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基于三重四极杆质谱仪的选择反应监测(SRM)技术是一种根据已有信息或理论信息靶向进行质谱信号采集的技术,具有高选择性、高重复性、高灵敏度、宽动态范围等特点,已被广泛应用于蛋白质组学研究,用于生物样本中蛋白质的绝对定量分析.本文对SRM技术的特点、发展过程、在蛋白质组学中的应用现状以及发展前景进行了概述.  相似文献   

Absolute quantification of target proteins within complex biological samples is critical to a wide range of research and clinical applications. This protocol provides step-by-step instructions for the development and application of quantitative assays using selected reaction monitoring (SRM) mass spectrometry (MS). First, likely quantotypic target peptides are identified based on numerous criteria. This includes identifying proteotypic peptides, avoiding sites of posttranslational modification, and analyzing the uniqueness of the target peptide to the target protein. Next, crude external peptide standards are synthesized and used to develop SRM assays, and the resulting assays are used to perform qualitative analyses of the biological samples. Finally, purified, quantified, heavy isotope labeled internal peptide standards are prepared and used to perform isotope dilution series SRM assays. Analysis of all of the resulting MS data is presented. This protocol was used to accurately assay the absolute abundance of proteins of the chemotaxis signaling pathway within RAW 264.7 cells (a mouse monocyte/macrophage cell line). The quantification of Gi2 (a heterotrimeric G-protein α-subunit) is described in detail.  相似文献   

随着蛋白质组学研究的不断深入,基于质谱的选择反应监测技术(SRM)已经成为以发现生物标志物为代表的定向蛋白质组学研究的重要手段.SRM技术根据假设信息,特异性地获取符合假设条件的质谱信号,去除不符合条件的离子信号干扰,从而得到特定蛋白质的定量信息.SRM技术具有更高的灵敏度和精确性、更大的动态范围等优势.该技术可分为实验设计、数据获取和数据分析三个步骤.在这几个步骤中,最重要的是利用生物信息学手段总结当前实验数据的结果,并用机器学习方法和总结的经验规则进行SRM实验的母离子和子离子对的预测.针对数据质控和定量的生物信息学方法研究在提高SRM数据可靠性方面具有重要作用.此外,为方便SRM的研究,本文还收集、汇总了SRM技术相关的软件、工具和数据库资源.随着质谱仪器的不断发展,新的SRM实验策略以及分析方法、计算工具也应运而生.结合更优化的实验策略、方法,采用更精准的生物信息学算法和工具,SRM在未来蛋白质组学的发展中将发挥更加重要的作用.  相似文献   

