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Spontaneous mutations at numerous sites distant from the active site of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 protease enable resistance to inhibitors while retaining enzymatic activity. As a benchmark for probing the effects of these mutations on the conformational adaptability of this dimeric β-barrel protein, the folding free-energy surface of a pseudo-wild-type variant, HIV-PR?, was determined by a combination of equilibrium and kinetic experiments on the urea-induced unfolding/refolding reactions. The equilibrium unfolding reaction was well described by a two-state model involving only the native dimeric form and the unfolded monomer. The global analysis of the kinetic folding mechanism reveals the presence of a fully folded monomeric intermediate that associates to form the native dimeric structure. Independent analysis of a stable monomeric version of the protease demonstrated that a small-amplitude fluorescence phase in refolding and unfolding, not included in the global analysis of the dimeric protein, reflects the presence of a transient intermediate in the monomer folding reaction. The partially folded and fully folded monomers are only marginally stable with respect to the unfolded state, and the dimerization reaction provides a modest driving force at micromolar concentrations of protein. The thermodynamic properties of this system are such that mutations can readily shift the equilibrium from the dimeric native state towards weakly folded states that have a lower affinity for inhibitors but that could be induced to bind to their target proteolytic sites. Presumably, subsequent secondary mutations increase the stability of the native dimeric state in these variants and, thereby, optimize the catalytic properties of the resistant human immunodeficiency virus type 1 protease.  相似文献   

The structural fluctuations of HIV-1 protease in interaction with its substrates versus inhibitors were analyzed using the anisotropic network model. The directions of fluctuations in the most cooperative functional modes differ mainly around the dynamically key regions, i.e., the hinge axes, which appear to be more flexible in substrate complexes. The flexibility of HIV-1 protease is likely optimized for the substrates' turnover, resulting in substrate complexes being dynamic. In contrast, in an inhibitor complex, the inhibitor should bind and lock down to inactivate the active site. Protease and ligands are not independent. Substrates are also more flexible than inhibitors and have the potential to meet the dynamic distributions that are inherent in the protease. This may suggest a rationale and guidelines for designing inhibitors that can better fit the ensemble of binding sites that are dynamically accessible to the protease.  相似文献   

The emergence of resistant HIV strains, together with the severe side-effects of existing drugs and lack of development of effective anti-HIV vaccines highlight the need for novel antivirals, as well as innovative methods to facilitate their discovery. Here, we have developed an assay in T-cells to monitor the proteolytic activity of the HIV-1 protease (PR). The assay is based on the inducible expression of HIV-1 PR fused within the Gal4 DNA-binding and transactivation domains. The fusion protein binds to the Gal4 responsive element and activates the downstream reporter, enhanced green fluorescent protein (eGFP) gene only in the presence of an effective PR Inhibitor (PI). Thus, in this assay, eGFP acts as a biosensor of PR activity, making it ideal for flow cytometry based screening. Furthermore, the assay was developed using retroviral technology in T-cells, thus providing an ideal environment for the screening of potential novel PIs in a cell-type that represents the natural milieu of HIV infection. Clones with the highest sensitivity, and robust, reliable and reproducible reporter activity, were selected. The assay is easily adaptable to other PR variants, a multiplex platform, as well as to high-throughput plate reader based assays and will greatly facilitate the search for novel peptide and chemical compound based PIs in T-cells.  相似文献   

This review concerns the possibility of using plant inhibitors of proteolytic enzymes to improve plant resistance to insects and phytopathogens. The main argument in favor of this approach is that protease inhibitors are widespread in plant tissues and highly active with respect to various proteases of insects, bacteria, and fungi. Genetic engineering yields promising results in the field, as recent studies demonstrate. The main drawbacks of the approach and ways to improve its efficiency are discussed. Still, the approach has several advantages over the standard methods and is ecologically safe.__________Translated from Molekulyarnaya Biologiya, Vol. 39, No. 4, 2005, pp. 702–708.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Dunaevsky, Elpidina, Vinokurov, Belozersky.  相似文献   

