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Translocator protein of 18 kDa (TSPO) is a highly conserved, ubiquitous protein localized in the outer mitochondrial membrane, where it is thought to play a key role in the mitochondrial transport of cholesterol, a key step in the generation of steroid hormones. However, it was first characterized as the peripheral benzodiazepine receptor because it appears to be responsible for high affinity binding of a number of benzodiazepines to non-neuronal tissues. Ensuing studies have employed natural and synthetic ligands to assess the role of TSPO function in a number of natural and pathological circumstances. Largely through the use of these compounds and biochemical associations, TSPO has been proposed to play a role in the mitochondrial permeability transition pore (PTP), which has been associated with cell death in many human pathological conditions. Here, we critically assess the role of TSPO in the function of the PTP through the generation of mice in which the Tspo gene has been conditionally eliminated. Our results show that 1) TSPO plays no role in the regulation or structure of the PTP, 2) endogenous and synthetic ligands of TSPO do not regulate PTP activity through TSPO, 3) outer mitochondrial membrane regulation of PTP activity occurs though a mechanism that does not require TSPO, and 4) hearts lacking TSPO are as sensitive to ischemia-reperfusion injury as hearts from control mice. These results call into question a wide variety of studies implicating TSPO in a number of pathological processes through its actions on the PTP.  相似文献   

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a debilitating anxiety disorder that may develop after an individual has experienced or witnessed a severe traumatic event. It has been shown that the 18 kDa translocator protein (TSPO) may be correlated with PTSD and that the TSPO ligand improved the behavioral deficits in a mouse model of PTSD. Midazolam, a ligand for TSPO and central benzodiazepine receptor (CBR), induces anxiolytic- and anti-depressant-like effects in animal models. The present study aimed to determine whether midazolam ameliorates PTSD behavior in rats as assessed by the single prolonged stress (SPS) model. The SPS rats received daily Sertraline (Ser) (15 mg/kg, p.o.) and midazolam (0.125, 0.25, 0.5, and 1 mg/kg, p.o.) during the exposure to SPS and behavioral assessments, which included the open field (OF) test, the contextual fear paradigm (CFP), and the elevated plus-maze (EPM). The results showed that, like Ser (15 mg/kg, p.o.), midazolam (0.25 and 0.5 mg/kg, p.o.) significantly reversed the behavioral deficiencies of the SPS rats, including PTSD-associated freezing and anxiety-like behavior but not the effects on spontaneous locomotor activity. In addition, the anti-PTSD effects of midazolam (0.5 mg/kg, p.o.) were antagonized by the TSPO antagonist PK11195 (3 mg/kg, i.p.), the CBR antagonist flumazenil (15 mg/kg, p.o.) and the inhibitor of steroidogenic enzymes finasteride (30 mg/kg, p.o.), which by themselves had no effect on PTSD-associated freezing and anxiety-like behavior. In summary, this study demonstrated that midazolam improves the behavioral deficits in the SPS model through dual TSPO and CBR and neurosteroidogenesis.  相似文献   

Abstract: Partially purified preparations of GABAa/benzodiazepine receptor from rat brain were found to contain high levels of a protein kinase activity that phosphorylated a small number of proteins in the receptor preparations, including a 50-kilodalton (kD) phosphoprotein that comigrated on two-dimensional electrophoresis with purified, immunolabeled, and photolabeled receptor α subunit. Further evidence that the comigrating 50-kD phosphoprotein was, in fact, the receptor α subunit was obtained by peptide mapping analysis: the 50-kD phosphoprotein yielded one-dimensional peptide maps identical to those obtained from iodinated, purified α subunit. Phosphoamino acid analysis revealed that the receptor α subunit is phosphorylated on serine residues by the protein kinase activity present in receptor preparations. Preliminary characterization of the receptor-associated protein kinase activity suggested that it may be a second messenger-independent protein kinase. Protein kinase activity was unaltered by cyclic AMP, cyclic GMP, calcium plus calmodulin, calcium plus phosphatidylserine, and various inhibitors of these protein kinases. Examination of the substrate specificity of the receptor-associated protein kinase indicated that the enzyme preferred basic proteins as substrates. Endogenous phosphorylation experiments indicated that the receptor α subunit may also be phosphorylated in crude membranes by a protein kinase activity present in those membranes. As with phosphorylation of the receptor in purified preparations, its phosphorylation in crude membranes also appeared to be unaffected by activators and inhibitors of second messenger-dependent protein kinases. These findings raise the possibility that the phosphorylation of the α subunit of the GABAa/ benzodiazepine receptor by a receptor-associated protein kinase plays a role in modulating the physiological activity of the receptor in vivo.  相似文献   