Despite increasing importance of protein glycosylation, most of the large-scale glycoproteomics have been limited to profiling the sites of N-glycosylation. However, in-depth knowledge of protein glycosylation to uncover functions and their clinical applications requires quantitative glycoproteomics eliciting both peptide and glycan sequences concurrently. Here we describe a novel strategy for the multiplexed quantitative mouse serum glycoproteomics based on a specific chemical ligation, namely, reverse glycoblotting technique, focusing sialic acids and multiple reaction monitoring (MRM). LC-MS/MS analysis of de-glycosylated peptides identified 270 mouse serum peptides (95 glycoproteins) as sialylated glycopeptides, of which 67 glycopeptides were fully characterized by MS/MS analyses in a straightforward manner. We revealed the importance of a fragment ion containing innermost N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) residue as MRM transitions regardless the sequence of the peptides. Versatility of the reverse glycoblotting-assisted MRM assays was demonstrated by quantitative comparison of 25 targeted glycopeptides from 16 proteins between mice with homo and hetero types of diabetes disease model.Clinical proteomics focusing on the identification and validation of biomarkers and the discovery of proteins as therapeutic targets is an emerging and highly important area of proteomics. Biomarkers are measurable indicators of a specific biological state (particularly one relevant to the risk of contraction) and the presence or the stage of disease, and are thus expected to be useful for the prediction, detection, and diagnosis of disease as well as to follow the efficacy, toxicology, and side effects of drug treatment, and to provide new functional insights into biological processes.At present, proteomics methods based on mass spectrometry (MS) have emerged as the preferred strategy for discovery of diagnostic, prognostic, and therapeutic protein biomarkers. Most biomarker discovery studies use unbiased, “identified-based” approaches that rely on high performance mass spectrometers and extensive sample processing. Semiquantitative comparisons of protein relative abundance between disease and control patient samples are used to identify proteins that are differentially expressed and, thus, to populate lists of potential biomarkers. De novo proteomics discovery experiments often result in tens to hundreds of candidate biomarkers that must be subsequently verified in serum. However, despite the large numbers of putative biomarkers, only a small number of them are passed through the development and validation process into clinical practice, and their rate of introduction is declining. The first non-standard abbreviation (MS above is standard) must be footnoted the same as the abbreviation footnote, and MRM must be the first abbreviation in the list because it is the one footnoted. After that the order does not matter.Targeted proteomics using multiple reaction monitoring (MRM)1 is emerging as a technology that complements the discovery capabilities of shotgun strategies as well as an alternative powerful novel MS-based approach to measure a series of candidate biomarkers (17). Therefore, MRM is expected to provide a powerful high throughput platform for biomarker validation, although clinical validation of novel biomarkers has been traditionally relying on immunoassays (8, 9). MRM exploits the unique capabilities of triple quadrupoles (QQQ) MS for quantitative analysis. In MRM, the first and the third quadrupoles act as filters to specifically select predefined m/z values corresponding to the peptide precursor ion and specific fragment ion of the peptide, whereas the second quadrupole serves as collision cell. Several such transitions (precursor/fragment ion pairs) are monitored over time, yielding a set of chromatographic traces with retention time and signal intensity for a specific transition as coordinates. These measurements have been multiplexed to provide 30 or more specific assays in one run. Such methods are slowly gaining acceptance in the clinical laboratory for the routine measurement of endogenous metabolites (10) (e.g. in screening newborns for a panel of inborn errors of metabolism) some drugs (11) (e.g. immunosuppressants), and the component analysis of sugars (12).One of the profound challenges in clinical proteomics is the need to handle highly complex biological mixtures. This complexity presents unique analytical challenges that are further magnified with the use of clinical serum/plasma samples to search for novel biomarkers of human disease. The serum proteome is composed of tens of thousands of unique proteins, of which concentrations may exceed 10 orders of magnitude. Protein glycosylation, one of the most common post-translational modifications, generates tremendous diversity, complexity, and heterogeneity of gene products. It changes the biological and physical properties of proteins, which include functions as signals or ligands to control their distribution, antigenicity, metabolic fate, stability, and solubility. Protein glycosylation, in particular by N-linked glycans, is prevalent in proteins destined for extracellular environments. These include proteins on the extracellular side of the plasma membrane, secreted proteins, and proteins contained in body fluids (such as blood serum, cerebrospinal fluid, urine, breast milk, saliva, lung lavage fluid, or pancreatic juice). Considering that such body fluids are most easily accessible for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes, it is not surprising that many clinical biomarkers and therapeutic targets are glycoproteins. These include, for example, cancer antigen 125 (CA125) in ovarian cancer, human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (Her2/neu) in breast cancer, and prostate-specific antigen (PSA) in prostate cancer. In addition, changes in the extent of glycosylation and the structure of N-glycans or O-glycans attached to proteins on the cell surface and in body fluids have been shown to correlate with cancer and other disease states, highlighting the clinical importance of this modification as an indicator or effector of pathologic mechanisms (1316). Thus, clinical proteomic platforms should have capability to provide protein glycosylation information as well as sufficient analytical depth to reliably detect and quantify specific proteins with sufficient accuracy and throughput.To improve the detection limits to the required sensitivities, one needs to dramatically reduce the complexity of the sera samples. For focused glycoproteomics, several techniques using lectins or antibodies enabling the large-scale identification of glycoproteins have recently been developed (1719). Notably, Zhang et al. reported a method for the selective isolation of peptides based on chemical oxidation of the carbohydrate moiety and subsequent conjugation to a solid support using hydrazide chemistry (2026). However, it is not possible to provide any structural information about N-glycans because the MS analysis is performed on peptides of which N-glycans are removed preferentially by treating with peptide N-glycanase (PNGase). In 2007, we developed a method for rapid enrichment analysis of peptides bearing sialylated N-glycans on the MALDI-TOF-MS platform (27). The method involves highly selective oxidation of sialic acid residues of glycopeptides to elaborate terminal aldehyde group and subsequent enrichment by chemical ligation with a polymer reagent, namely, reverse glycoblotting technique inspired from an original concept of glycoblotting method (28). This method, in principle, is capable identifying both glycan and peptide sequences concurrently. Recently, Nilsson et al. reported that glycopeptides from human cerebrospinal fluid can be enriched on the basis of the same principle as the reverse glycoblotting protocol, and captured glycopeptides were analyzed with ESI FT-ICR MS (29). Because it is well known that sialic acids play important roles in various biological processes including cell differentiation, immune response, and oncogenesis (3034), our attention has been directed toward feasibility of the reverse glycoblotting technique in quantitative analysis of the specific glycopeptides carrying sialic acid(s) by combining with multiplexed MRM-based MS.  相似文献   

