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Time course experiments of the localization of rat LIMP II expressed in COS cells show that the protein is transported directly from the Golgi complex to lysosomes. Substitution of the tyrosine-lacking carboxyl cytoplasmic tail of LIMP II for the native cytoplasmic tails of the plasma membrane proteins CD36 and CD8 resulted in straight transport of both proteins to lysosomes. The synthetic tyrosine-containing heptapeptide, RGTGVYG, did not replace the natural carboxyl cytoplasmic tail of LIMP II in its ability to transport both CD36 and CD8 to lysosomes, and the two constructs were transported to and expressed at the plasma membrane. Substitution of the cytoplasmic tails of either CD36 or CD8 for the carboxyl cytoplasmic tail of LIMP II resulted in transport of the mutants to the plasma membrane where they underwent endocytosis before accumulating into lysosomes. The results indicate that a motif contained in the tyrosine-lacking carboxyl cytoplasmic tail of LIMP II is sufficient to target proteins directly from the Golgi complex to lysosomes.  相似文献   

The suicide inactivation mechanism of tyrosinase acting on its substrates has been studied. The kinetic analysis of the proposed mechanism during the transition phase provides explicit analytical expressions for the concentrations of o-quinone against time. The electronic, steric and hydrophobic effects of the substrates influence the enzymatic reaction, increasing the catalytic speed by three orders of magnitude and the inactivation by one order of magnitude. To explain the suicide inactivation, we propose a mechanism in which the enzymatic form E(ox) (oxy-tyrosinase) is responsible for such inactivation. A key step might be the transfer of the C-1 hydroxyl group proton to the peroxide, which would act as a general base. Another essential step might be the axial attack of the o-diphenol on the copper atom. The rate constant of this reaction would be directly related to the strength of the nucleophilic attack of the C-1 hydroxyl group, which depends on the chemical shift of the carbon C-1 (delta(1)) obtained by (13)C-NMR. Protonation of the peroxide would bring the copper atoms together and encourage the diaxial nucleophilic attack of the C-2 hydroxyl group, facilitating the co-planarity with the ring of the copper atoms and the concerted oxidation/reduction reaction, and giving rise to an o-quinone. The suicide inactivation would occur if the C-2 hydroxyl group transferred the proton to the protonated peroxide, which would again act as a general base. In this case, the co-planarity between the copper atom, the oxygen of the C-1 and the ring would only permit the oxidation/reduction reaction on one copper atom, giving rise to copper(0), hydrogen peroxide and an o-quinone, which would be released, thus inactivating the enzyme.  相似文献   

Lysosomal acid phosphatase (LAP) is rapidly internalized from the cell surface due to a tyrosine-containing internalization signal in its 19 amino acid cytoplasmic tail. Measuring the internalization of a series of LAP cytoplasmic tail truncation and substitution mutants revealed that the N-terminal 12 amino acids of the cytoplasmic tail are sufficient for rapid endocytosis and that the hexapeptide 411-PGYRHV-416 is the tyrosine-containing internalization signal. Truncation and substitution mutants of amino acid residues following Val416 can prevent internalization even though these residues do not belong to the internalization signal. It was shown recently that part of the LAP cytoplasmic tail peptide corresponding to 410-PPGY-413 forms a well-ordered beta turn structure in solution. Two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy of two modified LAP tail peptides, in which the single tyrosine was substituted either by phenylalanine or by alanine, revealed that the tendency to form a beta turn is reduced by 25% in the phenylalanine-containing peptide and by approximately 50% in the alanine-containing mutant peptide. Our results suggest, that in the short cytoplasmic tail of LAP tyrosine is required for stabilization of the right turn and that the aromatic ring system of the tyrosine residue is a contact point to the putative cytoplasmic receptor.  相似文献   

