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Seizure forecasting has the potential to create new therapeutic strategies for epilepsy, such as providing patient warnings and delivering preemptive therapy. Progress on seizure forecasting, however, has been hindered by lack of sufficient data to rigorously evaluate the hypothesis that seizures are preceded by physiological changes, and are not simply random events. We investigated seizure forecasting in three dogs with naturally occurring focal epilepsy implanted with a device recording continuous intracranial EEG (iEEG). The iEEG spectral power in six frequency bands: delta (0.1–4 Hz), theta (4–8 Hz), alpha (8–12 Hz), beta (12–30 Hz), low-gamma (30–70 Hz), and high-gamma (70–180 Hz), were used as features. Logistic regression classifiers were trained to discriminate labeled pre-ictal and inter-ictal data segments using combinations of the band spectral power features. Performance was assessed on separate test data sets via 10-fold cross-validation. A total of 125 spontaneous seizures were detected in continuous iEEG recordings spanning 6.5 to 15 months from 3 dogs. When considering all seizures, the seizure forecasting algorithm performed significantly better than a Poisson-model chance predictor constrained to have the same time in warning for all 3 dogs over a range of total warning times. Seizure clusters were observed in all 3 dogs, and when the effect of seizure clusters was decreased by considering the subset of seizures separated by at least 4 hours, the forecasting performance remained better than chance for a subset of algorithm parameters. These results demonstrate that seizures in canine epilepsy are not randomly occurring events, and highlight the feasibility of long-term seizure forecasting using iEEG monitoring.  相似文献   

Small animal computed tomography (CT) has poor intrinsic soft tissue contrast, limiting evaluation of intra-abdominal structures. Using standard intravascular-extracellular intravenous contrast (IE-IV) alone is theoretically limited by long acquisition times of traditional small animal scanners that may result in equilibration. We assessed whether a negative contrast strategy of enhancing normal tissue surrounding tumor, instead of the tumor itself, can visualize and quantify intraperitoneal (IP) cancer in a mouse model. Two and a half weeks after IP injection of Hey A8 cells, four groups of three animals each were administered serial dilutions of IV Fenestra LC (RES-IV), oral Gastroview, and IP Optiray 320. Another group of three animals was administered IV Optiray 320 (IE-IV), oral Gastroview, and IP Optiray 320 in successive combinations. Both groups were imaged by CT. Tumor and organ Hounsfield units were measured, and visualization was assessed. With increasing contrast amount, the Hounsfield unit of organs generally increased, whereas that of tumor remained essentially stable. The visualization of abdominal organs and tumor also generally increased with increasing contrast amount. Visualization of tumor and its margins adjacent to liver, spleen, and stomach was significantly better on administering RES-IV. However, for tumor adjacent to bladder, both IE-IV and RES-IV were equivalent. In vivo CT-derived tumor weights correlated highly with ex vivo tumor weights (r = 0.96, P < .0001, n = 15). Thus, CT using negative contrast enhancement strategy allows visualization and quantification of IP tumors. Such a strategy will also enable anatomic localization of functional signal for combination/molecular imaging.  相似文献   

BackgroundCytotoxic chemotherapy can be very effective for the treatment of cancer but toxicity on normal tissues often limits patient tolerance and often causes long-term adverse effects. The objective of this study was to assist in the preclinical development of using modified, non-living bacterially-derived minicells to deliver the potent chemotherapeutic doxorubicin via epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) targeting. Specifically, this study sought to evaluate the safety and efficacy of EGFR targeted, doxorubicin loaded minicells (designated EGFRminicellsDox) to deliver doxorubicin to spontaneous brain tumors in 17 companion dogs; a comparative oncology model of human brain cancers.Conclusions/SignificanceTargeted minicells loaded with doxorubicin were safely administered to dogs with late stage brain cancer and clinical activity was observed. These findings demonstrate the strong potential for clinical applications of targeted, doxorubicin-loaded minicells for the effective treatment of patients with brain cancer. On this basis, we have designed a Phase 1 clinical study of EGFR-targeted, doxorubicin-loaded minicells for effective treatment of human patients with recurrent glioblastoma.  相似文献   