Proteins that assimilate particular elements were found to avoid using amino acids containing the element, which indicates that the metabolic constraints of amino acids may influence the evolution of proteins. We suspected that low contents of carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur may also be selected for economy in highly abundant proteins that consume large amounts of the resources of cells. By analyzing recently available proteomic data in Escherichia coli, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and Schizosaccharomyces pombe, we found that at least the carbon and nitrogen contents in amino acid side chains are negatively correlated with protein abundance. An amino acid with a high number of carbon atoms in its side chain generally requires relatively more energy for its synthesis. Thus, it may be selected against in highly abundant proteins either because of economy in building blocks or because of economy in energy. Previous studies showed that highly abundant proteins preferentially use cheap (in terms of energy) amino acids. We found that the carbon content is still negatively correlated with protein abundance after controlling for the energetic cost of the amino acids. However, the negative correlation between protein abundance and energetic cost disappeared after controlling for carbon content. Building blocks seem to be more restricted than energy. It seems that the amino acid sequences of highly abundant proteins have to compromise between optimization for their biological functions and reducing the consumption of limiting resources. By contrast, the amino acid sequences of weakly expressed proteins are more likely to be optimized for their biological functions. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Noninvasive genetic monitoring of animal populations has become a widely used method in animal conservation and wildlife management due to its known advantages in sample availability of endangered or elusive species. A variety of methods have been suggested to overcome the difficulties of collecting reliable genetic data despite poor DNA quality and quantity of samples. We used quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) to quantify DNA contents and preselect extracts suitable for microsatellite genotyping of noninvasive samples from 2 carnivore species, wolf (Canis lupus) and Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra). We tested 2 concentration thresholds for DNA extracts containing either 5 pg/μL or 25 pg/μL at minimum and evaluated the effect of excluding samples from genotyping falling below either of these DNA concentrations. Depending on species and threshold concentration applied, we reduced the genotyping effort by 21% to 47% and genotyping errors by 7% to 45%, yet we could still detect 82% to 99% of available genotypes. Thus, qPCR may potentially reduce genotyping effort and enhance data reliability in noninvasive genetic studies. Genetic laboratories working on noninvasive population genetic studies could transfer this approach to other species, streamline genetic analyses and, thus, more efficiently provide wildlife managers with reliable genetic data of wild populations.  相似文献   

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  • •Statistical approach for differential abundance analysis for proteomic experiments with TMT labeling.
  • •Applicable to large-scale experiments with complex or unbalanced design.
  • •An open-source R/Bioconductor package compatible with popular data processing tools.

