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Robertsonian (Rb) fusions received large theoretical support for their role in speciation, but empirical evidence is often lacking. Here, we address the role of Rb rearrangements on the genetic differentiation of the karyotypically diversified group of shrews, Sorex araneus. We compared genetic structure between 'rearranged' and 'common' chromosomes in pairwise comparisons of five karyotypic taxa of the group. Considering all possible comparisons, we found a significantly greater differentiation at rearranged chromosomes, supporting the role of chromosomal rearrangements in the general genetic diversification of this group. Intertaxa structure and distance were larger across rearranged chromosomes for most of the comparisons, although these differences were not significant. This last result could be explained by the large variance observed among microsatellite-based estimates. The differences observed among the pairs of taxa analysed support the role of both the hybrid karyotypic complexity and the level of evolutionary divergence.  相似文献   

Chromosomal rearrangements are proposed to promote genetic differentiation between chromosomally differentiated taxa and therefore promote speciation. Due to their remarkable karyotypic polymorphism, the shrews of the Sorex araneus group were used to investigate the impact of chromosomal rearrangements on gene flow. Five intraspecific chromosomal hybrid zones characterized by different levels of karyotypic complexity were studied using 16 microsatellites markers. We observed low levels of genetic differentiation even in the hybrid zones with the highest karyotypic complexity. No evidence of restricted gene flow between differently rearranged chromosomes was observed. Contrary to what was observed at the interspecific level, the effect of chromosomal rearrangements on gene flow was undetectable within the S. araneus species.  相似文献   

Two parapatric chromosomal races of the common shrew (Sorex araneus) in Poland differ in their complement of metacentric arm combinations: hk, io, gr, nm (race IV), and hi, ko, gm, np (race II). In hybrids, these eight race-diagnostic metacentrics form two randomly segregating complexes. The first complex (C1) occurs in the form of a ring configuration ok/kh/hi/io, or a chain o/ok/kh/hi/i (when there is Robertsonian polymorphism of the element io). The second complex (C2) always takes the form of a six-element chain configuration r/rg/gm/mn/np/p. The C2 complex may be shortened to five or even four elements, when acrocentrics g, m and n are present. In the contact zone we found shrews of pure races (race II or IV), as well as hybrids with C1 or C2 complexes, and recombinants hi, ko, gr, nm. Complex heterozygotes are likely to suffer reduced fertility due to malsegregation at meiosis. However, the C1 hybrids with ring configurations occur with a high frequency throughout the contact zone. This suggest that their fitness is only slightly lowered relative to pure race individuals, in contrast to the hybrids with C1 or C2 chain configurations, which presumably have a more heavily reduced fertility. On the other hand, at the center of the zone there is a high proportion of recombinants, which, being chromosomal homozygotes, should display normal meiotic segregation. Furthermore, the high frequencies of recombinants within the contact zone should facilitate gene flow between the races. The occurrence of recombinants plays a similar role as the appearance of the maximum frequencies of acrocentric homozygotes described in several contact zones of S. araneus.  相似文献   

The common shrew (Sorex araneus) is subdivided into several karyotypic races in Britain. Two of these races meet near Oxford o form the “Oxford-Hermitage” hybrid zone. We present a model which describes this system a; a “tension zone,” i.e., a set of clines maintained by a balance between dispersal and selection against chromosomal heterozygotes. The Oxford and Hermitage races differ by Robertsonian fusions with monobrachial homology (kq, no versus ko), and so Fl hybrids between them would have low fertility. However, the acrocentric karyotype is found at high frequency within the hybrid zone, so that complex Robertsonian heterozygotes (kg no/q ko n) are replaced by more fertile combinations, such as (kg no/k q n o). This suggests that the hybrid zone has been modified so as to increase hybrid fitness. Mathematical analysis and simulation show that, if selection against complex heterozygotes is sufficiently strong relative to selection against simple heterozygotes, acrocentrics increase, and displace the clines for kg and no from the cline for ko. Superimposed on this separation is a tendency for the hybrid zone to move in favor of the Oxford (kg no) race. We compare the model with estimates of linkage disequilibrium and cline shape made from field data.  相似文献   

