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Corynebacterium glutamicum is the world’s largest producer of glutamate and lysine. Industrial glutamate overproduction is induced by empirical processes, such as biotin limitation, supplementation with specific surfactants or addition of sublethal concentration of certain antibiotics to the culture media. Although Gram-positive bacteria, C. glutamicum and related bacterial species and genera contain, in addition to the plasma membrane, an outer permeability membrane similar to that of Gram-negative microorganisms. As the amino acids have to cross both membranes, their integrity, composition and fluidity influence the export process. While the precise mechanism of the export of the amino acids by C. glutamicum is not fully understood, the excretion of amino acids through the inner membrane involved at least a major export system mechanosensitive channel MscS family (MscCG) encoded by NCgl1221. As the various industrial treatments have been shown to affect the lipid content of the bacterial cell, it is strongly believed that defects in the hallmark of the outer membrane, 2-alkyl, 3-hydroxylated long-chain fatty acids (mycolic acids), could be key factors in the glutamate overproduction. This review aims at giving an overview of the current knowledge on mycolic acids structure, biosynthesis and transfer in C. glutamicum and their relevance for amino acid biotechnological production.  相似文献   

The engineering of Corynebacterium glutamicum is important for enhanced production of biochemicals. To construct an improved C. glutamicum genome, we developed a precise genome excision method based on the Cre/loxP recombination system and successfully deleted 11 distinct genomic regions identified by comparative analysis of C. glutamicum genomes. Despite the loss of several predicted open reading frames, the mutant cells exhibited normal growth under standard laboratory conditions. With a total of 250 kb (7.5% of the genome), the 11 genomic regions were loaded with cryptic prophages, transposons, and genes of unknown function which were dispensable for cell growth, indicating recent horizontal acquisitions to the genome. This provides an interesting background for functional genomic studies and can be used in the improvement of cell traits.  相似文献   

Metabolic effects of furaldehydes and impacts on biotechnological processes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There is a growing awareness that lignocellulose will be a major raw material for production of both fuel and chemicals in the coming decades—most likely through various fermentation routes. Considerable attention has been given to the problem of finding efficient means of separating the major constituents in lignocellulose (i.e., lignin, hemicellulose, and cellulose) and to efficiently hydrolyze the carbohydrate parts into sugars. In these processes, by-products will inevitably form to some extent, and these will have to be dealt with in the ensuing microbial processes. One group of compounds in this category is the furaldehydes. 2-Furaldehyde (furfural) and substituted 2-furaldehydes—most importantly 5-hydroxymethyl-2-furaldehyde—are the dominant inhibitory compounds found in lignocellulosic hydrolyzates. The furaldehydes are known to have biological effects and act as inhibitors in fermentation processes. The effects of these compounds will therefore have to be considered in the design of biotechnological processes using lignocellulose. In this short review, we take a look at known metabolic effects, as well as strategies to overcome problems in biotechnological applications caused by furaldehydes.  相似文献   

In this review, we describe the phosphotransferase system (PTS) of Corynebacterium glutamicum and discuss genes for putative global carbon regulation associated with the PTS. C. glutamicum ATCC 13032 has PTS genes encoding the general phosphotransferases enzyme I, HPr and four enzyme II permeases, specific for glucose, fructose, sucrose and one yet unknown substrate. C. gluamicum has a peculiar sugar transport system involving fructose efflux after hydrolyzing sucrose transported via sucrose EII. Also, in addition to their primary PTS, fructose and glucose are each transported by a second transporter, glucose EII and a non-PTS permease, respectively. Interestingly, C. glutamicum does not show any preference for glucose, and thus co-metabolizes glucose with other sugars or organic acids. Studies on PTS-mediated sugar uptake and its related regulation in C. glutamicum are important because the production yield of lysine and cell growth are dependent on the PTS sugars used as substrates for fermentation. In many bacteria, the PTS is also involved in several regulatory processes. However, the detailed molecular mechanism of global carbon regulation associated with the PTS in this organism has not yet been revealed.  相似文献   

Corynebacterium glutamicum uses the phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent sugar phosphotransferase system (PTS) to take up and phosphorylate glucose, fructose, and sucrose, the major sugars from agricultural crops that are used as the primary feedstocks for industrial amino acid fermentation. This means that worldwide amino acid production using this organism has depended exclusively on the PTS. Recently, a better understanding not only of PTS-mediated sugar uptake but also of global regulation associated with the PTS has permitted the correction of certain negative aspects of this sugar transport system for amino acid production. In addition, the recent identification of different glucose uptake systems in this organism has led to a strategy for the generation of C. glutamicum strains that express non-PTS routes instead of the original PTS. The potential practical advantages of the development of such strains are discussed.  相似文献   

