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Kifer I  Nussinov R  Wolfson HJ 《Proteins》2011,79(6):1759-1773
The pathways by which proteins fold into their specific native structure are still an unsolved mystery. Currently, many methods for protein structure prediction are available, and most of them tackle the problem by relying on the vast amounts of data collected from known protein structures. These methods are often not concerned with the route the protein follows to reach its final fold. This work is based on the premise that proteins fold in a hierarchical manner. We present FOBIA, an automated method for predicting a protein structure. FOBIA consists of two main stages: the first finds matches between parts of the target sequence and independently folding structural units using profile-profile comparison. The second assembles these units into a 3D structure by searching and ranking their possible orientations toward each other using a docking-based approach. We have previously reported an application of an initial version of this strategy to homology based targets. Since then we have considerably enhanced our method's abilities to allow it to address the more difficult template-based target category. This allows us to now apply FOBIA to the template-based targets of CASP8 and to show that it is both very efficient and promising. Our method can provide an alternative for template-based structure prediction, and in particular, the docking-basedranking technique presented here can be incorporated into any profile-profile comparison based method.  相似文献   

De novo structure prediction can be defined as a search in conformational space under the guidance of an energy function. The most successful de novo structure prediction methods, such as Rosetta, assemble the fragments from known structures to reduce the search space. Therefore, the fragment quality is an important factor in structure prediction. In our study, a method is proposed to generate a new set of fragments from the lowest energy de novo models. These fragments were subsequently used to predict the next‐round of models. In a benchmark of 30 proteins, the new set of fragments showed better performance when used to predict de novo structures. The lowest energy model predicted using our method was closer to native structure than Rosetta for 22 proteins. Following a similar trend, the best model among top five lowest energy models predicted using our method was closer to native structure than Rosetta for 20 proteins. In addition, our experiment showed that the C‐alpha root mean square deviation was improved from 5.99 to 5.03 Å on average compared to Rosetta when the lowest energy models were picked as the best predicted models. Proteins 2014; 82:2240–2252. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Fragment-HMM: a new approach to protein structure prediction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We designed a simple position-specific hidden Markov model to predict protein structure. Our new framework naturally repeats itself to converge to a final target, conglomerating fragment assembly, clustering, target selection, refinement, and consensus, all in one process. Our initial implementation of this theory converges to within 6 A of the native structures for 100% of decoys on all six standard benchmark proteins used in ROSETTA (discussed by Simons and colleagues in a recent paper), which achieved only 14%-94% for the same data. The qualities of the best decoys and the final decoys our theory converges to are also notably better.  相似文献   

Lee J  Lee J  Sasaki TN  Sasai M  Seok C  Lee J 《Proteins》2011,79(8):2403-2417
Ab initio protein structure prediction is a challenging problem that requires both an accurate energetic representation of a protein structure and an efficient conformational sampling method for successful protein modeling. In this article, we present an ab initio structure prediction method which combines a recently suggested novel way of fragment assembly, dynamic fragment assembly (DFA) and conformational space annealing (CSA) algorithm. In DFA, model structures are scored by continuous functions constructed based on short- and long-range structural restraint information from a fragment library. Here, DFA is represented by the full-atom model by CHARMM with the addition of the empirical potential of DFIRE. The relative contributions between various energy terms are optimized using linear programming. The conformational sampling was carried out with CSA algorithm, which can find low energy conformations more efficiently than simulated annealing used in the existing DFA study. The newly introduced DFA energy function and CSA sampling algorithm are implemented into CHARMM. Test results on 30 small single-domain proteins and 13 template-free modeling targets of the 8th Critical Assessment of protein Structure Prediction show that the current method provides comparable and complementary prediction results to existing top methods.  相似文献   

Fujitsuka Y  Chikenji G  Takada S 《Proteins》2006,62(2):381-398
Predicting protein tertiary structures by in silico folding is still very difficult for proteins that have new folds. Here, we developed a coarse-grained energy function, SimFold, for de novo structure prediction, performed a benchmark test of prediction with fragment assembly simulations for 38 test proteins, and proposed consensus prediction with Rosetta. The SimFold energy consists of many terms that take into account solvent-induced effects on the basis of physicochemical consideration. In the benchmark test, SimFold succeeded in predicting native structures within 6.5 A for 12 of 38 proteins; this success rate was the same as that by the publicly available version of Rosetta (ab initio version 1.2) run with default parameters. We investigated which energy terms in SimFold contribute to structure prediction performance, finding that the hydrophobic interaction is the most crucial for the prediction, whereas other sequence-specific terms have weak but positive roles. In the benchmark, well-predicted proteins by SimFold and by Rosetta were not the same for 5 of 12 proteins, which led us to introduce consensus prediction. With combined decoys, we succeeded in prediction for 16 proteins, four more than SimFold or Rosetta separately. For each of 38 proteins, structural ensembles generated by SimFold and by Rosetta were qualitatively compared by mapping sampled structural space onto two dimensions. For proteins of which one of the two methods succeeded and the other failed in prediction, the former had a less scattered ensemble located around the native. For proteins of which both methods succeeded in prediction, often two ensembles were mixed up.  相似文献   

