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Kinetics of in vivo phosphorylation of 3H-thymidine taken up by sea urchin eggs was compared between unfertilized and fertilized eggs. The percentage of phosphorylated 3H-thymidine in the total acid-soluble radioactivity in the cell increased with increasing incubation time within the first several minutes of incubation in the unfertilized eggs, while nearly 100% of phosphorylation of thymidine was observed without regards to the incubation time and in spite of a tremendous increase in the net uptake of thymidine in the fertilized eggs, suggesting possible activation of thymidine kinase occurring soon after fertilization.In contrast to the in vivo finding, the thymidine kinase activity in unfertilized egg homogenates was found in general to be almost as large as that in fertilized egg homogenates. However, when the enzyme activity was assayed within a short period (30 min) after homogenization of unfertilized eggs, the activity was found to increase more or less with time after homogenization, reaching a level equal to that in fertilized egg homogenates. This enzyme activation after homogenization was especially marked in case of Pseudocentrotus eggs and sometimes amounted to a several fold increase.Preliminary investigations revealed possible involvement of some redox reaction(s) in the thymidine kinase activation during and/or after homogenization of unfertilized sea urchin eggs.  相似文献   

Formation of fertilization membrane in sea urchin eggs   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Changes in the state of actin assembly triggered by fertilization or by artificial activation of sea urchin eggs were quantified using the DNase I inhibition assay. Insemination of Lytechinus pictus or Strongylocentrotus purpuratus eggs induces a cyclic variation in the level of G-actin as follows: between 0 and 30 s after insemination, the G-actin content decreases. This is followed by an increase in the amount of monomeric actin between 30 and 60 s, and then from 60 s to 5 min postinsemination there is a progressive decrease in the egg's level of G-actin. This latter decrease is more pronounced in S. purpuratus eggs than in L. pictus eggs. Using sperm mimetics that trigger an increase in intracellular calcium concentration (A23187 in sodium-free seawater), a cytoplasmic alkalinization (NH4Cl), a plasma membrane depolarization (seawater enriched with potassium ions), or all three of these phenomena (A23187 in normal seawater), each phase depicted at fertilization correlates with the following metabolic events accompanying egg awakening: phase 1, of uncertain origin (possibly related to plasma membrane depolarization); phase 2, elevation of intracellular calcium concentration; phase 3, alkalinization of the intracellular milieu but only if the transient intracellular calcium rise has taken place.  相似文献   

Fertilization elicits a dramatic, transient rise in Ca2+ within the egg which is an essential component of egg activation and consequent initiation of development. In the sea urchin egg, three distinct Ca2+ stores have been identified which could, either individually or in combination, initiate Ca2+ release at fertilization. Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) production by phospholipase C (PLC) has been suggested as the singular signal in initiating the Ca2+ transient. Other studies indicate that Ca2+ stores gated by cyclic adenosine diphosphate ribose (cADPR) or nicotinic acid adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NAADP) are also necessary. We have examined the temporal relationship between the Ca2+ rise and IP3 production at fertilization in vivo within individual eggs using a green fluorescent protein (GFP) coupled to a pleckstrin homology (PH) domain that can detect changes in IP3. Translocation of the probe occurred after the Ca2+ rise was initiated. Earlier, and possibly smaller, IP3 changes could not be excluded due to limitations in probe sensitivity. High IP3 levels are maintained during the decline in cytoplasmic Ca2+, suggesting that later IP3 metabolism might not be related to regulation of Ca2+, but may function to modulate other PIP2 regulated events such as actin polymerization or reflect other novel phosphoinositide signaling pathways.  相似文献   

