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α11β1 constitutes the most recent addition to the integrin family and has been shown to display a binding preference for interstitial collagens found in mesenchymal tissues. We have previously observed that when α11β1 integrin is expressed in cells lacking endogenous collagen receptors, it can mediate PDGF-BB-dependent chemotaxis on collagen I in vitro. To determine in which cells PDGF and α11β1 might cooperate in regulating cell migration in vivo, we studied in detail the expression and distribution of α11 integrin chain in mouse embryos and tested the ability of PDGF isoforms to stimulate the α11β1-mediated cell migration of embryonic fibroblasts.Full-length mouse α11 cDNA was sequenced and antibodies were raised to deduced α11 integrin amino acid sequence. In the embryonic mouse head, α11 protein and RNA were localized to ectomesenchymally derived cells. In the periodontal ligament, α11β1 was expressed as the only detectable collagen-binding integrin, and α11β1 is thus a major receptor for cell migration and matrix organization in this cell population. In the remainder of the embryo, the α11 chain was expressed in a subset of mesenchymal cells including tendon/ligament fibroblasts, perichondrial cells, and intestinal villi fibroblasts. Most of the α11-expressing cells also expressed the α2 integrin chain, but no detectable overlap was found with the α1 integrin chain. In cells expressing multiple collagen receptors, these might function to promote a more stable cell adhesion and render the cells more resistant to chemotactic stimuli.Wild-type embryonic fibroblasts activated mainly the PDGF β receptor in response to PDGF-BB and migrated on collagens I, II, III, IV, V, and XI in response to PDGF-BB in vitro, whereas mutant fibroblasts that lacked α11β1 in their collagen receptor repertoire showed a stronger chemotactic response on collagens when stimulated with PDGF-BB. In the cellular context of embryonic fibroblasts, α11β1 is thus anti-migratory.We speculate that the PDGF BB-dependent cell migration of mesenchymal cells is tightly regulated by the collagen receptor repertoire, and disturbances of this repertoire might lead to unregulated cell migration that could affect normal embryonic development and tissue structure.  相似文献   

Smooth muscle cells (SMCs) are exposed to both platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) and type I collagen (CNI) at the time of arterial injury. In these studies we explore the individual and combined effects of these agonists on human saphenous vein SMC proliferation. PDGF-BB produced a 5.5-fold increase in SMC DNA synthesis whereas CNI stimulated DNA synthesis to a much lesser extent (1.6-fold increase). Alternatively, we observed an 8.3-fold increase in DNA synthesis when SMCs were co-incubated with CNI and PDGF-BB. Furthermore, stimulation of SMCs with PDGF-BB produced a significant increase in ERK-2 activity whereas CNI alone had no effect. Co-incubation of SMCs with PDGF-BB and CNI resulted in ERK-2 activity that was markedly greater than that produced by PDGF-BB alone. In a similar fashion, PDGF-BB induced phosphorylation of the PDGF receptor beta (PDGFRbeta) and CNI did not, whereas concurrent agonist stimulation produced a synergistic increase in receptor activity. Blocking antibodies to the alpha2 and beta1 subunits eliminated this synergistic interaction, implicating the alpha2beta1 integrin as the mediator of this effect. Immunoprecipitation of the alpha2beta1 integrin in unstimulated SMCs followed by immunoblotting for the PDGFRbeta as well as Src family members, pp60(src), Fyn, Lyn, and Yes demonstrated coassociation of alpha2beta1 and the PDGFRbeta as well as pp60(src). Incubation of cells with CNI and/or PDGF-BB did not change the degree of association. Finally, inhibition of Src activity with SU6656 eliminated the synergistic effect of CNI on PDGF-induced PDGFRbeta phosphorylation suggesting an important role for pp60(src) in the observed receptor crosstalk. Together, these data demonstrate that CNI synergistically enhances PDGF-induced SMC proliferation through Src-dependent crosstalk between the alpha2beta1 integrin and the PDGFRbeta.  相似文献   

