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The molecular processes associated with voltage-dependent opening and closing (gating) of ion channels were investigated using a new preparation from plant cells, i.e., voltage and calcium-activated ion channels in radish root vacuoles. These channels display a main single channel conductance of approximately 90 pS and are characterized by long activation times lasting several hundreds of milliseconds. Here, we demonstrate that these channels have a second kinetically distinct activation mode which is characterized by even longer activation times. Different membrane potential protocols allowed to switch between the fast and the slow mode in a controlled and reversible manner. At transmembrane potentials of -100 mV, the ratio between the fast and slow activation time constant was around 1:5. Correspondingly, activation times lasting several seconds were observed in the slow mode. The molecular process controlling fast and slow activation may represent an effective modulator of voltage-dependent gating of ion channels in other plant and animal systems.  相似文献   

The gene merA coding for bacterial mercuric ion reductase was cloned under the control of the yeast promoter for alcohol dehydrogenase I in the yeast-Escherichia coli shuttle plasmid pADH040-2 and transformed into Saccharomyces cerevisiae AH22. The resulting transformant harbored stable copies of the merA-containing hybrid plasmid, displayed a fivefold increase in the MIC of mercuric chloride, and synthesized mercuric ion reductase activity.  相似文献   

The action of the 107 kDa hemolysin from Escherichia coli on planar lipid membranes was investigated. We report that a single toxin molecule can form a cation-selective, ion-permeable channel of large conductance in a planar phospholipid bilayer membrane. The conductance of the pore is proportional to that of the bulk solution, indicating that the channel is filled with water. A pore diameter of about 2 nm can be evaluated. The pore formation mechanism is voltage-dependent and essentially resembles that of pore-forming colicins; this implies that opening of the channel is dependent on transfer of an electrical charge through the membrane. We propose that the physiological effects of E. coli hemolysin result from its ability to form ion channels in the membrane of attacked cells, and show that there is quantitative agreement between the effects of this toxin on model membranes and its hemolytic properties.  相似文献   

Single calcium-activated potassium channel currents were recorded in intact and excised membrane patches from cultured human macrophages. Channel conductance was 240 pS in symmetrical 145 mM K+ and 130 pS in 5 mM external K+. Lower conductance current fluctuations (40% of the larger channels) with the same reversal potential as the higher conductance channels were noted in some patches. Ion substitution experiments indicated that the channel is permeable to potassium and relatively impermeable to sodium. The frequency of channel opening increased with depolarization and intracellular calcium concentration. At 10(-7) M (Ca++)i, channel activity was evident only at potentials of +40 mV or more depolarized, while at 10(-5) M, channels were open at all voltages tested (-40 to +60 mV). In intact patches, channels were seen at depolarized patch potentials of +50 mV or greater, indicating that the ionized calcium concentration in the macrophage is probably less than 10(-7) M.  相似文献   

The opening of voltage-gated sodium, potassium, and calcium ion channels has a steep relationship with voltage. In response to changes in the transmembrane voltage, structural movements of an ion channel that precede channel opening generate a capacitative gating current. The net gating charge displacement due to membrane depolarization is an index of the voltage sensitivity of the ion channel activation process. Understanding the molecular basis of voltage-dependent gating of ion channels requires the measurement and computation of the gating charge, Q. We derive a simple and accurate semianalytic approach to computing the voltage dependence of transient gating charge movement (Q–V relationship) of discrete Markov state models of ion channels using matrix methods. This approach allows rapid computation of Q–V curves for finite and infinite length step depolarizations and is consistent with experimentally measured transient gating charge. This computational approach was applied to Shaker potassium channel gating, including the impact of inactivating particles on potassium channel gating currents.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae histidine auxotrophs are unable to use L-histidinol as a source of histidine even when they have a functional histidinol dehydrogenase. Mutations in the hol1 gene permit growth of His- cells on histidinol by enhancing the ability of cells to take up histidinol from the medium. Second-site mutations linked to HOL1-1 further increase histidinol uptake. HOL1 double mutants and, to a lesser extent, HOL1-1 single mutants show hypersensitivity to specific cations added to the growth medium, including Na+, Li+, Cs+, Be2+, guanidinium ion, and histidinol, but not K+, Rb+, Ca2+, or Mg2+. The Na(+)-hypersensitive phenotype is correlated with increased uptake and accumulation of this ion. The HOL1-1-101 gene was cloned and used to generate a viable haploid strain containing a hol1 deletion mutation (hol1 delta). The uptake of cations, the dominance of the mutant alleles, and the relative inability of hol1 delta cells to take up histidinol or Na+ suggest that hol1 encodes an ion transporter. The novel pattern of ion transport conferred by HOL1-1 and HOL1-1-101 mutants may be explained by reduced selectivity for the permeant ions.  相似文献   

