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Several species of nudibranch molluscs are abundant amongstthe rich benthic hard substratum communities found close tothe British Antarctic Survey base at Signy Island, in the Atlanticsector of the Antarctic. Over the austral summer 1992/1993,two of the authors (LWB and DKAB) were able to collect someof the lesser known species of Nudibranchia at depths between3 and 40 metres, using SCUBA. New information on morphologyand anatomy of two of these species, Pseudotritonia gracilidensOdhner, 1944 (Charcotiidae, Arminoidea) and Notaeolidia gigasEliot, 1905(Notaeolidiidae, Aeolidoidea) are presented in thispaper. The validity of the species Notaeolidia gigas is strengthened. (Received 9 February 1994; accepted 18 September 1994)  相似文献   

The growth of Peltodons atromaculata Bergh, 1880, measured astotal dorsal body area, was followed in the laboratory for 15months. The growth of dorsal brown patches was compared to thetotal area of the mantle, and was shown to be approximatelyconstant over time in the different animals. This numericalapproach can be useful to quantify the body pigmentation clinepreviously described for Mediterranean specimens. P atromaculatahas an annual life-cycle in the laboratory, reaching its maximumsize before opposition. Post-spawning mortality followed a decreasein size for all specimens. Mantle margin autotoray in P atromaculataseems not to be related to defence against predation, but itis a process that takes place before death in laboratory. (Received 1 December 1994; accepted 28 April 1995)  相似文献   

Runcinella thompsoni new species (Gastropoda: Opisthobranchia)is described on the basis of material collected in the GalapagosIslands. This new species differs from R. zelandica Odhner,1924, both in colour, reddish in the former, dark green withwhite freckles in the latter, and radular tooth morphology,mainly the first lateral teeth. The species is also comparedwith other red runcinids both from Atlantic and Pacific localities. (Received 28 October 1991; accepted 4 January 1993)  相似文献   

Six valid species of the nudibranch genus Dendrodons Ehrenberg,1831 inhabit the Atlantic Ocean, including the Mediterraneanand Caribbean Seas. Dendrodons lumbata (Cuvier, 1804), Dendrodonsgrandiflora (Rapp, 1827), Dendrodons nigra (Stimpson, 1855)(immigrant from the Red Sea), Dendrodons krebsu (Mörch,1863), Dendrodoru senegalensis Bouchet, 1975 and Dendrodonswarta Marcus & Gallagher, 1976. Additional data about thebiology and geographical distribution of these species are presented.New evidence suggests that other species assigned to the genusDendrodons, Dendrodons racemosa Pruvot-Fol, 1951 and Dendrodonsminima Pruvot-Fol, 1951, must be included in the genus DoriopsillaBergh, 1880. Three new species of Dendrodoris are describedfrom the Northeastern Atlantic and West Africa;Dendrodons angolensis,Dendrodoris guineana and Dendrodons herytra. The variable external morphology makes species recognition difficult.Instead, the diagnostic characters utilised to separate speciesare the shape of the male cirrus hooks, the structure of thereproductive system and features of the egg-mass. (Received 25 April 1995; accepted 1 August 1995)  相似文献   

Phyllidiopsis sinaiensis (Yonow, 1988), of which only one single preservedspecimen had been known, was rediscovered in the northern RedSea. The dorsal colour-pattern of living individuals is presented forthe first time, and the anatomy of P. sinaiensis is describedin detail. Major features of the holotype previously used tocharacterise the species are shown to be artifacts. Principaldistinguishing characters of P. sinaiensis include the centraltubercle ridge, large and multicompound, broad based, pink tubercles,bicoloured black and pink rhinophores, the very elongate muscularoesophageal segment, the distinct stomach and the extremelylong, convoluted prostate that is bound together by connectivetissue. In some specimens, the bases of the tubercles may fuseleading to a predominantely pink dorsum with only a few blacklines. Phyllidiopsis sinaiensis appears to be among the mostcommon nudibranchs in the Gulf of Aqaba. The fact that it has notbeen reported since its original collection in 1980 can be explainedby being confused with the externally similar, well-known speciesPhyllidiella pustulosa (Cuvier, 1804). A review of the phyllidiidfauna of the Red Sea reveals eleven valid species that can allbe identified with the key presented herein. With four out of elevenspecies, phyllidiid endemism (36%) is high in the Red Sea. This isin contrast to recent palaeobiological hypotheses of a post-glacial originof the Red Sea coral reef fauna.  相似文献   

