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In spitting spiders Scytodes globula collected in the field, anterior leg loss was more frequent on the left than on the right side, possibly as an outcome of predatory episodes. A laboratory study was performed in which intact adult females of S. globula were placed with individuals from three species of recluse spiders, Loxosceles intermedia, L. gaucho, and L. laeta. The frequency of probing touches by spitting spiders to their prey was significantly higher with left leg I than with right leg I. Left leg II and right leg II also differed in touching frequency, but in a less marked way. The results, which may represent the first evidence of behavioral laterality in a spider species, suggest that behavioral asymmetry may be an ancient evolutionary trait.  相似文献   

The analysis of collaborative predation sequences performed by groups of 10 individuals (females) in a nonterritorial permanent-social spider, A. eximius, shows that prey-captures are organized in successive steps. Spiders begin by throwing sticky silk, which hinders the prey in the web; they then throw dry silk, which completes the immobilization of the prey. The third step is characterized by bites that paralyze the prey that will be then carried. A concordance test reveals a coordination of the individual's acts that explains the collaborative prey-capture efficiency. No individual specialization in one type of act has been shown. On the contrary, by using living preys or artificially dead vibrated preys, we show that all individuals have equipotential behaviors. Furthermore, each spider is able to adjust its behavior to the state of the prey. Individuals already involved in prey transportation can again display bites or sticky silk throwing if the prey is artificially vibrated. This mechanism, which corresponds to stimergic processes responsible for self-organized phenomena, already described in social insects, permits a coordination of individual acts without the recourse of direct communication. These results permit us to understand better how individuals coordinate their acts and lead us to support the hypothesis that the transition between solitary species and social species in spiders could have been sudden.  相似文献   

Behavioral plasticity marks an individual's ability to modulate behavior across functional contexts. Behavioral syndromes, on the other hand, appear as consistent individual variation in behavior that is both repeatable for individuals within a functional context (e.g., consistent voracity toward prey) and correlated across contexts (e.g., high voracity toward prey and high levels of boldness toward enemies). Thus, adaptive plasticity and syndromes represent two extremes of a behavioral plasticity continuum upon which most behavioral phenotypes fall. We tested for both adaptive plasticity and behavioral syndromes in the western black widow spider, Latrodectus hesperus. We measured behavior in three contexts: startle, startle + prey, and startle + mate, and found (1) classic behaviorally plastic responses to predation risk, (2) high repeatability of behavior within contexts, and (3) evidence of a correlation between startle + prey and startle + mate contexts, indicative of a behavioral syndrome. As relative behavioral plasticity may vary across populations, we also compared urban and desert populations to test whether spiders from these habitats exhibit different behaviors and/or behavioral syndromes. While we found that urban males used in mating trials courted urban females significantly more than desert females, we found no other differences in the behavior of urban and desert black widows. Thus, black widows, regardless of habitat, are characterized by both context‐specific behavioral plasticity and across‐context correlations, presenting a phenotypic complexity that is likely exhibited, to varying degrees, by most organisms.  相似文献   

我们用经典的Sherrington模型构建了一个以食物环境为输入,果蝇产卵行为为输出的神经行为学模型,并且对这个模型的敏感性以及可塑性进行了探索性研究.通过给果蝇提供不同的食物成分和浓度,我们发现,果蝇在不同浓度的食物上产卵量有明显偏好差异,并表现出很好的敏感性和稳定性.而当阻断了果蝇的嗅觉感受神经元后,产卵的浓度偏好受到了影响.另一方面,我们用经典条件化的学习方式对果蝇的产卵行为进行训练后,发现果蝇也可以学会将光照条件和产卵行为偶联起来.这也证明了这个模型具有很好的可塑性.这个模型将为今后进一步研究果蝇食物偏好、产卵行为、条件化学习等的神经和分子机制奠定良好的基础.  相似文献   

