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Ribosomes can have two states at 0 degree C: competent and noncompetent in translocation. In both states poly(U)-programmed ribosomes bind phenylalanyl-tRNA to A and P sites and form peptide bond. Elongation factor G promotes fast translocation in competent ribosomes and makes them noncompetent ones. Initial correlation between competent and noncompetent ribosomes is 2:1. Addition of deacylated tRNA does not influence phenomenon described as well as thermal reactivation of the ribosomes before beginning of the experiments. The possibility of deacylated tRNA translocation is shown. The translocation does not occurred provided that at least one of the ribosome sites is filled with shortened tRNA analog (tRNA with truncated CCA-end or tRNA anticodon arm).  相似文献   

Affinity labelling of E. coli ribosomes is performed by treatment with water-soluble carbodiimide of the complex of ribosomes with (pU)7, tRNAPhe at the P-site and with Phe-tRNAPhe (complex I) and without Phe-tRNAPhe (complex II) at the A-site. The extent of modification is, respectively, 0.06 and 0.026 mol (pU)7 per mol ribosomes. Protein S3 is found as a single labelled protein in complex I, whereas S7, S8, L25 are modified in complex II. Thus, in the absence of a large spacer group within the complex stabilized by codon-anticodon interactions at both A- and P-sites, a highly selective modification occurs.  相似文献   

30-S ribosomal subunits are inactivated by iodination for both enzymic fMet-tRNA and non-enzymic Phe-tRNA binding activities. This inactivation is due to modification of the protein moiety of the ribosome. Reconstitutions were performed with 16-S RNA and mixtures of total protein isolated from modified subunits and purified proteins isolated from unmodified subunits. This allowed identification of the individual proteins which restore tRNA binding activity. S3, S14 and S19 were identified as proteins involved in fMet-tRNA binding. S1, S2, S3, S14 and S19 were identified as proteins involved in Phe-tRNA binding. Modified particles shown normal sedimentation constants and complete protein compositions both before and after reconstitution. This suggests that the loss of activity is due to modification of one or more of the actual binding sites located on the 30-S subunit and that restoration of activity is due to structural correction at this site rather than to correction of an assembly defect.  相似文献   

Gamma-irradiated E coli ribosomes and tRNA, in aerated solutions, were inactivated with D37 doses of 144 and 77 Gy, respectively. Aminoacyl-tRNA-synthetases were only slightly inactivated under comparable conditions. Effects of additives to ribosome and tRNA solutions suggest that hydroxyl radicals were the major damaging species, that superoxide anions were not damaging and that radiolytically-formed hydrogen peroxide was also unimportant. Part of the damage by hydroxyl radicals is expressed through secondary radicals produced from additives and buffers. Results obtained with three different buffers suggest that (1) acetate ions provide protection by competing for hydroxyl radicals, (2) chloride ions are without effect and (3) inactivation of ribosomes and aminoacyl-tRNA-synthetases in Tris-HCl/MgCl2 and phosphate/MgCl2 buffered solutions was similar but the tRNA inactivation was lower in Tris-HCl/MgCl2 buffer.  相似文献   

Functionally active 70S ribosomes were chemically modified with dimethylsulfate (DMS) in the presence and absence of bound tRNA. The ribosomal 16S RNA and 23S RNA were extracted, separated and labeled radioactively at their 3'-ends. DMS modification sites within the last 200 nucleotides from the 3'-ends were investigated on sequencing gels, after borohydride reduction and aniline catalyzed strand scission of the isolated RNA's. tRNA binding caused enhanced reactivity at 9 nucleotide positions while three sites showed decreased reactivity in the 16S RNA. The effects of bound tRNA on the modification of 23S RNA were limited. Only one enhancement was observed in the presence of bound tRNA. mRNA binding alone showed two more sites with enhanced reactivity, however. The results are consistent with the view that the sequence 1400-1500 of the 16S RNA plays an important functional role in the translating ribosome and possibly constitutes part of the tRNA binding site.  相似文献   