The combination of host immune responses and use of antiretrovirals facilitate partial control of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection and result in delayed progression to Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS). Both treatment and host immunity impose selection pressures on the highly mutable HIV-1 genome resulting in antiretroviral resistance and immune escape. Researchers have shown that antiretroviral resistance mutations can shape cytotoxic T-lymphocyte immunity by altering the epitope repertoire of HIV infected cells. Here it was discovered that an important antiretroviral resistance mutation, L90M in HIV protease, occurs at lower frequencies in hosts that harbor the B*15, B*48 or A*32 human leukocyte antigen subtypes. A likely reason is the elucidation of novel epitopes by L90M. NetMHCPan predictions reveal increased affinity of the peptide spanning the HIV protease region, PR 89–97 and PR 90–99 to HLA-B*15/B*48 and HLA-A*32 respectively due to the L90M substitution. The higher affinity could increase the chance of the epitope being presented and recognized by Cytotoxic T-lymphocytes and perhaps provide additional immunological pressures in the presence of antiretroviral attenuating mutations. This evidence supports the notion that knowledge of HLA allotypes in HIV infected individuals could augment antiretroviral treatment by the elucidation of epitopes due to antiretroviral resistance mutations in HIV protease.  相似文献   

Mice deficient for the fibulin-5 gene (Fbln5−/−) develop pelvic organ prolapse (POP) due to compromised elastic fibers and upregulation of matrix metalloprotease (MMP)-9. Here, we used casein zymography, inhibitor profiling, affinity pull-down, and mass spectrometry to discover additional protease upregulated in the vaginal wall of Fbln5−/− mice, herein named V1 (25 kDa). V1 was a serine protease with trypsin-like activity similar to protease, serine (PRSS) 3, a major extrapancreatic trypsinogen, was optimum at pH 8.0, and predominantly detected in estrogenized vaginal epithelium of Fbln5−/− mice. PRSS3 was (a) localized in epithelial secretions, (b) detected in media of vaginal organ culture from both Fbln5−/− and wild type mice, and (c) cleaved fibulin-5 in vitro. Expression of two serine protease inhibitors [Serpina1a (α1-antitrypsin) and Elafin] was dysregulated in Fbln5−/− epithelium. Finally, we confirmed that PRSS3 was expressed in human vaginal epithelium and that SERPINA1 and Elafin were downregulated in vaginal tissues from women with POP. These data collectively suggest that the balance between proteases and their inhibitors contributes to support of the pelvic organs in humans and mice.  相似文献   

为了解柳州和南宁两市HIV-1亚型分布和耐药情况,在柳州和南宁招募HIV感染者和AIDS患者共304名,采集外周静脉血,从血浆中提取HIVRNA,扩增HIVpol基因并测序。将获得的序列进行系统进化树分析,结果表明柳州的HIV-1毒株中存在CRF01_AE和CRF07_BC两种亚型,其中CRF01_AE毒株占75.2%,CRF07_BC毒株占24.8%;南宁的HIV-1毒株中存在CRF01_AE、CRF08_BC、B亚型和C亚型共4种亚型,其中CRF01_AE和CRF08_BC仍是南宁最主要的亚型,CRF01_AE占85.8%,CRF08_BC占11.5%。根据所得的序列资料进行HIV-1耐药性分析,计算耐药率。计算结果表明,柳州未治疗和治疗研究对象的耐药率分别为3.3%和8.7%,南宁未治疗和治疗研究对象的耐药率分别为1.4%和27.5%。  相似文献   

