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Quantification of the iron-nutritional status of phytoplankton is of great interest not only for the study of oceans but also for fresh waters. Flavodoxin is a small flavoprotein proposed as a marker for iron deficiency, since it is induced as a consequence of iron deprivation, replacing the iron-sulphur protein ferredoxin. Flavodoxin and ferredoxin have been frequently used as markers for determination of iron deficiency in phytoplankton. Using purified flavodoxin and ferredoxin from Scenedesmus vacuolatus and polyclonal antibodies against both proteins, individual ELISA tests have been developed. The assays have a linear response in the range of 30-600 ng/ml of protein.  相似文献   

Reduced flavodoxin I (Fld1) is required in Escherichia coli for reductive radical generation in AdoMet-dependent radical enzymes and reductive activation of cobalamin-dependent methionine synthase. Ferredoxin (Fd) and flavodoxin II (Fld2) are also present, although their precise roles have not been ascertained. Ferredoxin (flavodoxin):NADP+ oxidoreductase (FNR) was discovered in E. coli as an NADPH-dependent reductant of Fld1 that facilitated generation of active methionine synthase in vitro; FNR and Fld1 will also supply electrons for the reductive cleavage of AdoMet essential for generating protein or substrate radicals in pyruvate formate-lyase, class III ribonucleotide reductase, biotin synthase, and, potentially, lipoyl synthase. As part of ongoing efforts to understand the various redox pathways that will support AdoMet-dependent radical enzymes in E. coli, we have examined the relative specificity of E. coli FNR for Fd, Fld1, and Fld2. While FNR will reduce all three proteins, Fd is the kinetically and thermodynamically preferred partner. Fd binds to FNR with high affinity (K(d)相似文献   

The enzyme ferredoxin-NADP(+) reductase (FNR) forms a 1 : 1 complex with ferredoxin (Fd) or flavodoxin (Fld) that is stabilised by both electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions. The electrostatic interactions occur between acidic residues of the electron transfer (ET) protein and basic residues on the FNR surface. In the present study, several charge-reversal mutants of FNR have been prepared at the proposed site of interaction of the ET protein: R16E, K72E, K75E, K138E, R264E, K290E and K294E. All of these mutants have been assayed for reactivity with Fd and Fld using steady-state and stopped-flow kinetics. Their abilities for complex formation with the ET proteins have also been tested. The data presented here indicate that the mutated residues situated within the FNR FAD-binding domain are more important for achieving maximal ET rates, either with Fd or Fld, than those situated within the NADP(+)-binding domain, and that both ET proteins occupy the same region for the interaction with the reductase. In addition, each individual residue does not appear to participate to the same extent in the different processes with Fd and Fld.  相似文献   

We investigated organic carbon quantity and biochemical composition, prokaryotic abundance, biomass and carbon production in the annual and platelet sea ice of Terra Nova Bay (Antarctica), as well as the downward fluxes of organic matter released by melting ice during early spring. Huge amounts of biopolymeric C accumulated in the bottom layer of the ice column concomitantly with the early spring increase in sympagic algal biomass. Such organic material, mostly accounted for by autotrophic biomass, was characterised by a high food quality and was rapidly exported to the sea bottom during sea ice melting. Prokaryote abundance (up to 1.3 × 109 cells L−1) and extracellular enzymatic activities (up to 24.3 μM h−1 for amino-peptidase activity) were extremely high, indicating high rates of organic C degradation in the bottom sea ice. Despite this, prokaryote C production values were very low (range 5–30 ng C L−1 h−1), suggesting that most of the degraded organic C was not channelled into prokaryote biomass. In the platelet ice, we found similar organic C concentrations, prokaryote abundance and biomass values and even higher extracellular enzymatic activities, but values of prokaryote C production (range 800–4,200 ng C L−1 h−1) were up to three orders of magnitude higher than in the intact bottom sea ice. Additional field and laboratory experiments revealed that the dissolved organic material derived from algae accumulating in the bottom sea ice significantly reduced prokaryote C production, suggesting the presence of a potential allopathic control of sympagic algae on prokaryote growth. This article belongs to a special topic: Five articles on Sea-ice communities in Terra Nova Bay (Ross Sea), coordinated by L. Guglielmo and V. Saggiomo, appear in this issue of Polar Biology. The studies were conducted in the frame of the National Program of Research in Antarctica (PNRA) of Italy.  相似文献   

