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Ten-day old Robro broiler chicks were used to test the effect of daily subcutaneous injections of two insulin levels (5- and 10-IU . kg-1 BW) administered for two different periods (5 and 21 days). Birds which received either 5- or 19-IU insulin significantly increased their feed intake over those of the controls (P less than 0.05). However, the lower insulin dose was found to be more effective in increasing both the feed consumption and weight gain of the birds, especially if administered for a long period. Between the injection periods, the high insulin dose seemed to have a greater carry-over effect. On the other hand, the administration of 5- or 10-IU insulin for either 5 or 21 days had no effect on efficiency.  相似文献   



Since feed represents 70% of the total cost in poultry production systems, an animal’s ability to convert feed is an important trait. In this study, residual feed intake (RFI) and residual body weight gain (RG), and their linear combination into residual feed intake and body weight gain (RIG) were studied to estimate their genetic parameters and analyze the potential differences in feed intake between the top ranked birds based on the criteria for each trait.


Phenotypic and genetic analyses were completed on 8340 growing tom turkeys that were measured for feed intake and body weight gain over a four-week period from 16 to 20 weeks of age.


The heritabilities of RG and RIG were 0.19 ± 0.03 and 0.23 ± 0.03, respectively. Residual body weight gain had moderate genetic correlations with feed intake (−0.41) and body weight gain (0.43). All three linear combinations to form the RIG traits had genetic correlations ranging from −0.62 to −0.52 with feed intake, and slightly weaker, 0.22 to 0.34, with body weight gain. Sorted into three equal groups (low, medium, high) based on RG, the most efficient group (high) gained 0.62 and 1.70 kg more (P < 0.001) body weight than that of the medium and low groups, yet the feed intake for the high group was less (P < 0.05) than that of the medium group (19.52 vs. 19.75 kg). When separated into similar partitions, the high RIG group (most efficient) had both the lowest (P < 0.001) feed intake (18.86 vs. 19.57 and 20.41 kg) and the highest (P < 0.001) body weight gain (7.41 vs. 7.03 and 6.43 kg) relative to the medium and low groups, respectively.


The difference in feed intake between the top ranked birds based on different residual feed efficiency traits may be small when looking at the average individual, however, when extrapolated to the production level, the lower feed intake values could lead to significant savings in feed costs over time.  相似文献   

Feed efficiency traits (FETs) are important economic indicators in poultry production. Because feed intake (FI) is a time-dependent variable, longitudinal models can provide insights into the genetic basis of FET variation over time. It is expected that the application of longitudinal models as part of genome-wide association (GWA) and genomic selection (i.e. genome-wide selection (GS)) studies will lead to an increase in accuracy of selection. Thus, the objectives of this study were to evaluate the accuracy of estimated breeding values (EBVs) based on pedigree as well as high-density single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotypes, and to conduct a GWA study on longitudinal FI and residual feed intake (RFI) in a total of 312 chickens with phenotype and genotype in the F2 population. The GWA and GS studies reported in this paper were conducted using β-spline random regression models for FI and RFI traits in a chicken F2 population, with FI and BW recorded for each bird weekly between 2 and 10 weeks of age. A single SNP regression approach was used on spline coefficients for weekly FI and RFI traits, with results showing that two significant SNPs for FI occur in the synuclein (SNCAIP) gene. Results also show that these regions are significantly associated with the spline coefficients (q2) for 5- and 6-week-old birds, while GWA study results showed no SNP association with RFI in F2 chickens. Estimated breeding value predictions obtained using a pedigree-based best linear unbiased prediction (ABLUP) model were then compared with predictions based on genomic best linear unbiased prediction (GBLUP). The accuracy was measured as correlation between genomic EBV and EBV with the phenotypic value corrected for fixed effects divided by the square root of heritability. The regression of observed on predicted values was used to estimate bias of methods. Results show that prediction accuracies using GBLUP and ABLUP for the FI measured from 2nd to 10th week were between 0.06 and 0.46 and 0.03 and 0.37, respectively. These results demonstrate that genomic methods are able to increase the accuracy of predicted breeding values at later ages on the basis of both traits, and indicate that use of a longitudinal model can improve selection accuracy for the trajectory of traits in F2 chickens when compared with conventional methods.  相似文献   

