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Chlorophyll a (Chl a) fluorescence-temperature profile in the region of 20–80°C was recorded for fourteen different plant species. In all the species studied, there was a rise in the fluorescence intensity in the region of 45–50°C and around 55°C the fluorescence intensity started to decline. In four of the species (Acacia melanoxylon, Ervatamia montana, Eucalyptus tertecornius and Azardicta indica) tested, there was a secondary rise in the fluorescence intensity around 65–70°C whereas in all other species a sharp decline in the fluorescence intensity was observed at this point. These changes in the fluorescence intensity at high temperatures (65–70°C) appear to be species specific and cannot be explained either in terms of changes in the stoichiometry between the two photosystems or in terms of Chl a fluorescence emission from photosystem I (PS I) at higher temperatures. This conclusion is supported by following observations: (1) there was no definite correlation between the Chl a/Chl b ratio and the pattern of fluorescence-temperature profile at high temperatures; (2) the sun and shade plants of the same species had a similar pattern of fluorescence-temperature profile; and (3) preferential excitation of PS I did not alter the fluorescence-temperature profile.Abbreviations Chl chlorophyll - PS photosystem  相似文献   

Increase of the beta sheet content and aggregation of concanavalin A (con A) induced at about 60 C were followed with circular dichroism (c.d.) and scattered light intensity (I90) on both metal-complexed and demetallized species. The conversion occurred at a higher temperature for metal-complexed species than for demetallized one. A concentration-independent conversion curve of metal-complexed species, obtained for a concentration range below around 6 microgram/ml (6 x 10(-3) kg m-3) with a midpoint at 57 degrees C, was well described in terms of a conformational equilibrium between two conformers. However, aggregation did exist even at a low concentration of 1 microgram/ml. Aggregation also occurred without the conformational change as found at the initial stage or in Tris buffer, which suggested the absence of direct coupling between the conformational change and the aggregation. Changes of c.d. at 222 nm, expected to represent the main chain conformation, differed from those at 290 nm reflecting the environment of side chain chromophores. Time courses of three properties examined, c.d. at 222 nm, at 290 nm, and I90, always exhibited a lag in the case of metal-complexed species while the lag was not observed in the case of demetallized species, however. Lag became longer in c.d. but it became shorter in I90 as the protein concentration increased.  相似文献   

Seaweed beds play a key role in providing essential habitats and energy to coastal areas, with enhancements in productivity and biodiversity and benefits to human societies. However, the spatial extent of seaweed beds around Japan has decreased due to coastal reclamation, water quality changes, rising water temperatures, and heavy grazing by herbivores. Using monthly mean sea surface temperature (SST) data from 1960 to 2099 and SST‐based indices, we quantitatively evaluated the effects of warming seawater on the spatial extent of suitable versus unsuitable habitats for temperate seaweed Ecklonia cava, which is predominantly found in southern Japanese waters. SST data were generated using the most recent multiple climate projection models and emission scenarios (the Representative Concentration Pathways or RCPs) used in the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project phase 5 (CMIP5). In addition, grazing by Siganus fuscescens, an herbivorous fish, was evaluated under the four RCP simulations. Our results suggest that continued warming may drive a poleward shift in the distribution of E. cava, with large differences depending on the climate scenario. For the lowest emission scenario (RCP2.6), most existing E. cava populations would not be impacted by seawater warming directly but would be adversely affected by intensified year‐round grazing. For the highest emission scenario (RCP8.5), previously suitable habitats throughout coastal Japan would become untenable for E. cava by the 2090s, due to both high‐temperature stress and intensified grazing. Our projections highlight the importance of not only mitigating regional warming due to climate change, but also protecting E. cava from herbivores to conserve suitable habitats on the Japanese coast.  相似文献   

Thermodynamic models show that the loss of intracellular water from human erythrocytes during freezing depends heavily upon the water conductivity of the erythrocyte membrane. These calculations, which are based on the simple extrapolation of ambient conductivity data to subzero temperatures, show that more than 95% of cell water is transferable during freezing, whereas experiments show that at least 20% of cell water is retained. A study of the effects of different published values for the membrane water conductivity on cell water retained during freezing shows that this discrepancy may be a consequence of the simple extrapolation procedure.For a homogeneous membrane system, absolute reaction rate theory was used to develop a surface-limited permeation model that includes the resistance to the flow of water not only through the interior region of the membrane but also across possible rate-limiting barriers at the solution-membrane interfaces. The model shows that it is unlikely that a single ratelimiting process dominates water transport in the red cell as it is being cooled from ambient to subzero temperatures. The effective membrane conductivity at subzero temperatures could possibly be much lower than a simple extrapolation of existing data would predict. With the aid of this model analytical predictions of intracellular water during freezing are more consistent with experimental observations.  相似文献   

