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C D Silflow  J R Hammett  J L Key 《Biochemistry》1979,18(13):2725-2731
The sequenc complexity of total poly(A) RNA from a higher plant system, soybean cultured cells, was determined. Labeled cDNA synthesized from the poly(A) RNA hybridized exclusively with the unique sequence component of total soybean DNA. Analysis of the hybridization reaction between cDNA and the poly(A) RNA template revealed three abundance classes in the poly(A) RNA. These classes represent 18, 44, and 38% of the poly(A) RNA and contain information for approximately 60, 1900 and 30,000 different 1400-nucleotide RNA molecules. From these results, the total sequence complexity of poly(A) RNA was estimated to be 4.5 X 10(7) nucleotides. Saturation hybridization of labeled unique DNA with RNA showed that the total cell RNA represents 12.4% of the unique DNA sequence complexity, or 6.4 X 10(7) nucleotides, while poly(A) RNA respresent 8.7% of the unique DNA sequence complexity, or 3.3 X 10(7) nucleotides. Thus, it is estimated that 50--70% of total RNA sequence complexity is contained in poly(A) RNA in these cells.  相似文献   

The sequence complexity and relative abundance of cytoplasmic polyadenylated polysomal (ribosome-bound) mRNA and cytoplasmic polyadenylated informosomal (ribosome-free) mRNA were analyzed in exponentially growing Chinese hamster cells (line CHO) using the technique of cDNA hybridization to excess poly(A)+ mRNA. Polysomal and informosomal mRNAs had similar complexities ( approximately 8300 mRNA species), but both the fraction of mRNA and the number of sequences comprising the mRNA abundance classes were different. Heterologous annealing reactions showed that all of the mRNA sequences detected were shared by the polysomal and informosomal mRNAs. However, the most abundant informosomal mRNA component was considerably different from the most abundant polysomal mRNA component. For a more detailed analysis, cDNA complementary to the most abundant informosomal and polysomal mRNAs was isolated. By use of the fractionated cDNA, it could be demonstrated that the most abundant informosomal mRNA sequences were distributed in the polysomal mRNA with an approximately fivefold reduction in relative frequency. These results are not compatible with models postulating translational control of gene expression by the complete sequestering of some mRNA sequences in an untranslatable form in the cytoplasm. The data are, however, consistent with models encompassing differential rates of initiation on the polysome and/or preferential affinity of some mRNAs for initiation factors.  相似文献   

Mouse liver poly(A)+mRNA was reverse transcribed using oligo-p(dT) or random oligonucleotides as primers to yield cDNA about equal to the mass of the template RNA. The size profile of the oligo-p(dT)-primedd cDNA was similar to that of the template RNA. RNA or cDNA driven saturation annealing of labeled single copy genomic DNA (scDNA) showed that 2% of the scDNA was complementary in either case indicating the sequence complexity of cDNA was equivalent to that of the template mRNA. These results establish for the first time that cDNA represents essentially all of the sequence complexity of a diverse template RNA population in which individual mRNA species are present in vastly different concentrations. RNA driven hydridization of the cDNA showed that about 40% of the cDNA mass represents most of the sequence complexity of the template RNA. Also, kinetics of this hybridization indicate a complexity of 58,000 kb for the template RNA, a value similar to that obtained by scDNA hybridization. We conclude that appropriately characterized cDNA probes can be used to make valid qualitative and quantitative comparisons of the complex, infrequent class mRNAs of different cells and tissues.  相似文献   

Stability of polyadenylated RNA in differentiating myogenic cells   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Three independent methods of measurement showed that cytoplasmic polyadenylated RNA from the differentiating myogenic cell line L8 consists of two main populations with regard to stability, one with a half-life of less than 4 h and the other with a half-life of 17--54 h. Similar results were obtained in the presence and absence of actinomycin D. During the fusion of mononucleated myoblasts into multinucleated fibers, there was an increase in both the steady-state pool of the more stable polyadenylated RNA and the proportion of stable polyadenylated RNA synthesized in pulse labelling.  相似文献   

At early stages of biochemical evolution, the complexity of replicating molecules was limited by unavoidably high mutation rates. In an RNA world, prior to the appearance of cellular life, an increase in molecular length, and thus in functional complexity, could have been mediated by modular evolution. We describe here a scenario in which short, replicating RNA sequences are selected to perform a simple function. Molecular function is represented through the secondary structure corresponding to each sequence, and a given target secondary structure yields the optimal function in the environment where the population evolves. The combination of independently evolved populations may have facilitated the emergence of larger molecules able to perform more complex functions (including RNA replication) that could arise as a combination of simpler ones. We quantitatively show that modular evolution has relevant advantages with respect to the direct evolution of large functional molecules, among them the allowance of higher mutation rates, the shortening of evolutionary times, and the very possibility of finding complex structures that could not be otherwise directly selected.  相似文献   

