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The nuclear volume of the epithelial cells in the human urinary bladder mucosa has been estimated using point sampled intercepts in vertical sections (local vertical windows). The study included 27 specimens: ten from normal bladder mucosa, five from inflamed mucosa, seven from mucosa with flat grade II lesions and five from mucosa with flat grade III lesions. After standard fixation, embedding, sectioning and haematoxylin-eosin staining an unbiased estimate of the mean volume of nuclei sampled with a chance proportion to the volume = vV = pi/3 x (l0)3 was calculated using a frame for orientating the linear test probe in vertical sections. Here l0 is the length of the intercept through a test point hitting a nucleus measured in a random direction through the test point. The weighted mean nuclear volume of bladder mucosa with grade II and grade III lesions (537 microns 3 and 494 microns 3 respectively) was significantly larger than the weighted mean nuclear volume of normal (133 microns 3) and inflamed bladder mucosa (182 microns 3). This simple and fast estimation of nuclear volume seems to provide objective data useful in discriminating between neoplastic and non-neoplastic lesions of the bladder mucosa.  相似文献   

Feulgen-stained tissue sections of 187 invasive ductal carcinomas (94 with lymph node metastases; mean follow-up: 44 months) were studied using computer assisted image cytometry. Based on survival time, the prognostic significance of nuclear image analysis was compared with the results using conventional histopathological grading according to Bloom and Richardson, as well as with image cytometric DNA measurements. The histopathological grading has the disadvantage of poor interobserver reproducibility (71.1%). Despite statistically significant differences between the actuarial survival curves of grade 1 and grade 3 patients, the prognostic significance of the conventional grading method for individual patients seems to be low and the number of grade 2 cases (42.8%) is large. The quantitative morphological method for analyzing nuclear images gives more reproducible results. Compared to histopathological grading, the predictive values for good or poor prognosis are clearly higher and the number of cases with uncertain prognosis is significantly smaller (20.9%). DNA ploidy measurements also make it possible to distinguish statistically significant differences between favorable and unfavorable prognoses with respect to over-all survival time. However, the classification accuracy based on the best single parameter (DNA-histogram type according to Auer) is 70.2% compared with 78.9% for nuclear image analysis.  相似文献   

Cytokeratin 5 is a marker of basal molecular subtypes of muscle-invasive bladder cancer (MIBC), which correlates with worse overall survival compared to luminal subtypes. Our observations have not confirmed CK5 as a marker of high-grade (HG) disease in Ta non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC). Therefore, to understand the basal-luminal immunohistochemistry profile in Ta NMIBC, we performed immunohistochemistry for CK5, P40, P63 (basal), GATA3 and CK20 (luminal) and studied the correlation with HG and clinical outcome in 109 patients with Ta NMIBC. HG and low-grade (LG) diseases were scored in each patient. Four different CK5 patterns were evaluated: absent (median 41.3%), normal (72.5%), rising (84.4%) and full thickness (23.9%). The median percentage of GATA3 was 100%. HG disease and CK5 expression and rising CK5 pattern had a significant inverse correlation, whereas HG disease and CK20 expression had a significant positive correlation. We also found a significant inverse correlation between CK5 expression and CK20 expression. Quantitative PCR confirmed that the presence of CK5 correlated with up-regulation of CK5 RNA. None of the markers could differentiate patients with regard to clinical outcome. Our results suggest a role for CK5 and CK20 in differentiating between LG and HG disease in Ta NMIBC.  相似文献   

Volumes of flow sorted nuclei were analyzed from two highly endopolyploid (diploids with endopolyploid tissues) species (Arabidopsis thaliana and Barbarea stricta), from a less endopolyploid species (Allium cepa) and from two non-endopolyploid species (Chrysanthemum multicolor and Fritillaria uva-vulpis). Intraspecific as well as interspecific comparisons revealed a highly positive correlation (r > 0.99) between DNA content and nuclear volume. No significant differences between expected and measured nuclear volumes were noted indicating that chromatin packing is not increased with increasing DNA content in the tested plant species. In epidermis cells of A. thaliana, A. cepa and Ch. multicolor, a lower (r between 0.6 and 0.7) but significant positive correlation between nuclear volume and cell volume was found. This correlation is compatible with the hypothesis that endopolyploidization (EP = consecutive replication cycles not separated by nuclear and cell divisions) might speed up the growth of endopolyploid species and compensate for small genome size.  相似文献   