We have investigated the influence of the “noise” of inevitable errors in energetic parameters on-protein structure prediction. Because of this noise, only a part of all the interactions operating in a protein chain can be taken into account, and therefore a search for the energy minimum becomes inadequate for protein structure prediction. One can rather rely on statistical mechanics: a calculation carried out at a temperature T* somewhat below that of protein melting gives the best possible, though always approximate prediction. The early stages of protein folding also “take into account” only a part of all the interactions; consequently, the same temperature T* is favorable for the self-organization of native-like intermediates in protein folding. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Bradley P  Baker D 《Proteins》2006,65(4):922-929
Proteins with complex, nonlocal beta-sheets are challenging for de novo structure prediction, due in part to the difficulty of efficiently sampling long-range strand pairings. We present a new, multilevel approach to beta-sheet structure prediction that circumvents this difficulty by reformulating structure generation in terms of a folding tree. Nonlocal connections in this tree allow us to explicitly sample alternative beta-strand pairings while simultaneously exploring local conformational space using backbone torsion-space moves. An iterative, energy-biased resampling strategy is used to explore the space of beta-strand pairings; we expect that such a strategy will be generally useful for searching large conformational spaces with a high degree of combinatorial complexity.  相似文献   

Chen H  Kihara D 《Proteins》2011,79(1):315-334
Computational protein structure prediction remains a challenging task in protein bioinformatics. In the recent years, the importance of template-based structure prediction is increasing because of the growing number of protein structures solved by the structural genomics projects. To capitalize the significant efforts and investments paid on the structural genomics projects, it is urgent to establish effective ways to use the solved structures as templates by developing methods for exploiting remotely related proteins that cannot be simply identified by homology. In this work, we examine the effect of using suboptimal alignments in template-based protein structure prediction. We showed that suboptimal alignments are often more accurate than the optimal one, and such accurate suboptimal alignments can occur even at a very low rank of the alignment score. Suboptimal alignments contain a significant number of correct amino acid residue contacts. Moreover, suboptimal alignments can improve template-based models when used as input to Modeller. Finally, we use suboptimal alignments for handling a contact potential in a probabilistic way in a threading program, SUPRB. The probabilistic contacts strategy outperforms the partly thawed approach, which only uses the optimal alignment in defining residue contacts, and also the re-ranking strategy, which uses the contact potential in re-ranking alignments. The comparison with existing methods in the template-recognition test shows that SUPRB is very competitive and outperforms existing methods.  相似文献   

We have revisited the protein coarse-grained optimized potential for efficient structure prediction (OPEP). The training and validation sets consist of 13 and 16 protein targets. Because optimization depends on details of how the ensemble of decoys is sampled, trial conformations are generated by molecular dynamics, threading, greedy, and Monte Carlo simulations, or taken from publicly available databases. The OPEP parameters are varied by a genetic algorithm using a scoring function which requires that the native structure has the lowest energy, and the native-like structures have energy higher than the native structure but lower than the remote conformations. Overall, we find that OPEP correctly identifies 24 native or native-like states for 29 targets and has very similar capability to the all-atom discrete optimized protein energy model (DOPE), found recently to outperform five currently used energy models.  相似文献   

Physical principles determining the protein structure and protein folding are reviewed: (i) the molecular theory of protein secondary structure and the method of its prediction based on this theory; (ii) the existence of a limited set of thermodynamically favourable folding patterns of α- and β-regions in a compact globule which does not depend on the details of the amino acid sequence; (iii) the moderns approaches to the prediction of the folding patterns of α- and β-regions in concrete proteins; (iv) experimental approaches to the mechanism of protein folding. The review reflects theoretical and experimental works of the author and his collaborators as well as those of other groups.  相似文献   