In comparison to the internalization pathways of endocytosis, the recycling pathways are less understood. Even less defined is the process of regulated recycling, as few examples exist and their underlying mechanisms remain to be clarified. In this study, we examine the endocytic recycling of integrin β1, a process that has been suggested to play an important role during cell motility by mediating the redistribution of integrins to the migrating front. External stimulation regulates the endocytic itinerary of β1, mainly at an internal compartment that is likely to be a subset of the recycling endosomes. This stimulation-dependent recycling is regulated by ARF6 and Rab11, and also requires the actin cytoskeleton in an ARF6-dependent manner. Consistent with these observations being relevant for cell motility, mutant forms of ARF6 that affect either actin rearrangement or recycling inhibit the motility of a breast cancer cell line.  相似文献   

BM-40 is an extracellular matrix-associated protein and is characterized by an extracellular calcium-binding domain as well as a follistatin-like domain. Secreted modular calcium-binding protein-1 (SMOC-1) is a new member of the BM-40 family. It consists of two thyroglobulin-like domains, a follistatin-like domain and a new domain without known homologues and is expressed ubiquitously in many adult murine tissues. Immunofluorescence studies, as well as immunogold electron microscopy, have confirmed the localization of SMOC-1 in or around basement membranes of adult murine skin, blood vessels, brain, kidney, skeletal muscle, and the zona pellucida surrounding the oocyte. In the present work, light microscopic immunohistochemistry has revealed that SMOC-1 is localized in the early mouse embryo day 7 throughout the entire endodermal basement membrane zone of the embryo proper. SMOC-1 mRNA is synthesized, even in early stages of mouse development, by mesenchymal as well as epithelial cells deriving from all three germ layers. In embryonic stage day 12, and fetal stages day 14, 16, and 18, the protein is present in the basement membrane zones of brain, blood vessels, skin, skeletal muscle, lung, heart, liver, pancreas, intestine, and kidney. This broad and organ-specific distribution suggests multifunctional roles of SMOC-1 during mouse embryogenesis.  相似文献   

betaig-h3 is an extracellular matrix protein and its expression is highly induced by TGF-beta and it has also been suggested to play important roles in skin wound healing. In this paper, we demonstrate that betaig-h3 is present in the papillary layer of dermis and synthesized in the basal keratinocytes in vivo and its expression is induced by TGF-beta in normal human keratinocytes (NHEK) and HaCaT cells. betaig-h3 mediates not only adhesion and spreading of keratinocytes but also supports migration and proliferation. These activities are mediated through interacting with alpha3beta1 integrin. Previously identified two alpha3beta1 integrin-interacting motifs of betaig-h3, EPDIM, and NKDIL, are responsible for these activities. The results suggest that betaig-h3 may regulate keratinocyte functions in normal skin and potentially during wound-healing process.  相似文献   

Gremlin1 (Grem1) is an antagonist of bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) that plays a critical role in embryonic and postnatal development. Grem1 has been implicated as both a promoter and an inhibitor of cell proliferation driven by BMP-4 and other mitogens in a diverse range of cell types. Recent data showed that Grem1 can trigger angiogenesis via vascular endothelial growth factor receptor (VEGFR2) binding, highlighting that the precise modalities of Grem1 signalling require further elucidation.In an attempt to enhance our understanding of the role of Grem1 in cell proliferation, mouse embryonic fibroblasts lacking grem1 (grem1−/−) were generated. Grem1−/− cells showed elevated levels of proliferation in vitro compared to wild-type and grem1+/−, with accelerated scratch wound repair but no obvious changes in cell cycle profile. Modest increases in BMP-4-stimulated Smad1/5/8 phosphorylation were detected in grem1−/− cells, with concomitant modest changes in Smad-dependent gene expression. Surprisingly, levels of ERK phosphorylation were reduced in grem1−/− cells compared to wild-type.These data suggest Grem1 is an inhibitor of embryonic fibroblast proliferation in vitro. Furthermore, the signalling pathways causing increased cell proliferation in the absence of Grem1 may involve other pathways distinct from canonical Smad and non-canonical ERK signalling.  相似文献   

