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Activity following arousal in winter in North American vespertilionid bats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
  • 1 Many bat species hibernate to conserve energy during winter and like all hibernators they commonly arouse. During these arousals, some bats may undertake activities away from the hibernation site. Systematic ecological studies of the frequency and purpose of winter activity in temperate zone bats of North America are rare and much of the literature involves observations of single individuals or unmarked populations.
  • 2 We review the available literature on winter activity among North American vespertilionid bats to highlight the paucity of data on this subject and to stimulate future research. Due to the lack of repeated, systematic studies on most North American species, the conclusions drawn are general or pertain only to parts of the geographical range of any species.
  • 3 We suggest that winter activity is ubiquitous among temperate zone bats, but the degree and purpose of activity varies greatly between and within species. In general, cave‐dwelling bats tend to be relatively inactive compared with tree and foliage roosting bats during winter.
  • 4 Cave‐dwelling and tree cavity‐dwelling species do not appear to feed, but they do drink and occasionally copulate during the hibernation period. Species that hibernate in foliage or leaf litter are the most active species during winter and may feed and drink throughout winter, although they probably do not copulate because of their solitary nature.
  • 5 We encourage researchers to conduct studies on all aspects of winter activity for North American vespertilionids across wide latitudinal and altitudinal gradients. We suggest studies in the near future be focused on estimating the energetic costs and benefits of winter activity through determination of the frequency and intensity of winter feeding activity and more thorough examinations of movements within and among caves. Studies on common, wide‐ranging species have the potential to illuminate large‐scale patterns and differences and should be favoured over studies on rarer species.

Populations of cave-dwelling bat species were investigated in the transitory region between the Eastern Thrace and the Western Pontus. Data were collected during 30 surveys in 13 underground sites, 10 of which had not been surveyed previously by bat researchers, between March 1999 and March 2000. Approximately 20 000 bats representing eight species were recorded. Grouping the sites according to their ecological resemblance, by means of cluster and correspondence analyses, yielded different results for the summer and winter data. In summer, there was a partial separation of the sites by their location in biogeographic regions. In winter, no regional grouping was observed. It was concluded that in the transitory region, species distribution does not differ considerably between the Eastern Thracian and Western Pontic ecosystems. In addition, a conservation scoring system is proposed for those sites investigated, their status is evaluated, and the most important local roosts are identified.  相似文献   

Nectarivorous feeding mechanisms in bats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cranio-dental characteristics are quantified between micro- and megachiropteran nectarivores and compared with microchiropteran animalivores, frugivores, and megachiropteran frugivores. Microchiropteran nectarivores share many characteristics with megachiropteran nectarivores and frugivores, but differ in having a long, narrow head. Megachiropterans have wide zygomata, which would allow for more jaw musculature. Diminutive cheekteeth are characteristic of nectarivory in both suborders, but both have relatively large canines. Teeth in nectarivores can occupy as little as a tenth of the palatal area compared to nearly two-thirds in microchiropteran animalivores. The proportion that the dilambdodont stylar shelf occupies of molars in microchiropteran nectarivores can be as much as that in microchiropteran animalivores (insectivorous and carnivorous bats) or as little as that in microchiropteran frugivores but not as extreme as either. In addition to dimunitive teeth, nectarivores have fused mandibles and upper canines that are worn from contact with the lower canines (thegosis). These characteristics may be necessary for the lower jaw to support an elongated, mobile tongue. While microchiropteran nectarivory, frugivory, and carnivory probably evolved independently from an insectivorous microchiropteran ancestor, megachiropteran nectarivory probably evolved from megachiropteran frugivory or the reverse.  相似文献   

Eavesdropping on the echolocation and social calls of bats   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
M. B. FENTON 《Mammal Review》2003,33(3-4):193-204

We describe the development of six microsatellite loci for big brown bats, Eptesicus fuscus. Microsatellite markers were isolated from a small insert genomic library, and tested on a population of 44 animals from the Pend d’Oreille Valley, in southeastern British Columbia, Canada. These six loci were highly variable, with 12–23 alleles per locus, and observed and expected heterozygosities of greater than 79.5%. The six primer sets, and three others that were not variable in E. fuscus, were tested on 11 other species in the families Vespertilionidae and Antrozoidae. All the tested loci amplified highly variable products in at least several other species.  相似文献   

