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To test whether Knot Calidris canutus wintering in the tropics suffer higher rates of water loss through evaporation than do Knot wintering at temperate latitudes, we tried to develop a physically realistic model to predict evaporative heat loss from air temperature, wind and humidity. In separate experiments, involving respirometry and double-labelled water, we tried to estimate relevant parameters. In both sets of experiments, we were able to show significant effects of air temperature on evaporative water loss only. Knot which were able to eat and drink had an evaporative water loss three times that of postabsorptive Knot unable to drink when in a metabolic chamber. Water turnover rates of Knot feeding on bivalves under simulated field conditions were high and did not correlate with predicted evaporative water loss. Over 32 experimental bird-days, the average contribution of predicted evaporative water loss to daily water turnover was 20%. A comparison of predicted evaporative water loss in the north-temperate Dutch Wadden Sea and in the tropical Banc d'Arguin in Mauritania in midwinter showed that Knot wintering in the tropics may need only marginally more water for evaporative cooling than Knot wintering in the Dutch Wadden Sea. Knot foraging on intertidal invertebrates are able to maintain high water turnover rates with little need to drink seawater.  相似文献   

For long‐distance migrants, such as many of the shorebirds, understanding the demographic implications of behavioural strategies adopted by individuals is key to understanding how environmental change will affect populations. Stable isotopes have been used in the terrestrial environment to infer migratory strategies of birds but rarely in marine or estuarine systems. Here, we show that the stable isotope ratios of carbon and nitrogen in flight feathers can be used to identify at least three discrete wintering areas of the Red Knot Calidris canutus on the eastern seaboard of the Americas, ranging from southeastern USA to Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego. In spring, birds migrate northwards via Delaware Bay, in the northeastern USA, the last stopping point before arrival in Arctic breeding areas, where they fatten up on eggs of spawning Horseshoe Crabs Limulus polyphemus. The isotope ratios of feather samples taken from birds caught in the Bay during May 2003 were compared with feathers obtained from known wintering areas in Florida (USA), Bahia Lomas (Chile) and Rio Grande (Argentina). In May 2003, 30% of birds passing through the Bay had Florida‐type ‘signatures’, 58% were Bahia Lomas‐type, 6% were Rio Grande‐type and 7% were unclassified. Some of the southern wintering birds had started moulting flight feathers in northern areas, suspended this, and then finished their moult in the wintering areas, whereas others flew straight to the wintering areas before commencing moult. This study shows that stable isotopes can be used to infer migratory strategies of coastal‐feeding shorebirds and provides the basis for identifying the moult strategy and wintering areas of birds passing through Delaware Bay. Coupled with banding and marking birds as individuals, stable isotopes provide a powerful tool for estimating population‐specific demographic parameters and, in this case, further our understanding of the migration systems of the declining Nearctic populations of Red Knot.  相似文献   

Sexually selected displays, such as bird song, are expected to be costly. We examined a novel potential cost to bird song: whether a less favourable microclimate at exposed song posts would be predicted to raise metabolic rate. We measured the microclimate and height at which willow warblers Phylloscopus trochilus sang and foraged. Song posts were higher than foraging sites. The wind speed was 0.6±0.3 ms−1 greater at song posts (mean±SD, N=12 birds). Song rate and song post selection were not influenced consistently by temperature or wind speed, but the birds sang from lower positions on one particularly windy day. This may have resulted from difficulty in holding on to exposed branches in windy conditions rather than a thermoregulatory constraint. The results suggest that the extra thermoregulatory costs at song posts would increase metabolic rate by an average of 10±4% and a maximum of 25±8% (N=12 birds) relative to birds singing at foraging sites. We estimated that metabolic rate would be 3–8% greater during singing than during quiet respiration because of heat and evaporative water loss in exhaled gases. The combined energy requirements for sound production, thermoregulation at exposed song posts and additional heat loss in exhaled air could increase the metabolic rate of willow warblers by an average of 14–23%, and a maximum of 42–63%, during singing. The energetic cost of singing may thus be much greater for birds in a cold, windy environment than for birds singing in laboratory conditions.  相似文献   