Abstract Ice scouring is a key structuring force acting on high latitude shallow benthic communities. Despite its importance, detailed studies of scoured communities are still rare. Here we report the ecological effects of 12 iceberg impacts, across three contrasting study sites, at Adelaide Island, West Antarctic Peninsula. Grounded icebergs were marked with GPS and the newly formed scours (at 10–17 m depth) were sampled within 20 days of formation. Comparisons between scoured and adjacent unscoured assemblages were made using measures of abundance, biomass, taxon richness and the relative abundance of secondary consumers. Ice scouring was catastrophic at all sites, despite differences in substratum type, exposure and background community. Compared with undisturbed areas, scour assemblages were 95% lower in mean macrofaunal abundance and 75.9% lower in species richness. There was no general trend across all sites of ice scouring selecting for secondary consumers. The echinoid Sterechinus neumayeri and bivalve mollusc Mysella charcoti were highly abundant in undisturbed areas and were the biggest contributors to the observed differences between scours and undisturbed areas.  相似文献   

Microbiota within the perennial ice cover of Lake Vida, Antarctica   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Lake Vida, located in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica, is an 'ice-sealed' lake with approximately 19 m of ice covering a highly saline water column (approximately 245 ppt). The lower portions of the ice cover and the lake beneath have been isolated from the atmosphere and land for circa 2800 years. Analysis of microbial assemblages within the perennial ice cover of the lake revealed a diverse array of bacteria and eukarya. Bacterial and eukaryal denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis phylotype profile similarities were low (<59%) between all of the depths compared (five depths spanning 11 m of the ice cover), with the greatest differences occurring between surface and deep ice. The majority of bacterial 16S rRNA gene sequences in the surface ice were related to Actinobacteria (42%) while Gammaproteobacteria (52%) dominated the deep ice community. Comparisons of assemblage composition suggest differences in ice habitability and organismal origin in the upper and lower portions of ice cover. Specifically, the upper ice cover microbiota likely reflect the modern day transport and colonization of biota from the terrestrial landscape, whereas assemblages in the deeper ice are more likely to be persistent remnant biota that originated from the ancient liquid water column of the lake that froze.  相似文献   

Challenge of Rhodobacter capsulatus cells with the superoxide propagator methyl viologen resulted in the induction of a diaphorase activity identified as a member of the ferredoxin (flavodoxin)-(reduced) nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADP(H)) reductase (FPR) family by N-terminal sequencing. The gene coding for Rhodobacter FPR was cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli. Both native and recombinant forms of the enzyme were purified to homogeneity rendering monomeric products of approximately 30 kDa with essentially the same spectroscopic and kinetic properties. They were able to bind and reduce Rhodobacter flavodoxin (NifF) and to mediate typical FPR activities such as the NADPH-driven diaphorase and cytochrome c reductase.  相似文献   

何剑峰 《生态学报》2004,24(4):750-754
近年来随着北极地区的开放和全球变化对北极地区生态环境和海冰现存量的影响日益显现,北极浮冰生态学研究得到了广泛的重视和实质性的进展.最新研究结果显示,浮冰本身包含了一个复杂的生物群落,高纬度浮冰生物群落的初级产量远高于原先的估算,浮冰生物群落在北极海洋生态系统中的作用被进一步确认.但由于对浮冰生物群落的研究受后勤保障条件的制约,目前尚有大量科学问题有待今后进一步深入研究,预期我国科学家将在其中做出贡献.  相似文献   

Cultures of the nitrogen-fixing cyanobacterium Anabaena variabilis PCC 6309 were grown under several iron concentrations, and changes in growth rates and chlorophyll and phycocyanin concentrations were determined. The total amount of ferredoxin present in the cells was found to be dependent on the concentration of iron in the media, as was the pattern distribution of the two different forms of the iron-sulfur protein described in this organism. Flavodoxin was not found to be present in these cells even when they were grown in the absence of added iron, indicating that this flavoprotein does not replace ferredoxin in this particular strain.  相似文献   

Temporal variations in the microbial community structure of plankton, which is composed of autotrophic and heterotrophic pico-, nano- and microplankton, were investigated during the austral summer of 2005/2006 under fast ice near Syowa Station, eastern Antarctica. Autotrophic algal populations were composed almost entirely of diatoms followed by phytoflagellates such as autotrophic dinoflagellates and cryptophytes. Among the microbial community, heterotrophic biomass was dominated by heterotrophic dinoflagellates and naked ciliates and finally exceeded autotrophic biomass. Qualitative microscopic analysis revealed that heterotrophic dinoflagellates were ingesting large number of diatoms. Synchronizing fluctuation of naked ciliates with phytoflagellates suggested a predator–prey relationship between them. Our results suggest that the pelagic food webs under the extensive ice-covered areas in coastal Antarctic regions are not short but complex.  相似文献   