Muscarinic acetylcholine receptors purified from porcine cerebrum were phosphorylated by protein kinase C purified from the same tissue. More than 1 mol of phosphate was incorporated per mole of receptor, with both serine and threonine residues being phosphorylated. Neither the degree nor the rate of the phosphorylation was affected by the presence or absence of acetylcholine. GTP-sensitive high-affinity binding with acetylcholine was observed for muscarinic receptors reconstituted with GTP-binding proteins (Gi or Go), irrespective of whether muscarinic receptors or the GTP-binding proteins had been phosphorylated by protein kinase C or not. This indicates that the interaction between purified muscarinic receptors and purified GTP-binding proteins in vitro is not affected by their phosphorylation.  相似文献   

Huntingtin-interacting protein 1 (HIP1) binds inositol lipids, clathrin, actin, and receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs). HIP1 is elevated in many tumors, and its expression is prognostic in prostate cancer. HIP1 overexpression increases levels of the RTK epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and transforms fibroblasts. Here we report that HIP1 is tyrosine phosphorylated in the presence of EGFR and platelet-derived growth factor β receptor (PDGFβR) as well as the oncogenic derivatives EGFRvIII, HIP1/PDGFβR (H/P), and TEL/PDGFβR (T/P). We identified a four-tyrosine “HIP1 phosphorylation motif” (HPM) in the N-terminal region of HIP1 that is required for phosphorylation mediated by both EGFR and PDGFβR but not by the oncoproteins H/P and T/P. We also identified a tyrosine residue (Y152) within the HPM motif of HIP1 that inhibits HIP1 tyrosine phosphorylation. The HPM tyrosines are conserved in HIP1''s only known mammalian relative, HIP1-related protein (HIP1r), and are also required for HIP1r phosphorylation. Tyrosine-to-phenylalanine point mutations in the HPM of HIP1 result in proapoptotic activity, indicating that an intact HPM may be necessary for HIP1''s role in cellular survival. These data suggest that phosphorylation of HIP1 by RTKs in an N-terminal region contributes to the promotion of cellular survival.  相似文献   

The mitochondrion imports and processes the vast majority of the proteins that constitute its structural elements and metabolic pathways. To study mitochondrial precursor processing in the context of the cellular environment, we employed the baculovirus expression system to overexpress the prototypical precursor protein, human manganese-dependent superoxide dismutase (hMn-SOD). It was found that superoxide produced by hyperoxic culture conditions (95% O2atm) or the redox cycling agent paraquat caused a lesion of the import/processing of precursor hMn-SOD in the baculovirus model. The oxidation of key sulfhydryl groups as a component of the mitochondrial processing lesion was implicated by the observation that the sulfhydryl reducing agent dithiothreitol was completely effective in preventing the block of hMn-SOD processing induced by paraquat. Interestingly, the peripheral benzodiazepine receptor (PBzR) agonists PK11194, Ro5-4864, and protoporphyrin IX were all found to enhance mitochondrial processing of the hMn-SOD precursor protein, suggesting a role for the PBzR in the regulation of mitochondrial import of proteins. Collectively, our results suggest a possible redox-regulated mechanism of mitochondrial protein import that may lead to less efficient precursor protein uptake by mitochondria under severely oxidizing conditions.  相似文献   

