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A survey of hydrophobic patches on the surface of 112 soluble, monomeric proteins is presented. The largest patch on each individual protein averages around 400 Å2 but can range from 200 to 1,200 Å2. These areas are not correlated to the sizes of the proteins and only weakly to their apolar surface fraction. Ala, Lys, and Pro have dominating contributions to the apolar surface for smaller patches, while those of the hydrophobic amino acids become more important as the patch size Increases. The hydrophilic amino acids expose an approximately constant fraction of their apolar area independent of patch size; the hydrophobic residue types reach similar exposure only in the larger patches. Though the mobility of residues on the surface is generally higher, it decreases for hydrophilic residues with Increasing patch size. Several characteristics of hydrophobic patches catalogued here should prove useful in the design and engineering of proteins. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Discovery of a similar region on two protein surfaces can lead to important inference about the functional role or molecular interaction of this region for one of the proteins if such information is available for the other. We propose a new characterization of protein surfaces based on a spin-image representation of the surfaces that facilitates the simultaneous search of the entire surface of each of two proteins for a matching region. For a surface point, we introduce spin-image profiles that are related to the degree of exposure of the point to identify structurally equivalent surface regions in two proteins. Unlike some related methods, we do not assume that a known fixed region of one of the protein surfaces is to be matched on the other protein surface. Rather, we search for the largest similar regions on each of the two surfaces. In spite of the fact that this approach is entirely geometric and no use is made of physicochemical properties of the protein surfaces or fold information, it is effective in identifying similar regions on both surfaces even when the region corresponds to a binding site on one of the proteins. The discovery of similar regions on two or more proteins also has implications for drug design and pharmacophore identification. We present experimental results from datasets of more than 50 protein surfaces.  相似文献   

An essential requirement for theoretical protein structure prediction is an energy function that can discriminate the native from non-native protein conformations. To date most of the energy functions used for this purpose have been extracted from a statistical analysis of the protein structure database, without explicit reference to the physical interactions responsible for protein stability. The use of the statistical functions has been supported by the widespread belief that they are superior for such discrimination to physics-based energy functions. An effective energy function which combined the CHARMM vacuum potential with a Gaussian model for the solvation free energy is tested for its ability to discriminate the native structure of a protein from misfolded conformations; the results are compared with those obtained with the vacuum CHARMM potential. The test is performed on several sets of misfolded structures prepared by others, including sets of about 650 good decoys for six proteins, as well as on misfolded structures of chymotrypsin inhibitor 2. The vacuum CHARMM potential is successful in most cases when energy minimized conformations are considered, but fails when applied to structures relaxed by molecular dynamics. With the effective energy function the native state is always more stable than grossly misfolded conformations both in energy minimized and molecular dynamics-relaxed structures. The present results suggest that molecular mechanics (physics-based) energy functions, complemented by a simple model for the solvation free energy, should be tested for use in the inverse folding problem, and supports their use in studies of the effective energy surface of proteins in solution. Moreover, the study suggests that the belief in the superiority of statistical functions for these purposes may be ill founded.  相似文献   

It can be demonstrated that antibody populations cannot be suitably described in terms of a Sips distribution. Use of the Stieltjes transform allows instead derivation, from experimental binding data, of the most probable distribution of the association constants. From graphical interpolation of the experimental data four parameters can be obtained, which characterize a satisfactory bimodal distribution. By this procedure, analysis of data taken at different times of a humoral immune response, indicates that the relative abundance of the two sub-populations, rather than their mean association constant, is mainly affected by time or by variations of antigen dose. By use of the same procedure it is also possible to show that, at least as far as haptens are concerned, the slope of the 50% antigen-binding plot, often taken as a measure of the “avidity” of antibodies, is instead a function of the relative weight of the two sub-populations and of the spread of each of them.  相似文献   

A method to identify statistically significant differences between equivalent atoms in two closely related protein X-ray crystallographic structures is described. This method uses the linear relationship found between the logarithm of the distance between equivalent atoms and their mean temperature factor to determine, by linear regression, the expected difference and variance.  相似文献   

