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1. The smooth-and rough-microsomal and the light and heavy plasma-membrane fractions of mouse liver homogenates were prepared and characterized by using biochemical markers. 2. The hexosamine/protein ratio was threefold higher in the plasma membranes than in the smooth-microsomal fraction. Glucosamine was bound only to protein, and galactosamine was attached mainly to lipids. 3. [(3)H]-Leucine and [(14)C]glucosamine were injected into animals and the rates of incorporation of radioactivity into the fractions were determined. Both precursors were rapidly incorporated into the microsomal fractions, but plasma membranes showed a slower rate of synthesis which reached a maximum at 2-4h after intravenous administration. 4. The light- and heavy-plasma-membrane fractions showed similar patterns of incorporation, and therefore a precursor-product relationship appears unlikely. 5. Plasma membranes, especially the light subfraction, showed appreciable incorporation of hexosamine into chloroform-methanol-soluble components which were shown to be mainly glycolipids. 6. The results indicate that liver plasma-membrane proteins and glycoproteins are synthesized at similar rates. However, glycolipid synthesis in plasma membranes occurred more rapidly.  相似文献   

The contribution of phosphatidylethanolamine methylation to phosphatidylcholine biosynthesis in rat muscle was investigated by studying the incorporation of [2-3H] ethanolamine. The specific radioactivities of individual molecular species of muscle phosphoglycerides were measured by a combination of argentation thin-layer chromatography and countercurrent distribution. The specific radioactivity of phosphatidylethanolamine was approximately one thousand times that of phosphatidylcholine. Amongst individual phosphatidylethanolamines, hexaenoic species possessed the highest specific radioactivities and tetraenoic the lowest. Because of the very low incorporation into phosphatidylcholine, the specific radioactivities of combined rather than of individual fractions were measured. The results indicate that the contribution of phosphatidylethanolamine methylation to the overall biosynthesis of phosphatidylcholine in muscle is of minor importance.  相似文献   

Epithelial cells of the rat small intestine were collected as a gradient of villus to crypt cells. Homogenates of these cells incubated with GDP-D-[14C]mannose in the presence of MnCl2 incorporated radioactivity into dolichyl mannosyl phosphate and a mixutre of dolichyl pyrophosphate oligosaccharides varying in the size of their oligosaccharide moiety. The labeled oligosaccharides formed in villus cell homogenates appeared shorter than those formed in crypt cell homogenates. The addition of dolichyl phosphate greatly stimulated the synthesis of dolichyl mannosyl phosphate. The initial rate of synthesis of dolichyl mannosyl phosphate from GDP-D-[14C]mannose and exogenous dolichyl phosphate was highest in an intermediate cell fraction having a low specific activity of sucrase and alkaline phosphatase and an intermediate specific activity of thymidine kinase. To compare the rates of dolichyl mannosyl phosphate synthesis in the different cell fractions, it was essential to control degradation of GDP-D-[14]mannose by the addition of AMP to the incubation, since villus cells degraded GDP-D-[14C]mannose much faster than crypt cells.  相似文献   

We studied the synthesis of disaturated phosphatidylcholines in rat alveolar macrophages and, in some cases, compared it with that which occurs in isolated alveolar type II cells. Alveolar macrophages suspended in phosphate-buffered medium incorporate palmitate, choline and glycerol into disaturated phosphatidylcholines. The time-course for incorporation of palmitate into disaturated phosphatidylcholines is linear for 20-30 min and reaches a maximum in 2-3 h. Incorporation is dependent on extracellular palmitate with a Vmax (at 1 mM) of 1.53 nmol palmitate incorporated into disaturated phosphatidylcholines per 5 X 10(5) cells per 2 h and a K 1/2 of 0.19 mM palmitate. Exposure of the cells to zymosan particles increases incorporation of palmitate disaturated phosphatidylcholines by almost 2-fold, while cholinergic and beta-adrenergic agonists have no effect. On a per cell basis, alveolar macrophages incorporate only one-third to one-half as much palmitate into disaturated phosphatidylcholines as do type II cells isolated by centrifugal elutriation. The following results suggest there is extensive remodeling of disaturated phosphatidylcholines in alveolar macrophages: (1) palmitate- and choline-labeled disaturated phosphatidylcholines are catabolized by the cells; (2) the products of catabolism are palmitate and water-soluble choline products; (3) addition of unlabeled palmitate and choline to the medium enhances catabolism of the labeled phospholipid. Addition of oleate also enhances catabolism, suggesting that modification of phospholipids is not specific for the saturated variety. Some of the recently labeled disaturated phosphatidylcholines is released from alveolar macrophages into the extracellular space. Several possible functions of alveolar macrophage disaturated phosphatidylcholines are discussed.  相似文献   

