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Both arginine and silicon affect collagen formation and bone mineralization. Thus, an experiment was designed to determine if dietary arginine would alter the effect of dietary silicon on bone mineralization and vice versa. Male weanling Sprague-Dawley rats were assigned to groups of 12 in a 2×2 factorially arranged experiment. Supplemented to a ground corn/casein basal diet containing 2.3 μg Si/g and adequate arginine were silicon as sodium metasilicate at 0 or 35 μg/g diet and arginine at 0 or 5 mg/g diet. The rats were fed ad libitum deionized water and their respective diets for 8 wk. Body weight, liver weight/body weight ratio, and plasma silicon were decreased, and plasma alkaline phosphatase activity was increased by silicon deprivation. Silicon deprivation also decreased femoral calcium, copper, potassium, and zinc concentrations, but increased the femoral manganese concentration. Arginine supplementation decreased femoral molybdenum concentration but increased the femoral manganese concentration. Vertebral concentrations of phosphorus, sodium, potassium, copper, manganese, and zinc were decreased by silicon deprivation. Arginine supplementation increased vertebral concentrations of sodium, potassium, manganese, zinc, and iron. The arginine effects were more marked in the silicon-deprived animals, especially in the vertebra. Germanium concentrations of the femur and vertebra were affected by an interaction between silicon and arginine; the concentrations were decreased by silicon deprivation in those animals not fed supplemental arginine. The change in germanium is consistent with a previous finding by us suggesting that this element may be physiologically important, especially as related to bone DNA concentrations. The femoral and vertebral mineral findings support the contention that silicon has a physiological role in bone formation and that arginine intake can affect that role. The U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Northern Plains Area is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer, and all agency services are available without discrimination. Mention of a trademark or proprietary product does not constitute a guarantee or warranty of the product by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and does not imply its approval to the exclusion of other products that may be suitable.  相似文献   

High dietary calcium has been shown in epidemiological studies to be a risk factor for prostate cancer, and it has been postulated that this effect is secondary to calcium induced modulation of the vitamin D axis. In this study, we used LPB-Tag transgenic mice on the CD1 background to examine the impact of dietary calcium on prostate tumor progression. CD1-LPB-Tag mice predictably develop autochthonous, hormone-responsive prostate tumors by 3 months of age. Age matched transgenic and non-transgenic littermates were weaned onto high (2%) or low (0.2%) calcium diets and mice were sacrificed at 5, 7, and 9 weeks of age. The entire urogenital complex was excised, weighed, and processed for histology. There was no significant effect of dietary calcium on tumor weight or on the time course of tumor progression, as monitored using a modified Gleason grade (MGS). Serum calcium was maintained in the normal range in mice on the low and high calcium diet throughout the study. Circulating 1,25(OH)(2)D(3) was elevated by low dietary calcium in 5-week-old mice, but not in older animals. In summary, neither development nor progression of prostate tumors in LPB-Tag mice was accelerated by high dietary calcium.  相似文献   

