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HAP 转录因子( HAP2/HAP3/HAP4/HAP5) 是存在于酿酒酵母中的一种异源多聚蛋白,它能与酵母中许多启动子上游的CCAAT盒( 顺式作用元件) 专一性结合, 以增强基因的转录。在酵母hap5 突变株的细胞中,用酵母单杂交系统从水稻cDNAGAL4 表达文库中筛选出的阳性克隆是编码谷胱甘肽氧还蛋白的cDNA,提示细胞内的氧化还原系统可能作用于HAP蛋白,从而对CCAAT盒的结合活力起调节作用。对HAP3 亚基分子中半胱氨酸残基的突变实验结果支持上述推测  相似文献   

Class III myosins are unique members of the myosin superfamily in that they contain both a motor and kinase domain. We have found that motor activity is decreased by autophosphorylation, although little is known about the regulation of the kinase domain. We demonstrate by mass spectrometry that Thr-178 and Thr-184 in the kinase domain activation loop and two threonines in the loop 2 region of the motor domain are autophosphorylated (Thr-908 and Thr-919). The kinase activity of MYO3A 2IQ with the phosphomimic (T184E) or phosphoblock (T184A) mutations demonstrates that kinase activity is reduced 30-fold as a result of the T184A mutation, although the Thr-178 site only had a minor impact on kinase activity. Interestingly, the actin-activated ATPase activity of MYO3A 2IQ is slightly reduced as a result of the T178A and T184A mutations suggesting coupling between motor and kinase domains. Full-length GFP-tagged T184A and T184E MYO3A constructs transfected into COS7 cells do not disrupt the ability of MYO3A to localize to filopodia structures. In addition, we demonstrate that T184E MYO3A reduces filopodia elongation in the presence of espin-1, whereas T184A enhances filopodia elongation in a similar fashion to kinase-dead MYO3A. Our results suggest that as MYO3A accumulates at the tips of actin protrusions, autophosphorylation of Thr-184 enhances kinase activity resulting in phosphorylation of the MYO3A motor and reducing motor activity. The differential regulation of the kinase and motor activities allows for MYO3A to precisely self-regulate its concentration in the actin bundle-based structures of cells.  相似文献   

Hyaluronan is a component of the extracellular matrix, which affects tissue homeostasis. In this study, we investigated the regulatory mechanisms of one of the hyaluronan-synthesizing enzymes, HAS2. Ectopic expression of Flag- and 6myc-HAS2 in COS-1 cells followed by immunoprecipitation and immunoblotting revealed homodimers; after co-transfection with Flag-HAS3, also heterodimers were seen. Furthermore, the expressed HAS2 was ubiquitinated. We identified one acceptor site for ubiquitin on lysine residue 190. Mutation of this residue led to inactivation of the enzymatic activity of HAS2. Interestingly, K190R-mutated HAS2 formed dimers with wt HAS2 and quenched the activity of wt HAS2, thus demonstrating a functional role of the dimeric configuration.  相似文献   

Protein synthesis, especially translation elongation, requires large amounts of energy, which is often generated by oxidative metabolism. Elongation is controlled by phosphorylation of eukaryotic elongation factor 2 (eEF2), which inhibits its activity and is catalyzed by eEF2 kinase (eEF2K), a calcium/calmodulin-dependent α-kinase. Hypoxia causes the activation of eEF2K and induces eEF2 phosphorylation independently of previously known inputs into eEF2K. Here, we show that eEF2K is subject to hydroxylation on proline-98. Proline hydroxylation is catalyzed by proline hydroxylases, oxygen-dependent enzymes which are inactivated during hypoxia. Pharmacological inhibition of proline hydroxylases also stimulates eEF2 phosphorylation. Pro98 lies in a universally conserved linker between the calmodulin-binding and catalytic domains of eEF2K. Its hydroxylation partially impairs the binding of calmodulin to eEF2K and markedly limits the calmodulin-stimulated activity of eEF2K. Neuronal cells depend on oxygen, and eEF2K helps to protect them from hypoxia. eEF2K is the first example of a protein directly involved in a major energy-consuming process to be regulated by proline hydroxylation. Since eEF2K is cytoprotective during hypoxia and other conditions of nutrient insufficiency, it may be a valuable target for therapy of poorly vascularized solid tumors.  相似文献   

The synthesis of the heme a cofactor used in cytochrome c oxidase (CcO) is dependent on the sequential action of heme o synthase (Cox10) and heme a synthase (Cox15). The active state of Cox10 appears to be a homo-oligomeric complex, and formation of this complex is dependent on the newly synthesized CcO subunit Cox1 and the presence of an early Cox1 assembly intermediate. Cox10 multimerization is triggered by progression of Cox1 from the early assembly intermediate to downstream intermediates. The CcO assembly factor Coa2 appears important in coupling the presence of newly synthesized Cox1 to Cox10 oligomerization. Cells lacking Coa2 are impaired in Cox10 complex formation as well as the formation of a high mass Cox15 complex. Increasing Cox1 synthesis in coa2Δ cells restores respiratory function if Cox10 protein levels are elevated. The C-terminal segment of Cox1 is important in triggering Cox10 oligomerization. Expression of the C-terminal 54 residues of Cox1 appended to a heterologous matrix protein leads to efficient Cox10 complex formation in coa2Δ cells, but it fails to induce Cox15 complex formation. The state of Cox10 was evaluated in mutants, which predispose human patients to CcO deficiency and the neurological disorder Leigh syndrome. The presence of the D336V mutation in the yeast Cox10 backbone results in a catalytically inactive enzyme that is fully competent to oligomerize. Thus, Cox10 oligomerization and catalytic activation are separate processes and can be uncoupled.  相似文献   