By dual labeling a targeting moiety with both nuclear and optical probes, the ability for noninvasive imaging and intraoperative guidance may be possible. Herein, the ability to detect metastasis in an immunocompetent animal model of human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER-2)-positive cancer metastases using positron emission tomography (PET) and near-infrared (NIR) fluorescence imaging is demonstrated. METHODS: (64Cu-DOTA)n-trastuzumab-(IRDye800)m was synthesized, characterized, and administered to female Balb/c mice subcutaneously inoculated with highly metastatic 4T1.2neu/R breast cancer cells. (64Cu-DOTA)n-trastuzumab-(IRDye800)m (150 µg, 150 µCi, m = 2, n = 2) was administered through the tail vein at weeks 2 and 6 after implantation, and PET/computed tomography and NIR fluorescence imaging were performed 24 hours later. Results were compared with the detection capabilities of F-18 fluorodeoxyglucose (18FDG-PET). RESULTS: Primary tumors were visualized with 18FDG and (64Cu-DOTA)n-trastuzumab-(IRDye800)m, but resulting metastases were identified only with the dual-labeled imaging agent. 64Cu-PET imaging detected lung metastases, whereas ex vivo NIR fluorescence showed uptake in regions of lung, skin, skeletal muscle, and lymph nodes, which corresponded with the presence of cancer cells as confirmed by histologic hematoxylin and eosin stains. In addition to detecting the agent in lymph nodes, the high signal-to-noise ratio from NIR fluorescence imaging enabled visualization of channels between the primary tumor and the axillary lymph nodes, suggesting a lymphatic route for trafficking cancer cells. Because antibody clearance occurs through the liver, we could not distinguish between nonspecific uptake and liver metastases. CONCLUSION: (64Cu-DOTA)n-trastuzumab-(IRDye800)m may be an effective diagnostic imaging agent for staging HER-2-positive breast cancer patients and intraoperative resection.  相似文献   

X-ray phase-contrast imaging shows improved soft-tissue contrast compared to standard absorption-based X-ray imaging. Especially the grating-based method seems to be one promising candidate for clinical implementation due to its extendibility to standard laboratory X-ray sources. Therefore the purpose of our study was to evaluate the potential of grating-based phase-contrast computed tomography in combination with a novel bi-lateral denoising method for imaging of focal liver lesions in an ex vivo feasibility study. Our study shows that grating-based phase-contrast CT (PCCT) significantly increases the soft-tissue contrast in the ex vivo liver specimens. Combining the information of both signals – absorption and phase-contrast – the bi-lateral filtering leads to an improvement of lesion detectability and higher contrast-to-noise ratios. The normal and the pathological tissue can be clearly delineated and even internal structures of the pathological tissue can be visualized, being invisible in the absorption-based CT alone. Histopathology confirmed the presence of the corresponding findings in the analyzed tissue. The results give strong evidence for a sufficiently high contrast for different liver lesions using non-contrast-enhanced PCCT. Thus, ex vivo imaging of liver lesions is possible with a polychromatic X-ray source and at a spatial resolution of ∼100 µm. The post-processing with the novel bi-lateral denoising method improves the image quality by combining the information from the absorption and the phase-contrast images.  相似文献   

