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The fungal pathogen Sclerotinia sclerotiorum Libert causes rot diseases on many crops worldwide and large economic losses occur frequently because of a lack of resistant varieties. The pathogenesis of S. sclerotiorum and the molecular basis of plant responses to the pathogen are poorly understood. In the present investigation, the process of S. sclerotiorum infection in Arabidopsis thaliana L., a plant that is highly susceptible to this fungus, was analysed. In addition, the defense activation in the host was investigated. A convenient inoculation method using millet grain was developed for S. sclerotiorum in Arabidopsis. The fungus rapidly infected the plants, probably through ball- or cushion-like infection structures. Visible symptoms developed within 24 h and plants were killed 72 h after inoculation. Cellulase, the main enzyme that caused host tissues to rot, was secreted by S. sclerotiorum in a pH-dependent manner. Oxalic acid, another pathogenic factor secreted by the fungus, induced necrotic lesions on the leaves, infection with S. sclerotiorum strongly induced the production of the pathogenesis-related (PR) proteins β-1,3-glucanase and chitinase in Arabidopsis. Furthermore, the PR gene PDF. 1 was induced, but not PR1, indicating that the pathogen activated basal defense of jasmonic acid/ethylene dependence, which is consistent with its necrotrophic characteristics. This pathosystem for Arabidopsis-S. sclerotiorum could provide an approach for the analysis of the interactions between S. sclerotiorum and other crops, thereby facilitating genetic manipulation techniques for controlling this pathogen.  相似文献   

拟南芥VQ基因家族响应抗性相关激素表达谱分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近年来与WRKY转录因子相互作用的VQ-motif蛋白逐渐引起广泛关注.它是一类植物特异性蛋白,目前在拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)中已鉴定到34个成员,据其所编码氨基酸的序列相似性构建系统进化树,这34个成员聚集成两大簇.实时定量荧光PCR分析表明在SA(水杨酸),MeJA(茉莉酸甲酯),ACC(乙烯前体),ABA(脱落酸)处理下AtVQ基因家族中有多个成员分别受SA,JA,ET高倍诱导,部分成员受SA,JA,ET中两种激素诱导,其中AtVQ3,AtVQ18,AtVQ23和AtVQ24同时受SA,JA,ET诱导,仅AtVQ27受ABA诱导,推测拟南芥VQ家族成员在抗病方面起作用.  相似文献   

Several VQ proteins are recently identified as WRKY factors interacting partners in Arabidopsis and involved in regulating physiological processes. Searching of genomic databases found that VQ gene family is specific to land plants and these VQ genes encode proteins characteristic of a conserved VQ motif. It consists of 34 representatives in Arabidopsis and can be divided into two groups based on the similarity of the amino acid sequences. To understand the functions of Arabidopsis VQ proteins, we examined the expression profiles of AtVQ genes in various defense related hormones treatments. qRT PCR analysis revealed that a majority of them were differently regulated in response to salicylic acid (SA), methyl jasmonate (MeJA), or 1 aminocyclopropane 1 carboxylate (ACC). And some members are induced by two of these three hormones. Moreover, four members (AtVQ3, AtVQ18, AtVQ23 and AtVQ24) are induced by SA, MeJA and ACC simultaneity. However, there is only one AtVQ gene (AtVQ27) is up regulated after spraying of abscisic acid (ABA). These results suggest that Arabidopsis VQ genes may be involved in plant defense responses.  相似文献   

Research has established that mutations in highly conserved amino acids of the succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) complex in various fungi confer SDH inhibitor (SDHI) resistance. For Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) de Bary, a necrotrophic fungus with a broad host range and a worldwide distribution, boscalid resistance has been attributed to the mutation H132R in the highly conserved SdhD subunit protein of the SDH complex. In our previous study, however, only one point mutation, A11V in SdhB (GCA to GTA change in SdhB), was detected in S. sclerotiorum boscalid‐resistant (BR) mutants. In the current study, replacement of the SdhB gene in a boscalid‐sensitive (BS) S. sclerotiorum strain with the mutant SdhB gene conferred resistance. Compared with wild‐type strains, BR and GSM (SdhB gene in the wild‐type strain replaced by the mutant SdhB gene) mutants were more sensitive to osmotic stress, lacked the ability to produce sclerotia and exhibited lower expression of the pac1 gene. Importantly, the point mutation was not located in the highly conserved sequence of the iron–sulfur subunit of SDH. These results suggest that resistance based on non‐conserved vs. conserved protein domains differs in mechanism. In addition to increasing our understanding of boscalid resistance in S. sclerotiorum, the new information will be useful for the development of alternative antifungal drugs.  相似文献   

