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The possibility of persistent parapoxvirus (PPV) infection was investigated by serologically and genetically using cattle infected with the virus experimentally and naturally. Three cattle were inoculated with the virus subcutaneously at several spots in the lips and abdominal regions. Small papules developed in the inoculated regions, and antibodies to the virus developed and continued persistently. One animal, from which one PPV had been previously isolated, was also subjected to serological and viral detection tests as a naturally infected case. Two of these four cattle were injected with dexamethasone (DM), and one was injected with interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma). The viral genome was rarely detected from the peripheral blood leukocytes in the ordinary condition, but frequently when the animals were injected with IFN-gamma. The viral genome was also detected from the lymph nodes as these PPV infected animals were euthanized. These results indicated that cattle were infected with PPV subclinically and persistently, and the virus was activated in stressed or immunosuppressed animals. The virus would be harbored in the lymphotic tissues of the animals when they show no clinical symptoms.  相似文献   

A project of QTL detection was carried out in the French Holstein, Normande, and Montbéliarde dairy cattle breeds. This granddaughter design included 1 548 artificial insemination bulls distributed in 14 sire families and evaluated after a progeny-test for 24 traits (production, milk composition, persistency, type, fertility, mastitis resistance, and milking ease). These bulls were also genotyped for 169 genetic markers, mostly microsatellites. The QTL were analysed by within-sire linear regression of daughter yield deviations or deregressed proofs on the probability that the son receives one or the other paternal QTL allele, given the marker information. QTL were detected for all traits, including those with a low heritability. One hundred and twenty QTL with a chromosome-wise significance lower than 3% were tabulated. This threshold corresponded to a 15% false discovery rate. Amongst them, 32 were genome-wise significant. Estimates of their contribution to genetic variance ranged from 6 to 40%. Most substitution effects ranged from 0.6 to 1.0 genetic standard deviation. For a given QTL, only 1 to 5 families out of 14 were informative. The confidence intervals of the QTL locations were large and always greater than 20 cM. This experiment confirmed several already published QTL but most of them were original, particularly for non-production traits.  相似文献   

Gait assessment in dairy cattle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Lameness is one of the most important dairy cow welfare issues and has inspired a growing body of literature on gait assessment. Validation studies have shown that several methods of gait assessment are able to successfully distinguish cows with and without painful pathologies. While subjective methods provide an immediate, on-site assessment and require no technical equipment, they show variation in observer reliability. On the other hand, objective methods of gait assessment provide accurate and reliable data, but typically require sophisticated technology, limiting their use on farms. In this critical review, we evaluate gait assessment methods, discuss the reliability and validity of measures used to date, and point to areas where new research is needed. We show how gait can be affected by hoof and leg pathologies, treatment of these ailments and the pain associated with lameness. We also discuss how cow (e.g. conformation, size and udder fill) and environmental features (e.g. flooring) contribute to variation in the way cows walk. An understanding of all these factors is important to avoid misclassifying of cows and confounding comparisons between herds.  相似文献   

A number of cattle breeds have become highly specialized for milk or beef production, following strong artificial selection for these traits. In this paper, we compare allele frequencies from 9323 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers genotyped in dairy and beef cattle breeds averaged in sliding windows across the genome, with the aim of identifying divergently selected regions of the genome between the production types. The value of the method for identifying selection signatures was validated by four sources of evidence. First, differences in allele frequencies between dairy and beef cattle at individual SNPs were correlated with the effects of those SNPs on production traits. Secondly, large differences in allele frequencies generally occurred in the same location for two independent data sets (correlation 0.45) between sliding window averages. Thirdly, the largest differences in sliding window average difference in allele frequencies were found on chromosome 20 in the region of the growth hormone receptor gene, which carries a mutation known to have an effect on milk production traits in a number of dairy populations. Finally, for the chromosome tested, the location of selection signatures between dairy and beef cattle was correlated with the location of selection signatures within dairy cattle.  相似文献   

Blastocystis is an intestinal protist, commonly found in the human population and in a wide range of animals globally. Currently, isolates from mammalian and avian hosts are classified into 17 subtypes (STs) based on phylogeny of the small subunit rRNA gene (SSU rDNA), of which ten (ST1-9, 12) are reported in humans. ST10 is a major ST reported from livestock cattle. However, other STs including ST1, 3, 4, 5, and 6, which have the potential to be transmitted to humans, are also reported from cattle in several countries. Although a survey has been conducted previously in western Japan for livestock cattle, there is no information available regarding other parts of Japan. Therefore, this study surveyed the prevalence of Blastocystis and its STs in cattle from Kanagawa prefecture, eastern Japan. Fecal specimens, collected from 133 dairy cattle on four different farms, were subjected to a short-term xenic in vitro culture and Blastocystis were identified by microscopic examination. Seventy-two cattle were positive for Blastocystis (54.1%). Direct sequences for the partial SSU rDNA were obtained for 45 samples. Based on nucleotide sequence homology search and phylogenetic analysis, 44 isolates were identified as ST14 and one as ST10. Our study confirms the presence of these STs in dairy cattle in Japan for the first time. The STs identified here, ST10 and ST14, support previous findings that Bovidae may be the natural host for both STs.  相似文献   

