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A mutagenic azide metabolite was purified from the medium in which Salmonella typhimurium cells were grown in the presence of azide. This metabolite was identified to be azidoalanine based on infrared and mass spectroscopy and elemental analysis. This compound appeared to be identical to the mutagenic compound synthesized in vitro from azide and O-acetylserine by partially purified O-acetylserine sulfhydrylase. The metabolite (azidoalanine) mutagenic efficiency and spectrum in S. typhimurium was similar to that of inorganic azide. The compounds 2-azidoethylamine, 2-bromoethylamine, 3-bromopropionic acid and N-(azidomethyl) phthalimide were also mutagenic with a similar spectrum to azide and azidoalanine, but with lower efficiency. The compounds 3-azidopropylamine, 4-azidobutylamine, 3-chloroalanine and ethylamine were only weakly or nonmutagenic. Numerous other chloro, bromo and azido phthalimide derivatives tested were nonmutagenic. It is suggested that the lack of azide mutagenicity (and perhaps carcinogenicity) in mammalian cells may be due to their inability to convert azide to azidoalanine.  相似文献   

The dark mutagenicity of 4,5',8-trimethylpsoralen (4,5',8-TMP), 5-methoxypsoralen (5-MOP), 8-methoxypsoralen (8-MOP), 3-carbethoxypsoralen (3-CPs) and two new pyridopsoralens (PyPs and MePyPs) was tested using the Ames Salmonella plating assay in the absence of metabolic activation. 4,5',8-TMP, 8-MOP and the two pyridopsoralens were found to be weak frameshift mutagens in strain TA1537 whereas 5-MOP and 3-CPs did not demonstrate any significant mutagenic activity. These findings support the notion that the genetic risks of these psoralens in the dark may be considered to be negligible.  相似文献   

The L- and D-isomers of azidoalanine (azide metabolite) have been chemically synthesized with 60% yield using corresponding N-(tert-butoxycarbonyl)-serine as starting materials. The mutagenic properties of synthesized L-azidoalanine are very similar to those of azide and in vivo synthesized azidoalanine. Synthetic D-azidoalanine shows very low mutagenic activity on Salmonella typhimurium TA1530 strain compared to that of the L-isomer. Thus a stereoselective process is involved in azidoalanine mutagenicity. The data presented in this study suggest that further biochemical activation is required for L-azidoalanine to produce its mutagenic activity.  相似文献   

Sodium bisulfite is a weak mutagen at pH 5 and 6 in S. typhimurium strains carrying the hisG46 and hisD6610 mutations, but is not mutagenic in strains with the hisC3076 or hisD3052 mutations. The bisulfite-induced base-pair substitution mutations were slightly enhanced by the presence of the plasmid, pKM101, but inhibited by the presence of the uvrB and rfa mutations. The hisO1242 mutation which causes constitutive expression of the histidine operon, produced a slight enhancement of frameshift (hisD6610), but not base-pair substitution (hisG46) mutations. Bisulfite-induced mutations appear to be the result of two different mechanisms which may be a function of the repair capacity of the strains. The data suggest that the deamination of cytosine may not be responsible for frameshift mutations, but may be responsible for base-pair substitution mutagenesis. Because the rate of bisulfite autooxidation appears to play a role in the mutagenic process, we are suggesting that the deamination of cytosine may be the result of oxidative damage rather than through the direct formation of a cytosine-bisulfite adduct. This is further supported by the much lower concentrations of bisulfite needed to cause mutagenicity than the 1 M concentrations cited to produce cytosine-bisulfite adducts.  相似文献   