Thrombospondin-1 (TSP-1) is an extracellular glycoprotein that is involved in a variety of physiological processes such as tumor cell adhesion, invasion, and metastasis. It has been hypothesized that TSP-1 provides an adhesive matrix for osteosarcoma cells. Here we present data showing that TSP-1 can promote cell substrate adhesion to U2OS and SAOS cells through the alpha 4 beta 1 integrin. The dose-dependent adhesion to TSP-1 was inhibited by anti-integrin antibodies directed against the alpha 4 or beta 1 subunit, but not by control antibodies against other integrins. To localize the potential alpha 4 beta 1-binding site within the TSP-1 molecule, the protein was subjected to limited proteolysis with chymotrypsin in the absence of calcium. The stable 70-kDa core fragment produced under these conditions promoted alpha 4 beta 1-dependent osteosarcoma cell adhesion in a manner similar to that of the intact protein. Moreover adhesion experiments with neutralizing antibodies revealed that the adhesion was totally dependent on the alpha 4 beta 1 interaction. Further blocking experiments with potential inhibitory peptides revealed that the alpha 4 beta 1-mediated adhesion was not influenced by peptides containing the RGD sequence. Attachment to the 70-kDa fragment was strongly inhibited by the CS-1 peptide, which represents the most active recognition domain for alpha 4 beta 1 integrin in fibronectin. The present data provide evidence that TSP-1 contains an alpha 4 beta 1 integrin-binding site within the 70-kDa core region.  相似文献   

Searching for CCN family protein 2/connective tissue growth factor (CCN2/CTGF) interactive proteins by yeast-two-hybrid screening, we identified fibronectin 1 gene product as a major binding partner of CCN2/CTGF in the chondrosarcoma-derived chondrocytic cell line HCS-2/8. Only the CT domain of CCN2/CTGF bound directly to fibronectin (FN). CCN2/CTGF and its CT domain enhanced the adhesion of HCS-2/8 cells to FN in a dose-dependent manner. The CCN2/CTGF-enhancing effect on cell adhesion to FN was abolished by a blocking antibody against alpha5beta1 integrin (alpha5beta1), but not by one against anti-alphavbeta3 integrin. These findings suggest for the first time that CCN2/CTGF enhances chondrocyte adhesion to FN through direct interaction of its C-terminal CT domain with FN, and that alpha5beta1 is involved in this adhesion.  相似文献   

目的:探讨早期生长反应基因-1(Egr-1)在小鼠和人体组织和细胞中的表达及其与细胞增殖的联系,方法:应用原位杂交和免疫组织化学法对小鼠和人的不同组织进行Egr-1检测。结果:Egr-1mRNA和Egr-1蛋白阳性信号呈棕褐色。位于细胞浆和细胞核,生长活跃和增生的细胞可见相对的Egr-1表达。结论:Egr-1mRNA和Egr-1蛋白的高表达主要在生长活跃和增生的细胞,与细胞增殖有密切的关系。  相似文献   

The integrin alpha9beta1 has been shown to be widely expressed on smooth muscle and epithelial cells, and to mediate adhesion to the extracellular matrix proteins osteopontin and tenascin-C. We have found that the peptide sequence this integrin recognizes in tenascin-C is highly homologous to the sequence recognized by the closely related integrin alpha4beta1, in the inducible endothelial ligand, vascular cell adhesion mole-cule-1 (VCAM-1). We therefore sought to determine whether alpha9beta1 also recognizes VCAM-1, and whether any such interaction would be biologically significant. In this report, we demonstrate that alpha9beta1 mediates stable cell adhesion to recombinant VCAM-1 and to VCAM-1 induced on human umbilical vein endothelial cells by tumor necrosis factor-alpha. Furthermore, we show that alpha9beta1 is highly and selectively expressed on neutrophils and is critical for neutrophil migration on VCAM-1 and tenascin-C. Finally, alpha9beta1 and alpha4 integrins contribute to neutrophil chemotaxis across activated endothelial monolayers. These observations suggest a possible role for alpha9beta1/VCAM-1 interactions in extravasation of neutrophils at sites of acute inflammation.  相似文献   