AIMS: To determine the prevalence of chronic shedding of Campylobacter species by beef cattle, a longitudinal study of shedding patterns was conducted in a cohort of 60 beef steers over a 4-month period. METHODS AND RESULTS: Steers were maintained in a simulated feedlot setting but individually in pens to minimize transmission among animals. At each collection time, campylobacters in faeces were detected using conventional PCR. In addition, quantities of Campylobacter jejuni and C. lanienae in faeces were measured using real-time quantitative (RTQ) PCR. All of the steers tested shed Campylobacter species during the course of the study, and overall, 90% of the 299 samples tested were positive for Campylobacter DNA. The majority of the animals (86%) shed campylobacters at >/=4 sample times. The most prevalent taxon detected in bovine faeces was C. lanienae (56% of samples) followed by C. jejuni (13%), C. hyointestinalis (8%), and C. fetus (2%). No C. coli was detected, and 13% of the faecal samples contained two or more of the above species. Seven (12%) and 34 (57%) animals shed C. jejuni and C. lanienae at >/=3 sample times, respectively. For both C. lanienae and C. jejuni, a substantial number of cells were detected in faeces using RTQ-PCR; 27% of the samples positive for C. jejuni contained populations >10(4) cells g(-1) (maximum of 5 x 10(5) cells g(-1)), and 44% of samples positive for C. lanienae possessed populations >10(6) cells g(-1) (maximum of 4 x 10(8) cells g(-1)). A significant correlation was observed between shedding of C. lanienae and the severity of liver abscesses. In 27% of the samples, an amplicon was obtained for genus-specific but not for the species-specific primers. Sequencing of the partial 16S rRNA gene suggested the presence of at least two undescribed Campylobacter species but this has yet to be confirmed. CONCLUSIONS: A high percentage of feedlot cattle shed large quantities of Campylobacter species in their faeces over a protracted period of time (ca 112 days). SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This is the first study of longitudinal shedding patterns of campylobacters in beef cattle using PCR-detection methods. In addition, this is the first use of RTQ-PCR to directly quantify C. jejuni or C. lanienae in faeces. The results of the study show that a large number of cattle (>85%) chronically shed campylobacters in feedlots.  相似文献   

We have developed a simple digestion-polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay for a simultaneous transgene detection and sexing of pronucleus-injected bovine preimplantation embryos. Bovine embryos were microinjected with dam-methylated gene construct and cultured in vitro for 6–7 days after the injections. The developed blastocysts and compact morulae were bisected and the embryonic biopsies representing mainly trophoblasts were subjected to the digestion-PCR, while the biopsied embryos remained in culture. Embryonic DNA was released with proteinase K and the samples were digested with a Dpnl-Bal31 mixture before the PCR amplification of the transgene, bovine αS1-casein, and bovine Y-chromosome fragments in the same reaction. The whole assay from biopsy to electrophoresis took less than 6 hr. The digestion removed up to 50 fg of dam-methylated transgene copies (unintegrated or contaminants) and also a few hundred copies of contaminating PCR products from the embryonic samples. The digestion-PCR assay eliminated all transgene contaminations from noninjected blastocysts, which were exposed to the microinjection DNA during the stay in injection chambers, and reduced the amount of transgene-positive embryos among pronucleus-injected blastocysts as compared with unmodified PCR. Analysis of 486 microinjected bovine embryo biopsies in 13 separate experiments revealed that we were able to sex 398 (82%) of the biopsies and 77 (19%) of the biopsies were scored as transgene positive and 57 (14%) as transgene questionable. Upon reanalysis of 41 of the biopsied embryos, 38 (93%) of the embryos were observed to be transgene negative and 2 questionable in both assays and uneven distribution of transgene copies was observed in one embryo. The results from sexing were in accordance with biopsies and remaining embryos in 38 (93%) of the embryos. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