Four hexavalent and two trivalent chromium compounds were tested for toxicity and mutagenicity by means of the Salmonella typhimurium/mammalian-microsome test. All hexavalent compounds yielded a complete inhibition of bacterial growth at doses of 400 to 800 mug/plate, a significant increase of his(+) revertant colonies at doses ranging from 10 to 200 mug, and no effect at doses of less than 10 mug. The distinctive sensitivity of the four Salmonella strains tested (TA1535, TA1537, TA98, and TA100) suggested that hexavalent chromium directly interacts with bacterial deoxyribonucleic acid by causing both frameshift mutations and basepair substitutions. The latter mutations, which are prevalent, are amplified by an error-prone recombinational repair of the damaged deoxyribonucleic acid. On the average, 1 mumol of hexavalent chromium yielded approximately 500 revertants of the TA100 strain, irrespective of the compound tested (sodium dichromate, calcium chromate, potassium chromate, or chromic acid). The mutagenic potency of the hexavalent metal was not enhanced by adding the microsomal fraction of rat hepatocytes, induced either with sodium barbital or with Aroclor 1254. The two trivalent compounds (chromium potassium sulfate and chromic chloride), with or without the microsomal fraction, were neither toxic nor mutagenic for the bacterial tester strains.  相似文献   

The mutagenicities of [1R] and [1S] aflatoxicol were measured using the Salmonella microsome test. In strain TA100 the [1R] form (unnatural aflatoxicol, aflatoxicol B) had a mutagenic potency approximately four times that of the [1S] epimer (natural aflatoxicol, aflatoxicol A, Ro) in the presence of S-9 liver microsomal fraction. The order in mutagenic potency compared to some other toxicologically important aflatoxins was as follows: B1 greater than [1R] approximately equal to G1 much greater than [1S] much much greater than B2. Thus, the trans relationship between the vinyl ether and hydroxyl groups leads to greater mutagenicity than the cis relationship. This may be important in the elucidation of stereochemical structure-activity relationships for the aflatoxins.  相似文献   

Irradiated sugar solutions are mutagenic towards Salmonella typhimurium, the effect being dose-dependent up to 2.0 Mrad. At all doses, ribose solution exhibited greater mutagenicity than did sucrose solution. The mutagenic effect was observed only in dividing cells and appears to be directly related to the growth rate. A larger proportion of revertants was observed after incubation with irradiated sugar solution for a period of 4 h than for 24 h. Irradiation of the sugar solutions in the frozen conditions was effective in completely preventing the development of mutagenic potential. Post-irradiation storage of the sugar solutions for a prolonged period (25 weeks) also minimized their mutagenic effect. The irradiated sugar solutions gave rise to both missense and frame-shift (additon as well as deletion) types of mutation; ribose was more effective in inducing the latter type. The irradiated sugar solutions failed to show a mutagenic response in the host-mediated assay with mice as the mammalian host.  相似文献   

Thirty compounds of various chemical classes were investigated for mutagenicity in a collaborative study (3 laboratories) using Salmonella typhimurium TA102. With 5 compounds, namely hydrazine sulfate, phenylhydrazine, hydralazine, glutardialdehyde and glyoxal, mutagenicity was detected by all laboratories. Formaldehyde was assessed as weakly mutagenic in only 1 of 3 laboratories. The remaining 24 agents were uniformly described as non-genotoxic in TA102. In spite of the overall good qualitative agreement in the mutagenicity results between the 3 laboratories some quantitative discrepancies occurred in the dose response of the mutagenic compounds. Varying inter- and intra-laboratory differences in the spontaneous rate of revertants were obtained. The usefulness of the tester strain TA102 in routine mutagenicity testing is discussed.  相似文献   