即使细菌基因组的基因结构较为简单,但在注释过程中也可能出现基因遗漏的现象。当潜在基因在高质量数据库中没有显著同源序列时,基于知识库的基因预测方法就会遇到困难。本文希望通过系统扫描基因组所有可能ORF的蛋白质序列模式来搜索遗漏基因。为验证该方法的可行性,作者系统分析了重要的工业发酵微生物谷氨酸棒杆菌的基因组,发现了25个候选疑似基因。它们具有显著的蛋白质序列模式,但在Swiss-Prot中元显著同源序列,并且在GenBank中仍未注释。深入分析发现,25个候选疑似基因中19个为可能基因,3个为可能假基因,3个为疑似基因序列。这些结果说明本文的分析方法可以有效地用于无显著同源序列基因的搜索。  相似文献   

Corynebacterium glutamicum is an aerobic bacterium that requires oxygen as exogenous electron acceptor for respiration. Recent molecular and biochemical analyses together with information obtained from the genome sequence showed that C. glutamicum possesses a branched electron transport chain to oxygen with some remarkable features. Reducing equivalents obtained by the oxidation of various substrates are transferred to menaquinone via at least eight different dehydrogenases, i.e. NADH dehydrogenase, succinate dehydrogenase, malate:quinone oxidoreductase, pyruvate:quinone oxidoreductase, D-lactate dehydrogenase, L-lactate dehydrogenase, glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase and L-proline dehydrogenase. All these enzymes contain a flavin cofactor and, except succinate dehydrogenase, are single subunit peripheral membrane proteins located inside the cell. From menaquinol, the electrons are passed either via the cytochrome bc(1) complex to the aa(3)-type cytochrome c oxidase with low oxygen affinity, or to the cytochrome bd-type menaquinol oxidase with high oxygen affinity. The former branch is exceptional, in that it does not involve a separate cytochrome c for electron transfer from cytochrome c(1) to the Cu(A) center in subunit II of cytochrome aa(3). Rather, cytochrome c(1) contains two covalently bound heme groups, one of which presumably takes over the function of a separate cytochrome c. The bc(1) complex and cytochrome aa(3) oxidase form a supercomplex in C. glutamicum. The phenotype of defined mutants revealed that the bc(1)-aa(3) branch, but not the bd branch, is of major importance for aerobic growth in minimal medium. Changes of the efficiency of oxidative phosphorylation caused by qualitative changes of the respiratory chain or by a defective F(1)F(0)-ATP synthase were found to have strong effects on metabolism and amino acid production. Therefore, the system of oxidative phosphorylation represents an attractive target for improving amino acid productivity of C. glutamicum by metabolic engineering.  相似文献   

Corynebacterium glutamicum is an important industrial microorganism, but the availability of tools for its genetic modification has lagged compared to other model microorganisms such as Escherichia coli. Despite great progress in CRISPR-based technologies, the most feasible genome editing method in C. glutamicum is suicide plasmid-mediated, the editing efficiency of which is low due to high false-positive rates of sacB counter selection, and the requirement for tedious two-round selection and verification of rare double-cross-over events. In this study, an rpsL mutant conferring streptomycin resistance was harnessed for counter selection, significantly increasing the positive selection rate. More importantly, with the aid of high selection efficiencies through the use of antibiotics, namely kanamycin and streptomycin, the two-step verification strategy can be simplified to just one-step verification of the final edited strain. As proof of concept, a 2.5-kb DNA fragment comprising aroGfbrpheAfbr expressing cassettes was integrated into the genome of C. glutamicum, with an efficiency of 20% out of the theoretical 50%. The resulting strain produced 110 mg l−1 l -tyrosine in shake-flask fermentation. This updated suicide plasmid-mediated genome editing system will greatly facilitate genetic manipulations including single nucleotide mutation, gene deletion and gene insertion in C. glutamicum and can be easily applied to other microbes.  相似文献   

Industrial microorganisms have been developed as biocatalysts to provide new or to optimize existing processes for the biotechnological production of chemicals from renewable plant biomass. Rational strain development by metabolic engineering is crucial to successful processes, and is based on efficient genetic tools and detailed knowledge of metabolic pathways and their regulation. This review summarizes recent advances in metabolic engineering of the industrial model bacteria Escherichia coli and Corynebacterium glutamicum that led to efficient recombinant biocatalysts for the production of acetate, pyruvate, ethanol, d- and l-lactate, succinate, l-lysine and l-serine.  相似文献   

