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We report fluorescence lifetimes for in vivo chlorophyll a using a time-correlated single-photon counting technique with tunable dye laser excitation. The fluorescence decay of dark-adapted chlorella is almost exponential with a lifetime of 490 ps, which is independent of excitation from 570 nm to 640 nm.Chloroplasts show a two-component decay of 410 ps and approximately 1.4 ns, the proportion of long component depending upon the fluorescence state of the chloroplasts. The fluorescence lifetime of Photosystem I was determined to be 110 ps from measurements on fragments enriched in Photosystem I prepared from chloroplasts with digitonin.  相似文献   

Two nuclear gene mutants of pea, chlorotica-887 and chlorina-5756, are temperature-sensitive in the development of photosystem II activity. Low temperature flourescence emission spectra of leaves show that the peak at 697 nm from the reaction center of photosystem II is present when the mutants have been grown at 18°C, but absent when they have been grown at 30°C. For leaves of chlorina-5756 grown at 18°C the relative size of the peak at 697 nm is reduced compared to that of leaves of the wild type or chlorotica-887 grown at this temperature. Flourescence induction curves of leaves from wild type plants and chlorotica-887 grown at 18°C possess two steps, while those of leaves from chlorina-5756 grown at 18°C or 30°C and chlorotica-887 grown at 30°C show at fast rise to the maximal level of fluorescence. Measurements on chloroplasts isolated from the mutants indicated that the photosystem I activity per g leaf material is comparable for plants grown at 18°C and plants grown at 30°C. In contrast, no photosystem II activity was detected when the mutants had been grown at 30°C. It is suggested that these mutants are affected in a component required for the assembly of functional photosystem II complexes.  相似文献   

The features of the two types of short-term light-adaptations of photosynthetic apparatus, State 1/State 2 transitions, and non-photochemical fluorescence quenching of phycobilisomes (PBS) by orange carotene-protein (OCP) were compared in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 wild type, CK pigment mutant lacking phycocyanin, and PAL mutant totally devoid of phycobiliproteins. The permanent presence of PBS-specific peaks in the in situ action spectra of photosystem I (PSI) and photosystem II (PSII), as well as in the 77 K fluorescence excitation spectra for chlorophyll emission at 690 nm (PSII) and 725 nm (PSI) showed that PBS are constitutive antenna complexes of both photosystems. The mutant strains compensated the lack of phycobiliproteins by higher PSII content and by intensification of photosynthetic linear electron transfer. The detectable changes of energy migration from PBS to the PSI and PSII in the Synechocystis wild type and the CK mutant in State 1 and State 2 according to the fluorescence excitation spectra measurements were not registered. The constant level of fluorescence emission of PSI during State 1/State 2 transitions and simultaneous increase of chlorophyll fluorescence emission of PSII in State 1 in Synechocystis PAL mutant allowed to propose that spillover is an unlikely mechanism of state transitions. Blue–green light absorbed by OCP diminished the rout of energy from PBS to PSI while energy migration from PBS to PSII was less influenced. Therefore, the main role of OCP-induced quenching of PBS is the limitation of PSI activity and cyclic electron transport under relatively high light conditions.  相似文献   

