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Coral reef islands are among the most vulnerable environments on Earth to climate change because they are low lying and largely constructed from unconsolidated sediments that can be readily reworked by waves and currents. These sediments derive entirely from surrounding coral reef and reef flat environments and are thus highly sensitive to ecological transitions that may modify reef community composition and productivity. How such modifications – driven by anthropogenic disturbances and on‐going and projected climatic and environmental change – will impact reef island sediment supply and geomorphic stability remains a critical but poorly resolved question. Here, we review the unique ecological–geomorphological linkages that underpin this question and, using different scenarios of environmental change for which reef sediment production responses can be projected, explore the likely resilience of different island types. In general, sand‐dominated islands are likely to be less resilient than those dominated by rubble grade material. However, because different islands typically have different dominant sediment constituents (usually either coral, benthic foraminifera or Halimeda) and because these respond differently to individual ecological disturbances, island resilience is likely to be highly variable. Islands composed of coral sands are likely to undergo major morphological change under most near‐future ecological change scenarios, while those dominated by Halimeda may be more resilient. Islands composed predominantly of benthic foraminifera (a common state through the Pacific region) are likely to exhibit varying degrees of resilience depending upon the precise combination of ecological disturbances faced. The study demonstrates the critical need for further research bridging the ecological–geomorphological divide to understand: (1) sediment production responses to different ecological and environmental change scenarios; and (2) dependant landform vulnerability.  相似文献   

周进  晋慧  蔡中华   《生态学杂志》2014,25(3):919-930
珊瑚礁是由珊瑚、鱼类、底栖生物、藻类以及微生物等多种生命形式组成的聚集体,代表着一类典型的海洋生态系统.珊瑚礁存在于热带和亚热带的寡营养环境,拥有极高的初级生产力和生产效率,被誉为“海底热带雨林”.微生物在珊瑚礁生态系统的生物地球化学循环、物质转化以及健康维护上具有重要作用.随着分子生态学的发展,微生物在珊瑚中的作用和功能日益凸显.本文总结了微生物生态学的研究现状,包括珊瑚生态系统中微生物的定植方式,共生微生物的特性(专一性、可塑性、协同进化),共生微生物与珊瑚疾病的关系与信号调节,以及微生物应对全球变化(气温升高、海水酸化、富营养化)的响应.从“珊瑚 微生物”共生体的发生、共生微生物的特性与生态功能,以及全球环境变化下微生物的衍生效应来梳理最新理论与成果,明确珊瑚微生物生态学机制,为更好地保护珊瑚资源、维护海洋生物多样性提供理论借鉴.  相似文献   

One of the most critical challenges facing ecologists today is to understand the changing geographic distribution of species in response to current and predicted global warming. Coastal Western Australia is a natural laboratory in which to assess the effect of climate change on reef coral communities over a temporal scale unavailable to studies conducted solely on modern communities. Reef corals composing Late Pleistocene reef assemblages exposed at five distinct localities along the west Australian coast were censused and the results compared with coral occurrence data published for the modern reefs offshore of each locality. The resulting comparative data set comprises modern and Late Pleistocene reef coral communities occurring over approximately 12° of latitude. For the modern reefs this gradient includes the zone of overlap between the Dampierian and Flindersian Provinces. Modern reef coral communities show a pronounced gradient in coral composition over the latitudinal range encompassed by the study, while the gradient in community composition is not as strong for Pleistocene communities. Tropical‐adapted taxa contracted their ranges north since Late Pleistocene time, emplacing two biogeographic provinces in a region in which a single province had existed previously. Beta diversity values for adjacent communities also reflect this change. Modern reefs show a distinct peak in beta diversity in the middle of the region; the peak is not matched by Pleistocene reefs. Beta diversity is correlated with distance only for comparisons between modern reefs in the north and the fossil assemblages, further supporting change in distribution of the biogeographic provinces in the study area. Coral taxa present in modern communities clearly expanded and contracted their geographic ranges in response to climate change. Those taxa that distinguish Pleistocene from modern reefs are predicted to migrate south in response to future climate change, and potentially persist in ‘temperature refugia’ as tropical reef communities farther north decline.  相似文献   