Sexually selected displays, such as male passerine bird song, are predicted to be costly. However, most measurements calculated the rate of oxygen consumption during singing using respirometry have shown that bird song has a low energetic cost. Since birds are reluctant to sing when enclosed inside a respirometry chamber, the energetic cost of singing could differ from that under more normal circumstances. We used heat transfer modelling, based on thermal images, to estimate the energetic cost of singing by canaries (Serinus canaria) that were not enclosed in respirometry chambers. Metabolic rate calculated from heat transfer modelling was 0.70±0.02 W (N=10 birds) during singing, which was 14±5% greater than during standing (0.62±0.02 W). The energetic cost of singing did not differ significantly from that measured previously using respirometry when we took into account that birds sang for a greater proportion of the time during the current experiments. These conclusions were not sensitive to potential errors in the heat transfer model. Heat transfer modelling would be especially useful to obtain measurements of the energetic cost of activities that animals do not perform readily inside respirometry chambers, such as singing in birds.  相似文献   

The heat increment of feeding (HIF), including heat from digestion, assimilation, and nutrient interconversion, may substitute for thermogenesis and reduce thermoregulation costs. HIF and its substitution have been measured mainly in animals fed single large meals with high protein content, but many species such as some dabbling ducks (Anatini) feed more continuously in intermittent small meals with low protein content. We measured HIF in seven mallard ducks (Anas platyrhynchos) eating mixed grain (corn, wheat, milo) ad libitum while floating on water at 23 degrees C (thermoneutral) and 8 degrees C. HIF was calculated as the difference in oxygen consumption between fed and fasted birds, correcting for costs of behavior, heat storage (change in body temperature), and heating food. Substitution occurred if HIF was lower at 8 degrees C than at 23 degrees C. Food intake of mallards averaged 83% of that required for maintenance (zero energy balance) at 23 degrees C, and 68% of maintenance at 8 degrees C. Mean HIF (+/-1 SE) was 1.59+/-0.61 l O(2) at 23 degrees C and 1.48+/-0.68 l O(2) at 8 degrees C. These values were 4.9% and 3.9% of metabolizable energy intake, consistent with values expected for grain. HIF did not differ between temperatures (ANCOVA, birds as blocks, intake as covariate, P=0.51), indicating no measurable substitution at these intake levels in intermittent meals. For these large birds that feed on low-protein foods in intermittent small meals, the ecological importance of HIF substitution appears negligible during periods when food intake is below that required for energy balance.  相似文献   

In winter, foraging activity is intended to optimize food search while minimizing both thermoregulation costs and predation risk. Here we quantify the relative importance of thermoregulation and predation in foraging patch selection of woodland birds wintering in a Mediterranean montane forest. Specifically, we account for thermoregulation benefits related to temperature, and predation risk associated with both illumination of the feeding patch and distance to the nearest refuge provided by vegetation. We measured the amount of time that 38 marked individual birds belonging to five small passerine species spent foraging at artificial feeders. Feeders were located in forest patches that vary in distance to protective cover and exposure to sun radiation; temperature and illumination were registered locally by data loggers. Our results support the influence of both thermoregulation benefits and predation costs on feeding patch choice. The influence of distance to refuge (negative relationship) was nearly three times higher than that of temperature (positive relationship) in determining total foraging time spent at a patch. Light intensity had a negligible and no significant effect. This pattern was generalizable among species and individuals within species, and highlights the preponderance of latent predation risk over thermoregulation benefits on foraging decisions of birds wintering in temperate Mediterranean forests.  相似文献   

For migratory species, the success of population reintroduction or reinforcement through captive‐bred released individuals depends on survivors undertaking appropriate migrations. We assess whether captive‐bred Asian Houbara Chlamydotis macqueenii from a breeding programme established with locally sourced individuals and released into suitable habitat during spring or summer undertake similar migrations to those of wild birds. Using satellite telemetry, we compare the migrations of 29 captive‐bred juveniles, 10 wild juveniles and 39 wild adults (including three birds first tracked as juveniles), examining migratory propensity (proportion migrating), timing, direction, stopover duration and frequency, efficiency (route deviation), and wintering and breeding season locations. Captive‐bred birds initiated autumn migration an average of 20.6 (±4.6 se) days later and wintered 470.8 km (±76.4) closer to the breeding grounds, mainly in Turkmenistan, northern Iran and Afghanistan, than wild birds, which migrated 1217.8 km (±76.4), predominantly wintering in southern Iran and Pakistan (juveniles and adults were similar). Wintering locations of four surviving captive‐bred birds were similar in subsequent years (median distance to first wintering site = 70.8 km, range 6.56–221.6 km), suggesting that individual captive‐bred birds (but not necessarily their progeny) remain faithful to their first wintering latitude. The migratory performance of captive‐bred birds was otherwise similar to that of wild juveniles. Although the long‐term fitness consequences for captive‐bred birds establishing wintering sites at the northern edge of those occupied by wild birds remain to be quantified, it is clear that the pattern of wild migrations established by long‐term selection is not replicated. If the shorter migration distance of young captive‐bred birds has a physiological rather than a genetic basis, then their progeny may still exhibit wild‐type migration. However, as there is a considerable genetic component to migration, captive breeding management must respect migratory population structure as well as natal and release‐site fidelity.  相似文献   