Gramicidin A (GA) in absolute ethanol (AE) at concentrations (c), below 0.01 g/100 ml, failed to sediment but sedimented normally in ethanol-water mixtures (EWM). The apparent partial specific volume, φ, increased on decreasing c in AE but no increase was observed in EWM, where it remained around φ=0.83. These results indicate that GA solutions consist of an equilibrium system containing species differing in volume. This behavior may help to explain the biological mechanism of action of GA.  相似文献   

While it has been widely proven that many lichens are extremely freeze-tolerant in the dry state, little is known about how moist lichens respond to freezing under oxic and anoxic conditions. In circumpolar areas where lichens are an important component of boreal and Arctic ecosystems, winter climate is changing, leading to increased frequency of winter thaw and ground-icing events. It is imperative to elucidate in further detail how northern vegetation responds to being encapsulated in ice. A winter icing simulation experiment was therefore undertaken, encapsulating two reindeer lichens (Cladonia stellaris and Cladonia rangiferina) and two epiphytic lichens (Parmeliopsis ambigua and Melanohalea olivacea) in ice at temperatures just below freezing for a maximum period of 98 d. Photosynthetic and chlorophyll fluorescence rates decreased strongly, clearly suggesting that the algal partner of the lichens was dying. Low but detectable respiration rates indicate that the fungal partner maintained some physiological activity. Ethanol accumulated in the lichens during ice encapsulation as a result of anaerobic respiration. The algae probably were dying from a combination of depletion of carbon reserves and toxic levels of ethanol and other stress metabolites. This experiment shows that boreal and Arctic-alpine lichens are sensitive to a warmer and more fluctuating winter climate. Increasing frequency of winter icing events may therefore have extensive and hitherto unknown effects on lichen-dominated ecosystems, their herbivores and the indigenous peoples whose livelihoods largely depend on them.  相似文献   

Late Pliocene climate changes have long been implicated in environmental changes and mammalian evolution in Africa, but high-resolution examinations of the fossil and climatic records have been hampered by poor sampling. By using fossils from the well-dated Shungura Formation (lower Omo Valley, northern Turkana Basin, southern Ethiopia), we investigate palaeodietary changes in one bovid and in one suid lineage from 3 to 2 Ma using stable isotope analysis of tooth enamel. Results show unexpectedly large increases in C4 dietary intake around 2.8 Ma in both the bovid and suid, and possibly in a previously reported hippopotamid species. Enamel δ13C values after 2.8 Ma in the bovid (Tragelaphus nakuae) are higher than recorded for any living tragelaphin, and are not expected given its conservative dental morphology. A shift towards increased C4 feeding at 2.8 Ma in the suid (Kolpochoerus limnetes) appears similarly decoupled from a well-documented record of dental evolution indicating gradual and progressive dietary change. The fact that two, perhaps three, disparate Pliocene herbivore lineages exhibit similar, and contemporaneous changes in dietary behaviour suggests a common environmental driver. Local and regional pollen, palaeosol and faunal records indicate increased aridity but no corresponding large and rapid expansion of grasslands in the Turkana Basin at 2.8 Ma. Our results provide new evidence supporting ecological change in the eastern African record around 2.8 Ma, but raise questions about the resolution at which different ecological proxies may be comparable, the correlation of vegetation and faunal change, and the interpretation of low δ13C values in the African Pliocene.  相似文献   

The effect of temperature on the community structure of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria was investigated in three different meadow soils. Two of the soils (OMS and GMS) were acidic (pH 5.0 to 5.8) and from sites in Germany with low annual mean temperature (about 10 degrees C), while KMS soil was slightly alkaline (pH 7.9) and from a site in Israel with a high annual mean temperature (about 22 degrees C). The soils were fertilized and incubated for up to 20 weeks in a moist state and as a buffered (pH 7) slurry amended with urea at different incubation temperatures (4 to 37 degrees C). OMS soil was also incubated with less fertilizer than the other soils. The community structure of ammonia oxidizers was analyzed before and after incubation by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) of the amoA gene, which codes for the alpha subunit of ammonia monooxygenase. All amoA gene sequences found belonged to the genus Nitrosospira. The analysis showed community change due to temperature both in moist soil and in the soil slurry. Two patterns of community change were observed. One pattern was a change between the different Nitrosospira clusters, which was observed in moist soil and slurry incubations of GMS and OMS. Nitrosospira AmoA cluster 1 was mainly detected below 30 degrees C, while Nitrosospira cluster 4 was predominant at 25 degrees C. Nitrosospira clusters 3a, 3b, and 9 dominated at 30 degrees C. The second pattern, observed in KMS, showed a community shift predominantly within a single Nitrosospira cluster. The sequences of the individual DGGE bands that exhibited different trends with temperature belonged almost exclusively to Nitrosospira cluster 3a. We conclude that ammonia oxidizer populations are influenced by temperature. In addition, we confirmed previous observations that N fertilizer also influences the community structure of ammonia oxidizers. Thus, Nitrosospira cluster 1 was absent in OMS soil treated with less fertilizer, while Nitrosospira cluster 9 was only found in the sample given less fertilizer.  相似文献   