1995年,日本学者首次鉴定了白介素18(IL-18)。它具有多种生物学功能,在宿主防御及致病过程中起着重要作用,这些作用是通过它与细胞表面的IL-18受体(IL-18R)相互作用实现的。近两年来,IL-18R的研究进展迅速,已鉴定了IL-18R的α链(IL-18Rα)和β链(IL-18Rβ)及IL-18结合蛋白(IL-18BP),从而对IL-18R的信号转导通路有了进一步的理解。1.IL-18RαIL-18Rα为IL-18的主要结合亚基,属于Ig超家族成员。hIL-18Rα与mIL-18Rα前…  相似文献   

Genes encoding subunits of complex I (EC [EC] ) of the mitochondrialrespiratory chain vary in their locations between the mitochondrialand nuclear genomes in different organisms, whereas genes fora homologous multisub-unit complex in chloroplasts have to dateonly been found on the plastid genome. In potato (Solatium tuberosumL.), the gene coding for the mitochondrial 76 kDa iron-sulphurprotein is identified in the nuclear genome. The gene is transcribedinto polyadenylated mRNA which is most abundant in flowers,and more frequent in tubers than in leaves. The amino acid sequenceis well conserved relative to the nuclear-encoded 75 kDa and78 kDa subunits of Bos taurus and Neurospora crassa, respectively,and to the Paracoccus denitrificans homologue, most prominentlyin the region presumed to carry the iron-sulphur clusters. Polyclonalantibodies directed against the 78 kDa complex I subunit ofN. crassa recognise the 76 kDa polypeptide in potato mitochondrialcomplex I, and additionally a polypeptide of 75 kDa in solubilisedstroma thylakoids from spinach chloroplasts. The 32 amino acidresidues long presequence of the potato mitochondrial 76 kDacomplex I subunit targets the precursor polypeptide into isolatedpotato mitochondria but not into isolated chloroplasts. Theseresults suggest that chloroplast stroma thylakoids contain aprotein similar in size and antigenicity to, but geneticallydistinct from, the mitochondrial subunit. 1 To whom correspondence should be addressed. 4 Present address: Max-Planck-Institut für Molekulare Genetik,Ihnestrasse 73, D-14195, Berlin, Germany. 5 Present address: Bioinside GmbH, Potsdamer Strasse 18A, D-14513Teltow, Germany.  相似文献   

Phenobarbital (PB) was administered to pregnant mice during days 9-21 of gestation. Forebrain and cerebellar [3H]flunitrazepam ([3H]FLU) binding was assayed in the offspring at birth and at 21 days of age. Prenatal treatment produced a decrease in the number (Bmax) of [3H]FLU receptors in both the forebrain and cerebellum at birth. A small decrease in the [3H]FLU dissociation constant (KD) values in the forebrain was also detected at birth, but no changes were seen in the [3H]FLU KD values in the cerebellum. No changes were observed in forebrain and cerebellar [3H]FLU Bmax or KD values at 21 days of age, indicating that the effects of prenatal exposure to PB on [3H]FLU binding are eliminated during the postnatal development of the forebrain and cerebellum. The receptor affinity for the triazolopyridazine CL 218,872, which distinguishes the type I and type II benzodiazepine (BDZ) receptors, was not altered by prenatal PB treatment. The coupling of the BDZ receptor to the gamma-aminobutyric acid and pentobarbital binding sites was unaffected by exposure to PB in utero.  相似文献   

The late evolutionary appearance of the benzodiazepine receptor (BZR) allows an experimental approach for evaluation of the qualitative development of its subunits. Photoaffinity labeling of brain membranes with [3H]flunitrazepam followed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and fluorography offers a suitable method for tracing the qualitative evolution of the BZR. A systematic comparison of the subunit patterns in fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals revealed that the subunit of 53K is phylogenetically the oldest photoaffinity labeled subunit; whereas it is the only band present in the lungfish and most amphibians, additional bands are apparent in higher tetrapods. In fishes, the evolution of the BZR subunits leads to the loss of the 53K subunit. KD values are discussed in relation to specific subunit patterns. Possible explanations for the observed variation of the subunits are discussed, with special emphasis placed on the possible evolution by gene duplication and subsequent divergence.  相似文献   

