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Mortality of Otiorhynchus sulcatus (Fabricius) larvae at 10oC, 15oC, 20oC and 25oC following treatment with 107conidia ml“1suspensions of six Metarhizium anisopliae (Metschnikoff) Sorokin isolates was temperature dependent. In all cases, the LT50s were inversely related to temperature, but the nature of this response varied between isolates. Strain 101-82 was the most virulent isolate at 25oC with an LT50 of 3.7 days, but it was the least virulent isolate at 15oC and it failed to kill any O. sulcatus larvae at 10oC. In contrast, strain 159-83 had the lowest virulence at both 20oC and 25oC, whereas it was the most virulent isolate at 10oC with an LT50 of 20.0 days. The mortality rates followed a similar pattern and were positively related to temperature in all cases with the exception of strain 159-83 at 25oC. Mycosis development was examined on larvae treated with strain 275-86 and significant differences were obtained between all four temperatures. Sporulation commenced after approximately 2.75 days at 25oC, but took nearly 11 days at 10oC. The infection rates also varied between temperatures; sporulation occurred on 98% of the treated larvae at 25oC, but only on 93%, 87% and 49% of the larvae at 20oC, 15oC and 10oC, respectively. The results of these bioassays demonstrate that temperature has a significant effect on the virulence of M. anisopliae. The differences between fungal strains also emphasises the importance of selecting isolates for specific situations on the basis of their temperature profiles.  相似文献   

The efficacy of the entomogenous fungus Metarhizium anisopliae was assessed against vine weevil (Otiorhynchus sulcatus) larvae in the glasshouse. Prophylactic application of M. anisopliae conidia to begonia resulted in total larval control, but curative applications were less effective with only 65% control when conidial application was delayed until 8 weeks after egg infestation. Prophylactic applications also provided effective larval control on begonia plants which received multiple egg applications over a six week period. Larval mortality was monitored on cyclamen plants which had received a prophylactic drench of M. anisopliae conidia. The population was reduced by 78% within 5 weeks of egg application and control rose to 90% after 17 weeks, although the increase was not significant. Prophylactic conidial drenches were compared with a similar number of compost incorporated conidia on cyclamen, but there was no significant difference between the two spore application strategies. Application of M. anisopliae conidia to impatiens modules before potting-on resulted in over 89% larval control compared to over 97% control when a similar number of conidia were applied to the plants after potting. Larval control was further reduced to 79% when the module drenches were reduced to one quarter of the highest dose (5 × 107 compared to 2 × 108 conidia per module). The persistence of three M. anisopliae strains was examined over a 20 week period on impatiens. There was no overall decline in efficacy over this period, although there was variability in the performance of the different strains and it was suggested that this was linked to temperature. The results of these experiments suggest that M. anisopliae has considerable potential as a microbial control agent for O. sulcatus on glasshouse ornamentals.  相似文献   

Abstract 1 The dose–response of azadirachtin on vine weevil, Otiorhynchus sulcatus (Fabricius), reproduction is investigated by confining adults to feed on treated Taxus × media leaves, and by counting and evaluating development in the resulting eggs. 2 A dosage‐dependent reduction in oviposition is discovered for foliar surface residues of azadirachtin, with an EC50 of 25–50 parts per million (p.p.m) and 99.2% inhibition of viable egg production with 100 p.p.m. 3 Switching weevils from treated to untreated foliage allows reproductive capability to be restored for weevils that cease egg laying after azadirachtin exposure of 50 p.p.m. Weevils that had already started laying eggs in untreated groups soon cease oviposition once switched to azadirachtin‐treated foliage. 4 A transovarial effect results in a decrease in the percentage of viable eggs as the azadirachtin concentration increases. 5 The amount of feeding on foliage does not appreciably decrease at these hormonally effective concentrations, and adult weevil mortality is only slightly greater in the azadirachtin‐treated groups. Therefore, the overall effect of azadirachtin on weevil populations in the field is difficult to assess, except by collecting weevils to determine whether they are able to lay viable eggs.  相似文献   

Trials conducted under glasshouse conditions showed that control of Otiorhynchus sulcatus larvae in strawberry plants can be effective using Steinernema carpocapsae and Heterorhabditis megidis, given that temperature and moisture extremes are avoided. In field experiments, the double line T-Tape® drip irrigation system performed better than the single line T-Tape® system, effectively distributing the nematodes along and across strawberry raised beds, and placing them close to the root zone where O. sulcatus larvae feed. As soil temperatures are satisfactory for nematode infectivity from late spring to early autumn, nematode applications were aimed at late instar larvae during spring, and early instar larvae during summer. Late summer field treatment with S. carpocapsae induced 49.5% reduction of the early instar larvae, and field application of the same nematode species in late spring resulted in 65% control of late instar larvae. In the same trial, spring application of H. megidis caused 26% mortality of late instar larvae of O. sulcatus.  相似文献   

