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In this paper, we report a rapid, sensitive, and quantitative procedure to conduct disaccharide compositional analyses of keratan sulfates (KS) by means of high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) separation and postcolumn derivatization with 2-cyanoacetamide and fluorimetric detection of products generated by hydrolysis of this glycosaminoglycan with Bacillus sp. keratanase II or Escherichia freundii endo-beta-galactosidase. Following E. freundii endo-beta-galactosidase digestion of bovine corneal KS, the monosulfated disaccharide glcNAc6sbeta(1-->3)gal, accounting for approximately equals 95% nmol and 50% yield products, is produced. On the contrary, bovine corneal KS treated with endo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase (keratanase II) from Bacillus sp. generates two major products, the monosulfated disaccharide galbeta(1-->4)glcNAc6s ( approximately equals 50% nmol product) and the disulfated disaccharide gal6sbeta(1-->4)glcNAc6s ( approximately equals 40% nmol product) for over 90% nmol products. These disaccharides are separated and readily determined within 30 min by using a linear-gradient strong anion-exchange separation. A linear relationship was found for the two purified disaccharides over a wide range of concentrations, from approximately equals 108 pmol, 50 ng, to 2,160 pmol, 1,000 ng, for the disaccharide galbeta(1-->4)glcNAc6s, and from 92 pmol, 50 ng, to 1,840 pmol, 1,000 ng, for the disaccharide gal6sbeta(1-->4)glcNAc6s. HPLC analysis was applied to the quantitative and qualitative determination of KS produced by 3T3-J2 murine fibroblasts in the cell medium. The amount of KS was found to be 2.80+/-0.34 microg/ml/10(6) cells and composed of approximately equals 71% nmol of disaccharide galbeta(1-->4)glcNAc6s and 18% nmol of the disulfated disaccharide gal6sbeta(1-->4)glcNAc6s having approximately equals 1.20 sulfate groups/disaccharide. Our data illustrate that the HPLC procedure reported represents an improved approach for the quantitative and compositional microanalyses of KS, especially applicable to experimentation involving small amounts ( approximately 50 ng) of this glycosaminoglycan and in relation to its biological function and pathological importance.  相似文献   

A sensitive high-performance liquid chromatographic method for a routine assay of nadolol in serum is described. Serum samples spiked with atenolol (internal standard) were extracted with diethyl ether. After centrifugation, the organic layer was evaporated to dryness. The residue was redissolved in the mobile phase and injected onto an octadecyl silica column (150 mm × 4.6 mm I.D.). The mobile phase was 0.05 M ammonium acetate (pH 4.5)—acetonitrile (85:15, v/v). Fluorometric detection (excitation 230 nm, emission 300 nm) was used. The minimum detectable level of nadolol in serum was 1 ng/ml.  相似文献   

We report a reliable fluorimetric assay for the simultaneous determination of norepinephrine, epinephrine, dopamine and dobutamine in human plasma and urine, based on liquid—liquid extraction and derivatization with the fluorogenic agent 1,2-diphenylethylenediamine prior to chromatography. The method is sensitive (detection limit 0.3–0.8 pg injected) and reproducible (coefficients of variation 1–10%), and shows good accuracy (93–98%). The method should also be used when one only wants to measure the concentrations of the natural catecholamines, in order to avoid interference by metabolites of dobutamine and by the late-eluting dobutamine itself.  相似文献   

A high-performance liquid chromatographic method with fluorescence detection for the determination of itopride in human plasma is reported. The sample preparation was based on liquid–liquid extraction of itopride from plasma with t-butylmethylether and dichloromethane (70:30, v/v) mixture followed by a back extraction of the analyte to the phosphate buffer (pH 3.2). Liquid chromatography was performed on an octadecylsilica column (55 mm × 4 mm, 3 μm particles), the mobile phase consisted of acetonitrile–triethylamine–15 mM dihydrogenpotassium phosphate (14.5:0.5:85, v/v/v), pH of the mobile phase was adjusted to 4.8. The run time was 3 min. The fluorimetric detector was operated at 250/342 nm (excitation/emission wavelength). Naratriptan was used as the internal standard. The limit of quantitation was 9.5 ng/ml using 0.5 ml of plasma. The method precision and inaccuracy were less than 8%. The assay was applied to the analysis of samples from a bioequivalence study.  相似文献   

