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Addition of an amphiphilic lipid, such as phosphatidylcholine (PC) species with two identical saturated chains or lysophosphatidylcholine (lysoPC) species with one saturated acyl chain of various lengths, into a suspension of intact human erythrocytes resulted in lipid incorporation into the erythrocytes membrane to produce echinocytes (crenated cells). The altered shape gradually reverted on incubation at 37 degrees C until the cells reassumed their normal disc shape. The rate of such recovery of shape increased with decreasing acyl chain length for both PC with C8-C12 acyl chains and lysoPC with a C14-C18 acyl chain, and was strongly influenced by incubation temperature. The identical rate of recovery of shape was observed for cells with normal, decreased or increased ATP content, implying that the metabolic state of the cell had no influence on the recovery process. Recovery of shape is therefore considered to be caused by translocation of the incorporated lipid molecules from the outer to the inner leaflet of the membrane lipid bilayer and the rate of recovery increases with decreasing hydrophobicity of the lipid.  相似文献   

14C-Labeled phosphatidylcholine (PC) and lysophosphatidylcholine (lysoPC) species with two homologous saturated acyl chains and of a saturated acyl chain of various lengths, respectively, were each incorporated into the outer leaflet of the membrane lipid bilayer of intact human erythrocytes, and the transbilayer movement into the inner leaflet during incubation at 37 degrees C of the lipid-loaded erythrocytes was followed. The labeled PC and lysoPC molecules present in the outer leaflet were extracted with egg-yolk PC liposome suspension and BSA solution, respectively, and the amount which moved into the inner leaflet during the incubation was measured by determining the residual amount of the labeled lipid in the membrane. Translocation of lysoPC molecules was also measured by assaying the decrease in the amount of the added labeled lysoPC in the membrane during the incubation on the basis of the previously reported fact that lysoPC molecules are all converted metabolically to PC or glycerylphosphorylcholine plus fatty acid as soon as they are translocated from the outer to the inner leaflet. Every lipid tested showed significant transbilayer movement during the course of the incubation for up to 10 h. With the C8, C10, and C12 species of PC the rate of the transbilayer movement increases with decreasing acyl chain length. The same is true with the C14, C16, and C18-lysoPC species.  相似文献   

Phosphatidylcholine-specific transfer protein from beef liver has been used to replace native phosphatidylcholine (PC) molecules from intact human erythrocytes by a variety of PC species differing in fatty acid composition. These replacements changed neither the total phospholipid content of the membrane, nor the composition of this fraction in terms of the various phospholipid classes. The morphology of the erythrocyte was not modified when native PC was replaced by 1-palmitoyl,2-oleoyl PC, 1-palmitoyl,2-linoleoyl PC, egg PC, or PC isolated from rat liver microsomes. Replacement with the disaturated species 1,2-dimyristoyl PC, 1,2-dipalmitoyl PC, and 1,2-distearoyl PC resulted in the formation of echinocytes and, at higher levels of replacement, in spheroechinocytes. Echinocyte-like erythrocytes were also observed after replacement with 1-palmitoyl,2-arachidonoyl PC, whereas stomatocytes were formed upon replacement with PC species containing two unsaturated fatty acids, e.g., 1,2-dioleoyl PC and 1,2-dilinoleoyl PC. The observations show that the erythrocyte membrane structure and the overall discoid cell shape of the human erythrocyte are optimally stabilized by PC species that contain one saturated and one mono- or diunsaturated fatty acid, and that the cell tolerates only limited variations in the species composition of its PC.  相似文献   

Abtract Raman spectra were used to study the effects of the phosphorylated amino acids on the erythrocyte membrane. It was found that some phosphorylated amino acids might cause the polar part of the membrane phospholipid to become less ordered, the packing of the chains to become looser, and the end of the chain more ordered. Some of the phosphoamino acids cause the phospholipids' all-trans/gauche ratio to increase and some cause them to decrease. This could give some clues to the function of phosphorylated proteins in the biological process concerning the change in membrane mobility.  相似文献   

