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Transepithelial transport, intracellular ion activities and membrane potentials are all affected by changes in the conductive properties of the membranes of polarised epithelial cells. Conventional electrophysiological techniques have already determined the major conductances of the apical and basolateral membranes of the various nephron segments. These conductances are presently being studied at the molecular level with the aid of the patch clamp technique. In the case of the amphibian nephron, single-channel studies have been carried out in the proximal and early distal (diluting) segments. Almost all of the channels described so far have been selective for potassium, and the properties of these channels are described in this review. In addition, the basic electrophysiological and transport properties of these two general nephron segments are briefly described. From the physiological stand-point, the results of single-channel studies are providing us with information concerning the regulation of the conductances by intracellular mediators, allowing us to make predictions about the effects of various perturbations on cell membrane conductances. On the other hand, biophysical analysis is giving information ranging from the voltage dependence and ion selectivity of the channels to clues concerning their submicroscopic structure.  相似文献   

The posterior portion of the esophageal gland of Schistosoma mansoni produces a granule that is highly structured internally. Each granule consists of arrays of membrane-bound tubules enclosed by a membrane. Cytochemical tests indicate that the granules are not reactive for cytochrome c-oxidase but du react for macromolecular carbohydrates. It is believed that the granules are synthesized in the Golgi complex and are secreted at the base of the luminal amplifications of the esophagus. Colchicine treatment results in an accumulation of granules in the cyton region. Their physiological function is still undetermined, but it is hypothesized that they are involved with early stages of digestion of host red blood cells.  相似文献   

A small area (patch) of the external surface of a squid axon can be "isolated" electrically from the surrounding bath by means of a pair of concentric glass pipettes. The seawater-filled inner pipette makes contact with the axon and constitutes the external access to the patch. The outer pipette is used to direct flowing sucrose solution over the area surrounding the patch of membrane underlying the inner pipette. Typically, sucrose isolated patches remain in good condition (spike amplitude greater than 90 mV) for periods of approximately one half hour. Patches of axon membrane which had previously been exposed to sucrose solution were often excitable. Membrane survival of sucrose treatment apparently arises from an outflow of ions from the axon and perhaps satellite cells into the interstitial cell space surrounding the exolemma. Estimate of the total access resistance (electrode plus series resistance) to the patch is about 100 komega (7 omega cm2). Patch capacitance ranges from 10-100 pF, which suggests areas of 10(-4) to 10(-5) cm2 and resting patch resistances of 10-100 Momega. Shunt resistance through the interstitial space exposed to sucrose solution, which isolates the patch, is typically 1-2 Momega. These parameters indicate that good potential control and response times can be achieved on a patch. Furthermore, spatial uniformity is demonstrated by measurement of an exoplasmic isopotential during voltage clamp of an axon patch. The method may be useful for other preparations in which limited membrane area is available or in special instances such as in the measurement of membrane conduction noise.  相似文献   

The kinetics of glutamate receptor channels in larval and imaginal muscle of the insect Tenebrio molitor (mealworm) were studied by patch clamp recording. Single glutamate channels in the larval muscle had small conductance and long open time characteristics, whereas channels in the imaginal muscle had large conductances and short open times. The reciprocal of channel closed time was linearly related to the glutamate concentration in imaginal muscle; channels in larval muscle, however, showed only a weak dependence on the glutamate concentration. In the study of agonist-induced channels, quisqualate and kainate opened channels with conductances similar to those opened by glutamate. Compared to glutamate, however, the mean open time was longer for quisqualate and shorter for kainate. The results suggest that the glutamate receptor-ion channel complex in insect muscles changes its properties during metamorphosis.  相似文献   

Patch clamp on a chip   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文

Li D  Xiong J  Qu A  Xu T 《Biophysical journal》2004,87(3):1991-2001
Deconvolution wide-field fluorescence microscopy and single-particle tracking were used to study the three-dimensional mobility of single secretory granules in live PC12 cells. Acridine orange-labeled granules were found to travel primarily in random and caged diffusion, whereas only a small fraction of granules traveled in directed fashion. High K(+) stimulation increased significantly the percentage of granules traveling in directed fashion. By dividing granules into the near-membrane group (within 1 microm from the plasma membrane) and cytosolic group, we have revealed significant differences between these two groups of granules in their mobility. The mobility of these two groups of granules is also differentially affected by disruption of F-actin, suggesting different mechanisms are involved in the motion of the two groups of granules. Our results demonstrate that combined deconvolution and single-particle tracking may find its application in three-dimensional tracking of long-term motion of granules and elucidating the underlying mechanisms.  相似文献   

The biogenesis of secretory granules in endocrine, neuroendocrine, and exocrine cells is thought to involve a selective aggregation of the regulated secretory proteins into a dense-cored structure. The dense-core is then enveloped by membrane in the trans-Golgi network and buds, forming an immature secretory granule. The immature secretory granule then undergoes a maturation process which gives rise to the mature secretory granule. The recent data on the processes of aggregation, budding and maturation are summarized here. In addition, the current knowledge about the mature secretory granule is reviewed with emphasis on the biogenesis of the membrane of this organelle.  相似文献   