Qin CX  Chem PM  Jia XP 《应用生态学报》2011,22(8):2160-2166
基于深圳杨梅坑人工鱼礁区2008年的研究和统计数据,采用生态系统服务价值方法,系统分析了杨梅坑人工鱼礁建设对海洋生态系统的影响.结果表明:与深圳附近海域相比,杨梅坑人工鱼礁构建后旅游娱乐服务价值所占比例由87%降至42%,食品供给服务价值所占比例由7%升至27%,原材料供给、气候调节、空气质量调节、水质净化调节、有害生物和疾病的生物调节与控制、知识扩展服务价值所占比例少许提高;2008年,深圳杨梅坑人工鱼礁区单位面积服务价值为1714.7万元.km-2,远高于深圳市近海海洋生态系统的平均值和全球近海生态系统的平均值.人工鱼礁生态系统影响并改变了区域海洋生态系统服务价值结构,提高了区域生态系统服务价值,对于合理开发与利用海洋资源、修复受损的海洋生态环境和渔业资源有着重要意义.利用生态系统服务价值方法对人工鱼礁构建区进行评价,可以更好地反映人工鱼礁构建效益,能有效促进我国人工鱼礁建设的发展、提高海洋生态系统管理水平.  相似文献   

With rapidly increasing rates of contemporary extinction, predicting extinction vulnerability and identifying how multiple stressors drive non-random species loss have become key challenges in ecology. These assessments are crucial for avoiding the loss of key functional groups that sustain ecosystem processes and services. We developed a novel predictive framework of species extinction vulnerability and applied it to coral reef fishes. Although relatively few coral reef fishes are at risk of global extinction from climate disturbances, a negative convex relationship between fish species locally vulnerable to climate change vs. fisheries exploitation indicates that the entire community is vulnerable on the many reefs where both stressors co-occur. Fishes involved in maintaining key ecosystem functions are more at risk from fishing than climate disturbances. This finding is encouraging as local and regional commitment to fisheries management action can maintain reef ecosystem functions pending progress towards the more complex global problem of stabilizing the climate.  相似文献   

Environmental anomalies that trigger adverse physiological responses and mortality are occurring with increasing frequency due to climate change. At species' range peripheries, environmental anomalies are particularly concerning because species often exist at their environmental tolerance limits and may not be able to migrate to escape unfavourable conditions. Here, we investigated the bleaching response and mortality of 14 coral genera across high‐latitude eastern Australia during a global heat stress event in 2016. We evaluated whether the severity of assemblage‐scale and genus‐level bleaching responses was associated with cumulative heat stress and/or local environmental history, including long‐term mean temperatures during the hottest month of each year (SSTLTMAX), and annual fluctuations in water temperature (SSTVAR) and solar irradiance (PARZVAR). The most severely‐bleached genera included species that were either endemic to the region (Pocillopora aliciae) or rare in the tropics (e.g. Porites heronensis). Pocillopora spp., in particular, showed high rates of immediate mortality. Bleaching severity of Pocillopora was high where SSTLTMAX was low or PARZVAR was high, whereas bleaching severity of Porites was directly associated with cumulative heat stress. While many tropical Acropora species are extremely vulnerable to bleaching, the Acropora species common at high latitudes, such as A. glauca and A. solitaryensis, showed little incidence of bleaching and immediate mortality. Two other regionally‐abundant genera, Goniastrea and Turbinaria, were also largely unaffected by the thermal anomaly. The severity of assemblage‐scale bleaching responses was poorly explained by the environmental parameters we examined. Instead, the severity of assemblage‐scale bleaching was associated with local differences in species abundance and taxon‐specific bleaching responses. The marked taxonomic disparity in bleaching severity, coupled with high mortality of high‐latitude endemics, point to climate‐driven simplification of assemblage structures and progressive homogenisation of reef functions at these high‐latitude locations.  相似文献   