To identify EST-SSR molecular markers, 41,986 cattle UniGene sequences from NCBI were mined for analyzing SSRs. A total of 1,831 SSRs were identified from 1,666 ESTs, which represented an average density of 19.88 kb per SSR. The frequency of EST-SSRs was 4.0%. The dinucleotide repeat motif was the most abundant SSR, accounting for 54%, followed by 22%, 13%, 7% and 4%, respec-tively, for tri-, hexa-, penta- and tetra-nucleotide repeats. Depending upon the length of the repeat unit, the length of microsatellites varied from 14 to 86 bp. Among the di- and tri-nucleotide repeats, AC/TG (57%) and AGC (12%) were the most abundant type. Annotation of EST-SSRs was also carried out. Three hundred primer pairs were randomly designed using Prime Premier 5.0 program and Oligo 5.0 for further experimental validation.  相似文献   

Prevalence and antimicrobial resistance of Campylobacter in US dairy cattle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
AIMS: To obtain an overview of the prevalence and antimicrobial resistance of Campylobacter in faeces of US dairy cows in 2002. METHODS AND RESULTS: Faeces from 1435 cows, representing 96 dairy operations in 21 US states, were collected for the culture of Campylobacter. A total of 735 Campylobacter strains were isolated (51.2% positive samples) with 94 operations positive (97.9%) for Campylobacter. From this collection, 532 isolates (473 Campylobacter jejuni and 59 Campylobacter coli) were randomly selected for susceptibility testing to eight antimicrobials: azithromycin, chloramphenicol, ciprofloxacin, clindamycin, erythromycin, gentamicin, nalidixic acid and tetracycline. The C. jejuni isolates exhibited resistance to tetracycline (47.4%), nalidixic acid (4.0%) and ciprofloxacin (2.5%), while the C. coli strains exhibited some resistance to all antimicrobials except chloramphenicol and ciprofloxacin. Only 3.6% of the C. jejuni isolates were resistant to two or more antimicrobials but 20.3% of the C. coli strains were multiresistant. CONCLUSIONS: On most operations, at least one cow was positive for Campylobacter and more than half of the cows sampled were shedding Campylobacter. The C. coli isolates had significantly higher levels of resistance to macrolides and to tetracycline compared with the C. jejuni strains, but were susceptible to ciprofloxacin. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This study demonstrated a high prevalence of Campylobacter on US dairy operations; however, US dairy cattle have not been recognized as a major source of human infection compared with poultry. Campylobacter coli appears to develop antimicrobial resistance more readily than C. jejuni from the same environment.  相似文献   

Stillbirth is an economically important trait on dairy farms. Knowledge of the consequences of, and the economic losses associated with stillbirth can help the producer when making management decisions. The objectives of this study were to determine the effects of stillbirth on productive and reproductive performance as well as financial losses due to stillbirth incidence in Iranian Holstein dairy farms. Economic and performance data were collected from nine Holstein dairy farms in Isfahan and Khorasan provinces of Iran from March 2008 to December 2013. The final data set included 160 410 calving records from 53 265 cows. A linear mixed model was developed to evaluate the effects of stillbirth on performance of primiparous and multiparous cows separately and overall. An economic model was used to estimate the economic losses due to stillbirth. The incidence of stillbirth cases per cow per year was 4.2% on average (3.4% to 6.8% at herd level). The least square means results showed that a case of stillbirth significantly (P<0.05) reduced 305-day milk production in multiparous cows and overall, but had no significant effects on primiparous cows production performance (P>0.05). Overall, a case of stillbirth reduced 305-day milk yield by 544.0±76.5 kg/cow per lactation. Stillbirth had no significant effects on 305-day fat and protein percentages in either primiparous or multiparous cows. Overall, cows that gave birth to stillborn calves had significantly increased days open by 14.6±2.6 days and the number of inseminations per conception by 0.2 compared with cows that gave birth to live calves (P<0.01). In general, the negative productive and reproductive effects associated with stillbirth were smaller and non-significant for primiparous cows compared with multiparous cows. The financial losses associated with stillbirth incidence averaged US$ 938 per case (range from $US 767 to $US 1189 in the nine investigated farms). The loss of a calf was not the only cost associated with stillbirth, as it accounted for 71.0% of the total cost. The costs of dystocia (7.6%) and culling and replacement expenses (6.3%) were the next most important costs associated with stillbirth. These results can be used to assess the potential return from management strategies to reduce the occurrence of stillbirths.  相似文献   

Effects of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) on conception rate was tested in 379 repeat-breeders in nine large dairy herds in Louisiana. Cattle with three or more services were treated intramuscularly with GnRH at the time of artificial insemination. The conception rate for the repeat-breeders treated with GnRH was significantly greater than for the controls (56 vs 40%). Furthermore, repeat-breeders that were treated with GnRH for two consecutive times at insemination resulted in a 53% increase in conception rate over the controls.  相似文献   