Identification and characterization of protein functional surfaces are important for predicting protein function, understanding enzyme mechanism, and docking small compounds to proteins. As the rapid speed of accumulation of protein sequence information far exceeds that of structures, constructing accurate models of protein functional surfaces and identify their key elements become increasingly important. A promising approach is to build comparative models from sequences using known structural templates such as those obtained from structural genome projects. Here we assess how well this approach works in modeling binding surfaces. By systematically building three-dimensional comparative models of proteins using Modeller, we determine how well functional surfaces can be accurately reproduced. We use an alpha shape based pocket algorithm to compute all pockets on the modeled structures, and conduct a large-scale computation of similarity measurements (pocket RMSD and fraction of functional atoms captured) for 26,590 modeled enzyme protein structures. Overall, we find that when the sequence fragment of the binding surfaces has more than 45% identity to that of the template protein, the modeled surfaces have on average an RMSD of 0.5 Å, and contain 48% or more of the binding surface atoms, with nearly all of the important atoms in the signatures of binding pockets captured.  相似文献   

Proteins exhibit a nonuniform distribution of structures. A number of models have been advanced to explain this observation by considering the distribution of designabilities, that is, the fraction of all sequences that could successfully fold into any particular structure. It has been postulated that more designable structures should be more common, although the exact nature of this relationship has not been addressed. We find that the nonuniform distribution of protein structures found in nature can be explained by the interplay of evolution and population dynamics with the designability distribution. The relative frequency of different structures has a greater-than-linear dependence on designability, making the distribution of observed protein structures more uneven than the distribution of designabilities. The distribution of structures is also affected by additional factors such as the topology of the sequence space and the similarity of other structures.  相似文献   

The maximal expiratory flow-volume (MEFV) maneuver is a commonly used test of lung function. More detailed interpretation than is currently available might be useful to understand disease better. We propose that a previously published computational model (Lambert RK, Wilson TA, Hyatt RE, and Rodarte JR. J Appl Physiol 52: 44-56, 1982) can be used to deduce, from the MEFV curve, the serial distribution of airway areas in the larger airways. An automated procedure based on the simulated annealing technique was developed. It was tested with model-generated flow data in which airway areas were reduced one generation at a time. The procedure accurately located the constriction and predicted its size within narrow bounds when the constriction was in the six most central generations of airways. More peripheral constrictions were detected but were not precisely located, nor were their sizes accurately evaluated. Airway areas of generations upstream of the constriction were usually overestimated. The procedure was applied to spirometric data obtained from eight volunteers (4 asthmatic and 4 normal subjects) at baseline and after methacholine challenge. The predicted areas show individual differences both in absolute values, and in relative distribution of areas. This result shows that detailed information can be obtained from the MEFV curve through the use of a model. However, this initial model, which lacks airway smooth muscle, needs further refinement.  相似文献   

Siderophore-binding proteins play an essential role in the uptake of iron in many Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. FhuD is an ATP-binding cassette-type (ABC-type) binding protein involved in the uptake of hydroxamate-type siderophores in Escherichia coli. Structures of FhuD complexed with the antibiotic albomycin, the fungal siderophore coprogen and the drug Desferal have been determined at high resolution by x-ray crystallography. FhuD has an unusual bilobal structure for a periplasmic ligand binding protein, with two mixed beta/alpha domains connected by a long alpha-helix. The binding site for hydroxamate-type ligands is composed of a shallow pocket that lies between these two domains. Recognition of siderophores primarily occurs through interactions between the iron-hydroxamate centers of each siderophore and the side chains of several key residues in the binding pocket. Rearrangements of side chains within the binding pocket accommodate the unique structural features of each siderophore. The backbones of the siderophores are not involved in any direct interactions with the protein, demonstrating how siderophores with considerable chemical and structural diversity can be bound by FhuD. For albomycin, which consists of an antibiotic group attached to a hydroxamate siderophore, electron density for the antibiotic portion was not observed. Therefore, this study provides a basis for the rational design of novel bacteriostatic agents, in the form of siderophore-antibiotic conjugates that can act as "Trojan horses," using the hydroxamate-type siderophore uptake system to actively deliver antibiotics directly into targeted pathogens.  相似文献   