Ascidians are ecologically important components of marine ecosystems yet the ascidian microbiota remains largely unexplored beyond a few model species. We used 16S rRNA gene tag pyrosequencing to provide a comprehensive characterization of microbial symbionts in the tunic of 42 Great Barrier Reef ascidian samples representing 25 species. Results revealed high bacterial biodiversity (3 217 unique operational taxonomic units (OTU0.03) from 19 described and 14 candidate phyla) and the widespread occurrence of ammonia-oxidizing Thaumarchaeota in coral reef ascidians (24 of 25 host species). The ascidian microbiota was clearly differentiated from seawater microbial communities and included symbiont lineages shared with other invertebrate hosts as well as unique, ascidian-specific phylotypes. Several rare seawater microbes were markedly enriched (200–700 fold) in the ascidian tunic, suggesting that the rare biosphere of seawater may act as a conduit for horizontal symbiont transfer. However, most OTUs (71%) were rare and specific to single hosts and a significant correlation between host relatedness and symbiont community similarity was detected, indicating a high degree of host-specificity and potential role of vertical transmission in structuring these communities. We hypothesize that the complex ascidian microbiota revealed herein is maintained by the dynamic microenvironments within the ascidian tunic, offering optimal conditions for different metabolic pathways such as ample chemical substrate (ammonia-rich host waste) and physical habitat (high oxygen, low irradiance) for nitrification. Thus, ascidian hosts provide unique and fertile niches for diverse microorganisms and may represent an important and previously unrecognized habitat for nitrite/nitrate regeneration in coral reef ecosystems.  相似文献   

Reef corals are examples of metazoans that engage in mutualisms with a variety of microorganisms, including dinoflagellates, Bacteria, Archaea, and viruses. The high adaptive capacity of these microbial symbionts can be co‐opted by their coral hosts, and various emergent traits of these associations, such as thermotolerance, are undergoing strong selection due to climate change. This selection may spur the rise of microbial ‘disaster taxa’: opportunistic, cosmopolitan generalists that can proliferate and increase host survivorship following disturbances. Coral bleaching (a stress‐induced loss of dinoflagellates) constitutes one type of catastrophic disturbance for resident symbiont communities, and opens novel patches of host for colonization by microbial disaster taxa. Moreover, the compartmentalization of microbial symbionts within coral polyps reduces their effective population size and thus facilitates the spread of disaster taxa during times of environmental change. These phenomena suggest that, despite widespread loss of coral cover as a result of climate disturbances, the potential spread of resilient microbial disaster taxa in surviving colonies can have important implications for coral reef persistence over the coming decades.  相似文献   

高菲  许强  李秀保  何林文  王爱民 《生态学报》2022,42(11):4301-4312
珊瑚礁生态系统是一个高生产力、高生物多样性的特殊海洋生态系统,具有为生物提供栖息地、参与生物地球化学循环、防浪护岸、指示水体污染程度等生态功能。珊瑚礁生态系统的突出特点是其生境异质性很高,各种各样的生境斑块为种类繁多、习性各异的游泳和底栖生物提供栖息场所,这些礁栖生物通过参与各项生态过程而形成各种特定的功能群,共同完成重要的生态功能。在热带珊瑚礁生态系统中,海参是大型底栖动物区系的重要一员。种类繁多的海参具有各自不同的生境选择特征,通过摄食、运动等行为活动发挥着改良底质、促进有机物矿化和营养盐再生等生态作用。近几年来,全球热带海参受人类过度捕捞和珊瑚礁退化的影响而面临资源衰退、物种多样性丧失等问题,深入认识其生态学功能、加强热带海参资源保护迫在眉睫。综述了国内外热带珊瑚礁海参的基础生态学研究进展:海参对珊瑚礁生境斑块呈现显著的偏好选择特征以及种间差异和季节变动,不同生境斑块的食物质量、底质类型和水动力条件是影响海参生境偏好的重要因素;海参通过生物扰动可以改变珊瑚礁生境沉积物的含水量、渗透性、颗粒组成、再矿化率、无机营养物质释放速率以及孔隙水的化学梯度,并增加沉积物中的溶氧浓度、促进溶解...  相似文献   