A reversed-phase HPLC method to quantify amiprilose in human plasma is described. The method involves liquid–liquid extraction of amiprilose and the internal standard from plasma. The extracted compounds are derivatized with 1,8-naphthalic dicarboxylic acid using 2-chloro-1-methylpyridinium iodide as a coupling reagent. The derivatized products are separated on a reversed-phase column and monitored fluorimetrically using 280 nm and 340 nm as excitation and emission wavelengths, respectively. The derivatized products which exhibit two peaks on chromatogram, are shown to be the interconvertible isomers. This assay has been used in pharmacokinetic studies of amiprilose in humans.  相似文献   

As the molecular species composition of glycerophospholipids provides more valuable information than the corresponding fatty acid composition, we have applied a fluorimetric detection (360 and 460 nm for excitation and emission wavelengths, respectively) of anthroyl derivatives of diradylglycerol species to minor phospholipid classes and subclasses from biological samples. Diacylglycerol species were obtained by phospholipase C treatment of phosphatidylcholine subclasses and phosphatidic acid extracted from rat thymocytes. Subpicomole measurements of molecular species from the minor subclass alkenylacylglycerophosphocholine could be achieved (e.g. 0.4 pmol of the 18:1/20:5 species). Such a sensitivity allowed study of the molecular species composition of another minor phospholipid, phosphatidic acid, and to evaluation of its alteration in mitogen-stimulated thymocytes as compared to unstimulated ones. Finally, we report that such a measurement is also applicable to other minor bioactive lipids with a hydroxyl group available, namely hydroxyeicosatetraenoates (HETEs), with a similar gain of sensitivity over conventional UV detection. Overall, these measurements, especially those of phospholipid molecular species, are sensitive, reliable and meaningful for precursor–product relationship between phospholipids.  相似文献   

In the present study a new chromatographic method was developed to quantify melatonin in rat pineal that can be extended to other tissues. Melatonin was extracted from an acid homogenate with ethyl acetate to avoid amine interference. HPLC was performed with silica normal-phase column and fluorescence detection. This method is sensitive enough for detecting melatonin in a single pineal gland with a detection limit of 3 pg/mg tissue.  相似文献   

A high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) procedure for the separation of choline lysophospholids including 1-acyl-lysophosphatidylcholines and 1-O-alkyl-lysophosphatidyl-cholines, like the lysoform of the platelet activating factor (2-lysoPAF), is described. The lysophospholipids are derivatized at the sn-2 position of the hydroxyl group by 7-diethylaminocoumarin-3-carbonylazide, which converts them into the corresponding carbamoyl derivatives. The derivatized compounds were well separated by reversed-phase HPLC and quantified by fluorimetric detection. This method shows a high sensitivity and allows the separation and quantification of mixtures of lysophospholipids at picomolar level. The method was applied to assay enzyme activities, like phospholipase A2 and PAF-acetylhydrolase, on single phospholipids or their mixtures.  相似文献   

Etoposide is a highly protein bound drug, and monitoring the concentration of free drug could help individualize dosage in oncological patients. The cost and difficulty of the standard techniques (equilibration dialysis) has hampered the monitoring of free drugs. We describe a simple HPLC method for the measurement of free etoposide concentration in plasma. Sample preparation involves the ultrafiltration of plasma by a Centrifree device for 30 min at 2000 g and extraction with chloroform. The isocratic separation is performed with a μBondapak phenyl analytical column. Fluorimetric detection is used (288–328 nm excitation and emission wavelengths). Linearity of the calibration curve is excellent between 0.05 and 1 μg/ml. Accuracy and precision are reported at the concentrations 0.06 and 0.4 μg/ml: within-run accuracy is 10% and 6.2%, respectively; between-run accuracy is ⩽1%; within-run coefficients of variation (C.V.) are 10.6 and 5.0%; between-run C.V. are 11.6 and 6.8% respectively. The range of the assay is 0.05 to 1 μg/ml. The feasibility of the technique has been tested in 7 patients treated with oral etoposide for hepatocarcinoma (mean protein binding 91%). We found no interference from endogenous substances, co-administered drugs (alizapride, furosemide, ranitidine) and other antineoplastic agents (doxorubicine, idarubicine, vinblastine, vinorelbine).  相似文献   