Karyotype and genetic variation of the common shrew (Sorex araneus) from Mt. Pelister in southern Macedonia has been studied. Whereas all autosomes in the chromosomal set (2 na, = 28, the only present metacentrics being af, bc, jl, and tu) were of the standard type as well as the sex chromosomes X and Y2 in males, the Y1 chromosome was a small metacentric. This chromosomal feature is unique among the common shrew populations studied cytogenetically so far. Three out of 33 loci analysed (Sdh, 6Pgd, Mdh-1) were discriminant between the Mt. Pelister population and Sorex araneus from Slovenia and two loci (Est-3, Ada) were partially discriminant. A relatively high value of Nei's genetic distance (D = 0.137) confirms unique character of the Pelister population.  相似文献   

Understanding factors regulating hybrid fitness and gene exchange is a major research challenge for evolutionary biology. Genomic cline analysis has been used to evaluate alternative patterns of introgression, but only two models have been used widely and the approach has generally lacked a hypothesis testing framework for distinguishing effects of selection and drift. I propose two alternative cline models, implement multivariate outlier detection to identify markers associated with hybrid fitness, and simulate hybrid zone dynamics to evaluate the signatures of different modes of selection. Analysis of simulated data shows that previous approaches are prone to false positives (multinomial regression) or relatively insensitive to outlier loci affected by selection (Barton's concordance). The new, theory‐based logit‐logistic cline model is generally best at detecting loci affecting hybrid fitness. Although some generalizations can be made about different modes of selection, there is no one‐to‐one correspondence between pattern and process. These new methods will enhance our ability to extract important information about the genetics of reproductive isolation and hybrid fitness. However, much remains to be done to relate statistical patterns to particular evolutionary processes. The methods described here are implemented in a freely available package “HIest” for the R statistical software (CRAN; http://cran.r-project.org/ ).  相似文献   

Presented is the karyotype of Sorex araneus from 4 trapping sites in southwestern Germany. From this species nearly 20 chromosomal races have so far been described. In the study area autosomal numbers of 2na= 22–24 were recorded. The characteristical metacentrics jl, hi, gm, kr and the acrocentrics n, o, p, q were identified by G-banding. The element kr shows Robertsonian polymorphism. The metacentrics only allow a classification of the studied populations as chromosomal race “Vaud” from Switzerland. The postglacial recolonization and the possible presence of other chromosomal races in the central and northern parts of Germany are briefly discussed. Different selection pressures act on metacentrics and acrocentrics in central populations of a chromosomal race in contrast to those living in contact zones of different chromosomal races. It is suggested that the smaller autosomal arms are subject to weaker selection pressure to be fixed as metacentrics.  相似文献   

The species of the common shrew (Sorex araneus) group are morphologically very similar but exhibit high levels of karyotypic variation. Here we used genetic variation at 10 microsatellite markers in a data set of 212 individuals mostly sampled in the western Alps and composed of five karyotypic taxa (Sorex coronatus, Sorex antinorii and the S. araneus chromosome races Cordon, Bretolet and Vaud) to investigate the concordance between genetic and karyotypic structure. Bayesian analysis confirmed the taxonomic status of the three sampled species since individuals consistently grouped according to their taxonomical status. However, introgression can still be detected between S. antinorii and the race Cordon of S. araneus. This observation is consistent with the expected low karyotypic complexity of hybrids between these two taxa. Geographically based cryptic substructure was discovered within S. antinorii, a pattern consistent with the different postglaciation recolonization routes of this species. Additionally, we detected two genetic groups within S. araneus notwithstanding the presence of three chromosome races. This pattern can be explained by the probable hybrid status of the Bretolet race but also suggests a relatively low impact of chromosomal differences on genetic structure compared to historical factors. Finally, we propose that the current data set (available at http://www.unil.ch/dee/page7010_en.html#1) could be used as a reference by those wanting to identify Sorex individuals sampled in the western Alps.  相似文献   