Members of the Bunyaviridae family mature by a budding process in the Golgi complex. The site of maturation is thought to be largely determined by the accumulation of the two spike glycoproteins, G1 and G2, in this organelle. Here we show that the signal for localizing the Uukuniemi virus (a phlebovirus) spike protein complex to the Golgi complex resides in the cytoplasmic tail of G1. We constructed chimeric proteins in which the ectodomain, transmembrane domain (TMD), and cytoplasmic tail (CT) of Uukuniemi virus G1 were exchanged with the corresponding domains of either vesicular stomatitis virus G protein (VSV G), chicken lysozyme, or CD4, all proteins readily transported to the plasma membrane. The chimeras were expressed in HeLa or BHK-21 cells by using either the T7 RNA polymerase-driven vaccinia virus system or the Semliki Forest virus system. The fate of the chimeric proteins was monitored by indirect immunofluorescence, and their localizations were compared by double labeling with markers specific for the Golgi complex. The results showed that the ectodomain and TMD (including the 10 flanking residues on either side of the membrane) of G1 played no apparent role in targeting chimeric proteins to the Golgi complex. Instead, all chimeras containing the CT of G1 were efficiently targeted to the Golgi complex and colocalized with mannosidase II, a Golgi-specific enzyme. Conversely, replacing the CT of G1 with that from VSV G resulted in the efficient transport of the chimeric protein to the cell surface. Progressive deletions of the G1 tail suggested that the Golgi retention signal maps to a region encompassing approximately residues 10 to 50, counting from the proposed border between the TMD and the tail. Both G1 and G2 were found to be acylated, as shown by incorporation of [3H]palmitate into the viral proteins. By mutational analyses of CD4-G1 chimeras, the sites for palmitylation were mapped to two closely spaced cysteine residues in the G1 tail. Changing either or both of these cysteines to alanine had no effect on the targeting of the chimeric protein to the Golgi complex.  相似文献   

BHK cells transfected with human lysosomal acid phosphatase (LAP) cDNA (CT29) expressed 70-fold higher enzyme activities of acid phosphatase than non-transfected BHK cells. The CT29-LAP was synthesized in BHK cells as a heterogeneously glycosylated precursor that was tightly membrane associated. Transfer to the trans-Golgi was associated with a small increase in size (approximately 7 kd) and partial processing of the oligosaccharides to complex type structures. CT29-LAP was transferred into lysosomes as shown by subcellular fractionation, immunofluorescence and immunoelectron microscopy. Lack of mannose-6-phosphate residues suggested that transport does not involve mannose-6-phosphate receptors. Part of the membrane-associated CT29-LAP was processed to a soluble form. The mechanism that converts CT29-LAP into a soluble form was sensitive to NH4Cl, and reduced the size of the polypeptide by 7 kd. In vitro translation of CT29-derived cRNA in the presence of microsomal membranes yielded a CT29-LAP precursor that is protected from proteinase K except for a small peptide of approximately 2 kd. In combination with the sequence data available for LAP, these observations suggest that CT29-LAP is synthesized and transported to lysosomes as a transmembrane protein. In the lysosomes, CT29-LAP is released from the membrane by proteolytic cleavage, which removes a C-terminal peptide including the transmembrane domain and the cytosolic tail of 18 amino acids.  相似文献   

Lamp1 is a type I transmembrane glycoprotein that is localized primarily in lysosomes and late endosomes. Newly synthesized molecules are mostly transported from the trans-Golgi network directly to endosomes and then to lysosomes. A minor pathway involves transport via the plasma membrane. The 11-amino acid cytoplasmic tail of lamp1 contains a tyrosine-based motif that has been previously shown to mediate sorting in the trans-Golgi network and rapid internalization at the plasma membrane. We studied whether this motif also mediates sorting in endosomes. We found that mutant forms of lamp1 in which all the amino acids of the cytoplasmic tail were modified except for the RKR membrane anchor and the YXXI sorting motif still localized to dense lysosomes, indicating that the YXXI motif is sufficient to confer proper intracellular targeting. However, when the spacing of the YXXI motif relative to the membrane was changed by deleting one amino acid or adding five amino acids, lysosomal targeting was almost completely abolished. Kinetic studies showed that these mutants were trapped in a recycling pathway, involving trafficking between the plasma membrane and early endocytic compartments. These findings indicate that the YXXI signal of lamp1 is recognized at several sorting sites, including the trans-Golgi network, the plasma membrane, and the early/sorting endosomes. Small changes in the spacing of this motif relative to the membrane dramatically impair sorting in the early/sorting endosomes but have only a modest effect on internalization at the plasma membrane. The spacing of sorting signals relative to the membrane may prove to be an important determinant in the functioning of these signals.  相似文献   