Long-chain bases (LCBs) are both intermediates in sphingolipid metabolism and potent signaling molecules that control cellular processes. To understand how regulation of sphingolipid metabolism and levels of individual LCB species impinge upon physiological and pathophysiological processes requires sensitive and specific assays for monitoring these molecules. Here we describe a shotgun lipidomics method for quantitative profiling of LCB molecules. The method employs a “mass-tag” strategy where LCBs are chemically derivatized with deuterated methyliodide (CD3I) to produce trimethylated derivatives having a positively charged quaternary amine group. This chemical derivatization minimizes unwanted in-source fragmentation of LCB analytes and prompts a characteristic trimethylaminium fragment ion that enables sensitive and quantitative profiling of LCB molecules by parallel reaction monitoring on a hybrid quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometer. Notably, the strategy provides, for the first time, a routine for monitoring endogenous 3-ketosphinganine molecules and distinguishing them from more abundant isomeric sphingosine molecules. To demonstrate the efficacy of the methodology we report an in-depth characterization of the LCB composition of yeast mutants with defective sphingolipid metabolism and the absolute levels of LCBs in mammalian cells. The strategy is generic, applicable to other types of mass spectrometers and can readily be applied as an additional routine in workflows for global lipidome quantification and for functional studies of sphingolipid metabolism.  相似文献   

S ummary . Samples (2208) of food raw materials and products were examined for the presence of salmonellae by use of conventional salmonella detection procedures and the enrichment serology (ES) techniques described by Sperber & Deibel (1969); 348 samples were positive for salmonellae by the conventional procedures. Using the ES technique with a 24 h elective enrichment step, 93–98% of samples positive by the conventional procedures were also positive by the ES technique. Selective enrichment of food samples using tetrathionate broth containing novobiocin, incubated at 41°, led to the best recovery of salmonellae by both the conventional and ES techniques.  相似文献   