Effects of intracerebroventricular (ICV) injection of corticotrophin releasing factor (CRF) on feed intake were evaluated in two lines of White Plymouth Rock chickens that have been selected from a common base population for high (HWS) or low (LWS) juvenile body weight. Both lines responded with reduced feed intake after ICV CRF; however, the threshold of response was lower in line LWS than HWS. Additionally, the effects of two receptor antagonists, astressin and alpha-helical CRF (9-41; alpha-CRF), and the effect of CRF fragment 6-33, (which displaces CRF from its binding protein), were evaluated in these lines. Although all three antagonists increased feed intake in line LWS but not line HWS, they attenuated the appetite-reducing effects of CRF only in line HWS. Peripheral plasma corticosterone concentrations after an acute stressor were higher in line LWS than in line HWS. These data support the thesis of correlated responses in the CRF system to selection for high or low juvenile body weight. These differences may contribute to differential feed intake, and hence altered body weights.  相似文献   

The influence of whole, crushed and ground barley and oats on intake, performance and carcass characteristics of lambs was examined. A comparison of diets was conducted with individually-fed male and female lambs in six groups. The study was repeated in three successive years (1995–1997) using the same experimental design. A total of 192 lambs of a mean initial age of 74 days (SD 13.0) and live weight 20.6 kg (SD 4.54) were daily fed their respective concentrates, 72 g dry matter (DM)/kg metabolic live weight (kgW0.75), for 98 days from weaning to slaughter. Hay was provided ad libitum.The lambs adapted more quickly to diets containing barley than to those containing oats. Compared to oats, the total daily DM intake was higher on barley (1162 vs. 990 g DM/lamb, 89 vs. 78 g DM/kgW0.75, P < 0.001). Hay consumption was significantly lower on oats than on barley (182 vs. 344 g DM/day, P < 0.001). On oats the lambs experienced energy and protein deficiencies with their energy and protein intakes being 20% below feeding recommendations. On the barley diets the energy and protein requirements of the lambs were satisfied. When processed cereals were offered, there was no increase in the total DM, energy or protein intakes. Processing did not improve the organic matter digestibility of barley or oats.The growth rate (P < 0.01), carcass weight (P < 0.001) and slaughter percentage (P < 0.001) were higher on a barley diet than on oats. A barley diet resulted in more kidney fat (P < 0.01) and fattier carcasses. Processing had no positive influence on the live weight gain. On the contrary, lambs receiving crushed or ground barley or oats had a lower final live weight than those receiving whole grains (P < 0.001). The utilisation of whole grain was more efficient than that of processed grain. There were no advantages in processing barley and oats for the feeding of lambs.  相似文献   

True metabolizable energy of crambe meal was determined with adult cecectomized turkeys to be 11.8 kJ(2.8 kcal)g−1. Amino acid digestibilities were 90% or greater, indicating that protein quality of crambe meal was high. Growing broilers were fed diets containing 0, 50, 100 or 150 (g crambe meal) kg−1 diet (control, 50C, 100C and 150C, respectively) for 56 days. Feed intake for the 150C birds was lower than the other treatments initially; at the end of the experiment, intake of the 150C birds compensated and was similar to the control birds. Weight gain patterns were similar to intake responses. Birds on the 150C treatment had reduced tibial ash content and locomotor difficulties in the first half of the experiment; these effects were absent in the second half of the experiment. Meat quality and serum chemistries were unaffected by feeding crambe meal. Broilers fed the 150C diet had increased liver and kidney weights. Broilers can be fed diets containing up to 50 (g crambe meal) kg−1 diet with no adverse effects on gain and health and up to 100 g kg−1 diet with minimal adverse effects on gain and health.  相似文献   