A method for determining apoprotein B specific activity in radioiodinated lipoproteins is described and validated. It utilizes organic solvents and tetramethylurea in the isolation of apoprotein B from other radiolabeled contaminants, both lipid and protein, in exogenously labeled VLDL. The contaminants are also removed from those lipoprotein classes subsequently derived from VLDL, namely IDL and LDL. The procedure requires approximately 50 microgram of apoB per analysis, allowing specific activity determinations in triplicate on 3-ml plasma samples with a standard error of less than 6%. Finally, data from a study of apoprotein B turnover in VLDL, IDL, and LDL in a human subject is presented to demonstrate the potential of this method in further elucidating the kinetic interrelationships between these lipoprotein classes.  相似文献   

Skin temperatures were measured on three Quechua Indian infants resident at 4,000 meters above sea level in Peru. Nape temperatures were warmer than other skin sites, suggesting that the brown adipose tissue associated with non-shivering thermogenesis is metabolically active despite the reduced oxygen availability at high altitude. The question of the role of non-shivering thermogenesis in infant thermoregulation under the covariant stresses of hypoxia and cold is still open.  相似文献   

By carrying out oligonucleotide-directed mutagenesis, in vitro, on a 3.3 kb XhoI-HindIII fragment from Moloney murine leukaemia virus Mo-MuLV proviral DNA, inserted into the phagemid pTZ19R, nine separate fragments have been prepared in which mutations have been inserted at and around the gag-pol gene junction. Using these mutant fragments Mo-MuLV proviral DNA has been reassembled and cloned into pBR322. Examination of the mutant proviral DNAs in mouse culture cells indicates that a terminator codon at the gag-pol junction is essential for function, but any of the three chain terminator codons gives an active virus. Also the region of secondary structure surrounding the terminator codon must be preserved.  相似文献   

Small polythene tents were used to simulate the effects of climate warming on two contrasting vegetation types (polar semi-desert and tundra heath) at Ny Ålesund, Spitzbergen, Svalbard. Temperature microclimates are compared within and without tents and between sites with contrasting vegetation types. Summer temperatures were increased by about 5°C in the vegetation mat and by about 2°C in the soil at 3 cm depth. Cumulative day degrees above zero were enhanced by around 35% in the vegetation and by around 9% in the soil. Soil temperatures were greatly influenced by the nature of the overlying vegetation, which at one of the sites appeared to act as an efficient thermal insulator, preventing heat conductance into the soil from above and enhancing thermal contact between the upper soil layer and the cooling permafrost below. The significance of the observed temperature differences for the ecology of the plants and invertebrates is discussed.  相似文献   

波动温度下罗非鱼特定腐败菌生长动力学模型和货架期预测   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
研究了0℃~15℃范围的波动温度条件下,有氧贮藏养殖罗非鱼的特定腐败菌-假单胞菌的生长动力学模型及其对剩余货架期预测的适用性。由Belehradek方程建立了温度对假单胞菌生长动力学影响的数学模型,在设计的两种波动温度条件下假单胞菌生长动力学模型的预测值,与波动温度贮藏罗非鱼中假单胞菌生长的实测值比较,偏差度在0.906~0.942之间,准确度在1.13~1.19之间。以假单胞菌生长动力学模型预测的剩余货架期,与波动温度贮藏罗非鱼的感官、VBN和假单胞菌数评价获得的实测剩余货架期相比较,相对误差分别为5.9%和-9.1%。显示在贮藏温度波动的情况下,假单胞菌生长动力学模型同样可以快速可靠地实时预测0℃~15℃贮藏的罗非鱼剩余货架期。  相似文献   

To evaluate the reserve dynamics in pine needles, an index of specific needle weight (SNW; dry weight per unit length of needles) was provided. Developed needles ofPinus thunbergii did not show any additional elongation in their second year. Thus the seasonal change in SNW of developed needles was proved to indicate the dynamics of reserves in needles. SNW showed distinct seasonal change. It increased from autumn to carly spring, followed by a decrease by mid summer. This pattern of change was similar to the change in specific leaf weight (SLW) of evergreen broad leaves in temperate regions. It was concluded that the change in SNW indicated clearly the dynamics of reserves in needles, showing the accumulation in non-growth seasons and the consumption in subsequent growth seasons. The decrease in SNW during the growth season was 10–15% of the maximum found in early spring.  相似文献   

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