Efficacy, persistence and recovery of the nematode Heterorhabditis bacteriophora was tested in the laboratory after application of the nematode to strawberry roots by dipping. To mitigate nematode sedimentation and improve attachment to strawberry roots, carboxy-methyl-cellulose was added to the nematode solution. Mortality of black vine weevil Otiorhynchus sulcatus varied between 90 and 96% in the pot trials.  相似文献   

Abstract 1 The feeding preference of vine weevil, Otiorhynchus sulcatus (Fabricius), adults for foliage from 21 commercial cultivars of strawberries is investigated using binary choice tests with leaf disks, using ‘Honeoye’ as a standard against which all other cultivars are compared. ‘Delmarvel’, ‘Idea’, ‘Lester’, ‘Primetime’ and ‘Seneca’ are not preferred. 2 Variation in leaf nitrogen content is correlated with feeding preference, but does not explain all the variation, because outliers exist for both preferred and nonpreferred cultivars. 3 Removal of leaf hairs with adhesive tape permits their role in deterrence to be evaluated. Eight of the 21 cultivars have deterrent leaf hairs. Paradoxically, some highly preferred cultivars (e.g. ‘Latestar’ and ‘Tristar’) have deterrent leaf hairs, and four of the five nonpreferred cultivars lack significantly deterrent leaf hairs. 4 The 21 tested cultivars do not differ in their suitability for vine weevil larval development. 5 Differences in cultivar susceptibility to vine weevil in the field may involve interactions between the palatability and nutritional value of foliage, which influence fecundity and egg placement, and the tolerance of strawberry plants to larval feeding, determined by root biomass. The nonpreference traits found in the foliage of commercial cultivars of strawberry are present by chance. Accordingly, further selective breeding to enhance strawberry varietal tolerance to vine weevils may be possible.  相似文献   

The degree of protection against insect feeding conferred upon transgenic strawberry lines expressing the Cowpea trypsin inhibitor was evaluated under glasshouse conditions. Insect bioassays were carried out using vine weevil (Otiorhynchus sulcatus) in two experiments and in both experiments there was a highly significant reduction in damage by weevil larvae on the transgenic lines.  相似文献   

The potential of the entomogenous fungus Metarhizium anisopliae as a microbial control agent for vine weevil (Otiorhynchus sulcatus) larvae was examined on a range of outdoor hardy nursery stock species. A curative application of M. anisopliae conidia (5× 108 conidia l‐1compost) reduced larval numbers by 62% on Skimmia japonica ’Rubella’ and by up to 43% on Viburnum plicatum ’Mariesii’. Four M. anisopliae isolates were examined and all reduced the larval populations on both species. However, the reductions were only significant with strains 159–83 and 100–82 on S. japonica ’Rubella’ and 100–82 on V. plicatum ’Mariesii’. Larval development on two other species (Hydrangea macrophylla ’Blue Wave’ and Thuja plicata ’Zebrina') which had been treated with 0.05% Triton X‐100 (the control treatment) was very poor and therefore it was not possible to determine whether or not the fungal drench had any effect. The experiment was repeated in the following year at two different sites, East Mailing and Littlehampton, using a prophylactic drench of two M. anisopliae isolates on a greater number of plant species. Strain 275–86 was more effective than 159–83 on all species at East Mailing, with the exception of V. davidii. The difference was less pronounced at Littlehampton and the results from the two isolates were similar. Larval control was highly variable and species dependent with a reduction in larval numbers ranging from zero to 96% and zero to 90% at East Mailing and Littlehampton respectively. The larval populations in pots treated with Triton X‐100 were also highly variable, ranging from zero (Chaemaecyparis lawsoniana ’Stardust’ Dianthus ’Maria’ Escallonia ’Crimson Spire’ and Pittosporum tenuifolium ’Gamettii') to 17.8 larvae per pot (Ribes nigrum ’Baldwin ‘). The results indicate the potential of M. anisopliae and demonstrate the complexity of plant‐weevil‐fungus interactions.  相似文献   

