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The nature of the interaction between Porphyromonas gingivalis and the multifunctional peptides adrenomedullin and calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) was investigated. Growth of P. gingivalis was not inhibited in the presence of either of these peptides [minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC)>250 microg mL(-1)]. The ability of the arginine- and lysine-specific proteases from P. gingivalis to breakdown these peptides was investigated. Adrenomedullin and CGRP were incubated with culture supernatants from wild-type and protease gene knockout strains. No significant effect on antimicrobial activity against the indicator organism Escherichia coli BUE55 was found (MIC=6.25 microg mL(-1) in all cases). The role of anionic components on the surface of P. gingivalis, which may alter binding of these cationic peptides, was also investigated in relation to adrenomedullin. Growth of gene knockout strains lacking surface polysaccharide and capsule components was not inhibited (MIC>250 microg mL(-1)). It is suggested that a lack of sensitivity to adrenomedullin and CGRP may enable P. gingivalis to persist in the oral cavity and cause disease.  相似文献   

A method for nucleic acid amplification, loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) was employed to develop a rapid and simple detection system for periodontal pathogen, Porphyromonas gingivalis. A set of six primers was designed by targeting the 16S ribosomal RNA gene. By the detection system, target DNA was amplified and visualized on agarose gel within 30 min under isothermal condition at 64 degrees C with a detection limit of 20 cells of P. gingivalis. Without gel electrophoresis, the LAMP amplicon was directly visualized in the reaction tube by addition of SYBR Green I for a naked-eye inspection. The LAMP reaction was also assessed by white turbidity of magnesium pyrophosphate (a by-product of LAMP) in the tube. Detection limits of these naked-eye inspections were 20 cells and 200 cells, respectively. Although false-positive DNA amplification was observed from more than 10(7) cells of Porphyromonas endodontalis, no amplification was observed in other five related oral pathogens. Further, quantitative detection of P. gingivalis was accomplished by a real-time monitoring of the LAMP reaction using SYBR Green I with linearity over a range of 10(2)-10(6) cells. The real-time LAMP was then applied to clinical samples of dental plaque and demonstrated almost identical results to the conventional real-time PCR with an advantage of rapidity. These findings indicate the potential usefulness of LAMP for detecting and quantifying P. gingivalis, especially in its rapidity and simplicity.  相似文献   

Porphyromonas gingivalis is considered an important pathogen in periodontal disease. While this organism expresses a number of virulence factors, no study combining different virulence polymorphisms has, so far, been conducted. The occurrence of combined virulence (Cv) genotypes in 62 isolates of P. gingivalis was investigated from subjects displaying either chronic periodontitis or periodontal abscess. The Cv genotypes, based on gene variation of fimbriae (fimA), Lys-specific cystein proteinase (kgp) and Arg-specific cystein proteinase (prpR1/rgpA), were evaluated by PCR. The isolates were also subjected to capsular polysaccharide K-serotyping. A total of 18 Cv genotype variants based on fimA: kgp: rgpA were identified, of which II:I:A and II:II:A Cv genotypes (53.3%) were the two most frequently detected combinations. Moreover, 36% of the isolates were K-typeable, with the K6 serotype being the most prevalent (23%). Two isolates had the same genotype as the virulent strain W83. The results indicate that chronic periodontitis is not associated with a particularly virulent clonal type. A highly virulent genotype (e.g. strain W83) of P. gingivalis can be found in certain periodontitis patients.  相似文献   

The major haem component in the black pigment of Porphyromonas gingivalis is the mu-oxo bishaem of iron protoporphyrin IX and formation and cell-surface binding of this haem species is proposed as an extracellular buffer against reactive oxidants [Smalley, J.W. et al. (1998) Biochem. J. 331, 681-685]. P. gingivalis cells grown in the presence of the mu-oxo bishaem were protected against H(2)O(2) compared to control cells grown without it. When added to the growth medium, soluble mu-oxo bishaem inactivated H(2)O(2) and supported cell growth. Cells carrying a surface layer of mu-oxo bishaem were less susceptible to peroxidation by H(2)O(2). Cell-surface haems were slowly destroyed during reaction with H(2)O(2). Binding of mu-oxo bishaem by P. gingivalis may aid survival during neutrophil attack through inactivation of hydrogen peroxide.  相似文献   

