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Limited proteolytic digestion of uncoupling protein-1 (UCP1) from hamster brown adipose tissue mitochondria was studied. Under optimal conditions, trypsin and chymotrypsin cleave at Lys-292 and at Phe-102, yielding major products 31-kDa T1 and 22-kDa Ch1. Both T1 and Ch1 remained dimers, as in UCP1. Using fluorescent nucleotide derivative 2'-O-dansyl GTP, it is shown that T1 retains the nucleotide binding affinity (K(D)=1 microM for dansyl GTP) while Ch1 does not bind nucleotide. Previously kinetic binding and H(+) transport studies [Biochemistry 35 (1996) 7846] have shown that UCP1 forms tight complexes to varying degrees with nucleotides and their derivatives. Nucleotides strongly protect against tryptic digestion but less against chymotryptic digestion, because the chymotryptic product Ch1 does not bind nucleotide. The nucleotides and derivatives show the same potency profile in protecting against both trypsinolysis and chymotryptic digestion, suggesting that UCP1 undergoes a major conformational change upon nucleotide binding from an initial loose complex into a tight complex, in which the cleavage sites become masked from proteolysis.  相似文献   

The fluorescent anion indicator 6-methoxy-N-(3-sulfopropyl)quinolinium was trapped in proteoliposomes reconstituted with purified 32-kDa uncoupling protein and used to detect GDP-sensitive uniports of Cl-, Br-, and I-. Transport of these halide anions was rapid and potential-dependent. F- and nitrate were found to inhibit Cl- uptake competitively, suggesting that these anions are also substrates for transport. This preparation also exhibited H+(OH-) transport, showing that the reconstituted uncoupling protein possesses both halide and H+ transport functions, as is observed in intact brown adipose tissue mitochondria. Cl- transport was inhibited to the residual level observed in liposomes without protein when GDP was present on both sides of the membrane. Cl- transport was inhibited by about 50% when GDP was present only on one side of the membrane. We infer that uncoupling protein reconstitutes into proteoliposomes with a 1:1 ratio of sidedness orientation. The Km values for Cl- uniport were 100 and 65 mM, respectively, in GDP-loaded and non-GDP-loaded vesicles. Participation of the inner membrane anion channel in the observed transport is rendered unlikely by the fact that this carrier is insensitive to GDP. A variety of additional experiments probing for inner membrane anion channel yielded uniformly negative results, confirming the absence of contamination by this protein. Our results therefore demonstrate that the uncoupling protein mediates anion translocation, a function previously reported as lacking in the reconstituted system.  相似文献   

GDP-sensitive Cl- uniport is a widely studied property of the uncoupling protein of brown adipose tissue mitochondria; nevertheless, little is known about its mechanism and there is even controversy over whether this protein transports Cl-. Using a fluorescent probe assay, we have demonstrated non-ohmic, electrophoretic, GDP-sensitive Cl- uniport into proteoliposomes reconstituted with purified uncoupler protein. We have also identified a large number of new anionic substrates for this porter that also inhibit Cl- uniport competitively. Anion transport, its inhibition by GDP and anion inhibition of Cl- uniport are all strongly dependent on anion hydrophobicity. These surprising results are consequential for hypotheses of common transport mechanisms in the gene family of mitochondrial anion porters.  相似文献   

P Jezek 《FEBS letters》1987,211(1):89-93
Mersalyl inhibits H+ transport via the uncoupling protein (UP) in brown adipose tissue (BAT) mitochondria estimated as swelling in potassium acetate (Ki 67 microM) or as valinomycin-induced H+ extrusion in K2SO4 (Ki 55 microM) and KCl. The swelling in KCl is depressed only slightly. Some other SH-reagents (p-hydroxymercuribenzoate, 5,5'-dithiobis(2-nitrobenzoate) and thiolyte DB), but not hydrophobic reagents (N-ethylmaleimide and eosin-5-maleimide), exhibit analogous inhibition. Thus an essential SH-group localized at the water-accessible cytosolic surface of UP was found to be involved in H+ transport via UP but not in Cl- transport.  相似文献   