The effect of humidity on growth and feed conversion of broiler chickens   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The optimum range of relative humidity for chicken after brooding is between 50 and 70%. The range is between 60% and 80% relative humidity during the brooding period. The higher humidities seem to favor better growth and feed conversion. However, one must be careful since the higher humidities seem to favor problems with wet litter, housing and some diseases. Dehydration did not occur under conditions of these tests. Feed conversion, feathering,pigmentation and gain of the chicken is aversely affected by high relative humidities above 26.7°C temperature. Chicken raised at 35° to 37.8°C regardless of humidity do not perform satisfactorily. The importance of water cannot be overlooked as was shown in these trials.The chicken requires approximately 0.68 kg of water per kg of feed consumed and almost 1.59 kg of water for each kg of gain. If the water is unpalatable, contaminated or high in mineral salts consumption can be reduced thus causing a reduction in growth and efficiency.
Zusammenfassung Der optimale Bereich der Relativen Feuchte für Hühner nach dem Brüten liegt zwischen 50 und 70%, der Bereich während der Brutperiode zwischen 60 und 80%. Höhere Feuchten scheinen ein besseres Wachstum und eine bessere Nahrungsverwertung zu begünstigen. Jedoch muss man vorsichtig sein, weil die höheren Feuchten Schwierigkeiten wie feuchte Streu und Behausung sowie einige Krankheiten begünstigen. Austrocknung kam unter diesen Versuchsbedingungen nicht vor. Futterverwertung, Gefieder, Pigmentierung und Gewichtszunahme werden durch hohe Relative Feuchten bei Temperaturen über 26,7°C ungünstig beeinflusst. Hühner, die bei 35 bis 37,8°C ohne Rücksicht auf die Relative Feuchte gezüchtet wurden,befriedigten nicht. Die Bedeutung des Wassers darf nicht übersehen werden. Das Huhn benötigt annähernd 0,68 kg Wasser je Kg Futterverbrauch und fast 1,59 kg Wasser für jedes kg Gewichtszunahme. Wenn das Wasser nicht schmackhaft oder verunreinigt ist oder einen hohen Gehalt von Mineralsalzen besitzt, kann der Verbrauch reduziert und so eine Beeinträchtigung des Wachstums und der Leistungsfähigkeit verursacht werden.

Resume L'humidité optimum pour le développement des poulets fraîchement éclos est située entre 50 et 70%. Durant la couvaison, cet optiumum se situe entre 60 et 80%. Une humidité plus élevée semble favoriser la croissance et une meilleure mise en valeur de la nourriture. Il faut pourtant être prudent dans le réglage de l'humidité, car, si elle est trop élevée, elle semble favoriser certaines maladies et apporte des difficultés d'élevage dues au poulailler lui-même et au fait que la litière est humide. On n'as pas constaté de phénomènes de déshydratation au cours de ces essais. Au-dessus de 26,7°C, une forte humidité influence de façon défavorable la nutrition, le plumage, la pigmentation et le développement des poulets. Des poulets élevés entre 35° et 37,8°C sans qu'on tienne compte de l'humidité ne donnent pas satisfaction. Dans les présents essais, on a également mis en évidence l'importance de l'eau. Les poulets ont besoin d'environ 0,68 kg d'eau par kg de nourriture et d'à peu près 1,59 kg d'eau par kg de poids. Si l'eau a un goût désagréable, si elle est polluée ou si elle présente une forte teneur en sels minéraux, les poulets en boivent moins et leur développement en est diminué d'autant.