In human B cells, class II molecules of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC-II) accumulate in an endosomal/lysosomal compartment, the MIIC, in which they may encounter and bind peptides. An additional molecule required for MHC-II peptide binding, HLA-DM (DM), has also been localized to the MIIC. Neither the relationship of the MIIC to the endosomal system nor the mechanisms by which DM localizes to the MIIC are understood. To address these issues, DM localization was analyzed in cells that do or do not express MHC-II. DM alpha beta heterodimers were localized in transfected MHC-II-negative HeLa and NRK cells, in the absence of the MHC-II-associated invariant chain, to a prelysosomal/lysosomal compartment by immunofluorescence microscopy. To identify a potential targeting determinant, we analyzed the localization of a chimeric protein, T-T-Mb, in which the cytoplasmic tail of murine DM beta (Mb) was appended to the lumenal and transmembrane domains of a cell surface protein, Tac. Like intact DM, T- T-Mb was localized to a lysosomal compartment in HeLa and NRK cells, as judged by immunofluorescence and immunoelectron microscopy. T-T-Mb was rapidly degraded in this compartment by a process that was blocked by inhibitors of lysosomal proteolysis. The DM beta cytoplasmic tail also mediated internalization of anti-Tac antibody from the cell surface and delivery to lysosomes. Deletion from the DM beta cytoplasmic tail of the tyrosine-based motif, YTPL, resulted in cell surface expression of T-T-Mb and a loss of both degradation and internalization; alanine scanning mutagenesis showed that the Y and L residues were critical for these functions. Similarly, mutation of the same Y residue within full- length DM beta resulted in cell surface expression of DM alpha beta heterodimers. Lastly, T-T-Mb was localized by immunoelectron microscopy to the MIIC in a human B lymphoblastoid cell line. Our results suggest that a motif, YTPL, in the cytoplasmic tail of the beta chain of DM is sufficient for targeting either to lysosomes or to the MIIC.  相似文献   

Sialidase (neuraminidase), encoded by the neu-1 gene in the major histocompatibility complex locus catalyzes the intralysosomal degradation of sialylated glycoconjugates. Inherited deficiency of sialidase results in sialidosis or galactosialidosis, both severe metabolic disorders associated with lysosomal storage of oligosaccharides and glycopeptides. Sialidase also plays an important role in cellular signaling and is specifically required for the production of cytokine interleukin-4 by activated T lymphocytes. In these cells, neu-1-encoded sialidase activity is increased on the cell surface, suggesting that a specific mechanism regulates sorting of this enzyme to the plasma membrane. We investigated that mechanism by first showing that sialidase contains the internalization signal found in lysosomal membrane proteins targeted to endosomes via clathrin-coated pits. The signal consists of a C-terminal tetrapeptide (412)YGTL(415), with Tyr(412) and Leu(415) essential for endocytosis of the enzyme. We further demonstrated that redistribution of sialidase from lysosomes to the cell surface of activated lymphocytes is accompanied by increased reactivity of the enzyme with anti-phosphotyrosine antibodies. We speculate that phosphorylation of Tyr(412) results in inhibition of sialidase internalization in activated lymphocytes.  相似文献   

A cytosolic pea (Pisum sativum) seed albumin (ALB) and a chimeric protein (PHALB) consisting of the signal peptide and first three amino acids of phytohemagglutinin (PHA) and the amino acid sequence of ALB were expressed in parallel suspension cultures of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) cells and their intracellular fates examined. PHALB was efficiently secreted by the cells whereas ALB remained intracellular. These experiments show that the information contained in the signal peptide of a vacuolar protein is both necessary and sufficient for efficient secretion, and define secretion as a default or bulk-flow pathway. Entry into the secretory pathway was accompanied by glycosylation and the efficient conversion of the high mannose glycans into complex glycans indicating that transported glycoproteins do not need specific recognition domains for the modifying enzymes in the Golgi. Tunicamycin depressed the accumulation of the unglycosylated polypeptide in the culture medium much less than the accumulation of other glycoproteins. We interpret this as evidence that glycans on proteins that are not normally glycosylated do not have the same function of stabilizing and protecting the polypeptide as on natural glycoproteins.  相似文献   

