assay was developed and used to measure the effects of immune responses against 16 independent non-H-2 antigenic loci on erythropoietic stem cells. The assay compares repopulation in genetically anemic WBB6F1-W/W recipients that have normal immune responses, and in lethally irradiated WBB6F1 +/+ mice whose immune responses are suppressed by the irradiation. The differences in repopulating ability between these two types of recipients measure how immune responses affect erythropoietic stem cells. Stem cell repopulating abilities for the cells with antigens specified by the Thy-1, H-1, H-24, Ly-1, H-37, and H-17 loci were affected slightly, if at all. Repopulating abilities were moderately reduced by responses against antigens specified by H-15, 16, Ea-2, and Ly-2, 3 loci, and against the differences between the B6 and B10 genotypes, although marrow of these types cured W/W recipients. A surprising result occurred for the antigen specified by the H-8 locus, in which immune responses strongly reduced repopulating abilities, although this type of marrow cell cured W/W recipients. A comparison of these results with skin graft survival times suggests that the antigens specified by the H-17 and H-24 loci are strongly immunogenic on skin but not on marrow stem cells, while those specified by the H-12 and H-8 loci are strongly immunogenic on marrow stem cells but not on skin.  相似文献   

Genetically anemicW/W v mice were cured by marrow allografts from donors of 13 out of 18 tested strains that differed at non-H-2 histocompatibility alleles defined by skin or tumor grafting. They were also cured by donors from all four tested congenic lines whose antigenic differences had been defined by induction of serum antibodies. They were not cured acrossH-2 differences. Tail skin graft survival times on uncuredW/W v recipients were determined for all congenic lines used as marrow donors. The longest and shortest skin graft survival times predicted correctly marrow graft success or failure. NoW/W v mice were cured by marrow grafts from donors of the three congenic lines whose skin grafts were rejected in fewer than three weeks. Almost everyW/W v mouse grafted was cured by marrow grafts from donors of the 13 congenic lines whose skin grafts survived longest, from 11 to more than 25 weeks. Intermediate skin graft survival times failed to predict whether marrow grafts would succeed.W/W v mice were cured by marrow from four congenic lines with mean skin graft survival times of 4.2, 4.4, 8, and 9 weeks, while marrow grafts failed from other congenic lines with mean skin graft survival times of 3.3, 3.4, 4.8, and 8.7 weeks. The simplest explanation for these results is that the antigens specified by theH-2, H-3, H-4, H-25, andH-28 loci are strongly immunogenic on both marrow precursor cells and skin,H-17 andH-24 are strongly immunogenic on skin but not on marrow, andH-12 is strongly immunogenic on marrow precursor cells but less strongly on skin.  相似文献   

The survival of minor H antigen-bearing skin grafts from donors congenic with C57BL/6 (B6) was compared in B6, B6D2, and AB6 hybrid recipients. In a case singled out for further study, B6 mice were found to reject HW 110 skin (H-28c antigen) rapidly, whereas B6D2 mice rejected HW110 skin much more slowly and variably. Both major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-linked and non-MHC genes appeared to affect the survival of HW110 strain skin grafts on B6 and B6D2 recipients. Results of several experiments appear to rule out the sharing of H-28° epitopes between donors and recipients as an explanation for the relatively poor response of B6D2 mice to HW 110 skin grafts. Experiments involving bone marrow chimeras produced by the reciprocal exchange of bone marrow between irradiated B6 and B6D2 mice suggest that bone marrow-derived donor cells and non-bone-marrow-derived host cells each contribute to the immune response phenotype with respect to the H-28° antigen. An attempt was made to determine whether B6D2 mice that failed to reject HW110 strain skin grafts possessed suppressor cells specific for the H-28c antigen. Spleen cells from poorly responsive B6D2 mice failed to suppress the rejection of HW 110 skin grafts when assayed in immunodeficient mice that were provided with cells from immune 136132 donors that were highly responsive to HW110 skin grafts.  相似文献   

