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水稻基因组中的节段重复   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
利用13个多拷贝探针,研究水稻(Oryza sativa L.)基因组第8、9、11和12染色体上的节段重复。由同一探针检测到的多拷贝位点通常位于不同染色体的相同部位。不同探针检测到的多拷贝位点在不同染色体上的位置顺序相同。第8种9染色体上的相同多拷贝位点的线性排列,提示这两条染色体在进行上可能来源于同一原始染色体。而第9染色体上的一个节段与前人报道的以及本研究进一步证实的第11和第12染色体短臂  相似文献   

Lacroix  M.-H.  Oparina  N. Yu.  Mashkova  T. D. 《Molecular Biology》2003,37(2):186-193
The review considers the structure, evolution, and possible mechanisms of formation and spreading of intrachromosomal and interchromosomal segmental duplications (SD), which account for more than 5% of the human genome. Most SD consist of multiple modules, which occur in several copies in different genome regions. SD are preferentially located in pericentric and subtelomeric regions, which are least studied on the human chromosomes. Homologous recombination between SD results in various chromosome rearrangements, contributing to the genome instability and the origin of several human hereditary disorders.  相似文献   

Fast neutron radiation has been used as a mutagen to develop extensive mutant collections. However, the genome-wide structural consequences of fast neutron radiation are not well understood. Here, we examine the genome-wide structural variants observed among 264 soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] plants sampled from a large fast neutron-mutagenized population. While deletion rates were similar to previous reports, surprisingly high rates of segmental duplication were also found throughout the genome. Duplication coverage extended across entire chromosomes and often prevailed at chromosome ends. High-throughput resequencing analysis of selected mutants resolved specific chromosomal events, including the rearrangement junctions for a large deletion, a tandem duplication, and a translocation. Genetic mapping associated a large deletion on chromosome 10 with a quantitative change in seed composition for one mutant. A tandem duplication event, located on chromosome 17 in a second mutant, was found to cosegregate with a short petiole mutant phenotype, and thus may serve as an example of a morphological change attributable to a DNA copy number gain. Overall, this study provides insight into the resilience of the soybean genome, the patterns of structural variation resulting from fast neutron mutagenesis, and the utility of fast neutron-irradiated mutants as a source of novel genetic losses and gains.  相似文献   

Owing to a great progress in studying the human genome, its euchromatic portion is almost completely sequenced; the complete sequence is still unknown only for pericentric and telomeric regions and short arms of acrocentric chromosomes. Extended satellite blocks and segmental duplications located in these regions substantially hinder the joining of the sequenced fragments and construction of the full-length genome map. The sequence was established for a 1.5-kb human chromosome 13 subtelomeric region, which is about 10 kb away from the rDNA cluster, and deposited in GenBank under accession no. AF478540. The region showed 83–84% homology to the pericentric region of human chromosome 19, and contained short fragments homologous to the pericentric region of human chromosome 13. The results may contribute to the current revision of genome evolution concepts in view of numerous segmental duplications revealed.  相似文献   

Genome evolution in polyploids   总被引:71,自引:0,他引:71  
Polyploidy is a prominent process in plants and has been significant in the evolutionary history of vertebrates and other eukaryotes. In plants, interdisciplinary approaches combining phylogenetic and molecular genetic perspectives have enhanced our awareness of the myriad genetic interactions made possible by polyploidy. Here, processes and mechanisms of gene and genome evolution in polyploids are reviewed. Genes duplicated by polyploidy may retain their original or similar function, undergo diversification in protein function or regulation, or one copy may become silenced through mutational or epigenetic means. Duplicated genes also may interact through inter-locus recombination, gene conversion, or concerted evolution. Recent experiments have illuminated important processes in polyploids that operate above the organizational level of duplicated genes. These include inter-genomic chromosomal exchanges, saltational, non-Mendelian genomic evolution in nascent polyploids, inter-genomic invasion, and cytonuclear stabilization. Notwithstanding many recent insights, much remains to be learned about many aspects of polyploid evolution, including: the role of transposable elements in structural and regulatory gene evolution; processes and significance of epigenetic silencing; underlying controls of chromosome pairing; mechanisms and functional significance of rapid genome changes; cytonuclear accommodation; and coordination of regulatory factors contributed by two, sometimes divergent progenitor genomes. Continued application of molecular genetic approaches to questions of polyploid genome evolution holds promise for producing lasting insight into processes by which novel genotypes are generated and ultimately into how polyploidy facilitates evolution and adaptation.  相似文献   