At Heron Island reef, Great Barrier Reef Australia, biomass densities and mean wet mass of Ward's damselfish Pomacentrus wardi and the jewelled blenny Salarias fasciatus were not significantly different at 2·37 v . 2·95 g m−2 and 8·7 v . 7·9 g, respectively. Whereas S. fasciatus significantly exceeded P. wardi in (1) total number of bites per day (3427 v . 1155), (2) the mass of epilithic algal community consumed per bite (2·19 v . 0·14 mg) and (3) total organic carbon consumed per day (487·31 v . 35·46 mg C m−2 day−1). Territorial behaviour differed also between the two species. Pomacentrus wardi chased from their territories a smaller proportion of blennies than roving grazers ( i.e . scarids, acanthurids, siganids and pomacentrids) relative to S. fasciatus . Salarias fasciatus chased c . 90% of other blennies from their territories, while chasing only c . 20% of all damsels that entered. Both P. wardi and S. fasciatus rarely chased non‐grazers. The chasing behaviour of S. fasciatus was size dependent, with resident fish chasing only individuals of its own family ( i.e . Blenniidae) that were the same or smaller size. Pomacentrus wardi may have tolerated S. fasciatus grazing within its territory, as it contributes to territory defence from other blennies. The possibility that the interaction between the two species is facilitative, rather than competitive, is discussed. It was concluded that salariine blennies play an important, and previously underestimated role in coral reef trophodynamics.  相似文献   



Host to intricate networks of marine species, coral reefs are among the most biologically diverse ecosystems on Earth. Over the past few decades, major degradations of coral reefs have been observed worldwide, which is largely attributed to the effects of climate change and local stressors related to human activities. Now more than ever, characterizing how the environment shapes the dynamics of the reef ecosystem (e.g., shifts in species abundance, community changes, emergence of locally adapted populations) is key to uncovering the environmental drivers of reef degradation, and developing efficient conservation strategies in response. To achieve these objectives, it is pivotal that environmental data describing the processes driving such ecosystem dynamics, which occur across specific spatial and temporal scales, are easily accessible to coral reef researchers and conservation stakeholders alike.

Main types of variable contained

Multiple environmental variables characterizing various facets of the reef environment, including water chemistry and physics (e.g., temperature, pH, chlorophyll concentration), local anthropogenic pressures (e.g., boat traffic, distance from agricultural or urban areas) and sea currents patterns.

Spatial location and grain

Worldwide reef cells of 5 by 5 km.

Time period and grain

Last 3–4 decades, monthly and yearly resolution.

Major taxa and level of measurement

Environmental data important for coral reefs and associated biodiversity.

Software format

Interactive web application available at https://recifs.epfl.ch .  相似文献   

The benefits and ecosystem services that humans derive from the oceans are threatened by numerous global change stressors, one of which is ocean acidification. Here, we describe the effects of ocean acidification on an upwelling system that already experiences inherently low pH conditions, the California Current. We used an end‐to‐end ecosystem model (Atlantis), forced by downscaled global climate models and informed by a meta‐analysis of the pH sensitivities of local taxa, to investigate the direct and indirect effects of future pH on biomass and fisheries revenues. Our model projects a 0.2‐unit drop in pH during the summer upwelling season from 2013 to 2063, which results in wide‐ranging magnitudes of effects across guilds and functional groups. The most dramatic direct effects of future pH may be expected on epibenthic invertebrates (crabs, shrimps, benthic grazers, benthic detritivores, bivalves), and strong indirect effects expected on some demersal fish, sharks, and epibenthic invertebrates (Dungeness crab) because they consume species known to be sensitive to changing pH. The model's pelagic community, including marine mammals and seabirds, was much less influenced by future pH. Some functional groups were less affected to changing pH in the model than might be expected from experimental studies in the empirical literature due to high population productivity (e.g., copepods, pteropods). Model results suggest strong effects of reduced pH on nearshore state‐managed invertebrate fisheries, but modest effects on the groundfish fishery because individual groundfish species exhibited diverse responses to changing pH. Our results provide a set of projections that generally support and build upon previous findings and set the stage for hypotheses to guide future modeling and experimental analysis on the effects of OA on marine ecosystems and fisheries.  相似文献   

The capacity for marine fishes to perform aerobically (aerobic scope) is predicted to control their thermal tolerance and, thus, the impact that rapid climate change will have on their populations. We tested the effect of increased water temperatures on the resting and maximum rates of oxygen consumption in five common coral reef fishes at Lizard Island on the northern Great Barrier Reef, Australia. All species exhibited a decline in aerobic capacity at elevated water temperatures (31, 32 or 33 °C) compared with controls (29 °C); however, the response was much stronger in two cardinalfishes, Ostorhinchus cyanosoma and O. doederleini , compared with three damselfishes, Dascyllus anuarus, Chromis atripectoralis and Acanthochromis polyacanthus . Aerobic scope of the two cardinalfishes was reduced by nearly half at 31 °C compared with 29 °C, and virtually all capacity for additional oxygen uptake was exhausted by 33 °C. In contrast, the three damselfishes retained over half their aerobic scope at 33 °C. Such differences in thermal tolerance between species, and possibly families, suggest that the community structure of reef fish assemblages might change significantly as ocean temperatures increase. Populations of thermally tolerant species are likely to persist at higher temperatures, but populations of thermally sensitive species could decline on low-latitude reefs if individual performance falls below levels needed to sustain viable populations.  相似文献   