TwoH-2 d mutants,H-2 dm2 (H-2L loss mutation) andH-2dm1 (gainplus-loss mutation involving bothH-2L andH-2D) were evaluated for any change in the immunogenicity of marrow stem cells. Grafts of 2 or 4 × 106 BALB/c(C) or BALB/c-H-2dm2 (C-H-2 dm 2) marrow cells were accepted by lethally irradiated B10.D2(H-2 d ) recipients and were rejected by irradiated B10(H-2 b ) recipients. Moreover, both (B6 × C)F1 and (B6 × C-H-2 dm 2)F1 mice, as irradiated recipients, resisted the growth of parental-strain B6(H-2 b ) marrow cells but accepted grafts from C or C-H-2 dm 2 parental-strain donors. Thus, theH-2 mutation involvingH-2L but notH-2D did not affect the expression ofH-2 d -associated Hemopoietic or Hybrid(Hh) antigens of marrow stem cells. Grafts of 2 to 8 × 106 B10.D2 or B10.D2-H-2 dm 1 marrow cells were rejected by B10.BR(H-2 k ) and B6 hosts and were accepted by B10.D2 hosts. However, B10.D2-H-2 dm 1 marrow cells grew to a much greater extent than B10.D2 cells in irradiated (B6 × B10.D2)F1 or (B6 × B10.D2-H-2 dm 1)F1 host mice. Therefore, theH-2 dm 1 mutation has altered the expression of Hh antigens at least quantitatively, resulting in a relative loss of hybrid resistance with the retention of Hh determinants recognized by allogeneic recipient mice which are notH-2 d . Since the Hh determinants of B10.D2 marrow cells have been mapped 16 cM to the right ofH-2, this mutation atH-2D/H-2L may have affected a regulatory gene.  相似文献   

The presence and origin of mast-cell precursors fixed in the skin tissue of mice were investigated. Giant granules of beige (C57BL/6-bgj/bgj, Chediak-Higashi syndrome) mice were used to distinguish different populations of mast cells. Pieces of the skin were grafted from the intact WBB6F1 (WB × C57BL/6)F1?+/+ mice onto the back of the WBB6F1?+/+ mice which had been irradiated and injected with bone marrow cells of C57BL/6-bgj/bjj mice (bgj/bgj ?+/+ chimeras). Although the number of mast cells in the skin grafts decreased after the transplantation, the mast-cell precursors circulating in the bloodstream of bgj/bgj ?+/+ chimeras (bgj/bgj type) did not seem to enter into the skin grafts, because most of mast cells were of +/+ type after the recovery of mast-cell number to pregrafting levels. As a considerable proportion of +/+-type mast cells was labeled with 3H-thymidine, the recovery of mast-cell number in the grafts was attributed to the proliferation and differentiation of +/+-type precursor cells fixed in the skin tissue of the donor. On the other hand, the skin of WBB6F1-W/Wv mice seemed to be depleted of fixed precursors, because most of mast cells were of bgj/bgj type in skin grafted from WBB6F1-W/Wv mice to bgj/bgj?+/+ chimeras. Since the fixed precursor cells which proliferate and differentiate into mast cells after skin grafting may be transferred to WBB6F1-W/Wv mice by bone marrow transplantation, such precursor cells seem to have been derived from the bone marrow.  相似文献   

Neonatal mouse heart fragments were grafted under the ear skin of adult recipients. Cardiac allograft survival was evaluated by visual observation of pulsation, electrocardiography, and histology. Employing a series of congenic resistant strains differing from C57BL/10Sn at theH-1, H-3,H-4, H-7, H-8, H-9, H-10, H-11, andH-12 loci, the median survival times of the heart grafts to and from C57BL/10Sn were obtained. The various interallelic combinations resulted in a wide variation of graft survival. Reciprocal transplants frequently showed different survival times.H-1 c grafts were rejected by B10.129(5M)/nSn female mice with a median survival time of 90 days.H-1 b grafts were not rejected by C57BL/10Sn mice for the experiment's duration of 200 days. The weaker the histocompatibility barrier, the more variable the survival times and the smaller the ratio of rejected to total grafted heart fragments. Female recipients were observed to reject their grafts more rapidly and to reject a higher proportion than males of the same strain. Although the strength of the different non-H-2 barriers generally paralleled that determined by skin transplants, the rankings of the strongest minor barriers were not the same for both tissues.  相似文献   