《Endocrine practice》2009,15(6):521-527
ObjectiveTo determine whether positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) and indium In 111 pentetreotide, individually or collectively, predict the outcome of patients with neuroendocrine tumors (NETs).MethodsBetween July 31, 2002, and May 4, 2007, 29 patients with previously diagnosed NETs underwent both PET/CT and indium In 111 pentetreotide imaging at our institution. The images were evaluated for the presence of abnormalities. Clinical outcomes were classified as survival without major morbidities, survival with severe complications of disease, or death. Time to outcome was measured in months from the imaging date to outcome. Kaplan-Meier survival curves were calculated in which patient outcome was compared with results on PET/CT and indium In 111 pentetreotide imaging.ResultsOf the 29 patients, 9 had abnormalities on both PET/CT and indium In 111 pentetreotide imaging. Two patients had abnormal findings on PET/CT but normal findings on pentetreotide imaging. In 5 patients, findings were normal on PET/CT but abnormal on pentetreotide imaging. In 13 patients, normal findings were noted on both PET/CT and pentetreotide imaging. Kaplan-Meier analysis demonstrated a significant survival advantage for patients who had normal findings on PET/CT in comparison with abnormal PET/CT findings (P = .01). Patients with normal findings on indium In 111 pentetreotide imaging had a higher but insignificant survival advantage over those with abnormal results on pentetreotide imaging (P = .08).ConclusionFor evaluation of NETs, PET/CT and indium In 111 pentetreotide are complementary. Increased metabolic activity in tumor cells is reflected by abnormalities on PET/CT. Patients who had abnormal PET/CT findings had a generally poorer prognosis and a more rapid clinical deterioration than those with normal PET/CT findings. (Endocr Pract. 2009;15:521-527)  相似文献   

Tumor extracellular matrix has abundance of cancer related proteins that can be used as biomarkers for cancer molecular imaging. In this work, we demonstrated effective MR cancer molecular imaging with a small molecular peptide targeted Gd-DOTA monoamide complex as a targeted MRI contrast agent specific to clotted plasma proteins in tumor stroma. We performed the experiment of evaluating the effectiveness of the agent for non-invasive detection of prostate tumor with MRI in a mouse orthotopic PC-3 prostate cancer model. The targeted contrast agent was effective to produce significant tumor contrast enhancement at a low dose of 0.03 mmol Gd/kg. The peptide targeted MRI contrast agent is promising for MR molecular imaging of prostate tumor.  相似文献   

This paper presents a phase detection algorithm for four-dimensional (4D) cardiac computed tomography (CT) analysis. The algorithm detects a phase, i.e. a specific three-dimensional (3D) image out of several time-distributed 3D images, with high contrast in the left ventricle and low contrast in the right ventricle. The purpose is to use the automatically detected phase in an existing algorithm that automatically aligns the images along the heart axis. Decision making is based on the contrast agent distribution over time. It was implemented in KardioPerfusion – a software framework currently being developed for 4D CT myocardial perfusion analysis. Agreement of the phase detection algorithm with two reference readers was 97% (95% CI: 82–100%). Mean duration for detection was 0.020 s (95% CI: 0.018–0.022 s), which was times less than the readers needed (s, ). Thus, this algorithm is an accurate and fast tool that can improve work flow of clinical examinations.  相似文献   

Angiogenesis is an essential feature of cancer growth and metastasis formation. In bone metastasis, angiogenic factors are pivotal for tumor cell proliferation in the bone marrow cavity as well as for interaction of tumor and bone cells resulting in local bone destruction. Our aim was to develop a model of experimental bone metastasis that allows in vivo assessment of angiogenesis in skeletal lesions using non-invasive imaging techniques.For this purpose, we injected 105 MDA-MB-231 human breast cancer cells into the superficial epigastric artery, which precludes the growth of metastases in body areas other than the respective hind leg1. Following 25-30 days after tumor cell inoculation, site-specific bone metastases develop, restricted to the distal femur, proximal tibia and proximal fibula1. Morphological and functional aspects of angiogenesis can be investigated longitudinally in bone metastases using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), volumetric computed tomography (VCT) and ultrasound (US).MRI displays morphologic information on the soft tissue part of bone metastases that is initially confined to the bone marrow cavity and subsequently exceeds cortical bone while progressing. Using dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI (DCE-MRI) functional data including regional blood volume, perfusion and vessel permeability can be obtained and quantified2-4. Bone destruction is captured in high resolution using morphological VCT imaging. Complementary to MRI findings, osteolytic lesions can be located adjacent to sites of intramedullary tumor growth. After contrast agent application, VCT angiography reveals the macrovessel architecture in bone metastases in high resolution, and DCE-VCT enables insight in the microcirculation of these lesions5,6. US is applicable to assess morphological and functional features from skeletal lesions due to local osteolysis of cortical bone. Using B-mode and Doppler techniques, structure and perfusion of the soft tissue metastases can be evaluated, respectively. DCE-US allows for real-time imaging of vascularization in bone metastases after injection of microbubbles7.In conclusion, in a model of site-specific breast cancer bone metastases multi-modal imaging techniques including MRI, VCT and US offer complementary information on morphology and functional parameters of angiogenesis in these skeletal lesions.  相似文献   