Infections with Salmonella enterica belong to the most prominent causes of food poisoning and infected fruits and vegetables represent important vectors for salmonellosis. Recent evidence indicates that plants recognize S. enterica and raise defense responses. Nonetheless, the molecular mechanisms controlling the interaction of S. enterica with plants are still largely unclear. Here, we show that flagellin from S. enterica represents a prominent pathogenassociated molecular pattern (PAMP) in Arabidopsis thaliana, which induces PAMP-triggered immunity (PTI) via the recognition of the fig22 domain by the receptor kinase FLS2. The Arabidopsis fls2 mutant shows reduced though not abolished PTI activation, indicating that plants rely also on recognition of other S. enterica PAMPs. Interestingly, the S. enterica type III secretion system (T3SS) mutant prgH- induced stronger defense gene expression than wild-type bacteria in Arabidopsis, suggesting that T3SS effectors are involved in defense suppression. Furthermore, we observe that S. enterica strains show variation in the fig22 epitope, which results in proteins with reduced PTI-inducing activity. Altogether, these results show that S. enterica activates PTI in Arabidopsis and suggest that, in order to accomplish plant colonization, S. enterica evolved strategies to avoid or suppress PTI.  相似文献   

蔊菜幼苗抗菌核病及抗旱和耐湿特性的鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以3个甘蓝型油菜(Brassica napus L.)品种‘中油821’(‘Zhongyou No.821’)、‘中双9号’(‘ZhongshuangNo.9’)及‘中油杂2号’(‘Zhongyouza No.2’)为对照,采用离体叶片菌丝块接种法、人工模拟干旱和湿害胁迫处理法对蔊菜〔Rorippa indica(L.)Hiern〕的抗菌核病〔Sclerotinia sclerotiorum(Lib.)de Bary〕、抗旱和耐湿特性进行了鉴定。结果表明:菌核病菌接种后,蔊菜幼苗叶片的病斑直径为1.75 cm,极显著小于3个甘蓝型油菜品种的病斑直径(3.25~3.60 cm)。经干旱胁迫后,3个油菜品种的幼苗严重萎蔫,茎粗、根长以及地上部分、根和全株的鲜质量和干质量均极显著低于对照;蔊菜幼苗轻度萎蔫,仅茎粗和根鲜质量分别极显著和显著低于对照,其他生长指标与对照差异不显著;蔊菜幼苗各生长指标的伤害指数均显著或极显著低于3个油菜品种。经湿害胁迫后,蔊菜和3个油菜品种幼苗的总叶片数和绿叶数较对照明显减少、黄叶数增加,但蔊菜幼苗的黄叶数显著少于3个油菜品种;3个油菜品种幼苗的茎粗、根长以及地上部分、根和全株的鲜质量和干质量总体上显著或极显著低于对照,而蔊菜幼苗仅茎粗、根长和根干质量显著低于对照,其他生长指标与对照差异不显著;蔊菜幼苗的茎粗,根长,地上部分、根和全株的鲜质量以及根和全株的干质量的伤害指数均显著或极显著低于3个油菜品种。研究结果显示:蔊菜对菌核病的抗性及抗旱和耐湿性均强于供试的3个甘蓝型油菜品种,是十字花科(Brassiaceae)中对菌核病抗性强、抗旱耐湿的优质基因源。  相似文献   