Interphylum crossing was examined between sea urchin eggs (Temnopleurus hardwicki) and oyster sperm (Crassostrea gigas). The eggs could receive the spermatozoa with or without cortical change. The fertilized eggs that elevated the fertilization envelope began their embryogenesis. Electron microscopy revealed that oyster spermatozoa underwent acrosome reaction on the sea urchin vitelline coat, and their acrosomal membrane fused with the egg plasma membrane after the appearance of an intricate membranous structure in the boundary between the acrosomal process and the egg cytoplasm. Oyster spermatozoa penetrated sometimes into sea urchin eggs without stimulating cortical granule discharge and consequently without fertilization envelope formation. The organelles derived from oyster spermatozoa seemed to be functionally inactive in the eggs whose cortex remained unchanged.  相似文献   


After fertilization of sea urchin eggs, there is a rapid increase in cellular levels of NADPH, a metabolite utilized in a variety of biosynthetic reactions during early development. Recent studies have shown that a dramatic increase in the activity of the pentose phosphate shunt occurs in vivo shortly after fertilization, consistent with the hypothesis mat this metabolic pathway is a major supplier of NADPH in sea urchin zygotes. One mechanism that may account, in part, for this increase in pentose shunt activity is the dissociation of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH), the first enzyme of the shunt, from cell structural elements. In vitro, G6PDH is associated with the insoluble matrix obtained from homogenates of unfertilized eggs, and in this state, the enzyme is inhibited. Within minutes of fertilization, G6PDH is released as an active, soluble enzyme. A similar solubilization and activation of G6PDH occurs after fertilization of eggs of other marine invertebrates and in mammalian cells in culture stimulated by growth factors. The occurrence of this phenomenon in such diverse cell types, in response to different stimuli, suggests that the redistribution of G6PDH between insoluble and soluble locations may be involved in the regulation of the pentose phosphate shunt during cell activation in general.  相似文献   

Fertilization of sea urchin eggs results in a large stimulation of protein synthesis. This increase in protein synthesis is mediated by the mobilization of stored maternal mRNA (mRNPs) into polysomes, but the details of the molecular mechanisms which regulate this process are not well understood. Using a sea urchin egg cell-free translation system, evidence has been obtained which indicates that the capacity to initiate protein synthesis on new mRNAs is limited. Addition of exogenous mRNAs failed to stimulate overall protein synthesis, whereas supplementing the system with a nuclease-treated reticulocyte lysate, an S-100 supernatant fraction, or purified eIF-2 stimulated nearly twofold. In addition, the levels of 43 S preinitiation complexes containing a 40 S ribosomal subunit and methionyl-tRNA were increased at pH 7.4 compared to pH 6.9, or when reticulocyte S-100 was added. However, other experiments showed clearly that mRNA availability may also regulate translation in the sea urchin egg. Sea urchin lysates only stimulated poorly the nuclease-treated reticulocyte lysate system, and the mRNPs in the sea urchin lysate did not bind to reticulocyte 43 S preinitiation complexes. Since purified sea urchin egg mRNA was active in both assays, the bulk of sea urchin mRNA must be masked in the egg, and remain masked in the in vitro assays. Thus, protein synthesis appears to be regulated at both the level of mRNA availability and the activity of components of the translational machinery.  相似文献   

The depolarizing component of the activation potential consists of an early phase having a constant duration at room temperature, and a late phase displaying evident overshoot. The early phase is built up by one to several depolarizing steps, each of them being due to single interactions between spermatozoa and egg. The number of steps in the early phase is related to the sperm concentration. The first step in the sequence may be regarded as the trigger of egg activation. The late phase of the activation potential is related to the cortical reaction, and therefore to the complete block of polyspermy. This phase is absent both in oocytes at the germinal vesicle stage, which are naturally susceptible to polyspermic fertilization lacking cortical granules, and in mature oocytes made polyspermic by nicotine treatment.  相似文献   