The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) protease is a homodimeric aspartyl protease that is crucial for the viral life-cycle, cleaving proviral polyproteins, hence creating mature protein components that are required for the formation of an infectious virus. With diagnostic measures and clinically used protease inhibitors focusing on HIV-1, due to its higher virulence and prevalence, studies of the efficacy of those inhibitors on HIV-2 protease remain widely lacking. Utilizing a wild-type HIV-2 vector backbone and cloning techniques we have developed a cassette system where the efficacy of clinically used protease inhibitors can be studied for various serotypes of HIV-2 protease both in enzymatic and cell culture assays. In our experiments, optimization of the expression protocol led to a relatively stable enzyme, for cell culture assays, the efficiency of transfection and transduction capability of the modified vector was tested and was not found to differ from that of the wild-type, moreover, a 2nd generation protease inhibitor was used to demonstrate the usefulness of the system. The combination of assays performed with our cassette system is expected to provide an accurate measure of the efficacy of currently used; as well as experimental protease inhibitors on HIV-2.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infects over 170 million people worldwide and is the leading cause of chronic liver diseases, including cirrhosis, liver failure, and liver cancer. Available antiviral therapies cause severe side effects and are effective only for a subset of patients, though treatment outcomes have recently been improved by the combination therapy now including boceprevir and telaprevir, which inhibit the viral NS3/4A protease. Despite extensive efforts to develop more potent next-generation protease inhibitors, however, the long-term efficacy of this drug class is challenged by the rapid emergence of resistance. Single-site mutations at protease residues R155, A156 and D168 confer resistance to nearly all inhibitors in clinical development. Thus, developing the next-generation of drugs that retain activity against a broader spectrum of resistant viral variants requires a comprehensive understanding of the molecular basis of drug resistance. In this study, 16 high-resolution crystal structures of four representative protease inhibitors – telaprevir, danoprevir, vaniprevir and MK-5172 – in complex with the wild-type protease and three major drug-resistant variants R155K, A156T and D168A, reveal unique molecular underpinnings of resistance to each drug. The drugs exhibit differential susceptibilities to these protease variants in both enzymatic and antiviral assays. Telaprevir, danoprevir and vaniprevir interact directly with sites that confer resistance upon mutation, while MK-5172 interacts in a unique conformation with the catalytic triad. This novel mode of MK-5172 binding explains its retained potency against two multi-drug-resistant variants, R155K and D168A. These findings define the molecular basis of HCV N3/4A protease inhibitor resistance and provide potential strategies for designing robust therapies against this rapidly evolving virus.  相似文献   

Telaprevir, a novel hepatitis C virus (HCV) NS3-4A serine protease inhibitor, has demonstrated substantial antiviral activity in patients infected with HCV. However, drug-resistant HCV variants were detected in vivo at relatively high frequency a few days after drug administration. Here we use a two-strain mathematical model to explain the rapid emergence of drug resistance in HCV patients treated with telaprevir monotherapy. We examine the effects of backward mutation and liver cell proliferation on the preexistence of the mutant virus and the competition between wild-type and drug-resistant virus during therapy. We also extend the two-strain model to a general model with multiple viral strains. Mutations during therapy only have a minor effect on the dynamics of various viral strains, although they are capable of generating low levels of HCV variants that would otherwise be completely suppressed because of fitness disadvantages. Liver cell proliferation may not affect the pretreatment frequency of mutant variants, but is able to influence the quasispecies dynamics during therapy. It is the relative fitness of each mutant strain compared with wild-type that determines which strain(s) will dominate the virus population. This study provides a theoretical framework for exploring the prevalence of preexisting mutant variants and the evolution of drug resistance during treatment with other HCV protease inhibitors or polymerase inhibitors.  相似文献   

BA Hall  DW Wright  S Jha  PV Coveney 《Biochemistry》2012,51(33):6487-6489
The development of resistance to different drugs remains a major problem for a wide range of infections. In particular, combinations of specific mutations, which individually demonstrate no effect, exhibit significant cooperativity. Here we show that changes to the energy of ligand binding in different resistant HIV-1 proteases are correlated with the creation of water binding sites in the active site. This correlation is conserved across two drugs (ritonavir and lopinavir). We propose that individual mutations induce changes in flap packing that are insufficient to allow water binding but in combination allow access, leading to the observed cooperative resistance.  相似文献   


A method is described to purify recombinant HIV-1 protease from soluble extracts of Escherichia coli. The isolation involves QAE-Sepharose anion exchange chromatography, hexyl agarose hydrophobic interaction chromatography, MonoS cation exchange chromatography, and Superose 6 size exclusion chromatography. Approximately 100 μg of protease was obtained from 18 g E. coli paste. The protein was judged to be homogeneous due to the presence of a single band on a silver-stained SDS polyacrylamide gel.  相似文献   

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