We evaluated biotic and abiotic predictors of rest-phase hypothermia in wintering blue tits (Cyanistes caeruleus) and also assessed how food availability influences nightly thermoregulation. On any given night, captive blue tits (with unrestricted access to food) remained largely homeothermic, whereas free-ranging birds decreased their body temperature (T b) by about 5°C. This was not an effect of increased stress in the aviary as we found no difference in circulating corticosterone between groups. Nocturnal T b in free-ranging birds varied with ambient temperature, date and time. Conversely, T b in captive birds could not be explained by climatic or temporal factors, but differed slightly between the sexes. We argue that the degree of hypothermia is controlled predominantly by birds’ ability to obtain sufficient energy reserves during the day. However, environmental factors became increasingly important for thermoregulation when resources were limited. Moreover, as birds did not enter hypothermia in captivity when food was abundant, we suggest that this strategy has associated costs and hence is avoided whenever resource levels permit.  相似文献   

LUCIA LIU SEVERINGHAUS 《Ibis》1996,138(3):460-465
Brown Shrikes Lanius cristatus are both transients and winter residents in Taiwan. Large numbers of birds crowd into the available habitat during the transient period, and the cost of maintaining territories changes greatly, depending on the number of shrikes present. This study examined how wintering Brown Shrikes adapt to the changing level of competition in territory establishment. About 24% of autumn transients arrived before any wintering birds, while 73% of wintering birds arrived during autumn transient time. The frequency of aggression recorded was significantly related to the number of birds seen along the transect line that day. Among ringed birds that returned during transient time, 80% returned directly to their previous territories, but some waited for the departure of transient birds before establishing territories. Territory compression occurred at high population densities. Departure from and arrival at the study area were frequent during the winter, but no birds moved territories within the study area. On average, 25% of ringed wintering shrikes returned to the study site in the subsequent years, while no transients returned. This low site tenacity may be. in part, a result of a high persecution rate along the migration route.  相似文献   

Diving birds can lose significant body heat to cold water, but costs can be reduced if heat from exercising muscles or the heat increment of feeding (HIF) can substitute for thermogenesis. Potential for substitution depends jointly on the rate of heat loss, the rate of heat produced by exercise, and the level of HIF. To explore these interactions, we measured oxygen consumption by lesser scaup ducks (Aythya affinis) diving to depths of 1.2 and 2 m at thermoneutral (23°C) and sub-thermoneutral (18 and 8°C) temperatures. Birds dove while fasted and when feeding on blue mussels (Mytilus edulis). Substitution occurred if HIF or costs of diving above resting metabolic rate (RMR) were lower at 18 or 8°C than at 23°C, indicating reduction in the thermoregulatory part of RMR. For fasted scaup diving to 1.2 m, substitution from exercise heat was not apparent at either 18 or 8°C. At 2 m depth, dive costs above RMR were reduced by 5% at 18°C and by 40% at 8°C, indicating substitution. At 1.2 m depth (with voluntary intake of only 14–17% of maintenance requirements), HIF did not differ between temperatures, indicating no substitution. However, at 2 m (intake 13–25% of maintenance), substitution from HIF was 23% of metabolizable energy intake at 18°C and 22% at 8°C. These results show that even with low HIF due to low intake rates, substitution from HIF can add to substitution from the heat of exercise.  相似文献   

