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Single-cell electroporation for gene transfer in vivo   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Haas K  Sin WC  Javaherian A  Li Z  Cline HT 《Neuron》2001,29(3):583-591
We report an electroporation technique for targeting gene transfer to individual cells in intact tissue. Electrical stimulation through a micropipette filled with DNA or other macromolecules electroporates a single cell at the tip of the micropipette. Electroporation of a plasmid encoding enhanced green fluorescent protein (GFP) into the brain of intact Xenopus tadpoles or rat hippocampal slices resulted in GFP expression in single neurons and glia. In vivo imaging showed morphologies, dendritic arbor dynamics, and growth rates characteristic of healthy cells. Coelectroporation of two plasmids resulted in expression of both proteins, while electroporation of fluorescent dextrans allowed direct visualization of transfer of molecules into cells. This technique will allow unprecedented spatial and temporal control over gene delivery and protein expression.  相似文献   

In vivo electroporation and hydrodynamics-based gene delivery were utilized to test the effect of leptin gene transfer on food intake, and body and fat weights of mice. Gene transfer of pVRmob by electroporation caused a significant reduction in body weight compared with the control counterpart (p<0.05), although a lesser effect was found in food intake, and the weights of interscapular brown and epididymal fat by electroporation. As might be expected, the hydrodynamics-based transfection method significantly reduced body weight over 1 week post-transfection (p<0.05). Furthermore, epididymal fat was decreased by 50% at 1 week after gene transfer (p<0.001). These results suggest that both electroporation and hydrodynamics-based gene delivery may be effective approaches for systemic delivery of recombinant leptin to the central nervous system, and that the efficiency of gene transfer in hydrodynamics-based gene delivery was markedly higher than that in electroporation at least within the first week after transfection.  相似文献   

电穿孔基因作为非病毒递送手段之一,可安全、有效地将外源核酸导入靶组织或器官。近年来用电穿孔法进行基因治疗的报道不断增多,优势日趋显著。本文重点阐述了电穿孔在基因治疗中的优势、影响因素及在临床前和临床试验中应用。  相似文献   

Previously, we have established an in vivo electroporation method for gene transfer into muscle by injection of DNA with a needle followed by electric pulse delivery using needle-type electrodes and proved that this method is effective for the systemic delivery of cytokines. To perform the needleless gene delivery, we combined jet injection of DNA with electroporation using plate-type electrodes. For delivery of beta-galactosidase- and enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP)-expressing plasmids into muscles, there was no significant difference between the previous needle-mediated method and the newly developed jet-injection method. When pCAGGS-IL-5 was introduced into tibialis anterior, quadricipital and back sural muscles by this new method, the serum IL-5 levels reached 3.4 +/- 0.9, 5.7 +/- 1.7 and 8.4 +/- 2.7 ng/ml at day 5, respectively. Although the peak values of IL-5 achieved by the jet-injection method in these muscles were lower than that of the highest value achieved by needle-mediated gene delivery into anterior tibial muscle, this new method could deliver plasmid into relatively large muscles with better efficiency than the needle-mediated method. Thus the jet-injection method provides a useful means of gene delivery into large muscles, which is essential for future use in human gene therapy.  相似文献   

Electroporation (EP) is used to transfect skeletal muscle fibers in vivo, but its effects on the structure and function of skeletal muscle tissue have not yet been documented in detail. We studied the changes in contractile function and histology after EP and the influence of the individual steps involved to determine the mechanism of recovery, the extent of myofiber damage, and the efficiency of expression of a green fluorescent protein (GFP) transgene in the tibialis anterior (TA) muscle of adult male C57Bl/6J mice. Immediately after EP, contractile torque decreased by ~80% from pre-EP levels. Within 3 h, torque recovered to ~50% but stayed low until day 3. Functional recovery progressed slowly and was complete at day 28. In muscles that were depleted of satellite cells by X-irradiation, torque remained low after day 3, suggesting that myogenesis is necessary for complete recovery. In unirradiated muscle, myogenic activity after EP was confirmed by an increase in fibers with central nuclei or developmental myosin. Damage after EP was confirmed by the presence of necrotic myofibers infiltrated by CD68+ macrophages, which persisted in electroporated muscle for 42 days. Expression of GFP was detected at day 3 after EP and peaked on day 7, with ~25% of fibers transfected. The number of fibers expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP), the distribution of GFP+ fibers, and the intensity of fluorescence in GFP+ fibers were highly variable. After intramuscular injection alone, or application of the electroporating current without injection, torque decreased by ~20% and ~70%, respectively, but secondary damage at D3 and later was minimal. We conclude that EP of murine TA muscles produces variable and modest levels of transgene expression, causes myofiber damage due to the interaction of intramuscular injection with the permeabilizing current, and that full recovery requires myogenesis.  相似文献   

Enhancement of DNA vaccine potency by electroporation in vivo   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The potential of electric current-mediated delivery technology to enhance DNA delivery and DNA vaccine potency was evaluated. Higher levels of reporter gene expression were observed in muscle cells of mice inoculated with luciferase or beta-galactosidase DNA followed by the application of electrical current, compared with DNA injected with no current. Similarly, substantially higher levels of immune responses (up to 20-fold) were demonstrated in mice vaccinated with HIV gag DNA and electric current. These enhanced responses were observed after one or two inoculations, and were maintained for at least 12 weeks. Therefore, the present studies demonstrate the utility of electroporation for enhancement of DNA vaccine potency in animals.  相似文献   