Hunter CG  Subramaniam S 《Proteins》2003,50(4):572-579
A basis set of protein canonical fragments, or centroids, represents the range of local structure found in globular proteins. We develop a methodology to predict centroids from the amino acid sequence. The predictor gives the probability of each centroid in the basis set, at each loci along the backbone. The predictor selects the best-fit centroid at about 40% of the loci. The predicted probabilities are accurate and can be used to judge the confidence of each centroid prediction. For example, when filtering out centroids with <0.50 probability, the predictor is 65% accurate, although such high-probability centroids occur at only 28% of the loci. Centroids with high probability can be interpreted as segments that are highly influenced by the amino acid sequence, whereas centroids with low probability can be interpreted as segments that are more likely influenced by tertiary contacts. Low-resolution, starting point structures, can be generated by fitting the predicted centroids together.  相似文献   

A probability calculus was used to simulate the early stages of protein folding in ab initio structure prediction. The probabilities of particular phi and psi angles for each of 20 amino acids as they occur in crystal forms of proteins were used to calculate the amount of information necessary for the occurrence of given phi and psi angles to be predicted. It was found that the amount of information needed to predict phi and psi angles with 5 degrees precision is much higher than the amount of information actually carried by individual amino acids in the polypeptide chain. To handle this problem, a limited conformational space for the preliminary search for optimal polypeptide structure is proposed based on a simplified geometrical model of the polypeptide chain and on the probability calculus. These two models, geometric and probabilistic, based on different sources, yield a common conclusion concerning how a limited conformational space can represent an early stage of polypeptide chain-folding simulation. The ribonuclease molecule was used to test the limited conformational space as a tool for modeling early-stage folding.  相似文献   

The principal bottleneck in protein structure prediction is the refinement of models from lower accuracies to the resolution observed by experiment. We developed a novel constraints‐based refinement method that identifies a high number of accurate input constraints from initial models and rebuilds them using restrained torsion angle dynamics (rTAD). We previously created a Bayesian statistics‐based residue‐specific all‐atom probability discriminatory function (RAPDF) to discriminate native‐like models by measuring the probability of accuracy for atom type distances within a given model. Here, we exploit RAPDF to score (i.e., filter) constraints from initial predictions that may or may not be close to a native‐like state, obtain consensus of top scoring constraints amongst five initial models, and compile sets with no redundant residue pair constraints. We find that this method consistently produces a large and highly accurate set of distance constraints from which to build refinement models. We further optimize the balance between accuracy and coverage of constraints by producing multiple structure sets using different constraint distance cutoffs, and note that the cutoff governs spatially near versus distant effects in model generation. This complete procedure of deriving distance constraints for rTAD simulations improves the quality of initial predictions significantly in all cases evaluated by us. Our procedure represents a significant step in solving the protein structure prediction and refinement problem, by enabling the use of consensus constraints, RAPDF, and rTAD for protein structure modeling and refinement. Proteins 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Substantial progresses in protein structure prediction have been made by utilizing deep-learning and residue-residue distance prediction since CASP13. Inspired by the advances, we improve our CASP14 MULTICOM protein structure prediction system by incorporating three new components: (a) a new deep learning-based protein inter-residue distance predictor to improve template-free (ab initio) tertiary structure prediction, (b) an enhanced template-based tertiary structure prediction method, and (c) distance-based model quality assessment methods empowered by deep learning. In the 2020 CASP14 experiment, MULTICOM predictor was ranked seventh out of 146 predictors in tertiary structure prediction and ranked third out of 136 predictors in inter-domain structure prediction. The results demonstrate that the template-free modeling based on deep learning and residue-residue distance prediction can predict the correct topology for almost all template-based modeling targets and a majority of hard targets (template-free targets or targets whose templates cannot be recognized), which is a significant improvement over the CASP13 MULTICOM predictor. Moreover, the template-free modeling performs better than the template-based modeling on not only hard targets but also the targets that have homologous templates. The performance of the template-free modeling largely depends on the accuracy of distance prediction closely related to the quality of multiple sequence alignments. The structural model quality assessment works well on targets for which enough good models can be predicted, but it may perform poorly when only a few good models are predicted for a hard target and the distribution of model quality scores is highly skewed. MULTICOM is available at https://github.com/jianlin-cheng/MULTICOM_Human_CASP14/tree/CASP14_DeepRank3 and https://github.com/multicom-toolbox/multicom/tree/multicom_v2.0 .  相似文献   