The nutritional composition of diets and the provision of exogenous enzymes play important roles in animal performance. Here, we evaluated the individual and combined impact of nutrients (metabolizable energy (ME), digestible lysine (dLys), available phosphorus and calcium (avP–Ca)) and exogenous multicarbohydrase and phytase complex (MCPC) enyzmes on the growth performance and feed efficiency of broiler chickens from 10 to 42 days (d) of age. Experimental diets were formulated in a Box-Behnken design to contain various levels of ME (11.89, 12.21, 12.54 or 13.06 MJ/kg), dLys (0.91%, 0.93%, 0.96% or 1.00%) and avP/Ca (0.12/0.47%, 0.21/0.58% or 0.33/0.68%). The effect of MCPC was expressed in terms of the extra nutrients released. The diets were formulated to have consistent substrate contents (i.e., arabinoxylan and phytate). Feed intake (FI), BW gain (BWG) and feed conversion ratio (FCR) were described via polynomial equations (R2 = 0.99, 0.98 and 0.81, respectively), with interconnections between variables (ME, dLys and avP–Ca). Available P–Ca was the most important factor affecting FI (quadratically), and BWG and FCR (linearly). Reducing the avP content from 0.33% to 0.12% in diets lacking MCPC resulted in 25% and 33% decreases in FI and BWG, respectively, and a 12% increase in FCR. The ME and dLys contents also linearly affected these performance parameters to a lesser degree; FI decreased by 400 g when the ME was reduced by 1.17 MJ/kg, and by 300 g following a 0.09% reduction of dLys, while the same reductions in ME and dLys decreased BWG by 120 g and 150 g, respectively. The inclusion of MCPC alleviated the reduction of FI, BWG and FCR by decreasing the avP–Ca. Thus, ME and dLys were the most important factors affecting BWG and FCR in broilers fed diets containing MCPC. When MCPC was added, ME negatively affected FI (r = −0.89, P < 0.001), whereas the dLys content was correlated with BWG (r = 0.74, P < 0.001). Both ME and dLys affected FCR (r = −0.83 and −0.85, respectively). Supplementing MCPC allowed the reduction of ME, dLys and avP–Ca in the diet without affecting performance. Indeed, MCPC’s effect promoted with the release of the following nutrients: 0.56 MJ ME/kg, 0.06% dLys, and 0.15% and 0.13% avP and Ca, respectively. The results indicate nutrient effect and interaction on performance and feed additive potential for nutrient release.  相似文献   

The provision of supplemental ascorbic acid has been reported to lower the body temperature of chickens maintained at elevated environmental temperatures. Since body temperature is the net effect of heat production and heat loss, it is not known if the reductions in body temperature were due to a lower heat production or an increase in heat loss. The purpose of this work was to determine if supplemental ascorbic acid facilitates heat loss in chickens exposed to an elevated temperature. On day 12 post-hatch broiler chickens were implanted intra-abdominally with a thermo-sensitive radio transmitter. The following day, birds were placed inside an indirect calorimeter maintained at 34 C for 24 h and provided water containing 0 or 400 ppm ascorbic acid. Oxygen consumption, carbon dioxide production, heat production, respiratory exchange ratio, and body core temperature were measured for 3 h; beginning 21 h after the birds were placed inside the calorimeter. No differences were observed in heat production or body core temperature between birds provided or not and 400 ppm ascorbic acid. This suggests that ascorbic acid has no effect on heat loss. Birds provided ascorbic acid did exhibit a significantly lower respiratory exchange ratio suggesting a greater utilization of lipid for energy production. Although lipid has a lower heat increment compared with protein and carbohydrate, the significance of this finding to birds exposed to elevated temperature is not known. In conclusion, under the conditions of this study the provision of supplemental ascorbic acid to broiler chickens maintained at an elevated temperature did not affect heat loss as inferred from measured heat production and body core temperature.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine whether dietary boron (B) affects the strength, density and mineral composition of teeth and mineral density of alveolar bone in rabbits with apparent obesity induced by a high-energy diet. Sixty female, 8-month-old, New Zealand rabbits were randomly assigned for 7 months into five groups as follows: (1) control 1, fed alfalfa hay only (5.91 MJ/kg and 57.5 mg B/kg); (2) control 2, high energy diet (11.76 MJ and 3.88 mg B/kg); (3) B10, high energy diet + 10 mg B gavage/kg body weight/96 h; (4) B30, high energy diet + 30 mg B gavage/kg body weight/96 h; (5) B50, high energy diet + 50 mg B gavage/kg body weight/96 h. Maxillary incisor teeth of the rabbits were evaluated for compression strength, mineral composition, and micro-hardness. Enamel, dentin, cementum and pulp tissue were examined histologically. Mineral densities of the incisor teeth and surrounding alveolar bone were determined by using micro-CT. When compared to controls, the different boron treatments did not significantly affect compression strength, and micro-hardness of the teeth, although the B content of teeth increased in a dose-dependent manner. Compared to control 1, B50 teeth had decreased phosphorus (P) concentrations. Histological examination revealed that teeth structure (shape and thickness of the enamel, dentin, cementum and pulp) was similar in the B-treated and control rabbits. Micro CT evaluation revealed greater alveolar bone mineral density in B10 and B30 groups than in controls. Alveolar bone density of the B50 group was not different than the controls. Although the B treatments did not affect teeth structure, strength, mineral density and micro-hardness, increasing B intake altered the mineral composition of teeth, and, in moderate amounts, had beneficial effects on surrounding alveolar bone.  相似文献   