Measurement of nitrite and nitrate, the stable oxidation products of nitric oxide (NO), provides a useful tool to study NO synthesis in vivo and in cell cultures. A simple and rapid fluorometric HPLC method was developed for determination of nitrite through its derivatization with 2,3-diaminonaphthalene (DAN). Nitrite, in standard solution, cell culture medium, or biological samples, readily reacted with DAN under acidic conditions to yield the highly fluorescent 2,3-naphthotriazole (NAT). For analysis of nitrate, it was converted to nitrite by nitrate reductase, followed by the derivatization of nitrite with DAN to form NAT. NAT was separated on a 5-μm reversed-phase C8 column (150×4.6 mm, I.D.) guarded by a 40-μm reversed-phase C18 column (50×4.6 mm, I.D.), and eluted with 15 mM sodium phosphate buffer (pH 7.5) containing 50% methanol (flow-rate, 1.3 ml/min). Fluorescence was monitored with excitation at 375 nm and emission at 415 nm. Mean retention time for NAT was 4.4 min. The fluorescence intensity of NAT was linear with nitrite or nitrate concentrations ranging from 12.5 to 2000 nM in water, cell culture media, plasma and urine. The detection limit for nitrite and nitrate was 10 pmol/ml. Because NAT is well separated from DAN and other fluorescent components present in biological samples, our HPLC method offers the advantages of high sensitivity and specificity as well as easy automation for quantifying picomole levels of nitrite and nitrate in cell culture medium and biological samples.  相似文献   

A simple method is described for the determination of the cyclooxygenase-2 specific inhibitor celecoxib in human serum by HPLC using the demethylated analogue as internal standard. After protein precipitation with acetonitrile, samples were extracted with chloroform. Separation was achieved on a Prontosil C18 AQ column (150x3 mm I.D., 3-microm particle size) at a flow-rate of 0.35 ml/min using water-acetonitrile (40:60, v/v) as the mobile phase. Using fluorescence detection with excitation at 240 nm and emission at 380 nm, the limit of quantification was 12.5 ng/ml for a sample size of 0.5 ml of serum. The assay was linear in the concentration range of 12.5-1500 ng/ml and showed good accuracy and reproducibility. At all concentrations intra- and inter-assay variabilities were below 11% with less than 9% error. The method was applied to the determination of celecoxib for pharmacokinetic studies in man.  相似文献   

We report here a simple and sensitive method for the measurement of semicarbazide-sensitive amine oxidase (SSAO) activity in human plasma. Benzaldehyde, generated during a 1-h incubation of plasma with benzylamine, is derivatized with the specific aldehyde reagent dimedone after prior deproteinization. Quantitation of the derivatization product is done by automated injection onto an isocratic high-performance liquid chromatographic system with fluorimetric detection. The assay shows good linearity and reproducibility (intra-assay C.V. 7%). Detection limit is 25 mU/1 (= pmol/ml/min). In 51 healthy controls (age 49 ± 13 yr, 20 males) the measured SSAO activity was 352 ± 102 mU/1 (mean ± S.D.). A large number of samples (70–80) can easily be processed in one day by one technician.  相似文献   

A system capable of resolving all the known unsaturated nonsulfated, mono- and disulfated disaccharides derived from chondroitin sulfate samples, dermatan sulfate, and hyaluronic acid after their derivatization with dansylhydrazine and separation by HPLC and fluorimetric detection is reported. This method was found superior to others in that unsaturated disaccharides can be separated with good resolution in about 50 min in an isocratic solvent with a sensitivity greater than about 50 pmol (approx 20-30 ng) and linearity from 50 to 500 pmol. The system was applied to the analysis of various chondroitin sulfate samples, including highly sulfated species and dermatan sulfate, and also to a defructosylated polysaccharide with a chondroitin backbone purified from Escherichia coli U1-41. Excellent agreement was obtained with traditional compositional analysis performed by anion-exchange HPLC separation and UV absorption at 230 nm.  相似文献   