目的:探讨肾细胞癌多层螺旋CT(MSCT)灌注成像特征,并研究其临床应用价值。方法:肾癌患者69例,采用64排多层螺旋CT对其肾脏进行平扫及灌注增强扫描,使用renal tumor perfusion软件对图像进行后处理,自动生成时间-密度曲线(TDC),各种灌注图像及感兴趣区(ROI)内的灌注参数,包括血流量(BF)、血容量(BV)、平均通过时间(MTT)及表面通透性(PS),将得到的灌注参数分别进行统计分析。结果:肾癌肿块灌注参数与已测得的正常肾皮质各灌注参数值均存在显著性差异(P值均<0.01),其中,正常肾皮质的BF值、BV值及PS值均高于肾癌组织,MTT值则相反;肾癌肿块灌注参数与已测得的正常肾髓质各灌注参数值同样存在显著性差异(p值均<0.01),正常肾髓质各灌注参数值均低于肾癌组织,而PS值二者之间差别不显著(P<0.05);肾癌患者健侧肾皮髓质灌注参数值与已测得的正常肾皮髓质各灌注参数值及肾癌患者癌旁正常肾皮髓质各灌注参数值,三者之间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论:多层螺旋CT(MSCT)灌注成像在显示肾脏形态的同时,还可定量测量皮髓质的血流灌注情况,间接反映肾脏生理特征。  相似文献   



Obstructed nephropathy is a common complication of several disease processes. Accurate evaluation of the functional status of the obstructed kidney is important to achieve a good outcome. The purpose of this study was to investigate renal cortical and medullary perfusion changes associated with unilateral ureteral obstruction (UUO) using whole-organ perfusion imaging with 320-detector row computed tomography (CT).

Methodology/Principle Findings

Sixty-four patients with UUO underwent whole-organ CT perfusion imaging. Patients were divided into 3 groups, mild, moderate, and severe, based on hydronephrosis severity. Twenty sex- and age-matched patients without renal disease, who referred to abdominal CT, were chosen as control subjects. Mean cortical and medullary perfusion parameters of obstructed and contralateral kidneys were compared, and mean perfusion ratios between obstructed and contralateral kidneys were calculated and compared. Mean cortical or medullary blood flow (BF) and blood volume (BV) of the obstructed kidneys in the moderate UUO and BF, BV, and clearance (CL) in the severe UUO were significantly lower than those of the contralateral kidneys (p < 0.05). The mean cortical or medullary BF of the obstructed kidney in the moderate UUO, and BF, BV, and CL in the severe UUO were significantly lower than those of the kidneys in control subjects (p < 0.05). Mean cortical or medullary BF of the non-obstructed kidneys in the severe UUO were statistically greater than that of normal kidneys in control subjects (p < 0.05). An inverse correlation was observed between cortical and medullary perfusion ratios and grades of hydronephosis (p < 0.01).


