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Induction of melanophores was examined by the sandwich method of explantation with embryonic tissues of Xenopus laevis +/+ and the white mutant, aP/aP. Interspecific combinations of tissues of Triturus taeniatus and Xenopus borealis were also used. The ectoderm used as the reacting system was taken from embriyos at various stages and combined with various tissues known to be melanogenic inductors. The following results were obtained: 1) The sources of melanophore induction in both +/+ and ap/ap studied by sandwich explantation were the same in both retinal pigmented epithelium and dermal melanophores: 2) Melanophores were induced in epidermal material from embryos at stages from the early gastrula to the late tail bud stage: 3) The presence of melanoblasts together with other ectomesenchymal cells in the neural crest is not sine qua non for their determination and differentiation: 4) On isolation of reacting material from the late gastrula, melanophores appeared in all cases. This shows that two hours contact between inductor tissues and the ectoderm is necessary and sufficient for melanophore induction: 5) Melanophore induction is not species-specific, but occurred in Xenopus ectoderm under the action of endomesoderm of Tr. taeniatus or X. borealis , and vice versa. The shapes and structures of melanophores induced were typical for the species from which the ectoderm was taken: 6) Melanogenic activity in the late gastrula stage has a gradient of distribution with a maximum in the prechordal plate: 7) In the mutant only the primary source of melanogenic inductors, the prechordal plate (PrP1), was active in stages both before and after its invagination: 8) Despite the fact that skin melanophores and retinal melanocytes have different genesis in development, all the present data suggest the identity of the mechanisms of melanin synthesizing machinery in the two.  相似文献   

THE amino-acid tryptophan can be metabolized along two different pathways (Fig. 1), each of which is characteristic for a particular type of tissue. As the substrate of L-tryptophan oxygenase, it is a source of pyridine nucleotide. This metabolic pathway occurs only in the liver1. Alternatively, tryptophan can be hydroxylated in the 5-position and further metabolized to yield serotonin and melatonin. Serotonin is synthesized mainly by cells derived from the embryonic neuroectoderm2; melatonin production, which in mammals is restricted to the pineal gland, also occurs in the eye and brain of amphibia3,4.  相似文献   

Amphibian chytridiomycosis is a fungal disease caused by the chytrid fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis. It is arguably the most significant recorded infectious disease of any vertebrate class. The disease is reducing amphibian biodiversity across most continents and regions of the world, affecting the resilience of surviving populations and driving multiple species to extinction. It is now recognised by the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) as an internationally notifiable disease. Collaborative research in areas including the development of diagnostic assays, distribution and impact of the disease, and management (treatment and policy) has assisted in leading a paradigm shift in accepting infectious disease as a major factor influencing wildlife population stability and biodiversity.  相似文献   

《Current biology : CB》2023,33(1):R8-R10

Amphibian metamorphosis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

This paper examines the thymic dependence of alloimmunity inamphibians. In Xenopus, the presence of a thymus during thefirst 2 weeks of life is essential for the development of normalfirst-set skin allograft immunity. Thymectomy during this earlyperiod always impairs the alloimmune response of young adulttoads. However, most of these thymectomized animals are ableto completely destroy skin allografts, albeit with prolongedrejection times. Chronic graft rejection, rather than tolerance,still occurs following thymectomy as early as 5 days, when thethymus contains no small lymphocytes. In contrast to the considerabledifferences in first-set allograft survival times in controland early-thymectomized Xenopus, second-set grafts, appliedsubsequent to first-set destruction, are rejected in acute fashion(<3 weeks) in both groups. That the defect in first-set alloimmunityis specifically related to absence of thymus has been confirmedby implanting allogeneic thymus 2 weeks post-thymectomy. Thedonor thymus remains healthy and restores the allograft responseto normal. In contrast, allogeneic spleen does not reconstituteand itself often undergoes destruction. Preliminary autoradiographicexperiments on lymphoid tissue involvement in first-set allograftrejection are also described.  相似文献   

Fossorialism is a beneficial adaptation for brooding, predator avoidance and protection from extreme climate. The abundance of fossilised burrow casts from the Early Triassic of southern Africa is viewed as a behavioural response by many tetrapods to the harsh conditions following the Permo-Triassic mass-extinction event. However, scarcity of vertebrate remains associated with these burrows leaves many ecological questions unanswered. Synchrotron scanning of a lithified burrow cast from the Early Triassic of the Karoo unveiled a unique mixed-species association: an injured temnospondyl amphibian (Broomistega) that sheltered in a burrow occupied by an aestivating therapsid (Thrinaxodon). The discovery of this rare rhinesuchid represents the first occurrence in the fossil record of a temnospondyl in a burrow. The amphibian skeleton shows signs of a crushing trauma with partially healed fractures on several consecutive ribs. The presence of a relatively large intruder in what is interpreted to be a Thrinaxodon burrow implies that the therapsid tolerated the amphibian’s presence. Among possible explanations for such unlikely cohabitation, Thrinaxodon aestivation is most plausible, an interpretation supported by the numerous Thrinaxodon specimens fossilised in curled-up postures. Recent advances in synchrotron imaging have enabled visualization of the contents of burrow casts, thus providing a novel tool to elucidate not only anatomy but also ecology and biology of ancient tetrapods.  相似文献   