Dried blood spot (DBS) sampling, coupled with multiple reaction monitoring mass spectrometry (MRM-MS), is a well-established approach for quantifying a wide range of small molecule biomarkers and drugs. This sampling procedure is simpler and less-invasive than those required for traditional plasma or serum samples enabling collection by minimally trained personnel. Many analytes are stable in the DBS format without refrigeration, which reduces the cost and logistical challenges of sample collection in remote locations. These advantages make DBS sample collection desirable for advancing personalized medicine through population-wide biomarker screening. Here we expand this technology by demonstrating the first multiplexed method for the quantitation of endogenous proteins in DBS samples. A panel of 60 abundant proteins in human blood was targeted by monitoring proteotypic tryptic peptides and their stable isotope-labeled analogs by MRM. Linear calibration curves were obtained for 40 of the 65 peptide targets demonstrating multiple proteins can be quantitatively extracted from DBS collection cards. The method was also highly reproducible with a coefficient of variation of <15% for all 40 peptides. Overall, this assay quantified 37 proteins spanning a range of more than four orders of magnitude in concentration within a single 25 min LC/MRM-MS analysis. The protein abundances of the 33 proteins quantified in matching DBS and whole blood samples showed an excellent correlation, with a slope of 0.96 and an R2 value of 0.97. Furthermore, the measured concentrations for 80% of the proteins were stable for at least 10 days when stored at −20 °C, 4 °C and 37 °C. This work represents an important first step in evaluating the integration of DBS sampling with highly-multiplexed MRM for quantitation of endogenous proteins.Dried Blood Spot (DBS)1 samples have many advantages over blood serum or plasma and are the preferred clinical sample for newborn screening for metabolic diseases (1, 2). These samples are collected by pricking a newborn''s heel and spotting a drop of blood onto specially designed filter paper collection cards. Samples are then dried under ambient conditions and are usually stored with desiccant at room temperature until analysis. This sampling procedure is simpler and less invasive then intravenous blood draws, which require a trained phlebotomist. Not surprisingly, the majority of adult patients prefer the small lancet used in finger-prick blood sampling methods to the larger needles used in intravenous blood draws (3, 4). Unlike plasma or serum samples, which consume ≥250 μl of blood and must be centrifuged within an hour of collection, DBS samples can be prepared using a volume of only 10 μl, and do not require any specialized equipment at the collection site (5). The simplicity and reduced safety risks associated with DBS sampling enables collection by minimally trained staff or by the patients themselves. In addition, many analytes are stable in the DBS format at room temperature, reducing sample transportation and storage costs, as well as the impact on the environment. Finally, DBS samples are safer to transport and are considered exempt from dangerous goods regulations (6, 7). These advantages make DBS sampling very attractive for advancing personalized medicine and population-based biomarker research (8).Numerous biomolecular targets covering genomics, metabolomics, and proteomics applications have been quantified in DBS samples using a wide array of analytical techniques (9). The most common clinical application of DBS sampling is screening newborns for metabolomics disorders by targeting small molecule biomarkers. Early screening programs relied on bacterial inhibition assays and later immunoassays, both of which required a different assay for each target of interest (2). However, the time and cost required to perform each assay independently has limited the number of diseases that could be screened nationwide to only a handful. In addition, a single biomarker often lacked the specificity to produce a definitive diagnosis, requiring extensive secondary testing. Hemoglobin is the only protein that is commonly targeted in DBS samples, and primary screening is accomplished by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) or isoelectric focusing (IEF) methods (2). Similar to small-molecule screening methods, these approaches are low-throughput and are not amendable to multiplexing with additional protein targets. In newborn screening programs, these challenges associated with small molecule analysis were overcome with the introduction of multiple reaction monitoring mass spectrometry (MRM-MS) into the clinical laboratories (1, 10). The specificity of MRM enables hundreds of analytes to be monitored during a single experiment to facilitate the development of highly multiplexed assays. The addition of stable isotope-labeled internal standards (SIS) enables the acquisition of highly reproducible results across a variety of instrumentation at different institutions. It is now common for 20–30 small molecule targets including amino acids, fatty acid acylcarnitines, and organic acid acylcarnitines to be analyzed by flow injection MRM-MS, at a cost of $10–20 USD per patient sample (11). Expansion of the screening panel to include additional small-molecule biomarkers on an existing platform may cost less than $1 each. In addition to newborn screening, DBS sampling combined with MS is also gaining acceptance in small-molecule drug development (12, 13). Here the collection of smaller blood volumes allows serial sampling from mice reducing the total number of animals required to generate preclinical toxicology and pharmacokinetic data (5).Despite the successful use of DBS samples in MS-based experiments for small molecule analysis, there have been few reports of using this technology for protein targets (13). Daniel and coworkers reported a screening method for identifying β-thalassemia using the well-known biomarker HbA2, a hemoglobin variant composed of two alpha- and two delta-globin subunits (14). Proteins were extracted in an aqueous solution, digested with trypsin in 30 min and infused for MRM-MS analysis. Multiple hemoglobin peptides were targeted to measure the abundance of the delta-globin chain, using peptides from the beta-globin chain as an internal standard. This ratio correlated well with the abundance of intact HbA2 as determined by a well-established HPLC method. The shorter acquisition time and the increased specificity of the MS-based method showed promise for improving population-wide screening. Boemer et al. used a similar flow injection MRM-MS strategy to screen newborns for hemoglobin variants associated with sickle cell disease (15). They analyzed more than 2000 DBS samples by targeting tryptic peptides that were unique to four different beta-globin mutations and compared their results with a standard IEF method that measured the intact proteins obtained from corresponding whole blood samples. Their flow injection MRM approach was able to identify the correct phenotype for all targeted variants. Recently, deWilde et al. reported a method for screening newborn DBS samples for ceruloplasmin, a protein linked to Wilson''s disease (16). Their method combined SIS peptides with LC/MRM-MS and produced results similar to those from an immunoassay for the analysis of seven patient samples. The monitoring of a therapeutic protein in rat blood was demonstrated with Kehler et al. to evaluate the suitability of this approach for supporting preclinical trials (17). Finally, a multiplexed approach was presented by Sleczka et al. for the simultaneous quantitation of two therapeutic proteins in spiked DBS samples collected from several animal models (18).In all previous methods, only one to two proteins were targeted in DBS samples and therefore the true multiplexing capabilities of MRM were not realized. MRM-based methods using SIS peptides have already proven proficient at highly multiplexed quantitation of proteins in plasma and serum samples (1921). Our current work demonstrates the potential for integrating DBS sampling with LC/MRM-MS for highly multiplexed quantitation of endogenous proteins. Many of the 60 proteins that we have targeted have been cleared or approved by FDA, and are already being analyzed one at a time in clinical laboratories. The assay developed in this study includes a highly reproducible method for extracting multiple proteins from DBS samples followed by trypsin digestion and surrogate peptides, along with their SIS analogs, were analyzed by a standard-flow LC/MRM-MS platform that has previously been shown to give accurate, sensitive, and robust analysis of proteotypic peptides in human plasma (21, 22). The quantitative results from whole blood and the corresponding DBS samples were compared, and the integrity of DBS samples stored under various temperatures has been evaluated.  相似文献   