Ravi Danielsson 《BBA》2004,1608(1):53-61
Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) was used to quantify Photosystem I (PSI) and PSII in vesicles originating from a series of well-defined but different domains of the thylakoid membrane in spinach prepared by non-detergent techniques. Thylakoids from spinach were fragmented by sonication and separated by aqueous polymer two-phase partitioning into vesicles originating from grana and stroma lamellae. The grana vesicles were further sonicated and separated into two vesicle preparations originating from the grana margins and the appressed domains of grana (the grana core), respectively. PSI and PSII were determined in the same samples from the maximal size of the EPR signal from P700+ and YD, respectively. The following PSI/PSII ratios were found: thylakoids, 1.13; grana vesicles, 0.43; grana core, 0.25; grana margins, 1.28; stroma lamellae 3.10. In a sub-fraction of the stroma lamellae, denoted Y-100, PSI was highly enriched and the PSI/PSII ratio was 13. The antenna size of the respective photosystems was calculated from the experimental data and the assumption that a PSII center in the stroma lamellae (PSIIβ) has an antenna size of 100 Chl. This gave the following results: PSI in grana margins (PSIα) 300, PSI (PSIβ) in stroma lamellae 214, PSII in grana core (PSIIα) 280. The results suggest that PSI in grana margins have two additional light-harvesting complex II (LHCII) trimers per reaction center compared to PSI in stroma lamellae, and that PSII in grana has four LHCII trimers per monomer compared to PSII in stroma lamellae. Calculation of the total chlorophyll associated with PSI and PSII, respectively, suggests that more chlorophyll (about 10%) is associated with PSI than with PSII.  相似文献   

The fluorescence induction F(t) of dark-adapted chloroplasts has been studied in multi-turnover 1 s light flashes (MTFs). A theoretical expression for the initial fluorescence rise is derived from a set of rate equations that describes the sequence of transfer steps associated with the reduction of the primary quinone acceptor Q A and the release of photochemical fluorescence quenching of photosystem II (PSII). The initial F(t) rise in the hundreds of μs time range is shown to follow the theoretical function dictated by the rate constants of light excitation (k L) and release of donor side quenching (k si ). The bi-exponential function shows sigmoidicity when one of the two rate constants differs by less than one order of magnitude from the other. It is shown, in agreement with the theory, that the sigmoidicity of the fluorescence rise is variable with light intensity and mainly, if not exclusively, determined by the ratio between rate of light excitation and the rate constant of donor side quenching release.  相似文献   

Routinely prepared PS II core samples are often contaminated by a significant (~ 1–5%) fraction of PS I, as well as related proteins. This contamination is of little importance in many experiments, but masks the optical behaviour of the deep red state in PS II, which absorbs in the same spectral range (700–730 nm) as PS I (Hughes et al. 2006). When contamination levels are less than ~ 1%, it becomes difficult to quantify the PS I related components by gel-based, chromatographic, circular dichroism or EPR techniques. We have developed a fluorescence-based technique, taking advantage of the distinctively different low-temperature emission characteristics of PS II and PS I when excited near 700 nm. The approach has the advantage of providing the relative concentration of the two photosystems in a single spectral measurement. A sensitivity limit of 0.01% PS I (or better) can be achieved. The procedure is applied to PS II core preparations from spinach and Thermosynechococcus vulcanus. Measurements made of T. vulcanus PS II preparations prepared by re-dissolving crystallised material indicate a low but measurable PS I related content. The analysis provides strong evidence for a previously unreported fluorescence of PS II cores peaking near 780 nm. The excitation dependence of this emission as well as its appearance in both low PS I cyanobacterial and plant based PS II core preparations suggests its association with the deep red state of PS II.  相似文献   

Michael Bradbury  Neil R. Baker 《BBA》1981,635(3):542-551
An analysis of the photo-induced decline in the in vivo chlorophyll a fluorescence emission (Kautsky phenomenon) from the bean leaf is presented. The redox state of PS II electron acceptors and the fluorescence emission from PS I and PS II were monitored during quenching of fluorescence from the maximum level at P to the steady state level at T. Simultaneous measurement of the kinetics of fluorescence emission associated with PS I and PS II indicated that the ratio of PS I/PS II emission changed in an antiparallel fashion to PS II emission throughout the induction curve. Estimation of the redox state of PS II electron acceptors at given points during P to T quenching was made by exposing the leaf to additional excitation irradiation and determining the amount of variable PS II fluorescence generated. An inverse relationship was found between the proportion of PS II electron acceptors in the oxidised state and PS II fluorescence emission. The interrelationships between the redox state of PS II electron acceptors and fluorescence emission from PS I and PS II remained similar when the shape of the induction curve from P to T was modified by increasing the excitation photon flux density. The contributions of photochemical and non-photochemical quenching to the in vivo fluorescence decline from P to T are discussed.  相似文献   