Genome rearrangement is an increasingly important technique to facilitate the understanding of genome functions. A Cre/loxP-mediated deletion system for large-scale genome rearrangements in Corynebacterium glutamicum was developed. By comparative analysis of C. glutamicum R and C. glutamicum 13032 genomes, distinct 14.5-kb and 56-kb regions not essential for cell survival were identified and targeted for deletion. By homologous recombination, loxP sites were integrated at each end of the target region. Deletions between the two chromosomal loxP sites in the presence of Cre recombinase were highly efficient. Accurate deletion was observed in all 96 Cre-expressing strains tested. These deletions represent the largest genomic excisions in C. glutamicum reported to date. Despite the loss of 11 and 58 predicted ORF(s), respectively, upon the deletion of the14.5-kb and 56-kb regions, the cells still exhibited normal growth under standard laboratory conditions. Based on the precision of its deletion, the Cre/loxP system provides a new, efficient genome rearrangement technique for studying C. glutamicum.  相似文献   

In Corynebacterium glutamicum, the activity of the 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase complex was shown to be controlled by the phosphorylation of a 15-kDa protein OdhI by different serine/threonine protein kinases. In this paper, the phosphorylation status and kinetics of OdhI dephosphorylation were assessed during glutamate producing processes triggered by either a biotin limitation or a temperature upshock from 33°C to 39°C. A dephosphorylation of OdhI in C. glutamicum 2262 was observed during the biotin-limited as well as the temperature-induced glutamate-producing process. Deletion of pknG in C. glutamicum 2262 did not affect the phosphorylation status of OdhI during growth and glutamate production phases triggered by a temperature upshock, though a 40% increase in the specific glutamate production rate was measured. These results suggest that, under the conditions analyzed, PknG is not the kinase responsible for the phosphorylation of OdhI in C. glutamicum 2262. The phosphorylation status of OdhI alone is, as expected, not the only parameter that determines the performance of a specific strain, as no clear relation between the specific glutamate production rate and OdhI phosphorylation level was demonstrated.  相似文献   

Osmoregulation, the adaptation of cells to changes in the external osmolarity, is an important aspect of the bacterial stress response, in particular for a soil bacterium like Corynebacterium glutamicum. Consequently, this organism is equipped with several redundant systems for coping with both hyper- and hypoosmotic stress. For the adaptation to hypoosmotic stress C. glutamicum possesses at least three different mechanosensitive (MS) channels. To overcome hyperosmotic stress C. glutamicum accumulates so-called compatible solutes either by means of biosynthesis or by uptake. Uptake of compatible solutes is in general preferred to de novo synthesis because of lower energy costs. Noticeable, only secondary transporters belonging to the MHS (ProP) or the BCCT-family (BetP, EctP and LcoP) are involved in the uptake of proline, betaine and ectoine. In contrast to Escherichia coli or Bacillus subtilis no ABC-transporters were found catalyzing uptake of compatible solutes. BetP was one of the first examples of the growing group of osmosensory proteins to be analyzed in detail. This transporter is characterized, besides the catalytic activity of betaine uptake, by the ability to sense osmotic changes (osmosensing) and to respond to the extent of osmotic stress by adaptation of transport activity (osmoregulation). BetP detects hyperosmotic stress via an increase in the internal K(+) concentration following a hyperosmotic shift, and thus acts as a chemosensor.  相似文献   

The complete genomic sequence of Corynebacterium glutamicum ATCC 13032, well-known in industry for the production of amino acids, e.g. of L-glutamate and L-lysine was determined. The C. glutamicum genome was found to consist of a single circular chromosome comprising 3282708 base pairs. Several DNA regions of unusual composition were identified that were potentially acquired by horizontal gene transfer, e.g. a segment of DNA from C. diphtheriae and a prophage-containing region. After automated and manual annotation, 3002 protein-coding genes have been identified, and to 2489 of these, functions were assigned by homologies to known proteins. These analyses confirm the taxonomic position of C. glutamicum as related to Mycobacteria and show a broad metabolic diversity as expected for a bacterium living in the soil. As an example for biotechnological application the complete genome sequence was used to reconstruct the metabolic flow of carbon into a number of industrially important products derived from the amino acid L-aspartate.  相似文献   