Coral reefs are highly productive ecosystems bathed in unproductive, low-nutrient oceanic waters, where microbially dominated food webs are supported largely by bacterioplankton recycling of dissolved compounds. Despite evidence that benthic reef organisms efficiently scavenge particulate organic matter and inorganic nutrients from advected oceanic waters, our understanding of the role of bacterioplankton and dissolved organic matter (DOM) in the interaction between reefs and the surrounding ocean remains limited. In this study, we present the results of a 4-year study conducted in a well-characterized coral reef ecosystem (Paopao Bay, Moorea, French Polynesia) where changes in bacterioplankton abundance and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations were quantified and bacterial community structure variation was examined along spatial gradients of the reef:ocean interface. Our results illustrate that the reef is consistently depleted in concentrations of both DOC and bacterioplankton relative to offshore waters (averaging 79 μmol l−1 DOC and 5.5 × 108 cells l−1 offshore and 68 μmol l−1 DOC and 3.1 × 108 cells l−1 over the reef, respectively) across a 4-year time period. In addition, using a suite of culture-independent measures of bacterial community structure, we found consistent differentiation of reef bacterioplankton communities from those offshore or in a nearby embayment across all taxonomic levels. Reef habitats were enriched in Gamma-, Delta-, and Betaproteobacteria, Bacteriodetes, Actinobacteria and Firmicutes. Specific bacterial phylotypes, including members of the SAR11, SAR116, Flavobacteria, and Synechococcus clades, exhibited clear gradients in relative abundance among nearshore habitats. Our observations indicate that this reef system removes oceanic DOC and exerts selective pressures on bacterioplankton community structure on timescales approximating reef water residence times, observations which are notable both because fringing reefs do not exhibit long residence times (unlike those characteristic of atoll lagoons) and because oceanic DOC is generally recalcitrant to degradation by ambient microbial assemblages. Our findings thus have interesting implications for the role of oceanic DOM and bacterioplankton in the ecology and metabolism of reef ecosystems.  相似文献   

不同SSP-RCP情景下中国生态系统服务价值评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
定量评估生态系统服务价值是人类合理利用和管理生态系统的重要依据,未来气候情景下土地利用变化模拟及其对生态系统服务价值的影响评估对于区域生态系统服务管理、开展生态功能区划及减缓和适应气候变化等方面具有重要意义。基于最新IPCC共享社会经济路径(SSPs)和典型浓度路径(RCPs)的科学组合情景模拟得到的土地利用情景数据,对2020—2050年我国生态系统服务价值进行估算,并对2050年生态系统服务间的权衡与协同关系进行讨论,主要得到以下结论:生态系统服务价值(ESV)在2020—2050年表现为SSP1-RCP2.6>SSP2-RCP4.5>SSP3-RCP6.0,SSP1-RCP2.6情景下2020年ESV为12.39×104亿元,2050年ESV为12.34×104亿元;SSP2-RCP4.5情景下2020年ESV为12.17×104亿元,2050年ESV为12.11×104亿元;SSP3-RCP6.0情景下2020年ESV为12.02×104亿元,2050年ES...  相似文献   