Bats face high energetic requirements, as powered flight is costly and they have a disadvantageous surface-to-volume-ratio. To deal with those requirements energy saving mechanisms, such as heterothermy (torpor), have evolved. Torpor during pregnancy, however, reduces rates of foetal development and consequently prolongs pregnancy. Therefore, heterothermy has a great effect on reproduction, as an unhindered parturition can only be assured by high body temperatures. Regardless of these adverse affects of torpor the energetic requirements of bats during reproduction urge for energy savings and bats are known to enter torpor during pregnancy. The species in the current study differ in their torpor patterns and thus their heterothermic strategy. However, we hypothesized, that species-specific heterothermic behaviour should be revoked at the end of pregnancy. We analyzed skin temperatures of Myotis bechsteinii, Myotis nattereri and Plecotus auritus during pregnancy and found no differences in torpor depth between species during the last phase of pregnancy. Furthermore, we could show that individuals entered torpor frequently during pregnancy and only minimized torpor during the last stage of pregnancy. This suggests that close to the end of pregnancy, heterothermy is restricted but not species-specific and the required energy is allocated otherwise.  相似文献   

Artificial lighting is a particular problem for animals active at night. Approximately 69% of mammal species are nocturnal, and one-third of these are bats. Due to their extensive movements—both on a nightly basis to exploit ephemeral food supplies, and during migration between roosts—bats have an unusually high probability of encountering artificial light in the landscape. This paper reviews the impacts of lighting on bats and their prey, exploring the direct and indirect consequences of lighting intensity and spectral composition. In addition, new data from large-scale surveys involving more than 265 000 bat calls at more than 600 locations in two countries are presented, showing that prevalent street-lighting types are not generally linked with increased activity of common and widespread bat species. Such bats, which are important to ecosystem function, are generally considered ‘light-attracted’ and likely to benefit from the insect congregations that form at lights. Leisler''s bat (Nyctalus leisleri) may be an exception, being more frequent in lit than dark transects. For common pipistrelle bats (Pipistrellus pipistrellus), lighting is negatively associated with their distribution on a landscape scale, but there may be local increases in habitats with good tree cover. Research is now needed on the impacts of sky glow and glare for bat navigation, and to explore the implications of lighting for habitat matrix permeability.  相似文献   

Fourteen species of bats are reported for the first time from Guyana (Saccopteryx gymnura, Micronycteris brachyotis, M. homezi, Lichonycteris obscura, Anoura latidens, Vampyressa pusilla, Vampyrodes caraccioli, Eptesicus chiriquinus, Cynomops paranus, Molossops neglectus, Molossus sp., Molossus coibensis, Molossus sinaloae, and Promops centralis) bringing the known bat diversity for the country to 121 species. Information including measurements, reproductive data, distribution, and taxonomy are provided for these species. Seven of these new records were collected in the Iwokrama International Rain Forest Programme site in central Guyana. Eighty-six bat species are now documented from Iwokrama Forest which is the highest species diversity for bats reported from any protected area in the world. There are, however, few tropical sites that have relatively complete inventories. A summary for bat species diversity in southern Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, and French Guiana indicates that at least 146 species of bats are known from the Guianan subregion. Intense inventory surveys, especially in the often neglected subcanopy, suggest that species richness is probably underestimated in most Neotropical areas. Likewise, species-level diversity in the Guianan subregion is higher than previously suggested. Surveying and monitoring biodiversity are critical to developing a National Protected Areas System in Guyana.  相似文献   

We present three dinucleotide and six tetranucleotide microsatellite loci that were developed for the Brazilian free‐tailed bat, Tadarida brasiliensis (Chiroptera, Molossidae). Ninety‐one individuals from two populations were scored at each locus, revealing extremely high levels of polymorphism (15–55 alleles per locus). These loci provide genetic markers for studying gene flow, migration and mating behaviour.  相似文献   

The crown morphology of 202 dental casts from living Lengua Indians is described and compared with other Amerind, Melanesian, and Caucasoid samples. The Lengua dentition shows a high Mongoloid component with little effects of possible European admixture, thus supporting the theory that despite early Franciscan and Jesuit attempts at missionization, much of the Paraguayan Chaco has remained genetically and culturally relatively intact well into the present century. A finding of note was the apparent sexual dimorphism of the Carabelli cusp, which questions earlier assumptions that no correction for sex need be made in population studies when dealing with this trait. Since mandibular canines show proportionately less wear in the canine distal accessory ridge area than maxillary canines, the value of the incidence of this trait in population and microevolutionary studies is questioned.  相似文献   

