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White mold (or Sclerotinia stem rot), caused by Sclerotinia species, is a major air, soil, or seed-transmitted disease affecting numerous crops and wild plants. Microscopic or culture-based methods currently available for their detection and identification are time-consuming, laborious, and often erroneous. Therefore, we developed a multiplex quantitative PCR (qPCR) assay for the discrimination, detection, and quantification of DNA collected from each of the three economically relevant Sclerotinia species, namely, S. sclerotiorum, S. minor, and S. nivalis. TaqMan primer/probe combinations specific for each Sclerotinia species were designed based on the gene sequences encoding aspartyl protease. High specificity and sensitivity of each probe were confirmed for sclerotium and soil samples, as well as pure cultures, using simplex and multiplex qPCRs. This multiplex assay could be helpful in detecting and quantifying specific species of Sclerotinia, and therefore, may be valuable for disease diagnosis, forecasting, and management.  相似文献   

Circulating tumor cells (CTCs) provide a readily accessible source of tumor material from patients with cancer. Molecular profiling of these rare cells can lead to insight on disease progression and therapeutic strategies. A critical need exists to isolate CTCs with sufficient quantity and sample integrity to adapt to conventional analytical techniques. We present a microfluidic platform (IsoFlux) that uses flow control and immunomagnetic capture to enhance CTC isolation. A novel cell retrieval mechanism ensures complete transfer of CTCs into the molecular assay. Improved sensitivity to the capture antigen was demonstrated by spike-in experiments for three cell lines of varying levels of antigen expression. We obtained spike-in recovery rates of 74%, 75%, and 85% for MDA-MB-231 (low), PC3 (middle), and SKBR3 (high) cell lines. Recovery using matched enumeration protocols and matched samples (PC3) yielded 90% and 40% recovery for the IsoFlux and CellSearch systems, respectively. In matched prostate cancer samples (N = 22), patients presenting more than four CTCs per blood draw were 95% and 36% using IsoFlux and CellSearch, respectively. An assay for detecting KRAS mutations was described along with data from patients with colorectal cancer, of which 87% presented CTCs above the assay's limit of detection (four CTCs). The CTC KRAS mutant rate was 50%, with 46% of patients displaying a CTC KRAS mutational status that differed from the previously acquired tissue biopsy data. The microfluidic system and mutation assay presented here provide a complete workflow to track oncogene mutational changes longitudinally with high success rates.  相似文献   



HIV diversity may be a useful biomarker for discriminating between recent and non-recent HIV infection. The high resolution melting (HRM) diversity assay was developed to quantify HIV diversity in viral populations without sequencing. In this assay, HIV diversity is expressed as a single numeric HRM score that represents the width of a melting peak. HRM scores are highly associated with diversity measures obtained with next generation sequencing. In this report, a software package, the HRM Diversity Assay Analysis Tool (DivMelt), was developed to automate calculation of HRM scores from melting curve data.


DivMelt uses computational algorithms to calculate HRM scores by identifying the start (T1) and end (T2) melting temperatures for a DNA sample and subtracting them (T2–T1 = HRM score). DivMelt contains many user-supplied analysis parameters to allow analyses to be tailored to different contexts. DivMelt analysis options were optimized to discriminate between recent and non-recent HIV infection and to maximize HRM score reproducibility. HRM scores calculated using DivMelt were compared to HRM scores obtained using a manual method that is based on visual inspection of DNA melting curves.


HRM scores generated with DivMelt agreed with manually generated HRM scores obtained from the same DNA melting data. Optimal parameters for discriminating between recent and non-recent HIV infection were identified. DivMelt provided greater discrimination between recent and non-recent HIV infection than the manual method.