Presented at the Fourth International Biometeorological Congress, New Brunswick, N.J., 26 August–2 September 1966. Scientific Article Number A-1291. Contribution No. 3832 of the Maryland Agricultural Experiment Station.  相似文献   

The aim of the present experiment was to study the growth hormone (GH) response upon thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH) challenge (2 micrograms/kg body weight) in broiler chickens selected for body weight gain (GL line: fat line) or for feed efficiency (FC line: lean line) reared at either a moderate (33-23 degrees C) or high (33 degrees C) ambient temperature. A higher plasma GH level at 5 min after TRH administration was observed in the high temperature conditioned chickens of both lines. Also at high ambient temperature, an enhanced GH decrease between 15 min and 30 min post-injection and a higher acute elimination rate was calculated compared to moderate ambient temperature. A significantly higher GH secretory response was observed in the leaner FC line chickens, which was probably related to the more pronounced pulsatory GH secretion rate in these chickens. There was no difference in GH acute elimination rate between both lines in both environments. No interactions between line and rearing temperature for these parameters of GH dynamics were observed.  相似文献   

A diet contaminated with 2.8 mg deoxynivalenol (DON)/kg was fed at 6 kg per day to 32 mycotoxin-exposed pluriparous sows (M) during lactation. The 31 control sows (C) received 6 kg of an uncontaminated diet. Although more contaminated diet was refused (P = 0.05), DON exposure had no effect (P > 0.1) on body weight loss of the sows during lactation (M: 27.9 ± 12.3 kg; C: 29.7 ± 10.2 kg), the number of weaned piglets (M: 9.8 ± 1.4; C: 9.7 ± 1.6) and their daily weight gain (M: 266 ± 70 g; C: 272 ± 64 g). Several sows were culled after weaning for reasons unrelated to the experiment. Compared with the remaining 21 C sows, the remaining 26 M sows had an identical interval between weaning and the next farrowing (M: 120 ± 1 days; C: 120 ± 1 days) and a similar litter size (M: 14.5 ± 2.7; C: 14.9 ± 3.0; P > 0.10). The daily intake of 17 mg DON during lactation thus did not affect the reproductive performance of the sows.  相似文献   

The respective effects of ambient temperature, dietary crude protein and feed intake were investigated in finishing chickens and the consequence of protein supplementation under high temperature conditions was analysed in particular. Heat-related reduction in growth was associated with decreased nitrogen retention (-30 or -35% according to the diet), which could not be explained by the observed lower feed intake alone. Tissue samples performed in 5- to 6-week-old chicks showed varying effects of heat according to the muscles studied: at 32 degrees C, the proportion of Pectoralis major muscle (in percentage of body weight) appeared slightly reduced (reduction lower than 10%), whereas the proportion of two leg muscles were increased (+10 to +15% for the Sartorius muscle; +5% for the gastrocnemius muscle). At 32 degrees C, providing a high protein diet significantly (P < 0.05) increased weight gain and feed efficiency, and slightly improved whole body protein deposition.  相似文献   

A novel approach to potentially improve pig growth and welfare is to supplement environments with biologically meaningful odors that are deficient. The post-weaning environment lacks maternal odors that may contribute to the often-observed post-weaning lag in growth and health challenges. A recently reported rabbit maternal pheromone (2-methyl-2-butenal (2M2B)) may act as an interomone in the pig. The objective of this study was to determine if providing a maternal pheromone/interomone during transport and the post-weaning environment may enhance pig performance. A total of 40 replicated pens were used in a factorial arrangement of two transport olfactory experiences (Control v. 2M2B), two nursery olfactory experiences (Control v. 2M2B) and two sexes (barrow v. gilt). Pig body weight, average daily gain (ADG), average daily feed intake (ADFI) and gain : feed ratio (G : F) were measured and calculated over a 28-day post-weaning period. Pig sex and application of 2M2B during transport had no effect on pig performance. However, pigs that had 2M2B applied to their feeder at weaning had 15% greater feed intake (0.74 v. 0.64±0.03 kg/day, P<0.01) and 12% greater ADG (0.27 v. 0.24 kg/day, P<0.05) than control pigs. G : F ratio was not different between treatments. The interomone 2M2B is a novel, safe molecule that can improve pig post-weaning performance. This report highlights a new area of study and a natural class of compounds that can improve pig performance and potentially improve pig welfare.  相似文献   