Integrins coordinate spatial signaling events essential for cell polarity and directed migration. Such signals from alpha4 integrins regulate cell migration in development and in leukocyte trafficking. Here, we report that efficient alpha4-mediated migration requires spatial control of alpha4 phosphorylation by protein kinase A, and hence localized inhibition of binding of the signaling adaptor, paxillin, to the integrin. In migrating cells, phosphorylated alpha4 accumulated along the leading edge. Blocking alpha4 phosphorylation by mutagenesis or by inhibition of protein kinase A drastically reduced alpha4-dependent migration and lamellipodial stability. alpha4 phosphorylation blocks paxillin binding in vitro; we now find that paxillin and phospho-alpha4 were in distinct clusters at the leading edge of migrating cells, whereas unphosphorylated alpha4 and paxillin colocalized along the lateral edges of those cells. Furthermore, enforced paxillin association with alpha4 inhibits migration and reduced lamellipodial stability. These results show that topographically specific integrin phosphorylation can control cell migration and polarization by spatial segregation of adaptor protein binding.  相似文献   

Integrin alpha2beta1, which is a membrane protein consisting of noncovalently bound alpha2 and beta1 chains, mediates cell binding to collagen and plays a role in platelet functions. DNAs encoding the chimeric proteins in which the extracellular domains of each alpha2 and beta1 chain was fused to hinge and Fc regions of human IgG(1)gamma chain were cotransfected into CHO cells. Soluble integrin alpha2beta1 (salpha2beta1) in which alpha2 and beta1 chains were covalently bound by disulfide bonds was recovered from the culture supernatant. salpha2beta1 maintained functional characteristics of cell surface alpha2beta1 as indicated by cation-dependent binding to collagen and conformational changes induced by cations or ligand. Intravenously administered salpha2beta1 in rats colocalized with collagen in inflamed microvessels. Moreover, salpha2beta1-conjugated liposome administered intravenously reduced bleeding time of the thrombocytopenic mice. These results indicated that salpha2beta1 has pharmaceutical utilities as an agent for detecting injured vessels and a component of platelet substitute.  相似文献   

Integrin αDβ2 (CD11d/CD18) is a multiligand macrophage receptor with recognition specificity identical to that of the major myeloid cell-specific integrin αMβ2 (CD11b/CD18, Mac-1). Despite its prominent upregulation on inflammatory macrophages, the role of αDβ2 in monocyte and macrophage migration is unknown. In this study, we have generated model and natural cell lines expressing different densities of αDβ2 and examined their migration to various extracellular matrix proteins. When expressed at a low density, αDβ2 on the surface of recombinant HEK293 cells and murine IC-21 macrophages cooperates with β13 integrins to support cell migration. However, its increased expression on the αDβ2-expressing HEK293 cells and its upregulation by PMA on the IC-21 macrophages result in increased cell adhesiveness and inhibition of cell migration. Furthermore, ligation of αDβ2 with anti-αD blocking antibodies restores β13-driven cell migration by removing the excess αDβ2-mediated adhesive bonds. Consistent with in vitro data, increased numbers of inflammatory macrophages were recovered from the inflamed peritoneum of mice after the administration of anti-αD antibody. These results demonstrate that the density of αDβ2 is critically involved in modulating macrophage adhesiveness and their migration, and suggest that low levels of αDβ2 contribute to monocyte migration while αDβ2 upregulation on differentiated macrophages may facilitate their retention at sites of inflammation.  相似文献   

The alpha(5)beta(1) integrin is one of the major fibronectin receptors which plays an essential role in the adhesion of normal and tumor cells to extracellular matrix. Here, we describe the isolation and characterization of a novel dimeric metalloproteinase/disintegrin, which is an inhibitor of fibronectin binding to the alpha(5)beta(1) integrin. This protein (BaG) was isolated from the venom of the South American snake Bothrops alternatus by gelatin-Sepharose affinity and anion exchange chromatography. The molecular mass of BaG was approximately 130 kDa under non-reducing conditions and 55 kDa under reducing conditions by SDS-PAGE. BaG shows proteolytic activity on casein that was inhibited by EDTA. 1,10-phenanthroline-treated BaG (BaG-I) inhibits ADP-induced platelet aggregation with an IC(50) of 190 nM. BaG-I inhibits fibronectin-mediated K562 cell adhesion with an IC(50) of 3.75 microM. K562 cells bind to BaG-I probably through interaction with alpha(5)beta(1) integrin, since anti-alpha(5)beta(1) antibodies inhibited K562 cell adhesion to BaG-I. In addition, BaG-I induces the detachment of K562 cells that were bound to fibronectin. In summary, we have purified a novel, dimeric snake venom metalloproteinase/disintegrin that binds to the alpha(5)beta(1) integrin.  相似文献   