Although there is a general understanding of Montagu’s harriers migration routes and wintering areas, detailed information on the species’ migration is still lacking. However, improvements in satellite tracking technology in recent years, have enabled the study of medium-sized species by means of satellite telemetry. In 2006, ten adult Montagu’s harriers were fitted with satellite transmitters in northeastern Spain and tracked during their autumn migration to their wintering grounds in sub-Saharan Africa. The migration took between 10 and 30 days, and the end point was determined using breakpoint regressions. Whereas some birds had stopovers of more than a week, others stayed at the same site for only 1 or 2 days at the most. The tagged birds ultimately established at wintering grounds located along the border of Mauritania with Mali and Senegal, a distance of nearly 3000 km from the breeding sites. These sites are situated within a small range of latitudes (14° and 17°N), although distributed over a wider range of longitudes (−15°E and −4°E), with some birds occupying sites more than 1000 km apart. The distance covered in 1 day during the migration ranged between 93 and 219 km, with peaks of traveling speed of up to 65 km/h. Harriers were recorded traveling only during daytime, covering the longest distances in the late afternoon, suggesting that they are daytime migrants. Most of the distance was covered between 1500 and 2000 hours, and no traveling was recorded between 2000 and 0500 hours. During migration, harriers flew close to the ground (40–100 m on average). Improved knowledge of the harriers’ exact wintering sites may provide insights on the problems Montagu’s harriers face during the winter, highlighting the need to take into account what happens in both the breeding and wintering grounds to implement successful conservation measures.  相似文献   

Exercise increases mean body temperature (T(body)) and cytokine concentrations in plasma. Cytokines facilitate PG production via cyclooxygenase (COX) enzymes, and PGE(2) can mediate fever. Therefore, we used a COX-2 inhibitor to test the hypothesis that PG-mediated pyrogenicity may contribute to the raised T(body) in exercising humans. In a double-blind, cross-over design, 10 males [age: 23 yr (SD 5), Vo(2 max): 53 ml x kg(-1) x min(-1) (SD 5)] consumed rofecoxib (50 mg/day; NSAID) or placebo (PLAC) for 6 days, 2 wk apart. Exercising thermoregulation was measured on day 6 during 45-min running ( approximately 75% Vo(2 max)) followed by 45-min cycling and 60-min seated recovery (28 degrees C, 50% relative humidity). Plasma cytokine (TNF-alpha, IL-10) concentrations were measured at rest and 30-min recovery. T(body) was similar at rest in PLAC (35.59 degrees C) and NSAID (35.53 degrees C) and increased similarly during running, but became 0.33 degrees C (SD 0.26) lower in NSAID during cycling (37.39 degrees C vs. 37.07 degrees C; P = 0.03), and remained lower throughout recovery. Sweating was initiated at T(body) of approximately 35.6 degrees C in both conditions but ceased at higher T(body) in PLAC than NSAID during recovery [36.66 degrees C (SD 0.36) vs. 36.39 degrees C (SD 0.27); P = 0.03]. Cardiac frequency averaged 6 x min(-1) higher in PLAC (P < 0.01), whereas exercising metabolic rate was similar (505 vs. 507 W x m(-2); P = 0.56). A modest increase in both cytokines across exercise was similar between conditions. COX-2 specific NSAID lowered exercising heat and cardiovascular strain and the sweating (offset) threshold, independently of heat production, indicating that PGE-mediated inflammatory processes may contribute to exercising heat strain during endurance exercise in humans.  相似文献   