Gompert Z  Buerkle CA 《Molecular ecology》2011,20(10):2111-2127
We developed a Bayesian genomic cline model to study the genetic architecture of adaptive divergence and reproductive isolation between hybridizing lineages. This model quantifies locus‐specific patterns of introgression with two cline parameters that describe the probability of locus‐specific ancestry as a function of genome‐wide admixture. ‘Outlier’ loci with extreme patterns of introgression relative to most of the genome can be identified. These loci are potentially associated with adaptive divergence or reproductive isolation. We simulated genetic data for admixed populations that included neutral introgression, as well as loci that were subject to directional, epistatic or underdominant selection, and analysed these data using the Bayesian genomic cline model. Under many demographic conditions, underdominance or directional selection had detectable and predictable effects on cline parameters, and ‘outlier’ loci were greatly enriched for genetic regions affected by selection. We also analysed previously published genetic data from two transects through a hybrid zone between Mus domesticus and M. musculus. We found considerable variation in rates of introgression across the genome and particularly low rates of introgression for two X‐linked markers. There were similarities and differences in patterns of introgression between the two transects, which likely reflects a combination of stochastic variability because of genetic drift and geographic variation in the genetic architecture of reproductive isolation. By providing a robust framework to quantify and compare patterns of introgression among genetic regions and populations, the Bayesian genomic cline model will advance our understanding of the genetics of reproductive isolation and the speciation process.  相似文献   

Cryptic phylogeographic diversifications provide unique models to examine the role of phylogenetic divergence on the evolution of reproductive isolation, without extrinsic factors such as ecological and behavioural differentiation. Yet, to date very few comparative studies have been attempted within such radiations. Here, we characterize a new speciation continuum in a group of widespread Eurasian amphibians, the Pelobates spadefoot toads, by conducting multilocus (restriction site associated DNA sequencing and mitochondrial DNA) phylogenetic, phylogeographic and hybrid zone analyses. Within the P. syriacus complex, we discovered species‐level cryptic divergences (>5 million years ago [My]) between populations distributed in the Near‐East (hereafter P. syriacus sensu stricto [s.s.]) and southeastern Europe (hereafter P. balcanicus), each featuring deep intraspecific lineages. Altogether, we could scale hybridizability to divergence time along six different stages, spanning from sympatry without gene flow (P. fuscus and P. balcanicus, >10 My), parapatry with highly restricted hybridization (P. balcanicus and P. syriacus s.s., >5 My), narrow hybrid zones (~15 km) consistent with partial reproductive isolation (P. fuscus and P. vespertinus, ~3 My), to extensive admixture between Pleistocene and refugial lineages (≤2 My). This full spectrum empirically supports a gradual build up of reproductive barriers through time, reversible up until a threshold that we estimate at ~3 My. Hence, cryptic phylogeographic lineages may fade away or become reproductively isolated species simply depending on the time they persist in allopatry, and without definite ecomorphological divergence.  相似文献   

A new software package (introgress) provides functions for analysing introgression of genotypes between divergent, hybridizing lineages, including estimating genomic clines from multi-locus genotype data and testing for deviations from neutral expectations. The software works with co-dominant, dominant and haploid marker data, and does not require fixed allelic differences between parental populations for the sampled genetic markers. Permutation and parametric procedures generate neutral expectations for introgression and provide a basis for significance tests of observed genomic clines. The software also implements maximum likelihood estimates of hybrid index from genotypic data and a number of graphical analyses. The package is an extension of the R statistical software, is written in the R language and is freely available through the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN; http://cran.r-project.org/). In this study, we describe introgress and demonstrate its use with a sample data set.  相似文献   

Abstract Both chromosomal rearrangements and negative interactions among loci (Dobzhansky‐Muller incompatibilities) have been advanced as the genetic mechanism underlying the sterility of interspecific hybrids. These alternatives invoke very different evolutionary histories during speciation and also predict different patterns of sterility in artificial hybrids. Chromosomal rearrangements require drift, inbreeding, or other special conditions for initial fixation and, because heterozygosity per se generates any problems with gamete formation, F1 hybrids will be most infertile. In contrast, Dobzhansky‐Muller incompatibilities may arise as byproducts of adaptive evolution and often affect the segregating F2 generation most severely. To distinguish the effects of these two mechanisms early in divergence, we investigated the quantitative genetics of hybrid sterility in a line cross between two members of the Mimulus guttatus species complex (M. guttatus and M. nasutus). Hybrids showed partial male and female sterility, and the patterns of infertility were not consistent with the action of chromosomal rearrangements alone. F2 and F1 hybrids exhibited equal decreases in pollen viability (> 40%) relative to the highly fertile parental lines. A large excess of completely pollen‐sterile F2 genotypes also pointed to the segregation of Dobzhansky‐Muller incompatibility factors affecting male fertility. Female fertility showed a pattern similarly consistent with epistatic interactions: F2 hybrids produced far fewer seeds per flower than F1 hybrids (88.0 ± 2.8 vs. 162.9 ± 8.5 SE, respectively) and either parental line, and many F2 genotypes were completely female sterile. Dobzhansky‐Muller interactions also resulted in the breakdown of several nonreproductive characters and appear to contribute to correlations between male and female fertility in the F2 generation. These results parallel and contrast with the genetics of postzygotic isolation in model animal systems and are a first step toward understanding the process of speciation in this well‐studied group of flowering plants.  相似文献   