Enzymes of the nucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase (NPPase) family are expressed at opposite surfaces in polarized epithelial cells. We investigated the targeting signal of NPP1, which is exclusively expressed at the basolateral surface. Full-length NPP1 and different constructs and mutants were transfected into the polarized MDCK cell line. Expression of the proteins was analyzed by confocal microscopy and surface biotinylation. The basolateral signal of NPP1 was identified as a di-leucine motif located in the cytoplasmic tail. Mutation of either or both leucines largely redirected NPP1 to the apical surface. Furthermore, addition of the conserved sequence AAASLLAP redirected the apical nucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase NPP3 to the basolateral surface. Full-length NPP1 was not significantly internalized. However, when the cytoplasmic tail was deleted upstream the di-leucine motif or when the six upstream flanking amino acids were deleted, the protein was mainly found intracellularly. Endocytosis experiments indicated that these mutants were endocytosed from the basolateral surface. These results identify the basolateral signal of NPP1 as a short sequence including a di-leucine motif that is dominant over apical determinants and point to the importance of surrounding amino acids in determining whether the signal will function as a basolateral signal only or as an endocytotic signal as well.  相似文献   

BHK cells expressing human lysosomal acid phosphatase (LAP) transport LAP to lysosomes as an integral membrane protein. In lysosomes LAP is released from the membrane by proteolytic processing, which involves at least two cleavages at the C terminus of LAP. The first cleavage is catalysed by a thiol proteinase at the outside of the lysosomal membrane and removes the bulk of the cytoplasmic tail of LAP. The second cleavage is catalysed by an aspartyl proteinase inside the lysosomes and releases the luminal part of LAP from the membrane-spanning domain. The first cleavage at the cytoplasmic side of the lysosomal membrane depends on acidification of lysosomes and the second cleavage inside the lysosomes depends on prior processing of the cytoplasmic tail. These results suggest that the cytoplasmic tail controls the conformation of the luminal portion of LAP and vice versa.  相似文献   

W Eberle  C Sander  W Klaus  B Schmidt  K von Figura  C Peters 《Cell》1991,67(6):1203-1209
For rapid endocytosis lysosomal acid phosphatase requires a Tyr-containing signal in its cytoplasmic domain, as do cell surface receptors mediating endocytosis and clustering in coated pits. To determine the structure of the internalization signal an 18 amino acid peptide representing the cytoplasmic tail of lysosomal acid phosphatase was analyzed by two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Part of the peptide, 5-PPGY-8, forms a well-ordered beta turn of type I in solution. Our result and data on the structure of the endocytosis signal of the low density lipoprotein receptor reported by Bansal and Gierasch in the accompanying paper represent experimental determinations of the three-dimensional structure of protein transport signals and suggest that the essential aromatic amino acid of internalization signals is recognized by a putative cytoplasmic receptor in the structural context of a tight turn.  相似文献   

M Braun  A Waheed    K von Figura 《The EMBO journal》1989,8(12):3633-3640
Lysosomal acid phosphatase (LAP) is transported as a transmembrane protein to dense lysosomes. The pathway of LAP to lysosomes includes the passage through the plasma membrane. LAP is transported from the trans-Golgi to the cell surface with a half-time of less than 10 min. Cell surface LAP is rapidly internalized. Most of the internalized LAP is transported back to the cell surface. On average, each LAP molecule cycles greater than 15 times between the cell surface and the endosomes before it is transferred to dense lysosomes. At equilibrium approximately 4 times more LAP precursor is present in endosomes than at the cell surface. Exposing cells to reduced temperature or weak bases such as NH4Cl, chloroquine and primaquine decreases the steady-state concentration of LAP at the cell surface. The recycling pathway is operative at greater than or equal to 20 degrees C and does not include passage of the Golgi/trans-Golgi network. LAP is transferred with a half-time of 5-6 h from the plasma membrane/endosome pool to dense lysosomes, from where it does not recycle to the endosome/plasma membrane pool at a measurable rate.  相似文献   

