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Dental plaque as a biofilm   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Dental plaque is the diverse microbial community found on the tooth surface embedded in a matrix of polymers of bacterial and salivary origin. Once a tooth surface is cleaned, a conditioning film of proteins and glycoproteins is adsorbed rapidly to the tooth surface. Plaque formation involves the interaction between early bacterial colonisers and this film (the acquired enamel pellicle). To facilitate colonisation of the tooth surface, some receptors on salivary molecules are only exposed to bacteria once the molecule is adsorbed to a surface. Subsequently, secondary colonisers adhere to the already attached early colonisers (co-aggregation) through specific molecular interactions. These can involve protein-protein or carbohydrate-protein (lectin) interactions, and this process contributes to determining the pattern of bacterial succession. As the biofilm develops, gradients in biologically significant factors develop, and these permit the co-existence of species that would be incompatible with each other in a homogeneous environment. Dental plaque develops naturally, but it is also associated with two of the most prevalent diseases affecting industrialised societies (caries and periodontal diseases). Future strategies to control dental plaque will be targeted to interfering with the formation, structure and pattern of development of this biofilm.  相似文献   

Although Streptococcus mutans biofilms have been useful for evaluating the cariogenic potential of dietary carbohydrates and the effects of fluoride on dental demineralization, a more appropriate biofilm should be developed to demonstrate the influence of other oral bacteria on cariogenic biofilms. This study describes the development and validation of a three-species biofilm model comprising Streptococcus mutans, Actinomyces naeslundii, and Streptococcus gordonii for the evaluation of enamel and dentin demineralization after cariogenic challenges and fluoride exposure. Single- or three-species biofilms were developed on dental substrata for 96?h, and biofilms were exposed to feast and famine episodes. The three-species biofilm model produced a large biomass, mostly comprising S. mutans (41%) and S. gordonii (44%), and produced significant demineralization in the dental substrata, although enamel demineralization was decreased by fluoride treatment. The findings indicate that the three-species biofilm model may be useful for evaluating the cariogenic potential of dietary carbohydrates other than sucrose and determining the effects of fluoride on dental substrata.  相似文献   

A model of biofilm detachment   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A general mathematical framework for modeling biofilm detachment is presented. The approach is founded on a material balance on biomass that equates the detachment rate to the product of a detachment frequency and a detaching particle mass. The model provides a theoretical basis for deriving many of the empirical detachment rate expressions in common use and can thus lend some insight into their physical and biological significance. By allowing for variation in the detachment frequency with depth in the biofilm, the model permits derivation of detachment expressions that reflect a dependence on chemical or physiological gradients in the biofilm. Analysis of literature data sets from two different biofilm systems suggests, in both cases, that detachment is a growth-associated phenomenon. (c) 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

AIMS: To determine whether the stringency of sterilization procedures for biological components of in vivo dental plaque-generating devices based on enamel can be increased to minimize prion risk without compromising natural biofilm composition. METHODS AND RESULTS: The composition of in vitro biofilms, grown on hypochlorite-treated and untreated autoclaved enamel surfaces, was determined using culture-based methods and checkerboard DNA: DNA hybridization analysis. No differences were found between biofilms recovered from either substrate. SIGNIFICANCE: Several in situ models allow generation of plaque in the oral cavity, followed by recovery of intact biofilms for experimentation. Approaches allowing plaque formation on natural tooth surfaces are most valuable, but present a possible infection risk to volunteers wearing plaque-collecting devices, particularly with respect to prions. Hypochlorite treatment of biological material, as an adjunct to autoclaving, reduces infection risk without compromising biofilm composition and should be adopted in all future studies using plaque-generating devices incorporating enamel, where there is a potential prion threat, and further investigated in other biological hard tissues.  相似文献   


This work evaluated the effects of commercial toothpastes and mouth rinses containing natural/herbal agents on biofilm viability, extracellular polysaccharide (EPS) production and on enamel demineralization in vitro. Microcosm biofilm was produced on bovine enamel for 5?days and treated daily with: Orgânico natural® (toothpaste/mouth rinse), Boni Natural Menta &; Malaleuca® (toothpaste/mouth rinse), Propolis &; Myrrh® (toothpaste), Colgate Total 12 Clean Mint® (toothpaste, positive control), Malvatricin® Plus (mouth rinse), PerioGard® (mouth rinse, positive control) or PBS (negative control). Tom’s Propolis &; Myrrh® and Colgate Total 12® toothpastes and Malvatricin® Plus and PerioGard® mouth rinses significantly reduced biofilm viability (p?® had significant effects on biofilm thickness and EPS. Despite the indication that Tom’s Propolis &; Myrrh® significantly reduced lesion depth, only Colgate Total 12® significantly reduced mineral loss. Malvatricin® Plus significantly reduced mineral loss and lesion depth, as did PerioGard®. Some herbal products, Malvatricin® Plus and Tom’s Propolis &; Myrrh®, showed anticaries effects.  相似文献   