Differences in seasonal migratory behaviours are thought to be an important component of reproductive isolation in many organisms. Stable isotopes have been used with success in estimating the location and qualities of disjunct breeding and wintering areas. However, few studies have used isotopic data to estimate the movements of hybrid offspring in species that form hybrid zones. Here, we use stable hydrogen to estimate the wintering locations and migratory patterns of two common and widespread migratory birds, Audubon's (Setophaga auduboni) and myrtle (S. coronata) warblers, as well as their hybrids. These two species form a narrow hybrid zone with extensive interbreeding in the Rocky Mountains of British Columbia and Alberta, Canada, which has been studied for over four decades. Isotopes in feathers grown on the wintering grounds or early on migration reveal three important patterns: (1) Audubon's and myrtle warblers from allopatric breeding populations winter in isotopically different environments, consistent with band recovery data and suggesting that there is a narrow migratory transition between the two species, (2) most hybrids appear to overwinter in the south‐eastern USA, similar to where myrtle warblers are known to winter, and (3) some hybrid individuals, particularly those along the western edge of the hybrid zone, show Audubon's‐like isotopic patterns. These data suggest there is a migratory divide between these two species, but that it is not directly coincident with the centre of the hybrid zone in the breeding range. We interpret these findings and discuss them within the context of previous research on hybrid zones, speciation and migratory divides.  相似文献   

The common shrew, Sorex araneus, exhibits an unusually high level of karyotypic variation. Populations with identical or similar karyotypes are defined as chromosome races, which are, in turn, grouped into larger evolutionary units, karyotypic groups. Using six microsatellite markers, we investigated the genetic structure of a hybrid zone between the Sidensjö and Abisko chromosome races, representatives of two distinct karyotypic groups believed to have been separated during the last glacial maximum, the West European karyotypic group (western group) and the North European karyotypic group (northern group), respectively. Significant FST values among populations suggest some weak genetic structure. All hierarchical levels show similar levels of genetic differentiation, equivalent to levels of genetic structure in several intraracial studies of common shrew populations from central Europe. Notably, genetic differentiation was of the same order of magnitude between and within karyotypic groups. Although the genetic differentiation was weak, the correlation between genetic and geographical distance was positive and significant, suggesting that the genetic variation observed between populations is a function of geographical distance rather than racial origin. Hence, considerable chromosomal differences do not seem to prevent extensive gene flow.  相似文献   

什么是物种?新物种是如何形成的?这些问题是生命科学研究的重大问题.物种的形成是在生殖隔离的基础上某些新的生物学性状的形成和保留,是生物进化的最基本过程,其实质是基因结构突变的积累与功能的分化. 地理隔离使群体中的基因不能交流,基因突变也会影响个体间交配趣向,从而造成交配隔离或者交配后杂合体的基因组不亲和、杂交不育甚至杂交不活,使不同的群体逐渐分化为新物种. 随着分子生物学与基因组学的飞速发展,进化生物学家已经发现一些与物种形成有关的基因-物种形成基因(speciation genes),鉴定并了解这些基因的功能,不仅能使我们在分子水平上理解新物种形成的实质和规律、而且对于我们突破种间屏障进行远缘杂交育种也有重要的理论指导意义.本文综述了目前对几个物种形成基因及其功能的研究进展,为该领域的进一步研究提供资料.  相似文献   