Twenty putative aminotransferase (AT) proteins of Corynebacterium glutamicum, or rather pyridoxal-5'-phosphate (PLP)-dependent enzymes, were isolated and assayed among others with L-glutamate, L-aspartate, and L-alanine as amino donors and a number of 2-oxo-acids as amino acceptors. One outstanding AT identified is AlaT, which has a broad amino donor specificity utilizing (in the order of preference) L-glutamate > 2-aminobutyrate > L-aspartate with pyruvate as acceptor. Another AT is AvtA, which utilizes L-alanine to aminate 2-oxo-isovalerate, the L-valine precursor, and 2-oxo-butyrate. A second AT active with the L-valine precursor and that of the other two branched-chain amino acids, too, is IlvE, and both enzyme activities overlap partially in vivo, as demonstrated by the analysis of deletion mutants. Also identified was AroT, the aromatic AT, and this and IlvE were shown to have comparable activities with phenylpyruvate, thus demonstrating the relevance of both ATs for L-phenylalanine synthesis. We also assessed the activity of two PLP-containing cysteine desulfurases, supplying a persulfide intermediate. One of them is SufS, which assists in the sulfur transfer pathway for the Fe-S cluster assembly. Together with the identification of further ATs and the additional analysis of deletion mutants, this results in an overview of the ATs within an organism that may not have been achieved thus far.  相似文献   

Due to the difficulty of multiple deletions using the Cre/loxP system, a simple, markerless multiple-deletion method based on a Cre/mutant lox system combining a right-element (RE) mutant lox site with a left-element (LE) mutant lox site was employed for large-scale genome rearrangements in Corynebacterium glutamicum. Eight distinct genomic regions that had been identified previously by comparative analysis of C. glutamicum R and C. glutamicum 13032 genomes were targeted for deletion. By homologous recombination, LE and RE mutant lox sites were integrated at each end of a target region. Highly efficient and accurate deletions between the two chromosomal mutant lox sites in the presence of Cre recombinase were realized. A deletion mutant lacking 190 kb of chromosomal regions, encoding a total of 188 open reading frames (ORFs), was obtained. These deletions represent the largest genomic excisions in C. glutamicum reported to date. Despite the loss of numerous predicted ORFs, the mutant exhibited normal growth under standard laboratory conditions. The Cre/loxP system using a pair of mutant lox sites provides a new, efficient genome rearrangement technique for C. glutamicum. It should facilitate the understanding of genome functions of microorganisms.  相似文献   

Classical whole-cell mutagenesis has achieved great success in development of many industrial fermentation strains, but has the serious disadvantage of accumulation of uncharacterized secondary mutations that are detrimental to their performance. In the post-genomic era, a novel methodology which avoids this drawback presents itself. This "genome-based strain reconstruction" involves identifying mutations by comparative genomic analysis, defining mutations beneficial for production, and assembling them in a single wild-type background. Described herein is an initial challenge involving reconstruction of classically derived L-lysine-producing Corynebacterium glutamicum. Comparative genomic analysis for the relevant terminal pathways, the efflux step, and the anaplerotic reactions between the wild-type and production strains identified a Val-59-->Ala mutation in the homoserine dehydrogenase gene (hom), a Thr-311-->Ile mutation in the aspartokinase gene (lysC), and a Pro-458-->Ser mutation in the pyruvate carboxylase gene (pyc). Introduction of the hom and lysC mutations into the wild-type strain by allelic replacement resulted in accumulation of 8 g and 55 g of L-lysine/l, respectively, indicating that both these specific mutations are relevant to production. The two mutations were then reconstituted in the wild-type genome, which led to a synergistic effect on production (75 g/l). Further introduction of the pyc mutation resulted in an additional contribution and accumulation of 80 g/l after only 27 h. This high-speed fermentation achieved the highest productivity (3.0 g l(-1) h(-1)) so far reported for microbes producing L-lysine in fed-batch fermentation.  相似文献   

The high-GC Gram-positive actinomycete Corynebacterium glutamicum is commercially exploited as a producer of amino acids that are used as animal feed additives and flavor enhancers. Despite its beneficial role, carbon metabolism and its possible influence on amino acid metabolism is poorly understood. We have addressed this issue by analyzing the phosphotransferase system (PTS), which in many bacteria controls the flux of nutrients and therefore regulates carbon metabolism. The general PTS phosphotransferases enzyme I (EI) and HPr were characterized by demonstration of PEP-dependent phosphotransferase activity. An EI mutant exhibited a pleiotropic negative phenotype in carbon utilization. The role of the PTS as a major sugar uptake system was further demonstrated by the finding that glucose and fructose negative mutants were deficient in the respective enzyme II PTS permease activities. These carbon sources also caused repression of glutamate uptake, which suggests an involvement of the PTS in carbon regulation. The observation that no HPr kinase/phosphatase could be detected suggests that the mechanism of carbon regulation in C. glutamicum is different to the one found in low-GC Gram-positive bacteria.  相似文献   

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