液质联用多反应监测法定量目标多肽或蛋白质   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为建立优化的血浆内源性多肽提取方法,并且构建目标多肽和蛋白质的质谱定量方 法,本研究考察了超滤法、有机溶剂沉淀法和固相萃取法对血浆内源性多肽的提取效果 ,并通过Tricine-SDS-PAGE对提取效果进行比较.通过液相色谱串联质谱多反应监测 (MRM)分析,建立了多肽标准品ESAT-6定量方法,并将ESAT-6定量建立的液相色谱和质谱条件应用于蛋白质的定量,对多肽和蛋白质MRM定量的标准曲线进行了考 察.Tricine-SDS-PAGE结果表明,乙腈沉淀法是最佳的血浆内源性多肽提取方法,低分子量的多肽可以得到很好的富集,且能有效地去除高分子蛋白质的污染.液相色谱串联 质谱MRM法检测血浆内提取的多肽,标准曲线的线性较好,相关系数为0.999.另外,采 用MRM法对胶内分离的蛋白质进行定量,标准曲线的线性相关系数为0.995.综上所述, 本研究构建了一种简单有效的血浆多肽提取方法,通过液质联用MRM法成功地实现了目标多肽和蛋白质定量测定.该定量方法可以推广应用于复杂样品中的多肽和蛋白质的定 量分析.  相似文献   