The temperature dependence of sliding force, velocity, and unbinding force was studied on actin filaments when they were placed on heavy meromyosin (HMM) attached to a glass surface. A fluorescently labeled actin filament was attached to the gelsolin-coated surface of a 1-microm polystyrene bead. The bead was trapped by optical tweezers, and HMM-actin interaction was performed at 20-35 degrees C to examine whether force is altered by the temperature change. Our experiments demonstrate that sliding force increased moderately with temperature (Q(10) = 1.6 +/- 0.2, +/-SEM, n = 9), whereas the velocity increased significantly (Q(10) = 2.9 +/- 0.4, n = 10). The moderate increase in force is caused by the increased number of available cross-bridges for actin interaction, because the cross-bridge number similarly increased with temperature (Q(10) = 1. 5 +/- 0.2, n = 3) when measured during rigor induction. We further found that unbinding force measured during the rigor condition did not differ with temperature. These results indicate that the amount of force each cross-bridge generates is fixed, and it does not change with temperature. We found that the above generalization was not modified in the presence of 1 mM MgADP or 8 mM phosphate.  相似文献   

To examine the unproved hypothesis that dietary cholesterol affects the synthesis of apolipoprotein B and E, we fed rats a cholesterol-rich diet that has been shown to alter dramatically the serum concentrations of these apolipoproteins. Rats fed for 4 weeks on a cholesterol-rich diet accumulate increased concentrations of low Mr apolipoprotein B (+2.7-fold) and decreased concentrations of apolipoprotein E (-40%) in their serum. Hepatocytes obtained from similarly treated rats were placed in monolayer culture and the rate of synthesis de novo of apolipoproteins was determined. Although cells from cholesterol-fed rats remained filled with lipid droplets throughout the experimental period, there was no difference in plating efficiency or viability, compared with cells obtained from chow-fed control rats. Both groups of cells synthesized and secreted immunoprecipitable apolipoproteins B and E at similar rates throughout the 18 h experiment. Thus there was a discordance between the effects of dietary cholesterol on serum apolipoprotein concentrations and hepatocyte synthesis and secretion. The data indicate that altered hepatic apolipoprotein synthesis cannot account for the changes in serum apolipoprotein concentrations caused by dietary cholesterol.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of dietary Bifidobacterium bifidum (BFD) and mannan-oligosaccharide (MOS), as a synbiotic, on the production performance, gut microbiology, serum biochemistry, antioxidant profile and health indices of broiler chicken. Six dietary treatments were T1 (negative control), T2 (positive control-20 mg antibiotic BMD kg−1 diet; BMD: bacitracin methylene disalicylate), T3 (0·1% MOS + 106 CFU BFD per g feed), T4 (0·1% MOS + 107 CFU BFD per g feed), T5 (0·2% MOS + 106 CFU BFD per g feed) and T6 (0·2% MOS + 107 CFU BFD per g feed). Significantly (P < 0·01) better growth performance and efficiency was observed in birds supplemented with 0·2% MOS along with 106 CFU BFD per g of feed compared to BMD and control birds. Supplementation with 0·2% MOS along with either 106 or 107 CFU BFD per g feed reduced (P < 0·01) the gut coliform, Escherichia coli, total plate count, and Clostridium perfringens count and increased the Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium count. Significantly (P < 0·01) higher serum and liver antioxidant enzyme pool, serum HDL cholesterol and lower serum glucose, triglyceride, total cholesterol, cardiac risk ratio, atherogenic coefficient and atherogenic index of plasma were observed in birds supplemented with 0·2% MOS along with 106 CFU BFD per g of feed compared to control or BMD supplemented birds. Better production performance, gut microbial composition, serum biochemistry, antioxidant profile and health indices were depicted by broiler chicken supplemented with 0·2% MOS and 106 CFU BFD per g of feed.  相似文献   