1. Liver slices from cod (Gadus morhua L.) were incubated with l-[14C]leucine and the incorporation of label into total protein, precipitated with trichloroacetic acid, and into egg proteins, precipitated with an antibody after addition of carrier egg proteins, was measured. 2. Liver slices from immature male or female cod, and from male fish with developing testes, did not incorporate significant amounts of l-[14C]leucine into egg proteins, whereas with slices from female cod with developing ovaries the rate of incorporation into egg proteins was 8% of the rate of incorporation into total protein. 3. Liver slices from immature male or female fish that had received an intramuscular injection of oestradiol benzoate (1mg/kg) 5–8 days previously incorporated l-[14C]leucine into egg proteins at about 26% of the rate of incorporation into total protein. 4. Incorporation into total protein and into egg proteins was inhibited by puromycin, and 1.2 and 0.13μg of puromycin/mg of tissue protein, respectively, gave 50% inhibition.  相似文献   

Der Metabolismus der photosynthetischen Pigmente und Chinone von Chlorella wurde mit Hilfe von 14CO2, [2-14C]-Acetat und [D-4,5-3H]-Leucin als Vorstufen der Isoprenoidsynthese untersucht. Auch wurde untersucht, ob Leucin als Vorstufe in der Biosynthese der Terpenoide fungiert. Die Verwendung der Doppelmarkierung sollte bestehende Unterschiede in der Regulation und Biosynthese der Isoprenoide der Chloroplasten, Mitochondrien und des Zytoplasmas aufdecken. Neben der Verwendung von Radioisotopen wurde die Inkorporation von Deuterium in die Carotinoide verwendet, um den turnover der Prenyl-Lipide direkt nachzuweisen. In tracer-kinetischen Untersuchungen mit 14CO2 konnte gezeigt werden, daß 14-C-α-Carotin zu 14C-Lutein und 14C-ß-Carotin zu 14C-Zeaxanthin umgesetzt wird. Eine Vorstufenfunktion läßt sich auch für Plastohydrochinon-9 nachweisen, das in Plastochinon-9 umgesetzt wird. Die Markierungskinetik der einzelnen Prenyl-Lipide deutet auf einen schnellen turnover hin. Anhand der 14C-Inkorporationskinetik wurden Halbwertszeiten im Bereich von 30 min bis 220 min ermittelt, während sich aus den Dekorporationskinetiken Zeiten von 9 bis 113 h ergeben. Prenyl-Lipide wie die Carotine, Chlorophyll a und Plastochinon-9, die einerseits Vorstufenfunktion besitzen, andererseits aber auch direkt an der Photosynthese beteiligt sind, werden schneller umgesetzt als ihre Folgeprodukte. Somit scheint ein direkter Zusammenhang zwischen der Funktion des Prenyl-Lipides im Chloroplasten und seinem Umsatz zu bestehen. Sowohl Acetat wie auch Leucin werden von Chlorella als Vorstufen in der Terpenoidbiosynthese verwendet. Acetat wird aber wesentlich schneller inkorporiert als Leucin, was vielleicht darauf zurückzuführen ist, daß Leucin im Zytoplasma zu Acetat oder Mevalonsäure metabolisiert wird und dann in den Chloroplasten gelangt. Auch im tracer-kinetischen Experiment mit 14C-Acetat und 3H-Leucin läßt sich eine Vorstufen-Produkt-Beziehung für die Chlorophylle, Carotinoide und Chinone zeigen. Im Vergleich zu den Experimenten mit 14CO2 zeigen die tracer-kinetischen Experimente mit 14C-Acetat und 3H-Leucin, daß die Chloroplasten-Isoprenoide wesentlich langsamer metabolisiert werden und ihre Umsatzraten mehr jenen entsprechen, die aus den 14C-Dekorporationskinetiken des 14CO2-Experimentes resultieren. Es zeigt sich aber auch hier, daß jene Prenyl-Lipide, die direkt an der Photosynthese beteiligt sind, schneller metabolisiert werden. Daß die Chloroplasten-Isoprenoide in autotroph kultivierten Chlorellen einem ständigen turnover unterliegen, läßt sich auch sehr eindrucksvoll mit Hilfe der Deuterium-Inkorporation für die Carotine zeigen. Die aus der Deuterium-Inkorporation erhaltenen Umsätze der Carotine entsprechen in etwa denen, die sich aus ihrer Dekorporationskinetik im tracer-kinetischen Experiment mit [2-14C]-Acetat und [D-4,5-3H]-Leucin ergeben, zeigen allerdings, daß a-Carotin wesentlich schneller umgesetzt wird als ß-Carotin. Die Untersuchungen wurden durch ein Stipendium der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft im Austausch mit der British Royal Society an K.H.G. unterstützt, wofür wir uns bedanken.  相似文献   