DivMelt provides a rapid, accurate method of determining HRM scores from melting curve data, facilitating use of the HRM diversity assay for large-scale studies.  相似文献   

目的:建立呼吸道合胞病毒(RSV)核酸特异、快速、敏感的TaqMan探针实时荧光定量PCR检测方法,并对临床样本进行检测。方法:比对编码RSV非编码蛋白的基因序列,选取其保守片段设计引物和探针,建立实时荧光定量RT-PCR检测方法,并与传统RT-PCR方法进行比较,分别对两者的灵敏性、特异性、重复性及临床样本检验的适用性进行评价。结果:所建立的实时荧光定量RT-PCR检测方法可用于RSV的特异性检测。相对于传统RT-PCR方法100拷贝/反应的检测灵敏度,实时荧光定量RT-PCR的检测灵敏度达到10拷贝/反应,检测范围为1010~101拷贝/反应,且具有良好的特异性和重复性。从169份临床呼吸道标本中检出RSV阳性40例,高于普通PCR方法(31/169)。结论:建立了RSV的TaqMan探针实时定量PCR检测方法,并可用于临床鼻咽拭子样本的检测,在临床上具有较好的应用前景。  相似文献   

Identification of etiology remains a significant challenge in the diagnosis of infectious diseases, particularly in resource-poor settings. Viral, bacterial, and fungal pathogens, as well as parasites, play a role for many syndromes, and optimizing a single diagnostic system to detect a range of pathogens is challenging. The TaqMan Array Card (TAC) is a multiple-pathogen detection method that has previously been identified as a valuable technique for determining etiology of infections and holds promise for expanded use in clinical microbiology laboratories and surveillance studies. We selected TAC for use in the Aetiology of Neonatal Infection in South Asia (ANISA) study for identifying etiologies of severe disease in neonates in Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan. Here we report optimization of TAC to improve pathogen detection and overcome technical challenges associated with use of this technology in a large-scale surveillance study. Specifically, we increased the number of assay replicates, implemented a more robust RT-qPCR enzyme formulation, and adopted a more efficient method for extraction of total nucleic acid from blood specimens. We also report the development and analytical validation of ten new assays for use in the ANISA study. Based on these data, we revised the study-specific TACs for detection of 22 pathogens in NP/OP swabs and 12 pathogens in blood specimens as well as two control reactions (internal positive control and human nucleic acid control) for each specimen type. The cumulative improvements realized through these optimization studies will benefit ANISA and perhaps other studies utilizing multiple-pathogen detection approaches. These lessons may also contribute to the expansion of TAC technology to the clinical setting.  相似文献   

目的建立RT-SHIV病毒全长rt基因单拷贝PCR扩增方法,用于HIV-1 rt基因体内遗传与变异研究。方法 Oligo软件设计RT-SHIV rt基因特异性扩增引物,梯度稀释方法进行特异性和灵敏度筛选,进而优化退火温度和PCR反应最佳循环数等条件,建立rt基因PCR扩增方法;在此基础上将模板进行有限稀释,摸索rt基因单拷贝PCR扩增条件;使用该方法扩增感染猴体内RT-SHIV病毒rt基因,BioEdit软件进行基因序列分析。结果筛选得到一组巢式PCR引物,成功建立了RT-SHIV rt基因PCR扩增方法;当模板浓度为100 copies/μL时,扩增产物为单拷贝序列;测序结果显示RT-SHIV感染猴d266和d294血浆样本分别存在1处和6处氨基酸突变。结论本研究建立的全长rt基因单拷贝PCR扩增方法特异性好、灵敏度高、重复性强,可以应用于各类RT-SHIV病毒的全长rt基因分析。  相似文献   