Relaxation kinetics measurements on two types of ribosome preparations were parformed by the pressure-jump and temperature-Jump techniques, using light scattered at 90° as detector. For freshly prepared tibosomes isolated as 70S tight coupled from 26 000 RPM sucrose gradint sedimentation in 10 mM Mg2+, surprisingly large reaction amplitudes were found in 10 mM Mg2+ wilh both techniques, leading to an overall formation constant for 70S couples approximately three orders of magnitude smaller than that reported fot tight couples. For pelleted, two-tunes salt-washed ribosomes, amplitude titration versus Mg2+ in the pressure-jump apparatus showed an amplitude maximum near 10 mM Mg2+ with a relaxation time near 20 ms, and a second amplitude maximum near 2.5 mM Mg2+ with a relaxation time near 25 s. Both types of preparation on reanalysis on sucrose gradients at 5 mM Mg2+ showed approximately 15% of subunits, with a distinct zone in the 50S region. 70S light couples recovered from a sucrose density gradient separation at 5 mM Mg2+ on pelleted two-times salt-washed ribosomes behaved in the same way as the original sample in pressure-jump experiments at 10 mM Mg2+. These findings have been interpreted as follows (I) the processes observed at 10 mM Mg2+ are due entirety to the relatively small loose couple content of the samples, even in the case of material isolated as 70S tight couples, (2) the processes observed at 2.5 mM Mg2+ are due almost entirely to the preponderant tight couple population of the material, and (3) samples isolated as 70S tight couples from sucrose gradients at 5 mM Mg2+ spontaneously revert within hours into micro-heterogeneous material containing about 15% loose couples, for both types of ribosomes.  相似文献   

Binding of oxytetracycline to E. coli ribosomes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Binding isotherms of oxytetracycline to E. coli MRE-600 ribosomes were measured by equilibrium dialysis. The results are consistent with the presence of two classes of binding sites for the antibiotic on ribosomes having different reactivities. There is one strong binding site for the antibiotic on the ribosome, while the number of weak binding sites is about 500. The association constant for strong complexes is about 103 times greater than the corresponding value for weak complexes. The strong binding of the antibiotic prevents the template dependent association of aminoacyl-tRNA with ribosomes.All-Union Institute of Antibiotics Research, Moscow 113105.  相似文献   

The 30 S subunit contains 2 sites for tRNA binding (Phe-tRNA, AcPhe-tRNA, tRNAPheOH) with the functional properties of D and A sites of the 70 S ribosome after attachment of 50 S subunit. The third (E) site specific for deacylated tRNA is introduced into 70 S ribosome by its 50 S subunit. The E-site binding of tRNAPheOH is not sensitive to either tetracycline and edeine, and practically codon-independent. The affinity constant of tRNAPheOH for the E site is 2-3 orders of magnitude lower than that for the D site.  相似文献   

tRNA binding sites on the subunits of Escherichia coli ribosomes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Programmed 30 S subunits expose only one binding site, to which the different classes of tRNA (deacylated tRNAPhe, Phe-tRNAPhe, and N-acetylphenylalanyl (AcPhe)-tRNAPhe) bind with about the same affinity. Elongation factor Tu within the ternary complex does not contribute to the binding of Phe-tRNA. Binding of acylated or deacylated tRNA to 30 S depends on the cognate codon; nonprogrammed 30 S subunits do not bind tRNA to any significant extent. The existence of only one binding site/30 S subunit (and not, for example, two sites in 50% of the subunits) could be shown with Phe-tRNAPhe as well as deacylated tRNAPhe pursuing different strategies. Upon 50 S association the 30 S-bound tRNA appears in the P site (except the ternary complex which is found at the A site). Inhibition experiments with tetracycline demonstrated that the 30 S inhibition pattern is identical to that of the P site but differs from that of the A site of 70 S ribosomes. In contrast to 30 S subunits the 50 S subunit exclusively binds up to 0.2 and 0.4 molecules of deacylated tRNAPhe/50 S subunit in the absence and presence of poly(U), respectively, but neither Phe-tRNA nor AcPhe-tRNA. Noncognate poly(A) did not stimulate the binding indicating codon-anticodon interaction at the 50 S site. The exclusive binding of deacylated tRNA and its dependence on the presence of cognate mRNA is reminiscent of the characteristics of the E site on 70 S ribosomes. 30 and 50 S subunits in one test tube expose one binding site more than the sum of binding capacities of the individual subunits. The results suggest that the small subunit contains the prospective P site and the large subunit the prospective E site, thus implying that the A site is generated upon 30 S-50 S association.  相似文献   

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