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The use of calf thymus histone as a substrate has revealed a previously unknown neutral protease, optimally active at pH 7.2–7.3, in rabbit PMN lysosomes. The Sakaguchi reaction for the colorimetric determination of arginine has been modified, allowing a slow, linear development of color measurable at 500 nm over a period of up to 4 hr at 0–2°C. Specificity for arginine was shown since no other amino acid tested gave any color in the reaction. This new method has been used to measure arginine-reactive hydrolysis products released from histone by PMN lysosomes at neutral pH. Release of tyrosine, measured by the Folin method, was also used as an indicator of hydrolytic activity. Histone proved to be a useful substrate for the acid cathepsins of PMN, comparing favorably with hemoglobin, commonly used to measure such activity. Crystalline trypsin and chymotrypsin also hydrolyzed histone. The kinetics of arginine release by these enzymes over a period of 24 hr resembled those of neutral protease from PMN lysosomes.  相似文献   

Although the superoxide anion radical (O) has been implicated in the phytotoxicity of ozone, (O3), its role has been inferred from indirect evidence based on the activity of oxyradical scavenging systems in the leaf, particularly superoxide dismutase (SOD). Direct observations of radical signals obtained by electron paramagnetic resonance spectrometry (EPR) of intact, attached leaves of bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.) and ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) and leaf pieces of radish (Raphanus sativus L.) during exposure to 240 μg m?3 O3 in air flowing through the spectrometer cavity have revealed the appearance of a signal with the characteristics of O. The exposures used were insufficient to cause any necrotic injury to the leaves. The appearance of the signal is light-dependent, suggesting that it originates in the chloroplast, and its appearance is reduced in leaves in which the apoplastic pool of ascorbic acid has been enriched by prior vacuum infiltration. In each species, the signal only appeared after about 1 h of exposure to O3, and then increased steadily over the next 4 h. The lability of the species responsible for the signal is such that it can no longer be reliably detected about 15 min after cessation of the exposure to O3. These observations are interpreted as indicating that apoplastic ascorbate initially reduces the production of O, probably by reducing the penetration of O3 into the cell, with any O produced being scavenged by the chloroplastic SOD-per-oxidase system, but its formation from O3 then begins to exceed the capacity of the scavenging systems to remove it.  相似文献   

Cultured mouse peritoneal macrophages were fractionated by two methods at various times after pulse labeling with [35S]methionine. The lysosomal enzymes beta-glucuronidase and beta-galactosidase were isolated from each fraction by immunoprecipitation and electrophoresis on sodium dodecyl sulfate-acrylamide gels. Two distinct peaks of label were obtained on Percoll density gradients. An early appearing peak of low density, containing the precursor forms of both enzymes, co-sedimented with markers for the endoplasmic reticulum, the Golgi apparatus, and the plasma membrane. With time, immunoprecipitable label cosedimented with the bulk of the lysosomal enzyme activity at high density and corresponded to the mature forms of the lysosomal enzymes. By differential centrifugation, newly synthesized enzymes were found predominantly in small particle fractions, unlike the bulk of the lysosomal enzymic activity which was found in larger particle fractions. With increasing time, newly synthesized enzymes were transferred to assume a distribution similar to that of lysosomal enzymic activity. The results suggest that transport of newly synthesized enzymes to lysosomes and conversion to mature forms are closely linked events. Conversion of lysosomal precursors to mature forms occurs either in a prelysosomal vesicle or shortly after reaching the lysosome. The two enzymes follow similar subcellular pathways at similar rates. Also, the macrophage system appears suitable for direct analysis of newly synthesized lysosomal enzymes during subcellular transport.  相似文献   