Floor space allowance for pigs has substantial effects on pig growth and welfare. Data from 30 papers examining the influence of floor space allowance on the growth of finishing pigs was used in a meta-analysis to develop alternative prediction equations for average daily gain (ADG), average daily feed intake (ADFI) and gain : feed ratio (G : F). Treatment means were compiled in a database that contained 30 papers for ADG and 28 papers for ADFI and G : F. The predictor variables evaluated were floor space (m2/pig), k (floor space/final BW0.67), Initial BW, Final BW, feed space (pigs per feeder hole), water space (pigs per waterer), group size (pigs per pen), gender, floor type and study length (d). Multivariable general linear mixed model regression equations were used. Floor space treatments within each experiment were the observational and experimental unit. The optimum equations to predict ADG, ADFI and G : F were: ADG, g=337.57+(16 468×k)−(237 350×k2)−(3.1209×initial BW (kg))+(2.569×final BW (kg))+(71.6918×k×initial BW (kg)); ADFI, g=833.41+(24 785×k)−(388 998×k2)−(3.0027×initial BW (kg))+(11.246×final BW (kg))+(187.61×k×initial BW (kg)); G : F=predicted ADG/predicted ADFI. Overall, the meta-analysis indicates that BW is an important predictor of ADG and ADFI even after computing the constant coefficient k, which utilizes final BW in its calculation. This suggests including initial and final BW improves the prediction over using k as a predictor alone. In addition, the analysis also indicated that G : F of finishing pigs is influenced by floor space allowance, whereas individual studies have concluded variable results.  相似文献   

A radiochemical method was developed to estimate cholyltaurine hydrolase potentials and rates of cholyltaurine hydrolysis in chicken intestinal homogenates. This method was used to monitor the effects of antibiotic feed additives on cholyltaurine hydrolase activity. Avoparcin, bacitracin methylenedisalisylic acid, efrotomycin, lincomycin, penicillin G procaine, and virginiamycin improved rate of weight gain and feed conversion of chicks and decreased cholyltaurine hydrolase activity in ileal homogenates relative to those of nonmedicated control birds. The results provided the first evidence that feeding selected antibiotics at subtherapeutic levels can affect bile acid-transforming enzymes in small-intestinal homogenates. The inverse relationship between growth performance and cholyltaurine hydrolase activity raises the possibility that specific inhibitors of this enzyme may promote weight gain and feed conversion in livestock and thereby reduce or eliminate the need for antibiotic feed additives.  相似文献   

The study was undertaken to determine the effects of different forms of Acacia saligna leaves inclusion on feed intake, digestibility and body weight gain in lambs fed grass hay basal diet. Twenty local ‘Farta’ yearling male lambs weighing 17.4 ± 0.10 kg (mean ± SD) were randomly allocated to four dietary treatments consisting of daily feeding of lambs in T1 with 700 g grass hay (dry matter basis), and daily free choice feeding of lambs in T2, T3, and T4 with 700 g grass hay + 700 g fresh, wilted, and dried A. saligna leaves, respectively. Inclusion of different forms of A. saligna leaves improved (P<0.01) the daily intake of total DM by 8–9% and that of OM and CP by 7 and 38%, respectively compared to the control. The daily intake of NDFom was lower (P<0.01) by 1–2.3%, whereas that of the ADFom intake declined (P<0.01) by 1.3–3.4% for lambs on wilted and dried forms of A. saligna leaves. Inclusion of A. saligna leaves replaced the intake of the grass hay by 26–27% of the total diet and reduced (P<0.05) apparent digestibility coefficient of the total DM by 9, 7, and 4%, OM by 7, 6 and 4%, and CP by 12, 12, and 9%, but improved (P<0.05) apparent digestibility coefficient of NDFom by 3–4% compared to the control diet. Dried A. saligna leaves improved (P<0.05) apparent digestibility of DM, OM and CP compared to fresh A. saligna leaves. Lambs fed on hay alone lost (P<0.05) body weight, while the lambs supplemented with A. saligna leaves gained (P<0.05) weight. The results of this study revealed that A. saligna leaves could be best included in the grass hay based feeding in dried form at the rate of 265 g/kg DM for improved nutrient utilization and growth performance of yearling lambs.  相似文献   