Thermoregulation constitutes an important share of the energy budget of endotherms. Elevated thermoregulatory requirements must be met by oxygen supply through the blood, as heat is produced mainly via aerobic processes. In contrast to mammal studies, it remains unclear whether elevated thermoregulatory needs are followed by changes in haematological variables in birds. We investigated haematocrit (HCT), haemoglobin content per volume of blood (HGB), number of red blood cells (RBCcount), and size of the erythrocytes (RBCarea) in zebra finches Taeniopygia guttata acclimated to either cold or thermoneutral ambient temperatures under laboratory conditions. Seventy‐nine females were maintained for six weeks either in cold (T = +12°C) or thermoneutral (T = +32°C) ambient temperature prior to blood collection. On average, HGB, HCT and RBCcount were significantly lower by about 10% in cold acclimated compared to thermoneutral acclimated birds. Only RBCarea was not different between the two acclimation temperatures. Mean HCT, one of the most commonly measured haematological variable for example was 53 ± 0.9% (LSM ± SEM) in thermoneutral and 49 ± 0.8 % (LSM ± SEM) in cold acclimated zebra finches. On first sight, the observed lower values for three out of the four determined haematological variables in response to acclimation to cold question oxygen supply to be indeed a limiting factor for heat production. However, higher demands of oxygen supply due to increased thermoregulation in birds may instead require specific optimisation of blood viscosity and modulation by other cardiovascular properties. Nucleated red blood cells in birds may pose different strain on blood viscosity compared to non‐nucleated mammalian erythrocytes and explain the contrasting response in haematological variables to temperature acclimation between birds and mammals.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to summarise the results of earlier experiments on thermoregulation and heat balance in birds, to present new results concerning thermoregulation during the perinatal period in precocial embryos and to develop a model of the ontogeny of thermoregulation over the whole lifespan of birds. The ontogeny of thermoregulation in precocial birds is characterised by three phases with different efficiency of the system. In the prenatal phase, all control elements of the thermoregulatory system can function, but the efficiency of the system is low. It is postulated that endothermic reactions during the prenatal period do not have a proximate (immediate), but rather an ultimate influence on the efficiency of thermoregulation. They may support adaptivity to expected environmental conditions and may be involved in epigenetic adaptation processes. During the early postnatal phase, the thermoregulatory system develops and matures. Summit metabolism and resting metabolic rate and their thermoregulatory set points increase. Preferred temperature is significantly different during different behavioural activities. The phase of full-blown homeothermy starts at approximately the 10th day of life. It is characterised by an activation order of thermoregulatory control elements and by secondary chemical thermoregulation. The influence of thermal and non-thermal climatic factors on heat production and heat loss may be described by mathematical models.  相似文献   

Birds exhibit a range of wintering behaviour from strictly migrant to strictly resident species. In partially migrating ones, some birds overwinter within their breeding region (resident birds) while others, although breeding in the same area, winter far away (migrant birds). Accordingly, choosing a wintering region is a key stage in the annual life cycle of birds, notably for inexperienced first‐year individuals. The present study aimed to investigate this issue, and more specifically to study the distribution pattern during winter and factors influencing the wintering behaviour of first‐year pied avocets Recurvirostra avosetta. Based on a 10‐yr ringing study carried out on five of the major French breeding colonies distributed along the Atlantic coast, we showed the coexistence of different wintering tactics. The resident tactic was predominant (approximately 86% of the 575 birds re‐sighted), while the other birds adopted migration. Among resident individuals, two different tactics occurred: 43% of birds overwintered within their natal colony, whereas the others wintered in another site located at relatively close proximity along the French Atlantic coast. Hatching date was a consistent predictor of all wintering tactics. More specifically, the probability of migrating was the highest for early‐hatched birds, and for resident ones, the probability of wintering within their natal colony rather than in another French site was the highest for both median‐ and late‐hatched individuals. In addition, a colony effect was demonstrated for resident birds. Several biological interpretations, including social system, variations in both individual body condition and habitat quality, were put forward to explain these correlates.  相似文献   

Thermoregulatory responses were studied in 10 men and 8 women during 36-W exercise for 1 h in air and water at 20, 24, and 28 degrees C. Men were classified as high (27.6%; n = 2), average (16.8%; n = 4), and low (9.2%; n = 4) percent body fat, whereas women were classified as average (25.2%; n = 4) and low (18.5%; n = 4) fat. For both men and women, exercise of about 1.7 l O2 X min-1 was beneficial in either preventing or retarding the fall in rectal temperature (Tre) observed in a previous study for the same subjects at rest. The greatest thermal strain was noted for the leanest subjects. However, in no instance did exercise facilitate a drop in Tre compared with resting conditions. Despite a larger surface area-to-mass ratio (P less than 0.05) and less effective thermoregulation for women at rest compared with men, essentially similar thermoregulatory responses were observed for both sexes during exercise at each water temperature. For both the men and women, the thermoregulatory benefits of exercise were due largely to the added heat production from physical activity. For the female, an additional benefit of exercise may in part be derived from a more favorable distribution of subcutaneous fat over the active musculature.  相似文献   

