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Arterio-arterio and arterio-venous vasculatures in the gills of eelAnguilla japonica, carpCyprinus carpio, and yellowtailSeriola quinqueradiata were examined by resin-replica method. Their ampullae and anastomotic capillaries of secondary lamellae exhibited species differences in the structural features. In the infusion of resin into the eel gills for 2, 5, and 10 min, the replica of afferent companion vessels, central venous sinus, efferent companion vessel, and afferent artery was produced, but that of the capillaries in secondary lamellae and efferent artery was not recognizable. This finding suggests more abundant blood circulation in the arteriovenous vasculature than in the arterio-arterio one.  相似文献   

Summary A plexus of nerve fibers encompassing neuronal perikarya is present within the gill filament; it surrounds the proximal portion of the efferent filament artery and the efferent lamellar arterioles. This innervation resembles the pattern described for the area around the sphincter of the efferent filament artery: acetylcholinesterase-positive neurons and fibers, fast-fading yellow-fluorescent neurons and fibers, long-lasting green-fluorescent fibers. In addition, synaptic contacts between the different components suggest functional interrelationships. Nerves evidently control the efferent limb of the filament circulation including the sphincter of the efferent filament arteries, the proximal portion of the efferent filament arteries proper, and their corresponding efferent lamellar arterioles. However, the distal portion of this system is poorly innervated.  相似文献   

In order to gain additional information regarding renal circulatory patterns, we have used both ink and resin injections to study the arterial supply to the mesonephric kidney of trout. Arterial injections through the dorsal aorta with ink were made for histological preparations in which the length, termination and relationship of glomerular vessels were examined. Similar injections with methyl methacrylate were made in preparation of corrosion casts to provide us with gross replicas of the aortic branches to the kidney as well as casts of glomerular structure for scanning electron microscopy. The sequence of vessels through which arterial blood passed to the renal corpuscle and ultimately to the uriniferous tubules was traced. Each afferent arteriole was found to terminate in three to six branches which formed anastomosing circuits of capillaries; these vessels reunited at the hilum to form a single efferent arteriole. The efferent arterioles in trun traveled a short distance to peritubular capillary beds and sinusoids. Morphological evidence was found for preglomerular sphincter-like action only. The glomerular vessels were found to be similar to, although less complex than, those of the outer and mid-cortical regions of the dog kidney.  相似文献   

The glomerular filtration rate (GFR) was estimated using 125I-iothalamate by the cumulative integral method in 95 subjects — 16 normal subjects and 79 patients with suspected or proved renal disease. This method is accurate, simple to perform and theoretically sound. It minimizes errors due to transit time and bladder storage. The normal range of GFR was determined to be 71 ± 10 (two standard deviations) ml/min/m2. In 66 patients serum creatinine levels were compared with the GFR value expressed per square metre. For any given serum creatinine level there is a wide range of GFR values. A serum creatinine value in the normal range, i.e. between 0.7 and 1.3 mg/dl, cannot be used to predict the patient''s GFR. The micro blood sampling technique makes this method particularly useful in infants.  相似文献   

Tbx18 has been shown to be essential for ureteral development. However, it remains unclear whether it plays a direct role in kidney development. Here we addressed this by focusing on examining the pattern and contribution of Tbx18+ cells in the kidney and its role in kidney vascular development. Expression studies and genetic lineage tracing revealed that Tbx18 is expressed in renal capsule, vascular smooth muscle cells and pericytes and glomerular mesangial cells in the kidney and that Tbx18-expressing progenitors contribute to these cell types. Examination of Tbx18/ kidneys revealed large reduction in vasculature density and dilation of glomerular capillary loops. While SMA+ cells were reduced in the mutant, PDGFRβ+ cells were seen in early capillary loop renal corpuscles in the mutant, but fewer than in the controls, and further development of the mesangium failed. Analysis of kidney explants cultured from E12.5 excluded the possibility that the defects observed in the mutant were caused by ureter obstruction. Reduced proliferation in glomerular tuft and increased apoptosis in perivascular mesenchyme were observed in Tbx18/ kidneys. Thus, our analyses have identified a novel role of Tbx18 in kidney vasculature development.  相似文献   

The influence of adrenalectomy and administration of hypertonic saline on the amount of vasopressin, oxytocin, and neurophysin contained in the median eminence and the neural lobe of rats was studied by means of the following methods: (i) morphometric and microphotometric analyses of aldehyde fuchsin-stained histological sections of the neurohypophysis; (ii) immunohistochemical demonstration of vasopressin, oxytocin, and neurophysin in the neurohypophysis, and (iii) radioimmunological measurement of vasopressin and oxytocin in extracts of the median eminence and the neural lobe. Adrenalectomy increases the amount of vasopressin and neurophysin in the external layer of the median eminence but does not change the content of oxytocin. It has no influence on the amount of vasopressin, oxytocin, and neurophysin demonstrable in the inner layer of the median eminence and in the neural lobe two weeks after the operation. Hypertonic saline markedly diminishes the vasopressin, oxytocin, and neurophysin content of the inner layer of the median eminence and the neural lobe but reduces only slightly, if at all, the amount of vasopressin and neurophysin in the outer layer of the median eminence. The findings support the concept that osmotic stress reduces only the vasopressin and oxytocin content of the hypothalamus-neural lobe system and has no or only little influence on the vasopressin content of the outer layer of the median eminence.  相似文献   