The mitochondria of intertidal invertebrates continue to function when organisms are exposed to rapid substantial shifts in temperature. To test if mitochondrial physiology of the clam Mercenaria mercenaria is compromised under elevated temperatures, we measured mitochondrial respiration efficiency at 15°C, 18°C, and 21°C using a novel, high-throughput, microplate respirometry methodology developed for this study. Though phosphorylating (state 3) and resting (state 4) respiration rates were unaffected over this temperature range, respiratory control ratios (RCRs: ratio of state 3 to state 4 respiration rates) decreased significantly above 18°C (p < 0.05). The drop in RCR was not associated with reduction of phosphorylation efficiency, suggesting that, while aerobic scope of mitochondrial respiration is limited at elevated temperatures, mitochondria continue to efficiently produce adenosine triphosphate. We further investigated the response of clam mitochondria to elevated temperatures by monitoring phosphorylation of mitochondrial protein. Three proteins clearly demonstrated significant time- and temperature-specific phosphorylation patterns. The protein-specific patterns of phosphorylation may suggest that a suite of protein kinases and phosphatases regulate mitochondrial physiology in response to temperature. Thus, while aerobic scope of clam mitochondrial respiration is reduced at moderate temperatures, specific protein phosphorylation responses reflect large shifts in function that are initiated within the organelle at higher temperatures.  相似文献   

Abstract : The synaptic plasma membrane proteins syntaxin and synaptosome-associated protein of 25 kDa (SNAP-25) are central participants in synaptic vesicle trafficking and neurotransmitter release. Together with the synaptic vesicle protein synaptobrevin/vesicle-associated membrane protein (VAMP), they serve as receptors for the general membrane trafficking factors N -ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor (NSF) and soluble NSF attachment protein (α-SNAP). Consequently, syntaxin, SNAP-25, and VAMP (and their isoforms in other membrane trafficking pathways) have been termed SNAP receptors (SNAREs). Because protein phosphorylation is a common and important mechanism for regulating a variety of cellular processes, including synaptic transmission, we have investigated the ability of syntaxin and SNAP-25 isoforms to serve as substrates for a variety of serine/threonine protein kinases. Syntaxins 1A and 4 were phosphorylated by casein kinase II, whereas syntaxin 3 and SNAP-25 were phosphorylated by Ca2+ - and calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II and cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase, respectively. The biochemical consequences of SNARE protein phosphorylation included a reduced interaction between SNAP-25 and phosphorylated syntaxin 4 and an enhanced interaction between phosphorylated syntaxin 1A and the synaptic vesicle protein synaptotagmin I, a potential Ca2+ sensor in triggering synaptic vesicle exocytosis. No other effects on the formation of SNARE complexes (comprised of syntaxin, SNAP-25, and VAMP) or interactions involving n-Sec1 or α-SNAP were observed. These findings suggest that although phosphorylation does not directly regulate the assembly of the synaptic SNARE complex, it may serve to modulate SNARE complex function through other proteins, including synaptotagmin I.  相似文献   

