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This article presents the stem and progenitor cells from subcutaneous adipose tissue,briefly comparing them with their bone marrow counterparts,and discussing their potential for use in regenerative medicine.Subcutaneous adipose tissue differs from other mesenchymal stromal/stem cells(MSCs) sources in that it contains a pre-adipocyte population that dwells in the adventitia of robust blood vessels.Pre-adipocytes are present both in the stromal-vascular fraction(SVF;freshly isolated cells) and in the adherent fraction of adipose stromal/stem cells(ASCs;in vitro expanded cells),and have an active role on the chronic inflammation environment established in obesity,likely due their monocyticmacrophage lineage identity.The SVF and ASCs have been explored in cell therapy protocols with relative success,given their paracrine and immunomodulatory effects.Importantly,the widely explored multipotentiality of ASCs has direct application in bone,cartilage and adipose tissue engineering.The aim of this editorial is to reinforce the peculiarities of the stem and progenitor cells from subcutaneous adipose tissue,revealing the spheroids as a recently described biotechnological tool for cell therapy and tissue engineering.Innovative cell culture techniques,in particular 3 D scaffold-free cultures such as spheroids,are now available to increase the potential for regeneration and differentiation of mesenchymal lineages.Spheroids are being explored not only as a model for cell differentiation,but also as powerful 3 D cell culture tools to maintain the stemness and expand the regenerative and differentiation capacities of mesenchymal cell lineages.  相似文献   

The efficiency of regenerative medicine can be ameliorated by improving the biological performances of stem cells before their transplantation. Several ex-vivo protocols of non-damaging cell hypoxia have been demonstrated to significantly increase survival, proliferation and post-engraftment differentiation potential of stem cells. The best results for priming cultured stem cells against a following, otherwise lethal, ischemic stress have been obtained with brief intermittent episodes of hypoxia, or anoxia, and reoxygenation in accordance with the extraordinary protection afforded by the conventional maneuver of ischemic preconditioning in severely ischemic organs. These protocols of hypoxic preconditioning can be rather easily reproduced in a laboratory; however, more suitable pharmacological interventions inducing stem cell responses similar to those activated in hypoxia are considered among the most promising solutions for future applications in cell therapy. Here we want to offer an up-to-date review of the molecular mechanisms translating hypoxia into beneficial events for regenerative medicine. To this aim the involvement of epigenetic modifications, microRNAs, and oxidative stress, mainly activated by hypoxia inducible factors, will be discussed. Stem cell adaptation to their natural hypoxic microenvironments (niche) in healthy and neoplastic tissues will be also considered.  相似文献   

First described in 2004, endometrial stem cells (EnSCs) are adult stem cells isolated from the endometrial tissue. EnSCs comprise of a population of epithelial stem cells, mesenchymal stem cells, and side population stem cells. When secreted in the menstrual blood, they are termed menstrual stem cells or endometrial regenerative cells. Mounting evidence suggests that EnSCs can be utilized in regenerative medicine. EnSCs can be used as immuno-modulatory agents to attenuate inflammation, are implicated in angiogenesis and vascularization during tissue regeneration, and can also be reprogrammed into induced pluripotent stem cells. Furthermore, EnSCs can be used in tissue engineering applications and there are several clinical trials currently in place to ascertain the therapeutic potential of EnSCs. This review highlights the progress made in EnSC research, describing their mesodermal, ectodermal, and endodermal potentials both in vitro and in vivo.  相似文献   

干细胞具有分化成为体内所有类型细胞的能力,因此,其在再生医学治疗、体外疾病模拟、药物筛选等方面具有广阔的应用前景。干细胞技术在近些年取得了突飞猛进的发展,特别是诱导多能性干细胞的出现使干细胞领域经历了一场巨大的变革。我国干细胞研究在这场干细胞技术变革中取得了多项重大成果,逐渐成为了世界干细胞研究领域中的重要力量。本综述着重介绍近几年来,主要是诱导多能性干细胞技术出现之后,我国在干细胞和再生医学领域取得的重要进展,主要涵盖诱导多能性干细胞、转分化、单倍体干细胞以及基因修饰动物模型和基因治疗等方面。  相似文献   