基于DNA池测序法筛选奶牛高信息量SNP标记的可行性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
初芹  李东  侯诗宇  石万海  刘林  王雅春 《遗传》2014,36(7):691-696
首先选择139个牛SNP标记, 利用DNA池测序法, 根据测序峰图中不同碱基信号峰高的比值确定了92个SNP为高信息量标记(比值>1/2); 为了进一步验证筛选的准确性, 对其中59个标记采用基质辅助激光解析电离飞行时间质谱(Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation time-of-flight mass spectrometry, MALDI-TOF MS)技术检测了122头荷斯坦牛的基因型。结果显示, 检出率高于85%的标记有56个, 其平均最小等位基因频率(Minor allele frequency, MAF)为0.41, 最小值为0.27, 最大值为0.5; MAF>0.3的标记有54个, 占96.4%(54/56)。文章结果表明, 采用DNA池测序法筛选高信息量SNP标记是可行和可信的。  相似文献   

Oligonucleotide probes specific for simple tandem repeat sequences produce individual specific DNA fingerprints in man and all animal species tested so far. Here 11 different synthetic probes were hybridized to bovine genomic DNAs which had been digested with the restriction endonucleases HinfI, AluI and HaeIII. Two of these probes gave DNA fingerprint patterns which were analysed for three German breeds. Different parameters were calculated, such as the average number of bands per individual or the probability of finding identical fingerprints in two unrelated individuals. The number of polymorphic bands varies from 11 to 23 in the different breeds and the probability of finding the same banding pattern in two unrelated individuals ranges from 1.5 x 10(-7) to 2.4 x 10(-7). Hence this DNA fingerprinting procedure allows precise identification of individuals. It is also a useful additional method for paternity testing in cattle.  相似文献   

From an extensive review of public domain information on dairy cattle quantitative trait loci (QTL), we have prepared a draft online QTL map for dairy production traits. Most publications (45 out of 55 reviewed) reported QTL for the major milk production traits (milk, fat and protein yield, and fat and protein concentration (%)) and somatic cell score. Relatively few QTL studies have been reported for more complex traits such as mastitis, fertility and health. The collated QTL map shows some chromosomal regions with a high density of QTL, as well as a substantial number of QTL at single chromosomal locations. To extract the most information from these published records, a meta-analysis was conducted to obtain consensus on QTL location and allelic substitution effect of these QTL. This required modification and development of statistical methodologies. The meta-analysis indicated a number of consensus regions, the most striking being two distinct regions affecting milk yield on chromosome 6 at 49 cM and 87 cM explaining 4.2 and 3.6 percent of the genetic variance of milk yield, respectively. The first of these regions (near marker BM143) affects five separate milk production traits (protein yield, protein percent, fat yield, fat percent, as well as milk yield).  相似文献   

The rising global demand for animal products and the growing public concerns about the environment and animal welfare require dairy farms to improve their efficiency and apply more sustainable farming systems. Precision Livestock Farming (PLF) could represent a valuable support in addressing these challenges. In recent years, dairy farms have been modernising and introducing new sensors and automatic systems for managing the herd. However, the diffusion of new technologies in Italian dairy farms is still limited and farmers are reluctant to invest in precision systems. The aim of the study was to investigate the presence of PLF tools in Italian dairy farms, the motivations, benefits and limits of technological investments from the farmers’ point of view and the factors affecting the diffusion of technology. From November 2020 to June 2021, an online questionnaire was distributed and 52 responses were obtained. About 79% of the farms were located in Lombardy. The more represented milking system was the conventional milking parlour (73%), followed by automatic milking (19%). The average age of respondents was quite low: 35% of them was less than 40 years old and more than 50% was between 40 and 60. Statistical analyses were performed to evaluate the effects of different factors on the presence of technology at farm. The age of the farmer, the milk production level and the presence of an automatic milking system influenced the technological level of the farm. Precision systems that provide information on animal activity for the management of reproduction and on milk yield and flow are the most popular and are considered among the most useful. Management of reproduction and milk production are the areas where farmers appear to show interest for future investments as well. Younger farmers appear to have implemented more PLF systems than older ones, and they show a propensity to invest in latest generation precision tools. Farmers seem to have a growing interest in PLF, but some limits have been identified: the investment costs, followed by the lack of time to check information from sensor systems and the difficulty in data interpretation. As PLF technologies can play an important role in the development of sustainable, animal-friendly and efficient livestock production, further improvements and efforts are necessary to increase the propensity to PLF of dairy farmers. Results can be useful in the Italian context but also in other countries where dairy farming is rapidly intensifying but PLF is encountering resistance.  相似文献   

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