BackgroundPlacental insufficiency causes fetal adaptation, leading to fetal programming of chronic diseases. Placentas with intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) are smaller than average and may contribute to low birth weight of the newborn. The number of patients with IUGR in the Saudi population is increasing; however, little is known about their placentas. The aim of this study was to assess morphometric and histopathological placental changes in Saudi patients with IUGR.MethodsOverall, 20 healthy pregnant Saudi women (control group) and 20 pregnant Saudi women with IUGR were enrolled. Maternal and fetal morphometric measurements were recorded. The placentas from both groups were processed for histopathological examination using stereological techniques.ResultsThe IUGR group had lower placental weight, volume, length, breadth, and surface area than the control group. The total volume of villi and surface area of the terminal villi were significantly reduced in the IUGR placentas. IUGR group had a reduction in birth weight; length; and circumference of the head, chest, abdomen, and thigh compared to control group.ConclusionThe reduction in placental mass, specifically the reduction in the volume and surface area of villi, the functional units, may have reduced the capacity for nutrient transport. This led to a significant reduction in neonatal measurements. The fetus rearranged nutrient distribution in favor of the brain and other essential organs; however, at the expense of thigh development and growth. This fetal trade-off strategy increases the risk of developing chronic diseases in adulthood. Therefore, IUGR infants may require more clinical attention.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: In a study of 112 cases of invasive breast cancer, the prognostic value of the gradient of nuclear volume (NV) changes was examined. STUDY DESIGN: On conventional histologic slides of surgically resected specimens, we studied the nuclear changes from early to advanced. The former was represented by the noninvasive area in the tumor periphery and the latter by the invasive area with true neoplastic stroma. We analyzed the difference in NV between the noninvasive area in the tumor periphery (NVcis) and the invasive area where the nuclei are large (NVlarge), a zone we assessed to have the greatest cancer progression. Based on these measurements, we defined NV gradient index (NVG index) as the ratio of NVlarge to NVcis. RESULTS: The NVG index in cases of cancer death (4.33 +/- 1.70, n = 35) was significantly larger than in relapsing survivors (2.76 +/- 1.31, n = 13, P = .002) and in relapse-free survivors (2.17 +/- 1.60, n = 64, P < .0003). In the group of cancer deaths, the correlation coefficient between NVG index and survival was -0.398 (0 < P < .02). Even in cases of stage I, NVG index in the group of cancer deaths (5.68 +/- 1.4) was significantly larger than in relapsing survivors (2.42 +/- 1.2) or relapse-free survivors (1.74 +/- 0.55). By multivariate analysis, NVG index was independently prognostic for disease-specific survival (P = .0001). CONCLUSION: The NVG index contributes to discrimination between possible survivors and cancer deaths. Though there are exceptions, cases with a small NVG index can be expected to survive for a longer period even after a relapse.  相似文献   

Intratumor heterogeneity is a major problem in immunodiagnosis and treatment of carcinomas. To elucidate the well-known heterogeneity in transitional-cell carcinomas of the ability to express blood group ABO isoantigens, a stereological estimate of the mean nuclear volume in areas expressing blood group antigens was compared to the estimate from areas of identical pathological grade at which antigen expression was deleted. Four microscopic fields were examined from antigen-positive and four from antigen-negative areas in sections from 21 blood group O and 20 blood group A individuals. The sections were stained before examination by an indirect peroxidase method using monoclonal anti-H and anti-A antibodies. The mean nuclear volume increased, as expected, with increasing pathological grade. In blood group O individuals the mean nuclear volume was 241.5 microns 3 in antigen-positive areas and 338.2 microns 3 in antigen-negative areas (2p less than 0.0005) of identical pathological grade. In group A individuals the mean nuclear volume was 217.1 microns 3 in positive areas and 351.1 microns 3 in corresponding negative areas (2p less than 0.0025). The variation in volume parameter was essentially caused by a true variation between tumors (greater than 82%). The results indicate a complex biological mechanism associated with the cellular ability to express blood group antigens.  相似文献   

To assess the variability among histopathologists in diagnosing and grading cervical intraepithelial neoplasia eight experienced histopathologists based at different hospitals examined the same set of 100 consecutive colposcopic cervical biopsy specimens and assigned them into one of six diagnostic categories. These were normal squamous epithelium, non-neoplastic squamous proliferations, cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grades I, II, and III, and other. The histopathologists were given currently accepted criteria for diagnosing and grading cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and asked to mark their degree of confidence about their decision on a visual linear analogue scale provided. The degree of agreement between the histopathologists was characterised by kappa statistics, which showed an overall poor agreement (unweighted kappa 0.358). Agreement between observers was excellent for invasive lesions, moderately good for cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade III, and poor for cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grades I and II (unweighted kappa 0.832, 0.496, 0.172, and 0.175, respectively); the kappa value for all grades of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia taken together was 0.660. The most important source of disagreement lay in the distinction of reactive squamous proliferations from cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade I. The histopathologists were confident in diagnosing cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade III and invasive carcinoma (other) but not as confident in diagnosing cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grades I and II and glandular atypia (other). Experienced histopathologists show considerable interobserver variability in grading cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and more importantly in distinguishing between reactive squamous proliferations and cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade I. It is suggested that the three grade division of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia should be abandoned and a borderline category introduced that entails follow up without treatment.  相似文献   