To understand the potential functions of the cytoplasmic tail of Na(+)/taurocholate cotransporter (Ntcp) and to determine the basolateral sorting mechanisms for this transporter, green fluorescent protein-fused wild type and mutant rat Ntcps were constructed and the transport properties and cellular localization were assessed in transfected COS 7 and Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells. Truncation of the 56-amino acid cytoplasmic tail demonstrates that the cytoplasmic tail of rat Ntcp is involved membrane delivery of this protein in nonpolarized and polarized cells and removal of the tail does not affect the bile acid transport function of Ntcp. Using site-directed mutagenesis, two tyrosine residues, Tyr-321 and Tyr-307, in the cytoplasmic tail of Ntcp have been identified as important for the basolateral sorting of rat Ntcp in transfected MDCK cells. Tyr-321 appears to be the major basolateral-sorting determinant, and Tyr-307 acts as a supporting determinant to ensure delivery of the transporter to the basolateral surface, especially at high levels of protein expression. When the two Tyr-based basolateral sorting motifs have been removed, the N-linked carbohydrate groups direct the tyrosine to alanine mutants to the apical surface of transfected MDCK cells. The major basolateral sorting determinant Tyr-321 is within a novel beta-turn unfavorable tetrapeptide Y(321)KAA, which has not been found in any naturally occurring basolateral sorting motifs. Two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy of a 24-mer peptide corresponding to the sequence from Tyr-307 to Thr-330 on the cytoplasmic tail of Ntcp confirms that both the Tyr-321 and Tyr-307 regions do not adopt any turn structure. Since the major motif YKAA contains a beta-turn unfavorable structure, the Ntcp basolateral sorting may not be related to the clathrin-adaptor complex pathway, as is the case for many basolateral proteins.  相似文献   

S S Rhee  H X Hui    E Hunter 《Journal of virology》1990,64(8):3844-3852
The capsids of Mason-Pfizer monkey virus (M-PMV), an immunosuppressive type D retrovirus, are preassembled in the infected cell cytoplasm and are then transported to the plasma membrane, where they are enveloped in a virus glycoprotein-containing lipid bilayer. The role of viral glycoprotein in intracellular transport of M-PMV capsids was investigated with a spontaneous mutant (5A) of M-PMV, which we show here to be defective in envelope glycoprotein biosynthesis. DNA sequence analysis of the env gene of mutant 5A reveals a single nucleotide deletion in the middle of the gene, which results in the synthesis of a truncated form of the envelope glycoprotein. Evidence is presented showing that the mutant glycoprotein is not expressed at the cell surface but is retained in the endoplasmic reticulum. Normal levels of gag-pro-pol precursor polyproteins are made and processed in mutant genome-transfected cells, and high levels of noninfectious particles lacking viral glycoprotein are released with normal kinetics into the culture medium. No intracisternal budding of capsids is observed. We conclude that viral glycoprotein is required neither for targeting preassembled capsids of M-PMV to the plasma membrane for final maturation nor for the budding process. Since the presence or absence of M-PMV glycoprotein at the site of budding does not affect the efficiency or kinetics of the targeting process, the preassembled capsid of M-PMV, in contrast to those of intracisternal type A particles, appears to have an intrinsic signal for intracellular transport to the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

The LDL receptor-related protein 1B (LRP1B) is a putative tumor suppressor homologous to LRP1. Both LRP1 and LRP1B contain cytoplasmic tails with several potential endocytosis motifs. Although the positions of these endocytic motifs are similar in both receptors, LRP1B is internalized at a 15-fold slower rate than LRP1. To determine whether the slow endocytosis of LRP1B is due to the utilization of an endocytosis motif other than the YATL motif used by LRP1, we tested minireceptors with mutations in each of the five potential motifs in the LRP1B tail. Only mutation of both NPXY motifs together abolished LRP1B endocytosis, suggesting that LRP1B can use either of these motifs for internalization. LRP1B contains a unique insertion of 33 amino acids not present in LRP1 that could lead to altered recognition of trafficking motifs. Surprisingly, deletion of this insertion had no effect on the endocytosis rate of LRP1B. However, replacing either half of the LRP1B tail with the corresponding LRP1 sequence markedly accelerated LRP1B endocytosis. From these data, we propose that both halves of the LRP1B cytoplasmic tail contribute to a unique global conformation, which results in less efficient recognition by endocytic adaptors and a slow endocytosis rate.  相似文献   