Skin graft rejection in congenic pairs of mice differing only at theH-2 complex appears to be influenced by at least 3 genes (H-2K, H-2D, H-2I); we now describe a fourth,H- 2IC: Grafts transplanted across anIC difference are sometimes rejected. TheI-C regions of three differentH-2 haplotypes (d,k,s) were studied in different combinations, and variable patterns emerged: (a)IC d : B10.S(7R) show delayed or no rejection of first B10.S(9R) grafts, but grafts to immunized recipients were usually rejected in 20 days; (b)IC k : in two combinations (A.AL A and B10.HTT B10.S[9R]) first grafts were rejected by day 30, although grafts to immunized mice showed a different pattern. In the third combination (B10.HTTB10.S[7R]) first grafts were retained but immunized mice rejected their grafts, (c)IC s : B10.S(9R) regularly reject B10.S(7R) first grafts, but immunized mice retain their grafts. In two other combinations first grafts were retained but grafts to immunized recipients were rejected; while in a third combination rejection did not occur at all. The background of the recipient appeared to be important in determining the variable pattern of rejection, and there is evidence for a similarity of the H-genes inIC s andIC k , and inIC k andIC p . Graft rejection occurred independently of known differences in Ia specificities, indicating thatH-2IC and the genes determining Ia specificities are probably different, although when grafts were performed in the presence of known la differences, graft rejection usually occurred.  相似文献   

A series of congenic mice on the BALB/c genetic background have been employed to localize a teratocarcinoma transplantation rejection locus, Gt-1, to the K side of the H-2 locus on chromosome 17. Previous studies have placed the Gt-1 sv allele about 8 centimorgans away from the H-2 b or H-2 bv1 locus. Teratocarcinomas derived from 129/sv mice, Gt-1 sv (H-2K bv1/H-2D bv1), are rejected by BALB/c (H-2K d/H-2Dd) and BALB-G mice (H-2K d/H2D-b, but form tumors in BALB-B (H-2K b/H2D b) and BALB/5R5 mice (H-2K b/H2D d). In the reciprocal tumor-rejection test, a BALB/c teratocarcinoma was rejected by immunized BALB·B mice, but formed tumors in the immunized isogenic BALB/c mouse. These studies demonstrate the reciprocal expression of two Gt-1 alleles, one Gt-1 c, in BALB/c mice, and the other, Gt-1 sv, in the congenic BALB·B mice. Shedlovsky and co-workers have placed the Gt-1 locus in a similar location on the K side of the H-2 locus on chromosome 17.  相似文献   

Erythrocyte producing tissues of genetically anemicW/W v mice were completely populated and the anemic mice were permanently cured by marrow cell grafts from donors that differed at theEa-2 locus. Circulating erythrocytes contained ≧ 80% donor Ea-2 antigen and ≧ 90% donor hemoglobin. Population occurred without immunosuppressive treatment. No sign of graft-versus-host reaction was observed, although donors were congenic with one parent strain of the F1 hybrid recipients. When partially congenic donors carrying the T6 chromosome marker were used, the immune systems of curedW-anemic mice were populated to an appreciable extent by donor cells. The dependence of cure upon route of injection and the persistence of functioning donor type cells across the strong immunological barrier of the Ea-2 system are discussed.  相似文献   