Mouse embryo cells infected with the 3049 strain of polyoma virus contain several fold more virus-specific, polyadenylated RNA beginning between 4 and 8 hours after the onset of viral DNA synthesis than do cells infected with wild-type virus (lpS). Following infection with either virus strain, there is an identical small but significant enhancement of the level of total polyadenylated RNA measured by binding of 125I-labeled RNA to poly(dT)cellulose. The polyadenylation of “early” virus-specific RNA is inhibited 85–90% by cordycepin resulting in an “early” RNA preparation which competes fully with polyadenylated “early” virus-specific RNA in the ternary complex assay. Utilizing the nonpolyadenylated “early” RNA, competition hybridization demonstrated that approximately 78% of the enlarged pool of “late” 3049 polyadenylated RNA and 72% of the “late” lpS pool consisted of sequences unique to the “late” period. No significant difference in the rate of decay of 3049 and lpS-specific, “late” polyadenylated RNA following actinomycin D block was found. Infection by either strain of polyoma virus did not alter the rate of decay of total polyadenylated RNA.  相似文献   

Sequence requirements for micro RNA processing and function in human cells   总被引:23,自引:3,他引:23  

Steady state concentrations of individual RNA sequences in poly(A) nuclear and cytoplasmic RNA populations of Drosophila Kc cells were determined using cloned cDNA fragments. These cDNAs represent poly(A) RNA sequences of different abundance in the cytoplasm of Kc cells, but their steady state concentrations in poly(A) hnRNA was always lower. Of ten different sequences analysed, eight showed some four-fold lower concentration in hnRNA mRNA, two were underrepresented in hnRNA relative to the others. The obvious clustering of mRNA/hnRNA ratios is discussed in relation to sequence complexity and turnover rates of these RNA populations.  相似文献   

Hybridisation of cDNA probes for abundant and rare polysomal polyadenylated RNAs with polyadenylated and non-polyadenylated nuclear RNA from Friend cells indicated that the abundant polysomal polyadenylated RNA sequences were present at a higher concentration in the nucleus than rare polysomal sequences, but at a reduced range of concentrations. The ratio of the concentrations of abundant and rare sequences was about 3 in non-polyadenylated nuclear RNA, 9 in polyadenylated nuclear RNA and 13 in polysomal polyadenylated RNA. This suggests that polyadenylation may play a role in the quantitative selection of sequences for transport to the cytoplasm. Polyadenylation cannot be the only signal for transport, since a highly complex population of nucleus-confined polyadenylated molecules exists, each of which is present on average at less than one copy per cell.  相似文献   

Complementary DNA was synthesized using polyadenylated nuclear RNA of cultured Drosophila cells as template. The kinetics of hybridization of this cDNA with nuclear RNA indicated that the complexity of this RNA population is five to ten times greater than that of cytoplasmic mRNA. The same difference in the fraction of DNA represented was obtained when nuclear and cytoplasmic RNA were hybridized with labeled unique sequence DNA. The fraction of the DNA sequences represented in total number of polyadenylated nuclear RNA is much higher than that represented in cytoplasmic RNA.  相似文献   

Polyadenylated RNA has been isolated from control and interferon-treated HL-60 cells by centrifugation through cesium chloride and oligo(dT)-cellulose column chromatography. The affinity column-purified RNA is poorly translated in the mRNA-dependent rabbit reticulocyte lysates but is an excellent template for in vitro protein synthesis using the wheat germ cell extracts. The discrepancy in the efficiency of HL-60 mRNA utilization in the two commonly used cell-free protein synthesizing systems is attributable to an inhibitory component present in the polyadenylated RNA. This contaminant is most likely double-stranded RNA based on (i) the ability of 2-aminopurine (3-5 mM) or high concentrations of penicillium chrysogenum double-stranded RNA (10-15 micrograms/ml) to overcome the inhibition exerted by the component, and (ii) the ability of the component to promote the enzymatic conversion of ATP into 2-5A by the highly purified rabbit reticulocyte 2-5A synthetase.  相似文献   

Summary Poly(A) RNA from S phase, G2 phase and starved macroplasmodia of Physarum contain mRNA sequences which when translated in vitro, yield similar patterns of polypeptides after fluorography.Reassociation of nick-translated DNA (Cot) allows the isolation of highly labeled single copy DNA which, after saturation hybridization with poly(A) RNA, gives values of 23% for growth and 17% for starvation.Homologous cDNA/poly(A) RNA hybridization reactions (Rot) indicate that 22–28% of the genome is transcribed during growth and 12% during starvation and that about half of the cDNA reacts with 0.1% of the genome and could represent 50–80 RNA species, each present in about 1,000 copies per nucleus. Up to 25,000 different RNA species, 1–5 copies each per nucleus, are estimated to be present during growth, and about 15,000 during starvation. Heterologous cDNA/poly(A) RNA hybridization reactions (Rot) indicate that the RNA sequences in S and G2 phase of the cell cycle are similar, with RNA sequences being more abundant in G2 phase.During starvation about 25% of the sequences present during growth cannot be detected and those sequences present during growth have become diluted during starvation.  相似文献   

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