Multi-vesicular bodies in endocytosis and protoplasts are special cellular structures that are consid-ered to be originated from invagination of plasma membranes. However, the genesis and function of multi-vesicular bodies, the relationship with Golgi bodies and cell walls, and their secretory pathways remain controversial and ambiguous. Using a monoclonal antibody against an animal 58K protein, we have detected, by Western blotting and confocal microscopy, that a 58K-like protein is present in the calli of Arabidopsis thaliana and Hypericum perforatum. The results of immuno-electron microscopy showed that the 58K-like protein was located in the cisternae of Golgi bodies, secretory vesicles, multi-vesicular bodies, cell walls and vacuoles in callus of Arabidopsis thaliana, suggesting that the multi-vesicular bodies may be originated from Golgi bodies and function as a transporter carrying substances synthesized in Golgi bodies to cell walls and vacuoles. It seems that multi-vesicular bodies have a close relationship with the development of the cell wall and vacuole. The possible secretory pathways of multi-vesicular bodies might be in exocytosis, in which multi-vesicular bodies carry sub-stances to the cell wall for its construction, and in endocytosis, in which multi-vesicular bodies carry substances to the vacuole for its development, depending on what they carry and where the materials are transported. We hence propose that there is more than one pathway for the secretion of multi-vesicular bodies. In addition, our results provided a paradigm that a plant molecule, such as the 58k-like protein in callus of Arabidopsis thaliana, can be detected using a cross-reactive monoclonal antibody induced by an animal protein, and illustrate the existence of analog molecules in both animal and plant kingdoms.  相似文献   

In this study, sensitivities of 156 Sclerotinia sclerotiorum isolates collected from sunflower fields of West Azarbaijan province, Iran, were assessed to carbendazim and iprodione, and the baseline sensitivities were established for azoxystrobin and tebuconazole. Resistance to carbendazim and iprodione was observed in 53.85% and 4.49% of the isolates, respectively. The 50% effective concentration (EC50) values of azoxystrobin for the isolates ranged from 0.017 to 3.515 μg/ml with a mean of 0.330 μg/ml, and 8.97% of the strains showed low levels of resistance to the fungicide. However, in the presence of salicylhydroxamic acid, all isolates were sensitive to azoxystrobin and EC50 values ranged from 0.015 to 0.263 μg/ml with a mean of 0.086 μg/ml. All isolates were found to be sensitive to tebuconazole, and EC50 values ranged from 0.003 to 0.177 μg/ml with a mean of 0.036 μg/ml. Among the multiple-resistant isolates, the strains exhibiting resistance to both carbendazim and iprodione were detected in the highest frequency (4.49%). No correlation was observed between mycelial growth and aggressiveness with fungicide sensitivity of the isolates suggesting the absence of fitness cost associated with resistance to the studied fungicides. The results indicated that iprodione, azoxystrobin and tebuconazole could be effectively used in rotation or mixture in spray programmes to manage S. sclerotiorum in the region. The baselines established for azoxystrobin and tebuconazole would be useful in monitoring the fungal populations in the province to assess possible shifts in fungicide sensitivity of S. sclerotiorum isolates in the future.  相似文献   

Two related protein phosphatases 2C, ABI1 and AtPP2CA have been implicated as negative regulators of ABA signalling. In this study we characterized the role of AtPP2CA in cold acclimation. The pattern of expression of AtPP2CA and ABI1 was studied in different tissues and in response to abiotic stresses. The expression of both AtPP2CA and ABI1 was induced by low temperature, drought, high salt and ABA. The cold and drought-induced expression of these genes was ABA-dependent, but divergent in various ABA signalling mutants. In addition, the two PP2C genes exhibited differences in their tissue-specific expression as well as in temporal induction in response to low temperature. To elucidate the function of AtPP2CA in cold acclimation further, the corresponding gene was silenced by antisense inhibition. Transgenic antisense plants exhibited clearly accelerated development of freezing tolerance. Both exposure to low temperature and application of ABA resulted in enhanced freezing tolerance in antisense plants. These plants displayed increased sensitivity to ABA both during development of frost tolerance and during seed germination, but not in their drought responses. Furthermore, the expression of cold-and ABA-induced genes was enhanced in transgenic antisense plants. Our results suggest that AtPP2CA is a negative regulator of ABA responses during cold acclimation.  相似文献   

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