A fluorogenic (TaqMan) PCR assay was developed to detect Ralstonia solanacearum strains. Two fluorogenic probes were utilized in a multiplex reaction; one broad-range probe (RS) detected all biovars of R. solanacearum, and a second more specific probe (B2) detected only biovar 2A. Amplification of the target was measured by the 5′ nuclease activity of Taq DNA polymerase on each probe, resulting in emission of fluorescence. TaqMan PCR was performed with DNA extracted from 42 R. solanacearum and genetically or serologically related strains to demonstrate the specificity of the assay. In pure cultures, detection of R. solanacearum to ≥102 cells ml−1 was achieved. Sensitivity decreased when TaqMan PCR was performed with inoculated potato tissue extracts, prepared by currently recommended extraction procedures. A third fluorogenic probe (COX), designed with the potato cytochrome oxidase gene sequence, was also developed for use as an internal PCR control and was shown to detect potato DNA in an RS-COX multiplex TaqMan PCR with infected potato tissue. The specificity and sensitivity of the assay, combined with high speed, robustness, reliability, and the possibility of automating the technique, offer potential advantages in routine indexing of potato tubers and other plant material for the presence of R. solanacearum.  相似文献   



The lower limit of detection of the original Roche Amplicor HIV plasma viral load (pVL) assay (50 copies/mL) has defined HIV treatment success. The Amplicor assay, however, has been replaced by the Roche TaqMan assay(s). Changes to the limits of detection and calibration have not been validated for clinical utility. Sudden increases in the number of patients with detectable pVL have been reported following the introduction of the TaqMan version 1 assay.


Between October 2009 and April 2010 all routine pVL samples from British Columbia, Canada, with 40–250 copies/mL by TaqMan were re-tested by Amplicor (N = 1198). Subsequent short-term virological and resistance outcomes were followed in patients with unchanged therapy (N = 279; median 3.2 months follow-up).


TaqMan and Amplicor values correlated poorly at low pVL values. Low-level pVL by TaqMan was not associated with impending short-term virological failure; only 17% of patients with 40–250 copies/mL by TaqMan had detectable pVL by Amplicor at follow-up. During the follow-up period only 20% of patients had an increase in pVL by TaqMan (median [IQR]: 80 [36–283] copies/mL). In addition, in ∼2.4% of samples pVL was dramatically underestimated by TaqMan due to poor binding of the proprietary TaqMan primers.


The replacement of Amplicor with the TaqMan assay has altered the previously accepted definition of HIV treatment failure without any evidence to support the clinical relevance of the new definition. Given the systematic differences in measurement in the low pVL range the British Columbia HIV treatment guidelines now use a threshold of >250 copies/mL by TaqMan to define treatment failure.  相似文献   

Wang  Tianyu  Zhan  Ying  Wu  De  Chen  Zhihai  Wu  Wei  Deng  Yao  Wang  Wenling  Tan  Wenjie  Tang  Shixing 《中国病毒学》2020,35(1):93-102
Zika virus(ZIKV) causes rash, moderate fever, conjunctivitis, and arthralgia, and has serious connection with neurological complications; therefore, it is a major threat to public health. A rapid and supersensitive method for detecting anti-ZIKV antibodies in humans and animals is thus urgently required. Here, we report an NS1-based luciferase immunosorbent assay(LISA), developed to detect ZIKV-specific IgG. Fusion proteins including a reporter Nano-luciferase(NLuc) and various fragments of ZIKV NS1 protein were expressed in 293 T cells. LISA was performed using the above cell lysates containing the expressed fusion proteins. Sample panels of humans and animals infected with ZIKV were examined for sensitivity of LISA, relative to those of ZIKV RT-PCR, commercial NS1-based ELISA, and micro-neutralization(MN) assays.Specificity and potential cross-reactivity were also evaluated using various convalescent serum samples derived from patients infected with dengue virus(DENV), Japanese encephalitis virus(JEV), and hepatitis C virus(HCV). Results indicated the optimal antigenic domain for anti-ZIKV IgG detection was located within 172–352 amino acids(aa) of ZIKV NS1 protein. NS1-based LISA performs better than commercial ELISA in anti-ZIKV Ig G detection. LISA was shown to be at least fourfold more sensitive than commercial ELISA, and could detect anti-ZIKV Ig G in various animal hosts without the need of species-specific labeled antibody. This novel assay is potentially useful for the rapid and sensitive detection of anti-ZIKV IgG in human and animal samples.  相似文献   