Biogenesis of secretory granules   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Secretory granules of neuroendocrine cells store and release peptide hormones and neuropeptides in response to various stimuli. Generation of granules from the Golgi complex involves the aggregation of cargo proteins and their sorting from non-regulated secretory molecules. Recent findings on knockout mice lacking individual granule constituents have challenged the hypothesis that an 'essential' protein for the assembly of these organelles exists, while studies on polypyrimidine tract-binding protein and ICA512/IA-2 have provided insight into the mechanisms for adjusting granule production in relation to stimulation and secretory activity.  相似文献   

We have observed secretory granules beneath the plasma membrane of chromaffin cells. Using evanescent-field excitation by epiillumination, we have illuminated a thin layer of cytosol where cells adhere to glass coverslips. Up to 600 frames could be recorded at diffraction-limited resolution without appreciable photodynamic damage. We localized single granules with an uncertainty of approximately 30 nm and tracked their motion in three dimensions. Granules in resting cells wander randomly as if imprisoned in a cage that leaves approximately 70 nm space around a granule. The "cage" itself moves only slowly (D = 2 x 10(-12) cm2/s). Rarely do granules arrive at or depart from the plasma membrane of resting cells. Stimulation increases lateral motion only slightly. After the plasma membrane has been depleted of granules by exocytosis, fresh granules can be seen to approach it at an angle. The method will be useful for exploring the molecular steps preceding exocytosis at the level of single granules.  相似文献   

We constructed a next-generation optical trapping instrument to study the motility of single motor proteins, such as kinesin moving along a microtubule. The instrument can be operated as a two-dimensional force clamp, applying loads of fixed magnitude and direction to motor-coated microscopic beads moving in vitro. Flexibility and automation in experimental design are achieved by computer control of both the trap position, via acousto-optic deflectors, and the sample position, using a three-dimensional piezo stage. Each measurement is preceded by an initialization sequence, which includes adjustment of bead height relative to the coverslip using a variant of optical force microscopy (to +/-4 nm), a two-dimensional raster scan to calibrate position detector response, and adjustment of bead lateral position relative to the microtubule substrate (to +/-3 nm). During motor-driven movement, both the trap and stage are moved dynamically to apply constant force while keeping the trapped bead within the calibrated range of the detector. We present details of force clamp operation and preliminary data showing kinesin motor movement subject to diagonal and forward loads.  相似文献   

The septal membranes of the median and lateral giant axons of earthworm, which contain gap junctions, were exposed by cutting one segment of the cord. Patch recordings were obtained from the exposed cytoplasmic side of the septum. Seal resistances ranged from 2 to 15 G omega. The patch could be excised (detached) or left attached to the whole cell. Two types of channels were observed. One type was blocked by tetraethylammonium (TEA) or Cs+ and had a unitary conductance of 30-40 pS. It appears to be a K+ channel. The other channel type had a unitary conductance of 90-110 pS and was unaffected by TEA+ or Cs+. In the detached configuration the channel was shown to conduct Cs+, K+, Na+, TMA+, Cl- and TEA+ even in the presence of 2 mM Zn2+, 1 mM Ni2+, 1 mM Co2+, and 4 mM 4-aminopyridine. The conductance ratios relative to K+ were 1.0 for Cs+, 0.84 for Na+, 0.64 for TMA+, 0.52 for Cl- and 0.2 for TEA+. The channel appears to be voltage insensitive whether monitored in detached or attached recording mode. Both H+ and Ca2+ reduce the probability of opening. Thus, the 100 pS channel has many of the properties expected of a gap junction channel.  相似文献   

Summary Ultrastructural studies of secretory granules of rat antral G-cells and measurement of serum gastrin level were performed under the condition of fasting and administration of alkaline solution into the stomach. On electron micrographs, no qualitative difference was observed among those experimental groups. However, morphometrical analysis revealed significant quantitative differences. The population density of secretory granules of the rats treated once with alkali first increased and then decreased reaching that of the fasted group, while that of the repeatedly treated group remained nearly equal to the maximum value. The average sectioned surface area of secretory granules tended to decrease for 1.5h after the stimulation but the difference was not significant among those groups.From the results obtained at present, responding to chemical stimulation such as pH changes in the antrum, it seems probable that not only exocytosis but also migration of secretory granules from supra- and/or para-nuclear portion to the basal portion of the cell occurs rapidly in G-cells and that both these processes are inhibited immediately by antral acidification. Moreover, the present results apparently indicate that under the condition of no antral acidification G-cells have a capacity of secreting gastrin for a fairly long time, such as 4–8 h, responding to adequate stimulus. These findings are strongly suggestive of the existence of a capacious pool of granules in the supra- and/or para-nuclear cytoplasm or of fairly speedy production of secretory granules in the Golgi area.The author wishes to express thanks to Prof. R. Furihata, Department of Surgery, and Prof. T. Nagata, Department of Anatomy, Shinshu University School of Medicine, for their constant interest and guidance, and to Dr. F. Iida, Department of Surgery, who has followed the course of this work throughout  相似文献   