The dried blood spot (DBS) methodology provides a minimally invasive approach to sample collection and enables room-temperature storage for most analytes. DBS samples have successfully been analyzed by liquid chromatography multiple reaction monitoring mass spectrometry (LC/MRM-MS) to quantify a large range of small molecule biomarkers and drugs; however, this strategy has only recently been explored for MS-based proteomics applications. Here we report the development of a highly multiplexed MRM assay to quantify endogenous proteins in human DBS samples. This assay uses matching stable isotope-labeled standard peptides for precise, relative quantification, and standard curves to characterize the analytical performance. A total of 169 peptides, corresponding to 97 proteins, were quantified in the final assay with an average linear dynamic range of 207-fold and an average R2 value of 0.987. The total range of this assay spanned almost 5 orders of magnitude from serum albumin (P02768) at 18.0 mg/ml down to cholinesterase (P06276) at 190 ng/ml. The average intra-assay and inter-assay precision for 6 biological samples ranged from 6.1–7.5% CV and 9.5–11.0% CV, respectively. The majority of peptide targets were stable after 154 days at storage temperatures from −20 °C to 37 °C. Furthermore, protein concentration ratios between matching DBS and whole blood samples were largely constant (<20% CV) across six biological samples. This assay represents the highest multiplexing yet achieved for targeted protein quantification in DBS samples and is suitable for biomedical research applications.The dried blood spot (DBS)1 methodology provides several advantages over traditional plasma or serum samples throughout the entire pre-analytical workflow including sample collection, transportation, and storage (1, 2) These blood samples are typically generated using a small sterile lancet to prick the skin and then spotting a drop onto a collection card. Therefore, DBS sampling is less invasive than venipuncture and does not require a trained phlebotomist. This sampling approach also does not require time-sensitive centrifugation, which is crucial for plasma and serum samples to prevent degradation. Many analytes have been determined to be stable in the DBS format at room temperature, eliminating the cost associated with cold-chain logistics for sample transportation and storage. These considerations are also important for sample collection in remote locations that may be without reliable access to a centrifuge and/or a freezer designated for biohazardous materials. Quantitative bioanalytical methods using the DBS methodology have been developed for genomic, metabolomic, and proteomic applications including newborn screening (3, 4), therapeutic drug monitoring (5, 6), toxicology and drugs of abuse (7, 8), viral disease management (9, 10), and many others (2, 11).Targeted MS, in particular selected/multiple reaction monitoring (SRM/MRM) using internal standards, enables the rapid development of quantitative assays with high specificity, precision, and robustness (1215). The integration of DBS sampling with MRM is well-established for quantifying a wide range of small molecules (1618). This is now the standard analytical approach for population-wide screening of newborns for errors in metabolism by targeting amino acids, fatty acid acylcarnitines, and organic acid acylcarnitines (3, 4). DBS with MRM is also emerging as an important analytical tool throughout pre-clinical and clinical small-molecule drug development and monitoring (16, 17, 1921). Furthermore, Zukunft et al. recently demonstrated the high multiplexing capabilities of MRM by using 2 methods to quantify 188 metabolites in DBS samples, including acylcarnitines, amino acids, biogenic amines, free carnitine, glycerophospholipids, hexoses, lysophosphatidylcholines, phosphatidylcholines, and sphingolipids (22).Although DBS with MRM is well-established in small molecule applications, there are only a handful of reports showing the use of this approach to quantify endogenous proteins (23). Daniel et al. measured the ratio between hemoglobin δ and β to screen for β-thalassemia (24). Boemer et al. measured the relative ratios of several hemoglobin variants (including HbS, HbC, HbE, and others) to help diagnose Sickle Cell disease and other clinically relevant hemoglobinopathies (25). The same group then screened >40,000 newborns in Belgium and successfully detected 16 patients with severe hemoglobin disorders (26). Moats et al. used a similar approach to screen >13,000 newborns in the UK for Sickle Cell disease and correctly identified all seven disease occurrences (27). Because hemoglobin is the most abundant protein in whole blood (∼150 mg/ml), these four studies achieved adequate sensitivity by simply infusing the trypsin digested samples into a triple-quadrupole MS. To move beyond hemoglobin, additional sensitivity can be provided by using liquid chromatography (LC) separations coupled online with MRM. deWilde et al. used LC/MRM-MS to quantify ceruloplasmin as a screen for Wilson''s disease (28). Recently, Cox et al. reported LC/MRM-MS methods for quantifying insulin-like growth facter-1 for the detection of human growth hormone abuse in sports (29, 30).Our group reported the first LC/MRM-MS assay to quantify multiple endogenous proteins in DBS samples (31). In that exploratory study, we selected a small test panel of 60 high-abundance proteins and were ultimately able to quantify 37 proteins using stable isotope-labeled standard (SIS) peptides and standard curves. In this work, we describe method refinement and further evaluation of LC/MRM-MS for quantifying endogenous proteins in human DBS samples. A more comprehensive approach has now been taken to evaluate sensitivity and suitability, as the initial target panel has been increased to 393 proteins. The protocol has also been modified so that all liquid handling steps in the sample preparation protocol are now automated in a 96-well format for improved sample throughput. Standard curves using SIS peptides were produced using a pooled patient sample, and assay precision was determined in biological samples from six different individuals. In addition, we have provided a detailed discussion of the quantification results from multiple peptides per protein, a comparison to measured protein concentrations in whole blood, an analyte stability assessment at various storage temperatures, and an evaluation of volumetric spotting devices. Ultimately, we have developed a multiplexed LC/MRM-MS assay to quantify 97 proteins in DBS samples that is suitable for biomedical research applications.  相似文献   