Incorporation of [14C]glucosamine into synaptosomes in vitro   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract— Synaptosomes isolated from rat cerebral cortex by zonal centrifugation in-corporated radioactive glucosamine into macromolecules in vitro as glucosamine, galactosamine, N-acetylneuraminic acid, and glucuronic acid. The largest percentage of incorporated radioactivity was recovered in the particulate fraction in which radioactive carbohydrates were bound in covalent linkage requiring acid hydrolysis or enzymatic digestion for release. Less than 20 per cent of the particulate radioactivity represented incorporation into gangliosides. Some 20 per cent of the radioactivity was incorporated into proteins as glucosamine, identified in hydrolysates by paper chromatography and by the amino acid analyser. After incubation, radioactivity was demonstrable in the proteins as sialic acid by paper chromatography and specific enzymic digestion; and as glucuronic acid by chromatography, electrophoresis, and digestion with hyaluronidase. Incorporation of carbohydrate was stimulated by sodium and potassium at concentrations demonstrated to enhance incorporation of amino acids, and involved the macro-molecules of all subsynaptosomal fractions. Significant incorporation of radioactivity was found in the synaptic plasma membrane. The synthesis of glycoproteins was suggested by simultaneous incorporation of [14C]glucosamine and [3H]leucine into glycopeptides subsequently hydrolysed and subjected to polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and two-dimensional paper chromatography and electrophoresis. Such studies demonstrated that amino acids and carbohydrates may be incorporated into glycoproteins of the synaptic membrane and suggest the possibility of local synthesis as well as modification of material brought to the nerve ending by axoplasmic flow.  相似文献   

Addition of [1-14C]acetate or [1,2-14C]acetate to actively growing cultures of Fusarium roseum 'Gibbosum' on rice yielded zearalenone with a specific activity ranging between 1.63 and 46.5 microCi/mmol.  相似文献   

Comparative studies were undertaken on the in vivo and in vitro incorporation of [14C] ethanolamine, [3H] methionine and [14C] S-adenosyl-methionine into phosphatidylethanolamine (PhE) and phosphatidylcholine (PhC) of rat liver and brain. It was observed that brain can synthesize de novo PhC from PhE via the transmethylation pathway, however synthesis rates were (1) markedly lower than those of liver and (2) decreased significantly with age. In the choline-containing lipids more than 95% of the radioactivity was found in PhC. Studies on the localization of the radioactivity in PhC following the intracranial injection of [3H] methionine or [14C] ethanolamine revealed that both precursors are incorporated almost exclusively into the choline moiety of this phospholipid. There was significant labeling of PhC only when the precursors were administered intracranially and much less incorporation was observed with the systemic routes. Thus following the intravenous administration of [14C] ethanolamine, the specific radioactivities of liver PhE and PhC were up to 75 times as high as those of brain and 4 to 5 times as high in the organs of the 20-day old as those of the adult. In contrast, when this precursor was administered intracranially the specific radioactivities of both phospholipids in liver were only twice as high as those of brain. Although the short-and long-term time-course studies on the in vivo incorporation of [14C] ethanolamine and [3H] methionine into PhC of both organs could suggest a precursor-product relationship between the biosynthesis of this phospholipid in liver and brain, this apparent relationship could also be due to the high turnover of PhE in liver, with half-life of 2.87 hr, and its low turnover in brain, with half-life of 10.7 days. The present findings on the low rate of formation of PhC from PhE in brain coupled with the fact that this conversion declines sharply with age, especially when the isotopes are administered systemically, could explain the observation of previous investigators that the brain cannot synthesize its own choline and thus it must derive its choline from exogenous sources such as lipid-choline. It was concluded that the brain can synthesize its own choline; however it remains also dependent on liver and dietary choline which are probably transported into the brain as free choline.  相似文献   

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