In this study, we present evidence that the larvae of Acrobasis vaccinii (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), a species that feeds on cranberry fruit, are able to take into account at least three cues (fruit size, fruit color, and the distance between fruits) when searching for food. In laboratory experiments, the relative impact of each cue depended on which cues were presented in a given bioassay. Fruit color was the dominant cue in some contexts (e.g., larvae showed a significant perference for green fruit over red ones regardless of fruit size when fruits were equidistant from the larvae) but not in others (e.g., when given a choice between a large red fruit placed close to the larvae and a small green fruit placed farther away, a significantly higher proportion of larvae chose the former). This plasticity in foraging behavior allows larvae to maximize foraging efficiency under conditions of differing fruit and larval densities, which this species experiences in nature.  相似文献   

Spider (Araneae) populations in hayfields and pastures in northern Iceland   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract: Surface‐living spiders were collected in pitfall traps over a 1‐year period in three unimproved pastures and three managed hayfields in northern Iceland, located on sandy, silty and peaty soil. On each of the six fields, six pitfall traps were placed and emptied approximately once a week during summer season, but two traps at longer intervals during winter season. During the summer season, the number of spider specimens was significantly higher in sand than in silt, with peat soil in an intermediate position. Annual management of hayfields includes fertilization, hay cutting and occasional grazing. A total of 22 spider species were collected in the pastures and only 17 in the hayfields. However, the total number of specimens was not significantly different between the two. All spider species were more abundant in pastures than hayfields, with the exception of Erigone atra Blackwall, 1883 and Erigone arctica (White, 1852). These two species dominated the hayfields, together composing 79% of the spider population there, followed by Allomengea scopigera (Grube, 1859) with 7%. The dominance of E. atra in hayfields is related to fertile soils and high‐yielding grass species, which might lead to an increase in certain Collembola species which serve as an important feed for this spider species. However, Tenuiphantes mengei (Kulczyński, 1887) dominated the pastures, representing 22% of the spider population, followed by A. scopigera, Pardosa sphagnicola (Dahl, 1908) and E. atra composing 17, 13 and 12% of the spider population, respectively. E. atra had two abundance peaks, a large peak in early spring (3.7 specimens/day in hayfields), and a smaller peak in early summer, while abundance was much lower the rest of the year. Tenuiphantes mengei had two distinct abundance peaks, one in early summer (0.7 specimens/day in pastures) and another in the autumn, while A. scopigera was almost entirely found in the autumn (1.0 specimens/day in pastures). In general, winter abundance was low, 0.2 specimens/day, compared with 4.4 specimens/day in summer season. In early winter, T. mengei dominated (43% of the spider population), while E. atra dominated in mid‐ and late winter composing 47 and 80% of the spider population respectively.  相似文献   

Due to rapid advances in genetic engineering, small rodents have become the preferred subjects in many disciplines of biomedical research. In studies of chronic CNS disorders, there is an increasing demand for murine models with high validity at the behavioral level. However, multiple pathogenic mechanisms and complex functional deficits often impose challenges to reliably measure and interpret behavior of chronically sick mice. Therefore, the assessment of peripheral pathology and a behavioral profile at several time points using a battery of tests are required. Video-tracking, behavioral spectroscopy, and remote acquisition of physiological measures are emerging technologies that allow for comprehensive, accurate, and unbiased behavioral analysis in a home-base-like setting. This report describes a refined phenotyping protocol, which includes a custom-made monitoring apparatus (Integrated Behavioral Station, INBEST) that focuses on prolonged measurements of basic functional outputs, such as spontaneous activity, food/water intake and motivated behavior in a relatively stress-free environment. Technical and conceptual improvements in INBEST design may further promote reproducibility and standardization of behavioral studies.  相似文献   