Abstract Surface-associated material (SAM) from Porphyromonas gingivalis was tested for in vitro biological activities that may be relevant to the pathogenesis of chronic periodontitis. SAM was found to stimulate bone resorption at a concentration of 1.0 μg/ml and this was inhibited by indomethacin, interleukin-1 receptor antagonist protein and anti-tumour necrosis factor antibody. At a concentration of 10 ng/ml, the SAM inhibited DNA and collagen synthesis in osteoblasts and murine calvaria and DNA synthesis in fibroblasts, monocytes and epidermal cells. Therefore, easily solubilised surface components from P. gingivalis could play a role in the pathogenesis of chronic periodontitis if these activities operate in vivo.  相似文献   

Abstract To further examine the previously suggested inverse relationship between Porphyromonas gingivalis and Prevotella intermedia in periodontal disease, 1016 samples taken from single or multiple (pooled) subgingival sites were cultured anaerobically and examined for the simultaneous occurrence of the microorganisms. P. gingivalis was isolated from 297 (29%) and Pr. intermedia from 501 (49%) samples. P. gingivalis was found as frequently with (14%) as without (15%) Pr. intermedia . The type of sampling had no effect on the occurrence of P. gingivalis with Pr. intermedia . However, female subjects harboured them in combination more frequently than male subjects. The mean proportions of P. gingivalis in the cultivable flora appeared to be lower when found with than without Pr. intermedia . Whether the detection of the combination, or P. gingivalis alone, has clinical relevance needs further clarification.  相似文献   

A carbonic anhydrase (CA, EC denominated PgiCA, belonging to the γ-class, from the oral pathogenic bacteria Porphyromonas gingivalis, the main causative agent of periodontitis, was investigated for its inhibition profile with sulfonamides and one sulfamate. Dichlorophenamide, topiramate and many simple aromatic/heterocyclic sulfonamides were ineffective as PgiCA inhibitors whereas the best inhibition was observed with halogenosulfanilamides incorporating heavy halogens, 4-hydroxy- and 4-hydroxyalkyl-benzenesulfonamides, acetazolamide, methazolamide, zonisamide, indisulam, celecoxib, saccharin and hydrochlorothiazide (KIs in the range of 131–380 nM). The inhibition profile of PgiCA was very different from that of CAM, hCA I and II or the β-CA from a protozoan parasite (Leishmania donovani chagasii). Identification of potent and possibly selective inhibitors of PgiCA may lead to pharmacological tools useful for understanding the physiological role(s) of this enzyme.  相似文献   

Abstract A lysine-specific protease hydrolysing peptide bonds at the carboxyl side of lysine residues in Porphyromonas gingivalis was purified from culture supernatant by a combination of ion-exchange chromatography, gel filtration, and affinity chromatography. The molecular mass was 48 kDa and the p I value was 7.3. The enzyme hydrolysed the peptide bonds at the carboxyl side of lysine residues in synthetic substrates and natural proteins.  相似文献   

Abstract Genetic analysis of 31 clinical strains of Porphyromonas gingivalis isolated from nine subjects, 2–6 strains per subject, was performed by Southern hybridization. Chromosomal DNA was extracted by the method of Moncla et al. [1] and digested to completion with restriction endonucleases Pst I, Cla I and Bgl I. The DNA fragments were separated electrophoretically on agarose gels, transferred to nylon membranes and hybridized to the non-radioactively labelled plasmid pKK 3535 which contains the rrn B ribosomal RNA operon of the Escherichia coli chromosome. Of the three enzymes, Bgl I was the most suitable for the genetic analysis of P. gingivalis . With this enzyme, the intra-individual strains were shown to be identical in eight of the nine subjects, whereas inter-individual strains were different.  相似文献   