This work presents a multispecies biofilm model that describes the co‐existence of nitrate‐ and sulfate‐reducing bacteria in the H2‐based membrane biofilm reactor (MBfR). The new model adapts the framework of a biofilm model for simultaneous nitrate and perchlorate removal by considering the unique metabolic and physiological characteristics of autotrophic sulfate‐reducing bacteria that use H2 as their electron donor. To evaluate the model, the simulated effluent H2, UAP (substrate‐utilization‐associated products), and BAP (biomass‐associated products) concentrations are compared to experimental results, and the simulated biomass distributions are compared to real‐time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) data in the experiments for parameter optimization. Model outputs and experimental results match for all major trends and explain when sulfate reduction does or does not occur in parallel with denitrification. The onset of sulfate reduction occurs only when the nitrate concentration at the fiber's outer surface is low enough so that the growth rate of the denitrifying bacteria is equal to that of the sulfate‐reducing bacteria. An example shows how to use the model to design an MBfR that achieves satisfactory nitrate reduction, but suppresses sulfate reduction. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2013; 110: 763–772. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A clinically relevant porcine model of a biofilm-infected wound was established in 10 minipigs. The wounds of six experimental animals were infected with a modified polymicrobial Lubbock chronic wound biofilm consisting of Staphylococcus aureus, Enterococcus faecalis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Bacillus subtilis. Four animals served as uninfected controls. The wounds were monitored until they had healed for 24 days. The biofilm persisted in the wounds up to day 14 and significantly affected healing. The control to infected healed wound area ratios were: 45%/21%, 66%/37%, and 90%/57% on days 7, 10 and 14, respectively. The implanted biofilm prolonged inflammation, increased necrosis, delayed granulation and impaired development of the extracellular matrix as seen in histological and gene expression analyses. This model provides a therapeutic one-week window for testing of anti-biofilm treatments and for research on the pathogenesis of wound infections in pig that is clinically the most relevant animal wound healing model.  相似文献   

Microcosm biofilms formed in microplates have demonstrated complex community dynamics similar to natural dental biofilm. No simplified microcosm models to evaluate enamel demineralization and dose-response effect to anticariogenic therapies have yet been established, thus this study was designed to develop a pre-clinical model fulfilling this purpose. Experiments were carried out to establish the time of biofilm formation and the sucrose concentration and exposure regimen. Biofilms were initiated from saliva and grown for up to 10 days on bovine enamel discs in 24-well plates, with a saliva analogue medium. Data were collected as pH readings and thepercentage enamel surface hardness change. A dose-response evaluation was performed with chlorhexidine, which significantly affected the pH and mineral loss. Overall, the established model parameters, 5 days of biofilm growth with intermittent 1% sucrose exposure of 6 h per day, was suitable as a pre-clinical model for enamel demineralization and dose-response studies.  相似文献   

Some dynamic biofilm models for dental caries development are limited as they require multiple experiments and do not allow independent biofilm growth units, making them expensive and time-consuming. This study aimed to develop and test an in vitro dynamic microcosm biofilm model for caries lesion development and for dose-response to chlorhexidine. Microcosm biofilms were grown under two different protocols from saliva on bovine enamel discs for up to 21 days. The study outcomes were as follows: the percentage of enamel surface hardness change, integrated hardness loss, and the CFU counts from the biofilms formed. The measured outcomes, mineral loss and CFU counts showed dose-response effects as a result of the treatment with chlorhexidine. Overall, the findings suggest that biofilm growth for seven days with 0.06 ml min?1 salivary flow under exposure to 5% sucrose (3 × daily, 0.25 ml min?1, 6 min) was suitable as a pre-clinical model for enamel demineralization and antimicrobial studies.  相似文献   

It is well known that sessile bacteria have a strong tendency to exist in a biofilm phenotype, whereby bacterial cells aggregate and produce a gel-like extracellular matrix, which, in an infection scenario, offers a significant barrier to attack by conventional antibiotics and the immune system. In this paper we develop a multi-phase model of a maturing Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm, allowing for the production and secretion of exopolysaccharide (EPS). The primary quorum-sensing system of P. aeruginosa (namely the lasR system) is believed to be required for full biofilm development, and we thus take the synthesis of EPS to be regulated by the cognate signal molecule, 3-oxo-C12-HSL. We also take EPS and signal production, along with bacterial growth, to be limited by oxygen availability, thus factoring in the nutrient poor conditions deep inside the biofilm. We use simulations to examine the role played by quorum sensing in the biofilm maturation process, and to investigate the effect of anti-quorum sensing and antibiotic treatments on EPS concentration, signal level, bacterial numbers and biofilm growth rate. In addition, we undertake analysis of the associated travelling-wave behaviour.  相似文献   