Platelet granule exocytosis plays a critical role in thrombosis and wound healing. Platelets have three major types of secretory granules that are defined by their unique molecular contents, kinetics of exocytosis and morphologies. Although the ontogeny of platelet granules is poorly understood, a convergence of new insights into megakaryocyte development, the molecular mechanisms of vesicle trafficking and the genetic basis of platelet granule defects, is beginning to define the cellular and molecular pathways responsible for platelet granule ontogeny.  相似文献   

The study of enteric neurons is key to understanding intestinal motility anGutn of therapeutic strategies for dealing with neurogenic disorders. However, enteric neurons have historically been inaccessible to patch-clamp recording. We report here the first technique that allows patch-clamp recording of neurons from the intact myenteric plexus of the mouse duodenum. The mucosa, submucosa and circular muscles are removed, exposing the myenteric plexus on the longitudinal muscle. Proteolytic treatment of exposed ganglia combined with gentle cell-surface cleaning allows gigaseal formation. Compared with previous studies using intracellular microelectrode recordings or cultured myenteric neurons, this technique provides an opportunity to explore properties of single or multiple ion channels in myenteric neurons in their native environment. The protocol-from the tissue preparation to patch-clamp recording-can be completed in ~4 h.  相似文献   

Y Cetin  D Grube 《Histochemistry》1991,96(4):301-310
Chromogranins A and B are glycoproteins originally detected in the adrenal medulla. These proteins are also present in a variety of neuroendocrine cells. The subcellular distribution of the chromogranins, and particularly their intra-granular topology are of special interest with respect to their putative functions. Endocrine cells of the guinea pig adrenal medulla, pancreas and gastric mucosa were investigated immunoelectron microscopically for the subcellular distribution of both chromogranins. Out of 13 established endocrine cell types in all locations, only two endocrine cell types showed immunoreactivity for both chromogranin A and B, and eight endocrine cell types showed immunoreactivities only for chromogranin A. These immunoreactivities varied inter-cellularly. Three endocrine cell types were unreactive for the chromogranins. Moreover, some hormonally non-identified endocrine cells in the pancreas and the gastric mucosa also contained chromogranin A immunoreactivities. Subcellularly, chromogranin A or B were confined to secretory granules. In most endocrine cells, the secretory granules showed chromogranin immunoreactivities of varying densities. Furthermore, the intra-granular topology of chromogranin A or B in the secretory granules varied considerably: in some endocrine cell types, i.e. chromaffin-, gastrin- and enterochromaffin-like-cells, chromogranin A immunoreactivity was localized in the perigranular and/or dense core region of the secretory granules; in others, i.e. insulin-, pancreatic polypeptide- and bovine adrenal medulla dodecapeptide-cells, it was present preferentially in the electron-opaque centre of the secretory granules; chromogranin B immunoreactivity was localized preferentially in the perigranular region of the secretory granules of chromaffin cells and gastrin-cells. The inter-cellular and inter-granular variations of chromogranin A and B immunoreactivities point to differences in biosynthesis or processing of the chromogranins among endocrine cells and their secretory granules.  相似文献   

Insulin secretory granules (ISGs) are cytoplasmic organelles of pancreatic beta-cells. They are responsible for the storage and secretion of insulin. To date, only about 30 different proteins have been clearly described to be associated with these organelles. However, data from two-dimensional gel electrophoresis analyses suggested that almost 150 different polypeptides might be present within ISGs. The elucidation of the identity and function of the ISG proteins by proteomics strategies would be of considerable help to further understand some of the underlying mechanisms implicated in ISG biogenesis and trafficking. Furthermore it should give the bases to the comprehension of impaired insulin secretion observed during diabetes. A proteomics analysis of an enriched insulin granule fraction from the rat insulin-secreting cell line INS-1E was performed. The efficacy of the fractionation procedure was assessed by Western blot and electron microscopy. Proteins of the ISG fraction were separated by SDS-PAGE, excised from consecutive gel slices, and tryptically digested. Peptides were analyzed by nano-LC-ESI-MS/MS. This strategy identified 130 different proteins that were classified into four structural groups including intravesicular proteins, membrane proteins, novel proteins, and other proteins. Confocal microscopy analysis demonstrated the association of Rab37 and VAMP8 with ISGs in INS-1E cells. In conclusion, the present study identified 130 proteins from which 110 are new proteins associated with ISGs. The elucidation of their role will further help in the understanding of the mechanisms governing impaired insulin secretion during diabetes.  相似文献   

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