Perfusion measurements of the whole kidney can be obtained with 320-detector row CT, and estimated perfusion ratios have potential for quantitatively evaluating UUO renal injury grades.  相似文献   

Macrophages are key-cells in the initiation, the development and the regulation of the inflammatory response to bacterial infection. Macrophages are intensively and increasingly recruited in septic joints from the early phases of infection and the infiltration is supposed to regress once efficient removal of the pathogens is obtained. The ability to identify in vivo macrophage activity in an infected joint can therefore provide two main applications: early detection of acute synovitis and monitoring of therapy.In vivo noninvasive detection of macrophages can be performed with magnetic resonance imaging using iron nanoparticles such as ultrasmall superparamagnetic iron oxide (USPIO). After intravascular or intraarticular administration, USPIO are specifically phagocytized by activated macrophages, and, due to their magnetic properties, induce signal changes in tissues presenting macrophage infiltration. A quantitative evaluation of the infiltrate is feasible, as the area with signal loss (number of dark pixels) observed on gradient echo MR images after particles injection is correlated with the amount of iron within the tissue and therefore reflects the number of USPIO-loaded cells.We present here a protocol to perform macrophage imaging using USPIO-enhanced MR imaging in an animal model of septic arthritis, allowing an initial and longitudinal in vivo noninvasive evaluation of macrophages infiltration and an assessment of therapy action.  相似文献   



The objectives of this study were to evaluate the influence of iterative reconstruction (IR) on pulmonary nodule volumetry with chest computed tomography (CT).


Twenty patients (12 women and 8 men, mean age 61.9, range 32–87) underwent evaluation of pulmonary nodules with a 64-slice CT-scanner. Data were reconstructed using filtered back projection (FBP) and IR (Philips Healthcare, iDose4-levels 2, 4 and 6) at similar radiation dose. Volumetric nodule measurements were performed with semi-automatic software on thin slice reconstructions. Only solid pulmonary nodules were measured, no additional selection criteria were used for the nature of nodules. For intra-observer and inter-observer variability, measurements were performed once by one observer and twice by another observer. Algorithms were compared using the concordance correlation-coefficient (pc) and Friedman-test, and post-hoc analysis with the Wilcoxon-signed ranks-test with Bonferroni-correction (significance-level p<0.017).


Seventy-eight nodules were present including 56 small nodules (volume<200 mm3, diameter<8 mm) and 22 large nodules (volume≥200 mm3, diameter≥8 mm). No significant differences in measured pulmonary nodule volumes between FBP, iDose4-levels 2, 4 and 6 were found in both small nodules and large nodules. FBP and iDose4-levels 2, 4 and 6 were correlated with pc-values of 0.98 or higher for both small and large nodules. Pc-values of intra-observer and inter-observer variability were 0.98 or higher.


Measurements of solid pulmonary nodule volume measured with standard-FBP were comparable with IR, regardless of the IR-level and no significant differences between measured volumes of both small and large solid nodules were found.  相似文献   

The vasculature of body tissues is continuously subject to remodeling processes originating at the micro-vascular level. The formation of new blood vessels (angiogenesis) is essential for a number of physiological and pathophysiological processes such as tissue regeneration, tumor development and the integration of artificial tissues. There are currently no time-lapsed in vivo imaging techniques providing information on the vascular network at the capillary level in a non-destructive, three-dimensional and high-resolution fashion. This paper presents a novel imaging framework based on contrast enhanced micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) for hierarchical in vivo quantification of blood vessels in mice, ranging from largest to smallest structures. The framework combines for the first time a standard morphometric approach with densitometric analysis. Validation tests showed that the method is precise and robust. Furthermore, the framework is sensitive in detecting different perfusion levels after the implementation of a murine ischemia-reperfusion model. Correlation with both histological data and micro-CT analysis of vascular corrosion casts confirmed accuracy of the method. The newly developed time-lapsed imaging approach shows high potential for in vivo monitoring of a number of different physiological and pathological conditions in angiogenesis and vascular development.  相似文献   



Patients undergoing hemodialysis treatment have a six-fold increased risk for stroke relative to the general population. However, the effect of hemodialysis on cerebral blood flow is poorly studied and confounding factors like blood pressure and ultrafiltration as well as temperature changes have rarely been accounted for. The aim of our study was to use state-of-the-art technology to evaluate the effect of a single dialysis session on cerebral perfusion as well as on vascular stiffness.