Fc受体是免疫细胞表面一种重要受体分子,通过与免疫球蛋白Fc段结合触发多种生物学功能,是联系体液免疫和细胞免疫的桥梁。部分硬骨鱼中已经发现了Fc受体,在斑马鱼、斑点又尾鲴和鲤鱼中都克隆到了Fc受体的γ亚基,在鲨鱼和大西洋鲑中证明有能够与免疫球蛋白结合的Fc受体存在,并在斑点叉尾鲴、河豚和虹鳟中存在着类似α亚基的Fc受体。对鱼类Fc受体的发现和研究必将为了解鱼类的免疫机制及免疫进化提供重要的资料。  相似文献   

The nerve endings in the heart of fishes were studied using silver impregnation techniques. The heart chambers are profusely innervated by the sympathetic, parasympathetic (vagal) and postganglionic fibers of the intracardiac ganglia situated at the sinuatrial and the atrioventricular junctions. The plexuses are composed of medullated and nonmedullated fibers. The nerve fibers generally end freely and are slightly branched or unbranched terminations of myelinated and unmyelinated fibers. Moreover, a few nerve fibers end redundant in the form of end-rings, bulb-like, bush-like, club-shaped end end-coil like structures. The complex unencapsulated types of endings are also found in the myocardium of the atrium and the ventricle. The encapsulated endings (Vater-Pacinian; Krause end-bulb) could not be observed.  相似文献   

Low glomerular (nephron) endowment has been associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular and renal disease in adulthood. Nephron endowment in humans is determined by 36 wk of gestation, while in rats and mice nephrogenesis ends several days after birth. Specific genes and environmental perturbations have been shown to regulate nephron endowment. Until now, design-based method for estimating nephron number in developing kidneys was unavailable. This was due in part to the difficulty associated with unambiguously identifying developing glomeruli in histological sections. Here, we describe a method that uses lectin histochemistry to identify developing glomeruli and the physical disector/fractionator principle to provide unbiased estimates of total glomerular number (N(glom)). We have characterized N(glom) throughout development in kidneys from 76 rats and model this development with a 5-parameter logistic equation to predict N(glom) from embryonic day 17.25 to adulthood (r(2) = 0.98). This approach represents the first design-based method with which to estimate N(glom) in the developing kidney.  相似文献   

Retinal specializations in the eyes of deep-sea teleosts   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

The thymus plays a pivotal role in the development of the adaptive immune system, an important factor that separates higher vertebrates from the rest of the animal phyla. The development of functional T-cells from thymocytes is a crucial step in the development of a functional vertebrate immune system and whilst recent advances in molecular and developmental biology have advanced our understanding of T-cell development, they have also provided potential model species across the vertebrate phyla including the zebrafish (Danio rerio). However, this species is one of more than 20,000 species of fish that could assist in elucidating the development of the vertebrate thymus and, consequently, the evolution of the vertebrate immune response. In this paper we review the knowledge of the teleost thymus through the organogenesis and development studies in teleosts together with advances in molecular and functional approaches. Where necessary we will combine this knowledge with that obtained in higher vertebrates.  相似文献   

Interstitial cells of Cajal are believed to play an important role in gastrointestinal tissues by generating and propagating electrical slow waves to gastrointestinal muscles and/or mediating signals from the enteric nervous system. Recently cells with similar morphological characteristics have been found in the wall of blood vessels such as rabbit portal vein and guinea pig mesenteric artery. These non-contractile cells are characterised by the presence of numerous processes and were easily detected in the wall of the rabbit portal vein by staining with methylene blue or by antibodies to the marker of Interstitial Cells of Cajal c-kit. These vascular cells have been termed "interstitial cells" by analogy with interstitial cells found in the gastrointestinal tract. Freshly dispersed interstitial cells from rabbit portal vein and guinea pig mesenteric artery displayed various Ca2+-release events from endo/sarcoplasmic reticulum including fast localised Ca2+ transients (Ca2+ sparks) and longer and slower Ca2+ events. Single interstitial cells from the rabbit portal vein, which is a spontaneously active vessel, also demonstrated rhythmical Ca2+ oscillations associated with membrane depolarisations, which suggests that in this vessel interstitial cells may act as pacemakers for smooth muscle cells. The function of interstitial cells from the mesenteric arteries is yet unknown. This article reviews some of the recent findings regarding interstitial cells from blood vessels obtained by our laboratory using electron microscopy, immunohistochemistry, tight-seal patch-clamp recording, and fluorescence confocal imaging techniques.  相似文献   

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