A newly discovered microsporidium infecting the black vine weevil, Otiorhynchus sulcatus (F.) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), provisionally placed in the genus Canningia, was studied to determine its impact on O. sulcatus. O. sulcatus populations from several locations were sampled and evaluated for microsporidiosis. A very low prevalence of the disease was observed in all locations surveyed (<3.0%). Laboratory studies were conducted by orally exposing both larvae and adults of O. sulcatus to varying concentrations of Canningia sp. spores. Larval bioassays at a variety of dosages (0, 10, etc.) were performed to evaluate pathogen infectivity, larval survival and growth. Adult bioassays (dosages: 0, 10, etc.) were performed to evaluate longevity, fecundity and mechanisms of vertical pathogen transmission. Larvae and adults were infected in all spore treatments. Larval growth was significantly reduced at dosages above 10 spores/larva. Adults infected at all dosages experienced high levels of mortality and fecundity was reduced to zero. Greenhouse trials were performed to determine if larvae feeding in soil acquired infections when spores were topically applied as a drench application (0, 105, 106, 107 spores/pot). Established larvae feeding on plant roots in pots developed infections when exposed to drench treatments of 106 and 107 spores/pot after 14-21 days. Canningia sp. is an acute pathogen of O. sulcatus infective to both larvae and adults. Topically applied spores also infected larvae feeding on roots in soilless potting media, suggesting the possibility of using this pathogen in a microbial control program.  相似文献   

Previously, the combination of reduced rate of entomopathogenic nematodes (EPN) and fungus caused additive or synergistic mortality to third-instar black vine weevil (BVW), Otiorhynchus sulcatus. In this study, we examined this interaction in unheated glasshouses during winter and compared a combination of commercial formulation of a cold-tolerant EPN, S. kraussei (Nemasys L?) and fungus Metarhizium anisopliae strain V275 against overwintering third-instar BVW. The combination of M. anisopliae with S. kraussei at a rate of 1×1010 conidia+250,000 nematodes/growbag resulted in additive or synergistic effects, providing 100% control of overwintering larvae.  相似文献   

Abstract 1 The relationship between reproductive performance and preference for potential host plants of the vine weevil is investigated, as shown in tests on contact (or feeding) preference, presented herein, and tests on olfactory preference, published elsewhere. 2 Assessment of reproductive performance shows that the host‐plant range of the adult vine weevil Otiorhynchus sulcatus in Europe is limited to one gymnosperm genus (Taxus sp.) and a broad range of angiosperm plants in two subclasses of the Dicotyledonae, namely Dilleniidae and Rosidae. The successful reproduction on very distantly related plant taxa suggests that the original weevil‐ and plant‐habitat has mediated the current host‐plant range of the vine weevil. 3 Contact‐preference tests with equally suitable hosts, such as Aronia, Fragaria, Euonymus and Taxus, and one less suitable host, Humulus, indicate a mismatch between contact preference and performance and, as far as olfactory preferences are known, these match neither the contact preferences nor the performance. This mismatch may arise because (i) host plant species offered do not occur in weevil habitat in Europe (e.g. Aronia and the cultivated Fragaria come from North America) and (ii) predation (or disease) risks differ among host plants, thereby altering effective reproductive performance. 4 With respect to performance on novel hosts (Thuja, Prunus) and bad hosts (Rhododendron), some between‐individual variation is found within a single population, suggesting that local populations harbour (possibly genetic) variation for adaptation to new hosts. How this variation is maintained in the face of strong selection pressures on local populations of flightless and thelytokous weevils, is an important question for understanding the broad host plant range in the vine weevil.  相似文献   

  • 1 Entomopathogenic nematodes are commercially available for inundative biological control of many insects, including the black vine weevil Otiorhynchus sulcatus (F.) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Currently, there is a lack of commercial application tests in field‐grown crops comparing the efficacy of different species of entomopathogenic nematodes.
  • 2 Field trials were carried out under different growing conditions in Ireland and Norway to evaluate the efficacy of two commercially available nematode species on the market for control of the black vine weevil Heterorhabditis megidis and Steinernema kraussei.
  • 3 Heterorhabditis megidis was evaluated not only at temperatures ideal for this species (soil temperatures above 10 °C), but also in the low temperature trials with S. kraussei as a ‘positive control’. Steinernema kraussei is sold as a cold active product and was therefore evaluated at low soil temperatures (below 10 °C).
  • 4 The overall results indicated that H. megidis was effective as long as temperatures were optimum (not dropping below 10 °C). For S. kraussei, the results obtained were rather disappointing, where control barely reached 50% in the trial with the coldest temperature. Temperature and soil type appeared to be a major limiting factor for the efficacy of both nematode species.
  • 5 On the basis of the results and experience obtained in these trials, the future implications for biological control of O. sulcatus with entomopathogenic nematodes in commercial field‐grown strawberry production are discussed.