This report describes a rapid, simple and sensitive isocratic high-performance liquid chromatography with diode array UV detection for micro-sample analysis of paclitaxel in mouse plasma. The analysis utilized a Capcell-pak octadecyl analytical column and a mobile phase consisting of acetonitrile–0.1% phosphoric acid in deionized water (55:45, v/v). Paclitaxel and n-hexyl p-hydroxybenzoic acid (internal standard) were extracted from plasma by one-step extraction with tert.-butyl methyl ether. Peak purity was determined over a UV wavelength range of 200 to 400 nm. Paclitaxel and the internal standard were eluted at 3.4 min and 5.4 min, respectively, at a mobile phase flow-rate of 1.3 ml/min. No interfering peaks were observed and the total run time was 10 min. The standard curve was linear (r=0.9999) over the concentration range of 0.010–500 μg/ml. The extraction recovery was >90% for both paclitaxel and n-hexyl p-hydroxybenzoic acid. The intra- and inter-day assay variabilities of paclitaxel ranged from 0.4 to 2.2% and 0.6 to 7.8%, respectively. The LOD and LOQ were 5 and 10 ng/ml, respectively, for paclitaxel using a plasma sample volume of 100 μl. This highly sensitive and simple assay method was successfully applied to a pharmacokinetic study after i.v. administration of paclitaxel 20 mg/kg to mice.  相似文献   

A rapid, selective and sensitive HPLC assay has been developed for the routine analysis of amoxicillin in rat plasma, gastric juice aspirate and gastric tissue which is applicable to low concentrations of amoxicillin (<1 microg mL(-1)) or small sample volumes. Amoxicillin was converted, via an internal rearrangement, to form a fluorescent product which was subsequently recovered using liquid-liquid extraction. A Kromasil ODS 3 microm (150 x 3.2 mm I.D.) column was maintained at 40 degrees C and used with a mobile phase consisting of methanol-water (55:45, v/v). Fluorimetric detection was at an lambda(ex) of 365 nm and an lambda(em) of 445 nm. The limits of quantitation for amoxicillin were 0.1 microg mL(-1) for gastric juice aspirate (500 microL), 0.5 microg mL(-1) for plasma (50 microL) and 0.075 microg g(-1) for gastric tissue (250 mg). The method was linear up to at least 15 microg mL(-1) in gastric juice aspirate, up to 200 microg mL(-1) in plasma and up to 100 microg g(-1) in gastric tissue, with inter- and intra-day RSDs being less than 19%. The assay has been applied to the measurement of amoxicillin in rat plasma, gastric juice aspirate and gastric tissue for pharmacokinetic studies in individual rats.  相似文献   

A convenient method for the determination of reduced glutathione (GSH) and oxidized glutathione (GSSG) in human plasma by high-performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection is reported. This assay involves direct addition of human plasma to methanolic monobrombimane. for simultaneous protein precipitation and thiol derivatization. The assay was validated by addition of authentic GSH and GSSG to plasma samples. Plasma glutathione levels in Chinese male and female volunteers were found to decrease with increasing age (age groups, 20–30, 30–40, 40–50, 50–60, and >60; mean ± S.E.M. 0.97 ± 0.03, 0.77 ± 0.02, 0.67 ± 0.03, 0.51 ± 0.02, 0.48 ± 0.02 μM for male volunteers and 1.11 ± 0.06, 0.76 ± 0.03, 0.61 ± 0.03, 0.53 ± 0.04 and 0.43 ± 0.04 μM for female volunteers). GSSG levels, in both males and females, did not show a correlation with age. There were no significant differences in GSH or GSSG levels among male and female volunteers of the same age group. These results suggest that elderly persons might be more susceptible to oxidative injury due to decreased plasma glutathione levels.  相似文献   

A procedure for the high-performance liquid chromatographic determination of gentamicin in serum is described using pre-column derivatisation and UV detection. The serum proteins are precipitated with acetonitrile and the gentamicin components in the supernatant are derivatized with 1-fluoro-2,4-dinitrobenzene. The reaction products are chromatographed on a microparticulate C18 reversed-phase column and detected at 365 nm. Sample volumes of 50 μl are sufficient for the determination of gentamicin concentrations in, and well below, the therapeutic range.  相似文献   

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