When hematopoietic cells of congenic +/+ mice were injected into the skin of genetically mast-cell-depleted (WB × C57BL/6)F1-W/Wv mice, mast cells appeared at the injection site. The donor origin of developing mast cells was confirmed by using granules of C57BL/6-bgl/bgl mice as a marker. When the number of injected cells was decreased, the proportion of injection sites at which mast cells did not appear increased according to the expected frequency of null response in a Poisson distribution. Therefore, such proportions were used to calculate the concentration of mast-cell precursors in the bone marrow, spleen, and peripheral blood. The relative concentration of mast-cell precursors in these tissues was similar to that of spleen-colony-forming cells. The present method seems useful as a semiquantitative in vivo assay for a population of progenitor cells which are committed to differentiate into mast cells.  相似文献   

The courses of visceral infection following intravenous injection of Leishmania donovani amastigotes, or lesion growth following subcutaneous injection of L. major promastigotes, were examined in B10.129(IOM) (H-2 b, H-11 b) mice and compared with disease profiles observed in congenic C57BL/10ScSn(=B10) (H-2 b, H-11 a) and B10.D2/n (H-2 d, H-11 a) mice, and in BALB/mice. Possession of alternative alleles at H-11 and closely linked loci transformed the normal curing/healing phenotype of B 10 mice into a characteristically different noncuring/nonhealing phenotype affecting both visceral and subcutaneous infections in B10.129(10M) mice. In reciprocal radiation bone marrow chimeras made between the congenic B10 and B10.129(10M) strains, both cure and noncure phenotypes were transferable with the donor hematopoietic system. Although it was possible to demonstrate transfer of suppression with T-enriched spleen cells from day 61 L. donovani-infected B10.129(10M) donor mice into 550 rad syngeneic recipients, the pretreatment of mice with sublethal irradiation did not, as in the earlier studies of Scl-controlled L. major nonhealing or H-2-controlled L. donovani noncure phenotypes, have a clear or consistent prophylactic effect. Together with the progressive disease profile observed even for L. donovani at low parasite doses this suggests that, despite their ability to develop initial delayed-type hypersensitivity reactions to parasite antigen early in L. major infection, B10.129(10M) mice possess some inherent defect in ability to mount a cell-mediated response effective at the level of macrophage antileishmanial activity in vivo even when suppressor T cells are not generated. Further elucidation of this characteristically different noncuring/nonhealing phenotype may provide important insight into common events involved in the development of the cell-mediated immune response to both visceral and subcutaneous forms of leishmaniasis.  相似文献   

Rejection of tailskin grafts exchanged between two male hybrids of the cross B10.M × B10.RIII(71NS) revealed a mutation in theH-2 f haplotype from the B10.M congenic line. Complementation studies with skin grafting and cell-mediated lympholysis showed the mutant, namedH-2 fb , to be different from anotherH-2 f mutant,H-2 fa , and further, that the HH-2 fb mutation occurred in theD end of theH-2 complex. Reciprocal skin grafts exchanged between mutant and normal mice were rejected. Hemagglutinating antibody reactive with B10.M cells was raised in the mutant mice. Mutant spleen cells responded weakly, but significantly, to wild-type cells in a mixed lymphocyte culture and in a graftversus-host assay, but no response was seen in the opposite direction. However, cytotoxic effector cells were generated against target cells in both directions in a cell-mediated lympholysis assay.  相似文献   

Two new double congenic strains, B10-H-2 a H-7 b /Wts and B10-H-2 d H-7 b /Wts, were selected to differ from B10.A and B10.D2/o, respectively, at theH-7 locus. The survival time ofH-7-incompatible skin grafts is dependent upon theH-2 haplotype of recipient and donor.  相似文献   

This study describes the levels of interleukin-1 alpha (IL-1α), tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFα) and interleukin-6 (IL-6) in the sera and parenchymal organs of various congenic mouse strains infected with Borrelia garinii. A significant elevation of inflammatory cytokine levels was found in the organs of C3H/HeN (H-2k) and B10.BR (H-2k) mice but not in those of BALB/c mice (H-2d). Focally produced cytokines can contribute to antimicrobial defense against these organisms. High levels of IL-1α were observed in the sera of C3H/HeN, B10.BR and B10 (H-2b) mice infected with B. garinii and they were associated with the presence of spirochetes in the skin. Thus, susceptible mice demonstrated a stronger cytokine response than resistant mice. This study presents in vivo evidence that B. garinii infection affects the immunopathogenesis of Lyme disease.  相似文献   