Unconjugated bilirubin binds to erythrocytes, eliciting crenation, lipid elution and hemolysis. The present work attempts to establish the role of acidosis on bilirubin-induced toxicity to human erythrocytes. To this end, pH values ranging from 7.0–8.0 were used to induce a different representation of acid and anionic bilirubin species, respectively. Erythrocytes from healthy donors were incubated with bilirubin and albumin (3:1, molar ratio), during 4 h. Erythrocyte-bound bilirubin was evaluated by albumin or chloroform extraction in an attempt to assess either mono- and dianion bilirubin adsorbed on the cell surface or colloidal aggregates, respectively. Cytotoxicity indicators, such as the morphological index, and the extent of phospholipids and hemoglobin release were also determined. The results showed that as pH drops from 8.0–7.0, less bilirubin is removed by albumin and more become recovered by chloroform. The data corroborate the predominance of anionic and non-aggregated bilirubin species at pH 8.0 with dimers and precipitates occurring at 7.0. In accordance, crenation and cell lysis were four times increased at acidic pH. In contrast, elution of phospholipids was 1.5 times less evident at the same pH, thus suggesting that formation of bilirubin complexes with membrane phospholipids may have contributed to prevent their release. In conclusion, both anionic and acid bilirubin species interact with human erythrocytes leading to cytotoxic alterations that may determine definitive lesions. Nevertheless, increased vulnerability to crenation and hemolysis are more likely to occur in acidic conditions pointing to the bilirubin precipitates as the main candidates of bilirubin-induced toxicity to erythrocytes.  相似文献   

The oxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) by reactive oxygen species (ROS) is linked to aging and to many diseases. We herein employ initiating peroxyl radical (ROO•) derived from the decomposition of 2,2′-azobis(2-amidinopropane dihydrochloride), hydroxyl radical generated by the Fenton reaction and peroxyl radical (ROO•) and alkoxyl radical (LO•) derived from PUFAs by addition of Cu2+ as ROS sources to oxidize glycerides under alkaline conditions in the presence of methanol instead of being treated traditionally by diazomethane (CH2N2) under acidic conditions (pH=2.0), to obtain corresponding methyl esters for the combination of gas chromatography with mass spectrometry determination. It was found that all the PUFAs in the membrane are perfectly preserved after oxidation by ROS, even though sufficient time is available for the interaction between human erythrocytes and ROS. This indicates that ROS do not damage PUFAs during reaction time. However, three products (cholesta-4,6-dien-3-ol, cholesta-4,6-dien-3-one, and cholesta-3,5-dien-7-one) are produced from the oxidation of cholesterol within this time frame. This qualitative finding, suggests that the cholesterol in the membrane of human erythrocytes is more susceptible to ROS-induced oxidation than are PUFAs, and compels us to re-evaluate the physiological roles of cholesterol and PUFAs in the human erythrocyte membrane.  相似文献   

Paramylon is a natural hydrophilic polysaccharide produced in the pyrenoids of euglenoids, and esterification may render paramylon hydrophobic. Esterification imparts not only thermoplasticity, but also potential compatibilities with other polymer resins and fillers. However, the dependence of the compatibility on the structure of the polymer ester has not yet been systematically studied. To estimate the affinities between paramylon esters and hydrophobic organic solvents/resins, the dependences of their Hansen solubility parameters, which are association indices, on the degrees of substitution and chain lengths of the ester groups were investigated. Experimental and theoretical investigations were conducted using the dissolution and Fedors methods, respectively. Esterification decreased the solubility parameter from 49 (paramylon) to approximately 18 MPa1/2 (paramylon esters), indicating that the potential affinities of paramylon esters for hydrophobic organic solvents/polymers increased. A multiple regression analysis was also performed to investigate the effects of acyl chain length and degree of substitution with acyl groups on the solubility parameter. The solubility parameters of the paramylon derivatives were continuously variable from hydrophilic to -phobic. Hence, esterification with various acyl groups may control the hydrophobicities of paramylon esters, enhancing their miscibilities with various hydrophobic organic solvents and resins.  相似文献   