The recruitment process induced by acclimation of mammals to cold includes a marked alteration in the acyl composition of the phospholipids of mitochondria from brown adipose tissue: increases in 18:0, 18:2(n-6), and 20:4(n-6) and decreases in 16:0, 16:1, 18:1, and 22:6(n-3). A basic question is whether these alterations are caused by changes in the concentration of uncoupling protein-1 (UCP1) or the thermogenesis it mediates-implying that they are secondary effects-or whether they are an integrated, independent part of the recruitment process. This question was addressed here using wild-type and UCP1-ablated C57BL/6 mice acclimated to 24 degrees C or 4 degrees C. In wild-type mice, the phospholipid fatty acyl composition of mitochondria from brown adipose tissue showed the changes in response to cold that were expected from observations in other species and strains. The changes were specific, as different changes occurred in skeletal muscle mitochondria. In UCP1-ablated mice, cold acclimation induced acyl alterations in brown adipose tissue that were qualitatively identical and quantitatively similar to those in wild-type mice. Therefore, neither the increased content of UCP1 nor mitochondrial uncoupling altered the effect of cold on acyl composition. Cold acclimation in wild-type mice had little effect on phospholipid acyl composition in muscle mitochondria, but cold-acclimation in UCP1-ablated mice caused significant alterations, probably due to sustained shivering. Thus, the alterations in brown adipose tissue phospholipid acyl composition are revealed to be an independent part of the recruitment process, and their functional significance for thermogenesis should be elucidated.  相似文献   

Orexin A, synthesised in the posterolateral hypothalamus, has widespread distribution including the paraventricular nucleus (PVN), which is rich in thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) neurones. Nerve fibres in the PVN synapse on neurones that send polysynaptic projections to brown adipose tissue (BAT), which is important in thermogenesis. A number of observations suggests orexin A may be involved in regulation of metabolism and thermogenesis. We investigated the effect of orexin A injected intracerebroventricularly (ICV) on thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and thyroid hormones in male rats. We then examined the effect of chronic iPVN injections of orexin A on plasma TSH and uncoupling protein-1 (UCP-1) protein in BAT. Orexin A (3 nmol) administered ICV significantly suppressed plasma TSH at 10 and 90 min. Orexin A (0.3 nmol) administered into the PVN twice daily for 3 days significantly increased day-time 2-h food intake, but did not significantly alter nocturnal food intake. Though chronic iPVN orexin A altered diurnal food intake, there was no effect on 24-h food intake or body weight. Furthermore, orexin A administered chronically into the PVN did not alter UCP-1 level in BAT, or plasma hormones relative to saline injected animals. Chronic iPVN orexin A does not appear to influence thermogenesis through activation of UCP-1 or the thyroid axis.  相似文献   

The distribution of the uncoupling protein (UCP) in brown adipocyte mitochondria of the hibernant Muscardinus avellanarius was obtained by ultrastructural immunocytochemistry. In both cryosections and sections of Lowicryl-embedded material UCP was localized in the mitochondrial cristae of brown adipocytes, but not in liver mitochondria. It should now be possible to easily identify the morphology of cells committed to BAT differentiation in the tissue as well as in cell culture.  相似文献   

Psychological stress leads to sympathetically mediated increases in body temperature. Brown adipose tissue (BAT) is often thought to be the main organ to produce heat in response to sympathetic activation. However, we have previously shown that the hyperthermia evoked by conditioned fear in rats is not the result of thermogenesis in the interscapular area of the back, where the largest deposit of BAT is found. Stress-induced hyperthermia is widely used as an anxiety indicator in mice. We thus sought to verify if this response can be attributed to BAT thermogenesis. Eight C57BL/6 mice were shaved in the interscapular and lumbar back areas prior to testing. Animals received injections of 20 mg/kg dl-propranolol or saline and were placed in either an open field or 4 °C enclosure for 30 min. Infrared thermographic images were taken each minute to record interscapular, lumbar and tail skin temperatures. Propranolol reduced the stress-induced hyperthermia observed during open field exposure (p<0.01), as indicated by the lumbar back skin temperature. Nevertheless, the difference between interscapular and lumbar skin temperatures remained constant, suggesting that this hyperthermia was not caused by BAT thermogenesis. There was no observable effect of propranolol on behavior, as animals remained active throughout the test. In contrast, the difference between interscapular and lumbar back skin temperature was increased by 2 °C during cold exposure. This increase was abolished after propranolol (p<0.001), indicating BAT thermogenesis during this challenge. Hence, just as rats exposed to conditioned fear, mice exposed to an open field display a stress-induced hyperthermia that is not caused by BAT thermogenesis.  相似文献   