Winter acclimatization in birds is a complex of several strategies based on metabolic adjustment accompanied by long-term management of resources such as fattening. However, wintering birds often maintain fat reserves below their physiological capacity, suggesting a cost involved with excessive levels of reserves. We studied body reserves of roosting great tits in relation to their dominance status under two contrasting temperature regimes to see whether individuals are capable of optimizing their survival strategies under extreme environmental conditions. We predicted less pronounced loss of body mass and body condition and lower rates of overnight mortality in dominant great tits at both mild and extremely low ambient temperatures, when ambient temperature dropped down to ?43 °C. The results showed that dominant great tits consistently maintained lower reserve levels than subordinates regardless of ambient temperature. However, dominants responded to the rising risk of starvation under low temperatures by increasing their body reserves, whereas subdominant birds decreased reserve levels in harsh conditions. Yet, their losses of body mass and body reserves were always lower than in subordinate birds. None of the dominant great tits were found dead, while five young females and one adult female were found dead in nest boxes during cold spells when ambient temperatures dropped down to ?43 °C. The dead great tits lost up to 23.83 % of their evening body mass during cold nights while surviving individuals lost on average 12.78 % of their evening body mass. Our results show that fattening strategies of great tits reflect an adaptive role of winter fattening which is sensitive to changes in ambient temperatures and differs among individuals of different social ranks.  相似文献   

Foraging energetics of arctic cormorants and the evolution of diving birds   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Efficient body insulation is assumed to have enabled birds and mammals to colonize polar aquatic ecosystems. We challenge this concept by comparing the bioenergetics of cormorants ( Phalacrocorax carbo ) living in temperate and arctic conditions. We show that although these birds have limited insulation, they maintain high body temperature (42.3 °C) when diving in cold water (1–10 °C). Their energy demand at these times is extremely high (up to 60 W kg−1). Free-living cormorants wintering in Greenland (water temperature −1 °C) profoundly alter their foraging activity, thus minimizing time spent in water and the associated high thermoregulatory costs. They then meet their daily food demand within a single intense dive bout (lasting 9 min on average). Their substantial energy requirements are balanced by the highest predatory efficiency so far recorded for aquatic predators. We postulate that similar behavioural patterns allowed early diving birds (Cretaceous) to colonize cold coastal areas before they evolved efficient insulation.  相似文献   


1. 1.|Preferred ambient temperature (Ta) and ventilatory frequency were measured in free-moving hamsters exposed to 2450 MHz microwaves. A waveguide exposure system which permits continuous monitoring of the absorbed heat load accrued from microwave exposure was imposed with a longitudinal temperature gradient which allowed hamsters to select their preferred Ta. Ventillatory frequency was monitored remotely by analysing the rhythmic shifts in unabsorbed microwave energy passing down the waveguide.

2. 2.|Without microwave exposure hamsters selected an average Ta of 30.2°C. This preferred Ta did not change until the rate of heat absorption (SAR) from microwave exposure exceeded approx. 2 W kg−1. In a separate experiment, a SAR of 2.0 W kg−1 at a Ta of 30°C was shown to promote an average 0.5°C increase in colonic temperature. Hamsters maintained their ventilatory frequency at baseline levels by selecting a cooler Ta during microwave exposure. In contrast, hamsters maintained at a Ta of 30°C (without a temperature gradient) underwent a sharp increase in ventilatory frequency compared to animals allowed to select their own Ta.

3. 3.|These data support previous studies suggesting that during thermal stress behavioural thermoregulation (i.e. preferred Ta) takes prescedence over autonomic thermoregulation (i.e. ventilatory frequency). It is apparent that selecting a cooler Ta is a more efficient and/or effective than autonomic thermoregulation for dissipating a heat load accrued from microwave exposure.

Author Keywords: 2450 MHz; breathing rate; preferred Ta; specific absorption rate; hamster; Mesocricetus auratus; thermoregulation  相似文献   

Rising temperatures pose a grave risk to arid zone birds because they are already living close to their physiological limits and must balance water conservation against the need for evaporative cooling. We assess how extreme temperatures affect a wild population of small passerines by monitoring daily mass change in individual jacky winters Microeca fascinans (a small Australasian robin) across a series of severe heatwaves that afflicted southern Australia in the summer of 2018–2019. Daily maximum temperature and duration of heat exposure were negatively related to the birds’ ability to maintain body mass. At maximum temperatures ≥ 42°C, birds lost 2.0% of their body mass daily and at ≥ 45°C, 2.6%. Apparent mortality increased almost three‐fold, and all breeding birds abandoned their nests. Nevertheless, net daily mass loss was less than might be expected from laboratory‐based findings, presumably because wild jacky winters undertook behavioural thermoregulation. The birds also regained some mass between heatwave events and suffered no long‐term reduction in body condition.  相似文献   

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