J E Ferrell  K J Lee  W H Huestis 《Biochemistry》1985,24(12):2857-2864
The rate of phospholipid transfer from sonicated phospholipid vesicles to human erythrocytes has been studied as a function of membrane concentration and lipid acyl chain composition. Phospholipid transfer exhibits saturable first-order kinetics with respect to both cell and vesicle membrane concentrations. This kinetic behavior is consistent either with transfer during transient contact between cell and vesicle surfaces (but only if the fraction of the cell surface susceptible to such interaction is small) or with transfer of monomers through the aqueous phase. The acyl chain composition of the transferred phospholipid affects the transfer kinetics profoundly; for homologous saturated phosphatidylcholines, the rate of transfer decreases exponentially with increasing acyl chain length. This behavior is consistent with passage of phospholipid monomers through a polar phase, which might be the bulk aqueous phase( as in the monomer transfer model) or the hydrated head-group regions of a cell-vesicle complex (transient collision model). Collisional transfer also predicts that intercell transfer of phospholipids should be slow compared to cell-vesicle transfer, as surface charge and steric effects should prevent close apposition of donor and acceptor membranes. This is not found; dilauroylphosphatidylcholine transfers rapidly between red cells. Thus, the observed relationship between acyl chain length and intermembrane phospholipid transfer rates likely reflects the energetics of monomer transfer through the aqueous phase.  相似文献   

The incorporation of [1-14C]palmitic or [1-14C]oleic acid into phosphatidylcholine and the effect on blood group antigen expression were examined in human erythrocytes stored at 4°C for 0-3 weeks. Blood drawn into EDTA was obtained by venepuncture from healthy volunteers. A 50% suspension of washed erythrocytes was incubated in buffer containing [1-14C]fatty acid for up to 60 min at 37°C with moderate shaking. Phosphatidylcholine was extracted and analyzed for uptake of radiolabelled fatty acid and phospholipid phosphorus content. Incorporation of [1-14C]palmitic or [1-14C]oleic acid into phosphatidylcholine was reduced during storage. The mechanism for the reduction in radiolabelled fatty acid incorporation into phosphatidylcholine was a 64% (p < 0.05) reduction in membrane phospholipase A2 activity. Although human erythrocyte membranes isolated from freshly drawn blood are capable of reacylating lysophosphatidylcholine to phosphatidylcholine, with storage, a markedly different substrate preference between palmitoyl-Coenzyme A and oleoyl-Coenzyme A was observed. Lysophosphatidylcholine acyltransferase activity assayed with oleoyl-Coenzyme A was unaltered with storage. In contrast, lysophosphatidylcholine acyltransferase activity assayed with palmitoyl-Coenzyme A was elevated 5.5-fold (p < 0.05). Despite these changes, storage of erythrocytes for up to 3 weeks did not result in altered expression of the various blood group antigens investigated. We conclude that the incorporation of palmitate and oleate into phosphatidylcholine is dramatically reduced during storage of human erythrocytes. The observed differential in vitro substrate utilization suggests that distinct acyltransferases are involved in the acylation of lysophosphatidylcholine to phosphatidylcholine in human erythrocytes.  相似文献   

Melamine is a widely-used chemical in industries. In recent years, melamine has been found to be involved in outbreaks of renal injury in infants and animals. Pathological studies indicated that the melamine-induced acute renal failure was related to the concurrence of melamine and other triazine analogs such as cyanuric acid. In the present study, human erythrocytes were used as an in vitro model to explore the cytotoxicity of melamine and its complex with cyanuric acid. The results demonstrated that mixing melamine and cyanuric acid resulted in the formation of insoluble particles and that the insoluble melamine-cyanurate complex induced membrane damages of human erythrocytes. The membrane damages included hemolysis, K+ leakage, alterations in cell shape and membrane fragility, and inhibition of enzymatic activity. By contrast, either melamine or cyanuric acid alone had no effect on erythrocyte membranes. The results of this study may provide a fresh insight into the melamine toxicology.  相似文献   