The effect of fatty acids, palmitoyl-CoA, and N',N-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide on the ion conductance of the reconstituted brown adipose tissue mitochondria uncoupling protein was investigated. 1, 5, and 10 microM palmitic acid induced a specific, GDP inhibited, increase in proton conductance in proteoliposomes containing the uncoupling protein but not in proteoliposomes prepared with purified protein extracts of liver mitochondria. 10 microM oleic acid, like palmitic acid, increased proton conductance in proteoliposomes prepared with the uncoupling protein. Palmitoyl-CoA and caprylic acid had no effect on increasing proton conductance. Similar to the observation in mitochondria, there was no effect of palmitic acid on Cl-conductance, but unlike mitochondria its activation by palmitoyl-CoA or inhibition by N',N-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide was lost. The results, obtained in an isolated system, provide support for the contention that long chain fatty acids act as an acute physiological activator of the uncoupling protein.  相似文献   

1. Ewes were injected with purified 32,000-Mr uncoupling protein from mitochondria of brown adipose tissue of cold-adapted rats in order to raise antibodies. 2. The existence of antibodies in the plasma of ewes and the cross-reactivity of plasmas were demonstrated and studied by 125I-labelled antigen-antibody reaction, double immunodiffusion, the inhibition of GDP binding to the 32,000 Mr protein and by immunohistochemistry. 3. The antibodies raised against the homogeneous protein yielded a single immunoprecipitation band with detergent-solubilized mitochondrial membranes of brown adipose tissue from rat, hamster, guinea-pig, rabbit and with the purified uncoupling protein of these animals. No immunoprecipitation was obtained with the protein purified from brown adipose tissue of term lamb foetus. 4. The GDP-binding activity of the uncoupling protein (isolated or in solubilized membranes) was largely inhibited by the antiserum. 5. The anti-(rat uncoupling protein) could not cross-react with solubilized membranes from liver or muscle, nor with the purified beef heart or rat liver ADP/ATP translocator.  相似文献   

The uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1) is a H(+) carrier which plays a key role in heat generation in brown adipose tissue. The H(+) transport activity of UCP1 is activated by long-chain fatty acids and inhibited by purine nucleotides. While nucleotide binding has been well characterized, the interaction of fatty acid with UCP1 remains unknown. Here I demonstrate the binding of fatty acids by competition with a fluorescent nucleotide probe 2(')-O-dansyl guanosine 5(')-triphosphate (GTP), which has been shown previously to bind at the nucleotide binding site in UCP1. Fatty acids but not their esters competitively inhibit the binding of 2(')-O-dansyl GTP to UCP1. The fatty acid effect was enhanced at higher pH, suggesting the binding of fatty acid anion to UCP1. The inhibition constants K(i) were determined by fluorescence titrations for various fatty acids. Short-chain (C<8) fatty acids display no affinity, whereas medium-chain (C10-14) and unsaturated C18 fatty acids exhibit stronger affinity (K(i)=65 microM, for elaidic acid). This specificity profile agrees with previous functional data obtained in both proteoliposomes and mitochondria, suggesting a possible physiological role of this fatty acid binding site.  相似文献   

Brown adipose tissue of developing hamster was characterized by western blotting, enzyme activity measurements and immunoelectron microscopy. During the first postnatal week the tissue contained significant amounts of differentiating mitochondria and comparable quantities of active cytochrome oxidase and ATP synthase. The uncoupling protein appeared on the 7/8th day and its specific content increased 80-times between day 8 and day 17. In parallel, the specific content and activity of cytochrome oxidase increased 3-times but ATP synthase decreased 2-times. The total content of uncoupling protein and of cytochrome oxidase in interscapular brown adipose tissue increased 360- and 11-times, respectively. Analysis of isolated mitochondria showed that the observed differences result mainly from changes of the enzymic equipment of the mitochondrial membrane. During the same interval, propylthiouracil-insensitive "type II' thyroxine 5'-deiodinase activity in brown adipose tissue increased 10-times. It was concluded that the thermogenic function of the hamster brown adipose tissue develops after the first postnatal week due to highly differentiated synthesis of mitochondrial proteins leading to replacement of preexisting, uncoupling protein-lacking nonthermogenic mitochondria by thermogenic ones, similarly as shown in brown adipose tissue of the embryonic mouse and rat (Houst?k, J., et al. (1988) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 935, 19-25).  相似文献   