Abstract 1 Outdoor trials were carried out during 2001–02 on strawberries grown in commercial growing bags naturally infested with black vine weevil larvae (BVW) Otiorhynchus sulcatus in Co. Wexford, Ireland. 2 The two nematode isolates used in these trials were Heterorhabditis megidis (UK211) and Heterorhabditis downesi (K122), both laboratory cultured. Growing bags received nematodes either once (May 2001), twice (May and October 2001) or three times (May, October 2001 and May 2002). Ten days after each application date, nine blocks (of the total 27) were randomly selected, destructively assessed and discarded. 3 The single application (May 2001) resulted in a mortality of black vine weevil larvae, of 93.4% with H. megidis and 51.3% with H. downesi, compared with the control treatment at that date. Respective figures after the double application (May 2001 and October 2001) were 78.9 and 77.6% and after the triple application (May 2001, October 2001 and May 2002) the figures were 93.7 and 88.1%. 4 Results from these trials clearly indicate that entomopathogenic nematodes are good alternatives to chemical control of the black vine weevil on strawberries grown in growing bags in Ireland.  相似文献   

Abstract 1 We conducted a laboratory experiment to quantify the stage‐specific effects of temperature on development time and survival of Otiorhynchus sulcatus (Fabricius) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), a serious economic pest of horticultural crops. Quantification of the relationship between stage development and temperature is required to predict seasonal occurrence of particular life stages and to optimize the timing of monitoring and control tactics. 2 Temperature‐dependent survival rate was quantified using an extreme value function and showed a skewed bell shape, due to the vulnerability of the insect to high temperature in all stages. 3 The development times of O. sulcatus decreased with increasing temperature up to 27 °C for eggs and 24 °C for larvae and pupae. The nonlinear relationship between development rate and temperature was described using the Logan model, and enabled us to estimate the optimum temperature for development. 4 The inherent variation of development time was estimated from the cumulative frequency of stage emergence, which was modelled using the cumulative Weibull function. 5 The stage emergence model, which simulated the transition from one stage to the next in relation to temperature and cohort age, was constructed by incorporating stage‐specific survival and development rate submodels with the Weibull model of stage frequency. 6 Our results show a difference in optimal temperature regime among developmental stages of O. sulcatus.  相似文献   

1 The parthenogenetic weevil Otiorhynchus sulcatus was collected from five geographical locations in the U.S.A. All weevils from each location were infected by Wolbachia belonging to supergroup B. 2 We hypothesized that treatment with tetracycline, which has been used to clear Wolbachia infection, would influence the reproduction of Wolbachia‐infected parthenogenetic O. sulcatus females. Tetracycline treatment of preovipositional O. sulcatus females specifically inhibited egg hatching but had no effect relative to controls on any other physiological trait. 3 Treatment with gentamicin, which reportedly has no effect on Wolbachia infection but is indistinguishable from tetracycline in inhibiting protein synthesis of other bacterial genera, did not influence egg hatching. 4 These findings strongly suggest that the inhibition of egg development results from the antibiotic effect on Wolbachia rather than by direct toxic effects on O. sulcatus physiology. 5 We speculate that Wolbachia may be necessary for normal development of O. sulcatus eggs and discuss the implications of these findings for O. sulcatus ecology.  相似文献   

In the laboratory, the fungicides chlorothalonil and zineb prevented germination of Metarhizium anisopliae conidia when incorporated into Sabouraud dextrose agar (SDA) at the commercial concentration (based on the manufacturers’ recommended rates for horticultural crops). Twelve other fungicides and six insecticides had no effect on spore germination when applied at the same rate. Mycelial growth of M. anisopliae on SDA plates containing the recommended rate of all the pesticides (except propamocarb) was reduced compared with SDA alone. Two fungicides, benomyl and carbendazim, totally inhibited growth at 0.1 times the recommended rate. Growth was also completely prevented by the fungicides etridiazole, triforine and zineb, and the insecticides dichlorvos and hostathion, at 10 times the recommended rate. In a glasshouse experiment, a prophylactic drench of M. anisopliae conidia reduced vine weevil (Otiorhynchus sulcatus) populations on Impatiens plants by 88%. This level of control was not significantly reduced by subsequent application (7 days after egg infestation) of any of the pesticides at the recommended concentration. Larval control in pots treated with M. anisopliae plus any one of the 12 fungicides and four insecticides examined, ranged from 82% to 98%. The insecticide diazinon applied alone reduced larval numbers by 100%. Two other insecticides, dichlorvos and cypermethrin, and the fungicide pyrazaphos, also reduced weevil populations by over 50%. These experiments demonstrate the limitations of laboratory based in vitro screening programmes for assessing the chemical compatibility of M. anisopliae.  相似文献   