Clostridium pasteurianum was grown in batch cultures on media with an initial iron concentration of 10 M. The uptake of iron and the synthesis of ferredoxin was followed. All the iron present in the medium was taken up by the cells before 50% of the final cell density was attained. The bacteria then continued to grow in the complete absence of exogenous iron. Ferredoxin was synthesized during growth until the exogenous iron concentration dropped below 1 M. During growth in the absence of iron ferredoxin was degraded with the result that at the end of growth the cells did not contain ferredoxin. The specific activity of the iron sulfur protein, pyruvate synthase (E.C., remained constant during growth of C. pasteurianum in the absence of exogenous iron. This finding suggests that ferredoxin was used as an endogenous source of iron for the synthesis of essential iron proteins during periods of iron deprivation.The term ferredoxin degradation is used here to indicate that the ferredoxin content in the growing cells decreased more than could be accounted for by repeated cell division. Ferredoxin = holoferredoxin = protein containing iron and sulfide; apoferredoxin = protein free of iron and sulfide  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structures of K72E, K75R, K75S, K75Q, and K75E Anabaena Ferredoxin-NADP+ reductase (FNR) mutants have been solved, and particular structural details of these mutants have been used to assess the role played by residues 72 and 75 in optimal complex formation and electron transfer (ET) between FNR and its protein redox partners Ferredoxin (Fd) and Flavodoxin (Fld). Additionally, because there is no structural information available on the interaction between FNR and Fld, a model for the FNR:Fld complex has also been produced based on the previously reported crystal structures and on that of the rat Cytochrome P450 reductase (CPR), onto which FNR and Fld have been structurally aligned, and those reported for the Anabaena and maize FNR:Fd complexes. The model suggests putative electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions between residues on the FNR and Fld surfaces at the complex interface and provides an adequate orientation and distance between the FAD and FMN redox centers for efficient ET without the presence of any other molecule as electron carrier. Thus, the models now available for the FNR:Fd and FNR:Fld interactions and the structures presented here for the mutants at K72 and K75 in Anabaena FNR have been evaluated in light of previous biochemical data. These structures confirm the key participation of residue K75 and K72 in complex formation with both Fd and Fld. The drastic effect in FNR activity produced by replacement of K75 by Glu in the K75E FNR variant is explained not only by the observed changes in the charge distribution on the surface of the K75E FNR mutant, but also by the formation of a salt bridge interaction between E75 and K72 that simultaneously "neutralizes" two essential positive charged side chains for Fld/Fd recognition.  相似文献   

Recombinant Desulfovibrio vulgaris flavodoxin was produced inEscherichia coli. A complete backbone NMR assignment for the two-electronreduced protein revealed significant changes of chemical shift valuescompared to the oxidized protein, in particular for the flavinemononucleotide (FMN)-binding site. A comparison of homo- and heteronuclearNOESY spectra for the two redox states led to the assumption that reductionis not accompanied by significant changes of the global fold of the protein.The backbone dynamics of both the oxidized and reduced forms of D. vulgarisflavodoxin were investigated using two-dimensional15N-1H correlation NMR spectroscopy.T1, T2 and NOE data are obtained for 95%of the backbone amide groups in both redox states. These values wereanalysed in terms of the model-free approach introduced by Lipari andSzabo [(1982) J. Am. Chem. Soc., 104, 4546-;4559, 4559-;4570]. Acomparison of the two redox states indicates that in the reduced speciessignificantly more flexibility occurs in the two loop regions enclosing FMN.Also, a higher amplitude of local motion could be found for the N(3)H groupof FMN bound to the reduced protein compared to the oxidized state.  相似文献   

When iron becomes limiting, Synechocystis 6803 induces the synthesis of flavodoxin. As a basis for genetic analysis, the flavodoxin-encoding isiB gene of Synechocystis 6803 was cloned and sequenced. The isiB gene was disrupted by insertion of an interposon within the isiB coding region resulting in two Synechocystis 6803 mutant strains, CKF-I and CKF-II. They were distinguished from each other by the orientation of the kanamycin resistance cassette. Photoautotrophic growth of the mutant strains under iron limiting conditions, which are sufficient for induction of flavodoxin in the wild-type cells, demonstrated that IsiB was not essential for Synechocystis 6803.  相似文献   