The behavior and composition of both multipotent and pluripotent stem cell populations are exquisitely controlled by a complex, spatiotemporally variable interplay of physico-chemical, extracellular matrix, cell-cell interaction, and soluble factor cues that collectively define the stem cell niche. The push for stem cell-based regenerative medicine models and therapies has fuelled demands for increasingly accurate cellular environmental control and enhanced experimental throughput, driving an evolution of cell culture platforms away from conventional culture formats toward integrated systems. Arrayed cellular environments typically provide a set of discrete experimental elements with variation of one or several classes of stimuli across elements of the array. These are based on high-content/high-throughput detection, small sample volumes, and multiplexing of environments to increase experimental parameter space, and can be used to address a range of biological processes at the cell population, single-cell, or subcellular level. Arrayed cellular environments have the capability to provide an unprecedented understanding of the molecular and cellular events that underlie expansion and specification of stem cell and therapeutic cell populations, and thus generate successful regenerative medicine outcomes. This review focuses on recent key developments of arrayed cellular environments and their contribution and potential in stem cells and regenerative medicine.  相似文献   

Recruitment of stem cells and partially differentiated progenitor cells is a process which accompanies and facilitates the progression of cancer. One of the factors complicating the clinical course of cancer is obesity, a progressively widespread medical condition resulting from overgrowth of white adipose tissue (WAT), commonly known as white fat. The mechanisms by which obesity influences cancer risk and progression are not completely understood. Cells of WAT secret soluble molecules (adipokines) that could stimulate tumor growth, although there is no consensus on which cell populations and which adipokines are important. Recent reports suggest that WAT-derived mesenchymal stem (stromal) cells, termed adipose stem cells (ASC), may represent a cell population linking obesity and cancer. Studies in animal models demonstrate that adipokines secreted by ASC can promote tumor growth by assisting in formation of new blood vessels, a process necessary for expansion of tumor mass. Importantly, migration of ASC from WAT to tumors has been demonstrated, indicating that the tumor microenvironment in cancer may be modulated by ASC-derived trophic factors in a paracrine rather than in an endocrine manner. Here, we review possible positive and adverse implications of progenitor cell recruitment into the diseased sites with a particular emphasis on the role in cancer progression of progenitors that are expanded in obesity.  相似文献   

Pluripotent stem cells (PSCs) are cells that can differentiate into any type of cells in the body, therefore have valuable promise in regenerative medicine of cell replacement therapies and tissue/organ engineering. PSCs can be derived either from early embryos or directly from somatic cells by epigenetic reprogramming that result in customized cells from patients. Here we summarize the methods of deriving PSCs, the various types of PSCs generated with different status, and their versatile applications in both clinical and embryonic development studies. We also discuss an intriguing potential application of PSCs in constructing tissues/organs in large animals by interspecies chimerism. All these emerging findings are likely to contribute to the breakthroughs in biological research and the prosperous prospects of regenerative medicine.  相似文献   

Adult mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) can be isolated from bone marrow or marrow aspirates and because they are culture-dish adherent, they can be expanded in culture while maintaining their multipotency. The MSCs have been used in preclinical models for tissue engineering of bone, cartilage, muscle, marrow stroma, tendon, fat, and other connective tissues. These tissue-engineered materials show considerable promise for use in rebuilding damaged or diseased mesenchymal tissues. Unanticipated is the realization that the MSCs secrete a large spectrum of bioactive molecules. These molecules are immunosuppressive, especially for T-cells and, thus, allogeneic MSCs can be considered for therapeutic use. In this context, the secreted bioactive molecules provide a regenerative microenvironment for a variety of injured adult tissues to limit the area of damage and to mount a self-regulated regenerative response. This regenerative microenvironment is referred to as trophic activity and, therefore, MSCs appear to be valuable mediators for tissue repair and regeneration. The natural titers of MSCs that are drawn to sites of tissue injury can be augmented by allogeneic MSCs delivered via the bloodstream. Indeed, human clinical trials are now under way to use allogeneic MSCs for treatment of myocardial infarcts, graft-versus-host disease, Crohn's Disease, cartilage and meniscus repair, stroke, and spinal cord injury. This review summarizes the biological basis for the in vivo functioning of MSCs through development and aging.  相似文献   