The mutagenicity of 4 azo dyes (FD&C Yellow No. 5, FD&C Yellow No. 6, FD&C Red No. 40 and amaranth) that are widely used to color food has been evaluated. 4 different methods were used: (1) the standard Ames plate-incorporation assay performed directly on the dyes in the absence of S9 and in the presence of rat- or hamster-liver S9; (2) application of the standard plate assay to ether extracts of aqueous solutions of the dyes; (3) a variant of the standard assay, using hamster liver S9, preincubation, flavin mononucleotide (FMN) and other modifications designed to facilitate azo reduction; and (4) reduction of the dyes with sodium dithionite, followed by ether extraction and the standard plate assay. Assays that include chemical reduction (methods 3 and 4) were included because azo compounds ingested orally are reduced in the intestine with the release of free aromatic amines. No mutagenic activity was seen for any of the azo dyes tested by using the standard Ames plate assay (method 1). Ether extracts of some samples of FD&C Yellow No. 6, FD&C Red No. 40 and amaranth were active (method 2), but only at high doses, generally 250 mg-equivalents or more per plate. These results indicate the presence of low levels of ether-extractable mutagenic impurities. The FMN preincubation assay (method 3) gave negative results for all dye samples tested. Most batches of FD&C Red No. 40 tested had mutagenic activity that was detectable when the ether extract of less than 1 mg of dithionite-reduced dye was plated in the presence of S9 (method 4). This finding implies that an impurity in these samples of FD&C Red No. 40 can be reduced to yield an ether-extractable mutagen. Dithionite-reduced samples of FD&C Yellow No. 6 and amaranth showed ether-extractable mutagenic activity only at much higher doses than those at which activity was seen with most dithionite-reduced samples of FD&C Red No. 40 (method 4). FD&C Yellow No. 5 showed no mutagenic activity with this method. Mutagenic activity was not detected when FD&C Red No. 40 was tested by using the azo reduction preincubation assay with FMN (method 3).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The mutagenicity of eight Fusarium toxins (mono-, di-, and triacetoxyscirpenol, T-2 toxin, deoxynivalenol, 3-acetyl-deoxynivalenol, zearalenone, and moniliformin) and of two positive controls (aflatoxin B1 and sterigmatocystin) to histidine-requiring strains TA 98, 100, 1535, and 1537 of Salmonella typhimurium was tested both with and without metabolic activation. Both aflatoxin B1 and sterigmatocystin, but none of the eight Fusarium toxins, were mutagenic to S. typhimurium. The lack of mutagenic activity of T-2 toxin and diacetoxyscirpenol supports the negative results that have been obtained with in vivo carcinogenicity tests. The negative mutagenicity of the four other 12,13-epoxytrichothecenes tested, and of zearalenone and moniliformin, could not be correlated with in vivo tests because published accounts of their chronic toxicity were not available.  相似文献   

The mutagenicity of eight Fusarium toxins (mono-, di-, and triacetoxyscirpenol, T-2 toxin, deoxynivalenol, 3-acetyl-deoxynivalenol, zearalenone, and moniliformin) and of two positive controls (aflatoxin B1 and sterigmatocystin) to histidine-requiring strains TA 98, 100, 1535, and 1537 of Salmonella typhimurium was tested both with and without metabolic activation. Both aflatoxin B1 and sterigmatocystin, but none of the eight Fusarium toxins, were mutagenic to S. typhimurium. The lack of mutagenic activity of T-2 toxin and diacetoxyscirpenol supports the negative results that have been obtained with in vivo carcinogenicity tests. The negative mutagenicity of the four other 12,13-epoxytrichothecenes tested, and of zearalenone and moniliformin, could not be correlated with in vivo tests because published accounts of their chronic toxicity were not available.  相似文献   

The mononitro-substituted isomers of benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P), 1-, 3- and 6-nitrobenzo[a]pyrene (NB[a]P), are environmental pollutants and are metabolized to mutagens in Salmonella by rat-liver homogenate postmitochondrial supernatant (S9) fractions. In this study, activation of these compounds to mutagens was investigated using the hepatocyte-mediated Salmonella mutagenicity assay. Hepatocytes from rats treated with Aroclor 1254 activated both 3-NB[a]P and 1-NB[a]P to mutagens, while 6-NB[a]P was not mutagenic. The positive mutagenicity responses were functions of both the chemical dose and the hepatocyte concentration. By using a nitroreductase-deficient strain (TA98NR) and a transesterificase-deficient strain (TA98/1,8-DNP6), it was verified that the direct-acting mutagenicities of 1- and 3-NB[a]P primarily were due to metabolic processes involving nitroreduction while the S9- and hepatocyte-mediated mutagenicity responses were also dependent on transesterification. When compared with the mutagenic responses produced with S9, the mutations induced by 1- and 3-NB[a]P in the presence of hepatocytes were relatively more dependent upon nitroreductase metabolism and less on transesterification. Thus, intact hepatocytes were capable of activating 1- and 3-NB[a]P to mutagenic metabolites and some of these metabolites appeared to be different from those produced by S9.  相似文献   

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