Virulence of the nosocomial pathogen Staphylococcus epidermidis is crucially linked to formation of adherent biofilms on artificial surfaces. Biofilm assembly is significantly fostered by production of a bacteria derived extracellular matrix. However, the matrix composition, spatial organization, and relevance of specific molecular interactions for integration of bacterial cells into the multilayered biofilm community are not fully understood. Here we report on the function of novel 18 kDa Small basic protein (Sbp) that was isolated from S. epidermidis biofilm matrix preparations by an affinity chromatographic approach. Sbp accumulates within the biofilm matrix, being preferentially deposited at the biofilm–substratum interface. Analysis of Sbp-negative S. epidermidis mutants demonstrated the importance of Sbp for sustained colonization of abiotic surfaces, but also epithelial cells. In addition, Sbp promotes assembly of S. epidermidis cell aggregates and establishment of multilayered biofilms by influencing polysaccharide intercellular-adhesin (PIA) and accumulation associated protein (Aap) mediated intercellular aggregation. While inactivation of Sbp indirectly resulted in reduced PIA-synthesis and biofilm formation, Sbp serves as an essential ligand during Aap domain-B mediated biofilm accumulation. Our data support the conclusion that Sbp serves as an S. epidermidis biofilm scaffold protein that significantly contributes to key steps of surface colonization. Sbp-negative S. epidermidis mutants showed no attenuated virulence in a mouse catheter infection model. Nevertheless, the high prevalence of sbp in commensal and invasive S. epidermidis populations suggests that Sbp plays a significant role as a co-factor during both multi-factorial commensal colonization and infection of artificial surfaces.  相似文献   

Abstract: The effect of calcium-phospholipid-dependent protein kinase (PKC) on GABAA receptor function was examined in Xenopus oocytes expressing recombinant human GABAA receptor using two-electrode voltage-clamp measurements. Phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA), a potent activator of PKC, inhibited GABA-gated chloride currents by ~72% in oocytes expressing αlβ1γ2L subunit cDNAs. Phorbol 12-monomyristate (PMM), a negative control analogue of PMA, did not alter GABAA receptor responses. To investigate whether activation of PKC could alter the modulatory responses of the receptor complex, the effect of PMA on benzodiazepine and barbiturate potentiation of GABA responses was assessed. In oocytes expressing αlβ1γ2s subunit cDNAs, diazepam (300 nM) potentiated GABA responses by ~160%. Following PMA (5-25 nM/) treatment, diazepam potentiation was significantly increased to 333%. No effect of the inactive phorbol ester PMM (25 nM) was observed on diazepam potentiation of GABA responses. PMA enhancement of diazepam potentiation of GABA responses was also observed in oocytes expressing αlβ1γ2Ssubunit cDNAs, indicating that the unique PKC site present in the Tγ2LL subunit is not required for observing the PMA effect. PMA (5-25 nM) also enhanced pentobarbital potentiation of GABA responses. In oocytes expressing αlβ1γ2L subunit cDNAs, pentobarbital (25 μM) potentiated GABA receptor responses by ~97%. Following treatment with PMA (5-25 nM), pentobarbital potentiation of GABA responses increased to ~ 156%. The present results suggest that protein phosphorylation may alter the coupling between the allosteric modulatory sites within the GABAA receptor complex.  相似文献   

植物具有固着生活的特点,高温、低温、干旱和盐等生境中常见的非生物胁迫会严重影响植物的生长发育。蛋白质磷酸化是植物应对非生物胁迫的重要机制,主要通过蛋白质的磷酸化和去磷酸化修饰来调控植物细胞对外界胁迫的应激反应,在植物细胞快速传递胁迫信号并激活对胁迫环境的形态、生理和分子水平适应机制的过程中起重要作用。该文主要介绍了植物磷酸化蛋白质的富集、检测和鉴定技术,并对近年来国内外有关植物响应高温、低温、干旱、淹水、盐、养分亏缺和元素毒害等非生物胁迫的磷酸化修饰蛋白组学研究进展进行综述。  相似文献   

The p38 pathway is an evolutionarily conserved signaling pathway that responds to a variety of stresses. However, the underlying mechanisms are largely unknown. In the present study, we demonstrate that p38b is a major p38 MAPK involved in the regulation of oxidative stress tolerance in addition to p38a and p38c in Drosophila. We further show the importance of MK2 as a p38-activated downstream kinase in resistance to oxidative stresses. Furthermore, we identified the iron-sulfur cluster scaffold protein IscU as a new substrate of MK2 both in Drosophila cells and in mammalian cells. These results imply a new mechanistic connection between the p38 pathway and mitochondria iron-sulfur clusters.  相似文献   

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