The content of glycolytic intermediates and of adenine nucleotides was measured in eggs of the echiuroid, Urechis unicinctus and the oyster, Crassostrea gigas, before and after fertilization. On the whole, the profile of the change in each glycolytic intermediate in Urechis eggs upon fertilization was found to be essentially similar to that in oyster eggs. Calculation of the mass action ratio for each glycolytic step from the amounts of glycolytic intermediates determined suggests that there are at least three limiting enzymes in the glycolysis system in unfertilized and fertilized eggs of each species examined. Phosphorylase (EC, phosphofructokinase (EC, and pyruvate kinase (EC may be rate-limiting enzymes for the glycolysis system in Urechis eggs as well as in oyster eggs. These enzymes are thought to be activated upon fertilization, though even the reactions of the enzymes in fertilized eggs do not reach a state of equilibrium. In eggs of Urechis and oyster, phosphorylase is the first enzyme to be activated following fertilization. In Urechis eggs, pyruvate kinase is activated after the instant increase in the phosphorylase activity upon fertilization, followed by phosphofructokinase activation. In oyster eggs, however, pyruvate kinase and phosphofructokinase seem to be stimulated simultaneously, subsequent to phosphorylase activation upon fertilization. The mechanism controlling phosphorylase and pyruvate kinase activity is unknown, but the phosphofructokinase activity in both species may be regulated by the intracellular concentration of adenine nucleotides, since the enzyme activity is enhanced along with a decline in the phosphate potential in the eggs of both Urechis and of oyster.  相似文献   

The fluorescent probe merocyanine 540 was used to examine the organization of the lipids in the external leaflet of the plasma membrane after fertilization of sea urchin eggs. These lipids in unfertilized eggs are closely packed, as evidenced by their inability to bind the dye, whereas in fertilized eggs and cells of embryos up to at least the gastrula stage, the membrane becomes more loosely organized, and stains with bright ring fluorescence. Induction of late fertilization events with ammonia failed to induce this change in staining behavior. Sperm components are not required to induce this alteration since parthenogenetically activated eggs stained. However, treatment of eggs with procaine, which specifically inhibits the early event of cortical granule fusion, was effective in suppressing staining. These results indicate that cortical granule fusion after fertilization results in a change in the organization of the lipids of the plasma membrane of sea urchin eggs.  相似文献   

Previous studies indicate that the nitric oxide (NO) increase at fertilization in sea urchin eggs is Ca2+-dependent and attributed to the late Ca2+ rise. However, its role in fertilization still remains unclear. Simultaneous measurements of the activation current, by a single electrode voltage clamp, and NO, using the NO indicator DAF-FM, showed that the NO increase occurred at the time of peak current (tp) which corresponds to peak [Ca2+]i, suggesting that NO is not related to any other ionic changes besides [Ca2+]i. We measured O2 consumption by a polarographic method to examine whether NO regulated a respiratory burst for protection as reported in other biological systems. Our results suggested NO increased O2 consumption. The fluorescence of reduced pyridine nucleotides, NAD(P)H was measured in controls and when the NO increase was eliminated by PTIO, a NO scavenger. Surprisingly, PTIO decreased the rate of the fluorescence change and the late phase of increase in NAD(P)H was eliminated. PTIO also suppressed the production of H2O2 and caused weak and high fertilization envelope (FE). Our results suggest that NO increase upregulates NAD(P)H and H2O2 production and consolidates FE hardening by H2O2.  相似文献   

Membrane currents were measured in single voltage-clamped sea urchin eggs (Lytechinus pictus and Lytechinus variegatus) that were injected with either EGTA or neomycin and inseminated. Although egg activation and the fertilization calcium wave were prevented by injection of either of these compounds, sperm attached and still elicited inward currents. Sperm-induced currents in EGTA-injected eggs had an abrupt onset, quickly reached a maximum, and then slowly declined in amplitude. Sperm incorporation occurred readily in EGTA-injected eggs. Similar results were obtained with another calcium chelator, BAPTA. In neomycin-injected eggs, sperm-induced currents generally had an abrupt onset and, in contrast to EGTA-injected eggs, the currents usually cut off rapidly. Sperm failed to enter the neomycin-injected eggs and the duration of sperm-induced currents in neomycin-injected eggs was markedly dependent upon the voltage-clamp holding potential, with shorter duration currents occurring at -70 than at -20 mV. The lability of the initial interaction between sperm and egg at negative holding potentials may explain why activation often fails when the egg membrane is voltage clamped at these potentials (Lynn et al., Dev. Biol. 128, 305-323, 1988).  相似文献   