Resilience is increasingly being considered as a new paradigm of forest management among scientists, practitioners, and policymakers. However, metrics of resilience to environmental change are lacking. Faced with novel disturbances, forests may be able to sustain existing ecosystem services and biodiversity by exhibiting resilience, or alternatively these attributes may undergo either a linear or nonlinear decline. Here we provide a novel quantitative approach for assessing forest resilience that focuses on three components of resilience, namely resistance, recovery, and net change, using a spatially explicit model of forest dynamics. Under the pulse set scenarios, we explored the resilience of nine ecosystem services and four biodiversity measures following a one‐off disturbance applied to an increasing percentage of forest area. Under the pulse + press set scenarios, the six disturbance intensities explored during the pulse set were followed by a continuous disturbance. We detected thresholds in net change under pulse + press scenarios for the majority of the ecosystem services and biodiversity measures, which started to decline sharply when disturbance affected >40% of the landscape. Thresholds in net change were not observed under the pulse scenarios, with the exception of timber volume and ground flora species richness. Thresholds were most pronounced for aboveground biomass, timber volume with respect to the ecosystem services, and ectomycorrhizal fungi and ground flora species richness with respect to the biodiversity measures. Synthesis and applications. The approach presented here illustrates how the multidimensionality of stability research in ecology can be addressed and how forest resilience can be estimated in practice. Managers should adopt specific management actions to support each of the three components of resilience separately, as these may respond differently to disturbance. In addition, management interventions aiming to deliver resilience should incorporate an assessment of both pulse and press disturbances to ensure detection of threshold responses to disturbance, so that appropriate management interventions can be identified.  相似文献   


This paper examines the responses of the fluted giant clam Tridacna squamosa pediveligers to elevated temperature and reduced light levels. In a light reduction experiment, a total of 104,000 T. squamosa pediveligers were exposed to four different levels of shading for approximately one month. The most heavily shaded treatment, at 0.4% of ambient light, had significantly lower survival than the other groups, which all received 1% or more of ambient light. In a second experiment, for approximately two weeks 13,000 T. squamosa pediveligers were divided among three treatments: one at ambient temperature averaging 29.5 °C, and two with elevated temperatures averaging 32.2 °C and 34.8 °C. The elevated temperature treatments resulted in near total mortality. The highest temperature survived by any pediveliger was 32.8 °C. Our results indicate a potential synergetic effect, with turbidity causing giant clam pediveligers to settle in shallower water―where they will likely be exposed to higher temperatures.  相似文献   

Coral reefs are under threat from disease as climate change alters environmental conditions. Rising temperatures exacerbate coral disease, but this relationship is likely complex as other factors also influence coral disease prevalence. To better understand this relationship, we meta-analytically examined 108 studies for changes in global coral disease over time alongside temperature, expressed using average summer sea surface temperature (SST) and cumulative heat stress as weekly sea surface temperature anomalies (WSSTAs). We found that both rising average summer SST and WSSTA were associated with global increases in the mean and variability in coral disease prevalence. Global coral disease prevalence tripled, reaching 9.92% in the 25 years examined, and the effect of ‘year’ became more stable (i.e. prevalence has lower variance over time), contrasting the effects of the two temperature stressors. Regional patterns diverged over time and differed in response to average summer SST. Our model predicted that, under the same trajectory, 76.8% of corals would be diseased globally by 2100, even assuming moderate average summer SST and WSSTA. These results highlight the need for urgent action to mitigate coral disease. Mitigating the impact of rising ocean temperatures on coral disease is a complex challenge requiring global discussion and further study.  相似文献   

研究生物多样性格局与生态系统服务格局之间的空间耦合效应,探讨以生物多样性保育为核心目标的自然保护体系同时能多大程度满足对生态系统服务功能的维护和支撑,已成为自然保护领域新的热点关注问题。目前研究多限于陆域生态系统,其方法难以适用于湿地生态系统。以黄淮海湿地——这一高强度人类活动的区域为研究区,基于湿地生态系统的横向连接度、纵向连接度(2D)以及结合地下水的垂向连接度(3D),对黄淮海地区湿地具有的生态系统服务功能进行了空间评估和分析,识别出具有重要意义的生态系统服务功能区域,结合现有保护区分布情况进行空间分析,评价现有保护区对生态系统服务功能的支持程度,即生物多样性保护与生态系统服务功能重点区域的空间耦合性。研究结果表明:目前湿地保护区并未有效覆盖湿地生态系统关键区域,湿地生态系统服务关键格局也存在大量明显的保护空缺。同时,随着2D到3D延伸,保护区对生态系统服务功能的支持程度也稍有提高,这与系统保护规划中选择不同保护目标后保护规划格局发生变化的情况类似,而生态系统服务功能的"热点地区"(重要区域)与保护生物学中所指的物种保护的热点地区类似,这表明生态系统服务功能的规划和保护也可以借鉴保护生物学中系统保护规划的理论和方法,为后续研究提供参照。  相似文献   

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