Presumptive evidence suggests that the brown fat mitochondrial uncoupling protein, thermogenin, is involved in the mechanism of stimulation of respiration by norepinephrine in the intact tissue. Conflicting data have been reported which suggest involvement of either adenine nucleotides, or fatty acids, or long chain acyl-CoA, or protons in the physiological regulation. We measured the electrical potential gradient across the mitochondrial membrane (delta psi m) in control cells and in cells stimulated with norepinephrine, using the accumulation of lipophilic cation, tetraphenylphosphonium, as an indicator of the potential gradient. The value of delta psi m in the cells in the control state is 116 mV, and in the hormonally stimulated state it is 56.6 mV. This supports the view that the protein is involved in the mechanism of hormone action. Other studies were designed to distinguish between the effects of fatty acids and ATP levels on the uncoupling protein in isolated mitochondria and in the adipocytes. ATP levels and fatty acid levels inside intact cells were independently varied using oligomycin or external fatty acids. Their effect on thermogenin was monitored as the capacity of the cells for reverse electron transport from durohydroquinone. The results suggest that ATP modulates the activity of thermogenin, while fatty acids can alter the relationship between ATP and thermogenin activity such that the protein appears to be activated at a higher cellular ATP level in the presence of fatty acids than in their absence.  相似文献   

Proton leak pathways uncouple substrate oxidation from ATP synthesis in mitochondria. These pathways are classified as basal (not regulated) or inducible (activated and inhibited). Previously it was found that over half of the basal proton conductance of muscle mitochondria was catalyzed by the adenine nucleotide translocase (ANT), an abundant mitochondrial anion carrier protein. To determine whether ANT is the unique protein catalyst, or one of many proteins that catalyze basal proton conductance, we measured proton leak kinetics in mitochondria isolated from brown adipose tissue (BAT). BAT can express another mitochondrial anion carrier, UCP1, at concentrations similar to ANT. Basal proton conductance was measured under conditions where UCP1 and ANT were catalytically inactive and was found to be lower in mitochondria from UCP1 knockout mice compared to wild-type. Ablation of another abundant inner membrane protein, nicotinamide nucleotide transhydrogenase, had no effect on proton leak kinetics in mitochondria from liver, kidney or muscle, showing that basal proton conductance is not catalyzed by all membrane proteins. We identify UCP1 as a second protein propagating basal proton leak, lending support to the hypothesis that basal leak pathways are perpetrated by members of the mitochondrial anion carrier family but not by other mitochondrial inner membrane proteins.  相似文献   

This is the first report on the generation of H2O2 by brown adipose tissue mitochondria. Flavin dehydrogenase-linked substrates like succinate, glycerol-1-phosphate, and fatty acyl CoA were good substrates for the reaction, while NAD+-linked substrates were less effective. In cold-acclimated animals the activity showed a substantial increase (2.5-fold). TheK m andV max of the reaction were considerably lower than those of the respective dehydrogenase. Metal ions, particularly Cu2+ and Fe2+ were potent inhibitors of the reaction. Nucleoside diphosphates, which were inhibitors by themselves, potentiated the inhibitory action of Fe2+ ions. In most of the properties, the H2O2 generator of brown adipose tissue mitochondria resembled that of liver mitochondria.  相似文献   

1. A rapid unmasking of GDP binding sites on brown adipose tissue (BAT) mitochondria was observed when hamsters acclimatized to 28 degrees C were exposed to a temperature of 4 degrees C for 2 hr. 2. No rapid unmasking of GDP binding sites was observed when hamsters housed at 22 degrees C were briefly exposed to 4 degrees C. 3. The amount of GDP bound to BAT mitochondria from hamsters increased during 2 weeks of exposure to 4 degrees C, but did not change between 2 weeks and 30 days of cold exposure. 4. Incubation of mitochondria with 10 mM Mg2+ prior to the GDP binding assay increased the subsequent GDP binding to BAT mitochondria from hamsters housed at 28, 22 or 4 degrees C, albeit to different degrees. 5. The amount of GDP bound to uncoupling proteins isolated from untreated and Mg(2+)-treated mitochondria of hamsters and rats was measured. Scatchard analyses of the binding of GDP to purified uncoupling protein indicate that increases in the number of binding sites due to Mg2+ treatment of mitochondria do not change the affinity of the protein for GDP.  相似文献   

Journal of Physiology and Biochemistry - The present study investigated the effects of swimming physical training either thermoneutral or below thermoneutral water temperature on white (WAT) and...  相似文献   

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