A regression approach was applied to determine the influence of feed provisioning prior to digesta sampling on precaecal (pc) amino acid (AA) digestibility in broiler chickens. Soybean meal was used as an example test ingredient. Five feed-provisioning protocols were investigated, four with restricted provision and one with ad libitum provision. When provision was restricted, feed was provided for 30 min after a withdrawal period of 12 h. Digesta were sampled 1, 2, 4 and 6 h after feeding commenced. A diet containing 300 g maize starch/kg was prepared. Half or all the maize starch was replaced with soybean meal in two other diets. Average pc digestibility of all determined AA in the soybean meal was 86% for the 4 and 6-h protocols and 66% and 60% for the 2 and 1-h protocols, respectively. Average pc AA digestibility of soybean meal was 76% for ad libitum feed provision. Feed provisioning also influenced the determined variance. Variance in digestibility ranked in magnitude 1 h > ad libitum > 2 h > 6 h > 4 h for all AA. Owing to the considerable influence of feed-provisioning protocols found in this study, comparisons of pc AA digestibility between studies applying different protocols prior to digesta sampling must be treated with caution. Digestibility experiments aimed at providing estimates for practical feed formulation should use feed-provisioning procedures similar to those used in practice.  相似文献   

The study investigates the effects of a post-weaning water restriction on performance, nutrient digestibility, carcass traits and meat quality of 84-day-old rabbits. A total of 1388 weaned rabbits (35 days) were randomly divided into two groups on the basis of BW and sex. The two groups were fed the same diets ad libitum both in the post-weaning (35 to 60 days) and fattening (61 to 84 days) periods. In the post-weaning period, one group (AL) also received drinking water ad libitum, whereas the other (WR) had a water restriction from 35 to 41 days 2 h/day; from 42 to 48 days 2.5 h/day; from 49 to 55 days 3 h/day; and from 56 to 60 days 4 h/day. During the fattening period, both groups had water-free access. Individual live weights and feed intake per cage were recorded weekly for 32 cages randomly chosen per group (64 rabbits) to calculate the BW gain, feed intake and feed conversion ratio (FCR). The apparent digestibility values of nutrients were measured using acid-insoluble ash. Carcass data were collected from 16 rabbits (8 males and 8 females) per group selected for similar final BW in both groups. Mortality from 35 to 60 days was higher in the AL group (10.1% v. 5.2%, for AL and WR, respectively, P < 0.0001). BW gain was higher for the AL group during both the post-weaning (+22.4%, P < 0.01) and the entire period (+7.5%, P < 0.05). Water restriction reduced feed intake both in the post-weaning (−17.4%, P < 0.0001) and in the entire period (−9.9%, P < 0.05). During the fattening period, FCR was lower for the WR group (5.15 v. 5.75 g/g, for WR and AL, respectively, P < 0.05). The apparent digestibilities of dry matter, organic matter, NDF, ADF and cellulose were greater in the restricted rabbits (+4.7%, +4.5%, +10.2%, +18.8% and +12.8%, P < 0.01, P < 0.01, P < 0.05, P < 0.01, P < 0.05, respectively). Perirenal and scapular fat percentages were higher in the AL rabbits (+30.7% and +116.6%, P < 0.01 and P < 0.001, respectively). Water restriction increased saturated fatty acids (C16:0, +12.9%, P < 0.05), lauroleic acid (C12:1, +75.0%, P < 0.01), n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (C20:5, +50.0%, P < 0.01 and C22:5, +16.6%, P < 0.05) and the n-3/n-6 ratio (+28.6%, P < 0.05). The applied water restriction between 35 and 60 days executed during the winter months improved the digestive health of rabbits, with no negative effects on carcass traits, or physical and chemical meat characteristics. However, from the animal welfare point of view, a water restriction can be criticized as a method to restrict feed intake.  相似文献   