The histological inspection of tumor tissue for the purpose of reporting a tumor grade is a problem of significant clinical importance. The grading by a pathologist is only partly reproducible due to vaguely defined, subjective criteria. In this article we describe and evaluate a set of measurable features that quantitate the differences in tumor tissue. Different aspects of the reproducibility of the measurements under varying conditions of image selection, focus, and noise have been investigated. Three hundred thirty-three images were digitized from 111 bladder tissue sections (4 microns thick, Feulgen stained), using the ICAS microscope-camera platform. A segmentation routine was developed to segment the images into nuclei and background without any user interaction. Size, shape, optical density, and texture features were measured on and among the objects found by this segmentation routine using the image analysis package Acuity. The results of the measurements showed that there is a significant quantitative difference between grade 1 and grade 3 tumors. Grade 2 tumors can be described as "in between grade 1 and grade 3" and falling somewhere on an increasing scale between grades 1 and 3. Grade 2 tumors do not seem to represent a statistically distinct population. The procedure described here is shown to be quite reproducible in the presence of noise, reasonably reproducible in the event of a modest amount of defocusing (with grade 3 tumors exhibiting the most sensitivity), and less reproducible in the context of which fields-of-view are chosen for analysis.  相似文献   

Urinary bladder neoplasm is one of the most common cancers worldwide. Cancer stem cells (CSCs) have been proven to be an important cause of cancer progression and poor prognosis. In the present study, we established bladder CSCs and identified the crucial differentially expressed genes (DEGs) between these cells and parental bladder cancer cells. Analyses of bioinformatics data and clinical samples from local hospitals showed that stearoyl CoA desaturase‐1 (SCD) was the key factor among the DEGs. A significant correlation between SCD gene expression and poor prognosis among patients with bladder cancer was observed in our data. Loss‐of‐function experiments further revealed that the SCD inhibitor A939572 and SCD gene interference reduced cell proliferation and invasion. The above data suggest that SCD may serve as a novel marker for the prediction of tumour progression and poor prognosis in patients with bladder cancer.  相似文献   

We consider a pair of stochastic integrate and fire neurons receiving correlated stochastic inputs. The evolution of this system can be described by the corresponding Fokker?CPlanck equation with non-trivial boundary conditions resulting from the refractory period and firing threshold. We propose a finite volume method that is orders of magnitude faster than the Monte Carlo methods traditionally used to model such systems. The resulting numerical approximations are proved to be accurate, nonnegative and integrate to 1. We also approximate the transient evolution of the system using an Ornstein?CUhlenbeck process, and use the result to examine the properties of the joint output of cell pairs. The results suggests that the joint output of a cell pair is most sensitive to changes in input variance, and less sensitive to changes in input mean and correlation.  相似文献   

Although proteasomes are abundant in the nucleoplasm little is known of proteasome-dependent proteolysis within the nucleus. Thus, we monitored the subcellular distribution of nuclear proteins in correlation with proteasomes. The proteasomal pathway clears away endogenous proteins, regulates numerous cellular processes, and delivers immunocompetent peptides to the antigen presenting machinery. Confocal laser scanning microscopy revealed that histones, splicing factor SC35, spliceosomal components, such as U1-70k or SmB/B('), and PML partially colocalize with 20S proteasomes in nucleoplasmic substructures, whereas the centromeric and nucleolar proteins topoisomerase I, fibrillarin, and UBF did not overlap with proteasomes. The specific inhibition of proteasomal processing with lactacystin induced accumulation of histone protein H2A, SC35, spliceosomal components, and PML, suggesting that these proteins are normally degraded by proteasomes. In contrast, concentrations of centromeric proteins CENP-B and -C and nucleolar proteins remained constant during inhibition of proteasomes. Quantification of fluorescence intensities corroborated that nuclear proteins which colocalize with proteasomes are degraded by proteasome-dependent proteolysis within the nucleoplasm. These data provide evidence that the proteasome proteolytic pathway is involved in processing of nuclear components, and thus may play an important role in the regulation of nuclear structure and function.  相似文献   