The results presented in this paper give evidence of changes in solubility occurring in a protein fraction of the eggs of Arbacia lixula upon fertilization. The electrophoretic analysis indicates that it is only one part of one of the components of the KCl fraction that undergoes the change. However, under some experimental conditions (freezing and thawing of the KCl fraction or extraction of the whole eggs with water at room temperature) a larger portion of the KCl fraction, namely the whole group of components a and b, may be involved and undergoes coagulation. Therefore assuming that the results obtained on the extracts of frozen-dried fertilized eggs do reflect what actually occurs under natural conditions, we must also assume the existence of mechanisms controlling the extent of this change in the living eggs. The fact that in many cases one part or the whole of the sensitive fraction has been found to undergo an increase in solubility may suggest that the process of coagulation discovered by Mirsky is a two-step process. In the first step the sensitive fraction undergoes a change that makes it more soluble and then, when certain conditions are fulfilled, coagulation occurs. An alternative explanation could also be that the coagulated or coagulating fraction is attacked by the proteolytic enzyme that, as shown by Lundblad (1949, 1950), is activated on fertilization. This, however, seems to be less probable, as extraction was always carried out at 0° C. and in as short a time as possible. However, further experiments are needed to decide whether the coagulation of the sensitive fraction is an actual occurrence under natural conditions. The results obtained with the eggs of Arbacia punctulata may cast some doubt on this assumption.  相似文献   

It is well known that stimulation of egg metabolism after fertilization is due to a rise in intracellular free calcium concentration. In sea urchin eggs, this first calcium signal is followed by other calcium transients that allow progression through mitotic control points of the cell cycle of the early embryo. How sperm induces these calcium transients is still far from being understood. In sea urchin eggs, both InsP3 and ryanodine receptors contribute to generate the fertilization calcium transient, while the InsP3 receptor generates the subsequent mitotic calcium transients. The identity of the mechanisms that generate InsP3 after fertilization remains an enigma. In order to determine whether PLCgamma might be the origin of the peaks of InsP3 production that punctuate the first mitotic cell cycles of the fertilized sea urchin egg, we have amplified by RT-PCR several fragments of sea urchin PLCgamma containing the two SH2 domains. The sequence shares similarities with SH2 domains of PLCgamma from mammals. One fragment was subcloned into a bacterial expression plasmid and a GST-fusion protein was produced and purified. Antibodies raised to the GST fusion protein demonstrate the presence of PLCgamma protein in eggs. Microinjection of the fragment into embryos interferes with mitosis. A related construct made from bovine PLCgamma also delayed or prevented entry into mitosis and blocked or prolonged metaphase. The bovine construct also blocked the calcium transient at fertilization, in contrast to a tandem SH2 control construct which did not inhibit either fertilization or mitosis. Our data indicate that PLCgamma plays a key role during fertilization and early development.  相似文献   