Exercise through perching has been suggested as a way to reduce the impact of leg problems in broiler chickens. It is possible that higher stocking densities may motivate birds to perch more, and perhaps reduce some of the detrimental effects to broiler health seen with high stocking densities. The goal of this research was to investigate the effects of density (10, 15, and 20birds/m(2)) and perch design on the frequency of perch utilization. Mixed sex broilers were assigned to 36 pens in a four perch treatmentxthree density factorial with three replications for each treatment/density combination in a randomized complete block design. Pens were assigned to one of four perch treatments: control (no perches), horizontal (three horizontal perches), angled (three 10 degrees angled perches), or mixed angle (one horizontal, one 10 degrees angled, and one 20 degrees angled perch), at each of the three densities. The results show that although the frequency of perch use was low, (2.6%+/-0.15), significant preferences were clear. Perching frequency was significantly higher when birds were raised at stocking densities of 15 (2.88+/-0.303) or 20birds/m(2) (2.76+/-0.211), as opposed to 10birds/m(2) (2.10+/-0.209) as indicated by a marginally significant main effect (p<0.0597), and a significant linear effect (P<0.0427). The birds used the horizontal perches the most, followed by 10 degrees angled and mixed angle perch treatments with decreasing frequency. An effect of age was found, in that perching increased during the first 4 weeks, and dropped off significantly at the end of the rearing period for all perch treatments. In general, perches closest to the hallway or outside of the house were used more than perches in the middle of the pen. Preferential use of the highest section of the 10 degrees angled perches was also found. The applied perch treatments or densities did not significantly affect final body weight or feed conversion. Percent mortality due to heat stress showed a significant increase with density, while mortality not caused by heat stress did not change with perch treatment or density.  相似文献   

Increased activity improves broiler leg health, but also increases the heat production of the bird. This experiment investigated the effects of early open-field activity and ambient temperature on the growth and feed intake of two strains of broiler chickens. On the basis of the level of activity in an open-field test on day 3 after hatching, fast-growing Ross 208 and slow-growing i657 chickens were allocated on day 13 to one of the 48 groups. Each group included either six active or six passive birds from each strain and the groups were housed in floor-pens littered with wood chips and fitted with two heat lamps. Each group was fed ad libitum and subjected to one of the three temperature treatments: two (HH; 26°C), one (HC; 16°C to 26°C) or no (CC; 16°C) heat lamps turned on. Production and behavioural data were collected every 2 weeks until day 57. For both strains, early open-field activity had no significant effects on their subsequent behaviour or on any of the production parameters measured, and overall, the slow-growing strain was more active than the fast-growing strain. Ambient temperature had significant effects on production measures for i657 broilers, with CC chickens eating and weighing more, and with a less efficient feed conversion than HH chickens, with HC birds intermediate. A similar effect was found for Ross 208 only for feed intake from 27 to 41 days of age. Ross 208 chickens distributed themselves in the pen with a preference for cooler areas in the hottest ambient temperature treatments. In contrast, the behaviour of the slow-growing strain appeared to be relatively unaffected by the ambient temperature. In conclusion, fast-growing broilers use behavioural changes when trying to adapt to warm environments, whereas slow-growing broilers use metabolic changes to adapt to cooler ambient temperatures.  相似文献   

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