In the Cerithiacea the pallial genital duct exhibits varyingdegrees of closure. In addition, two anatomical groupings occurwithin their genital systems. These groups are based on differencesin the location of the accessory sperm sacs, albumen gland andthe presence or absence of a distal sperm collecting groovein the female. Criteria in the male include the nature of (thevas deferens and the existence of spermatozeugmata. (Received 13 February 1984;  相似文献   

The genus Tambja previously included 24 described species. Fournew species, T. tentaculata n. sp., T. gabrielae n. sp., T.zulu n. sp. and Tambja victoriae n. sp., from the Indo-Pacificare described. Tambja tentaculata n. sp., from Guam, is theonly known species in the genus with well developed, dorsolaterallygrooved, oral tentacles. Its inner lateral teeth have a bifidinner cusp with two long, sharp denticles. The oral tentaclesof T. tentaculata are more typical of Roboastra species, whilethe shape of the inner lateral teeth is more typical of Tambja.Nevertheless, the arrangement of the two cusps of the innerlateral teeth and the presence of a rachidian tooth withoutdenticles and with a central notch at the anterior edge, typicalof the species of the genus Tambja, suggest the placement withinthis genus. Tambja gabrielae n. sp., from Indonesia and PapuaNew Guinea, has dark green to dark brown ground colour withbright yellow patches scattered on the body. Tambja zulu n.sp. from Durban, South Africa, is characterized by a black groundcolour with slender yellow longitudinal lines. Tambja victoriaen. sp. is a new species from Papua New Guinea and Australiathat has frequently been misidentified as Roboastra arika, characterizedby its blue body colour and yellow lines. The four species aredistinguishable based on differences in body coloration, ofcharacters of the radula and of the reproductive system. Anoverview on distinguishing features of all known Indo-PacificTambja species is presented. (Received 21 June 2004; accepted 20 January 2005)  相似文献   

A new species of nudibranch, Flabellina insolita, is describedfrom specimens from the Strait of Gibraltar. The new speciesis assigned to the genus Flabellina on the basis of the jaws,radula and reproductive system, despite the shape of the rhinophoresand oral tentacles and the presence of small papillae flankingthe pericardium and small laminar enlargements on the dorsalsurface of the body. These features separate this species fromother aeolids. (Received 14 June 1988; accepted 19 August 1988)  相似文献   

The genus Acavus from Sri Lanka includes three species, Acavushaemastoma (Linnaeus), Acavus superbus (L. Pfeiffer) and Acavusphoenix (L. Pfeiffer) with two subspecies, Acavus phoenix phoenix(L. Pfeiffer) and Acavus phoenix castaneus new subspecies.The conchological and anatomical differences between these species,as well as their intraspecific variation are described. Theirdistribution is shown on maps and all locality records are listed.The presence of extensive intraspecific polymorphism, the developmentof geographical subspecies and the presumable hybridizationbetween some species show that the Acavus species are not isolatedrelict species, but that speciation is in progress and thatthe radiation of the Acavus species is probably much youngerthan the radiation of the acavid genera. The three Acavus speciesare not acutely endangered at present. In contrast to manyother land snails, there is no risk of a rapid decline of theAcavus species due to deforestation, because these species alsooccur in synanthropic habitats. (Received 22 December 1998; accepted 2 October 1999)  相似文献   

牛心番荔枝种子化学成分的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从牛心番荔枝Annona reticulata L.种子的乙醇提取物分得13个化合物,根据光谱数据分析鉴定其中8个为番荔素:Annonareticin(1),2,4-cis-Isoannonareticin((2-1)),2,4-trans-Isoannonareticin(2-2),Solamin(3),Murisolin(4),Annoreticuin(5),Annomonicin(6)和Reticulatinone(7);以及β-谷甾醇(8),胡萝卜甙(9),蔗糖(10),棕榈酸(11)和硬脂酸(12)等。其中化合物2-1是新的番荔素。  相似文献   

A new species of Abyssochrysos, A. xouthos n. sp. is describedfrom south-west Oman in the northern Arabian Sea at a depth of3150 metres. This represents the first record of this genusfrom the northern Indian Ocean. Of the five previously describedextant species of Abyssochrysos A. xouthos is most similar to A.melanioides from which it differs in radular and shell characters. (Received 22 February 1999; accepted 20 May 1999)  相似文献   

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