The rate of transport of L-amino acids by Saccharomyces cerevisiae epsilon 1278b increased with time in response to nitrogen starvation. This increase could be prevented by the addition of ammonium sulfate or cycloheximide. A slow time-dependent loss of transport activity was observed when ammonium sulfate (or ammonium sulfate plus cycloheximide) was added to cells after 3 h of nitrogen starvation. This loss of activity was not observed in the presence of cycloheximide alone. In a mutant yeast strain which lacks the nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate-dependent (anabolic) glutamate dehydrogenase, no significant decrease in amino acid transport was observed when ammonium sulfate was added to nitrogen-starved cells. A double mutant, which lacks the nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate-dependent enzyme and in addition has a depressed level of the nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide-dependent (catabolic) glutamate dehydrogenase, shows the same sensitivity to ammonium ion as the wild-type strain. These data suggest that the inhibition of amino acid transport by ammonium ion results from the uptake of this metabolite into the cell and its subsequent incorporation into the alpha-amino groups of glutamate and other amino acids.  相似文献   

Kinetic models of voltage-dependent ion channels are normally inferred from time records of macroscopic current relaxation or microscopic single channel data. A complementary explorative approach is outlined. Hysteretic conductance refers to conductance delays in response to voltage changes, delays at either macroscopic or microscopic levels of observation. It enables complementary assessments of model assumptions and gating schemes of voltage-dependent channels, e.g. independent versus cooperative gating, and multiple gating modes. Under the Hodgkin-Huxley condition of independent gating, and under ideal measurement conditions, hysteretic conductance makes it also possible to estimate voltage-dependent rate functions. The argument is mainly theoretical, based on experimental observations, and illustrated by simulations of Markov kinetic models.  相似文献   

Painted bilayers containing reconstituted ion channels serve as a well defined model system for electrophysiological investigations of channel structure and function. Horizontally oriented bilayers with easy solution access to both sides were obtained by painting a phospholipid:decane mixture across a cylindrical pore etched into a 200-microm thick silicon wafer. Silanization of the SiO(2) layer produced a hydrophobic surface that promoted the adhesion of the lipid mixture. Standard lithographic techniques and anisotropic deep-reactive ion etching were used to create pores with diameters from 50 to 200 microm. The cylindrical structure of the pore in the partition and the surface treatment resulted in stable bilayers. These were used to reconstitute Maxi K channels in the 100- and 200-microm diameter pores. The electrophysiological characteristics of bilayers suspended in microchips were comparable with that of other bilayer preparations. The horizontal orientation and good voltage clamping properties make the microchip bilayer method an excellent system to study the electrical properties of reconstituted membrane proteins simultaneously with optical probes.  相似文献   

The response of Saccharomyces cerevisiae to different concentrations of Pb2+ was investigated. The results demonstrated that the growth of S. cerevisiae in the presence of Pb2+ showed a lag phase much longer than that in the absence of Pb2+. The inhibition was dependent upon Pb2+ concentrations. The Pb2+ at a concentration of 5 μM inhibited the microbial growth by approximately 30% with regard to control, whereas Pb2+ at concentration of 2 μM did not have a significant effect on the microbial growth. The existence of Pb2+ did not perturb cell-protein synthesis and there was a good correlation between dry cell weights and total protein content (R 2 = 0.98). The RNA/DNA ratio in the microbial cells varied with Pb2+ concentration and there was a significant positive correlation between Pb2+ concentration and the RNA/DNA ratio. The microbial assimilation of ammonium ion was inhibited by the presence of Pb2+ in the medium; when Pb2+ concentration was 10 μM, the microbial ammonium assimilation was inhibited about 50%, in comparison with the control experiment.  相似文献   

Ion channels are protein molecules, which can assume distinct open and closed conformational states, a phenomenon termed ion channel kinetics. The transitions from one state to another depend on the potential energy barrier that separates those two states. Therefore, it is rational to suppose that electromagnetic waves could interact with this barrier and induce changes in the rate transitions of this kinetic process. Our aim is to answer the question: can electromagnetic radiations induce changes in the kinetics of voltage-dependent ion channels? We simulated the effects of the low and high frequency electromagnetic waves on the sodium and potassium channels of the giant axon of Loligo. The key parameter measured was the fractional open time (fv), because it reflects the voltage dependence of the kinetics of channels. The electromagnetic radiations induced the following changes in the kinetics of the potassium and sodium channels: i/ low frequency waves kept the potassium channel 50% of the time open independent on the mean voltage applied through the membrane; ii/ a gradual inhibition of the inactivation on the sodium channel, when the amplitudes of the low frequency waves were increased; iii/ high frequency waves on the potassium channel, decreased both Vo (voltage in which the channel stays 50% open) and the steepness of fv (d fv/dV) as the amplitudes of the waves increased, and iv/ high frequency and low amplitude radiations on the sodium channel decreased the maximum value of fv (in relation to control), while high amplitudes increased this value. In conclusion, high and low frequency electromagnetic radiations were able to change the kinetics of the potassium and sodium channels in a squid giant axon model.  相似文献   