Ceramide (Cer) is involved in the regulation of several cellular processes by mechanisms that depend on Cer-induced changes on membrane biophysical properties. Accumulating evidence shows that Cers with different N-acyl chain composition differentially impact cell physiology, which may in part be due to specific alterations in membrane biophysical properties. We now address how the sphingolipid (SL) N-acyl chain affects membrane properties in cultured human embryonic kidney cells by overexpressing different Cer synthases (CerSs). Our results show an increase in the order of cellular membranes in CerS2-transfected cells caused by the enrichment in very long acyl chain SLs. Formation of Cer upon treatment of cells with bacterial sphingomyelinase promoted sequential changes in the properties of the membranes: after an initial increase in the order of the fluid plasma membrane, reorganization into domains with gel-like properties whose characteristics are dependent on the acyl chain structure of the Cer was observed. Moreover, the extent of alterations of membrane properties correlates with the amount of Cer formed. These data reinforce the significance of Cer-induced changes on membrane biophysical properties as a likely molecular mechanism by which different acyl chain Cers exert their specific biological actions.  相似文献   

Phosphatidylcholine (PC) is an abundant membrane lipid component in most eukaryotes, including yeast, and has been assigned multiple functions in addition to acting as building block of the lipid bilayer. Here, by isolating S. cerevisiae suppressor mutants that exhibit robust growth in the absence of PC, we show that PC essentiality is subject to cellular evolvability in yeast. The requirement for PC is suppressed by monosomy of chromosome XV or by a point mutation in the ACC1 gene encoding acetyl‐CoA carboxylase. Although these two genetic adaptations rewire lipid biosynthesis in different ways, both decrease Acc1 activity, thereby reducing average acyl chain length. Consistently, soraphen A, a specific inhibitor of Acc1, rescues a yeast mutant with deficient PC synthesis. In the aneuploid suppressor, feedback inhibition of Acc1 through acyl‐CoA produced by fatty acid synthase (FAS) results from upregulation of lipid synthesis. The results show that budding yeast regulates acyl chain length by fine‐tuning the activities of Acc1 and FAS and indicate that PC evolved by benefitting the maintenance of membrane fluidity.  相似文献   

Phosphatidylcholines (PCs) having an acyl chain with a 2,4-dienal terminal are expected to be important bioactive compounds formed during lipid peroxidation in vivo. However, they have not been isolated from biological tissues. Here we used electrospray mass spectroscopy to investigate whether a high autoxidative instability may contribute to the difficulty in detecting one such compound, 13-oxo-9,11-tridecadienoyl PC (OTDA-PC, 1). Although we found that pure, synthetic OTDA-PC was very stable, OTDA-PC formed during the decomposition of a PC bearing the 13-hydroperoxide of alpha-linolenic acid (PC-LNA-OOH, 2) was readily converted (i) anaerobically to its corresponding acid PC, 13-carboxy-9,11-tridecadienoyl PC, 3; (ii) aerobically to other bioactive aldehyde (or acid) PC species that have been detected in atherosclerotic tissues. We attribute the high oxidative instability of OTDA-PC to a high vulnerability of its carbonyl hydrogen [H-C(=O)R] to abstraction by lipid-derived radicals, and propose mechanisms for its conversion to the other oxidised PC species (vide supra).  相似文献   