The time-resolved chlorophyll fluorescence emission of higher plant chloroplasts monitors the primary processes of photosynthesis and reflects photosynthetic membrane organization. In the present study we compare measurements of the chlorophyll fluorescence decay kinetics of the chlorophyll-b-less chlorina-f2 barley mutant and wild-type barley to investigate the effect of alterations in thylakoid membrane composition on chlorophyll fluorescence. Our analysis characterizes the fluorescence decay of chlorina-f2 barley chloroplasts by three exponential components with lifetimes of approx. 100 ps, 400 ps and 2 ns. The majority of the chlorophyll fluorescence originates in the two faster decay components. Although photo-induced and cation-induced effects on fluorescence yields are evident, the fluorescence lifetimes are independent of the state of the Photosystem-II reaction centers and the degree of grana stacking. Wild-type barley chloroplasts also exhibit three kinetic fluorescence components, but they are distinguished from those of the chlorina-f2 chloroplasts by a slow decay component which displays cation- and photo-induced yield and lifetime changes. A comparison is presented of the kinetic analysis of the chlorina-f2 barley fluorescence to the decay kinetics previously measured for intermittent-light-grown peas (Karukstis, K. and Sauer, K. (1983) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 725, 384–393). We propose that similarities in the fluorescence decay kinetics of both species are a consequence of analogous rearrangements of the thylakoid membrane organization due to the deficiencies present in the light-harvesting chlorophyll ab complex.  相似文献   

Changes in the protein secondary structure and electron transport activity of the Triton X-100-treated photosystem I (PSI) and photosystem II (PSII) complexes after strong illumination treatment were studied using Fourier transform-infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy and an oxygen electrode. Short periods of photoinhibitory treatment led to obvious decreases in the rates of PSI-mediated electron transport activity and PSII-mediated oxygen evolution in the native or Triton-treated PSI and PSII complexes. In the native PSI and PSII complexes, the protein secondary structures had little changes after the photoinhibitory treatment. However, in both Triton-treated PSI and PSII complexes, short photoinhibition times caused significant loss of -helical content and increase of -sheet structure, similar to the conformational changes in samples of Triton-treated PSI and PSII complexes after long periods of dark incubation. Our results demonstrate that strong-light treatment to the Triton-treated PSI and PSII complexes accelerates destruction of the transmembrane structure of proteins in the two photosynthetic membranes.  相似文献   

Absorption changes accompanying light-induced P-700 oxidation and the decay of P-700+ in the dark were measured in the temperature range 294-5 K over a broad time scale (three to four orders of magnitude). Two qualitatively different types of kinetics for the dark decay of P-700+ were observed. In the 294-240K region, a usual exponential kinetics is observed with the rate constant κ = 1 · 1010 · exp(-16 000/RT) s?1, with R in cal/mol per degree. Below 220 K, a rather unusual logarithmic or near-logarithmic kinetics are observed. These kinetics can be explained quantitatively if one assumes for the various (P-700+ ··· X-) pairs a broad rectangular or near-rectangular distribution over the values of the rate constant. The following kinetic equation corresponding to this model was obtained: nt/no = [In(κmax/κmin)]-1 - [In(1/κmin)? In t] where no and nt are respectively the initial concentration of P-700+ and its concentration at time t, and kmax and kmin the maximum and minimum values of the rate constant, respectively. The decay processes observed can be ascribed to electron tunneling. Distribution over the values of k can be accounted for by different environments or different mutual orientations of P-700+ and X?, or by different distances between them in the various reacting pairs.The corresponding distribution function was reconstructed from the experimentally measured P-700+-decay curves. The rate of tunneling was found to be temperature dependent. In the 160-80-K region, the temperature dependence corresponds to an activation energy of 2.9 kcal/mol. Below 80 K, new modes of P-700+ decay with lower activation energy become operative. The tunneling distance for the majority of the (P-700+ ··· X?) pairs was estimated from the EPR linewidth of P-700+ to exceed 13.2 A.  相似文献   