Distribution and composition of organic matter were investigated in Antarctic pack ice in early spring and summer. Accumulation of organic compounds was observed with dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and particulate organic carbon (POC) reaching 717 and 470 μM C, respectively and transparent exopolymeric particles (TEP) up to 3,071 μg Xanthan gum equivalent l−1. POC and TEP seemed to be influenced mainly by algae. Particulate saccharides accounted for 0.2–24.1% (mean, 7.8%) of POC. Dissolved total saccharides represented 0.4–29.6% (mean, 9.7%) of DOC, while dissolved free amino acids (DFAA) accounted for only 1% of DOC. Concentrations of TEP were positively correlated with those of saccharides. Monosaccharides (d-MCHO) dominated during winter–early spring, whereas dissolved polysaccharides did in spring–summer. DFAA were strongly correlated with d-MCHO, suggesting a similar pathway of production. The accumulation of monomers in winter is thought to result from limitation of bacterial activities rather than from the nature of the substrates.  相似文献   

Organic matter produced by the sea ice microbial community (SIMCo) is an important link between sea ice dynamics and secondary production in near‐shore food webs of Antarctica. Sea ice conditions in McMurdo Sound were quantified from time series of MODIS satellite images for Sept. 1 through Feb. 28 of 2007–2015. A predictable sea ice persistence gradient along the length of the Sound and evidence for a distinct change in sea ice dynamics in 2011 were observed. We used stable isotope analysis (δ13C and δ15N) of SIMCo, suspended particulate organic matter (SPOM) and shallow water (10–20 m) macroinvertebrates to reveal patterns in trophic structure of, and incorporation of organic matter from SIMCo into, benthic communities at eight sites distributed along the sea ice persistence gradient. Mass‐balance analysis revealed distinct trophic architecture among communities and large fluxes of SIMCo into the near‐shore food web, with the estimates ranging from 2 to 84% of organic matter derived from SIMCo for individual species. Analysis of patterns in density, and biomass of macroinvertebrate communities among sites allowed us to model net incorporation of organic matter from SIMCo, in terms of biomass per unit area (g/m2), into benthic communities. Here, organic matter derived from SIMCo supported 39 to 71 per cent of total biomass. Furthermore, for six species, we observed declines in contribution of SIMCo between years with persistent sea ice (2008–2009) and years with extensive sea ice breakout (2012–2015). Our data demonstrate the vital role of SIMCo in ecosystem function in Antarctica and strong linkages between sea ice dynamics and near‐shore secondary productivity. These results have important implications for our understanding of how benthic communities will respond to changes in sea ice dynamics associated with climate change and highlight the important role of shallow water macroinvertebrate communities as sentinels of change for the Antarctic marine ecosystem.  相似文献   

Heath  C. W.  Singleton  W. J. 《Hydrobiologia》1988,165(1):169-171
A benthic algae sampling device designed for use through surface ice, uses the principle of pivoting arms. It is designed to be activated below ice sheets and is capable of passing easily through a hole of 11 cm diameter bored by a SIPRE ice auger.  相似文献   

Contribution of three regions (phosphate-binding, 50’s and 90’s loops) of Anabaena apoflavodoxin to FMN binding and reduction potential was studied. Thr12 and Glu16 did not influence FMN redox properties, but Thr12 played a role in FMN binding. Replacement of Trp57 with Glu, Lys or Arg moderately shifted Eox/sq and Esq/hq and altered the energetic of the FMN redox states binding profile. Our data indicate that the side chain of position 57 does not modulate Eox/sq by aromatic stacking or solvent exclusion, but rather by influencing the relative strength of the H-bond between the N(5) of the flavin and the Asn58-Ile59 bond. A correlation was observed between the isoalloxazine increase in solvent accessibility and less negative Esq/hq. Moreover, Esq/hq became less negative as positively charged residues were added near to the isoalloxazine. Ile59 and Ile92 were simultaneously mutated to Ala or Glu. These mutations impaired FMN binding, while shifting Esq/hq to less negative values and Eox/sq to more negative. These effects are discussed on the bases of the X-ray structures of some of the Fld mutants, suggesting that in Anabaena Fld the structural control of both electron transfer steps is much more subtle than in other Flds.  相似文献   

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