Abstract: A radioimmunoassay (RIA) using 125I-labeled antigen was developed for the quantitative determination of two goldfish brain proteins (ependymins β and γ). The proteins were isolated from the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and cells of the ependymal zone surrounding goldfish brain ventricles. The turnover rates of β and γ were previously shown to be specifically enhanced after the animals successfully acquired a new pattern of swimming behavior. Femtomole quantities of ependymin β were measurable by the RIA. In applications of the assay, β and γ ependymins were found to have common immunological properties, since 125I-β-antigen bound to antibody could be displaced by unlabeled ependymin γ as well as ependymin β but not by a variety of other proteins including several purified glycoproteins isolated from goldfish brain. The ependymins were shown to constitute 14% of the total protein content of the brain extracellular fluid and also to be present as a minor component of the serum proteins (0.3%). Ependymins β and γ have an immunological reactivity in these fractions that can be increased by a factor of 30 on heating. The data suggest that the antigenicity of the molecules is highly masked, and that it may require some unraveling of the quaternary structure of the proteins before maximal interaction with the antisera becomes possible.  相似文献   

Male Micrathena gracilis require two copulations, separated by a dismount, in order to inseminate both reproductive tracts of the female. We examined several factors that might influence a male's copulatory success. Web structure influenced male courtship and dismount tactics, but not copulatory frequency. The presence of another male reduced the likelihood of a given male copulating with both tracts, a limitation mediated by sexual responsiveness of the female. Mating status of the female did influence copulatory frequency; males were less likely to copulate a second time with nonvirgin females. In summary, males modify mating activities to reduce predation by females, to reduce intermale competition, and to avoid expending gametes when there is little chance of fertilization. Females influence males by predatory activities, mediated through web structure, and enhancing sperm competition among males.  相似文献   

Diurnal and nocturnal activity patterns shown by different species will strongly determine the characteristics of signals as well as the sensory channels used during sexual interactions. Despite this, few studies have experimentally tested the effects of lighting and time of day on courtship characteristics in arthropods. Previous studies have shown that the wolf spider Schizocosa malitiosa can be active during the day or at night. We tested whether the period of the day affects the sexual behavior of S. malitiosa, by pairing males and females under diurnal or nocturnal conditions. We carried out mating trials in diurnal and nocturnal conditions in arenas containing female refuges. In diurnal conditions, male leg shaking behavior occurred at higher rates and consisted of greater leg raising angles relatively to nocturnal conditions. We did not find differences in mounts and mount latency between both experimental groups. In nocturnal conditions, female attacks and emergence from refuges were higher. Also, although mount occurrence did not differ between the two treatments, mounts inside the refuge were more frequent in diurnal conditions. Results suggest behavioral flexibility in male courtship and female receptivity responses relative to the time of the day.  相似文献   

I studied the feeding behavior and diet of the carangid jack Caranx latus in a subtropical reef at Búzios Island on the southeastern Brazilian coast. Caranx latus foraged alone or in small groups of up to three individuals during daytime employing two main feeding styles: searching for prey while swimming in mid-water and following individuals of other fish species which disturbed the substrate while foraging among the rocks. The labrid wrasse Bodianus rufus was the main fish species followed by the jack. The jack feeds on crustaceans and fishes some of which are benthic rocky bottom dwellers and are caught during following. The behavioral flexibility of C. latus enables this fish to consume both crustaceans from the water column and benthic rocky dweller fishes. There is little dietary overlap between C. latus and the followed B. rufus. The interspecific feeding associations could be regarded as advantageous for C. latus allowing access to a broader range of prey categories and increasing the food intake through the consumption of large benthic fish prey  相似文献   

Chromosomal sex determination and male heterogamety have been thought to seriously impede direct sex ratio control. However, in Pityohyphantes phrygianus, a solitary sheetweb spider with a skewed sex ratio, earlier experimental studies suggested that there are options for female control of offspring sex ratio, if females change their position during the normal mating sequence. Here we show that under natural conditions there is considerable between-female variation in positions, especially after termination of mating. Computer simulations of the orientation of female inner genitalia suggest that sperm are placed in different storage sites depending on the positions adopted. This means that a specific position after mating might potentially influence offspring sex ratio. The variance in offspring sex ratio among females in earlier experiments was binomially distributed, which leads us to conclude that females control the mean sex ratio but do not exercise direct control of the sex of individual offspring.  相似文献   