Bukhov NG  Kopecky J  Pfündel EE  Klughammer C  Heber U 《Planta》2001,212(5-6):739-748
The relationship between thermal dissipation of light energy (as indicated by the quenching of chlorophyll fluorescence), zeaxanthin availability and protonation reactions was investigated in the moss Rhytidiadelphus squarrosus (Hedw.) Warnst. In the absence of zeaxanthin and actinic illumination, acidification by 20% CO2 in air was incapable of quenching basal, so-called F 0 fluorescence either in the moss or in spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) leaves. However, 1-s light pulses given either every 40, 60 or 200 s increased thermal dissipation as indicated by F 0 and F m quenching in the presence of 20% CO2 in air in the moss, but not in spinach while reaction centres of photosystem II (PSII) were photochemically open. In the moss, a few short light pulses, which were separated by prolonged dark times, were sufficient to raise zeaxanthin levels in the presence of 20% CO2 in air. Simultaneously, quantum efficiency of charge separation in PSII was decreased. Increasing the CO2 concentration beyond 20% further decreased quantum efficiency even in the absence of short light pulses. Under conditions optimal for fluorescence quenching, one molecule of zeaxanthin per reaction centre of PSII was sufficient to decrease quantum efficiency of charge separation in PSII by 50%. Thus, in combination with a protonation reaction, one molecule of zeaxanthin was as efficient at capturing excitation energy as a photochemically open reaction centre. The data are discussed in relation to the interaction between zeaxanthin and thylakoid protonation, which enables effective thermal dissipation of light energy in the antennae of PSII in the moss but not in higher plants when actinic illumination is absent. Received: 8 April 2000 / Accepted: 31 August 2000  相似文献   

Photosystem I activity of chloroplasts isolated from 21 days old maize seedlings ( Zea mays L. cv. Hidosil) cultivated in a nutrient solution containing different concentrations of Cd (10,20,30μM) was investigated. Cd markedly decreased ferredoxin(Fd)-dependent NADP+ photoreduction, while it had no effect on electron transport from 2. 6-dichlorophenolindophenol to methyl viologen, indicating that the metal interferred with electron transport on the reducing side of photosystem I. The decrease in electron transport correlated with a low Fd content, which in turn was correlated with a low Fe concentration, suggesting Cd-induced Fe deficiency. In in vitro experiments direct Cd inhibition of Fd-dependent NADP+ photoreduction required much higher Cd concentrations than those observed in Cd-treated plants.  相似文献   

Lee HY  Hong YN  Chow WS 《Planta》2001,212(3):332-342
Leaf segments from Capsicum annuum plants grown at 100 micromol photons m(-2) s(-1) (low light) or 500 micromol photons m(-2) s(-1) (high light) were illuminated at three irradiances and three temperatures for several hours. At various times, the remaining fraction (f) of functional photosystem II (PS II) complexes was measured by a chlorophyll fluorescence parameter (1/Fo -1/Fm, where Fo and Fm are the fluorescence yields corresponding to open and closed PS II traps, respectively), which was in turn calibrated by the oxygen yield per saturating single-turnover flash. During illumination of leaf segments in the presence of lincomycin, an inhibitor of chloroplast-encoded protein synthesis, the decline of f from 1.0 to about 0.3 was mono-exponential. Thereafter, f declined much more slowly, the remaining fraction (approximately equals 0.2) being able to survive prolonged illumination. The results can be interpreted as being in support of the hypothesis that photoinactivated PS II complexes photoprotect functional neighbours (G. Oquist et al. 1992, Planta 186: 450-460), provided it is assumed that a photoinactivated PS II is initially only a weak quencher of excitation energy, but becomes a much stronger quencher during prolonged illumination when a substantial fraction of PS II complexes has also been photoinactivated. In the absence of lincomycin, photoinactivation and repair of PS II occur in parallel, allowing f to reach a steady-state value that is determined by the treatment irradiance, temperature and growth irradiance. The results obtained in the presence and absence of lincomycin are analysed according to a simple kinetic model which formally incorporates a conversion from weak to strong quenchers, yielding the rate coefficients of photoinactivation and of repair for various conditions, as well as gaining an insight into the influence off on the rate coefficient of photoinactivation. They demonstrate that the method is a convenient alternative to the use of radiolabelled amino acids for quantifying photoinactivation and repair of PS II in leaves.  相似文献   