Subjective grading of bladder carcinoma is a good predictor of the clinical outcome in those patients whose tumours are grade 1 or grade 3. However, in grade 2 tumours, which account for 45% of cases, grading has little predictive value in an individual patient. We have complemented the use of subjective grading with measurement of nuclear area and used a calculation of the distribution of nuclear sizes as a predictor of the clinical course. When subjective grading was complemented by morphometry the outcome was correctly predicted in 55 of 58 cases and all cases with poor clinical outcome were identified.  相似文献   

Kang B  Guo RF  Tan XH  Zhao M  Tang ZB  Lu YY 《Mutation research》2008,638(1-2):17-25
Many studies have revealed the ATM alterations involved in cancer development and progression. In order to elucidate ATM deficiency in advanced GC and its clinical significance, a total of 20 exons of ATM gene, including frequently reported variations, were screened in 40 advanced primary GC and matched normal tissues using denaturing high performance liquid chromatography (DHPLC) and DNA sequencing analysis. Furthermore, ATM mRNA level was analyzed using Real-time RT-PCR and in situ hybridization, and protein expression and phosphorylation at Ser1981 were measured by immunohistochemical assessment in tissue microarray of GC. Five variants were identified in 6 of 40 cases (15%), but no hot spot of variation was detected. However, decreased expression and phosphorylation of ATM were consistently presented in tumors. In a cohort of 70 GC samples, low level of phosphorylated ATM was significantly correlated with poor differentiation, lymph node metastasis and poor 5-year survival (P<0.05). These results indicated that ATM phosphorylation status might be a prognostic marker for individual therapy in advanced GC patients.  相似文献   

Abstract. The expression of Ki-67 in tumour cells induced to apoptosis by tumour-necrosis-factor α (TNFα) and interferon γ (IFNγ) was studied. Ki-67 is known as a proliferation marker which is expressed in cycling cells, but not in resting quiescent or Go cells. In numerous studies, the proportion of tumours expressing Ki-67 was determined and related to tumour grade or prognosis. A high percentage of Ki-67 expressing cells and a low apoptotic index were regarded as an indication of a progressive tumour. This implied that Ki-67 expression and apoptosis were contrary traits. In this study, the level of Ki-67 expression in human tumour cells in culture was measured after induction of apoptosis. The Ki-67 level was determined by flow cytometry and apoptosis was measured by various methods including PARP degradation (western blot) in detached and floating cells. While the floating cells were all apoptotic, more than 80% of the attached cells showed no apoptotic signs. The Ki-67 level of apoptotic cells was elevated about 3-fold compared to viable attached control cells. However, the cytokine-treated attached cells also expressed Ki-67 at similar high levels to the apoptotic floating cells, depending on sensitivity. The plot of Ki-67 level vs. remaining cells after treatment revealed a strong correlation between the level of Ki-67 expression and the sensitivity to cytokine-induced apoptosis. This implies that proliferation pathways and apoptotic signal transduction are connected.  相似文献   

A. Kalogeraki, I. Karvela‐Kalogeraki, P. E. Petraki, I. Zois, D. Tamiolakis and E. N. Stathopoulos
Apoptosis and cell proliferation correlated with tumour grade in peritoneal fluids of patients with serous ovarian cancer Objective: Apoptosis and cell proliferation in peritoneal fluids of patients with ovarian serous adenocarcinoma have not been well described in cytology. To investigate the contribution of cell death to the growth of this tumour we analysed both apoptosis and cell proliferation in peritoneal fluids of patients with ovarian serous adenocarcinoma. Methods: We studied 40 tumours from 40 patients with ovarian serous adenocarcinoma. Twelve tumours were high grade, 13 were moderately differentiated and 15 were poorly differentiated. The detection of DNA fragments in situ using the terminal deoxyribonucleotidy transferase (TDT)‐mediated dUTP‐digoxigenin nick‐end labelling (TUNEL) assay was applied to investigate active cell death (apoptosis), and the MIB‐1 antigen was used to investigate cell proliferation. Results: The TUNEL indices were 0.29 ± 0.05, 0.79 ± 0.10 and 2.1 ± 0.90 in Grade I, Grade II and Grade III ovary carcinomas, respectively. The MIB‐1 antigen labelling indices were 6.5 ± 0.09, 12.9 ± 3 and 25.8 ± 6.2, respectively, in the same order of tumour differentiation. The differences in both TUNEL and MIB‐1 labelling indices were statistically significant between Grade I, Grade II and Grade III carcinomas and there was a positive correlation between the two indices (P < 0.001). Conclusions: Apoptosis and cell proliferation increased as the grade of tumour increased in ovarian serous adenocarcinoma, suggesting a rapid turnover of the tumour cells in tumours of higher grade, and may play an important role in the growth and the extension of such cancer cells in the peritoneal cavity.  相似文献   

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