Summary In the Namib Desert dunes, the web of Seothyra sp. (Eresidae) comprises sticky silk lining the edges of a horizontal mat on the sand surface. The spider sits in a silk-lined burrow attached to the mat. Arthropods become entangled in the sticky silk of the mat and are attacked and pulled into the burrow by the spider. We investigated the influence of sand surface temperature on the activity of spiders during the summer. We determined the range of thermal conditions encountered by spiders, their temperature tolerance and the influence of temperature on foraging activity and prey handling behavior. The environmental temperatures available to Seothyra vary from 17–33° C at the coolest time of day to 33–73° C at the hottest. When prevented from retreating into burrows, spiders showed signs of thermal stress at about 49° C, whereas unrestrained spiders continued to forage at web temperatures above 65° C by moving between the hot surface mat and the cooler burrow. Spiders responded quicker to prey stimuli during the hot hours of the day and completed prey capture sequences in significantly less time at surface temperatures above 49° C than below. Furthermore, captured arthropods succumbed more quickly at high surface temperatures. Our study supports the hypothesis that web design and thermoregulatory behaviors enable Seothyra to hunt under extreme thermal conditions.  相似文献   

Activity is an important behavioral trait that mediates a trade-offbetween obtaining food for growth and avoiding predation. Activeindividuals usually experience a higher encounter rate withfood items and suffer higher predation pressure than less activeindividuals. I investigated how activity of the damselfly Lestescongener is affected by larval state and predator presence andif larval behavioral type (BT) can be used to predict larvalboldness, foraging success, and adult BT. Activity level ofindividual larvae was studied without predator at 2 differentphysiological states (hungry and fed) and in 2 predator treatments:familiar predator cues and unfamiliar predator cues. Larvaedid not adjust their activity depending on state or when subjectedto unfamiliar predator cues, but a general reduction in activitywas seen in the familiar predator treatment. Hence, active individualsremained active compared with their conspecifics, independentof state or predator treatment. Active individuals were alsobolder and more efficient foragers than their less active conspecifics.Furthermore, both adult activity and boldness were correlatedwith larval BT. The results illustrate that BT of a larvae iscarried over many different situations keeping active larvaeactive even in maladaptive situations, demonstrating how a behavioralsyndrome may constrain behavioral plasticity. Furthermore, resultsshowed that behavioral syndromes can carry over from larvaethrough metamorphosis and dictate the BT of the adult.  相似文献   

Łukasz Paśko 《Zoo biology》2010,29(6):767-773
There are only a few documented cases of the use of either tools or substrates (anvils) as pseudotools in fishes. Described here is an anvil behavior of a labrid fish, Thalassoma hardwicke, observed under aquarium conditions. This fish was fed with pellets that are too large to swallow and too hard to break up into manageable bits using jaws only. The observed individual carried a pellet to an anvil to break it up into pieces small enough to be swallowed. This feeding behavior was frequently repeated (observed in detail about 15 times), nearly always successful, and remarkably consistent, suggesting that the rock selected for an anvil is remembered and its functional qualities or other factors may play a part in its choice. These observations agree with evidence for other advanced cognitive abilities in members of the genus Thalassoma and suggest that, for welfare demand, rocks with rough surfaces should be provided to these fish, especially when they receive hard food for variety. Zoo Biol 29:767–773, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The activity rhythm of a species is ruled by internal signals as well as external factors. Among them, ambient temperature strongly influences the amount, duration, and distribution of an organism's activities throughout the day. The result is a pattern of activity that, between certain limits, can be flexible to deal with seasonal and spatial thermal heterogeneity. The range of behavioral plasticity increases with environmental variability and could be beneficial for a species' persistence under novel conditions. Thus, the goal of this study was to experimentally explore the behavioral plasticity in Phyllotis xanthopygus, a rodent species inhabiting an altitudinal gradient in the Central Andes Mountains of Argentina. In the laboratory, we assessed activity rate and pattern under different temperatures by comparing groups of individuals collected at different altitudes. All animals were acclimated to subsequent thermal treatments in a paired design. As expected, P. xanthophygus showed changes in activity under different temperatures, and animals from diverse altitudes were differently affected. In particular, animals from mid‐altitudes and high altitudes reduced their activity under high temperatures. Intraspecific differences across the altitudinal gradient suggest that animals from mid‐altitudes and high altitudes are less heat tolerant than those from lower sites, in spite of acclimation to equal conditions. We propose that climate ranges experienced in the field possibly promote this different response. Our results are discussed in light of recent forecasts of temperature rises in the region, which could constrain P. xanthophygus activity in space and time.  相似文献   