What are the key building blocks that would have been needed to construct complex protein folds? This is an important issue for understanding protein folding mechanism and guiding de novo protein design. Twenty naturally occurring amino acids and eight secondary structures consist of a 28‐letter alphabet to determine folding kinetics and mechanism. Here we predict folding kinetic rates of proteins from many reduced alphabets. We find that a reduced alphabet of 10 letters achieves good correlation with folding rates, close to the one achieved by full 28‐letter alphabet. Many other reduced alphabets are not significantly correlated to folding rates. The finding suggests that not all amino acids and secondary structures are equally important for protein folding. The foldable sequence of a protein could be designed using at least 10 folding units, which can either promote or inhibit protein folding. Reducing alphabet cardinality without losing key folding kinetic information opens the door to potentially faster machine learning and data mining applications in protein structure prediction, sequence alignment and protein design. Proteins 2015; 83:631–639. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Haspel N  Tsai CJ  Wolfson H  Nussinov R 《Proteins》2003,51(2):203-215
We have previously presented a building block folding model. The model postulates that protein folding is a hierarchical top-down process. The basic unit from which a fold is constructed, referred to as a hydrophobic folding unit, is the outcome of combinatorial assembly of a set of "building blocks." Results obtained by the computational cutting procedure yield fragments that are in agreement with those obtained experimentally by limited proteolysis. Here we show that as expected, proteins from the same family give very similar building blocks. However, different proteins can also give building blocks that are similar in structure. In such cases the building blocks differ in sequence, stability, contacts with other building blocks, and in their 3D locations in the protein structure. This result, which we have repeatedly observed in many cases, leads us to conclude that while a building block is influenced by its environment, nevertheless, it can be viewed as a stand-alone unit. For small-sized building blocks existing in multiple conformations, interactions with sister building blocks in the protein will increase the population time of the native conformer. With this conclusion in hand, it is possible to develop an algorithm that predicts the building block assignment of a protein sequence whose structure is unknown. Toward this goal, we have created sequentially nonredundant databases of building block sequences. A protein sequence can be aligned against these, in order to be matched to a set of potential building blocks.  相似文献   

Tom Defay  Fred E. Cohen 《Proteins》1995,23(3):431-445
The results of a protein structure prediction contest are reviewed. Twelve different groups entered predictions on 14 proteins of known sequence whose structures had been determined but not yet disseminated to the scientific community. Thus, these represent true tests of the current state of structure prediction methodologies. From this work, it is clear that accurate tertiary structure prediction is not yet possible. However, protein fold and motif prediction are possible when the motif is recognizably similar to another known structure. Internal symmetry and the information inherent in an aligned family of homologous sequences facilitate predictive efforts. Novel folds remain a major challenge for prediction efforts. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Comparative docking is based on experimentally determined structures of protein-protein complexes (templates), following the paradigm that proteins with similar sequences and/or structures form similar complexes. Modeling utilizing structure similarity of target monomers to template complexes significantly expands structural coverage of the interactome. Template-based docking by structure alignment can be performed for the entire structures or by aligning targets to the bound interfaces of the experimentally determined complexes. Systematic benchmarking of docking protocols based on full and interface structure alignment showed that both protocols perform similarly, with top 1 docking success rate 26%. However, in terms of the models' quality, the interface-based docking performed marginally better. The interface-based docking is preferable when one would suspect a significant conformational change in the full protein structure upon binding, for example, a rearrangement of the domains in multidomain proteins. Importantly, if the same structure is selected as the top template by both full and interface alignment, the docking success rate increases 2-fold for both top 1 and top 10 predictions. Matching structural annotations of the target and template proteins for template detection, as a computationally less expensive alternative to structural alignment, did not improve the docking performance. Sophisticated remote sequence homology detection added templates to the pool of those identified by structure-based alignment, suggesting that for practical docking, the combination of the structure alignment protocols and the remote sequence homology detection may be useful in order to avoid potential flaws in generation of the structural templates library.  相似文献   

We present the assembly category assessment in the 13th edition of the CASP community-wide experiment. For the second time, protein assemblies constitute an independent assessment category. Compared to the last edition we see a clear uptake in participation, more oligomeric targets released, and consistent, albeit modest, improvement of the predictions quality. Looking at the tertiary structure predictions, we observe that ignoring the oligomeric state of the targets hinders modeling success. We also note that some contact prediction groups successfully predicted homomeric interfacial contacts, though it appears that these predictions were not used for assembly modeling. Homology modeling with sizeable human intervention appears to form the basis of the assembly prediction techniques in this round of CASP. Future developments should see more integrated approaches where subunits are modeled in the context of the assemblies they form.  相似文献   

Computational methods in protein structure prediction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This review presents the advances in protein structure prediction from the computational methods perspective. The approaches are classified into four major categories: comparative modeling, fold recognition, first principles methods that employ database information, and first principles methods without database information. Important advances along with current limitations and challenges are presented.  相似文献   

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