Most previous studies on inhibitors of lysosomal protein breakdown have been performed on isolated or cultured cells or on perfused organs. We have tested various inhibitors of proteolysis on lysosomes isolated from livers of rats injected with [14C]leucine 15 min (short labeling time) and 16 h (long labeling time) before killing. Intact lysosomes were incubated with different inhibitors (leupeptin, propylamine, E-64, pepstatin, and chloroquine) in increasing concentrations. None of these caused more than a 40-75% inhibition of proteolysis irrespective of labeling protocol. Chloroquine was the most effective inhibitor, followed by leupeptin, propylamine, E-64, and pepstatin. When lysosomes were incubated with various combinations of inhibitors, including a weak base and an enzyme inhibitor, a somewhat higher inhibition (86%) was obtained. To assess if lysosomes are active in the degradation of both short and long lived proteins, lysosomes were isolated from livers of rats labeled with [14C]leucine for various time intervals. The highest fractional proteolytic rates were seen for short lived proteins. If the recovery of the isolated lysosomes is taken into consideration, about 80% (short labeling time) and 90% (long labeling time) of the total proteolysis in the homogenate could be accounted for by lysosomes. Isolated Golgi, mitochondrial, and microsomal fractions displayed negligible proteolytic activities. The cytosol contributed one-fifth of the total protein breakdown of short lived proteins, whereas insignificant proteolysis was recovered in the cytosolic fraction following long time labeling. Accordingly, we propose that 1) lysosomal inhibitors do not completely suppress proteolysis in isolated lysosomes and that 2) both short and long lived proteins are degraded in lysosomes.  相似文献   

The formation of two metal-thiolate clusters in rabbit liver metallothionein 2 (MT) has been examined by 113Cd NMR spectroscopy at pH 7.2 and 8.6. The chemical shifts of the 113Cd resonances developing in the course of apoMT titration with 113Cd(II) ions have been compared with those of fully metal occupied 113Cd7-MT. At pH 7.2 and at low metal occupancy (less than 4), a cooperative formation of the four-metal cluster (cluster A) occurs. Further addition of 113Cd(II) ions generates all the resonances of the three-metal cluster (cluster B) in succession, suggesting cooperative metal binding to this cluster also. In contrast, similar studies at pH 8.6, at low metal occupancy (less than 4), reveal a broad NMR signal centered at 688 ppm. This observation indicates that an entirely different protein structure exists. When exactly 4 equiv of 113Cd(II) are bound to apoMT, the 113Cd NMR spectrum changes to the characteristic spectrum of cluster A. Further addition of 113Cd(II) ions again leads to the cooperative formation of cluster B. These results stress the determining role of the cluster A domain on the overall protein fold. The observed pH dependence of the cluster formation in MT can be rationalized by the different degree of deprotonation of the cysteine residues (pKa approximately 8.9), i.e., by the difference in the Gibbs free energy required to bind Cd(II) ions to the thiolate ligands at both pH values.  相似文献   

The kinetics of exposure of endocytosed material to two lysosomal enzymes were determined for a number of cultured cell lines using fluorogenic substrates. Hydrolysis of endocytosed substrates for cathepsin B and acid phosphatase was observed to begin within 3-10 min of substrate addition and to proceed linearly for up to 60 min thereafter. Hydrolysis of the cathepsin B substrate was not affected by inhibition of protein synthesis with cycloheximide, indicating that the enzymes present in early endosomes are not exclusively newly synthesized. As had been observed previously for a cathepsin B substrate (Roederer, M., Bowser, R., and Murphy, R. F., J. Cell. Physiol., 131:200-209, 1987), hydrolysis of the acid phosphatase substrate was not blocked at temperatures below 20 degrees C. The results suggest that the endosome is the primary site of initial exposure of endocytosed material to hydrolytic enzymes.  相似文献   

Y Katagata  K Aso 《FEBS letters》1988,230(1-2):151-154
The [14C]Gly-labelled keratin polypeptides extracted with 1% SDS and 10 mM DTT were made to undergo changes with an enzyme fraction (ammonium sulfate, 50–75% saturated fraction) prepared from a human epidermis in the presence of 1% Triton X-100. In particular, 69-67 kDa peptides were considerably decreased with the above enzyme fraction in the time course experiments, and the components strongly bound to the cell membrane had little effect on the above reaction. In addition, in the case of the [14C]Gly-labelled keratin filament assembly, 69 and 62 kDa peptides were decreased and 55, 52 and 50 kDa peptides were increased with the same enzyme fraction in the time course experiments. From these results, we estimated that the proteolytic enzyme(s) may exist in the human epidermis, and may be processed to keratin intermediates from prekeratin during the initial stage of terminal differentiation in the human epidermis.  相似文献   