Excitability phenomena in planar lipid bilayers doped with alamethicin and protamines have been first described by Mueller and Rudin (Nature 217, 713-719, 1968). These properties are reinvestigated here with virtually solvent-free bilayers made of synthetic phospholipids doped with alamethicin charged component (Glu18) and protamine or other synthetic basic polypeptides. After retrieving the narrow set of experimental requisites allowing negative resistance and action potentials to develop, the potencies of different basic polypeptides were compared. Poly-arginines were found to be by far the most efficient. We also describe a transient increase of current amplitude upon addition of calcium that may reflect a lateral phase separation and conversely a gradual decrease of negative resistance due to tetrodotoxin, a potent sodium channel blocker. Functional modulations are correlated with conformational changes assayed in circular dichroism: alamethicin ellipticity in small unilamellar vesicles is markedly reduced upon protamine addition, only if the ionic strength is in the same low range that is compatible with regenerative conductance properties. These results are discussed in the framework of current models of ion channels gating.  相似文献   

Williams-Hart T  Wu X  Tatchell K 《Genetics》2002,160(4):1423-1437
Protein phosphatase type 1 (PP1) is encoded by the essential gene GLC7 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. glc7-109 (K259A, R260A) has a dominant, hyperglycogen defect and a recessive, ion and drug sensitivity. Surprisingly, the hyperglycogen phenotype is partially retained in null mutants of GAC1, GIP2, and PIG1, which encode potential glycogen-targeting subunits of Glc7. The R260A substitution in GLC7 is responsible for the dominant and recessive traits of glc7-109. Another mutation at this residue, glc7-R260P, confers only salt sensitivity, indicating that the glycogen and salt traits of glc7-109 are due to defects in distinct physiological pathways. The glc7-109 mutant is sensitive to cations, aminoglycosides, and alkaline pH and exhibits increased rates of l-leucine and 3,3'-dihexyloxacarbocyanine iodide uptake, but it is resistant to molar concentrations of sorbitol or KCl, indicating that it has normal osmoregulation. KCl suppresses the ion and drug sensitivities of the glc7-109 mutant. The CsCl sensitivity of this mutant is suppressed by recessive mutations in PMA1, which encodes the essential plasma membrane H(+)ATPase. Together, these results indicate that Glc7 regulates ion homeostasis by controlling ion transport and/or plasma membrane potential, a new role for Glc7 in budding yeast.  相似文献   

Current flowing through single Ca- and voltage-activated K channels has been recorded from cell-attached and inside-out excised membrane patches of cultured Y-1 adrenocortical cells. In intact cells, single-channel current amplitude and the time a channel stays in the open state increase with membrane depolarization. In excised patches bathed in symmetrical 130 mM K solutions, single-channel conductance is 170 pS. This value is constant in the membrane potential range of +/- 50 mV but decreases at larger hyper- and depolarizations. Channel open probability is heavily influenced by the concentration of ionic Ca at the inner surface of the membrane in the range between 0.01 and 10 microM. When internal Ca concentration is close to 0.01 microM, channels are usually closed even at large depolarizing voltages. With larger Ca concentrations, channel open probability increases and its voltage dependence is greater. These channels are uniformly distributed in the plasma membrane, since one to four channels were seen in more than 99% of the patches isolated in this study. There are previous reports suggesting a role for calcium ions in the secretory response of adrenocortical cells to ACTH. Therefore, it is possible that, as in other endocrine cells, these K channels modulate Ca influx across the plasma membrane and thus contribute to regulate steroid biosynthesis and release.  相似文献   

Vacuolar ion channel of the yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Ionic flux is most likely to regulate the chemiosmotic potential differences across vacuolysosomal membranes in animal, plant, and fungal cells. We found a membrane potential-dependent cation channel in yeast vacuolar membrane and characterized its several features by an electrophysiological method using artificial planar bilayer membranes incorporated with isolated yeast vacuolar membrane vesicles. This ion channel conducts K+ (single channel conductance, 435 pS in 0.3 M KCl) and several other monovalent cations (Cs+, Na+, and Li+) with broad selectivity, but does not conduct Cl-. The opening of this channel is regulated by the membrane potential and the presence of calcium ion on the cytoplasmic face. These characteristics suggested that the vacuolar cation channel functions as one of essential components for formation and regulation of the chemical and electrical potential differences across the vacuolar membrane.  相似文献   