High-throughput sequencing technologies are widely used to analyse genomic variants or rare mutational events in different fields of genomic research, with a fast development of new or adapted platforms and technologies, enabling amplicon-based analysis of single target genes or even whole genome sequencing within a short period of time. Each sequencing platform is characterized by well-defined types of errors, resulting from different steps in the sequencing workflow. Here we describe a universal method to prepare amplicon libraries that can be used for sequencing on different high-throughput sequencing platforms. We have sequenced distinct exons of the CREB binding protein (CREBBP) gene and analysed the output resulting from three major deep-sequencing platforms. platform-specific errors were adjusted according to the result of sequence analysis from the remaining platforms. Additionally, bioinformatic methods are described to determine platform dependent errors. Summarizing the results we present a platform-independent cost-efficient and timesaving method that can be used as an alternative to commercially available sample-preparation kits.  相似文献   

Recently, new phylogenetic comparative methods have been proposed to test for the association of biological traits with diversification patterns, with species ecological “niche” being one of the most studied traits. In general, these methods implicitly assume natural selection acting at the species level, thus implying the mechanism of species selection. However, natural selection acting at the organismal level could also influence diversification patterns (i.e., effect macroevolution). Owing to our scarce knowledge on multi-level selection regarding niche as a trait, we propose a conceptual model to discuss and guide the test between species selection and effect macroevolution within a hierarchical framework. We first assume niche as an organismal as well as a species’ trait that interacts with the environment and results in species-level differential fitness. Then, we argue that niche heritability, a requirement for natural selection, can be assessed by its phylogenetic signal. Finally, we propose several predictions that can be tested in the future by disentangling both types of evolutionary processes (species selection or effect macroevolution). Our framework can have important implications for guiding analyses that aim to understand the hierarchical perspective of evolution.  相似文献   

高分辨率熔解曲线分析(High Resolution Melting,HRM)是结合饱和荧光染料、未标记探针和实时荧光定量PCR的一种新的检测基因突变与基因分型的分子诊断技术,具有高通量、低成本、简单快捷、结果准确、灵敏度和特异性高和真正闭管操作等优点。本文就高分辨率熔解曲线分析的临床应用和研究进展进行综述。  相似文献   

There has been considerable scientific, corporate and policy interest in the more effective use of genetics in both drug development and delivery. Pharmacogenetics - the study of the relationship between an individual's genetic makeup and response to medicinal drugs - has attracted global interest, but will it live up to its promise? Looking beyond the hype that has accompanied much of the commentary in the area, the future of pharmacogenetics will depend on how competing interests and options are resolved.  相似文献   

Monitoring gene expression dynamics on the single cell level provides important information on cellular heterogeneity and stochasticity, and potentially allows for more accurate quantitation of gene expression processes. We here study bacterial senders and receivers genetically engineered with components of the quorum sensing system derived from Aliivibrio fischeri on the single cell level using microfluidics-based bacterial chemostats and fluorescence video microscopy. We track large numbers of bacteria over extended periods of time, which allows us to determine bacterial lineages and filter out subpopulations within a heterogeneous population. We quantitatively determine the dynamic gene expression response of receiver bacteria to varying amounts of the quorum sensing inducer N-3-oxo-C6-homoserine lactone (AHL). From this we construct AHL response curves and characterize gene expression dynamics of whole bacterial populations by investigating the statistical distribution of gene expression activity over time. The bacteria are found to display heterogeneous induction behavior within the population. We therefore also characterize gene expression in a homogeneous bacterial subpopulation by focusing on single cell trajectories derived only from bacteria with similar induction behavior. The response at the single cell level is found to be more cooperative than that obtained for the heterogeneous total population. For the analysis of systems containing both AHL senders and receiver cells, we utilize the receiver cells as ‘bacterial sensors’ for AHL. Based on a simple gene expression model and the response curves obtained in receiver-only experiments, the effective AHL concentration established by the senders and their ‘sending power’ is determined.  相似文献   

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