1. Acid phosphatase, cathepsin and beta-glucuronidase are released from rat-liver lysosomes by irradiation in vitro. Enzyme release is detectable after a dose of 1krad and increases with dose up to 100krads. 2. Maximum radiation effects were observed when the lysosomes were kept for 20hr. at 4 degrees or 20 degrees after irradiation. 3. An atmosphere of nitrogen considerably decreases enzyme release from lysosomes. 4. Enzyme release is enhanced by ascorbic acid and decreased by vitamin E. 5. Irradiation causes formation of lipid peroxides in lysosomes, and enzyme release increases with lipid peroxide formation. 6. It is suggested that lipid peroxide formation leads to rupture of the lysosome membrane and allows release of the contained hydrolytic enzymes.  相似文献   

S M Feltch  J E Stuehr 《Biochemistry》1979,18(10):1996-2000
Equations have been developed for the relaxation times for a variety of mechanisms involving enzyme isomerization coupled to proton transfers. The concentration and pH dependences of the relaxation time have been calculated and graphed for a number of representative mechanisms. We find that for most of the mechanisms examined, the relaxation time is not only pH but also strongly concentration dependent. The concentration dependence results from finite perturbations of the hydrogen ion concentration. For the systems tested, the relaxation time shows a clear concentration dependence at enzyme concentrations below 200 microM.  相似文献   

Using a combination of differential centrifugation and isopycnic centrifugation in Percoll gradients, we obtained a highly purified preparation of thyroid lysosomes [Alquier, Guenin, Munari-Silem, Audebet & Rousset (1985) Biochem. J. 232, 529-537] in which we identified thyroglobulin. From this observation, we postulated that the isolated lysosome population could be composed of primary lysosomes and of secondary lysosomes resulting from the fusion of lysosomes with thyroglobulin-containing vesicles. In the present study, we have tried to characterize these lysosome populations by (a) subfractionation of purified lysosomes using iterative centrifugation on Percoll gradients and (b) by functional studies on cultured thyroid cells. Thyroglobulin analysed by soluble phase radioimmunoassay, Western blotting or immunoprecipitation was used as a marker of secondary lysosomes. The total lysosome population separated from other cell organelles on a first gradient was centrifuged on a second Percoll gradient. Resedimented lysosomes were recovered as a slightly asymmetrical peak under which the distribution patterns of acid hydrolase activities and immunoreactive thyroglobulin did not superimpose. This lysosomal material (L) was separated into two fractions: a light (thyroglobulin-enriched) fraction (L2) and a dense fraction (L1). L1 and L2 subfractions centrifuged on a third series of Percoll gradients were recovered as symmetrical peaks at buoyant densities of 1.12-1.13 and 1.08 g/ml, respectively. In each case, protein and acid hydrolase activities were superimposable. The specific activity of acid phosphatase was slightly lower in L2 than in L1. In contrast, the immunoassayable thyroglobulin content of L2 was about 4-fold higher than that of L1. The overall polypeptide composition of L, L1 and L2 analysed by polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis was very similar, except for thyroglobulin which was more abundant in L2 than in either L or L1. The functional relationship between L1 and L2 lysosome subpopulations has been studied in cultured thyroid cells reassociated into follicles. Thyroid cells, prelabelled with 125I-iodide to generate 125I-thyroglobulin, were incubated in the absence of in the presence of inhibitors of intralysosomal proteolysis. The fate of 125I-thyroglobulin, and especially its appearance in the lysosomal compartment, was studied by Percoll gradient fractionation and immunoprecipitation. Treatment of prelabelled thyroid cells with chloroquine and leupeptin induced the accumulation of immunoprecipitable 125I-thyroglobulin into a lysosome fraction corresponding to the L2 subpopulation. In control cells, in which intralysosomal proteolysis was n  相似文献   