Optimizing the amounts of proteins required to separate and characterize both abundant and less abundant proteins by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2D-PAGE) is critical for conducting proteomic research. In this study, we tested five different levels of soybean seed proteins (75, 100, 125, 150, and 200 μg) by 2D-PAGE. Following 2D-PAGE and spot excision, proteins were identified by mass spectrometry analysis. The number of visible protein spots was increased with an increase in the amount of protein loaded. The intensity of highly abundant proteins [β-conglycinin β-homotrimer and glycinin G4 (A5A4B3) precursors] increased linearly between 75 and 125 μg, whereas the proglycinin G3 (A1ab1b) homotrimer showed linearity between 75 and 150 μg. The spot intensity of less abundant proteins, glycinin G2 (A2b1a) precursor and proglycinin G3 (A1ab1b) homotrimer, increased linearly with an increase in the amount of protein through 200 μg, whereas spot intensity of β-conglycinin β-homotrimer and the allergen Gly m bd 28K increased linearly until 150 μg and did not increase further at 200 μg. These results suggest that 150 μg protein was a suitable amount for the separation of abundant proteins, and 200 μg protein was suitable for the separation of less abundant proteins prepared from soybean seeds. Mention of trade name, proprietary product or vendor does not constitute a guarantee or warranty of the product by the U.S. Department of Agriculture or imply its approval to the exclusion of other products or vendors that also may be suitable.  相似文献   

The efficiency of removal of soluble proteins in cell-free bacterial extracts by means of antiserum from rabbits immunized with similar extracts vas measured. Precipitation followed by Sephadex gel-chromatography was used. Up to 807percnt; (exceptionally 907percnt;) removal could be obtained. The method might be applied to enrichment for “foreign” cell-extract components, for example, viral products in virus infected cells. Tests for the specificity of the method are also presented.  相似文献   

Understanding the transport and behavior of bacteria in the environment has broad implications in diverse areas, ranging from agriculture to groundwater quality, risk assessment, and bioremediation. The ability to reliably track and enumerate specific bacterial populations in the context of native communities and environments is key to developing this understanding. We report a novel bacterial tracking approach, based on altering the stable carbon isotope value (δ13C) of bacterial cells, which provides specific and sensitive detection and quantification of those cells in environmental samples. This approach was applied to the study of bacterial transport in saturated porous media. The transport of introduced organisms was indicated by mass spectrometric analysis of groundwater samples, where the presence of 13C-enriched bacteria resulted in increased δ13C values of the samples, allowing specific and sensitive detection and enumeration of the bacteria of interest. We demonstrate the ability to produce highly 13C-enriched bacteria, present data indicating that results obtained with this approach accurately represent intact introduced bacteria, and include field data on the use of this stable isotope approach to monitor in situ bacterial transport. This detection strategy allows sensitive detection of an introduced, unmodified bacterial strain in the presence of the indigenous bacterial community, including itself in its unenriched form.  相似文献   

Methyltransferases (MTases) are enzymes that modify specific substrates by adding a methyl group using S‐adenosyl‐l ‐methionine. Functions of MTases have been extensively studied in eukaryotic organisms and animal pathogenic bacteria. Despite their importance, mechanisms underlying MTase function in plant pathogenic bacteria have not been studied in depth, as is the case of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. glycines (Xag) that causes bacterial pustule disease in soybean crops worldwide. Here, the association between Xag proteome alterations and three MTase‐overexpressing strains, Xag(XgMT1), Xag(XgMT2), and Xag(XgMT3), compared to Xag carrying an empty vector, Xag(EV) is reported. Using label‐free shotgun comparative proteomic analysis, proteins are identified in all three biological replicates of the four strains and ranged from 1004 to 1082. In comparative analyses, 124, 135, and 134 proteins are differentially changed (over twofold) by overexpression of XgMT1, XgMT2, and XgMT3, respectively. These proteins are also categorized using cluster of orthologous group (COG) analyses, allowing postulation of biological mechanisms associated with three MTases in Xag. COGs reveal that the three MTases may play distinct roles, although some functions may overlap. These results are expected to allow new insight into understanding and predicting the biological functions of MTases in plant pathogenic bacteria. Data are available via ProteomeXchange (Identifier PXD012590).  相似文献   

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