Long-term memory can be critically important for animals in a variety of contexts, and yet the extreme reduction in body temperature in hibernating animals alters neurochemistry and may therefore impair brain function. Behavioural studies on memory impairment associated with hibernation have been almost exclusively conducted on ground squirrels (Rodentia) and provide conflicting results, including clear evidence for memory loss. Here, we for the first time tested memory retention after hibernation for a vertebrate outside rodents—bats (Chiroptera). In the light of the high mobility, ecology and long life of bats, we hypothesized that maintenance of consolidated memory through hibernation is under strong natural selection. We trained bats to find food in one out of three maze arms. After training, the pre-hibernation performance of all individuals was at 100 per cent correct decisions. After this pre-test, one group of bats was kept, with two interruptions, at 7°C for two months, while the other group was kept under conditions that prevented them from going into hibernation. The hibernated bats performed at the same high level as before hibernation and as the non-hibernated controls. Our data suggest that bats benefit from an as yet unknown neuroprotective mechanism to prevent memory loss in the cold brain.  相似文献   

The effects of Prostacyclin (PGI2) infusion on insulin secretion and glucose tolerance were investigated in 7 healthy subjects. PGI2 infusion caused no statistically significant changes of either glucose or insulin concentration, over the range 2.5–20 ng/Kg/min. A constant PGI2 infusion (10 ng/Kg/min) did not inhibit acute insulin responses to a glucose (20 g i.v.) pulse (response before PGI2 = 612±307%; during PGI2 = 515±468%, mean ± SD, mean change 3–5 min insulin, % basal; P=NS). Glucose disappearance rates were similar after the first and second glucose pulse.Thus, in contrast to PGE2, PGI2 does not affect insulin secretion nor glucose disposal at doses producing platelet and vascular changes. It is hypothesized that an altered PGI2/PGE2 balance in diabetes may represent a link between vascular, platelet and metabolic changes.  相似文献   

A real time quantitative PCR combined with propidium monoazide (PMA) treatment of samples was implemented to quantify live C. jejuni, C. coli and C. lari on broiler chicken carcasses at selected processing steps in the slaughterhouse. The samples were enumerated by culture for comparison. The Campylobacter counts determined with the PMA-qPCR and the culture method were not concordant. We conclude that the qPCR combined with PMA treatment of the samples did not fully reduce the signal from dead cells.  相似文献   

Coordinate accumulation of troponin subunits in chicken breast muscle   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The accumulation of troponin subunits in developing chicken breast muscle was determined by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and an image analyzing system. Many troponin T isoforms, including those hidden behind creatine kinase, were detected on the two-dimensional pattern by the addition of 6 M urea in the second dimension. These troponin T isoforms were classified into four types by developmental order, isoelectric point, and molecular weight: leg-muscle type (L), neonatal breast-muscle type (BN), young chicken breast-muscle type (BC), and adult breast-muscle type (BA). The L-, BN-, and BC-type troponin Ts were transiently expressed at specific developmental stages. Quantitative analysis of two-dimensional patterns of troponin subunits including troponin I and troponin C showed moderate coordination in accumulation among the three subunits throughout postnatal development, when the total amount of all isoforms of troponin T was taken into account.  相似文献   

In order to grow on soils that vary widely in chemical composition, plants have evolved mechanisms for regulating the elemental composition of their tissues to balance the mineral nutrient and trace element bioavailability in the soil with the requirements of the plant for growth and development. The biodiversity that exists within a species can be utilized to investigate how regulatory mechanisms of individual elements interact and to identify genes important for these processes. We analyzed the elemental composition (ionome) of a set of 96 wild accessions of the genetic model plant Arabidopsis thaliana grown in hydroponic culture and soil using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). The concentrations of 17-19 elements were analyzed in roots and leaves from plants grown hydroponically, and leaves and seeds from plants grown in artificial soil. Significant genetic effects were detected for almost every element analyzed. We observed very few correlations between the elemental composition of the leaves and either the roots or seeds. There were many pairs of elements that were significantly correlated with each other within a tissue, but almost none of these pairs were consistently correlated across tissues and growth conditions, a phenomenon observed in several previous studies. These results suggest that the ionome of a plant tissue is variable, yet tightly controlled by genes and gene × environment interactions. The dataset provides a valuable resource for mapping studies to identify genes regulating elemental accumulation. All of the ionomic data is available at www.ionomicshub.org.  相似文献   