The effects of thermodynamic non-ideality on the forms of sedimentation equilibrium distributions for several isoelectric proteins have been analysed on the statistical-mechanical basis of excluded volume to obtain an estimate of the extent of protein solvation. Values of the effective solvation parameter delta are reported for ellipsoidal as well as spherical models of the proteins, taken to be rigid, impenetrable macromolecular structures. The dependence of the effective solvated radius upon protein molecular mass exhibits reasonable agreement with the relationship calculated for a model in which the unsolvated protein molecule is surrounded by a 0.52-nm solvation shell. Although the observation that this shell thickness corresponds to a double layer of water molecules may be of questionable relevance to mechanistic interpretation of protein hydration, it augurs well for the assignment of magnitudes to the second virial coefficients of putative complexes in the quantitative characterization of protein-protein interactions under conditions where effects of thermodynamic non-ideality cannot justifiably be neglected.  相似文献   

Gatchell DW  Dennis S  Vajda S 《Proteins》2000,41(4):518-534
Free energy potentials, combining molecular mechanics with empirical solvation and entropic terms, are used to discriminate native and near-native protein conformations from slightly misfolded decoys. Since the functional forms of these potentials vary within the field, it is of interest to determine the contributions of individual free energy terms and their combinations to the discriminative power of the potential. This is achieved in terms of quantitative measures of discrimination that include the correlation coefficient between RMSD and free energy, and a new measure labeled the minimum discriminatory slope (MDS). In terms of these criteria, the internal energy is shown to be a good discriminator on its own, which implies that even well-constructed decoys are substantially more strained than the native protein structure. The discrimination improves if, in addition to the internal energy, the free energy expression includes the electrostatic energy, calculated by assuming non-ionized side chains, and an empirical solvation term, with the classical atomic solvation parameter model providing slightly better discrimination than a structure-based atomic contact potential. Finally, the inclusion of a term representing the side chain entropy change, and calculated by an established empirical scale, is so inaccurate that it makes the discrimination worse. It is shown that both the correlation coefficient and the MDS value (or its dimensionless form) are needed for an objective assessment of a potential, and that together they provide much more information on the origins of discrimination than simple inspection of the RMSD-free energy plots.  相似文献   

FlexProt is a novel technique for the alignment of flexible proteins. Unlike all previous algorithms designed to solve the problem of structural comparisons allowing hinge-bending motions, FlexProt does not require an a priori knowledge of the location of the hinge(s). FlexProt carries out the flexible alignment, superimposing the matching rigid subpart pairs, and detects the flexible hinge regions simultaneously. A large number of methods are available to handle rigid structural alignment. However, proteins are flexible molecules, which may appear in different conformations. Hence, protein structural analysis requires algorithms that can deal with molecular flexibility. Here, we present a method addressing specifically a flexible protein alignment task. First, the method efficiently detects maximal congruent rigid fragments in both molecules. Transforming the task into a graph theoretic problem, our method proceeds to calculate the optimal arrangement of previously detected maximal congruent rigid fragments. The fragment arrangement does not violate the protein sequence order. A clustering procedure is performed on fragment-pairs which have the same 3-D rigid transformation regardless of insertions and deletions (such as loops and turns) which separate them. Although the theoretical worst case complexity of the algorithm is O(n(6)), in practice FlexProt is highly efficient. It performs a structural comparison of a pair of proteins 300 amino acids long in about seven seconds on a standard desktop PC (400 MHz Pentium II processor with 256MB internal memory). We have performed extensive experiments with the algorithm. An assortment of these results is presented here. FlexProt can be accessed via WWW at bioinfo3d.cs.tau.ac.il/FlexProt/.  相似文献   