Amphibian tachykinin precursor   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The precursor of amphibian tachykinin has not been found although more than 30 tachykinins have been isolated from amphibians since 1964. In this report, two tachykinin-like peptides are identified from the skin secretions of the frog, Odorrana grahami. Their amino acid sequences are DDTEDLANKFIGLM-NH(2) (named tachykinin OG1) and DDASDRAKKFYGLM-NH(2) that is the same with ranamargarin found in Rana margaretae, respectively, with a conserved FXGLM-NH(2) C-terminal consensus motif. By cDNA cloning, their precursors were screened from the skin cDNA library of O. grahami. The precursors are composed of 61 amino acid (aa) residues including a signal peptide followed by an acidic spacer peptide and one copy of mature tachykinin-like peptide. Their overall structure is different from structures of other tachykinin precursors such as human protachykinin 1 precursor containing 143 aa including one copy of substance P (SP) and neurokinin A (NKA), and ascidian tachykinin 1 precursor containing 164 aa including two copies of tachykinin-like peptides. The current results demonstrate that the biosynthesis mode of tachykinins in amphibians is different from other animals.  相似文献   

Amphibian plasma cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Reproduction technologies(RTs) can provide for the reliable reproduction of amphibians,as well as perpetuation of species genetic variation with the use of biobanks.In 1982,in anticipation of the biodiversity conservation crisis,major Russian institutions collaborated in a dynamic program to develop and implement RTs for the sustainable management of amphibian biodiversity.An initial primary focus was the captive breeding of threatened Russian endemic anuran and caudate species,using RTs that va...  相似文献   

Environmental Determinants of Vibrio cholerae Biofilm Development   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Vibrio cholerae is a versatile bacterium that flourishes in diverse environments, including the human intestine, rivers, lakes, estuaries, and the ocean. Surface attachment is believed to be essential for colonization of all of these natural environments. Previous studies have demonstrated that the vps genes, which encode proteins required for exopolysaccharide synthesis and transport, are required for V. cholerae biofilm development in Luria-Bertani broth. In this work, we showed that V. cholerae forms vps-dependent biofilms and vps-independent biofilms. The vps-dependent and -independent biofilms differ in their environmental activators and in architecture. Our results suggest that environmental activators of vps-dependent biofilm development are present in freshwater, while environmental activators of vps-independent biofilm development are present in seawater. The distinct environmental requirements for the two modes of biofilm development suggest that vps-dependent biofilm development and vps-independent biofilm development may play distinct roles in the natural environment.  相似文献   

For almost a century the amphibian notochord has been analyzed from either the structural or functional point of view. Relatively complete data have been collected concerning several aspects of its structure. Some of that data will be reviewed in this report. The functional role of the notochord has also occasionally been analyzed. Only recently, however, have extensive data begun to emerge which deal directly with cause-effect relationships which may or may not exist between the notochord and surrounding tissues of the embryonic axial structure system. This report will re-evaluate the role of the notochord in amphibian embryogenesis, and provide a review of the historical perspective in which recent discoveries should be interpreted.  相似文献   

Extant amphibians comprise three lineages-- salamanders (Urodela or Caudata), frogs and toads (Anura), and caecilians (Gymnophiona, Apoda, or Caecilia)--which contain more than 6,000 species. Fewer than a dozen species of amphibians are commonly maintained in laboratory colonies, and the husbandry requirements for the vast majority of amphibians are poorly known. For these species, a review of basic characteristics of amphibian biology supplemented by inferences drawn from the morphological and physiological characteristics of the species in question provides a basis for decisions about housing and feeding. Amphibians are ectotherms, and their skin is permeable to water, ions, and respiratory gases. Most species are secretive and, in many cases, nocturnal. The essential characteristics of their environment include appropriate levels of humidity, temperature, and lighting as well as retreat sites. Terrestrial and arboreal species require moist substrates, water dishes, and high relative humidity. Because temperature requirements for most species are poorly known, it is advisable to use a temperature mosaic that will allow an animal to find an appropriate temperature within its cage. Photoperiod may affect physiology and behavior (especially reproduction and hibernation), and although the importance of ultraviolet light for calcium metabolism by amphibians is not yet known, ecological observations suggest that it might be important for some species of frogs. Some amphibians are territorial, and some use olfactory cues to mark their territory and to recognize other individuals of their species. All amphibians are carnivorous as adults, and the feeding response of many species is elicited by the movement of prey. Diets should include a mixture of prey species, and it may be advisable to load prey with vitamins and minerals.  相似文献   

Inbreeding may lead to morphological malformations in a wide variety of taxa. We used genetic markers to evaluate whether malformed urodeles were more inbred and/or had less genetic diversity than normal salamanders. We captured 687 adult and 1259 larval tiger salamanders (Ambystoma tigrinum tigrinum), assessed each individual for gross malformations, and surveyed genetic variation among malformed and normal individuals using both cytoplasmic and nuclear markers. The most common malformations in both adults and larvae were brachydactyly, ectrodactyly and polyphalangy. The overall frequency of adults with malformations was 0.078 compared to 0.081 in larval samples. Genetic diversity was high in both normal and malformed salamanders, and there were no significant difference in measures of inbreeding (f and F), allele frequencies, mean individual heterozygosity or mean internal relatedness. Environmental contaminants or other extrinsic factors may lead to genome alternations that ultimately cause malformations, but our data indicate that inbreeding is not a causal mechanism.  相似文献   

Amphibian ribosomal ribonucleic acids   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文

Population declines of amphibian species in many parts of the world are associated with a lethal fungal pathogen, Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis. Using laboratory challenge assays, we describe the inhibition of B. dendrobatidis by members of eight genera of bacteria isolated from the skin of two amphibian species that exhibit parental care behavior (Plethodon cinereus and Hemidactylium scutatum). We found that members of three genera of bacteria isolated from the skins of the salamander P. cinereus and members of seven genera isolated from the salamander H. scutatum inhibited the growth of B. dendrobatidis. Understanding how B. dendrobatidis interacts with an ecological community of cutaneous flora may be important in explaining and preventing amphibian population declines.  相似文献   

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