Chronic hemodialysis patients (7 male/3 female, mean age 58 years) were recruited. Cerebral blood flow and arterial pulse wave velocity were measured before and immediately after a hemodialysis session. To exclude effects of volume changes we kept ultrafiltration to a minimum, allowing no change in body weight. Isothermic conditions were maintained by using the GENIUS single-pass batch-dialysis system with a high-flux polysulfone dialyser. Cerebral blood flow was measured by contrast-enhanced computed tomography. Pulse wave velocity was measured using the SphygmoCor (AtCor Medical, USA) device by a single operator.


This study shows for the first time that isovolemic, isothermic hemodialysis neither affected blood pressure or heart rate, nor total or regional cerebral perfusion. There was also no change in pulse wave velocity.


Mechanisms other than the dialysis procedure itself might be causative for the high incidence of ischemic strokes in this patient population. Moreover, the sole removal of uremic toxins does not lead to short-term effects on vascular stiffness, underlying the importance of volume control in this patient population.  相似文献   

The maternally inherited mitochondrial genome (mtDNA) is present in multimeric form within cells and harbors sequence variants (heteroplasmy). While a single mtDNA variant at high load can cause disease, naturally occurring variants likely persist at low levels across generations of healthy populations. To determine how naturally occurring variants are segregated and transmitted, we generated a mini-pig model, which originates from the same maternal ancestor. Following next-generation sequencing, we identified a series of low-level mtDNA variants in blood samples from the female founder and her daughters. Four variants, ranging from 3% to 20%, were selected for validation by high-resolution melting analysis in 12 tissues from 31 animals across three generations. All four variants were maintained in the offspring, but variant load fluctuated significantly across the generations in several tissues, with sex-specific differences in heart and liver. Moreover, variant load was persistently reduced in high-respiratory organs (heart, brain, diaphragm, and muscle), which correlated significantly with higher mtDNA copy number. However, oocytes showed increased heterogeneity in variant load, which correlated with increased mtDNA copy number during in vitro maturation. Altogether, these outcomes show that naturally occurring mtDNA variants segregate and are maintained in a tissue-specific manner across generations. This segregation likely involves the maintenance of selective mtDNA variants during organogenesis, which can be differentially regulated in oocytes and preimplantation embryos during maturation.  相似文献   

The purpose of our study was to validate perfusion quantification in a low-perfused tissue by dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (DCE-MRI) with shared k-space sampling using a blood pool contrast agent. Perfusion measurements were performed in a total of seven female pigs. An ultrasonic Doppler probe was attached to the right femoral artery to determine total flow in the hind leg musculature. The femoral artery was catheterized for continuous local administration of adenosine to increase blood flow up to four times the baseline level. Three different stable perfusion levels were induced. The MR protocol included a 3D gradient-echo sequence with a temporal resolution of approximately 1.5 seconds. Before each dynamic sequence, static MR images were acquired with flip angles of 5°, 10°, 20°, and 30°. Both static and dynamic images were used to generate relaxation rate and baseline magnetization maps with a flip angle method. 0.1 mL/kg body weight of blood pool contrast medium was injected via a central venous catheter at a flow rate of 5 mL/s. The right hind leg was segmented in 3D into medial, cranial, lateral, and pelvic thigh muscles, lower leg, bones, skin, and fat. The arterial input function (AIF) was measured in the aorta. Perfusion of the different anatomic regions was calculated using a one- and a two-compartment model with delay- and dispersion-corrected AIFs. The F-test for model comparison was used to decide whether to use the results of the one- or two-compartment model fit. Total flow was calculated by integrating volume-weighted perfusion values over the whole measured region. The resulting values of delay, dispersion, blood volume, mean transit time, and flow were all in physiologically and physically reasonable ranges. In 107 of 160 ROIs, the blood signal was separated, using a two-compartment model, into a capillary and an arteriolar signal contribution, decided by the F-test. Overall flow in hind leg muscles, as measured by the ultrasound probe, highly correlated with total flow determined by MRI, R = 0.89 and P = 10−7. Linear regression yielded a slope of 1.2 and a y-axis intercept of 259 mL/min. The mean total volume of the investigated muscle tissue corresponds to an offset perfusion of 4.7mL/(min ⋅ 100cm3). The DCE-MRI technique presented here uses a blood pool contrast medium in combination with a two-compartment tracer kinetic model and allows absolute quantification of low-perfused non-cerebral organs such as muscles.  相似文献   