We have previously identified three types of protein kinase C (a Ca2+-activated phospholipid-dependent kinase) isozymes, designated types I, II, and III, from rat brain (Huang, K.-P., Nakabayashi, H., and Huang, F. L. (1986) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 83, 8535-8539). These enzymes are different in their elution profile from hydroxylapatite column, sites of autophosphorylation, and immunoreactivity toward two types of monoclonal antibodies. Now we describe the purification of similar protein kinase C isozymes from monkey brain and their regional distribution in the brain. These primate enzymes all have the same molecular weight of 82,000, and each type of isozyme cross-reacts with the purified monospecific antibodies against its corresponding rat brain counterpart isozyme. These purified antibodies were used to quantify the relative contents of three types of protein kinase C isozymes in various regions of rat and monkey brains. In rat brain, cerebellum contained a high level of the type I isozyme; cerebral cortex, thalamus, and corpus callosum were high in the type II enzyme; and olfactory bulb was highest in the type III enzyme. In monkey brain, the type I isozyme was found to be enriched in cerebellum, hippocampus, and amygdala; the type II enzyme was at very high level in caudate, frontal and motor cerebral cortices, substantia nigra, and thalamus; and the type III enzyme was at the highest level in olfactory bulb. These results indicate that protein kinase C isozymes are differentially distributed in various regions of rat and monkey brains and suggest a unique role for each isozyme in controlling the different neuronal functions in the brain.  相似文献   

The distribution of Ia antigens on the surfaces of lymphocytes.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The distribution of Ia antigens was studied on murine spleen lymphocytes by an ultrastructural technique employing deep freeze-etched replicas. Ia antigens were labeled on cells from appropriate congenic and recombinant strains of mice by incubating the cells with FITC-conjugated anti-Iak antibody, followed by ferritin-coupled Fab anti-FITC. Ia antigens were detected predominantly on immunoglobulin (Ig)-bearing B lymphocytes. Antigens coded for by the entire Ik region were present on the surfaces of 95% of the positive cells (from B10.BR mice) in densely packed microclusters. Ia specificities coded for by the I-A and I-C subregions (on 4R and B10.HTT mice) exhibited a more variable pattern, with 30 to 35% of the labeled cells having sparsely distributed Ia antigens in relatively discrete microclusters. Binding of anti-Iak antibody at 37 degrees C led to patch formation but not to capping. Modulation of surface Ig left Ia antigens diffusely distributed on the cell surface, indicating that these two membrane proteins are independent molecules.  相似文献   

Using a systematic approach for the acceptance of crystallographic phase assignment, based on the evaluation of triplet structure invariants, electron and x-ray diffraction data from phospholipid multilamellar arrays are analyzed by direct methods. After calculation of Fourier maps with a partial set of phased structure factor magnitudes, the structure is refined in real space by flattening of the hydrocarbon region of the bilayer and an optimal solution is sought either by the calculation of [delta rho 4] suggested by Luzzati, where rho is the structure density or by a test of density smoothness [magnitude of delta rho/ delta r magnitude of], where r positions are located along the normal to the lamellar surface. Reanalyses of previously determined structures sometimes lead to new conclusions (e.g., a possible similarity of the electron density profile for DL-DMPE and L-DMPE, and a clear indication of the fatty acid adduct in the mixed L-DPPC/palmitic acid bilayer). Because of presumed secondary scattering perturbations (primarily to the least intense reflections), the refinements of the electron diffraction intensities are less easily evaluated than those carried out with x-ray diffraction data.  相似文献   

We employed microscopic intensity-based fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) images with correction by donor and acceptor concentrations to obtain unbiased maps of spatial distribution of the AT- and GC-rich DNA regions in nuclei. FRET images of 137 bovine aortic endothelial cells stained by the AT-specific donor Hoechst 33258 and the GC-specific acceptor 7-aminoactinomycin D were acquired and corrected for the donor and acceptor concentrations by the Gordon's method based on the three fluorescence filter sets. The corrected FRET images were quantitatively analyzed by texture analysis to correlate the spatial distribution of the AT- and GC-rich DNA regions with different phases of the cell cycle. Both visual observation and quantitative texture analysis revealed an increased number and size of the low FRET efficiency centers for cells in the G(2)/M-phases, compared to the G(1)-phase cells. We have detected cell cycle-dependent changes of the spatial organization and separation of the AT- and GC-rich DNA regions. Using the corrected FRET (cFRET) technique, we were able to detect early DNA separation stages in late interphase nuclei.  相似文献   

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