The mobility of lectin receptors and of two types of ion channels was studied in skeletal muscles of the frog Rana temporaria. Lectin receptors were labeled with fluorescent derivatives of succinyl-concanavalin A (Con A) or wheat germ agglutinin (WGA), and their mobility was measured by fluorescence recovery after photobleaching. Of the receptors for WGA, approximately 53% were free to diffuse in the plane of the membrane, with an average diffusion coefficient as found in other preparations (D = 6.4 X 10(-11) cm2/s). Con A receptors were not measurably mobile. The mobility of voltage-dependent Na and K (delayed rectifier) channels was investigated with the loose-patch clamp method, coupled with through-the-pipette photodestruction of channels by ultraviolet (UV) light. Na channels were not measurably mobile (D less than or equal to 10(-12) cm2/s). With K channels, photodestruction was followed by a small but consistent recovery of K current, which suggested that some K channels diffused in the plane of the membrane. Our results with K currents are best fit if 25% of the K channels diffuse with D = 5 X 10(-11) cm2/s, with the remainder being immobile. For both Na and K channels, photodestruction by UV was most effective at a wavelength of approximately 289 nm. At this wavelength, the energy density required for an e-fold reduction in the number of functional channels was 0.40 J/cm2 for Na channels and 0.94 J/cm2 for K channels. Irradiation at this wavelength and dose did not measurably diminish the mobility of WGA receptors; hence, the immobility of Na and most K channels is not due to UV irradiation. It is concluded that mobile and immobile membrane proteins coexist in the sarcolemma of frog skeletal muscle, and that voltage-dependent Na and K channels are singled out for immobilization.  相似文献   

N- and C-terminally modified with fullerene or lipopeptide alamethicin molecules were designed for the formation of template-free, self-assembling, voltage-dependent ion conducting channels. The automated solid phase synthesis of the alamethicin-F30 sequence was performed by in situ fluoride activation on 2-chlorotritylchloride-polystyrene resin and the conjugation with fullerenes-C60 and -C70 was carried out in solution. Voltage-dependent bilayer experiments revealed preferred channel sizes for C-terminal alamethicin F30-fullerene-C60 and -C70 conjugates and higher activity compared with native alamethicin, whereas N-terminally linked fullerene balls destabilize pore formation. C-terminal alamethicin F30-fullerene-C70 conjugates show pore states with remarkably long lifetimes of seconds. C-terminal lipopeptide conjugates of alamethicin were prepared by coupling via short peptide spacers with synthetic tripalmitoyl-S-glyceryl-cysteine. which represents the strong membrane anchoring N-terminus of bacterial lipoprotein. Alamethicin-lipopeptide conjugates exhibit high channel forming activities, whereby they self-assemble and adopt preferred pore states with extremely long lifetimes. The novel membrane modifying peptaibol constructs are valuable lead compounds for developments in sensorics related to transmembrane ion conductance.  相似文献   

Voltage dependence of block was investigated in a simple model for permeation in a multiion pore. Internal blocker could bind to three states of the open channel that differed in the locations and number of permeant ion bound; blocker dissociation occurs exclusively to the internal solution, and the blocker does not itself enter the electric field. By changing the relative stability of blocker binding to these three states, block displayed voltage dependence with relief of block at high potentials. Similar patterns of block could also be generated in more detailed models of ion permeation. These results illustrate that the observation of relief of block at high potentials is not a sufficient criterion for establishing that a blocker is permeant in a channel that has a complex permeation cycle.  相似文献   

Excitatory amino acid transporters (EAATs) mediate two distinct transport processes, a stoichiometrically coupled transport of glutamate, Na+, K+, and H+, and a pore-mediated anion conductance. We studied the anion conductance associated with two mammalian EAAT isoforms, hEAAT2 and rEAAT4, using whole-cell patch clamp recording on transfected mammalian cells. Both isoforms exhibited constitutively active, multiply occupied anion pores that were functionally modified by various steps of the Glu/Na+/H+/K+ transport cycle. Permeability and conductivity ratios were distinct for cells dialyzed with Na(+)- or K(+)-based internal solution, and application of external glutamate altered anion permeability ratios and the concentration dependence of the anion influx. EAAT4 but not EAAT2 anion channels displayed voltage-dependent gating that was modified by glutamate. These results are incompatible with the notion that glutamate only increases the open probability of the anion pore associated with glutamate transporters and demonstrate unique gating mechanisms of EAAT-associated anion channels.  相似文献   

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