Analyses of chlorophyll fluorescence induction kinetics from DCMU-poisoned thylakoids were used to examine the contribution of the light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b protein complex (LHCP) to Photosystem II (PS II) heterogeneity. Thylakoids excited with 450 nm radiation exhibited fluorescence induction kinetics characteristic of major contributions from both PS II and PS IIβ centres. On excitation at 550 nm the major contribution was from PS IIβ centres, that from PS II centres was only minimal. Mg2+ depletion had negligible effect on the induction kinetics of thylakoids excited with 550 nm radiation, however, as expected, with 450 nm excitation a loss of the PS II component was observed. Thylakoids from a chlorophyll-b-less barley mutant exhibited similar induction kinetics with 450 and 550 nm excitation, which were characteristic of PS IIβ centres being the major contributors; the PS II contribution was minimal. The fluorescence induction kinetics of wheat thylakoids at two different developmental stages, which exhibited different amounts of thylakoid appression but similar chlorophyll a/b ratios and thus similar PS II:LHCP ratios, showed no appreciable differences in the relative contributions of PS II and PS IIβ centres. Mg2+ depletion had similar effects on the two thylakoid preparations. These data lead to the conclusion that it is the PS II:LHCP ratio, and probably not thylakoid appression, that is the major determinant of the relative contributions of PS II and PS IIβ to the fluorescence induction kinetics. PS II characteristics are produced by LHCP association with PS II, whereas PS IIβ characteristic can be generated by either disconnecting LHCP from PS II or by preferentially exciting PS II relative to LHCP.  相似文献   

In this study the effect of increasing temperature on photochemical efficiency of PS II in wheat plants has been studied on a hot summer day (9:00 AM (Control)–7:00 PM) by measuring Chl a fluorescence. Increasing temperature for a short period of time (2–4 h), in nature affects the efficiency of PS II complex reversibly and does not cause permanent damage to any of the components of photosystem II. A scheme has been provided to demonstrate the sequence and severity of events which get affected maximum by temperature stress.  相似文献   