For the production and purification of a single chain human insulin precursor four types of fusion peptides β-galactosidase (LacZ), maltose binding protein (MBP), glutathione-S-transferase (GST), and (His)6-tagged sequence (HTS) were investigated. RecombinantE. coli harboring hybrid genes was cultivated at 37°C for 1 h, and gene induction occurred when 0.2 mM of isopropyl-D-thiogalactoside (IPTG) was added to the culture broth, except forE. coli BL21 (DE3) pLysS harboring a pET-BA cultivation with 1.0 mM IPTG, followed by a longer than 4 h batch fermentation respectively. DEAE-Sphacel and Sephadex G-200 gel filtration chromatography, amylose affinity chromatography, glutathione-sepharose 4B affinity chromatography, and a nickel chelating affinity chromatography system as a kind of immobilized metal ion affinity chromatography (IMAC) were all employed for the purification of a single chain human insulin precursor. The recovery yields of the HTS-fused, GST-fused, MBP-fused, and LacZ-fused single chain human insulin precursors resulted in 47%, 20%, 20%, and 18% as the total protein amounts respectively. These results show that a higher recovery yield of the finally purified recombinant peptides was achieved when affinity column chromatography was employed and when the fused peptide had a smaller molecular weight. In addition the pET expression system gave the highest productivity of a fused insulin precursor due to a two-step regulation of the gene expression, and the HTS-fused system provided the highest recovery of a fused insulin precursor based on a simple and specific separation using the IMAC technique  相似文献   

The ATP-dependent transformation of crenated white human erythrocyte ghosts into smoothed disc and cup forms is inhibited by the soluble 40-45-kilodalton (kDa) cytoplasmic portion of the major transmembrane protein, band 3. The band 3 fragment was prepared by chymotryptic treatment of inverted vesicles stripped of peripheral proteins. When present at greater than or equal to 0.2 mg per mg membrane protein (ie, greater than or equal to 2 mol fragment per mol endogenous band 3), the fragment significantly reduced the rate of shape change but did not alter the proportion of membranes that were ultimately converted into smoothed forms (greater than 90%). The inhibitory activity of the fragment could not be attributed to contamination of the fragment preparation by actin or proteolytic enzymes. ATP-independent shape transformation was not inhibited. The band 3 fragment may compete with endogenous, intact band 3 for an association with the spectrin-actin network required for ATP-dependent smoothing of crenated membranes.  相似文献   

The rate of uptake of radioactive phosphatidylcholine molecules of different fatty acid composition in intact erythrocytes as facilitated by a phosphatidylcholine-specific transfer protein has been studied. When trace amounts of radiolabeled phosphatidylcholine molecules are present in donor vesicles consisting of egg phosphatidylcholine and cholesterol, the transfer of the radiolabeled species depends strongly on their fatty acyl composition: dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine is transferred at the lowest rate, 1-saturated-2-unsaturated species are transferred faster and the highest rate is observed for dioleoyl phosphatidylcholine. Transfer of the various phosphatidylcholine molecules was measured furthermore using donor systems in which the bulk phosphatidylcholine was varied in its fatty acyl composition. Also in this type of experiment, the transfer protein preferentially stimulated transfer of unsaturated phosphatidylcholine molecules, especially from an environment containing more saturated molecules. Finally, the efflux of labeled phosphatidylcholine from intact erythrocytes to plasma in the absence of the phosphatidylcholine-specific transfer protein was studied and it became clear that in this case the nature of the effused molecules itself, rather than the composition of the bulk lipids, determined the effuse rates. An important conclusion to be drawn from these experiments is that radiolabeled phosphatidylcholine molecules, when used as markers for phospholipid exchange or transfer, should resemble in their fatty acid composition the composition of the bulk lipid in order to provide reliable data on rates and extents of the process studied.  相似文献   