ClpB, a component of stress response in microorganisms, serves as a chaperone, preventing protein aggregation and assisting in the refolding of denatured proteins. A clpB mutant of Porphyromonas gingivalis W83 demonstrated increased sensitivity to heat stress, but not to hydrogen peroxide and extreme pHs. In KB cells, human coronary artery endothelial (HCAE) cells and gingival epithelial cells, the clpB mutant exhibited significantly decreased invasion suggesting that the ClpB protein is involved in cellular invasion. Transmission electron microscopic analysis showed that the clpB mutant was more susceptible to intracellular killing than the wild-type strain in HCAE cells. The global genetic profile of the clpB mutant showed that 136 genes belonging to several different cellular function groups were differentially regulated, suggesting that ClpB is ultimately involved in the expression of multiple P. gingivalis genes. A competition assay in which a mixture of wild-type W83 and the clpB mutant were injected into mice demonstrated that the clpB mutant did not survive as well as the wild type. Additionally, mice treated with the clpB mutant alone survived significantly better than those treated with the wild-type strain. Collectively, these data suggest that ClpB, either directly or indirectly, plays an important role in P. gingivalis virulence.  相似文献   

We previously reported the existence of two different kinds of fimbriae expressed by Porphyromonas gingivalis ATCC 33277. In this study, we isolated and characterized a secondary fimbrial protein from strain FPG41, a fimA-inactivated mutant of P. gingivalis 381. FPG41 was constructed by a homologous recombination technique using a mobilizable suicide vector, and failed to express the long fimbriae (41-kDa fimbriae) that were produced on the cell surface of P. gingivalis 381. However, short fimbrial structures were observed on the cell surface of FPG41 by electron microscopy. The fimbrial protein was purified from FPG41 by DEAE-Sepharose CL-6B column chromatography. The secondary fimbrial protein was eluted at 0.15 M NaCl, and the molecular mass of this protein was approximately 53 kDa as estimated by SDS-PAGE. An antibody against the 53-kDa fimbrial protein reacted with the short fimbriae of the FPG41 and the wild-type strain. However, the 41-kDa long fimbriae of the wild-type strain and the 67-kDa fimbriae of ATCC 33277 did not react with the same antibody. Moreover, the N-terminal amino acid sequence of the 53-kDa fimbrial protein showed only 2 of 15 residues that were identical to those of the 41-kDa fimbrial protein. These results show that the properties of the 53-kDa fimbriae are different from those of the 67-kDa fimbriae of ATCC 33277 as well as those of the 41-kDa fimbriae.  相似文献   

AIMS: The monoclonal antibody 61BG1.3, recognizing the RgpA protease, has been reported to confer protection against recolonization by the periodontal pathogen Porphyromonas gingivalis in humans. The aim of this study was to express a functional scFv derived from the monoclonal antibody 61BG1.3 on the surface of Lactobacillus paracasei for potential use in the prevention or treatment of periodontal diseases. METHODS AND RESULTS: The scFv was fused to an E-tag and cloned in the Escherischia coli/Lactobacillus shuttle vector pLP501, which mediates surface expression of the scFv. FACS analysis using an anti-E-tag antibody revealed that the scFv was expressed on the surface of the transformed lactobacilli and binding of the scFv to RgpA was shown by ELISA. Lact. paracasei expressing the scFv against RgpA was able to agglutinate P. gingivalis whereas the Lact. paracasei expressing an irrelevant scFv fragment did not. Scanning electron microscopy demonstrated efficient binding of the lactobacilli expressing the scFv anti-RgpA to P. gingivalis. CONCLUSIONS: We have expressed a functional scFv antibody directed against the RgpA protease of P. gingivalis in Lactobacillus. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: These results suggest a potential of Lactobacillus expressing scFvs against P. gingivalis to be used to combat periodontal disease.  相似文献   