Single gene control of resistance to cutaneous leishmaniasis in mice   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
A series of inbred, congenic resistant, and hybrid strains of mice were intradermally inoculated with 106 promastigotes of Leishmania tropica. These mice were divided into susceptible and resistant groups using the criteria of lesion size, development of metastatic foci and skin-test reactivity. At 16 weeks of infection, resistant strains A/J, DBA/1J, AKR/J, CBA/J, C3H/HeJ, NZB/BINJ, C57BL/6J, C57BL/10Sn, B10.D2, B10.129(10M), and B10.CE(30NX) had completely resolved their lesions, while susceptible SWR/J and BALB/cJ mice demonstrated large, nonhealing cutaneous lesions. In addition, BALB/cJ developed metastatic lesions on the extremities which progressively increased in size. All BALB/cJ and SWR/J mice died by 7 1/2 months of infection. The BALB/cJ x C57BL/6JF1 hybrid behaved in an intermediate fashion showing a slower expansion of cutaneous ulcers and a delayed development of metastatic foci, however, the infection ultimately proved fatal. The F2 generation could be separated into three distinct groups: resistant, intermediate, and susceptible mice with a lesion size distribution pattern in conformity with a 1:2:1 ratio. Male/female susceptibility differences were not noted. These data indicated that development of acquired resistance may be under the control of a single, autosomal gene. The gene did not appear to be H-2-, Ir-2-, or H-11-linked as is seen with Leishmania donovani infections.  相似文献   

Genes outside of the mouse major histocompatibility complex (H-2) were found to be capable of specifically reversing the previously described nonresponsiveness to hen egg-white lysozyme (HEL) owing to H-2 b immune response (Ir) genes. C3H.SW, BALB.B, and C57L, all of the H-2 b haplotype, showed responsiveness to HEL, but not to human lysozyme (H UL). Mapping of the reversing gene(s) was attempted by testing H-2 b recombinant inbred (RI) strains of mice carrying C3H, BALB, and C57L non-H-2 b genes. Analysis of the strain distribution pattern of responsiveness with both CXB and BXH RI strains was consistent with the location of the responsible site within the H-3 region on chromosome 2. The anti-HEL proliferative responsiveness in two H-3 congenic strains of mice, B10.C(28NX) SN and B10.C-H-3 cH-3 a , that have BALB/c genes within the H-3 region confirmed the mapping, as well as localized the reversing gene(s) near the Ir-2 gene. The data are discussed with regard to the site of expression of the reversing gene(s) and its mechanism of action.Abbreviations used in this paper MHC major histocompatibility complex - HEL hen egg-white lysozyme - Ir immune response gene - HUL human lysozyme - SDP strain distribution pattern - PFC plaque-forming cells; 2 m, 2-microglobulin - CFA complete Freund's adjuvant - PT-LN parathymic lymph nodes - RI recombinant inbred mice  相似文献   

The line B6.M505 is congenic with C57BL/6JY and carries a mutant form of theH-2 b haplotype designatedH-2 bd . The mutant site 505 was located by the F1 tests in theK end of theH-2 gene complex. The M505 mice are histoincompatible with the B6.C(Hz1) line (haplotypeH-2 ba ) carrying another mutation in theK end ofH-2 b . Inability of M505 to complement Hz1 in tests with B6 skin grafting is considered as an evidence that the same gene was altered by both mutations. The gained H antigens of two mutants can cross-react in vivo as revealed by accelerated rejection of Hz1 skin grafts by B6 recipients presensitized with M505 spleen cells. The lost antigenic determinants are not identical as shown by accelerated rejection of B6 skin grafts by Hz1 hosts preimmunized with M505 spleen cells. Absorptions of the antiserum ASY-015, (d×a) anti-i, anti-H-2.33 with M505 spleen cells did not clear forH-2 i ,H-2 b andH-2 ba , and absorptions with Hz1 did not clear forH-2 i ,H-2 b , andH-2 bd . These results show that changes of histocompatibility determinants may be accompanied by loss of some haptenic determinants in the Hz1 and M505 mutations.  相似文献   