Paramecium has long been a model eukaryote. The sequence of the Paramecium tetraurelia genome reveals a history of three successive whole-genome duplications (WGDs), and the sequences of P. biaurelia and P. sexaurelia suggest that these WGDs are shared by all members of the aurelia species complex. Here, we present the genome sequence of P. caudatum, a species closely related to the P. aurelia species group. P. caudatum shares only the most ancient of the three WGDs with the aurelia complex. We found that P. caudatum maintains twice as many paralogs from this early event as the P. aurelia species, suggesting that post-WGD gene retention is influenced by subsequent WGDs and supporting the importance of selection for dosage in gene retention. The availability of P. caudatum as an outgroup allows an expanded analysis of the aurelia intermediate and recent WGD events. Both the Guanine+Cytosine (GC) content and the expression level of preduplication genes are significant predictors of duplicate retention. We find widespread asymmetrical evolution among aurelia paralogs, which is likely caused by gradual pseudogenization rather than by neofunctionalization. Finally, cases of divergent resolution of intermediate WGD duplicates between aurelia species implicate this process acts as an ongoing reinforcement mechanism of reproductive isolation long after a WGD event.  相似文献   

Clara Frontali 《Genetica》1994,94(2-3):91-100
Extensive genome plasticity inPlasmodium involves frequent loss of dispensable functions under non-selective conditions, polymorphisms in subtelomeric repetitive regions, as well as rapid and apparently concerted variation in the intra-genic repetitive arrays that are typical of plasmodial antigen genes. As an example of the latter type of variation, the region of the merozoite surface antigen gene MSA-1 ofPlasmodium falciparum, which encodes a tri-peptide repeat, is analysed in detail. The example illustrates how evasion of the immune defenses of the vertebrate host can be achieved through repeat homogenization mechanisms, acting at the DNA level, and leading to rapid fixation of variant epitopes. The remarkable ability of Plasmodia to utilize mechanisms which operate on its own nuclear DNA in the course of mitotic multiplication is discussed against the need of life cycle closure as a haploid unicellular. The possibility is suggested that active genomic diversification in a (clonal) multicellular population evolved as an adaptive tool.  相似文献   

一个水稻重复序列的分析与定位   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在利用PCR简并引物扩增水稻NBS-LRR类抗病基因同源序列的研究中,克隆了一个大小为560 bp左右的重复序列,命名为DH17。序列分析和同源性比较发现,该序列包含352 bp的重复单位,与已报道的OS48和TrsA等重复单位序列进行比较,差异多低于5%, 具有很高的同源性,因此为同一重复序列家族。分子杂交表明,该序列在籼型品种"窄叶青8号"(ZYQ8)中以大量的串联拷贝存在,拷贝数显著高于粳型品种"京系17"(JX17)。利用ZYQ8和JX17组配的DH群体,通过 RFLP分析,直接将DH17的大量串联拷贝定位于ZYQ8的12号染色体长臂末端区域。 Abstract:A repeated sequence with a length of 560 bp,termed as DH17,was obtained during PCR amplification of rice NBS-LRR homologues.A repeated unit of 352 bp in the DH17 fragment was revealed through sequence analysis and comparison,which has a high homology with the known sequences of OS48 and TrsA,and belongs to the same repeat family.Southern hybridization displayed that there are higher DH17 copies in the genome of an indica variety,ZYQ8,than that in the genome of japonica variety,JX17.The tandom repeated DH17 sequence was mapped on the long arm end of chromosome 12 through RFLP analysis of a double haploid population derived from ZYQ8 and JX17 using DH17 as a probe.  相似文献   