The efficiency of oxidized endogenous plastoquinone-9 (PQ-9) as a non-photochemical quencher of chlorophyll fluorescence has been analyzed in spinach thylakoids and PS II membrane fragments isolated by Triton X-100 fractionation of grana stacks. The following results were obtained: (a) After subjection of PS II membrane fragments to ultrasonic treatment in the presence of PQ-9, the area over the induction curve of chlorophyll fluorescence owing to actinic cw light increases linearly with the PQ-9/PS II ratio in the reconstitution assay medium; (b) the difference of the maximum fluorescence levels, Fmax, of the induction curves, measured in the absence and presence of DCMU, is much more pronounced in PS II membrane fragments than in thylakoids; (c) the ratio Fmax(-DCMU)/Fmax(+DCMU) increases linearly with the content of oxidized PQ-9 that is varied in the thylakoids by reoxidation of the pool after preillumination and in PS II membrane fragments by the PQ-9/PS II ratio in the reconstitution assay; (d) the reconstitution procedure leads to tight binding of PQ-9 to PS II membrane fragments, and PQ-9 cannot be replaced by other quinones; (e) the fluorescence quenching by oxidized PQ-9 persists at low temperatures, and (f) oxidized PQ-9 preferentially affects the F695 of the fluorescence emission spectrum at 77 K. Based on the results of this study the oxidized PQ-9 is inferred to act as a non-photochemical quencher via a static mechanism. Possible implications for the nature of the quenching complex are discussed. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The minor light-harvesting complexes CP24, CP26, and CP29 have been proposed to play a key role in the zeaxanthin (Zx)-dependent high light-induced regulation (NPQ) of excitation energy in higher plants. To characterize the detailed roles of these minor complexes in NPQ and to determine their specific quenching effects we have studied the ultrafast fluorescence kinetics in knockout (ko) mutants koCP26, koCP29, and the double mutant koCP24/CP26. The data provide detailed insight into the quenching processes and the reorganization of the Photosystem (PS) II supercomplex under quenching conditions. All genotypes showed two NPQ quenching sites. Quenching site Q1 is formed by a light-induced functional detachment of parts of the PSII supercomplex and a pronounced quenching of the detached antenna parts. The antenna remaining bound to the PSII core was also quenched substantially in all genotypes under NPQ conditions (quenching site Q2) as compared with the dark-adapted state. The latter quenching was about equally strong in koCP26 and the koCP24/CP26 mutants as in the WT. Q2 quenching was substantially reduced, however, in koCP29 mutants suggesting a key role for CP29 in the total NPQ. The observed quenching effects in the knockout mutants are complicated by the fact that other minor antenna complexes do compensate in part for the lack of the CP24 and/or CP29 complexes. Their lack also causes some LHCII dissociation already in the dark.  相似文献   

Hongmei Gong 《BBA》2008,1777(6):488-495
PSII activity was inhibited after Spirulina platensis cells were incubated with different salt concentrations (0-0.8 M NaCl) for 12 h. Flash-induced fluorescence kinetics showed that in the absence of DCMU, the half time of the fast and slow components decreased while that of the middle component increased considerably with increasing salt concentration. In the presence of DCMU, fluorescence relaxation was dominated by a 0.6s component in control cells. After salt stress, this was partially replaced by a faster new component with half time of 20-50 ms. Thermoluminescence measurements revealed that S2QA and S2QB recombinations were shifted to higher temperatures in parallel and the intensities of the thermoluminescence emissions were significantly reduced in salt-stressed cells. The period-four oscillation of the thermoluminescence B band was highly damped. There were no significant changes in contents of CP47, CP43, cytochrome c550, and D1 proteins. However, content of the PsbO protein in thylakoid fraction decreased but increased significantly in soluble fraction. The results suggest that salt stress leads to a modification of the QB niche at the acceptor side and an increase in the stability of the S2 state at the donor side, which is associated with a dissociation of the PsbO protein.  相似文献   

Peter Horton 《BBA》1981,635(1):105-110
The effect of alteration of redox potential on the kinetics of fluorescence induction in pea chloroplasts has been investigated. Potentiometric titration of the initial (Fi) level of fluorescence recorded upon shutter opening gave a two component curve, with Em(7) at ?20 mV and ?275 mV, almost, identical to results obtained using continuous low intensity illumination (Horton, P. and Croze, E. (1979) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 545, 188–201). The slow or tail phase of induction observed in the presence of DCMU can be eliminated by poising the redox potential at approx. 0 to +50 mV. At this potential Fi was increased by less than 10% and the higher potential quencher described above was only marginally reduced. The disappearance of the slow phase titrated as an n = 1 component with an Em(7) of +120 mV. Therefore it seems unlikely that the slow phase of fluorescence induction is due to photoreduction of the ?20 mV quencher. These results are discussed with reference to current ideas concerning heterogeneity on the acceptor side of Photosystem II.  相似文献   

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