罗霄山脉位于中国大陆东南部, 是一条南北走向的大型山脉, 面积约6.76万km2。该山脉位于欧亚大陆东部季风区, 生物多样性丰富, 是亚洲东部第三纪冰期动物重要的避难所。为了解罗霄山脉翼手目物种多样性状况, 本研究组于2013-2018年, 使用雾网、手网和竖琴网等工具开展了针对性调查与标本采集, 同时运用形态分类学和分子系统发生学方法鉴定物种。根据调查结果并结合文献记载: 罗霄山脉地区现有翼手目物种4科14属40种, 其中罗霄山脉翼手目新记录种25种, 省级翼手目分布新记录种9种。同时, 本研究基于5年的调查采集位点, 使用生物多样 性与气候变化虚拟实验室(the Biodiversity & Climate Change Virtual Laboratory)在线生境预测平台, 对罗霄山脉翼手目物种当前的适生区, 以及3种不同量温室气体排放情景下(representative concentration pathway, RCP 2.6 / 6.0 / 8.5) 2050年的适生区进行预测, 其中随机森林算法(random forest)的模型解释力较优, 其预测结果显示: 影响该区域翼手目分布的主要环境因子为降水季节性和年平均温度; 山脉中部及南部为翼手目的高适生区, 面积约为罗霄山脉的30%; 与当前适生区相比, RCP 2.6情景下2050年该类群适生区有所扩增, RCP 6.0和RCP 8.5情景下均会导致翼手目适生区急剧缩减, 且分布区将迁移至高海拔区域以响应气候变化。而本项目的开展不仅初步掌握了罗霄山脉翼手目物种多样性本底状况, 也为开展后续的翼手目研究和保护管理提供了参考。  相似文献   

Aim To investigate the relationship between chiropteran species distributions and four fundamental environmental factors — temperature, precipitation, soil and vegetation — and to construct a species richness prediction map based on the environmental factors. Location The state of Michoacán, México. Methods Bat specimens collected during a 2‐year project were combined with museum specimens to form a dataset of over 3200 entries pertaining to 71 species of bats. Coordinates of the collection localities were recorded with GPS receivers or determined from maps. ArcView GIS was used to characterize the distribution of the species relative to the four environmental factors by projecting coordinates of the collection sites onto digitized maps of those factors. Correspondence analysis (CA) was used to evaluate the relationship between species distributions and the environmental factors. Results The CA results indicated that the order of importance of these factors is (from highest to lowest): temperature, vegetation, precipitation and soil. A predicted distribution map was constructed for each species of bat, based on the result of the CA analysis, using correspondences of each species to climate, vegetation and precipitation. Soil types were excluded from the prediction model because soil type does not appear to carry high predictive value for bat species in Michoacán. Distribution maps of the 71 bat species were then overlaid to generate a map of bat species richness for the state of Michoacán. Main conclusions Neither family membership nor feeding guild affiliation appear to play important roles in chiropteran species distributions in Michoacán. The bat species richness prediction map will be a useful tool for conservation works in the region.  相似文献   

中国部分自然保护区物种多样性与环境因子的关系   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
采用典范对应分析 CCA 对全国73个自然保护区的种子植物多样性的分析表明:在纬度低于25°N的自然保护区中,物种多样性主要受热量因子和水分因子的影响,并具有较高的种子植物科数和属数值;纬度范围介于25°N和30°N之间的自然保护区,其物种多样性主要受海拔的影响,并且种子植物种数较多,同时有较高的种子植物种属比;在更高纬度范围内,地理及地形因子对物种多样性影响显著,并且随着纬度的增高,纬度因子的作用有增强趋势.  相似文献   

长白山地区曲尾藓属植物生态分化的排序研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
曲尾藓属(DicranumHedw.)属于顶蒴藓类植物,在长白山地区主要分布于苔原、森林林下和沼泽地中[1,2]。分析曲尾藓属植物对不同生态环境的适应特点和种间生态关系,对揭示该属植物物种分化的生态学机制,有一定学术价值。排序是分析植物群落分布与环境关系的常用方法,以往人们主要是应用DCA、PCA等方法,因而不同种类与环境关系的解释带有较大的主观性。典范对应分析能够在同一排序图上展示植物种类与环境因子的关系,是当前最有效的排序方法,其结果的生态学解释比较客观。Slack指出应用排序也能够研究植物种间的生态位分…  相似文献   

刘麟菲  谭冰冰  殷旭旺  张远  孟伟 《生态学报》2014,34(22):6613-6621
2009年8—9月,对辽宁省太子河流域67个点位进行采样调查,以硅藻群落为研究对象,比较硅藻属级水平与种级水平相对多度、物种丰富度以及生物多样性指数间的相关性,并比较硅藻属级与种级属性与环境因子的相关性。实验结果表明,太子河流域硅藻属级水平的相对多度、丰富度和多样性指数与硅藻种级水平都极显著相关。Pearson相关性分析表明,硅藻属级水平的丰富度与环境显著相关的因子与种级水平丰富度与环境显著相关的因子相一致。Mantel-Test相关性分析表明,硅藻属级水平的相对多度与环境因子的相关性弱于种级水平与环境因子相关性。典范对应分析结果显示,影响硅藻属级和种级群落结构分布的主要环境因子均为悬浮物。基于硅藻生物评价指数的流域健康评价结果表明,应用硅藻属级和种级属性对太子河流域进行健康评价,其评价结果相一致。  相似文献   

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