Characterization of late gene promoters of Chlamydia trachomatis.   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文

The study of gene function in testis and sperm has been greatly assisted by transgenic mouse models. Recently, an alternative way of expressing transgenes in mouse testis has been developed that uses electroporation to introduce transgenes into the male germ cells. This approach has been successfully used to transiently express reporter genes driven by constitutive and testis-specific promoters. It has been proposed as an alternative method for studying gene function in testis and sperm, and as a novel way to create transgenic animals. However, the low levels and transient nature of transgene expression that can be achieved using this technique have raised concerns about its practical usefulness. It has also not been demonstrated in mammals other than mice. In this study, we show for the first time that in vivo gene transfer using electroporation can be used to express a fluorescent transgene in the testis of a mammal other than mice, the Syrian golden hamster. Significantly, for the first time we demonstrate expression of a transgene in epididymal sperm using this approach. We show that expression of the transgene can be detected in sperm for as long as 60 days following gene transfer. Finally, we provide the first systematic demonstration that this technique does not lead to any significant long-term adverse effects on testicular integrity and sperm quality. This technique therefore offers a novel way to study gene function during fertilization in hamsters and may also have potential as a way of creating transgenic versions of this important model species.  相似文献   

Gene therapy may represent a promising alternative strategy for cardiac muscle regeneration. In vivo electroporation, a physical method of gene transfer, has recently evolved as an efficient method for gene transfer. In the current study, we investigated the efficiency and safety of a protocol involving in vivo electroporation for gene transfer to the beating heart. Adult male rats were anesthetised and the heart exposed through a left thoracotomy. Naked plasmid DNA was injected retrograde into the transiently occluded coronary sinus before the electric pulses were applied. Animals were sacrificed at specific time points and gene expression was detected. Results were compared to the group of animals where no electric pulses were applied. No post-procedure arrhythmia was observed. Left ventricular function was temporarily altered only in the group were high pulses were applied; CK-MB (Creatine kinase) and TNT (Troponin T) were also altered only in this group. Histology showed no signs of toxicity. Gene expression was highest at day one. Our results provide evidence that in vivo electroporation with an optimized protocol is a safe and effective tool for nonviral gene delivery to the beating heart. This method may be promising for clinical settings especially for perioperative gene delivery.  相似文献   

The cricket (Gryllus bimaculatus) is a hemimetabolous insect that is emerging as a model organism for the study of neural and molecular mechanisms of behavioral traits. However, research strategies have been limited by a lack of genetic manipulation techniques that target the nervous system of the cricket. The development of a new method for efficient gene delivery into cricket brains, using in vivo electroporation, is described here. Plasmid DNA, which contained an enhanced green fluorescent protein (eGFP) gene, under the control of a G. bimaculatus actin (Gb′-act) promoter, was injected into adult cricket brains. Injection was followed by electroporation at a sufficient voltage. Expression of eGFP was observed within the brain tissue. Localized gene expression, targeted to specific regions of the brain, was also achieved using a combination of local DNA injection and fine arrangement of the electroporation electrodes. Further studies using this technique will lead to a better understanding of the neural and molecular mechanisms that underlie cricket behaviors.  相似文献   

A method for the purification of epithelial cells from the three anatomical regions of the rat epididymis (corpus, caput and cauda) is described. An enzymic digestion followed by sedimentation of crude cell suspension on discontinuous Percoll gradient yielded quite pure active epithelial cell population as judged by morphological and functional studies. Electron microscopy analysis showed that cells from bands corresponding to densities 1.055 and 1.06 g/ml the gradient preserved a morphology compatible with their epithelial origin and their absorptive and secretory functions. Moreover, they stained positively with anticytokeratin antibody (95-97%) and were negative for antidesmin antibody. They selectively bound L-carnitine through a time-dependent and saturable system and differences in the rate of binding were apparent according to the three anatomical regions of the epididymis.  相似文献   

Mouse bone marrow cells were subjected to electroporation in the presence of RSVCAT and SV2NEO plasmids. CAT activity was detected in the G-418 resistant granulocyte-macrophage colonies. RSVCAT electroporated into primary bone marrow cells, repopulated lethally irradiated mice as demonstrated by the persistence of CAT activity in the hematopoietic tissues showing that electroporation can offer a powerful mode of gene transfer into bone marrow cells.  相似文献   

Viral and non-viral vectors have been developed for gene therapy, but their use is associated with unresolved problems of efficacy and safety. Efficient and safe methods of DNA delivery need to be found for medical application. Here we report a new monopolar system of non-viral electro-gene transfer into the thymus in vivo that consists of the local application of electrical pulses after the introduction of the DNA. We assessed the proof of concept of this approach by correcting ZAP-70 deficient severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) in mice. The thymic electro-gene transfer of the pCMV-ZAP-70-IRES-EGFP vector in these mice resulted in rapid T cell differentiation in the thymus with mature lymphocytes detected by three weeks in secondary lymphoid organs. Moreover, this system resulted in the generation of long-term functional T lymphocytes. Peripheral reconstituted T cells displayed a diversified T cell receptor (TCR) repertoire, and were responsive to alloantigens in vivo. This process applied to the thymus could represent a simplified and effective alternative for gene therapy of T cell immunodeficiencies.  相似文献   

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