The aim of this study was to investigate the correlation of the qualitative transmural extent of hypoperfusion areas (HPA) using stress dynamic whole-heart computed tomography perfusion (CTP) imaging by 256-slice CT with CTP-derived myocardial blood flow (MBF) for the estimation of the severity of coronary artery stenosis.

Methods and Results

Eleven patients underwent adenosine triphosphate (0.16 mg/kg/min, 5 min) stress dynamic CTP by 256-slice CT (coverage: 8 cm, 0.27 s/rotation), and 9 of the 11 patients underwent coronary angiography (CAG). Stress dynamic CTP (whole–heart datasets over 30 consecutive heart beats in systole without spatial and temporal gaps) was acquired with prospective ECG gating (effective radiation dose: 10.4 mSv). The extent of HPAs was visually graded using a 3-point score (normal, subendocardial, transmural). MBF (ml/100g/min) was measured by deconvolution. Differences in MBF (mean ± standard error) according to HPA and CAG results were evaluated. In 27 regions (3 major coronary territories in 9 patients), 11 coronary stenoses (> 50% reduction in diameter) were observed. In 353 myocardial segments, HPA was significantly related to MBF (P < 0.05; normal 295 ± 94; subendocardial 186 ± 67; and transmural 80 ± 53). Coronary territory analysis revealed a significant relationship between coronary stenosis severity and MBF (P < 0.05; non-significant stenosis [< 50%], 284 ± 97; moderate stenosis [50–70%], 184 ± 74; and severe stenosis [> 70%], 119 ± 69).


The qualitative transmural extent of HPA using stress whole-heart dynamic CTP imaging by 256-slice CT exhibits a good correlation with quantitative CTP-derived MBF and may aid in assessing the hemodynamic significance of coronary artery disease.  相似文献   

《Translational oncology》2020,13(1):92-101
To evaluate hepatobiliary-specific contrast agent (CA) mangafodipir trisodium (Mn-DPDP)–enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for predicting the therapeutic efficacy of the vascular disrupting agent combretastatin A4 phosphate (CA4P) in rats with primary and secondary liver tumors, 36 primary hepatocellular carcinomas (HCCs) were raised by diethylnitrosamine gavage in 16 male rats, in 6 of which one rhabdomyosarcomas (R1) was intrahepatically implanted as secondary liver tumors. On a 3.0T MR scanner with a wrist coil, tumors were monitored weekly by T2-/T1-weighted images (T2WI/T1WI) and characterized by Mn-DPDP-enhanced MRI. CA4P-induced intratumoral necrosis was depicted by nonspecific gadoterate meglumine (Gd-DOTA)–enhanced MRI before and 12 h after therapy. Changes of tumor-to-liver contrast (ΔT/L) on Mn-DPDP-enhanced images were analyzed. In vivo MRI findings were verified by postmortem microangiography and histopathology. Rat models of primary HCCs in a full spectrum of differentiation and secondary R1 liver tumors were successfully generated. Mn-DPDP-enhanced ΔT/L was negatively correlated with HCC differentiation grade (P < 0.01). After treatment with CA4P, more extensive tumoral necrosis was found in highly differentiated HCCs than that in moderately and poorly differentiated ones (P < 0.01); nearly complete necrosis was induced in secondary liver tumors. Mn-DPDP-enhanced MRI may help in imaging diagnosis of primary and secondary liver malignancies of different cellular differentiations and further in predicting CA4P therapeutic efficacy in primary HCCs and intrahepatic metastases.  相似文献   

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