室内条件下云斑天牛成虫相遇行为反应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了探索云斑天牛Batocera lineolata Chevrolat雌雄成虫的交配机制, 采用室内饲养观察和视频轨迹捕捉系统(EthoVision 3.1)自动记录分析相结合的方法, 对云斑天牛的两性相遇行为进行了研究。行为仪分析结果表明, 雌雌、 雄雄与雌雄相遇过程中, 雌雄在轨迹相交时间和净相对运动上显著长于雌雌和雄雄(P<0.05), 而在反应前时间上显著短于雌雌和雄雄相遇情况(P<0.05)。室内试验观察表明, 云斑天牛成虫相遇包括避让、 打斗和交配3种行为。雌雌相遇发生避让的频率最高为80.98%(P<0.05)。雄雄相遇发生避让的频率为78.03%, 显著高于发生打斗的频率21.96%(P<0.05); 雌、 雄成虫与正在交配的一对成虫相遇发生避让的频率显著高于另外3种行为[打斗(继续交配)、 打斗(结束交配)、 打斗(与后来者交配)](P<0.05), 雌、 雄成虫发生避让、 打斗(继续交配)和打斗(结束交配)3种行为的发生频率存在性别差异(P<0.05); 当雄雄相遇中成虫是初次相遇时, 在发生打斗的频率上显著高于再次相遇(P<0.05), 成虫在雄雄相遇发生避让的频率上, 再次相遇显著高于初次相遇(P<0.05), 雌雄成虫初次相遇发生交配的频率显著高于再次相遇的频率(P<0.05)。云斑天牛成虫相遇行为的研究为研究云斑天牛召唤机制、 性信息素的生物合成及成虫繁殖行为学提供了依据。  相似文献   

The study of butterfly behavior has afforded valuable insights into the evolution of alternative mating tactics. Two hypotheses derived from this area of research contend that (1) territoriality is only viable under low to moderate conspecific densities (due to the costs of site defence) and (2) perching may be employed only when thermal conditions constrain flight activity. These hypotheses were evaluated by investigating mate locating behavior in Hypolimnas bolina, a territorial species that is naturally subject to variation in population density and weather conditions. Male behavior was charted throughout the day during a period of high population density at an encounter site in tropical Australia. Perching was the primary tactic, although a small proportion of individuals patrolled nonaggressively in the afternoon. Population-level male behavior failed to support predictions drawn from either the territory economics or thermal constraint hypotheses. First, the proportion of perching males and the number of aggressive conspecific interactions (per male) increased with increasing male density at the site. Second, few males patrolled at the hottest, brightest time of day (approximately midday), and the diel distribution of perchers did not emulate the U-shaped distribution shown by the occurrence of dorsal basking behavior. These results show that perching in this species is not a suboptimal tactic employed when temperatures constrain flight activity but may represent the best method of locating receptive females. At this stage the reproductive significance of the observed patrolling behavior remains obscure.  相似文献   

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