New enzymes often evolve by duplication and divergence of genes encoding enzymes with promiscuous activities that have become important in the face of environmental opportunities or challenges. Amplifications that increase the copy number of the gene under selection commonly amplify many surrounding genes. Extra copies of these coamplified genes must be removed, either during or after evolution of a new enzyme. Here we report that amplicon remodeling can begin even before mutations occur in the gene under selection. Amplicon remodeling and mutations elsewhere in the genome that indirectly increase fitness result in complex population dynamics, leading to emergence of clones that have improved fitness by different mechanisms. In this work, one of the two most successful clones had undergone two episodes of amplicon remodeling, leaving only four coamplified genes surrounding the gene under selection. Amplicon remodeling in the other clone resulted in removal of 111 genes from the genome, an acceptable solution under these selection conditions, but one that would certainly impair fitness under other environmental conditions.  相似文献   

We analyzed the whole genome sequence coverage in two versions of the Bos taurus genome and identified all regions longer than five kilobases (Kbp) that are duplicated within chromosomes with >99% sequence fidelity in both copies. We call these regions High Fidelity Duplications (HFDs). The two assemblies were Btau 4.2, produced by the Human Genome Sequencing Center at Baylor College of Medicine, and UMD Bos taurus 3.1 (UMD 3.1), produced by our group at the University of Maryland. We found that Btau 4.2 has a far greater number of HFDs, 3111 versus only 69 in UMD 3.1. Read coverage analysis shows that 39 million base pairs (Mbp) of sequence in HFDs in Btau 4.2 appear to be a result of a mis-assembly and therefore cannot be qualified as segmental duplications. UMD 3.1 has only 0.41 Mbp of sequence in HFDs that are due to a mis-assembly.  相似文献   

水稻重复序列RRD3在转基因植物中的启动子功能   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
来源于水稻(Oryza sativa L.)的一个820bp多拷贝重复序列RRD3,含有植物启动子TATA-box、CAAT-box等特征保守基元。用RRD3取代Ti载体pB1121中的CamV 35S启动子,通过植物转化鉴定RRD3的启动子功能。组织化学分析表明,根癌土壤杆菌(Agrobacterium tumefaciens(Smith et Townsend) Conn)LBA4404转化后  相似文献   

A 820 bp rice (Oryza sativa L.) repetitive DNA sequence, the RRD3, was cloned by annealing kinetics. From the sequence analysis, there are several conserved promoter motifs in the sequence such as TATA-box, CAAT-box, etc. In order to detect the promoter function of RRD3, RRD3 was inserted into Ti plasmid pBI121 to replace the CaMV 35S promoter DNA fragment. Both transgenic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) G28 and rice callus showed the β-glucuronidase (GUS) activity by histochemical assays, the GUS activities of the transgenic tobacco were primarily localized at or around the vascular tissue in leaf and stem. These results indicated that RRD3 can exercise promoter function. The core sequence of promoter of RRD3 will be located.  相似文献   

水稻条叶枯病毒基因组组分3的克隆与序列分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用RT-PCR技术,合成并扩增了水稻条叶枯病毒(RStV)中国云南分离 物基因组组分3的全长cDNA。将PCR产物克隆在载体pCRⅡ上,进行全序列测定。将所得核苷酸序列及其所推导的氨基酸序列与日本分离物T进行同源性比较,结果表明,在核苷酸水平上,两分离物的5’端非编码区序列相同,vORF、vcORF及基因间非编码区序列的同源性分别为97.6%、96.8%及87.6%,而3’端非编码区同源性为98  相似文献   