The γ-secretase protease and associated regulated intramembrane proteolysis play an important role in controlling receptor-mediated intracellular signaling events, which have a central role in Alzheimer disease, cancer progression, and immune surveillance. An increasing number of γ-secretase substrates have a role in cytokine signaling, including the IL-6 receptor, IL-1 receptor type I, and IL-1 receptor type II. In this study, we show that following TNF-converting enzyme-mediated ectodomain shedding of TNF type I receptor (TNFR1), the membrane-bound TNFR1 C-terminal fragment is subsequently cleaved by γ-secretase to generate a cytosolic TNFR1 intracellular domain. We also show that clathrin-mediated internalization of TNFR1 C-terminal fragment is a prerequisite for efficient γ-secretase cleavage of TNFR1. Furthermore, using in vitro and in vivo model systems, we show that in the absence of presenilin expression and γ-secretase activity, TNF-mediated JNK activation was prevented, assembly of the TNFR1 pro-apoptotic complex II was reduced, and TNF-induced apoptosis was inhibited. These observations demonstrate that TNFR1 is a γ-secretase substrate and suggest that γ-secretase cleavage of TNFR1 represents a new layer of regulation that links the presenilins and the γ-secretase protease to pro-inflammatory cytokine signaling.  相似文献   

Analogous to caspases, serine (Ser) proteases are involved in protein degradation during apoptosis. It is unknown, however, whether Ser proteases are activated concurrently, sequentially, or as an alternative to the activation of caspases. Using fluorescent inhibitors of caspases (FLICA) and Ser proteases (FLISP), novel methods to detect activation of of these enzymes in apoptotic cells, we demonstrate that two types of Ser protease sites become accessible to these inhibitors during apoptosis of HL-60 cells. The prior exposure to caspases inhibitor Z-VAD-FMK markedly diminished activation of both Ser protease sites. However, the unlabeled inhibitor of Ser-proteases TPCK had modest suppressive effect- while TLCK had no effect- on the activation of caspases. Activation of caspases, thus, appears to be an upstream event and likely a prerequisite for activation of FLISP- reactive sites. Differential labeling with the red fluorescing sulforhodamine-tagged VAD-FMK and the green fluorescing FLISP allowed us to discriminate, within the same cell, between activation of caspases and Ser protease sites. Despite a certain degree of co-localization, the pattern of intracellular caspase- vs FLISP- reactive sites, was different. Also different were relative proportions of activated caspases vs Ser protease sites in individual cells. The observed induction of FLISP-binding sites we interpret as revealing activation of at least two different apoptotic Ser proteases; by analogy to caspases we denote them serpases. Their apparent molecular weight (62-65 kD) suggests that they are novel enzymes.

Key Words:

Serpases, Caspases, Apoptosis, Enzymatic center, Chymotrypsin, FLICA, FLISP, Cell necrobiology  相似文献   

Acute lung injury (ALI) develops in response to a direct insult to the lung or secondarily to a systemic inflammatory response, such as sepsis. There is clinical evidence that the incidence and severity of ALI induced by direct insult are lower in diabetics. In the present study we investigated whether the same occurs in ALI secondarily to sepsis and the molecular mechanisms involved. Diabetes was induced in male Wistar rats by alloxan and sepsis by caecal ligation and puncture surgery (CLP). Six hours later, the lungs were examined for oedema and cell infiltration in bronchoalveolar lavage. Alveolar macrophages (AMs) were cultured in vitro for analysis of IκB and p65 subunit of NFκB phosphorylation and MyD88 and SOCS-1 mRNA. Diabetic rats were more susceptible to sepsis than non-diabetics. In non-diabetic rats, the lung presented oedema, leukocyte infiltration and increased COX2 expression. In diabetic rats these inflammatory events were significantly less intense. To understand why diabetic rats despite being more susceptible to sepsis develop milder ALI, we examined the NFκB activation in AMs of animals with sepsis. Whereas in non-diabetic rats the phosphorylation of IκB and p65 subunit occurred after 6 h of sepsis induction, this did not occur in diabetics. Moreover, in AMs from diabetic rats the expression of MyD88 mRNA was lower and that of SOCS-1 mRNA was increased compared with AMs from non-diabetic rats. These results show that ALI secondary to sepsis is milder in diabetic rats and this correlates with impaired activation of NFκB, increased SOCS-1 and decreased MyD88 mRNA.  相似文献   

Axin is a negative regulator of Wnt/β-catenin signaling via regulating the level of β-catenin, which is a key effector molecule. Therefore, controlling the level of Axin is a critical step for the regulation of Wnt/β-catenin signaling. It has been shown that ubiquitination-mediated proteasomal degradation may play a critical role in the regulation of Axin; however, the E3 ubiquitin ligase(s), which attaches ubiquitin to a target protein in combination with an E2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme, for Axin has not yet been identified. Here, we show that Smurf2 is an E3 ubiquitin ligase for Axin. Transient expression of Smurf2 down-regulated the level of Axin and increased the ubiquitination of Axin. Conversely, shRNA specific to Smurf2 blocked Axin ubiquitination. Essential domains of Axin responsible for Smurf2 interaction as well as Smurf2-mediated down-regulation and ubiquitination were identified. In vitro ubiquitination assays followed by analysis using mass spectroscopy revealed that Smurf2 specifically ubiquitinylated Lys505 of Axin and that the Axin(K505R) mutant resisted degradation. Knockdown of endogenous Smurf2 increased the level of endogenous Axin and resulted in reduced β-catenin/Tcf reporter activity. Overall, our data strongly suggest that Smurf2 is a genuine E3 ligase for Axin.  相似文献   

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