Biofilms commonly develop in flowing aqueous environments, where the flow causes the biofilm to deform. Because biofilm deformation affects the flow regime, and because biofilms behave as complex heterogeneous viscoelastic materials, few models are able to predict biofilm deformation. In this study, a phase-field (PF) continuum model coupled with the Oldroyd-B constitutive equation was developed and used to simulate biofilm deformation. The accuracy of the model was evaluated using two types of biofilms: a synthetic biofilm, made from alginate mixed with bacterial cells, and a Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm. Shear rheometry was used to experimentally determine the mechanical parameters for each biofilm, used as inputs for the model. Biofilm deformation under fluid flow was monitored experimentally using optical coherence tomography. The comparison between the experimental and modeling geometries, for selected horizontal cross sections, after fluid-driven deformation was good. The relative errors ranged from 3.2 to 21.1% for the synthetic biofilm and from 9.1 to 11.1% for the P. aeruginosa biofilm. This is the first demonstration of the effectiveness of a viscoelastic PF biofilm model. This model provides an important tool for predicting biofilm viscoelastic deformation. It also can benefit the design and control of biofilms in engineering systems.  相似文献   

Three hypothetical mechanisms of detachment were incorporated into a three-dimensional computer model of biofilm development. The model integrated processes of substrate utilization, substrate diffusion, growth, cell advection, and detachment in a cellular automata framework. The purpose of this investigation was to characterize each of the mechanisms with respect to four criteria: the resulting biofilm structure, the existence of a steady state, the propensity for sloughing events, and the dynamics during starvation. The three detachment mechanisms analyzed represented various physical and biological influences hypothesized to affect biofilm detachment. The first invoked the concept of fluid shear removing biomass that protrudes far above the surface and is therefore subjected to relatively large drag forces. The second pathway linked detachment to changes in the local availability of a nutrient. The third pathway simulated an erosive process in which individual cells are lost from the surface of a biofilm cell cluster. The detachment mechanisms demonstrated diverse behaviors with respect to the four analysis criteria. The height-dependant mechanism produced flat, steady state biofilms that lacked sloughing events. Detachment based on substrate limitation produced significant sloughing events. The resulting biofilm structures included distinct, hollow clusters separated by channels. The erosion mechanism produced neither a non-zero steady state nor sloughing events. A mechanism combining all three-detachment mechanisms produced mushroom-like structures. The dynamics of biofilm decay during starvation were distinct for each detachment mechanism. These results show that detachment is a critical determinant of biofilm structure and of the dynamics of biofilm accumulation and loss.  相似文献   

Chronic diabetic foot ulcers are frequently colonised and infected by polymicrobial biofilms that ultimately prevent healing. This study aimed to create a novel in vitro inter-kingdom wound biofilm model on complex hydrogel-based cellulose substrata to test commonly used topical wound treatments. Inter-kingdom triadic biofilms composed of Candida albicans, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Staphylococcus aureus were shown to be quantitatively greater in this model compared to a simple substratum when assessed by conventional culture, metabolic dye and live dead qPCR. These biofilms were both structurally complex and compositionally dynamic in response to topical therapy, so when treated with either chlorhexidine or povidone iodine, principal component analysis revealed that the 3-D cellulose model was minimally impacted compared to the simple substratum model. This study highlights the importance of biofilm substratum and inclusion of relevant polymicrobial and inter-kingdom components, as these impact penetration and efficacy of topical antiseptics.  相似文献   

A mathematical model for a three phase fluidized bed bioreactor (TFBBR) was proposed to describe oxygen utilization rate, biomass concentration and the removal efficiency of Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) in wastewater treatment. The model consisted of the biofilm model to describe the oxygen uptake rate and the hydraulic model to describe flow characteristics to cause the oxygen distribution in the reactor. The biofilm model represented the oxygen uptake rate by individual bioparticle and the hydrodynamics of fluids presented an axial dispersion flow with back mixing in the liquid phase and a plug flow in the gas phase. The difference of settling velocity along the column height due to the distributions of size and number of bioparticle was considered. The proposed model was able to predict the biomass concentration and the dissolved oxygen concentration along the column height. The removal efficiency of COD was calculated based on the oxygen consumption amounts that were obtained from the dissolved oxygen concentration. The predicted oxygen concentration by the proposed model agreed reasonably well with experimental measurement in a TFBBR. The effects of various operating parameters on the oxygen concentration were simulated based on the proposed model. The media size and media density affected the performance of a TFBBR. The dissolved oxygen concentration was significantly affected by the superficial liquid velocity but the removal efficiency of COD was significantly affected by the superficial gas velocity. An erratum to this article can be found online at .  相似文献   