Adipose tissue-derived stem cells (ADSC) secreted CXCL5 cytokine abundantly and higher passaged ADSC up to passage 6 (P6) secreted more CXCL5 than lower passaged ADSC. Higher passaged ADSC also appeared to express higher levels of CXCL5 receptor, i.e., CXCR2. Both CXCL5 and CXCR2 were localized in the tunica intima and tunica adventitia of blood vessels in adipose tissue. Colocalization with CD34 further indicates their association with the putative ADSC in tunica adventitia. Migration assay indicates chemoattractant effects of CXCL5 on ADSC and HUVEC endothelial cells. CXCL5 also enhanced matrigel-based endothelial tube-like formation of HUVEC.  相似文献   

Carcinoma-associated fibroblasts (CAF) are considered to contribute to tumor growth, invasion and metastasis. However, the cell type of origin remains unknown. Since human adipose tissue-derived stem cells (hASCs) are locally adjacent to breast cancer cells and might directly interact with tumor cells, we investigated whether CAFs may originate from hASCs. We demonstrated that a significant percentage of hASCs differentiated into a CAF-like myofibroblastic phenotype (e.g., expression of alpha smooth muscle actin and tenascin-C) when exposed to conditioned medium from the human breast cancer lines MDAMB231 and MCF7. The conditioned medium from MDAMB231 and MCF7 contains significant amounts of transforming growth factor-beta 1 (TGFβ1) and the differentiation of hASCs towards CAFs is dependent on TGFβ1 signaling via Smad3 in hASCs. The induction of CAFs can be abolished using a neutralizing antibody to TGFβ1 as well as by pretreatment of the hASCs with SB431542, a TGFβ1 receptor kinase inhibitor. Additionally, we found that these hASC-derived CAF-like cells exhibit functional properties of CAFs, including the ability to promote tumor cell invasion in an in vitro invasion assay, as well as increased expression of stromal-cell-derived factor 1 (SDF-1) and CCL5. Taken together, these data suggest that hASCs are a source of CAFs which play an important role in the tumor invasion.  相似文献   

Nanofibers are attractive substrates for tissue regeneration applications because they structurally mimic the native extracellular matrix. Electrospinning has been recognized as one of the most efficient techniques to fabricate polymer nanofibers. Recent research has demonstrated that cellular responses, for example attachment, proliferation and differentiation, can be modulated by tuning nanofiber properties. In combination with other processing techniques, such as particulate leaching or three-dimensional printing, nanofibrous scaffolds incorporating macroporous networks could be developed to enhance infiltration of cells. Three dimensional nanofiber-based constructs offer an opportunity to achieve advanced functional tissue regeneration. This review explores the advantageous effects of nanofibers on cell behaviors compared to traditional scaffolds.  相似文献   

Stem cells can give rise to more stem cells or differentiate into more specialized cells. In the last 5 years not only have researchers succeeded in isolating human embryonic stem (hES) cell lines but also in identifying adult stem cells with possible pluripotent differentiation capacity. The shortage of donor organs or tissues for regenerative medicine has further stimulated research into the capacity of stem cells to differentiate into different cells and their use in replacement therapy in diseases such as Parkinson's, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis and myocardial infarction. Current problems and recent progress with respect to hES cells and their potential use for clinical applications will be discussed. The potential of adult stem cells for differentiation and tissue repair is reviewed elsewhere.  相似文献   

Mesenchymal stem/stromal cells (MSC) are currently the best candidate therapeutic cells for regenerative medicine related to osteoarticular, muscular, vascular and inflammatory diseases, although these cells remain heterogeneous and necessitate a better biological characterization. We and others recently described that MSC originate from two types of perivascular cells, namely pericytes and adventitial cells and contain the in situ counterpart of MSC in developing and adult human organs, which can be prospectively purified using well defined cell surface markers. Pericytes encircle endothelial cells of capillaries and microvessels and express the adhesion molecule CD146 and the PDGFRβ, but lack endothelial and haematopoietic markers such as CD34, CD31, vWF (von Willebrand factor), the ligand for Ulex europaeus 1 (UEA1) and CD45 respectively. The proteoglycan NG2 is a pericyte marker exclusively associated with the arterial system. Besides its expression in smooth muscle cells, smooth muscle actin (αSMA) is also detected in subsets of pericytes. Adventitial cells surround the largest vessels and, opposite to pericytes, are not closely associated to endothelial cells. Adventitial cells express CD34 and lack αSMA and all endothelial and haematopoietic cell markers, as for pericytes. Altogether, pericytes and adventitial perivascular cells express in situ and in culture markers of MSC and display capacities to differentiate towards osteogenic, adipogenic and chondrogenic cell lineages. Importantly, adventitial cells can differentiate into pericyte‐like cells under inductive conditions in vitro. Altogether, using purified perivascular cells instead of MSC may bring higher benefits to regenerative medicine, including the possibility, for the first time, to use these cells uncultured.  相似文献   