Despite examples of homoploid hybrid species, theoretical work describing when, where, and how we expect homoploid hybrid speciation to occur remains relatively rare. Here, I explore the probability of homoploid hybrid speciation due to “symmetrical incompatibilities” under different selective and genetic scenarios. Through simulation, I test how genetic architecture and selection acting on traits that do not themselves generate incompatibilities interact to affect the probability that hybrids evolve symmetrical incompatibilities with their parent species. Unsurprisingly, selection against admixture at “adaptive” loci that are linked to loci that generate incompatibilities tends to reduce the probability of evolving symmetrical incompatibilities. By contrast, selection that favors admixed genotypes at adaptive loci can promote the evolution of symmetrical incompatibilities. The magnitude of these outcomes is affected by the strength of selection, aspects of genetic architecture such as linkage relationships and the linear arrangement of loci along a chromosome, and the amount of hybridization following the formation of a hybrid zone. These results highlight how understanding the nature of selection, aspects of the genetics of traits affecting fitness, and the strength of reproductive isolation between hybridizing taxa can all be used to inform when we expect to observe homoploid hybrid speciation due to symmetrical incompatibilities.  相似文献   

Thomson MS  Labonne AM 《Genetica》1998,104(2):155-159
The Tribolium castaneum hybrid inviability gene, H, was selectively introgressed into a genetic background lacking H through serial paternal backcrosses. This revealed a poor viability phenotype (partial paralysis and poor control of the limbs, referred to as tremor) not present in the parent strains. Tremor cosegregated with H, but was expressed only when transmitted paternally and only when H was not also present maternally. The inferred maternal, self‐suppressive effect of H may explain nonreciprocal incompatibilty previously observed between H and H‐incompatible strains. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Firmly rooted as we are in the genomic era, it can seem incredible that as recently as 1974, Lewontin declared, 'we know virtually nothing about the genetic changes that occur in species formation'. To the contrary, we now know the genetic architecture of phenotypic differences and reproductive isolation between species for many diverse groups of plants, animals, and fungi. In recent years, detailed genetic analyses have produced a small but growing list of genes that cause reproductive isolation, several of which appear to have diverged by natural selection. Yet, a full accounting of the speciation process requires that we understand the reproductive and ecological properties of natural populations as they begin to diverge genetically, as well as the dynamics of newly evolved barriers to gene flow. One promising approach to this problem is the study of natural hybrid zones, where gene exchange between divergent populations can produce recombinant genotypes in situ . In such individuals, genomic variation might be shaped by introgression at universally adaptive or neutral loci, even as regions associated with local adaptation or reproductive isolation remain divergent. In Nolte et   al . (2009) , the authors take advantage of two independent, recently formed hybrid zones between sculpin species to investigate genome-wide patterns of reproductive isolation. Using a recently developed genomic clines method, the authors identify marker loci that are associated with isolation, and those that show evidence for adaptive introgression. Remarkably, Nolte et   al . (2009) find little similarity between the two hybrid zones in patterns of introgression, a fact that might reflect genetic variation within species or heterogeneous natural selection. In either case, their study system has the potential to provide insight into the early stages of speciation.  相似文献   

Reproductive isolation is a critical step in the process of speciation. Among the most important factors driving reproductive isolation are genetic incompatibilities. Whether these incompatibilities are already present before extrinsic factors prevent gene flow between incipient species remains largely unresolved in natural systems. This question is particularly challenging because it requires that we catch speciating populations in the act before they reach the full‐fledged species status. We measured the extent of intrinsic postzygotic isolation within and between phenotypically and genetically divergent lineages of the wild yeast Saccharomyces paradoxus that have partially overlapping geographical distributions. We find that hybrid viability between lineages progressively decreases with genetic divergence. A large proportion of postzygotic inviability within lineages is associated with chromosomal rearrangements, suggesting that chromosomal differences substantially contribute to the early steps of reproductive isolation within lineages before reaching fixation. Our observations show that polymorphic intrinsic factors may segregate within incipient species before they contribute to their full reproductive isolation and highlight the role of chromosomal rearrangements in speciation. We propose different hypotheses based on adaptation, biogeographical events and life history evolution that could explain these observations.  相似文献   

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