Human metapneumovirus (HMPV) is a recently described human pathogen of the pneumovirus subfamily within the paramyxovirus family. HMPV infection is prevalent worldwide and is associated with severe respiratory disease, particularly in infants. The HMPV fusion protein (F) amino acid sequence contains features characteristic of other paramyxovirus F proteins, including a putative cleavage site and potential N-linked glycosylation sites. Propagation of HMPV in cell culture requires exogenous trypsin, which cleaves the F protein, and HMPV, like several other pneumoviruses, is infectious in the absence of its attachment protein (G). However, little is known about HMPV F-promoted fusion, since the HMPV glycoproteins have yet to be analyzed separately from the virus. Using syncytium and luciferase reporter gene fusion assays, we determined the basic requirements for HMPV F protein-promoted fusion in transiently transfected cells. Our data indicate that proteolytic cleavage of the F protein is a stringent requirement for fusion and that the HMPV G protein does not significantly enhance fusion. Unexpectedly, we also found that fusion can be detected only when transfected cells are treated with trypsin and exposed to low pH, indicating that this viral fusion protein may function in a manner unique among the paramyxoviruses. We also analyzed the F protein cleavage site and three potential N-linked glycosylation sites by mutagenesis. Mutations in the cleavage site designed to facilitate endogenous cleavage did so with low efficiency, and our data suggest that all three N-glycosylation sites are utilized and that each affects cleavage and fusion to various degrees.  相似文献   

Based on a decorated Ising model, the possible existence of multiple phase transitions in biological membranes is explored in this paper. Attempt is made to relate the stimulus-response behavior of membranes with structural order in different temperature regions.  相似文献   

Proteolytic enzymes are synthesized as inactive precursors, or "zymogens," to prevent unwanted protein degradation, and to enable spatial and temporal regulation of proteolytic activity. Upon sorting or appropriate compartmentalization, zymogen conversion to the active enzyme typically involves limited proteolysis and removal of an "activation segment." The sizes of activation segments range from dipeptide units to independently folding domains comprising more than 100 residues. A common form of the activation segment is an N-terminal extension of the mature enzyme, or "prosegment," that sterically blocks the active site, and thereby prevents binding of substrates. In addition to their inhibitory role, prosegments are frequently important for the folding, stability, and/or intracellular sorting of the zymogen. The mechanisms of conversion to active enzymes are diverse in nature, ranging from enzymatic or nonenzymatic cofactors that trigger activation, to a simple change in pH that results in conversion by an autocatalytic mechanism. Recent X-ray crystallographic studies of zymogens and comparisons with their active counterparts have identified the structural changes that accompany conversion. This review will focus upon the structural basis for inhibition by activation segments, as well as the molecular events that lead to the conversion of zymogens to active enzymes.  相似文献   

Three analogous 5-nitroimidazoles, having radiosensitizing and cytotoxic properties, have been studied by pulse-radiolysis in N2O-saturated aqueous formate solutions. Rates of formation of the radicals ImNO2-. are found to have little pH dependence. Decay of the radicals always follows second-order kinetics. The observed rates of decay decrease by three to four orders of magnitude over the pH range 0-12. A pK at 2.3 has been observed kinetically for metronidazole. The pK assigned to the radical couple (ImH)NO2H./(ImH)-NO2-., or alternatively (ImH2+)-NO2-./(ImH)-NO2-., varies from 4.7 to 6.1, depending on the substituents on the imidazole ring. Intrinsic second-order rate constants for decay of the acidic form of the radical, of the anionic form and of the mixed reactions were determined. While the anionic radical reacts slowly with itself, both the acidic radical self-reaction and the mixed reaction proceed at fast rates. The implications of these chemical properties to the mechanisms of radiosensitization and cytotoxicity of the nitroaryl compounds are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

In this study, the behavior of enzyme activity as a function of pH and temperature is modeled on the basis of fundamental considerations. A formulation is developed that includes the activation of enzymes with increasing temperatures and the deactivation of enzymes at higher temperature, together with the effect of protonation and hydroxylation on activity at various constant pH levels. The model is calibrated and validated against an extensive set of experimental data on phytases from seven different origins. The percentage variance accounted for (R(2)(adj)), obtained by statistical nonlinear regression analysis on all data sets, was shown to range from 97.6% to 99.5%. The equilibrium constant of protonation and hydroxylation proved to be independent of temperature.  相似文献   

The pH dependence of the subpicosecond decay of the retinal photoexcited state in bacteriorhodopsin (bR) is determined in the pH range 6.8-11.3. A rapid change in the decay rate of the retinal photoexcited state is observed in the pH range 9-10, the same pH range in which a rapid change in the M412 formation kinetics was observed. This observation supports the previously proposed heterogeneity model in which parallel photocycles contribute to the observed pH dependence of the M412 formation kinetics in bR.  相似文献   

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