The testicular response of male anoles maintained at a constant 32 degrees C was similar in both parietalectomized and sham-parietalectomized lizards exposed to either constant light (40 lux intensity) or to photic gradients (40-300 lux). The results support the hypothesis that the acceleration of gonadal growth in parietalectomized lizards noted by others depends on the ability of lizards to self-regulate exposure to thermal, but not photic, stimuli.  相似文献   

Summary An experiment examined the effects of diet on brood rearing in colonies ofLeptothorax ambiguus andL. longispinosus and on fighting between colonies of the two species. Colonies fedDrosophila and honey reared more pupae than colonies fed the Bhatkar and Whitcomb (1970) diet. However, diet had no effect on intercolonial fighting.  相似文献   

The complexity-stability relation is a central issue in ecology. In this paper, we show how the sampling method most often used to parameterize an ecological community, can affect the conclusions about whether or not complexity promotes stability and we suggest a sampling algorithm that overcomes the problem. We also illustrate the importance of treating feasibility separately from stability when constructing model communities. Using model Lotka-Volterra competition communities we found that probability of feasibility decreases with increasing interaction strength and number of species in the community. However, for feasible systems we found that local stability probability and resilience do not significantly differ between communities with few or many species, in contrast with earlier studies that, did not account for feasibility and concluded that species-poor communities had higher probability of being locally stable than species-rich communities.  相似文献   

Plasma and red blood cell fatty-acid (RBC FA) composition have both been proposed as biomarkers for cardiovascular (CV) risk. Since case/control studies using samples obtained after a CV constitute a source of supporting evidence, demonstrating that FA profiles are not affected by a myocardial infarction (MI) would improve our understanding of the usefulness of such studies. The primary goal of the present study was to determine the impact of an MI on RBC and whole plasma eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) levels and to do so with sufficient power to conclude that there was no effect. FA profiles were obtained from rats 24 h after an MI or a sham-MI and compared to control animals by tests for differences and equivalence. In RBCs, neither DHA nor EPA was changed and were statistically equivalent in control and MI rats, as were a majority of other FAs and FA composite indices; only shingolipid-associated fatty acids had abundances that were changed in either MI or sham-MI animals. In whole plasma 8 of 22 FAs were changed in MI or sham-MI rats, including EPA which was reduced from 2.53 (2.3, 2.8)% to 1.71 (1.4, 2)%; mean (95% CI). In conclusion, the levels of EPA, DHA, and most other FAs in RBCs are unaffected by an MI or by sham surgery, whereas the same cannot be said of plasma. This finding suggests that differences between cases and controls have prognostic implications.  相似文献   

Prostaglandins may be involved in some aspects of fetal lung development, including surfactant metabolism, tracheal fluid production, and possibly lung growth. In the fetus, during the days before delivery, plasma PGE2 concentration increases and concurrently, tracheal fluid production decreases and surfactant production increases. To determine whether the increase in PGE2, specifically plasma PGE2 concentration, is responsible for these changes, we continuously infused the prostaglandin synthetase inhibitor, meclofenamate (0.7 mg/h per kg), into 8 fetal sheep for 5-13 days before delivery; 5 control fetuses received a continuous infusion of solvent for 5-11 days before delivery. Meclofenamate infusion significantly decreased plasma PGE2 concentrations until the day of delivery. However, meclofenamate did not affect tracheal fluid production or its decrease before delivery, fetal plasma cortisol concentration, surfactant content of tracheal fluid and lung tissue, organ weights, lung weights, or lung DNA and protein content. We conclude that the changes in lung development during the days before delivery are not dependent on the usual high fetal plasma concentration of PGE2 or its increase before delivery.  相似文献   

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