Aims: The goal of this investigation was to develop an in vitro, polymicrobial, wound biofilm capable of supporting the growth of bacteria with variable oxygen requirements. Methods and Results: The strict anaerobe Clostridium perfringens was isolated by cultivating wound homogenates using the drip‐flow reactor (DFR), and a three‐species biofilm model was established using methicillin‐resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Cl. perfringens in the colony‐drip‐flow reactor model. Plate counts revealed that MRSA, Ps. aeruginosa and Cl. perfringens grew to 7·39 ± 0·45, 10·22 ± 0·22 and 7·13 ± 0·77 log CFU per membrane, respectively. The three‐species model was employed to evaluate the efficacy of two antimicrobial dressings, Curity? AMD and Acticoat?, compared to sterile gauze controls. Microbial growth on Curity? AMD and gauze was not significantly different, for any species, whereas Acticoat? was found to significantly reduce growth for all three species. Conclusions: Using the colony‐DFR, a three‐species biofilm was successfully grown, and the biofilms displayed a unique structure consisting of distinct layers that appeared to be inhabited exclusively or predominantly by a single species. Significance and Impact of the Study: The primary accomplishment of this study was the isolation and growth of an obligate anaerobe in an in vitro model without establishing an artificially anaerobic environment.  相似文献   

Mixed culture of microorganisms immobilized onto Celite diatomaceous earth particles were used to degrade 3,4-dichloroaniline (34DCA) in a three-phase draft tube fluidized bed bioreactor. Biodegradation was confirmed as the dominant removal mechanism by measurements of the concomitant chloride ion evolution. Degradation efficiencies of 95% were obtained at a reactor retention time of 1.25 h. A mathematical model was used to describe the simultaneous diffusion and reaction of 34DCA and oxygen in the biofilms on the particles in the reactor. The parameters describing freely suspended cell growth on 34DCA were obtained in batch experiments. The model was found to describe the system well for three out of four steady states and to predict qualitatively the experimentally observed transition in the biofilm kinetics from 34DCA to oxygen limitation.  相似文献   

An in vitro model was developed to assess the effects of topical antimicrobials on taxonomically defined wound biofilms. Biofilms were exposed over seven days to povidone-iodine, silver acetate or polyhexamethylene biguanide (PHMB) at concentrations used in wound dressings. The rank order of tolerance in multi-species biofilms, based on an analysis of the average bacterial counts over time was P. aeruginosa > methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) > B. fragilis > S. pyogenes. The rank order of effectiveness for the antimicrobials in the biofilm model was povidone-iodine > PHMB > silver acetate. None of the test compounds eradicated P. aeruginosa or MRSA from the biofilms although all compounds except silver acetate eliminated S. pyogenes. Antimicrobial effectiveness against bacteria grown in multi-species biofilms did not correlate with planktonic susceptibility. Defined biofilm populations of mixed-species wound pathogens could be maintained in the basal perfusion model, facilitating the efficacy testing of treatments regimens and potential dressings against multi-species biofilms composed of wound isolates.  相似文献   

In a process called quorum sensing, bacteria monitor their population density via extracellular signaling molecules and modulate gene expression accordingly. This paper describes a one-dimensional model of a growing Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm. Quorum sensing has been included in the model by the addition of equations describing the production, degradation, and diffusion of acyl-homoserine lactones in the biofilm. In order for quorum sensing to initiate near the substratum, in accordance with experimental observations, model results suggest that cells in oxygen-deficient regions of the biofilm must still be synthesizing the signal compound. This result highlights the importance of careful study of the relationship between metabolic activity of the bacterium and signal synthesis. Received 11 March 2002/ Accepted in revised form 01 August 2002  相似文献   

Transfer of a conjugative transposon, Tn5397 in a model oral biofilm   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A tetracycline resistance profile was established from a microcosm dental plaque in a constant depth film fermenter. The fermenter was inoculated with a Bacillus subtilis strain which contained the conjugative transposon, Tn5397, which confers tetracycline resistance upon its host. After 6 hour and 24 hour the tetracycline resistance profile of the biofilm was redetermined and a tetracycline resistant Streptococcus species was isolated. A molecular analysis of this strain confirmed that Tn5397 was present in the genomic DNA of the isolate. These data represent the first report, to our knowledge, of intergeneric transfer of a conjugative transposon in a mixed species biofilm and demonstrates the ability of conjugative transposons to disseminate antibiotic resistance genes in a mixed species environment.  相似文献   

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