We searched partial sequences of over 22,706 rice cDNA and 1220genomic DNA clones to find and characterize simple sequencerepeats (SSRs) in the rice genome. The most frequently foundrepeated SSR motif in both cDNA and genomic DNA sequences wasd(CCG/CGG)n. The second most frequently found SSR was d(AG/CT)n.In contrast with mammalian genomes, in which d(AC/GT)n sequencesare the most abundant, d(AC/GT)n sequences were not frequentlyobserved in rice. Sequences containing d(CCG/CGG)n, d(AG/CT)nrepeats, and other SSRs were chosen for polymorphism detection.It was predicted that 17 of 20 SSRs in cDNA sequences were locatedin 5'-untranslated regions near initiation codons. Twenty-twoloci can be mapped on our RFLP linkage map by these SSRs. Sixmarkers were tested with 16 japonica rice varieties as templatesfor PCR. Two markers exhibited amplified fragment length polymorphismamong these rice varieties, implying that SSRs are polymorphicamong rice varieties which have similar genetic backgrounds.Even these polymorphic SSRs are located within or around geneswhich code ubiquitous proteins.  相似文献   

大麦基因组中的微卫星标记及其应用   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
冯宗云  张义正  凌宏清 《遗传》2002,24(6):727-733
微卫星是以少数几个核苷酸为单位多次串联重复的DNA序列,是一种简单序列重复(simple sequence repeats,SSR),两侧一般是保守序列。由于它具有多态性高、共显性、容易用PCR检测和结果稳定可靠等特点,因此是一种十分理想的分子标记。大麦的微卫星DNA随机分布于基因组中,平均每一个微卫星基因座有3~18个等位基因,最高可达37个。SSR标记已广泛用于分子遗传图谱的构建、遗传多样性研究、种质鉴定、主要性状基因的定位及分子标记辅助选择育种等。大多数SSR标记集中在着丝粒附近区域,1HL、5HL和6HS明显缺乏SSR标记。大麦的SSR标记还有待进一步的开发。 Microsatellite Markers and Applications in the Barley Genome FENG Zong-yun1,2,3,ZHANG Yi-zheng1,LING Hong-qing3 1.College of Life Sciences,Sichuan University,Chengdu 610065,China; 2.College of Agronomy,Sichuan Agricultural University,Ya'an 625014,China; 3.The State Key Laboratory of Plant Cell & Chromosome Engineering,Institute of Genetics & Developmental Biology,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100101,China Abstract:Microsatellites,also called simple sequence repeats (SSR),are simple,tandemly repeated DNA sequences with a repeat length of a few base pairs,and are very ideally used as molecular markers because of their abundance,high level of polymorphism,co-dominance and ease of assay with the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) by selecting primers as the conserved DNA sequences flanking the SSRs,as well as better stability.The experiments showed that SSRs are randomly distributed throughout the barley genome,and there are 3~18 alleles at a single SSR locus,up to 37 alleles/locus.SSR markers have being widely applied in the construction of molecular genetic map,the study of genetic diversity,the identification of germplasm,gene mapping for important traits and molecular marker-assisted selection.Meanwhile,most of markers are strongly clustered around the centromeric regions of all seven linkage groups.As a result of the clustering,genome coverage with SSRs remains incomplete with an obvious lack of markers on the long arms of chromosomes 1H and 5H and short arm of chromosome 6H.Therefore,it is very potential and necessary to further develop SSR markers in barley. Key words:barley;microsatellite marker;simple sequence repeats;genetic diversity;molecular mapping  相似文献   

Asymmetric compositional and mutation bias between the two strands occurs in mitochondrial genomes, and an asymmetric mechanism of mtDNA replication is a potential source of this bias. Some evidence indicates that during replication the heavy strand is subject to a gradient of time spent in a single-stranded state (D ssH) and a gradient of mutational damage. The nucleotide composition bias among genes varies with D ssH. Consequently, partial genome duplications (PGD) will alter the skew for genes located downstream of the duplication, relatively to nascent light strand synthesis, and in the same way, gene rearrangements (GRr) will affect genes by changing their skews. We examined cases where there had been PGD or GRr and determined whether this left a trace in the form of unusual patterns of base composition. We compared the skew of genes differently located on the mtDNA genome of previously published whole mtDNA genomes from amphibians, a group that shows considerable levels of both GRr and PGD. After observing a significant correlation between AT and GC skew with D ssH at fourfold redundant sites, we ran our analysis and detected 31.3% of the species with GRr and/or PGD. By comparing the nucleotide composition at fourfold redundant sites in normal and “abnormal” species, we found that A/C variation occurs and is associated with GRr/PGD. These results show that by analyzing the nucleotide skews of only three genes, it may be possible to predict some mitochondrial GRr and/or PGD without knowing the complete mtDNA genome sequence. [Reviewing Editor: Dr. David Pollock]  相似文献   