We have evaluated the regulation of a 43-kDa MAP kinase in sea urchin eggs. Both MAP kinase and MEK (MAP kinase kinase) are phosphorylated and active in unfertilized eggs while both are dephosphorylated and inactivated after fertilization, although with distinct kinetics. Reactivation of MEK or the 43-kDa MAP kinase prior to or during the first cell division was not detected. Confocal immunolocalization microscopy revealed that phosphorylated (active) MAP kinase is present primarily in the nucleus of the unfertilized egg, with some of the phosphorylated form in the cytoplasm as well. Incubation of unfertilized eggs in the MEK inhibitor U0126 (0.5 microM) resulted in the inactivation of MEK and MAP kinase within 30 min. Incubation in low concentrations of U0126 (sufficient to inactivate MEK and MAP kinase) after fertilization had no effect on progression through the embryonic cell cycle. Microinjection of active mammalian MAP kinase phosphatase (MKP-3) resulted in inactivation of MAP kinase in unfertilized eggs, as did addition of MKP-3 to lysates of unfertilized eggs. Incubation of unfertilized eggs in the Ca(2+) ionophore A23187 led to inactivation of MEK and MAP kinase with the same kinetics as observed with sperm-induced egg activation. This suggests that calcium may be deactivating MEK and/or activating a MAP kinase-directed phosphatase. A cell-free system was used to evaluate the activation of phosphatase separately from MEK inactivation. Unfertilized egg lysates were treated with U0126 to inactivate MEK and then Ca(2+) was added. This resulted in increased MAP kinase phosphatase activity. Therefore, MAP kinase inactivation at fertilization in sea urchin eggs likely is the result of a combination of MEK inactivation and phosphatase activation that are directly or indirectly responsive to Ca(2+).  相似文献   

Parthenogenetic activation of unfertilized sea urchin eggs with ammonium chloride at pH 8.0 resulted in a slow, but dramatic, reorganization of surface microvilli in four species of sea urchin eggs. Following NH4Cl treatment, elongation of microvilli on the egg surface was observed concomitant with the formation of microfilament bundles within the microvillar cores. A minimum of 2 h of treatment was required for elongation and microfilament bundle formation to occur. The maintenance of elongated microvilli was pH-sensitive; removal of the activating agent resulted in the retraction of extended microvilli while readdition of NH4Cl caused microvilli to elongate again. Accompanying microvillar elongation in activated eggs, there was an increased calcium uptake as measured by 45Ca uptake. Blocking calcium uptake by incubation in lanthanum chloride or zero-calcium seawater containing 2 mM EGTA prevented microvillar elongation. These results suggested that elongation of microvilli following parthenogenetic activation by NH4Cl is pH- and calcium-dependent and is similar to that observed during normal fertilization.  相似文献   

Phospholipid metabolism during early development was examined in the sea urchins Stronglyocentrotus purpuratus and Lytechinus pictus. Transport of 3H-choline was stimulated fivefold following fertilization in both species. However, the actual percent incorporation of labeled precursors into phospholipids from the TCA soluble pool did not change at fertilization. There was a slight increase in transport of 14C-ethanolamine at fertilization but again there was no change in its percent incorporation into phospholipids. When eggs were preloaded with 3H-choline or 14C-ethanolamine and fertilized, the eggs or embryos showed similar patterns of incorporation into phospholipids. There was no significant change in the percent phosphorylation of choline in fertilized or unfertilized eggs.An investigation was made of the activity of choline kinase, the first enzyme in the biosynthesis of phosphatidylcholine. This enzyme was found to have similar activities in fertilized and unfertilized eggs using a variety of homogenization media. The activity of choline kinase was found to decrease slightly in activity at fertilization and reach a maximum activity by gastrula.These results indicate that there is no activation of phospholipid synthesis at fertilization of sea urchin eggs. Apparent increased incorporation actually reflects increased transport of precursors and not de novo synthesis.  相似文献   

Concanavalin A (Con A) affected sperm-egg interactions of Arbacia punctulata and Strongylocentrotus purpuratus by inhibiting insemination at minimally saturating sperm concentrations. However, this inhibition was overcome by increasing the sperm density. Sperm concentrations (106/ml) yielding 100% fertilization of control preparations resulted in only 72% insemination of Con A-treated ova (104/ml). Although a cortical granule reaction occurred in fertilized, Con A-treated eggs, the distance the fertilization membrane separated from the zygote's surface was not as great as observed in controls. These results may be the basis for previous reports of Con A inhibiting fertilization in sea urchins.  相似文献   

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