The incorporation of caproic acid in the sn-1 position of phosphatidylcholine (PC) catalyzed by lipase from Rhizopus oryzae was investigated in a water activity-controlled organic medium. The reaction was carried out either as esterification or transesterification. A comparison between these two reaction modes was made with regard to product yield, product purity, reaction time, and byproduct formation as a consequence of acyl migration. The yield in the esterification and transesterification reaction was the same under identical conditions. The highest yield (78%) was obtained at a water activity (a(w)) of 0.11 and a caproic acid concentration of 0.8 M. The reaction time was shorter in the esterification reaction than in the transesterification reaction. The difference in reaction time was especially pronounced at low water activities and high fatty acid concentrations. The loss in yield due to acyl migration and consequent enzymatic side reactions was around 16% under a wide range of conditions. The incorporation of a fatty acid in the sn-1 position of PC proved to be thermodynamically much more favorable than the incorporation of a fatty acid in the sn-2 position.  相似文献   

The main gel-fluid phase transition of wet lipid bilayers is examined in terms of a microscopic interaction model which incorporates both trans-gauche isomerism of the lipid acyl chains and crystal orientation variables for the lipid molecules. The model gives two scenarios for the phase behavior of wet lipid bilayers in terms of temperature: (i) chain melting occurs at a higher temperature than crystallization, or (ii) chain melting and crystallization occur at the same temperature. Experimental data for lipid bilayers is consistent with the second scenario. In this case, computer simulation is used to investigate the non-equilibrium behaviour of the model. The numerical data is intepreted in terms of interfacial melting on heating and grain formation on cooling through the main phase transition. Interfacial melting is a non-equilibrium process in which the grains of a polycrystalline bilayer melt inwards from the boundaries. The prediction of interfacial melting in wet lipid bilayers is examined in relation to data from both equilibrium and nonequilibrium measurements, to corresponding phase behavior in monolayers, and to previous theoretical work.Abbreviations DHPE dihexadecyl phosphatidylethanolamine - DMPA dimyristoyl phosphatidic acid - DMPC dimyristoyl phosphatidylcholine - DPPC dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine - DSC differential scanning calorimetry - MCS/S Monte Carlo steps per site Supported in part by the NSERC of Canada and FCAC du QuébecSupported by the Danish Natural Science Research Council under grant J.nr.  相似文献   

This study describes the interaction of molybdenum with blood components. Molybdenum-99 was added to blood, and after four washings, 3% of the total radioactivity was found in red cells. More specifically, the radioactivity was determined to be associated with the cell membrane. Molybdenum-99 in the +VI form did not interact with the human erythrocyte membrane; however, Mo(V) forms did interact. Of five different compounds, the highes uptake was observed with a brown Mo(V)-ascorbate complex generated from Mo(VI) and ascorbic acid in the molar ratio 1∶20. A membrane suspension of Mo-ascorbate-treated human erythrocytes was prepared and the solubilized proteins were separated on a polyacrylamide gel in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). Molybdenum-99 binding to spectrin was demonstrated, as well as some minor interactions with membrane hemoglobin and bands 6 and 8.  相似文献   

Metabolism of D-glyceraldehyde in human erythrocytes in comparison with that of glucose and dihydroxyacetone was studied. Both trioses were metabolized to produce L-lactate at rates comparable to that of L-lactate formation from glucose. Almost complete inactivation of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase by treatment of cells with iodoacetate resulted in a 95% decrease in L-lactate formation from the ketotriose as well as from glucose, whereas L-lactate formation from the aldotriose was only partially reduced (60%). D-Lactate was produced faster from either the aldotriose or the ketotriose than from glucose, but the ability of the two trioses to produce D-lactate was far lower than that to produce L-lactate. Almost complete inhibition of aldehyde dehydrogenase by disulfiram and of both aldose reductase and aldehyde reductase II by sorbinil, had no effect on L-lactate formation from D-glyceraldehyde. The present study suggests that D-glyceraldehyde is metabolized via two or more pathways including the glycolytic pathway after its phosphorylation by triokinase, and that neither oxidation to D-glyceric acid nor reduction to glycerol is a prerequisite for D-glyceraldehyde metabolism.  相似文献   

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