  • 1 Soft fruit production is increasingly reliant on crops that are grown under the protection of plastic tunnels, which may also affect insect communities as a result of localized climate change and changes to host plant physiology and chemistry. In particular, insect development rates may differ from field populations, making it more difficult to target control measures.
  • 2 The present study investigated how protected environments affected adult vine weevil (Otiorhynchus sulcatus) feeding and reproduction on red raspberry (Rubus idaeus). We focused on the period between adult emergence and the onset of oviposition (i.e. the pre‐reproductive period), which represents the optimal period for control.
  • 3 Tunnels were up to 4 °C warmer than field plantations in 2008, with plants growing significantly faster (50% increase in height and 16% increase in leaf area) than field grown plants. The carbon/nitrogen ratio in leaves was higher in tunnels (12.07) than the field (10.89) as a result of a significant decrease in nitrogen concentrations (3.40 and 3.90 mg g?1, respectively).
  • 4 Over 4 weeks, weevils consumed significantly more foliage in tunnels (370.89 mg) than weevils in the field (166.68 mg), suggesting compensatory feeding to counteract lower leaf nitrogen concentrations. Weevils in tunnels achieved sexual maturity 8 days earlier than those in the field and produced 20‐fold more eggs by the time they were 5 weeks old.
  • 5 Applying a degree‐day model showed good agreement between predicted and observed pre‐reproductive periods for weevils in tunnels (36 and 30 days, respectively) and in field plots (41 and 38 days, respectively).

Fungal entomopathogens are known as microbial pathogens of insects, colonising multiple habitats and ecosystems. Besides being an entomopathogen, the fungus Beauveria bassiana can also establish as an endophyte in plants. Limited knowledge is so far available on the ability of plant-associated B. bassiana to influence plant-feeding insects. Here, we assessed the capability of adult black vine weevils Otiorhynchus sulcatus to select grapevine as a host plant in the presence of plant-associated B. bassiana after foliar application of a commercially available mycoinsecticide (product Naturalis®) on young potted grapevine plants. Three pairwise comparisons of weevil behaviour were conducted when weevils were released in a two-choice olfactometer and were given the choice between (i) control plants and plants treated with Naturalis®, (ii) control plants and plants treated with the formulation of Naturalis® without fungal propagules, and (iii) plants treated with Naturalis® and plants treated with the formulation. Adult O. sulcatus were significantly deterred by plants treated with Naturalis® or the formulation in comparison to control plants. In a direct comparison between plants treated either with Naturalis® or the formulation weevils significantly preferred plants treated with the formulation and avoided Naturalis® treated plants, where B. bassiana putatively had established as an endophyte. These results suggest that adult black vine weevils are able to detect and subsequently avoid plants treated with B. bassiana and indicate a new mode of action of plant-associated entomopathogenic fungi when integrated in pest management programmes.  相似文献   

1 The fecundity, longevity and establishment of Otiorhynchus sulcatus and Otiorhynchus ovatus from the Pacific North‐west U.S.A. was studied on five selected host plants: Picea abies‘Nidiformis’, Picea glauca‘Conica’, Taxus baccata, Rhododendron catawbiense‘Boursault’ and Fragaria×ananassa‘Totem’. 2 Teneral adults were used to study adult longevity and reproductive success. Leaves of these host plants were used for sustenance for 9 months. Larval establishment was studied by infesting potted host plants with eggs. 3 Fragaria×ananassa‘Totem’ produced the longest survival, shortest preoviposition time, the greatest number of eggs, and the highest fertility for adults of both species. Picea spp. were not good adult hosts for O. sulcatus. Taxus was a good adult host for O. sulcatus, but was a nonhost for adults and larvae of O. ovatus. 4 Adult hosts did not affect preoviposition time or egg viability with O. ovatus adults. With O. sulcatus, preoviposition time was greatly increased and egg viability was < 50% on Picea spp. 5 The best larval host was F.×ananassa‘Totem’ for O. sulcatus and P. glauca‘Conica’ for O. ovatus. Rhododendron was a poor larval host for both species. 6 When all of the studies on these two pests are considered, O. sulcatus appears to have varying host preferences from among its many geographical areas of occurrence whereas O. ovatus has a more universal host selection.  相似文献   

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