Porphyromonas gingivalis, a periodontal pathogen, has the ability to lyse erythrocytes. The hemolytic activity of P. gingivalis A7436 was purified as a 45-kDa protein from the culture supernatant of a 3-days old culture using nickel-nitrilotriacetic acid chromatography. Erythrocytes treated with purified P. gingivalis hemolysin showed the presence of pores and extracellular debris by scanning electron microscopy. Active immunization of mice with 15 micrograms hemolysin induced neutralizing antibodies to hemolysin. Heating at 60 degrees C and treatment with trypsin and dithiothreitol abolished hemolytic activity, while incubation with the protease inhibitor Na-p-tosyl-L-lysine chloromethyl ketone caused no effect. We report here for the first time purification of a hemolysin from P. gingivalis A7436. The amino acid sequence of an internal peptide of hemolysin showed sequence similarity with fimbrillin from P. gingivalis HG564. However, the amino acid composition of purified hemolysin was different from that of P. gingivalis fimbrillin. Also, the ability to lyse but not agglutinate erythrocytes and to bind to nickel-nitrilotriacetic acid differentiates P. gingivalis hemolysin from fimbrillin.  相似文献   

Porphyromonas gingivalis is a periodontal pathogen that promotes a proatherogenic response in endothelial cells. Cell death responses of human aortic endothelial cells to P. gingivalis at various multiplicities of infection (MOI) were investigated by assessment of cell detachment, histone-associated DNA fragmentation, lactate dehydrogenase release and ADP:ATP ratio. Porphyromonas gingivalis at MOI 1:10-1:100 did not have a cytotoxic effect, but induced apoptotic cell death at MOI 1:500 and 1:1000. Monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 production was significantly enhanced by P. gingivalis at MOI 1:100. At higher MOI, at least in vitro, P. gingivalis mediates endothelial apoptosis, thereby potentially amplifying proatherogenic mechanisms in the perturbed vasculature.  相似文献   

Gingipains are potent virulence cysteine proteases secreted by Porphyromonas gingivalis, a major pathogen of periodontitis. We previously reported that epimedokoreanin B inhibits the activities of gingipains. In this report, we show that epimedokoreanin B inhibits the virulence of gingipains-containing P. gingivalis culture supernatants, indicating the potential use of this prenylated flavonoid as a new agent to combat against periodontal pathogens.  相似文献   

Abstract Porphyromonas gingivalis was found to bind to hemoproteins (hemoglobin, myoglobin, catalase, cytochrome c ) and the binding properties of the envelope of P. gingivalis to hemoglobin were investigated. Maximum amount of hemoglobin bound to 1 mg of the envelope was 58 μg. No significant binding was observed at 4°C and the binding was inhibited strongly by tosyl- l -lysine chloromethyl ketone, Leupeptin, EDTA and partially by meta-periodate. Heating of the envelope at 70°C for 15 min resulted in complete loss of the binding activity. The binding activity of the envelope was not influenced by the treatment with the endogenous proteases. The envelope saturated with hemoglobin could no longer bind to other hemoproteins tested, indicating that binding site for these hemoproteins are common.  相似文献   

Abstract β-Lactamase production by 98 Porphyromonas strains was investigated by the nitrocefin (chromogenic cephalosporin) test. Human isolates of P. gingivalis (91), P. endodontalis (2), and P. asaccharolytica (1) were tested, with four closely related Porphyromonas spp. of animal origin and four reference strains. The in vitro susceptibility of 64 P. gingivalis strains was investigated on Brucella blood agar by the E test. None of the human Porphyromonas isolates tested produced β-lactamase, but one Porphyromonas strain of animal origin, most closely resembling P. endodontalis , produced β-lactamase. P. gingivalis was susceptible to almost all of the drugs tested: benzylpenicillin, ampicillin, cefaclor, cefuroxime, erythromycin, clindamycin, tetracycline, doxycycline, metronidazole and ciprofloxacin; all strains were inhibited at 0.016 μg/ml, 0.023 μg/ml, 0.315 μg/ml, 0.064 μg/ml, 0.19 μg/ml, 0.016 μg/ml, 0.094 μg/ml, 0.047 μg/ml, 0.023 μg/ml, and 0.75 μg/ml of these drugs, respectively. Cotrimoxazole exhibited variable efficacy against P. gingivalis ; the range of MICs was 0.1095-32.0 μg/ml. The results indicate that β-lactamase production is currently not a problem amongst clinical isolates of P. gingivalis and strains are susceptible to most antimicrobial agents.  相似文献   

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