Using a K562 cell transfection model, we have previously described a novel relationship between the integrins alpha v beta 3 and alpha 5 beta 1. alpha v beta 3 ligation was able to inhibit alpha 5 beta 1- mediated phagocytosis without effect on alpha 5 beta 1-mediated adhesion. The alpha v beta 3-dependent inhibition apparently required a signal transduction cascade as it was reversed by inhibitors of serine/threonine kinases. Now, we have studied the mechanisms of signal transduction in this system and have found that the beta 3 cytoplasmic tail is both necessary and sufficient for initiation of the signal leading to inhibition of alpha 5 beta 1 phagocytosis. Ligation of integrin-associated protein (IAP), which has been implicated in alpha v beta 3 signal transduction, mimics the effects of alpha v beta 3 ligation only when the beta 3 integrin with an intact cytoplasmic tail is present. Although fibronectin-mediated phagocytosis requires the high affinity conformation of alpha 5 beta 1, ligation of alpha v beta 3/IAP does not prevent acquisition of this high affinity state. We conclude that alpha v beta 3/IAP ligation initates a signal transduction cascade, dependent upon the beta 3 cytoplasmic tail, which inhibits the phagocytic function of alpha 5 beta 1 at a step subsequent to modulation of integrin affinity.  相似文献   

V Prill  L Lehmann  K von Figura    C Peters 《The EMBO journal》1993,12(5):2181-2193
Lysosomal acid phosphatase (LAP) is synthesized as a type I membrane glycoprotein and targeted to lysosomes via the plasma membrane. Its cytoplasmic tail harbours a tyrosine-containing signal for rapid internalization. Expression in Madine-Darby canine kidney cells results in direct sorting to the basolateral cell surface, rapid endocytosis and delivery to lysosomes. In contrast, a deletion mutant lacking the cytoplasmic tail is delivered to the apical plasma membrane where it accumulates before it is slowly internalized. A chimeric protein, in which the cytoplasmic tail of LAP is fused to the extracytoplasmic and transmembrane domain of the apically sorted haemagglutinin, is sorted to the basolateral plasma membrane. A series of truncation and substitution mutants in the cytoplasmic tail was constructed and comparison of their polarized sorting and internalization revealed that the determinants for basolateral sorting and rapid internalization reside in the same segment of the cytoplasmic tail. The cytoplasmic factors decoding these signals, however, tolerate distinct mutations indicating that different receptors are involved in sorting at the trans-Golgi network and at the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

T J Baranski  P L Faust  S Kornfeld 《Cell》1990,63(2):281-291
Lysosomal enzymes contain a common protein determinant that is recognized by UDP-GlcNAc:lysosomal enzyme N-acetylglucosamine-1-phosphotransferase, the initial enzyme in the formation of mannose 6-phosphate residues. To identify this protein determinant, we constructed chimeric molecules between two aspartyl proteases: cathepsin D, a lysosomal enzyme, and pepsinogen, a secretory protein. When expressed in Xenopus oocytes, the oligosaccharides of cathepsin D were efficiently phosphorylated, whereas the oligosaccharides of a glycosylated form of pepsinogen were not phosphorylated. The combined substitution of two noncontinuous sequences of cathepsin D (lysine 203 and amino acids 265-292) into the analogous positions of glycopepsinogen resulted in phosphorylation of the oligosaccharides of the expressed chimeric molecule. These two sequences are in direct apposition on the surface of the molecule, indicating that amino acids from different regions come together in three-dimensional space to form this recognition domain. Other regions of cathepsin D were identified that may be components of a more extensive recognition marker.  相似文献   

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