Oparina  N. Yu.  Lacroix  M.-H.  Rychkov  A. A.  Mashkova  T. D. 《Molecular Biology》2003,37(2):200-204
Intrachromosomal and interchromosomal segmental duplications account for more than 5% of the human genome. To analyze the processes resulting in the complex mosaic structure of duplicons, a draft human genome sequence was searched for duplicated segments of a genomic fragment of the pericentric region of the chromosome 21 short arm. The duplicons found consist of modules having paralogs in various genome regions. Module ends are flanked with various tandem or interspersed repeats, which are more unstable as compared with unique sequences. In most cases, the boundaries of duplicated segments exactly coincide with or are in close proximity to hot spots of various rearrangements within repeats or boundaries between repeats and unique sequences or between two different repeats. Homologous recombination between repetitive elements was assumed to be the major mechanism contributing to the mosaic structure of duplicons.  相似文献   

ZFX基因同源序列在黄鳝基因组中的检出及其染色体定位   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以大熊猫锌指蛋白基因Zfx为探针 ,在黄鳝基因组DNA中检测到一条长约 9 5kb的杂交带。依据哺乳类和爬行类动物锌指蛋白基因 (ZFX/Zfc)编码第 7~ 13个锌指结构的DNA序列保守性设计引物 ,在黄鳝基因组DNA中仅扩增到一条 5 12bp的DNA片段。将此片段克隆至载体 pBS中 ,从雌性、雄性个体中分别挑选 4个含有插入片段的白色克隆进行测序。测序结果表明 ,这些克隆中插入片段的核苷酸序列一致。该DNA片段在核苷酸水平上与人类ZFX和ZFY分别具有 88%和 87%同源性 ,但其与美洲鳄鱼Zfc的同源性可达 90 % ,而在氨基酸水平上则分别存在 95 9%、95 9%和 93 5 %的同源性 (170个氨基酸 )。该基因命名为黄鳝锌指蛋白基因Zfa ,并运用FISH将其定位于黄鳝 1号染色体 ,距离着丝粒的相对位置为 6 0 1± 0 38。通过进一步研究证明 ,黄鳝 1号染色体上存在有真兽类哺乳动物X染色质同源的保守片段 ,该保守片段有可能就是哺乳动物X染色体起源和进化的原始物质基础之一。应用哺乳动物X染色体连锁的其他基因在鱼类开展染色体比较定位研究 ,将有望促进脊椎动物性染色体进化的深入研究  相似文献   

The maize Ac/Ds transposon family was the first transposable element system identified and characterized by Barbara McClintock. Ac/Ds transposons belong to the hAT family of class II DNA transposons. We and others have shown that Ac/Ds elements can undergo a process of alternative transposition in which the Ac/Ds transposase acts on the termini of two separate, nearby transposons. Because these termini are present in different elements, alternative transposition can generate a variety of genome alterations such as inversions, duplications, deletions, and translocations. Moreover, Ac/Ds elements transpose preferentially into genic regions, suggesting that structural changes arising from alternative transposition may potentially generate chimeric genes at the rearrangement breakpoints. Here we identified and characterized 11 independent cases of gene fusion induced by Ac alternative transposition. In each case, a functional chimeric gene was created by fusion of two linked, paralogous genes; moreover, each event was associated with duplication of the ∼70-kb segment located between the two paralogs. An extant gene in the maize B73 genome that contains an internal duplication apparently generated by an alternative transposition event was also identified. Our study demonstrates that alternative transposition-induced duplications may be a source for spontaneous creation of diverse genome structures and novel genes in maize.  相似文献   

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