The epithelial-mesenchymal interactions required for kidney organogenesis are disrupted in mice lacking the integrin alpha8beta1. None of this integrin's known ligands, however, appears to account for this phenotype. To identify a more relevant ligand, a soluble integrin alpha8beta1 heterodimer fused to alkaline phosphatase (AP) has been used to probe blots and cDNA libraries. In newborn mouse kidney extracts, alpha8beta1-AP detects a novel ligand of 70-90 kD. This protein, named nephronectin, is an extracellular matrix protein with five EGF-like repeats, a mucin region containing a RGD sequence, and a COOH-terminal MAM domain. Integrin alpha8beta1 and several additional RGD-binding integrins bind nephronectin. Nephronectin mRNA is expressed in the ureteric bud epithelium, whereas alpha8beta1 is expressed in the metanephric mesenchyme. Nephronectin is localized in the extracellular matrix in the same distribution as the ligand detected by alpha8beta1-AP and forms a complex with alpha8beta1 in vivo. Thus, these results strongly suggest that nephronectin is a relevant ligand mediating alpha8beta1 function in the kidney. Nephronectin is expressed at numerous sites outside the kidney, so it may also have wider roles in development. The approaches used here should be generally useful for characterizing the interactions of novel extracellular matrix proteins identified through genomic sequencing projects.  相似文献   

We have demonstrated a direct association between alpha5beta1 integrin and caspase 3, both pro- and mature enzyme, in various sub-cellular compartments of rat fibroblasts undergoing anoikis. Integrin associated caspase 3 showed high activity in the plasma membranes, whereas in the cytosol and microsomal fraction it showed little or no activity. Our results suggest a possible role for recycled un-ligated alpha5beta1 integrin molecules between cytosol and plasma membrane, in regulation of caspase-3 activity and induction of cell death in adhesion-deprived cells.  相似文献   

Several studies have shown that the native 7alpha-hydroxy-dehydroepiandrosterone (7alpha-hydroxy-DHEA) is a substrate for the human 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 (11beta-HSD1) which converts the 7alpha- into the 7beta-epimer through an oxido-reduction process. Research on the 11beta-HSD1 has investigated its function and structure through using native glucocorticoid substrates and known inhibitors. Other steroid substrates are also of interest. Among testosterone metabolites, 5alpha-androstane-3beta,17beta-diol (Adiol) is a substrate for the cytochrome P450 7B1 which produces 5alpha-androstane-3beta,7alpha,17beta-triol (7alpha-Adiol). This steroid may be a substrate for the 11beta-HSD1. We used recombinant yeast-expressed 11beta-HSD1 with NADP(H)-regenerating systems for examining the products obtained after incubation with 7alpha-Adiol, 7beta-Adiol or 7-oxo-Adiol. Oxidative conditions for the 11beta-HSD1 provided no trace of 7-oxo-Adiol but the inter-conversion of 7alpha- and 7beta-hydroxy-Adiol with V(max)/K(M) (pmol min(-1) microg(-1)/microM) values of 2 and 0.5, respectively. This state was maintained under reductive conditions. The use of a 7-oxo-Adiol substrate under reductive conditions led to the production of both 7alpha- and 7beta-hydroxy-Adiol with V(max)/K(M) values of 3.43 and 0.22, respectively. These findings support the hypothesis that the oxido-reductase and epimerase activities of 11beta-HSD1 depend on the positioning of the steroid substrates within the active site and may provide insight into its fine structure and mechanism of action.  相似文献   

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