Genetic analysis of theT-H-2 region in non-t Chromosomes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A general breeding protocol useful in the construction of congenic lines of mice disparate in the 15 cMT-H-2 region of chromosome 17 in non-t chromosomes is described. Two such congenic lines, B6.TC2/Rn and B6.TC3/Rn, were derived from the C57BL/6J and B6.C-H-2 d/By strains using this protocol. Both B6.TC2 and B6.TC3 dissociate the quantitative activity locus for glyoxalase I (Qglo-1) from theH-2 complex, and hence possess BALB/cBy DNA centromeric toH-2. However, neither new strain is able to map anyH-2-associated restriction fragment length polymorphism with anH-2 cDNA probe even though both strains are recombinant in the 2 cMQglo-1-H-2K interval.  相似文献   

The tight linkage between the H-4 histocompatibility locus and the pink-eyed dilute (p) locus raises the possibility that a single gene is responsible for both a histocompatibility antigen and coat color phenotype. To examine this possibility, we have investigated the effects of a spontaneous coat color mutation, pink-eyed unstable (p un ), which occurred at the p locus in the C57BL/6J inbred strain, on histocompatibility antigen phenotype. Skin grafts were transplanted from two independently maintained B6 p un substrains to coisogenic, wild-type C57BL/6 recipients; graft rejection uniformly commenced at 6–7 weeks but did not culminate in complete graft destruction as observed in other cases of crisis rejection. Neither the onset of rejection time nor the intensity of rejection could be accelerated by introducing new H-2 haplotypes into the wild-type recipients. These results suggested that the p un allele was associated with a histocompatibility antigen not shared with C57BL/6. The p un allele is characterized by a relatively high frequency of reversion to wild-type. Therefore, skin grafts from B6-p un donors were transplanted to homozygous, revertant (+/+) recipients which were subline-matched with the donors; these grafts underwent crisis rejection with the same time of onset of rejection as observed with C57BL/6 recipients. These observations indicate that a new histocompatibility antigen is associated with the p un mutation and is lost upon reversion to wild type; this association is the first demonstration of a link between histocompatibility and coat color phenotypes.  相似文献   

Mixed lymphocyte reaction (MLR) stimulation by purified T and B lymphocytes and thymocytes was studied. The MLR gene products involved were localized to theH-2 complex by the use of congenic mice differing atH-2, and to loci within theH-2 complex through the use of congenic mice bearing recombinant chromosome 17. Stimulation by T cells was investigated in detail. The role of small amounts of contaminating B lymphocytes, and that of backstimulation, was found to be of minor importance. T cells and thymocytes stimulated as well as or better than B cells in combinations differing in theI, S, and possibly parts of theD end, thus suggesting that these genetic regions control cell-surface products expressed on both T and B lymphocyte populations.Abbreviations used in this paper are MLR mixed lymphocyte reaction - GVHR graft-versus-host reaction - CML cell-mediated lympholysis - Thy-1 the gene for the T-cell antigens, synonymous with - Thy-1.1 synonym for AKR - Thy-1.2 synonym for C3H - MHC major histocompatibility complex - Ir genes immune response genes linked to the MHC - LPS E. coli 055.35 lipopolysaccharide For the genetic nomenclature of theH-2 complex (H-2K, H-2D, I, S, D regions,Ia, etc.) see Kleinet al. 1974, and Shreffleret al. 1974.  相似文献   

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