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) represent the most clinically used stem cells in regenerative medicine. However, due to the disadvantages with primary MSCs, such as limited cell proliferative capacity and rarity in the tissues leading to limited MSCs, gradual loss of differentiation during in vitro expansion reducing the efficacy of MSC application, and variation among donors increasing the uncertainty of MSC efficacy, the clinical application of MSCs has been greatly hampered. MSCs derived from human pluripotent stem cells (hPSC-MSCs) can circumvent these problems associated with primary MSCs. Due to the infinite self-renewal of hPSCs and their differentiation potential towards MSCs, hPSC-MSCs are emerging as an attractive alternative for regenerative medicine. This review summarizes the progress on derivation of MSCs from human pluripotent stem cells, disease modelling and drug screening using hPSC-MSCs, and various applications of hPSC-MSCs in regenerative medicine. In the end, the challenges and concerns with hPSC-MSC applications are also discussed.  相似文献   

Periosteum is a thin fibrous layer that covers most bones. It resides in a dynamic mechanically loaded environment and provides a niche for pluripotent cells and a source for molecular factors that modulate cell behaviour. Elucidating periosteum regenerative poten-tial has become a hot topic in orthopaedics. This review discusses the state of the art of osteochondral tissue engineering rested on periosteum derived progenitor cells(PDPCs) and suggests upcoming research direc-tions. Periosteal cells isolation, characterization and migration in the site of injury, as well as their differen-tiation, are analysed. Moreover, the role of cell mecha-nosensing and its contribution to matrix organization, bone microarchitecture and bone stenght is examined. In this regard the role of periostin and its upregulation under mechanical stress in order to preserve PDPC sur-vival and bone tissue integrity is contemplated. The re-view also summarized the role of the periosteum in the field of dentistry and maxillofacial reconstruction. The involvement of microRNAs in osteoblast differentiation and in endogenous tissue repair is explored as well. Fi-nally the novel concept of a guided bone regenerationbased on the use of periosteum itself as a smart mate-rial and the realization of constructs able to mimic the extracellular matrix features is talked out. Additionally, since periosteum can differentiate into insulin produc-ing cells it could be a suitable source in allogenic trans-plantations. That innovative applications would takeadvantage from investigations aimed to assess PDPCimmune privilege.  相似文献   

The cancer relapse and mortality rate suggest that current therapies do not eradicate all malignant cells. Currently, it is accepted that tumorigenesis and organogenesis are similar in many respects, as for example, homeostasis is governed by a distinct sub-population of stem cells in both situations. There is increasing evidence that many types of cancer contain their own stem cells: cancer stem cells (CSC), which are characterized by their self-renewing capacity and differentiation ability. The investigation of solid tumour stem cells has gained momentum particularly in the area of brain tumours. Gliomas are the most common type of primary brain tumours. Nearly two-thirds of gliomas are highly malignant lesions with fast progression and unfortunate prognosis. Despite recent advances, two-year survival for glioblastoma (GBM) with optimal therapy is less than 30%. Even among patients with low-grade gliomas that confer a relatively good prognosis, treatment is almost never curative. Recent studies have demonstrated the existence of a small fraction of glioma cells endowed with features of primitive neural progenitor cells and a tumour-initiating function. In general, this fraction is characterized for forming neurospheres, being endowed with drug resistance properties and often, we can isolate some of them using sorting methods with specific antibodies. The molecular characterization of these stem populations will be critical to developing an effective therapy for these tumours with very dismal prognosis. To achieve this aim, the development of a mouse model which recapitulates the nature of these tumours is essential. This review will focus on glioma stem cell knowledge and discuss future implications in brain cancer therapy and regenerative medicine.  相似文献   

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